tv [untitled] January 22, 2012 8:18am-8:48am EST
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the carrier to the arabian sea is reportedly planning to sail through the strait of hormuz which iran is threatening to block in response to sanctions the strait is a strategic waterway which the majority of oil exports from the gulf to the west pass through brian becker from the antiwar coalition says washington is deliberately escalating the situation to create a pretext for regime change in iran. the united states government has created an artificial crisis that's first and foremost it's a manufactured crisis iran is complying with the i.a.e.a. iran does not have a nuclear weapon iran is not threaten its neighbors iran has not started a war with any of its neighbors israel on the other hand has hundreds of nuclear weapons and unlike the run i refused to sign the nuclear nonproliferation treaty does not allow. inspectors into its country so there's not really a nuclear menace or a nuclear danger from iran so what is the cause what's the cause of the crisis of
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the artificial crisis the real goal is the united states government has embarked on a course of extreme economic aggression against iran with the hope that by creating economic suffering economic isolation economic misery that part of the population will rise up or become disenfranchised with the government so that the u.s. can do as it has in history carry out regime change and iran was the main issue discussed by american and israeli military officials when they all got together on friday the two allies are at odds over the need for a preemptive strike against iranian nuclear sites with washington. not to rush into an attack but as aussies policy of reports many in israel are still expecting a war at any moment with indications that covert warfare is already well underway. from this rather spartan recording studio in jerusalem one israeli jew has been reaching out to people in iran for fifty two years ties between tel aviv in tehran
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of a billion but it's never stopped menasha from reading the news in farsi every night and hosting a weekly show for listeners in the persian world to share the views he thinks around a million rain ians tune in and the topic they most want to talk about the possibility of a foreign attack on iran they are very much afraid that the iranian nuclear installations will be bombed by a foreign powers where they're israel or the united states or any other country but it's not only be rainy and who are suspicious of israel or america taking action people here in israel since something's in the air you can see signs of wink and nod from israeli officials when talking about it israel is signaling to the world. if the world doesn't do anything if the wall doesn't call for more fierce actions for more crippling sanctions quoting the secretary of state clinton then israel
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would take the initiative and strike along some wonder if israel hasn't already declared an unofficial one to ren but suspicions raced further after the assassination of another iranian nuclear scientist earlier this month while on his way to work putting everything together it is clear that whoever it is but it's someone or somebody or some agency is very successful in infiltrating understanding last subaltern the iranian nuclear project. the attack is the latest in a series of mysterious accidents linked to iran's nuclear program two aircraft accidents in the space of three years scientists disappearing equipment damaged and computer viruses unleashed and the fingers pointing at israel. and you know. this is a very respectable grumbly nation but. iran has many enemies. is as good as mine
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and it's not beyond imagination adding fuel to the fire the plan for israel and the united states to conduct their biggest joint military drill before the end of the year it would see thousands of american troops deployed in israel for when it's the most blatant sign that in attacks coming but no one in israel will come on record and say there is a covert war on iran all talk of an israeli strike is limited to the airwaves policy r.t. jerusalem. you're watching the weekly here on r.t. now the u.s. congress recalled two controversial anti-piracy bills this week comes after a massive internet blackout and hacker attacks on government websites millions of net users and web giants such as wicca pedia all joined together to stand against the proposed legislation dubbed sopa and pipa if passed the laws would have allowed top media conglomerates copyright holders to shut down large portions of the web at the same time the anonymous hacker group was retaliating against the shut down of
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file sharing site mega upload and claim to have brought down the websites of the f.b.i. and the white house aaron brown who worked with anonymous on the various operations believes that mega upload shutdown shows the government will act even without these laws in place the problem is the track record and all governments. is such that giving them power to do one thing is almost always interpreted by them so . i mean giving them power. so and the way that you know the radar make up locales in the open that show that even without already in place here they are already arresting and arresting the owners megaupload and shutting it down and in the future the very near future. there will be a number of other groups that will pop up using more military methods and you aging it's worse in the grass and felt that's going to be notable civil war in the us.
