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tv   [untitled]    January 23, 2012 6:48pm-7:18pm EST

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oops on its way from to go to the grand northern slope the helicopter passes by and mt fished the highest point on the western ridge it's so. after an hour's trip by end dimitri and his son kirill walk about the northern sector of the caucuses reserve in the company of ranges the jugo weather station is now schools of commerce is a way. people and animals share the only path there is in this area let's go to the bison let humans approach them but most of the people traveling around the reserve granges on horseback last short while ago patrol duty in
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a different area of focus for the short distance from here they can see month to show their came across the line bison. the lettuce come quite close to them. were only fifteen metres away. bison moving the coaxes reserve have no enemies sometimes humans can come very close to them provided they are on horseback buses a range of dismount the bison instantly make it clear they're poised for attack. the. horses are the most reliable and indispensable companions when people go on long trips in the mountains only horses with good training eligible for the job. this one is cold.
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nish. is my favorite. though we became fast friends. writing him is no problem he does what he's told to do. but this one is still a young stallion. so that it will let anybody touch him. the bloke. is scared of everybody.
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has one of the remotest areas of eastern sector of the caucuses reserve several reserve stock and their families live here on a permanent basis. even if the weather is warm it's only possible to reach this place with an off road vehicle. schoolchildren from a nearby village of sit by often visit reserve ranges they have organized an eco movement called the little bison. hello hello glad to see you. dear our guests. that no. that doesn't work let's go mushy we are. churning malaysia is the starting point of a circular route for high just only visitors with a permit and a map are allowed to enter the reserve they gear is inspected and ranges teach them the elementary rules to survive. living in the mountains children from the little
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bison always welcome here they already have experience walking cross-country with the children from good old bison often across the river in that way but it's risky in winter time so today we're going to take a detour we'll cross the bridge and forest work and we'll take care of our stuff. pikas can choose between several popular routes in different areas of the coax is reserved. close to the trail stands an oval table used by ranges it's meant for hikers passing by wanting to rest for a moment children from the little bison club gather here on the bank of the stream to discuss major ecological actions suggestion as we all know that on the eve of new year's celebrations many local people pick up axis and go to the forest to cut
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down our green beauties it's a bird save the green beauty is the name of a movement organized by the children so they make leaflets bearing the image of a food tree and you'll note that they write text on the leaflets and display them prominently in the village of. the children hope their peaceful actions will help prevent further trees from being cut down illegally. preserve ranges however take more radical measures against lawbreakers their main task is finding and detaining poachers. one of the most challenging jobs takes rangers to mount yet. each time they go under a veil of secrecy regardless of day or night the conditions that painstaking job require special knowledge and staying power they need to be skilled horseman as
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well as able to discern telltale signs showing the presence of trespassers and have no difficulty finding their bearings. and you will always be tempted to answer the reserve because beasts are easy prey here your reporters up there are not as much afraid of humans as they are elsewhere because they're under constant protection. such you see them as enticing tidbits because hunting for them is so easy. as the path reaches higher altitudes one climatic zone in the mountains gives way to another here the fog that envelop the forests in the foothills is now a distant memory there is snow on the slopes and it is much colder the caucasian mountains gradually come into view.
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the feet. after several attempts to find the best point for filming the landscape dimitri suddenly comes face to face with a brown bear one of the rarest and largest animals of the caucuses reserve. ranges did find fresh tracks they were close to the heart where the rangers put up
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for the night they reported the find over walkie talkie that he would use there all threats here but the store all got from a wolf yes. keep still the workers let me see them what are the dollar trucks now just those holding. bases here they are. two three three. eight calling one zero four eight calling one hundred four everything's ok tracks only some left by animals the latest tracks are those of wolves three of them over and out. different people visiting the coaxes nature reserve
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a raft of different things some seek shelter from the hustle and bustle of big cities others are off to thrills only a few are able to blend in with this wonderful place and become possibly. just invested by old and yet i feel i'm an integral part of this world as i do you well know crazy romantic. i'm nearly drowned almost frozen to death and full of cliffs already. nature is wiser than we are given if our ingenuity is old pervasive. she is the creator that gave birth to us but there are enough but i do that and they bring us to ruin unless we come to our senses. and i only had them i think does what people should devote their lives to. let's go get the book i don't know if i can cope with the task but i'm going to try.
