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tv   [untitled]    January 23, 2012 9:18am-9:48am EST

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corner candidates are ramping up their campaigns prime minister hopeful run a blood may put in is proposing strict immigration rules in his second major newspaper article in the run up to the vote i thought he's put it all of a now explain. talking on multiculturalism a migration vladimir putin praised what he sees as russia's long history as a multicultural nation a history he says goes back to the days of the russian empire it said that there have been some very serious problems though when it comes to migration and integration of migrants in russia that these problems over the last twenty years since the collapse of the soviet union were very serious indeed in our problems that russia is still struggling to to deal with today speaking about what the results can be of migration going wrong he warned of the rise of nationalism the rise of xenophobia these type of issues that we saw acted out in real life eight in moscow in two thousand and ten with ethnic clashes taking place i'm in you know square right next to the kremlin in the heart of the russian capital he hits out at
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those that seem nationalism right he hit out at those who have slogans such as stop feeding and stop funding the caucuses saying where the caucuses are a part of russia talking of multiculturalism he said that russia had a very unique system of multiculturalism something very different to say what happens in europe where he said basically multiculturalism had failed and that russia system was something that had to be he's a very different manner over to me and said that there's no way that you can completely get rid of all illegal immigration into russia but if he's elected president in the elections in march that he hopes to be able to to make significant cuts to the amount of people that are arriving in russia illegally now he wants to do this by toughening the laws to try and deter people from entering the country illegally he also wants to see a system put in place not just to monitor foreign immigrants coming into russia but also to monitor internal migrants also it by twenty thirty he wants to see an exam
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put in place to those wanting to come and settled and live and work in russia but they have to be able to pass the russian language exam also an exam on russian culture russian history so those are the things that he wants to put him. do you tackle the issue of migration and multiculturalism in russia. reporting right when i asked the march vote approaches all of us here at our keeping a close eye on the campaign trail and of course you can find more on that on our website dot com pre-election a scandal it flares up around a veteran liberal candidate who may be pushed out of the race due to violations in the registration process for those details on our website at r.t. dot com. the newly elected parliament in egypt has started its first session most of the seats occupied by the muslim brotherhood and other islamist parties who won an overwhelming majority in the first post mubarak poll but it's not easy maria for national tells us many now feel the brotherhood lied in
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its march into power. there's a growing actually here in egypt told really that with these with this new poll many changes will actually not be as dramatic as people in the revolution demonstrators protestors have expected them to be the muslim brotherhood's freedom and justice party has indeed more on the first vote in post barak egypt mostly because it had voted had promised people all aid to help to the poor talk to transitional transition from ministry to civil power something people have been calling for have been demonstrating for since the supreme council of the armed forces took power from mubarak last february because to them they say that the ruling generals have been actually representing the old regime something they've been fighting against and something actually their revolution has been designed to gets rid of but over in today we have many signs indicating that the islamists in
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this new poll and the muslim brotherhood as well as salafist the second body that. they see a vote actually go in most likely to cooperate with scoff and that's why many people have been able to speak to here in pa wrote saying they feel a little bit strange. tracking the latest developments of all of us in cairo or bear in mind you can check out our to twitter feed as well as more years of personal one of the latest on egypt first a parliamentary session under growing frustration in the region as you can see in one of the latest tweets she says that people keep calling for the ruling generals to step down all the details are standing by for you now twenty four hours a day online on our look at. the leader of libya's national transitional council says the country could be heading towards a civil war and follows protests in the city of benghazi that resulted in the resignation of his deputy this past weekend integration libyans took to the streets
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of a city which was the center of opposition in the uprising against gadhafi demonstrators are now accusing the m.t.c. of corruption a lack of reform and of favoring former government loyalists meanwhile the i.c.c. has yet to agree whether trial of colonel gadhafi is captured son saif will be held but as. the president of the arab league just told me just a bit earlier whether it's in libya or the hague it's unlikely he'll get a fair hearing the trial will be probably just as unfair as that would be held before the i.c.c. seat because the i.c.c. is a highly politicized machinery which was created by the americans but then they decided it is so politicized that they decided not to work with it many countries are not. following the i.c.c.