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well over a million people visit our web site r.t. dot com for more on stop the paper do join the masses let us know your opinion on the two controversial bills and take a look at what else is available while you're there at r.t. dot com. egyptian activists to be nurturing a nationwide street protests saying the revolution is not over and the country is a long way from becoming democratic they want the downfall of egypt's supreme council of the armed forces the handover of power to the newly elected parliament saturday's election results from the first post mubarak parliamentary vote saw islamist parties capture an overwhelming majority of seventy five percent and you assemble e.s.u. to sit for the first time on monday jack off a lap in a reporter at the jerusalem post says the new egypt will be a much tougher political partner for the west. people have called for democracy in egypt this is the result when people call for democracy they may not always of
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realizing that the electorate has a very different vision of how they would like their society is run then in other places such as western europe we have islamist hardline parties coming to power and it's going to be an earthquake for both egypt and for the region the muslim brotherhood has been preparing for this moment for decades they have a very thought out detailed agenda for how they wish egypt to look like and it's a very different egypt from what we've known until now it's going to be a much more religious conservative place and much more hostile to the west now at twenty five minutes past the hour here in moscow this week a former british official admitted the u.k. is spies have been caught red handed here by russia but it took six years from when the kremlin first made the allegations about it now explains how moscow left no stone unturned. it's not exactly the most glamorous of james bond gadgets
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but he didn't in this fake stone was a high take transmissive british speaks used to spy on russia the allegations from moscow have always been dismissed but six days rock solid evidence the u.k. can no longer deny tony blair's former chief of staff's come clean admitting british spies were caught red handed the spy rock was embarrassing they had us bang to rights clearly they had known about it for some time and had been saving it up for a political purpose. the embarrassing revelations confirmed the findings of a russian television report in two thousand and six it showed this video of a man slowing down and looking at the rock as he passed apparently an agent beaming top secret intelligence from a mobile computer to a digital drop point concealed in the stone another man was filmed picking up the rock and collecting the data. the moment was the one behind the exposé and left no
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stone unturned but. at first i had to dulls i thought it might be a fake story a little game but we cross checked everything with multiple sources and it turned out to be true and some footage we didn't include a film was particularly convincing for example there was a video of a british spy hurin it in front of the camera got a camera was one hundred three in the suit was lying nearby the guy wanted it to look natural pretended that it needed to take a leak n.e.p. right in front of the camera before picking up a stone. but it was his word against theirs britain fiercely denied the allegations with tony blair laughing them off as russian propaganda the truth was buried inside the u.k. secret service headquarters supposedly never to be seen again so after six years of dodging the bullet wide meet it now they're very embarrassing but i think that the british government has decided. to have bygones are bygones and say ok we made
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a mistake. up and we want better relations from now on so i would see this as a first step on the road to improve relations with russia this is the home of britain's m i six the government is a broad their job may not be secret but how they do it is or at least should be so the embarrassment of these revelations is not so much the spying itself but the fact they were caught doing it a postcode. war agreement supposedly forbids britain and russia from spying on each other no doubt they'll be more careful from now on either bennett london. and i'll be back in just a moment of more of the week's top stories and of course the main headlines of today.
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see. if. we. do this is off the line from moscow the headlines not the arab league is deciding the future of its expired observer mission in syria amid calls words extension to help quell the violence criticism from the syrian opposition who want us to call. croatia is voting on whether the country should join the news. the issue already sparking protests and clashes. continue to be shaken by the austerity with
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people now in romania rising up against. the stories of this week tensions around terrans nuclear program stirred by e.u. plans to impose an embargo on iranian oil and the us building up its warship presence in the reach. of the power of the internet in action a massive online backlash over u.s. plans to expand the web censorship leads to the suspension of pending piracy. a very special report from nigeria where multinational corporations instigate infighting and tribal tensions as a smokescreen to steal the country's vast resources.