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syria rejects arab league proposals for president al assad to cede power to his deputy and the formation of a national unity government with the opposition damascus calls the initiative an interference in its internal players and an attack on syria's sovereignty arab league observers are set to stay in the country for another month this as at least six hundred people are reportedly killed since the arrival of the mission of. the e.u. slaps more sanctions on iran targeting the country's main source of income of the oil the union has reiterated that the movie is negotiable provided. its nuclear program that the west sees as
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a threat and return to the negotiating table russia says the measures will only jeopardize diplomatic efforts to resolve the standoff. and croatia says yes to the e.u. membership but a poor turnout for the referendum and violent protests exposed deep divisions within the balkan nation the country is now set to become the union's twentieth stayed alive next year but only after all the other members ratify the movie. coming out peter lavelle and his guest discuss political posturing and million dollar lobbyist handouts in the own going u.s. presidential campaigns crosstalk is next. you.
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know we welcome to cross our computer all about the biggest and most expensive elections money can buy this is how many americans see what are called political action committees or super pacs are the super pacs good for democracy do they really inform and voters and are elections now only about money. and you can. start. to cross talk political action committees i'm joined by seton motley in washington he is the president and editor in chief of the less government also in washington we have greg coleman he is a government affairs lobbyist for public citizen and in los angeles we crossed a room he is the founding editor of the independent newspaper i'd gentleman cross-talk rules and if that means you can jump in anytime you want and i really very much encourage a room in los angeles if i go to you first in researching this program i came
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across i thought it was a very interesting and if not funny statement everyone loves to hate super pacs one critic said that they were quote a new political animal that is ugly loud and anti-democratic would you agree or disagree with that statement. well it's certainly is fundamentally anti-democratic you sensually have extremely wealthy people who can come in corporations that can come in with no disclosure they can coordinate with campaigns spend huge amounts of money distorting the political process they can basically broadcast whatever propaganda they like and i would ever time and we live in an age the second gilded age in america where there's just an enormous concentration of wealth and we know that there are billionaires running around whether it's someone like george soros or the koch brothers who have a vested interest and tried to game the political system and we have to see this
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also in the larger context of how money is used in politics in the united states there's something like seventeen thousand registered lobbyists in washington d.c. the vast majority of them controlled by corporations or trade groups and they exist essential. a influence the process to write laws and regulations so that money flows towards them and this is what citizens united and the super pacs are all about it's arrived at the point that we have the best democracy that money can buy ok craig what do you think about that in washington d.c. that's run as a pretty strong opinion but do you think about it. you know i've got to take that opinion even stronger or super pacs are perhaps the most dangerous trend we've seen in the financing of american elections recently you know this. supreme court five justices on the supreme court opened an absolutely disastrous floodgate unlimited
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in largely undisclosed money in american elections when they ruled just two years ago this is the anniversary by the way of the citizens united decision in which five justices ruled that corporations are to be treated as people under the u.s. constitution and therefore can make unlimited expenditures now that's bad enough that we're having this flood of unlimited corporate money flowing into elections and it which is largely going undisclosed but then to make it even worse we've got this new phenomenon called super pacs that are directly and very closely aligned with each of the presidential candidates he's our candidate specific groups that are receiving unlimited corporate money on limited union money unlimited wealth from individuals specifically to support a candidate either romney gate bridge or bamma is setting up his own as a result we're going back to the pre watergate era in which the very wealthy get to
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buy these election if i got a seat in here and i have to point out to our viewers here is that i was a small boy during watergate and i can remember afterwards a lot of people say that at least the the positive outcome of this scandal called watergate was election campaigning reform and it is that all gone now with the with the decision in two thousand and ten because it looks like we've just decided for a few decades go ahead. unfortunately know it's not all gone i'm sorry you guys are so in effect a cult of free speech. money is speech in our society money money is groceries in society you can argue that it's not but try leaving the grocery store with some groceries without money money is speech in this country and i'm sorry you guys are so obtusely offended by all this free speech going on the reason super pacs and this is because we still have stupid anti first amendment campaign finance laws on the books you want to complain about lobbyist lobbyists is one of the few
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jobs it's actually mention the comp constitution petition congress. grievances the problem is government is so incredibly huge that it requires so many lobbyist to try to hurt it and beat it back off people's particular industries if you want to work campaign finance reform were do says size scope and sphere of influence of government and then won't be any needed to bribe all these politicians ok what do you think about that i mean. if it's a free speech issue here i mean but it gets down to you can those that have free speech doesn't have the money if you have money you can have free speech well of course. this is based on the absurd notion that corporations are people and as justice stevens. is sure that this is you know in a way in a way you know who are already seen as our asian a lot away allow them to run for office why don't we allow them to vote you know i think i would be more on this why don't we have president exxon mobil i mean i
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think a good example of this is just as we are at it but it's just a bigger terms of the corrupting influence of money in our society is that over the last few years socially the energy industry and its allies have been pouring about three to four billion dollars a year i was working with kids to like this story there's a. change. they're basically interested in. trying to distort what is. proven science that the climate is shifting now and honestly believe that species that are because you know their habitat unless you do you remember the climate unless you believe. that the planet itself is. where spring is coming earlier where ecosystems are are shifting you want your storage only like you. said if you want to. cry going to.
