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tv   [untitled]    January 22, 2012 10:18am-10:48am EST

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if they were working in greece and to add insult to injury they're actually paying money to the greeks in order to support their euro zone bailout so they see neighboring countries such as hungary i mean the government of hungry for the past two weeks have been vilified by the european union i'm not going to get into the argument to find whether or not the prime minister is right or wrong there but certainly people get very very few very very uneasy about things that are being said. patrick young there talking about ease new pressure on hungary and on saturday crowds of more than one hundred thousand took to the streets in the capital but a passionate they were supporting their government which recently came under fire from the e.u. for passing what brussels considered to be anti democratic laws and also store the bailout talk to the i.m.f. prompting threats of court action this week the prime minister backed down in the router saying the legislation will be changed. and artes tom barton is in the region he's following all the developments for us here you can check out all of
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these twitter feed as well as his personal one for the latest on hungary's dispute with the e.u. as well as croatia it's a referendum the latest updates online view twenty four seven. europe and the u.s. have expressed their willingness to return to talks with iran over its controversial nuclear program but despite that the e.u. is seemingly still set to approve an embargo on iranian oil france even says the time to avoid military intervention is running out fast as for the u.s. this week it strengthened its presence in the region by sending a second aircraft carrier to the arabian sea is reportedly planning to stay all through the strait of hormuz which iran is threatening to block in response to sanctions the strait is a strategic waterway which the majority of oil exports from the gulf to the west pass right through dollars to discuss the situation around iran and possible ways out of the crisis with the author michael winter now joining us live from boston i
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thank you for coming on the program here at all today many say the commotion surrounding iran's nuclear program is actually being hyped up here do you think g.g. think tehran can do anything to convince the world it's not aiming to create a bomb. well i believe one one possible scenario in which i'm sure there are many with the who promote it so it was a. bit far fetched i know but the way would be to grow the show isn't so random. create a show that would rule the world that they're really not seeking nuclear weapons. around has a right to nuclear power what they're trying to do is green over our or their country so our african countries. another point is they could take away our the mainstream media in america values in this show because the media in
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america americans believe whatever comes on this all over the mainstream media. if iran were to take the initiative and try to create a show that is monitored by. the way. let them go everywhere let the cameras follow let a ram through to the world that they're not seeking a nuclear weapon. he say as you suggested the creation the invention of a program by iran to to allow people to for almost a one way or another to inspect for themselves to follow i.a.e.a. inspectors to various nuclear plants i'm looking at a recent article that you penned where it says that the current a mainstream media mantra in the us is that iran is trying to produce a bomb that they need to be stopped of with the with the elections coming up soon in america a lot of the republican presidential candidates are get hammering this home that iran is a threat to all people security the i.a.e.a. has before has allowed many inspections to be performed but they signed it no less
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than three agreements to not develop nuclear weapons if indeed there was a television program put in place let's imagine your idea were actually put into fruition what extent do you think it could actually do to change the government's policies most people didn't view the libya as a threat. why agree with them. the shore is changing i think this all has to do with perception you know the mainstream media in america this created a perception that iran is trying to create a bomb in which case they're going to go and blow up israel or whatever basically. and that's completely i'm saying because iran is well aware they're going to be nuked out of existence or. go on and on and so i can just jump in here just for a moment as well what would you propose to what you propose rather would take
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a while to implement in the e.u. for the meantime is that to decide on a symbolic go on iranian oil just next week tehran has been threatening to block the strait of hormuz if indeed the sanctions have put in place if the sanctions go ahead will kind of response you know expecting tyrone in my home i still fall into the hands of israel in america perhaps to a stationing that troops along the area. i think that. ultimately in a quick answer i don't think that iran will block this for a reason i believe that is because if they do that the u.s. has made it very clear that they're not going to allow that to occur i think that iran's going to step back and they're trying to. as long as they can what i'm almost considering at the end of the ability. we go back to the next conference of two thousand where the united states progress for a new american century. war going on and trying to they had
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a list of countries that they wanted to take nonna moves dollars name changes and iran is the last one for they got all the you know libya ways we just. go on with syria right now i don't think that iran will. will block the straight. thing hostilities are going to happen regardless because i believe the us is just. while this child and program may be as an idea that through the world that iran is not speaking to their weapons yet i think that the ultimate. goodness out of this with the arena of our united states will lose. its force it will lose its momentum . the rank of group the us would have to step back take a look and try to calm a rana from a different angle which also just buys time around one reason i mean i see as you say in your article that the wind needs to be taken out of the war mongering sales
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of congress and the obama administration no wind and no movement of the ships of war michael went i'm afraid we have more time that's all we have today live from boston in the u.s. thank you for coming and auntie thank you very much. the u.s. congress has recalled two controversial anti piracy bills this week after a massive internet blackout on hacker attacks on government websites millions of net users and web giants such as we could join together to stand against the proposed legislation dubbed sulfa and pipa if passed the laws would have allowed top media conglomerates and copyright holders to shut down large portions of the web at the same time the anonymous hacker group was retaliating against the shut down of file sharing site mega upload and claim it to have brought down the websites of the f.b.i. and the white house eric brown who works with anonymous on various operations believes the mega upload shut down shows the government will act even without these
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laws in place. the problem is that the track record of the us and all governments. is such that giving them power to do one thing is almost always interpreted by themselves as a means of giving them power. so in the way that you know the raid on megaupload cards in this opens it shows that even without sober already in place they are already arresting and resting your load and shutting it down and in the future of the very near future. there will be a number of other groups that will pop up using more. military. and situation it's worse in the grass and smells of war and the notable civil war. over a million people have a now visited our web site r.t. dot com for more on software and pepper do join the masses and let us know your opinion on the two controversial bills and do take a look at what else is available for you twenty four hours a day at r.t.
