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tv   [untitled]    January 22, 2012 6:00am-6:30am EST

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bomb attack on of carrying prisoners in the northwest of the country sarah ferguson joined the observers as they visited a town near the syrian capital damascus that is now controlled by opposition forces . well the arab league observers delegation is in cairo at the moment presenting findings that despite the arab league observers mission mandate having finished you can see they continue to travel around the country to look at what's going on been seen as further evidence by some people that this mission is set to continue possibly for another month one of the observers i spoke to earlier of camera when i asked whether they would be staying here longer whether the mission would be extended he said it looked like it would be this is the area that you seen the free syrian army take control of and in the last few days a temporary cease fire be cooled between the government forces and free syrian army sweeping into the city to see what's being happening nationally it's an area
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extremely divided to one side you've got the government in control on the other side the free syrian army the arab league observers have been meeting some of the government officials here in downtown started on me to try and establish exactly what it is has been happening in the city where the children have been showing us some of the bullet casings that they've found around the area at all the houses in this part you can see the destruction from the fighting that's being going on. in this very nice was extremely concerning the people who are still living heard extremely dangerous situation is not really clear who exactly is in charge being killing hate and that makes the situation very very dangerous indeed this is the remains of one of the houses a civilian say thank were targeted by security forces people careless she says haven't done a chanting a cooling phrase fish even cost of the conflict in syria has been devastatingly
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high and absolutely essential for everyone right now is to find some kind of resolution the prison and the light is that. me that is done. an opposition activists from syria's national council have formally asked the arab league to refer the crisis to the u.n. security council but it has more if a national reports there are doubts over whether it's peace there actually after. howlett ho jeff from the syrian national council the country's main official opposition body says making the people's voice louder and bring in an end to the violence is what the essence he was created for our main goal is to help the syrian people there present them and their two national committee in order to reach this syrian people freedom although it's been run by paris based exile but hamdani in the absence he has been recognized as the country's legitimate
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government by the new libyan authorities and supported by some even and nato countries which has made some doubt the council's innocent intentions with regards to libya the promise that nato made to the national transitional council perspective leaders was that they be given a major seat at the table in a new libya so there is power broking going on behind the scenes and i absolutely wager that the same thing is happening with syria they've either been bought off financially or they've been promised a major role in a new syrian regime libya's national transitional council and the syrian national council well it's not just their names they have in common supported and sponsored from abroad i think he likes opposition forces and their main to go is to overthrow the regime but there is a difference to the absences huts courters are not in damascus but here in istanbul
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we are not talking about democratic regime if i go to syria now we have. you know we have to be executed there howlett says he spent fifteen years in jail in the one nine hundred seventy s. and eighty's just because his father supported the opposition he claims nothing has changed since then and the oppression has to stop but how is another matter claiming they're only going to rely on political and diplomatic pressure the asson see to is. now copywriting with the free syrian army fighters who defected from a star's military in was a clear shift from the essences initial entirely known armed peaceful stance. because you also seize humanitarian corridors and buffer zones as options to protect civilians in syria even though these might mean foreign troops arriving this isn't a dog is the ball carriers operation where does syria that gas was being used to
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activism that gender they need to watch it because they don't want they want to destabilize syria because they want syria to be part of nato at least lead to label the opposition claims is just a matter of time before the joint after his sooner or later it will force president assad out while he's returning to stay but the question remains exactly how long should these people have to wait for the bloodshed to stop and how many of them will actually see the end of it and raef an ocean asti turkey. coming up here just a little bit later in the program here in arts here when the rose tinted glasses of the revolution give way to a crystal clear view of reality frustrate if i hears it from the libyan it revolved turn their backs on the country's new rulers they say are failing to implement a promised change. you can also check out our website r t v dot com for more first had reports from countries where arab spring phoria quickly gave way to
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disillusionment and outright pessimism. r.t. is coming to you live from moscow this week saw more clouds are gathering over the standoff surrounding iran u.s. and israeli officials held close to talks on friday. regarding the tense situation bubbling in the potion gulf while the exact contents were not disclosed the u.s. was expected to have israel not to rush an attack on iran and washington tries to go on a global support against tehran before that israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu urged the e.u. to embargo iranian oil as quickly as possible of its iran's alleged nuclear weapons program meanwhile iran has been threatening to block a key trade route out of the posen gulf if sanctions are imposed on its own exports