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is saying that she has no teeth and we think i think that it will not actually provide a proper forum for a trial neither do i think that. will get a fair trial in libya. those are the headlines here in our to let's check out the latest business now with maria. hello and welcome to business here on our team now as we've been reporting the european union has formally adopted an oil embargo against iran over its nuclear program and this involves an immediate ban on all new contracts with iran but all existing contracts will be honored until the first of july now for more i'm joined by arguments back in from energy agency class thank you so much for joining us now we've seen the oil prices have been gaining slightly what do you expect when we see major fluctuations in the near future well we saw the oil price rising
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a little bit but not really very much because the embargo was adopted today in writing but in actuality it's only going to be adopted in july. we also read that there is going to be a review of the embargo in may so that to me puts a lot of question marks there over whether something substantive is going to happen or perhaps that europe is trying to see if the dialogue can really occur with iran by pushing it forward so much and by review it in may maybe in fact he won't be implement it so the market i think is figuring this thing's out by the finish and is not reacting violently right this kind of calm about it so it's tough to say that you don't expect the embargo it's a last for a long time i don't think europe is really ready to cut itself off from oil from one of their important suppliers but i think europe is very worried about the you know issues with nuclear power and things like that i think they're trying to work
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to work things out so well that iran is certain cyclo strait of hormuz over the sanctions walk in effect could this have on the global economy the global market closure of the straits of hormuz would be very severe but also the kind of comments coming out of iran we could go they were a little bit more aggressive but in the past couple of days they have softened a little bit i don't think they're talking a supply lately of really closing the straits of hormuz they're more saying that they have the capability to close them well or to have probably having the capability to actually close them is a little bit different but if the iranians were to close the straits of hormuz or if the passage is interrupted the effects of the global very very severe recession not just for europe but for asia and for the entire planet elsevier what i would talking about here. depending on the length of the closure you could see prices
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rise in the one fifteen higher. but we shouldn't forget that some of these things are really happening in the one nine hundred eighty s. because in the one nine hundred eighty s. there was a war we also. as we called it at the time when several cities were blown up in the iraqi year in the war so we have been there a little bit and is this is very severe people by i don't think people really want to see that happening again now that even the united states are not hard to persuade asian countries from reduced in purchases from or on how likely is that so happen and how could it affect i don't think that will happen in fact all the comments i have heard about the chinese is that they're being phatic that they will continue to buy ukrainian crude oil the indians are all saw very friendly to tours iran and i think turkey as well is not being on the side of the of the bargain
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so the possibilities of funding bargo affecting a show i think are frankly very very you know just briefly if you can tell us what kind of impact could this have on russia if any well on russia if there is an embargo oil prices will go up and that would be good from a price point of view but then you would have seen fear in the a quantum is in europe on the rest of the world and then subsequently prices would crush so i don't think anybody wants instability all right her him on spec a global director of markets reporting our pilots thank you so much for sharing your thoughts thank you know we have a little bit of time left so let's take a look at what's happening with the oil price is right now light sweet is trading at around ninety nine dollars a barrel for the price. heading towards one hundred eleven dollars a barrel and crude prices are poised heading higher after their oil embargo against iran. and that's all the business news for now for more stories head to our website
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r.t. dot com slash business bye for now. culture is that so much excitement going which of course is right on it comes over here it is the biggest and most expensive elections money can buy this is how many americans see what are called political action committees or super pacs.
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this is r t live from moscow headlines now syria an arab league plan to solve the country's crisis that requires president assad to step down damascus said the initiative was an. unprecedented sanctions against iran which include a complete embargo on its oil measures europe's latest response to iran's nuclear
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program which the islamic republic insists is for purely peaceful purposes. croatia votes in favor of joining the e.u. in a national referendum but a low turnout and violent protests show there are still deep divisions within the country. the u.s. often calls for democratic change in the middle east but seems reluctant to recognize the right of palestinians to self-determination president of the palestinian national authority mahmoud abbas who's been on a visit here to the russian capital talks to us next about the latest moves in palestine's bid for statehood do stay with us for our exclusive interview. visit is the final stop on your european tour. still waiting for a resolution to the statehood issue what do you expect from russia's leadership at
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this stage when the issue of palestinians legal rights is being decided according to international law. the russian federation as well as the soviet union before it has been regarded as one of the key and principal hopes for the palestinian people since the nine hundred seventy s. when the late palestinian president yasser arafat visited moscow our nations have enjoyed doing relations it's not only the result of the role that russia plays in the region but also due to the fact that russia was a great power a member of the united nations security council and a member of the quartet of middle east mediators this is why we focused so much on strengthening our relations and why we expect russia to play a positive role recently the quartet took a number of steps calling for negotiations without doubt we coordinate our position with russia and several other countries to get an understanding of where palestine stands what it should do and what it shouldn't but this is why we visited the u.k.
