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tv   [untitled]    January 22, 2012 10:48pm-11:18pm EST

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to regulate the public airwaves to have a healthy democracy and by these corporations and wealthy individuals being able to funnel in tens of millions of dollars they are sensibly controlling the public airwaves and now what it has to do is. of opinion it's not about that you can spend hours or days maybe finding a dissenting opinion it's what people are bombarded with every day that's why they start to believe that global warming is a fraud even though the evidence is all that's why it's wrong and you know more than you know. or ever falle. again is what matters here it's the buying of the political process i want to stay with that note here craig i want to go back to you do you think that media is complicit in this is well it's because they make an actually a lot of money off of this i mean these ads are expensive they make money off of it and they would like to see the process go on as long as possible because it's very
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profitable for television stations it has nothing to do with journalistic values or democratic hopes or anything else it's about making a lot of money and they're pretty pleased with it they love the primaries. you know you know by the way it's not only the media who's getting rich off these elections off of these super pacs it is also many of the people who are running these super pacs if you take a look at the super pacs since they're unaccountable to any real candidate or political party they tend to hire their own people to do the media work their own colleagues their own partners there is a flood of money go into these super pacs and we find it all being circulated within a very small elite circle of people who are running the super pacs because they lack accountability so it's not only a dangerous trend for elections this is this is right for corruption here ok it's it seems you know a free speech or free markets ok but i mean is this just buying elections now i
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mean you crowd out the space with negative. i mean go ahead again can people own shares of american people are shape you know we heard your talking points enough times already yes of course it is about buying elections look i just spent the last three loves. to be swayed by i had to know you know as of ours is simple i talk to hundreds of people all across the country in various cities who are all saying the same things our voice doesn't matter they said things like you can't you're not a corporation unless you have a senator or two in your pocket you know we can't buy the political process like corporations can people across the country raising and here is going to. have americans one hundred people that is zero and bought and sold by the corporations and you can go out and find this and i didn't write it i was going to get elected. but it was and i free market brother and i received huge amounts of
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money from wall street barack obama is part of the problem ok i'm not a partisan like you. money has fundamentally not a right as a political process that's how wall street and that's how. a centrally crashing the global economy ok they have bought the political process they have already made a result no doubt they they were able to buy a huge huge bailout and then they were able to essentially sabotage any sort of finance reform there's been no sort of process prosecution the democrats and republicans are peas in a pod on this issue and on many other issues you know barack obama has the. climate change talks. craighead joining and they're. the most frightening aspect about this is super pacs are not just buying elections this time around
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they're actually trying to buy the white house and. that's a very frightening prospect here. not only so much money going in there we're seeing super pacs that are really essentially coordinated with the presidential candidates pumping five million ten million one hundred million to support a presidential candidate whoever is going to be elected president is going to know who he or she owes their election to this is this is a frightening prospect for america i'd like to also you know i want you to do a lot of this. military x.l. pipeline which i think you can tell by the lack of civility. going on right now. ok gentlemen. which i think is a great example there was a recent vote in the house on the x.l. pipeline in terms of the representatives who voted against approving the x.l. pipeline they had received perhaps about one million dollars from the oil and gas
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industry for those who wanted the x.l. pipeline and the vote was pretty close they had received over eight million dollars from the. well and gas is our story so it's going to add that into the buying of the political process. that is going on go ahead jump in excuse me you know just naysaying is why they way certainly you know second of all money chases ideas it's not the other way around i wasn't a liberal until somebody wrote me a check and then all of a sudden i was a conservative that's absurd the money chases the ideas not the other way around ok craig you know if i could go either candidate only true if i go back to campaign financing. up until the supreme court decision you know computing campaigns you know there was accountability do you think there's any reason for middle class people to write a check for any candidate these days if so much big money is out there that crowds
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out the process being part of the political process and supporting candidates is it's what's the point in doing it i mean if ten dollars is nothing compared to the numbers you just mentioned being part of the political that's a story would be there is a value is it going to lead to the money. and take it take a look at the occupy wall street movement the occupy d.c. moment the what occupy k. street with the tea party i mean this is where groups citizens of average americans are finding their frustration and many many of these people especially in the occupy wall street movement are all actually advocating don't bother voting it doesn't matter anymore we're not going to see it is very easy to do it here in iowa is it without you know as last year and they don't have a ton of money wait a minute wait a minute the tea party elected sixty plus republicans in the house live here and they don't have this kind of money so what are you talking about what are you talking about so if you have to. go to.