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the u.s. has been amassing forces in the region with thousands of troops sent to israel for war games and two warships join groups arriving in the arabian sea philip from the council for national interest in washington says that while the main danger is a spike in all prices the standoff could escalate to something much much more serious. if iran even makes an attempt to block the straits of hormuz oil prices will probably double or treble this saying is that the real danger here is that it could produce a shooting war if the united states does follow through on its resolve to keep the straits open which will be the easy and i think that it virtually guarantees that iranian naval forces and u.s. naval forces would come into conflict with a worst case scenario is world war three i'm afraid the problem is that iran is is surrounded by a number of countries that are essentially hostile to it and some of them are nuclear armed and this is a perfect cauldron for for starting something with
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a very minor relatively minor incident that escalates and escalates and escalates and winds up as a as a major war and with regional tensions simmering people are on edge but not only in iran but also in israel and southeast reports many they are expecting a ward any moment and some experts say that war is already well underway. from this rather spartan recording studio in jerusalem one israeli jew has been reaching out to people in iran for fifty two years ties between tel aviv in tehran off a bit in but it's never stopped menasha from reading the news in farsi every night and hosting a weekly show for listeners in the persian world to share the views he thinks around a million iranians tune in and the topic they most want to talk about the possibility of a foreign attack on iran they are very much afraid that the iranian nuclear installations
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will be bombed by foreign powers where they're israel or the united states or any other country but it's not only be rainy and who are suspicious of israel or america taking action people here in israel since something's in the air you can see signs of wink and nod from israeli officials when talking about it israel is signaling to the world. if the world doesn't do anything if the war doesn't call for more fierce actions for more crippling sanctions quoting the secretary of state clinton then israel would take the initiative and strike alone some wonder if israel hasn't already declared an unofficial war on terror ran but suspicions raced further after the assassination of another iranian nuclear scientist earlier this month while on his way to work putting everything together it is clear that whoever it is but if someone or somebody or some agency is very successful in
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infiltrating understanding and last sabotaging the iranian nuclear project the attack is the latest in a series of mysterious accidents linked to iran's nuclear program two aircraft accidents in the space of three years scientists disappearing equipment damaged and computer viruses unleashed and the fingers pointing at israel. and the united states this is a very respectable grimmer nation but. iran has many enemies and. is as good as mines it's not beyond imagination adding fuel to the fire the plan for israel and the united states to conduct the biggest joint military drill before the end of the year it would see thousands of american troops deployed in israel for you ran it's the most blatant sign that in attacks coming but no one in israel will come on record and say there is a covert war on iran all talk of an israeli strike is limited to the air waves.
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jerusalem and as if sanctions sabotage and a military build up near its borders wide enough yet another front is opened up for the embattled islamic republic of tehran's a militia language a news channel gets the boot from british airwaves as patience with its alternative stance rather than those details coming up next hour here on our survey. this week romania had some of its biggest protests in years outraged with pay cuts and corruption people gathered in the streets of book arrest to call on the country's president to step down on friday hundreds were arrested dozens injured as police used tear gas to disperse the crowds from book arrest artie's tom barton reports. night and day they come to scream their defiance biting austerity and the feeling the government isn't listening have spilled over
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into anger even violence. our youth has no future they have no jobs. motor water is sixty she's worked all her life in a textile factory in book arrest but now she is forced to pay for her social security out of her small pension. they need to give us a fair pension and not tell us they're borrowing the money because they don't have it. or is not just here for herself her son left romania but it's illegal to try and find work young rumanians feel trapped and directing most of their anger at the president try and assess who protesters accuse him of trampling over democracy and presiding over a political elite riddled with corruption. who want to take dissent screwed down down with disaster parents left us with a heritage and we're leaving our children with just debt an international monetary fund loan in two thousand and nine came with tough conditions the remaining in
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government has tried to force its financial house into water budget and benefit cuts slashed pay pension freezes falling living standards but some say it's the people who are now being forced to pay for the mistakes of the few who stayed the country economic disaster. this was done at the expense of there are many in state and now those who hadn't been guilty for this situation they didn't even profited from it had to pay for those who had profited. the government blames international economic conditions however for the country's worst let's not forget that we're in the eye of a storm of an economic european storm all around us unfortunately is a mighty tempest with economic consequence is that inevitably affect us to just not good enough so that the opposition who argue of course that they could do better