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germany and have now come to russia we hope that the talks with israel currently underway in jordan will result in a positive outcome but if they fail we would need to have a list of further steps to be taken and in putting together the action list we want to listen to the opinions of the countries i mentioned earlier and russia in particular. by the mr president. some time ago you said the board was leaning towards israel and the talks was sixteen months. old exploratory talks with israel in a manner that revealed many contradictions several areas of the peace process that apparently failed to yield any was. yes that's true these meetings revealed a lot of contradictions in our positions those were talks just for the sake of talking unfortunately but we don't want to miss
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a single opportunity we've never stopped negotiating with israel even with george mitchell as the u.s. envoy we continued an exchange of opinions at the meetings held within exploratory or indirect talks which we have never shown and mutual contacts to be honest we've never broken off negotiations with israel. well i think. there were no grounds for negotiations because of israel the basis for negotiations is the acceptance of the nine hundred sixty seven borders or any other positions agreed by both parties it's not a unilateral steps it's the position of the international community of course it's closely linked with the issue of security which is a huge problem for us and we don't accept the israeli concept of security it will mean another forty years of occupation of our legitimate territory on this concepts name is further occupation. criticised for saying there's no point in continuing the twenty year long negotiations that has under pressure from
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the u.s. and israel however you have repeatedly accusations saying that there is no alternative to peace talks. confident that. there is no alternative to peace talks at the moment we are assessing our testing the ground for future talks to comply with the quartet's demands. of the negotiations are just a way to gain time they say the talking games will not bring about solutions or agreement which will make. how do you. stand behind that statement. means they want to preserve the status quo something we completely reject all illegal settlements all illegal buildings must be torn down and removed from palestinian territories perhaps the israelis have a different vision although in the past they have left their illegal settlements on
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the sinai peninsula and sharm el sheikh and returned back to their borders we have the same situation in lebanon and believe some of the settlements there even with that they want to preserve the existing situation of the palestinian territories and seek to convince the international community to accept that they want to make us accept this vision we will never accept it. netanyahu said that he gave you a twenty one point detailing the israeli position when i doing so he refused to meet in ramallah despite. what the document about. i met him three times in september two thousand and ten the first time in washington on an invitation from president obama and the second time in sharm el sheikh out of the third time we met was on the twenty fifth of september at his house in jerusalem where we talked for four hours and discussed all the issues at
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the talks ended with no positive results no discontinuation development of the occupied territories no changes to security policies the israeli way they intend to occupy the west bank and the rights for another forty years. this is a colonial policy and colonialist a logic on this is not the logic of a person interested in constructive talks and peaceful coexistence with his neighbors i don't refuse to make but i need to have a good reason now i guess twenty one point proposal and what are these twenty. are they just some headlines or indeed a list of twenty one issues that need to be addressed by our peoples. as of today we only need to discuss and solve two issues borders. why would we want to add more issues to the agent did he think it was some sort of a secret but it's no news and it's not of any practical use either it is not appropriate for a prime minister to submit this way document that simply enumerates some issues
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such as borders curacy the jewish state of central with no clear indication of what is actually expected of the other party. do you think current events in the arab world could strengthen your position in the peace talks and help the palestinian issue internationally. there's still no clear position common to all arab countries yes there are revolutionary changes taking place but it will take time to figure out what results they brought about the countries we want to work with in order to strengthen our position will need time to get back on their feet and build their states under the new conditions however the general arab stance on the palestinian issue has not changed and that the people who lead these revolutions are the same people who supported the palestinians in their pursuit of in the end and these people have not changed what has changed is that attitude towards their leaders and their
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governments but that is their internal matter and we don't get involved the arab stance on the palestinian issue has remained the same. mr president. that you wouldn't take any action at international level until january the twenty sixth but if the talks according to you have to mount unprecedented diplomatic pressure on israel to make it completely isolated rather like south africa when the international community. we want to live together to co-exist with israel but at the same time we want to stop its illegal settlements on the land that does. and belong to it we want to tell the world that israel's policy is unlawful or their occupation of our land is illegal yes but we're not saying that israel as a state doesn't have a legal right to exist so the diplomatic campaign that's underway is illegal and