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others who are out there. they're out there is. going to increase to i do. forty seven percent of. it is when i want to say that i mean i'm spending they had a ton of money i had a ton of money. and they didn't i know the top three tea party groups believe me they'd love to have a ton of money they don't ok that's absurd and i mean this is this is go ahead go ahead. this is essentially the story goes on it's basically. you know we hear these blatant blame lies at least least on this show that we you know we're able we're able to counter some of these lies but the but the thing about citizens united and what you already have your so they are able to essentially spew propaganda with no opposition whatsoever and this
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and i think it's true that when it was where it was going to have as you know no you know i think we should we should we should. fitted like nascar drivers where it shows their sponsors on their suits you know they they should have to wear lower those that exxon mobil and the koch brothers ok craig go ahead jump in we're going to see eight eight eight billion dollars spent in the two thousand and twelve elections and we're going to see a decrease in voter turnout because most of that money is going to be very negative it's going to. leave most americans feeling disgusted with our campaign finance system and it is not going to help mobilize or increase the confidence or increase the integrity of the democratic system in the u.s. ok we're in a very dangerous period i want to call that ok see them with the last word twenty seconds. well first of all government was strong we wouldn't have to do all those second of all the reason tara is going to be down is because obama's. magical run
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is over and a lot of the new first time voters who never voted but voted for him will be gone next time ok gentlemen very spirited discussion thank you very much many thanks to my guest today in los angeles and in washington and thanks to our viewers for watching us here are to see you next time and remember cross talk. and if you. still. want to. wealthy british science. is no time to rise. markets. scandal. find out what's really happening to the global
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economy cause a report on our. and
10:59 pm
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you to do list for the syrian leadership the arab league demands the creation of a national unity government and steps up calls for president also to step down something the regime has allegedly rejected. grey shops to join the european union after a national referendum marred by clashes polymerized opinion and a disappointing turnout. russia's policy on internal migration falls into the focus of pm and a presidential run or whatever wouldn't as he present and another set of plans as far as election program.
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it is a.t.m. in the russian capital you're watching r t with miriam and joshua come to the program the syrian leadership has rejected the arab league's transition plan aimed at curbing violence in the country and that's according to syrian state t.v. the authorities say it doesn't reflect the will of the people and violates the country's sovereignty argy sara for of reports and what exactly the regime objected to. it's not for civilization that's for the gov gravy says by both sides that was the conclusion of the report by the arab league monitors arab league they've also called on president bashar al assad to delegate power to his vice president and form a national unity government with the opposition they've also called for international support by preparing their case for the u.n. security council and it's the extra push many people here in syria have been
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calling for. to protect a friend. to homs the conflict has moved ever closer to the country's capital and now many damascus suburbs are also embroiled in the conflict between government forces and the armed opposition. well this is all that's left of many of the houses now inside just absolutely gutted it's broken glass you've got bullet holes lining the walls you've got clothes staying around the house where people have left them behind fleeing very quickly you can really see here the devastating consequences that this conflict has hurt the picking up the pieces won't prove easy amongst the opposition themselves there are a worrying divisions and as the conflicts become increasingly violent there are now areas of the country where it's unclear exactly who's in control what do the people here and started on the image i think the syrian army having control not or. not
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have. a lot of numbers but a number of secrecy is in charge inside. the division the diversion of the stuff arab league observers look set to remain in the country for another month trying to build the basis for multi-party elections even seen by the international community although you are sort of where you are into a position you have to put in your mind that you have to work with the other side working with the other side is there a look. for change with thousands killed bringing the different factions to the negotiating table is going to be a major task sara for. damascus syria now that abuses from both the syrian regime and the opposition have been acknowledged as the arab league it's the best time to turn to dialogue based political analyst dr amar