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every day discouraged inefficient government stays in power is a day last for rumania or jews used to shorten the period as much as we can once fast as we can by fair elections with many of them accepting there is no escape economically politics for them offers the only hope of change and that leads straight back out onto the streets. these. days and build on. this stereotype. of the president about to be here and you can see why remain you want to tear it all down and start again yeah. and not just romania there were similar scenes of violence in croatia as opposed to vote in a referendum the people there are right now the polls are voting on whether the country should join i think you are paying union and earlier survey suggested over
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forty percent of the population are against them on saturday police clashed with anti e.u. protesters in the country's capital at least three were arrested and there were many reports of injuries as well the scuffle started when demonstrators tried to remove an e.u. flag from the center of the city. and artist tom barton is on croatia now he's following the referendum and gauging the public mood you can check out our teams at the twitter feed as well as tom's personal one does have some rather skeptical comments about e.u. membership coming from people in the street. while politicians say the population just isn't formed enough about the opportunities the union authors get the latest updates on the line. watching odyssey from an organized internet wide blackout to some of the biggest ever hucker attacks on top media and us government websites this week saw and i'm president of the internet revolt of a new web censorship legislation the anonymous hacker group was retaliating against
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the shutdown of file sharing site upload and claimed to have brought down the websites of the f.b.i. and the white house millions of users on the web giant such as we could pedia join together to stand against the proposed legislation dubbed sopa pipa the laws if passed would allow top media conglomerates on copyright holders to shut down a whole swathes of the web traffic from the electronic frontier foundation says these laws go far beyond just fighting piracy. unfortunately the provisions were written so broadly that they would probably end up censoring millions of innocent users who never even thought about copyright infringement and the worst part was it wasn't even a stop on mine piracy. you know the bills didn't go directly after the owners of the site they kind of went around everything around it so it was going to be censored domain names or they were going to be delisted from search engines on the
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orders of the government or corporations were going to allow be allowed to cut off payment process or an advertiser from these sites just basically an allegation in and out of post court order and then again there was going to be broad immunity for internet service providers to enforce these bills so they could end up over blocking sites and capturing innocent users and even blocking sites voluntarily just on the unofficial orders of corporations so that there was a lot of a lot of free speech problems with these bills overall goal of stopping online piracy you know it's it's something everybody agrees with but the way they want about it was just completely. expansive and quite frankly ridiculous. and if you want to give your opinion on the protest that had washington reeling or just read up on the anonymous activist group plenty more for you on our website r.t. dot com.
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now a twenty minutes past the hour here in moscow the battle over scotland's sovereignty is heating up in the u.k. but the scots being told they may hold an independence referendum only if london gives its blessing its coming is the british government fearful of a losing north sea oil reserves unleashes a barrel of rhetoric against the bed but it's artie's laura smith reports london's desperation is playing straight into the hands of scottish nationalists. britain a three hundred year old union that once ruled the waves and toss the known world but on home soil the country's closer than ever to a messy divorce. this is the man who want scotland to go it alone nationalist party leader alex salmond's promising scots will get a say on being single but london wants to call the shots and get it done and dusted
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. very soon as they don't want to talk about the substance i sometimes feel when i listen to them it's not a referendum they want it's a never end i'm question that have the debate and let's keep our country together. but why would scotland want to separate itself from a britain that still among the world's richest economies scotland always retained its own distinct national identity and the s.n.p. feels it's almost time to take that one step further and hope for a yes vote from the scottish people would mean scotland would gain control over its own north sea oil and gas and represent itself on the international stage but it doesn't want to hold a referendum until two thousand and fourteen and that delay is letting london ramp up the scare stories telling scotland it'll have to pay the price such as the billions of pounds british taxpayers spent keeping scottish banks alive that it
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would have to find its own currency and lose thousands of jobs when the navy heads south not that it seems to bother scots who see their country as having been strangled for long enough i don't think it's any of his business if we present a strong enough case to be independent then i can see that he can argue against. us shutter things shutter i don't think you should have any say in the fires of. scots of never taken kind. hearing stern words from the mother of all parliaments down in london but for the nationalists it's a boost to the lack luster thirty percent support for a split mr cameron feels he had the initiative but it's completely but viable he's actually been the best with three things. i think is a vote certainly says margaret thatcher. in the last seven days with.
