tv [untitled] January 23, 2012 7:48pm-8:18pm EST
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oops on its way from to go to the grand northern slope the helicopter passes by and mt fished the highest point in the western ridge it's so. after an hour's trip by an air dimitri and his son kirill walk about the northern sector of the caucuses reserve in the company of ranges the jugo weather station is now schools of coleman says away. people and animals share the only path there is in this area let's go to the bison let humans approach them but most of the people travelling around the reserve granges on horseback almost short
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while ago patrol duty in a different area of focus for the short distance from here they can see man show his show there came across the line bison. the lettuce come quite close to them. were only fifteen metres away. bison leaving the coaxes reserve have no enemies sometimes humans can come very close to them provided they are on horseback buses a ranger dismount the bison instantly make it clear they're poised for attack. the. horses are the most reliable and indispensable companions when people go on long trips in the mountains only horses with good training eligible for the job. this one is cold churton
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chill never a chair on his one of the remotest areas of eastern sector of the caucuses reserve several reserve stock and their families live here on a permanent basis. even if the weather is warm it's only possible to reach this place with an off road vehicle schoolchildren from a nearby village upset by often visit reserve ranges they have organized an eco movement called the little bison. hello hello glad to see you. dear our guests. that know. that doesn't touch the machine we are. chosen malaysia is the starting point to a circular route for high just only visitors with a permit and a map are allowed to enter the reserve they gear is inspected and ranges teach them the elementary. rules for surviving in the mountains children from the little bison
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always welcome here they already have experience walking cross-country with the children from that old bison often across the river in that way but it's risky in winter time so today we're going to take a detour we'll cross the bridge and forest work and we'll take care of our stuff. pikas can choose between several popular routes in different areas of the caucuses reserve. close to the trail stands an oval table used by ranges it's meant for hikers passing by wanting to rest for a moment children from the little bison club gather here on the bank of the stream to discuss major ecological actions suggestion as we all know that on the eve of new year's celebrations many local people pick up axis and go to the forest to cut
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down our green beauties it's a bird save the green beauty is the name of a movement organized by the children so they make leaf let's bear in the image of a food tree and you'll note that they write text on the leaflets and display them prominently in the village of. the children hope their peaceful actions will help prevent fur trees from being cut down illegally. preserve ranges however take more radical measures against lawbreakers their main task is finding and detaining poachers. one of the most challenging jobs takes rangers to mount yet. each time they go under a veil of secrecy regardless of day or night the conditions they're painstaking job requires special knowledge and staying power they need to be skilled horseman as
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well as able to discern telltale signs showing the presence of trespasses and have no difficulty finding their bearings. and you will always be tempted to answer the reserve because beasts are easy prey here the reporters up there are not as much afraid of humans as they are elsewhere because they're under constant protection. such you see them as enticing tidbits because hunting for them is so easy. as the path reaches higher altitudes one climatic zone in the mountains gives way to another here the fog that envelop the forests in the foothills is now a distant memory there is snow on the slopes and it is much colder the caucasian mountains gradually come into view.
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for the night they reported the find over walkie talkie that he would use there are all threats here that the store all got from a wolf yes. keep still the workers let me see them what initially go into trucks now just those holding. bases here they are. two three three. eight calling one zero four eight calling one of four everything's ok tracks only some left by animals the latest tracks are those of wolves three of them over and out. different people visiting the coaxes nature reserve
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a raft of different things some seek shelter from the hustle and bustle of big cities all this or all to thrills only a few are able to blend in with this wonderful place and become possibly. just invested by old and yet i feel i'm an integral part of this world at large and to do well no crazy romantic. i'm nearly drowned almost frozen to death and full of cliffs already. nature is wiser than we are given if our ingenuity is all pervasive. she is the creator that gave birth to us about enough but i do that and they bring us to ruin unless we come to our senses. they only had them i think does what people should devote their lives to. let's go get the book i don't know if i can cope with the task but i'm going to try.
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quite. a look at what's making headlines around the world syria rejects arab league proposals for president all assad to cede power to his deputy and the formation of a national unity government with the opposition damascus called the initiative an interference in its internal affairs and then the top on syria's solvent arab league observers are set to stay in the country for another month this as at least six hundred people are reportedly killed since the arrival of the mission. more sanctions on iran targeting the country's main source of income will the union has reiterated that the move is negotiable provided
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a halt its nuclear program that the less of the threat and returns to the negotiating table russia says the measures will only jeopardize the diplomatic efforts to resolve the standoff. croatia said yes to e.u. membership but a poor turnout for the referendum and violent protests exposed deep divisions within the balkan nation the country is now set to become the union's twenty state by july next year but only after all the other members ratify the move. next max and stacey discuss the upcoming economic forum in davos and whether the world's rich and powerful are actually up to anything useful kaiser report is next.