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it's like an island cut off from everywhere accessible only by helicopter. bank and more than two hundred kilometers off the coast of nigeria a floating factory that is unique in the world as big as eight football pitches it's a foretaste of what the search for oil will become. this enormous trough is itself at the heart of a wide a system that consists of searching for oil ever deeper under the sea and also further and further from the explosive situation that prevails on lands. submarines platforms and drilling vessels on a map a tiny rectangle named back. here as the owner of a few kilometer square that represents a new eldorado. in the center floating like a queen bee a belly full of the treasure that the whole world covets is the flagship of the oil company. and i have your ideas.
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if does your. we all fall from everywhere but everything is checked. this and you've checked all the facts to see how it all back to the sort of community go up even the people you know you've been working with or for years you have to search their backs and even those including the head of the station. and what are you searching for mainly. to tissue anything that's bound by drugs guns knives. this kind of thing else this bad. situation on the gulf of guinea and the most populous country in africa nigeria is
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roughly the size of france and belgium combined. it's the size of the country the niger delta region that's the object of envy. a geological insolvent is overflowing with excellent quality oil. thousands of drillings licensed to the oil companies of the whole world pierce the country's ground on land and at sea link together by pipelines that run through the mangroves in the sea in every direction. today nigeria is the largest oil producing country in africa the scene of a banquet between companies. all. after arriving by helicopter and after the regulation search patrick one of the two managers takes over from his colleague john francois his back to back in offshore speak. as an engineer turned manager of a nigerian father and a maltese mother. is one of the rare employees of the company to hold such
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a post. then you are a schedule to produce one hundred sixty three thousand barrels a day for next month we're dealing with large volumes of it which is very very flammable is more flammable than normal oil and also will have large volumes of gas at high pressure. it's a look at the system so we kind of leak if we have meat and there's a sparkle source of ignition the next thing would be you would have a fire and then you'd put us at risk yes everyone has to be worried about fire because a fire on board would be disastrous it could be disastrous. don't you so much for we have to be careful here permanently on the alert for what you ask you because because you can't escape. three hundred meters long and all but if you're over storage tanks. in the name yes so is the field seeing.
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the storage offloading units woods says everything because. it's a unit that floats and it has capacity for production and storage we also process we don't store but we sit and export gas first ask a tour of the property patrick shows us around his pipe or cathedral so we're currently. like i said while the whole deck level so be go. below us now we have tons so one of the problems that we have vessels of this size along three. of choice corrosion of the decks and corrosion corrosion at this level. it would be difficult to repair because just underneath we have tons of oil so it will be rather impossible to cut a part out so well whatever the cause of the risk of exposure. is another lifeboat
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here and then of course we have. rafts just this way so anybody. he said has more than enough means to. just stay. for the first time we've been allowed access to this incredibly technological and highly risky structure. on board a two hundred forty men. completely lost in the into lazing of pipes that you almost never meet anyone the f.p.s. as a citadel of troops fowles elbows through which flows the precious liquid below are dozens of pipes reaching down to the bottom of the sea which suck up the oil. but you could say that workers here are like the distant extras in a giant mcconnell construction protected by the navy another permanent surveillance from countless cameras. a technological exploit certainly but in a context of political paranoia. good morning.
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to nigerian navy patrol boat stunt gone twenty four hours a day under the odors of antonio djoko. he moved into security work after twenty two years in the army twenty two years of happiness as he describes it he's a man who searches the bags organizes patrols and supervises all movements around the base. but. then you. always look so here we have the marketing about their operation center where we monitor the whole of the echo field. with this radar to come into it which allows us to check all the boats arriving. can but who are you to know what boat of the riving
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and especially to pick up any suspect record that wasn't expected to enter the field i think in all these cameras they monitor all the accesses here. and inside the. reciprocal to move to the secure but that's a lot of security measures for extracting oil. so on this on this is where the measures required to nigeria of the day considering the threats that exist as a nigerian myra's the boarding the men malicious intent. and espionage and boats intruding in the maritime exclusion zone. as in this case on items that they obviously are you armed here on board since it doesn't i'm not armed. if i don't there are no weapons on board even you don't have money no making your ruler should have some guys climb up the chain and they have weapons machine guns for example what do you do but i don't see the other measures that would be taking
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place measures that have been designed for that situation. there are no guns on board and the situation is under control i repeat the situation is under control. i mean ari is a small fishing village situated on the island of bonny right at the mouth of the niger delta. and it's here that the gas sent from the f.p.s. so platform arrives by an undersea pipeline. if it weren't for the plant ameri ari would be a typical little village. with hearts and shacks with palm leaf roofs streets of san news it coming from portable radios open air stores kids running everywhere and a soccer match underway and the fisherman returning with the tide.