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so you know up to now the u.k. and scotland's key players will continue to cross swords at stake but alex salmond is a reputation built on restoring a proud scotland for prime minister cameron is the potential to become the man who let the united kingdom come apart laura smith artie at him. at his coming here live from moscow in the next hour here it's getting busy in russian politics as the upcoming presidential election stirs up political life in the country we look at the twists and turns of the campaign trail. crowds of storm at the headquarters of libya's ruling national transitional council and the revolutionary hope of benghazi they are protesting the slow pace in the direction of reforms by the new author already but demonstrators threw stones and metal bars of the building breaking windows and damaging the car of m.t.c.
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chairman. young men vented anger the level of compensation they received from the interim leaders for injuries sustained in their efforts to. western companies meantime have flooded libya bombarding the state with offers to rebuild the infrastructure big government help destroy artichokes on a boycott. they may have how to bring down the house. but they were very careful not to burn bridges as libya rises from the ashes of civil war big countries the poor. the oil into the fire and now lime into gas sheen i'm doing the damage the believe that russia benefited more than all others from trading with get out his regime is very widespread here and simply it's simply not true in two thousand and ten most coal was number seventeen on the lease to flee dismaying trading partners accounting for just zero point four percent of its international trade the countries that had the largest trading volumes with. me the
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one that spearheaded the campaign against the european union the united states and turkey and they're all on their jostling for contracts to rebuild believe via some of them help to destroy you do. everything right they did a good. american business is still a bit of an oddity here but it's already catching up construction firm on our richard peters arrived in tripoli just before their prizing to seal a multi-million dollar contract with get off his government the war and peter subsequent incarceration threw him off track but now he hopes to make up for it i don't condemn anybody even the people that work for him you don't have a choice here if you don't work for him what do you do die. to reach your companies also involved in rebuilding iraq and afghanistan after the u.s. led invasion and libya is familiar turf he even says the country's business
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potential make shamble all over their post conflict areas there's nothing they don't need here you know if you compare it to like the united states everything they need everything we have you know everything there infrastructure has to be totally redone all the all the facilities you know i mean some of the things we are involved you know is executive centers with golf courses theme parks americans and the only ones just looking for food called turkish airlines was the first to resume commercial flights to tripoli and then out packed with businessman scouting for opportunities. even during the. this time turkey was pretty comfortable doing business in libya and was triple his fourth largest trade partner lost here but many now hold for even better deals following its early recognition of the rebel authorities definitely if you have a strong relations. with someone that's professes please. remember for the business. is not. the only ones who are
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so far slow wonder it claiming their business interest in libya or russia and china both countries for vocal in their opposition to the use of force in libya a stance that has already backfired most russian companies who did business in libya prior to the war are still has it into sound personnel bag x. parts of war and that the waiting game may not be the best strategy. we're going to lose like we lost to iraq syria and yemen will follow the sea they can drive russian others out of the market and then take advantage we have to work there we will take measures we're going to enter those markets but they once losing the most of the libyans themselves in two thousand and ten their economy grew by about ten percent reaching abby thing like that growth now seems as have a load as building the country from scratch on a boycott r.t.
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. back with a reminder of our top stories with me role research i am just. we have seen the damage it has done to our environment mark chemicals what the poor
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probs we do not want any more and no to most. our core system is to say there was a does more experience and i'm just i'm just appalled but that's allowed to go on in america. we are getting this unfortunately because we don't know what's in it there's no labeling there for it being used like the board to experiment to be used as guinea pig. oh now we have more questions than we have had three guards mutants like. wealthy british scientists and it's america has no time to pay for it but if. the. markets why not
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come then. you know what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to cause a report. with the top stories of today and this week this is the weekly here on r.t. the arab league is set to decide whether to give the go ahead to another month of the monitoring mission in syria this comes while the opposition wants the u.n. security council to get involved. pushed to the edge of the internet in the sense of a plans to expand online censorship and striking back with the web wide blackouts and massive hacking attacks. israel and the us talk tactics over
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a possible conflict in the gulf. forces right along iran's borders while the peasants boy limbaugh go over to iran's alleged nuclear ambitions. and in a romania public anger spills over hundreds arrested dozens injured as police quell violence amid a massive ongoing antigovernment protests. look at how a shift of power in georgia touched upon the nation's cultural life it left many talented musicians and awesome artists all out of work and just scraping to get by with a special report coming up right now. you are full.


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