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in a shopping. position or what the so-called syrian free army or the desert there is from the syrian army have been also using heavy gunfire against civilians they have been using explosives apparently they have been using and the armored. rockets and you know some weapons that cannot usually be used in civilian areas and against civilians there is a president said also enjoys. popular support in city one cannot deny this not even the institute in qatar denied this when they did the research last month and they found that fifty five percent of the city and population oppose the downfall or did a movement of president assad it's time for dialogue has tried some somebody form some democratic reforms there is a constitutional council now in syria trying to rewrite the constitution there will
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be elections in the coming months there are some reforms i think that the opposition should face because it is of the interest of no one of no one's interests that need to or steps in there will be destruction there will be chaos as was the case in libya. and just a little later in the program we take a look at the country where the people have already experienced the effects of western intervention media see its most turbulent protests since the fall of moammar gadhafi with the unrest beginning and benghazi just as it did last year. and prepares to unveil a strict set of sanctions against iran measures that could well that fire on the blocks fragile economy. gracious set to become the twenty eighth country to join the european union after the proposal was given the go ahead in a national referendum the country's ascension now has to be approved by all current
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member nations with almost all ballots counted two thirds of voters expressed a desire to join the blog despite the ongoing debt crisis the turnout however just forty four percent pointed to apathy among many towards the issue the build up to the referendum was marred by clashes senta e.u. protesters staged demonstrations right up to the vote as our keystone barge records opposition to joining with union isn't like it's likely to end here. violent scenes in the croatian complicated it's the country's referendum but such a. risk to be made behind me the police turn to the protesters in ways they take and see protest his way six waste minutes they turned into place in the capital and find things has been doing well you know it's well now police want to take people away in advance of protest is trying to stop
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the killing of the one zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero. zero zero these are empty attempts to say the government is trying to suppress the dissenting voices they are joining with surrender the way she is independence to brussels. yes i believe that couple in another street nearby the foreign minister is trying to convince people that accession is vital to the current economy actually with the stability that scale can lead it into the credit rating of creation. that is translated into membership of the european union gracious budget would be in serious trouble everywhere you turn in croatia the e.u. is being discussed whereas most of the political class no longer question the europhiles stance public views differ widely you should know that italians will
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come into our sea and catch all our fish and that's our biggest creditor you know if you think of their affiliates though they told us we have to obey the e.u. has regulations those they don't want they must stop trading political target those of us here who are small family business and the european union commissions everything toward big shopping centers to some in my lady but they are not for the family members seem to think i have two sons higher employed and maybe because of that i would be prior to being raped or most of the symbols were you know there are legitimate worries about sovereignty local industry and economic well being a former state and there are still some voices in parliament that think the benefits of what joining us were the costs that we were not going with our heads high up were going on our knees because our economy. non-existing our exporting is pretty bad our b.b.b. is very low so we don't really have anything to offer.
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even at the local theatre the subject is croatia's relationship all europe but those on the stage and to the future scottish or they'd rather poke fun at it while it's irritating console for example on facebook it's just pro or go forward e.u. and it's getting. it's absurd because. there's no real quality debate struck. back out on the streets the arguments quality will not continue with ferocity with such strong emotions it seems unlikely this referendum dissolves the nation's division of the european union. tone bottom. still got a program abandoning home base. citizens of benton harbor are living from one day to the net and there's been very little effort on the part of the whirlpool that runs everything to try to. involve the community.
