tv [untitled] January 22, 2012 12:48pm-1:18pm EST
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you know it was my turn to do the work. today sherman's get together to discuss current issues share plans for the coming week and find out details about the journey they're going to make soon once the meeting is over they will set out on a journey to a mountain shermans regard as a holy place a ritual will be performed there as always by year inching off is happy to see his followers all of them have taken different paths before they face the group black shamans communicate with the spirits there to the right of by them aim to raise the tambourine why charmin is established contact with the gods there to the left by their hands rest on ritual canes with bells. by ear inching off was the first to begin reviving shamanism beyond lake baikal after a long period of oblivion during the first russian congress for the study of shamanism by e.m.'s with michael hahn a legendary american anthropologist and organizer of the foundation for sure manic studies on it was so impressed by his talent that later his foundation awarded the
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siberian sharman the title of living treasure sherman is. now at the gathering is over the shermans are about to set out on a pilgrimage to mount such a night they will cover at least a hundred kilometers to lowlands mountain passes and heavy go in forest parts. of by chin ups followers has been here before this is one of the most private places that give the guru his show money powers it has been considered one of the sacraments of berea shamanism for a very long time a total cliff bears what looked like to dry and ponds carved out of rock legend insists shermans will live as long as these ten fingers so that. the legendary female sharman engine mine is buried on the opposite side of the slope the grave of czar in bor a great chairman who went through all nine stages of the initiation procedure. is
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found by they say that in the old days such shamans merged with the spirit during the ritual to control the weather travel over long distances here even levitate five hundred over the streets. after a sermon by hearing to aides go to the base of the giant weaker and less experienced chairmans about from here and with good reason this area spirit is too powerful. and long lost the chelyabinsk shaman children come his reach the sacred played here in the thick of a forest he's built a set of ritual installations with his own hands and some of time the season packed with show money rituals stays in a tent just outside the glade for weeks on end. and parents receive food in this special place here we light up a bonfire made of a certain number of branches for example seven layers of branches symbolize the lower world seen it just
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a ritual to exercise the souls of sick people were choir seven such layers. the sick person uses a spoon to offer the spirits whatever is in the bully holds in his hands as the shaman sings to invoke them. to preserve i do hope. when there is milk in the bowl the sick person stops are focused on what he could get in return he might ask the spirits to get rid of his ailments give them luck or wish him a good journey. or with a new. chum and regard the place where bum flies a lit is sacred to again comes here in here before the onset of winter to clean it up and remove the ashes left over from the summer time rituals. after the cleansing procedure again spreads a mixture of rice and beads across the clean spot and this way the shaman asks the earth and local spirits to forgive him for the inconvenience but for years about to
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leave the forest she again collects fir tree branches and carefully covers the on gone with them the on gone is an image of the tighar as ruler carved out of a pine trunk the symbol of a spirit is supposed to guard the glade against intruders. we see to it that he keeps warm a winter we don't want him to freeze when we want him to stand on guard even though he never sleeps unlike other spirits they rise to the sky to live there until the arrival of spring is in the. modern day scientists have not given up their quest to understand what happens to shannon's when they're in contact with the spirits they want to know whether shamanism is not some sort of myth created by a group of mentally imbalanced people research was done several years ago with both the institute of neurophysiology and higher nervous activity and the institute for ethnology and anthropology at the russian academy of sciences is a buddhist certainly surely the so-called neo shamans and urban shamans were
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involved in those special experiments to me you shall months represented and your generation option an extradition for one in the uk did you raise a demonstration of an experiment in the presence of a large audience just the lucy of these experts started shamanism represent a number of countries giving him some money as my. instruments are attached to the body of the new york the border guard they will record the state of his blood vessels this is not this somewhat all devised on his head is a special catch up designed by one of our offices dr skewed on someone's creative act is an act of affectation that is to say he needs to work himself up into a state of ecstasy. after that all processes inside his brain slow down especially those connected with speech yes in the situation. then the brain begins to function in a fashion which is not characteristic of its normal activity in the city in other words
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the man activates the brain's right hemisphere particularly its frontal lobes which are responsible for his creative thinking which. put themselves in a state where they see a pattern of personages they met power to program a law in the existence of such personage as models and picture them in their minds with their new their son logic. that the later the person ingests overpower the seans. would say however the key thing is not to allow the personages to gain the upper hand on them they are new york and that the boy. children become the showman chelyabinsk is in for a hectic day he will travel five hundred kilometers to. the site of the ruins of the legendary town across the boundary separating europe from asia perform a shamanic ritual near the site of an ancient settlement in recent years are
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a must become popular with followers of all the satiric schools that believe that this is the site of the world's largest geological rupture some are even competent the mountain which again is going to perform the ritual that actually a volcano that erupted millions of years ago but she again takes a skeptical view of those theories he is more interested in the energy generated at the juncture of europe and asia he will try to evoke the local spirits here his hope is that they will help resolve a problem affecting a sick man. down the ritual follows a standard scenario the shaman gradually enters a trance the tambourines rhythmic tempo quickens and the shamans movements become ever more abrupt. follow me home. mom or dad or mom my mom.