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dot com. egyptian activists have been urging nationwide street protests saying their revolution is not over and the country is a long way from becoming democratic they want the downfall of egypt's supreme council of the armed forces and the handover of power to the newly elected parliament saturday's election results from the first post mubarak parliamentary vote so islamist parties capture an overwhelming majority of seventy five percent the new assembly is due to sit down for the first time on monday get off a lap and a reporter at the jerusalem post says the new egypt will be a much tougher political partner for the west. people have called for democracy in egypt this is the result when people call for democracy they may not always realize that the electorate has a very different vision of how they would like their society is run then in other places such as western europe we have islamist hardline parties coming to power and
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it's going to be an earthquake for both egypt and for the region the muslim brotherhood has been preparing for this moment for decades they have a very thought out detailed agenda for how they wish egypt to look like and it's a very different egypt from what we've known until now it's going to be a much more religious conservative place and much more hostile to the west. all right i will be back with a recap of the week's main headlines in just a few moments hope you'll stay with us here on out.
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we have seen the damage it has done to our environment mark chemicals what the poor probs we do not want any more no dmoz. our core system is just so there was a does more experience and i'm just just appalled but that's allowed to go on in america. eating this unfortunately because we don't know what's in it there's no labeling there for it being used like the board to experiment you could be used as guinea pig. well now we have more questions than we have answers to guards. like.
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will the true science technology innovation all the moves developments from around russia we've gone to the future covered. in the evening here in the russian capital this is our time via headlines arab league officials say their observer mission in syria that expired this week will be extended for an extra month and the number of monitors will also be increased but that's despite criticism from the syrian opposition which wants to see the u.n. step. is voting on whether the country should join the media she will really sparking protests and clashes as the bloc continues to be shaken by the
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austerity rallies with people now in romania rising up against their government as well. and there are other stories that shaped this week tensions around to iran's nuclear program stood by e.u. plans to impose an embargo on iranian oil and the us building its warship presence in the region. on the power of the internet. massive online backlash over u.s. plans to expand the web censorship police to the suspension of pending piracy. up next to you a very special report from nigeria where multinational corporations instigate infighting and tribal tensions all as a smokescreen in order to manipulate the country's vost natural resources thank you for watching us here on out. but the best is yet to be seen lost in the brush just
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a few meters away. from . obasanjo the former president of nigeria in march two thousand and one promised that if i got a manager it was a beaut. oil and gas research institute here on a different. meaning i walk was supposed to comment the following him much well that's respect this is the only institute that is in the. business the truth this is the oil and gas research institute in nigeria yes that's a good resource so you can come out to do research if you want to come here you really see a lot just gone. inside you do your research this is and this was led by the president not an artist and not a minister president of the for the republican idea let this through. that does
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what we. would it would look would not give up the. port harcourt three million inhabitants the principal city of the delta and growing exponentially it's country it's like the nigerians who work on the platforms often live here when they're ashore. we're in the car of patrick i utah and we met on the f.p.s. . he said of the control room a major post two weeks at sea two weeks ashore he suggested that we stop to visit his home just now patrick is off to fetch his children from school. normally would gone out for a drive but you don't know it's awfully difficult for you to trust somebody here because most of how to love those stories are there but. the boys are employed.