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craig. money let's talk about the money issue right let's talk about the money issue as opposed to the policy you talk about i mean it's money if you want to see it first. ever says watergate ever since watergate we recognize that when you have any individual or corporation or any entity that can throw in too much money to a candidate you can potentially corrupt that candidate so now that we have and so with the watergate era we set up and what we're doing with one of your romneys was when how much money can go into politics we've lost those reasonable limits and now can and that all groups corporations anyone can throw in five million ten million to support a presidential candidate specifically that candidate and that candidate is going to know who who feathered his or her bed to get elected president that is
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a very very easy to use a little upset that the free market people can now spend as much as the unions always could these were ok seating can i ask you a question here i mean it's well known it's common knowledge that most of these super pacs that are supporting candidates as was just pointed out their former staffers from the candidate there's no sure i nice chinese wall there now but i mean that's what they're supposed to be so i don't care if. it's an i'm constitute . you know wall it's an unconstitutional law you're telling people how they can spend their money. i mean isn't. that somehow corporations are people ok ok obvious here's me who forms corporations people do they don't lose their rights because they form a business or form of people who drive cars and what i mean is are just going to be things clear i mean are you going to force regulations or and i really want to and i is why down gentlemen craig if i can go to you again i'd like to go go go back to these things i mean super pacs ok they have
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a lot of money we've all agreed to that ok but it's also a way to deny it's an adult deniability you know we have the candidate saying well this this ad ran and well i have nothing to do with it i didn't have any involvement in it but of course it's that candidates former staffers that are going to knowing there's a force to my law to say i'm asking craig. that that's exactly that's exactly right what we're seeing going on in the republican primaries where the republican candidates are criticizing their own super pacs for doing these negative and false ads and it really is just a whole bunch of bluster these super pacs are doing exactly what the candidates want to do they pretend that they don't even see the ads that the super pacs are running yet every time one of these presidential candidates gives a speech they're echoing exactly what the super pacs are saying the super pacs are are the dirty mechanisms they're the ones that can do all the dirty work for the presidential candidates coming up with the lies slanders or just negative campaign
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ads well the candidates themselves try to distance themselves in arm's length and say i criticize what that super pac did but you know this is the message so it's really all bluster i mean all these presidential candidates. are exceedingly beneficial ok seated why are they forced to. these arms control laws as those stupid law says that they can't coordinate. with the super pac and now you're criticizing them for a hearing to the stupid law that you're insisting upon but they are coordinating that's our coordination rules our coordination be aware that you're going to be restricted i. believe for one second to not coordinating former staffers for a candidate are not a problem we've been coordinating with them you both have a problem coordinating i don't have a problem with them coordinating this is free speech i don't sell a beer you're going to go out every morning the important point is that this keeps
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getting back to the issue of free speech and as many constitutional scholars i'm going to as i do this actually the five four majority decision swept aside more than a century of precedent that this was a radical illegal. area that was overturning all sorts of precedent in terms of. the supreme court so there's such a great. scholar and i want to buy your position there some corporation well how. are you sure tears will leave and we're going to show you here is a bad president. all right general i'm going to jump in here we're going to be sure to show you a short break in a row we'll keep the discussion going to continue our discussion on super pacs state. can.
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discover its beauty. communicate with the want to. test yourself and become free to. see what nature can give you.
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just saw. it and. we have seen the damage it has done to our environment mark chemicals what the props we do not want anymore new deal molds. our core system is just as i was a does more experience and i'm just just appalled but that's allowed to go on in america. here eating this unfortunately because we don't know
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what's in it there's no labeling there for it being used like oratory experiment could be used as guinea pig. will now we have more questions than we have access to guards. like. if you. still. want to. welcome back to rostock on beautiful jumanji we're discussing whether super pacs are good for democracy. ok to ask you do these super pacs and these really dreadful add to they put on
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television and do they actually inform people is there any information valuable information there to make decisions sure sure i don't like everybody else on this panel i actually trust the american people to disarm and delineate what's useful and what's not and make a rational and intelligent decision these people seem to think the american people are shaping maybe it's and can't figure out what's true and what's not in these ads well i mean if you're crowding out the public sphere and you're only getting certain messages it's hard to make a decision greg you want to jump in there go ahead excuse me the internet is a cornucopia you can get whatever you want or need to tell you internet these ads are not swaying people well being i mean it seems you would probably agree with me that then if it isn't the case then why are they spending so much money on it go ahead craig jump in more because it's part of the process i mean really radio very negative ads these are very negative ads these are this is not useful information these are very you know you better go mitt romney mitt mitt romney who.


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