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the tambourine falls silent the shaman rides with convulsions this means that a spirit has entered him as a rule the showman knows which spirit is invoking what he can expect of it this time however something has gone wrong. blood begins trickling from the shamans mouth is sagging legs hardly supports him as he lives around the bonfire producing in comprehensible sounds all ruling like a beast. somebody has fainted everybody becomes jittery no contact with the spirit is likely to take place today. the tension dies down a few minutes later when a spirit in the shape of a shaman accepts a gift and begins gesturing as he squats near the sick man soon he rose again and vanishes in the dark.
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suit again is found lying face down in the snow he has absolutely no idea of what happened to him only a short while ago. it's even so the ritual has to go on a spade with a hundred full of red hot coals taken from the bonfire is moved close to the shamans face as the sick man looks on the shaman grabs the coals shows them into his mouth and choose them and spits them out into the snows how many ailments have been defeated in today's ritual depends on the number of coals to choose by the showman. through to before door to again manages to overcome his left the g. to go to mt sherman cut to thank the local spirits pray to the sun mother earth and above all else be eternal blue sky this is how boreal epic literature describes it the eternal blue sky is without beginning or end it moves without the support of
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queen. arab league officials say the observer mission in syria will be extended for another month just by criticism from the syrian opposition which hopes the un will step in. croatia voting on whether the country should join the e.u. the issue already sparking protests and some violent clashes as the bloc continues to be shaken by anti austerity rallies within the people in romania they are rising up against their government. and other stories that shape the week tensions around iran's nuclear program stirred further by muted plans to impose him pardo on
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iranian oil and us building its warship presence in the region. and the power of the internet in action a massive online backlash over u.s. plans to expand web censorship he says the suspension of pending anti-piracy law. ten pm in moscow i met treasure bring you today's top stories in a look back at the week's news here on r t arab league officials say the group has decided that team of monitors will carry on helping settle the crisis in syria but saudi arabia will withdraw its monitors from the mission in protest over the erupting violence as r.t. sorry for it reports there is a desperate need for professional mediators in the raging conflict. crucially it was also expected to happen is that they're going to be bolstering this mission by
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increasing the numbers and also by providing training by the u.n. to these officials now we've actually been following them for the past five days and what's become extremely clear is that certainly what is needed now it is more facilitation of dialogue between all these different groups that you see now in the country between the opposition between the government one of the major questions that's been raised the end of this particular mandate was just how successful the mission had been in sort of advancing the situation here in the country this does need that's where the u.n. training is going to come and play a very pivotal role because what's desperately needed in the country right now are people who are very experienced conflict resolution to stop promoting genuine dialogue now between all the many different sides nuclear really was the need to bridge these widening gaps than in the town of zabadani we actually visited there
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yesterday with the if that is he remained in the country this is the area that you see in the so-called free syrian army take control of it in the last few days a temporary ceasefire because between the government forces and free syrian army so we've seen inside the city to see what's been happening certainly it's an area extremely divided on one side you've got the government in control on the other side the free syrian army but it's actually in actual fact very very difficult to know exactly who is in charge here the people's houses that we were showing in the city center had been absolutely devastated by the fighting where the children have been showing us some of the bullet casings that they found around the area all the houses in this part you can see the destruction from the fighting that's been going on out there and see very dramatic. and this is a. i have done that for six three really consigning the people who if they're
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living heretics to me dangerous situation it's not really clear who exactly is in charge he's being killing hate and that makes the situation very very dangerous and the scene in cost of the conflict in syria has been devastatingly high and absolutely essential for everyone right now is to find some kind of resolution that this is an end to the invited. by the ira but that is done in algeria. meanwhile the opposition syrian national council says it plans to press the u.n. security council for intervention in the country ripped apart by an arrest the council believes the arab league observers have been useless in ending the crisis and insists that foreign involvement may be the only way out of arties for murray if an ocean reports there are doubts though about the opposition leader's motives. howlett hold jeff from the syrian national council the country's main official opposition body says making the people's voice louder and bring in an end to the violence is what the essence he was created for our main goal is to help