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or drive your house needs they. could not nor that they. will fare for a struct in one other school everyone tries to parks close as possible maximum security cars even drive into the playground patrick actually goes into each classroom to fetch his three children one by one initially when he started it was that it was the boys the espace that he could not by the way taking but after these no more of the b.s. spotted the fire and they had good accommodation on and he had an exclusive body in one theory as an all a that's so you'll have to. prove the kind and the how you try to provide security for itself. just as a very careful one to see how you can take care of. yourself i know if i'm going to get on boats. when it's not necessary. don't go out when he just needs to know
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it's a look around the people. who are on you on all that stuff. started just show. you some numbers that we arrive at the house a super secure is a little fortress but outside and inside. is the same for so from you know your guide see look through this issue is that we decide if anything is going on you look through yet to see all the doors they are going to already does i was here with a view. they are like. we're here we see or lie still so please. so. so then i looked it out minds because of it we should oprah for what they get of
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anything just to be here for security purposes difficult for them to get to you is really so you call the police are you. patrick and his wife so you get used to it all that the state of alert becomes second nature when patrick quits the tension of his high risk job he confronts another tension ashore. the eye ito family is very well off. they leave the country during the vacations to take a rest i've heard people say that. it was not. but it was a curse on the journey of who. is the other what is there now. because of what is happening so people now see it as close because of the militancy the kidnapping and. they're taking this. and. it's just the government isn't serious themselves that's why. this labor costs are not sublists. this is what mrs i told is
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talking about militants from men movement for the emancipation of the niger delta. groups of highly armed guerrillas who attacked all the sites blow up pipelines and kidnap oil workers. they hide and train in the mangroves the chiefs are in the big cities or abroad. acquiring their revenues from arms sales oil smuggling and ransom demand from foreign companies and they confront the forces of law and order directly in exchanges which end in death some both sides. after endless bargaining during our various trips we were able to make contact with the mend militants. they agreed to talk at a secret location where we were taken eyes blindfolded during the journey. in a room behind closed windows and doors we met the men who terrorize the oil companies
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workers and who by their attacks managed to reduce production and it's the man who's going to talk to us cause himself commander rambo here. because when the angel was we were in lake it's a slit for the buzz it's just clear sailing is. just given for the submission of language that i will settle for you my suppression of those in going to read you. this isn't like this. says there's the using this. tactic is what in a different way but a sword doing in the schoolyard is they were doing divide a room and they were. like my own pop it's. almost the same thing the fact is the sentence because this oil company
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is that and give money to one look for one government official only suppresses the cries the rights of the people so. we have to do this to force their hand to do some. not just economy with the government too because if we destroy production it's a phrase the government of. communist or so though it is sit up and order straight are you able to goof off sure to a good form for example if you're in the cons of. the main the militants are able to travel far and they're fast and powerful boats. aboard the f.b.i. so they're waiting for them but with our name when they might come the price of a ransom for an expatriate fifty thousand dollars thirty thousand euros the hostages are always returned in good condition to go was from his office patrick is
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in contact with the offices on shore several times a day though his reports are like a poem with figures. twenty two was a mismatch from. twelve point three was due to just export. our production gas was that two point one five million started to cool. we injected five point. shortfall there. let's see the. gas exports was. again a shortfall so. what injection was doing this and. there is a plan for a gradual plan one night tonight. of most of the major point positions on the
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f.d.a. so. jim de mint jim we have all the jokes on more this year so. it's possible but i think that would be far far too to see. it to be would look here to be if it's it does happen. i would see maybe it would be in the next fifteen or twenty years because. the fact is we have to lie all the. technology from the outside we don't have the local technology. contrary to what patrick thinks they do have the technology but not the same means. a little trip continues along the delta for a sequence that nobody has ever yet managed to filter. through said time from
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a village whose name the inhabitants also is not to mention because their revenues don't exactly derives from the declared economy. the journey through the mangroves in the countries arms of the delta is scary. because huge areas were spread. thick layer of black oil that covers the entire surface of the water below which all life is totally disappeared. kilometer after kilometer of mangrove are affected and yet no scientific mission has ever yet come into these territories and. the six black smoke is rising over the mangroves. we've arrived at last. as we approach the men flee. love all those in our boat
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call to them reassuring upward. a refinery. an illegal refinery under the open sky. here men distill crude oil their floats they're handed amidst the steam on the risks of explosion. men who've welded together a few cams to make stills. and who feed the fire by tossing bowls of oil onto it. it's an apocalyptic scene under the dying palm trees. the men live here d.t.s.
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. sleep here and die here. todd up on the inside.
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like if anything if what they did he felt. he would. find useful and if they. did. i think there's a different to refining process so we you know you know use all coal from the steam baby. nichole one of. its local. diesel define honesty. ok there's always room to see if you. the skin ceased we went to the. fish block then and we put it inside the fault we said fly on the open up that's on the green stone cold day when.
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we gave up that we don't get greedy to. do each like that continuously on. a defined with each new team that would. go to. all on. one day with people we wanted to always buy and i do wish. what can you say it's dirty it's dangerous. in a corner of a dying micro fisherman turn borders of crude oil just trying to get by. a nightmare no. more of a parallel economy which learn the basics of refining from oil company technicians . where does the crude come from and where does the refined products go. to c.n.n. and. then the. company of course because this is local.
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did you also know what the concrete well known tree line on anything everybody's trouble nice although still we go to find a less safe. guys i will only. have. a stills an hour poor thing out boiling refined oil the residues on the under still tal's will be thrown into a hole dug in the ground to fuel another operation. opposite the refinery canoes fota the gunnels with oil await their turn. the boat is using comfy and could. probably use. it as a group or. use reserved for sort of yeah it is inconvenient i'm good and. like a truck.


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