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that we have already been recognized by one hundred thirty states and i'm sure that in the near future the list will grow to include one hundred fifty hundred sixty countries it's an allergy to continue this work what is going to happen after generally the twenty sixth at the beginning of february the arab peace initiative follow up committee will hold a meeting where we'll present a full report on what has been done and what still needs to be done now as well as our vision of the future of the peace process will work out of the final positions based on the committee's decision but we don't want to tie up all of our plans so there needs to be a certain order. to torture. and what the hey there is the president that if your address to the u.n. general assembly was very emotional truly big old and historic event but as it turned out a deal wasn't enough to convince nine members of the u.n. security council the sight of iran the palestinian authority the status of a full year when membership would be possible to continue with the talk if you
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agreed to the state as there were nonmember observer state. in the united nations security council we received eight votes that we need nine still may not upset everyone is pressured to vote against our membership today we refuse the idea of being a nonmember observer state though everything is possible i'm not saying that it can't be everything is possible if you ask me about the official position of the palestinian state on this issue i'll give you the answer we seek full membership or we will apply for a second or third time etc until we get our bid approval that there would have. been a number of arab countries are now at this. with the idea of overthrowing existing regimes while. reconciliation mr president why did they attempt to create a national unity government and in failure. what has been achieved in terms of
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social and political reforms. but first of all our attempts didn't and we don't wish to create a national unity government but my personal suggestion was to create a neutral transitional technocratic government a non aligned government comprised of experts that would work until the election results not a national unity government and its creation is already underway we have achieved agreement on many issues and i sensed some significant political improvement during the talks in cairo when how mass delivered an agreement there was an abyss between us earlier but now they've agreed to switch to a nonviolent standoff with more bloodshed they agreed with the requirement of a stablish in the nine hundred sixty seven border line to run in the election in may this year and that means we can talk about progress here our committees are working hard to implement these plans as soon as possible and reforms are underway and the government will be a transitional. thank you very much for being with us.
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every possible success in the implementation of political reward and creation of a palestinian state. today. these are the images. yes.
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to. to. fix it. to. the song.
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time for the headlines on r.t. and syria an arab league plan to solve the country's crisis that requires president assad to step down damascus says the initiative was an interference in its internal affairs and on syria's sufferance. the e.u. adopts unprecedented against iran which include a complete embargo on its oil to measure its europe's latest response to tehran's nuclear program which the islamic republic insists is for purely peaceful. and croatia votes in favor of joining the debt stricken edu national referendum but
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a low turnout and violent protests proceeding the vote shows there are still deep divisions within the country. stay with us now for kate and the latest action from the world of sport. thank you for joining me for the latest sports and here's what's coming up. a giant killer unseeded you kept out in the car of a star as five time winner serina williams in straight sets to set up a strange open quarter final against fellow russian maria sharapova men's champion now that djokovic is also through. the final to the new york giants and the new england patriots win their conference titles in a thrilling style set up an east coast super bowl showdown. and playoff games the n.h.l. is the most prolific one beer sunday as a leadership speaks exclusively to r.t.
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about upcoming did i read his prospects in the techo this year. his first though and former champion maria sharapova will take on three no williams congress a car of her in an all russian quarter final at this train open germany's sabine lisicki became the first woman to take a set off sharapova but after dropping the opener the twenty four year old russian quarter way back into the match to win it three six six two six three return to the quarter finals for the first time since winning the title around four years ago. so standing in the way next is left handed can patrick mccarthy who serves up the biggest upset of the tournament so far the unseated twenty three year old knocking out five time winner serina williams to go into her maiden grandson quarterfinal. surprise because she's a great player it's really tough to blow against her. but i don't know i just feeling so good i'm so focused so i play my game.


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