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the syrian people there present them and their to national community in order to reach this syrian people freedom although it's been run by paris based exile that hamdani in the absence he has been recognized as the country's legitimate government by the new libyan authorities and supported by some and nato countries which has made some doubt the council's innocent intentions with regards to libya the promise that nato made to the national transitional council perspective leaders was that they be given a major seat at the table in a new libya so there is power broking going on behind the scenes and i absolutely wager that the same thing is happening with syria they've either been bought off financially or they've been promised a major role in a new syrian regime libya's national transitional council and the syrian national
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council and it's not just their names they have in common supported and sponsored from abroad think he likes opposition forces and their major goal is to overthrow the regime but there is a difference to the absences hut courters are not in damascus but here in istanbul we are not talking about democratic regime if i go to syria now we have. you know we have to be executed there howlett says he spent fifteen years in jail in the one nine hundred seventy s. and eighty's just because his father supported the opposition he claims nothing has changed since then and the oppression has to stop but how is another matter claiming they're only going to rely on political and diplomatic pressure the asson see to is. now copper age in with the free syrian army fighters who have defected from assad's military in was a clear shift from the essences initial entirely known armed peaceful stance. the
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council also sees humanitarian corridors and buffer zones as options to protect civilians in syria even though these might mean foreign troops arriving this isn't made to its job or paris operation where the syrian national council is being used to activists an agenda they need to look at that because they don't want they want to destabilize syria because they want syria to be part of nato at least lead to label the opposition claims is just a matter of time before the joint after his sooner or later will force president assad out while his attorneys to stay but the question remains exactly how long should these people have to wait for the bloodshed to stop and how many of them will actually see the end of it. turkey. alister corrector asked director of conflicts forum in beirut of and a former new middle east peace mediator tells our to your earlier that despite the
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syrian opposition efforts many think western interference would end in disaster. position is is deeply divided the syrian national council which was set up to model the libyan benghazi transitional council does not reflect the pinion inside syria and it's very clear and by that i mean opposition. inside syria most of whom on no sanctions to see. even though they are very much in favor of reforms and demanding reforms. they fear that external intervention and the thing on the libyan model would be a disaster internally and would carry the state towards either sectarian civil war the deputy leader of libya's ruling national transitional council says he's stepping down after a series of protests against the country's new leaders saturday a crowd stormed the council headquarters in benghazi angry at the slow pace of
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democratic change and demanding the government's resignation protesters threw stones and metal bars at the building in the first acts of violence against libya's interim government demonstrators have been rallying for weeks in benghazi the center of last year's revolution against the khadafi regime they accuse the leadership of lacking transparency and want to know how libya's assets are being spent adrian cell bucci an expert on north african affairs an international consultant doesn't think the non-elected government is pursuing the people's interests. the mission in libya for example is not so we live in a country libya already had the highest standard of living in all of north africa where libya does have is the largest global oil reserve and the oil reserve in africa and that is what the national transitional council are being supported for in order that they should promote western oil companies western financial interests in libya and the people will just have to be without the people have already been killed and the little genocide has taken place as we've seen in iraq so in
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a way the same pattern is repeated over and over again. there's a double standard they say that they are promoting democracy but what they are basically doing are promoting the financial and political interests of the global power elite embedded inside the united states britain the european union and israel stay with us here on our key still to come this hour another country trying to rise from revolution egypt now facing the consequences of democracy its pot so hard for as islamists sweep the board in recent elections. but first anger reaching a boiling point in romania which is seeing its worst violence in years as anti austerity protesters clashed with police for the second week running people have been demanding that the president and government step down this against a backdrop of wage cuts and tax hikes in the e.u. a second poorest country struggling to meet the demands of international creditors artie's tom barton has the latest from bucharest. night and day they come to scream
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defiance by a single stare at sea and a feeling the government isn't listening have spilled over into anger even violence . our youth has no future they have no jobs. motive water is sixty she's worked all her life in a textile factory in book arrest but now she is forced to pay for social security out of her small pension. they need to give us a fair pension and not tell us they're boring the money because they don't have it . or is not just here for herself her son left romania but it's silly to try and find work young rumanians feel trapped and directing most of their anger president try and. protest as accuse him of trampling over democracy and presiding over a political elite riddled with corruption. we want to be sent down down with the setscrew parents left us with heritage and we're leaving out you just don't. an