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how giant corporations thrive on government bonds and outsource labor as home communities fall apart there were around them. russia's policy on immigration an internal movement within the country has come under scrutiny from its prime minister and presidential hopeful was more potent in a second major newspaper article as part of his election campaign put and set out his position on a range of key challenges let's get more on this now from our correspondent peter oliver. so peter good morning to you now what are the main points to come out of this article well this latest article is being written by the prime minister vladimir putin highlights his views on what he would do if he was elected president in march what he would do would concern to immigration and race and how to tackle the google problems that he sees a and to face into ethnic clashes and and
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a rise of nationalism now the prime minister said that there is a responsibility that comes with being a a migrant to a country that those migrants have a responsibility to assimilate themselves and to integrate themselves into the society and community of their adopted nation and that a failure to do so has showed to a worldwide a a rise in nationalism a lead. to lead to xenophobia and lead to conflicts are based on on ethnicity and based on faith closer to home talking about russia the prime minister said that well russia has been a a multicultural country in some sense of the wood for centuries going back to the days of the russian empire first that the fall of the soviet union in the last twenty years has seen a lot of pressure put on the on the that system of multiculturalism that he does believe really is has broken down not just here in russia but globally saying that the the migration the economic migration we saw in russia following the the fall of
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the soviet union has led to a lot of of tensions this really have asked russia still struggling to to correct of course if we cast our minds back to two thousand and ten we saw. quite bitter ethnic clashes of the riots on money square here in the center of of moscow based on an ethnic tensions in those ethnic clashes that that went on for a couple of days those are the type of things that russia has to tackle and the p.m.'s hoping this under his leadership if he is elected as president that he will be able to to move forward and tackle those here in russia. appeared as prime minister but not for any solutions on how to solve this huge problem of intolerance and nationalism in the country but yes what we've seen from plenty of putin is him lay out a policy of education no education from a very young age he wants to see it's a major part of the school curriculum that russians are taught from an early age of
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out of the faith so the ethnicities the crows to say well you know russia has a very different system a very different. outlook too to a lot of the world it's not of course the the melting pot that is america where everybody essentially comes from somewhere else in russian should be taught about their history and their backgrounds were. there are links with these these other other races and religions from an early age also like to see the title to literature of course to a lot of great russian writers who want to see some of the the writings of these great reduced russian great made a straight a part of the curriculum that they should be read by children to understand the history and background of where everybody comes from though the other policy is that he wants to see put in place is a complete review of the russian immigration system no what he's proposed is that if he's elected to you in twenty thirteen he will review that system and we may see
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a foreign language a russian language exam for immigrants wanting to come to russia also an exam on russian history an exam one will question like quite similar to what you see a full people trying to place to move to said united kingdom of the united states these type of citizenship test have become commonplace you would see that input put in place in russia to have a similar system here. and peter thanks very much indeed for bringing us this update artie's correspondent here all over there. the sanctions keep piling up on iran the expected to announce on monday an unprecedented bloc wide ban on running a while europe's as will be for the common good and will make tehran rethink its nuclear program which israel and its allies see as a threat our correspondent as our syria brings us more on the dangers these sanctions may bring. foreign ministers of the twenty seven member states of the european union are meeting today and one of the most important issues on the table
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are that of the sanctions on iran it is expected that they will pass on presidents and sanctions targeting the country's oil and financial sectors this will be the toughest to date and it's of course over the controversial nuclear program. of long insisted that iran is on a dangerous path towards acquiring nuclear weapons has consistently denied this now these talks on the back of twenty seven nations having to deal with a sovereign debt crisis for almost two years now there are countries like france for instance who really want to see sanctions implemented as soon as possible in a couple of months. which is heavily laden was asking for a leeway of about twelve months so today they are expected to give the detail on the timeline somewhere between the three to eight months that will satisfy all of the member states now the embargo follows tough sanctions passed into law by president obama in january and collectively if all these sanctions are fully implemented you will see about two point six million barrels of oil taken off of
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international markets which is of course putting markets into a very. up and on the other hand the u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton says that she expects the e.u. to pressure iran to back to the negotiation table so again today we're expecting to see details on the timeline of the implementation of sanctions as. it's expected that they may include several more names of companies individuals financial institutions those a list of sanctions but any decision that they come to today has to be unanimous. reporting there and there's plenty more for you on our website our dot com including the latest news and comments as well as any story if you missed it here's some of what's there for you today. countering the drag of extravagant parades and spectacular fireworks of the world joins china in celebrating the lunar new year. and risking death to provide a lifeline a story of
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a gaza tunnel digger whose work helps support his family in the flow vital supplies to gaza in defiance of these really blocking. now libya could be on the brink of civil war according to the head of the national transitional council mostafa abdel julio following a weekend of political turmoil that's have to or his deputies step down when you're little suspended his high ranking council delegates from benghazi it's the latest sign of discord in the country's interim leadership and comes amid a rising tide of discontent among the indians right swept through benghazi at the weekend as thousands took to the streets of the city where the anti could off the uprising began and rage protesters accusing m.d.c. of corruption being slow in bringing in reform and favoring.


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