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would be well if next door right next door protected by barbed wire they went sending millions of cubic meters of gas and oil to the most highly developed countries in the world. every day by did loading gus to order for. the new york dollar not the one not the community nearby you know about it i mean anything from the company. and this. is full now. when you come up with these guys know that all looks that. twenty four hour every day study lou did not is top one this is no big. in the small harbor when the ships come in the giants with gas the tiny ones with fish to worlds rub shoulders i did looks as if the big world is giving the tiny one the finger that if you wanted to do was get
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a little we took our own. metal shop. with. us. sometimes sometimes. nigerian people work for the companies yes there was a little boy with us how he brought us up. spotted the white men he says but it's very odd you. some of us live there are gambling blocks from us that a lot of us bought the dog for you to. hurt. and as a supreme insult naturally there's no gas in the village to smoke the fish and from cooking think of the wood from the forest. above the terminal on the chimneys that
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burn off the gas nonstop to prevent overpressure they tell us. that's a lot of use to the villages of oppression. these villages. they call me do it i do some of that fish imports. thinking doesn't know what that because of the devices it. has because i did it up for it and i said i didn't know what. that does is it not discuss the deniability i think intuitively that he knew much about why what i wanted not about him to repeat what i did think of what the. american idol of. off shore from the village the s.p.s. the engineers and technicians continue extracting oil far from land because that's a job at the heart of the story machine the end of a pipe and in
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a small jar the famous brown liquid. the world's holy grail you might say. so but this is the oil. being treated it's a condensate it's a very light crude that is. i mean we're more than two thousand meters down. and we can get something out that's relatively easy to use so it comes out of the top it's what they call the blob of nigeria. so this quality you have to go deeper and deeper to find it today all future major projects a situation of very great depth. so it's going to require immense technology. more and more to. a logical evolution to go would get the oil even deeper.
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if the input of course other aspects of very important for the commercialization of the sort of the case against you mustn't see i mean i mix or water and oil because water doesn't cost much and oil costs a lot the company much else every time we load our oil product here onto a tank we have to be sure it contains a minimum of water. i say the blood of nigeria because it's their role material it's their product and if what is it we're here to help them exploited and for me it's for what is the fruit of their history we spoke of their history because if they do it it's because of their millions of years of history. because of all the other we have. in the world
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. and i hope it will allow them to fuel their economy just. in an efficient white my this but despite that there are a few problems. from your point of view can you understand that there are people who might want to attack you. maybe look for maybe you should cut that just a bit. i'm just asking the question you don't have to answer that i know my answer is yes personally that doesn't surprise me some of them but doesn't surprise me. so he's back on land we allude military surveillance to film something that's totally forbidden to film on pain or rest and major problems yeah. yeah. you know is this with celestin runs a protest movement to denounce the environmental damage caused by the all companies wants to show. i think the effort that's where we move. on if well and we will move
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into a new we could come close to this not been bunnings in that they're fifty it's today . the end of the pipeline most in the wild an enormous blaze the stench of gases insupportable three to five hundred meters is already unbearable i was thinking that it was the forbidden things like that yes that there was a problem in mckinney who loves god and that's in two thousand and five but. i'm not on that dogma and i'm different our government and i did it. does not have any political way to implement that but i thought it was you know the thread was against the laws of our country it is it is like a monster so hot smells stinks and the sound. like this is the most i was down the most but this is worse than.
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