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international monetary fund loan in two thousand and nine came with tough conditions the remaining in government has tried to force its financial house into water budget and benefit cuts slashed pay pension freezes falling living standards but some say it's the people who are now being forced to pay for the mistakes of the few who steered the country to economic disaster. this was done at the expense of there are many in state and now those who hadn't been guilty for their situation there and even profited from it had to pay for those who had profited. the government blames international economic conditions however for the country's woes. let's not forget that we're in the eye of the storm of an economic european storm all around us unfortunately is a mighty tempest with economic consequences that inevitably affect us to just not
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good enough say the opposition who argue of course that they could do better or more every day discourage inefficient government stays in power as a dane last for rumania or jews used to shorten the period as much as we can once fast as we can by fair elections with many of them accepting there is no escape economically politics for them off as the only hope of change and that leads straight back out onto the streets. these. days and. there was terror to much of. the president about to be here and you can see why remain you want to tear it all down and start again. staying with europe it's decision day in croatia where people have been voting their on e.u. accession polls have just closed in the results are due later tonight the outcome
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hard to predict as recent surveys show the country is split down the middle on saturday police clashed with protesters who tried to pulled out a new flag ahead of the referendum if the result is a yes croatia will join a bloc by july of next year but only if its membership is approved by all twenty seven member states investment advisor patrick young says it's easy to understand those opposing the move because croats see their euro neighbors facing tough times . the key consideration here is that when we look at the croatian referendum there's been barely one and he in the entire parliament who's actually been turning round of publicly saying anything against the e.u. itself so. the fact that we have this amazing groundswell of support at something like forty percent easing credible it demonstrates the fact that the political classes are completely and utterly odds of touch with what the people are thinking and what the people are thinking is quite simple big scene neighbors they've seen
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similar who are emerging european countries such as themselves people like slovakia slovenia is stony up all coming into the european union they join the euro zone and they find it the worst choice and chalice imaginable because slovakia nurses and pensioners are not getting paid a third of what they would get paid if they were working in greece and to add insult to injury they are actually paying money to the greeks in order to support their euro zone bailout so they see neighboring countries such as hungary i mean the government of hungry for the past two weeks have been vilified by the european union i'm not going to get into the argument to find out whether or not the prime minister is right or wrong there but certainly people get very very few very very uneasy about things that are being said. patrick young talking about you pressure out of hungary and on saturday crowds of more than one hundred thousand took to the streets of the capital budapest supporting their government which recently came under fire from the e.u. for passing what brussels thought to be anti-democratic laws and also stalled belo talks with the i.m.f.
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prompting threats of court action this week hungary's prime minister back down in the dispute saying the legislation will be changed. artie's tom barton is on top of events in the region and you can follow all of the latest developments by his twitter you can check it out at our t underscore codd along with his personal tweet twitter page for the latest one hundred you just view with the e.u. also the latest on the croatian referendum which he says drew fewer people to the polls have been expected all that look away right now. europe and the u.s. have expressed their willingness to return to talks with iran over the country's controversial nuclear program but despite this the e.u. seemingly still set to approve an embargo on iranian oil france even says the time to avoid military intervention is running out as for the u.s. this week it strengthened its president presence in the region sending a second aircraft carrier to the arabian sea it's reportedly planning to sail through the strait of hormuz which iran has threatened to block in response to
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sanctions the straits a strategic waterway which the majority of oil exports from the gulf to the west passes through brian becker from the antiwar answer coalition things washington maybe deliberately escalating the situation to create the pretext version change. the united states government has created an artificial crisis that's first and foremost it's a manufactured crisis iran is complying with the. iran does not have a nuclear weapon iran is not threaten its neighbors iran has not started a war with any of its neighbors israel on the other hand has hundreds of nuclear weapons and unlike iran refuses to sign the nuclear nonproliferation treaty does not allow. inspectors into its country so there's not really a nuclear menace or a nuclear danger from iran and so what is the cause what's the cause of the crisis of the artificial crisis the real goal is the united states government has embarked on a course of extreme.
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