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max kaiser this is the kaiser report oh that most of the starting i think tomorrow this is the major global swap meet for dealers of weapons of mass financial destruction and they compare notes on how to destroy each other's economies for fun and profit stacy herbert max if you do a google search for davros two thousand and twelve you will find out why the banks tours are behind so why they want so but because as you see the first two results are world economic forum that's actually the group that puts on number three result is from max keiser dot com that's before say and then before the telegraph before the guardian before all the international news media where first and what does it link to but original artwork from william bonzai seven you can see this right here davus two thousand and twelve too many bankers species one planet no future world
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poncing nomic summit many species that got the gorillas the central bankers they've got the primary dealers i think there's twenty eight of them these are the ferrets that are kind of. you know met manipulating markets to try to ease that push of quantitative easing into the global economy well let's turn to some banker species in the headline the first one the correlation of laughter f o m c meetings this is the central banker species the f o m c is the federal open market committee at which the poll of barrow sets global interest rates well apparently somebody had the clever idea of actually looking through the transcripts of the meetings and they found that the number of recorded laughs actually increased in frequency from two thousand to two thousand and six the peak of the global financial bubble in two thousand and one f o m c erupted into laughter sixteen point five times per meeting on average in two thousand and three it was over nineteen in two thousand and five
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twenty seven and then in two thousand and six the f o m c burst into laughter nearly forty four times per meeting yes because they should be printing money or doing something responsible but instead they're smoking this money. who are federal reserve germans who you know the problem is that the stuff can make you see hallucinations which i'm not this is the illusion is guys are selling their stone and saying. well. this is some quality money printing i can't believe this quantitative easing work and i get a nickel bag of this and you think you got my run on holy smokes. well yes so they were laughing all the way to the top here's another species a banker max it looks like these people are followers of maybe timothy leary goldman sachs enters a billion pound parallel pay universe
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a billion pound parallel universe dropped out of pain or something huge bonus until they've let me said that in between as a hit well of course many people. get a bad batch of l.s.d. often are found standing on the edge of buildings saying i'm god i could fly but that's tim geithner he's owner of the new york fed i'm flying look at things in titanic he's a titanic the entire economy sinking anything is getting a hug by leonardo dicaprio while payout by investment bank equating to two hundred thirty eight thousand per employee provokes anger among unions in the u.k. but you always do the same accept they have they would have to go off planet to pay off all the derivatives they've spun now well look i mean the unions are upset but the unions have no place at the table the unions have been. taken out of the equation many years ago this is a battle between savers versus speculators that's the battle unions and jobs are gone it's only about people who have capital want to save and get an interest rate on savings versus borrowers want to low interest rate on those things to borrow and
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speculate to build out actually max ok this brings me to the next species the banker and that's the global organizations like the i.m.f. and world bank because the i.m.f. christine lagarde said that we need to bring unions back to the table because i am a foreigner of threat to global economies posed by austerity drives reflecting the i.m.f. concern about over aggressive deficit reduction programs the joint statement said governments should manage fiscal consolidation to promote rather than reduce prospects for growth and employment it should be applied and socially responsible manner well let me explain something i'll give you a lesson in economics in twenty seconds it's centrally planned it's central bank plan it's low interest rates to favor speculators to the point where unsustainability has now gripped the global economy by the throat
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forcing one of two outcomes and there are only one of two outcomes a bank central banks begin to raise interest rates which would in fact spur interbank lending. which would be inflationary which is what they want to curb this deflationary nightmare or big they raise minimum wage they double or triple minimum wage that would also cause inflation that would also cure the problem those are the only two outcomes raise rates of interbank lending or raise minimum wage to suggest anything else. is is only favoring the speculators and the borrowers to the detriment of everybody else who's not one of those people who are borrowing with impunity with zero risk remember they're not taking risks like mitt romney over you know graduate of being capital when they were out there in the private equity space slashing and burning companies left and right remember he took
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his zero risk his cost of capital was zero and the cost of making a mistake was zero he's just a guy who steals money who doesn't drink coffee so christine lagarde is saying that governments in europe should stop cutting things and actually start investing and in particular investments to target civilians in education in the us equip people for the future but of course the last thirty years of these banking species are running the world has been the exact opposite it's been the bain capital model of extracting as much equity as possible from your community including the capital of human knowledge right well kristie look are too good for enough ammunition to duke it out there at the i.m.f. level of sums some kind of gravity to us if they're not going to raise the wages for workers or give them some education then you've got to start raising rates at the central bank level those are your two choices so present it in this way and
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give them the you know either or solution because if she just goes down one path and leaves the other one completely unguarded she will not make any traction in her argument whatsoever of course the other way to look at it is that the i.m.f. the day before had only requested an additional six hundred billion dollars from the taxpayers of the world so maybe she's trying to pretend to them make a false promise that hey we're going to invest back in new and hopefully you'll have a better future oh yeah she's she's just the stupid old the old. bag she knows what to say to get people to write the checks is a good saleswoman but she's a she's she's an assassin because these policies are killing people with her collateral damage of risk balls exploding in people's faces and destroying their lives that's terrorism well the another banking species max is the famine victim hedge funds may sue greece if it tries to force a loss so hedge funds are considering suing greece and the european court of human
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rights after greece said that they're basically demanding a fifty to sixty seventy percent haircut for these bondholders well i'm ok so the hedge funds are going to sue greece right now and then the european human rights court right because they know that they're the ones that are heading to the hague in these human rights court so the best defense is a good oftens because they're trying to deflect their prosecutions in these human rights courts they're trying to deflect this nuremberg trial for hedge funds and private equity groups like like romney's bain capital because they know that they'll be at the head at the end of a noose so they take the off and they say oh it's the greek people need to be the greeks oh we're going to sue greece because we raped and pillaged them for going to show them i mean this is an old strategy and the greek people i'm sorry that your country has been sold to fresh food franchises and cell phone networks but hey five
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thousand years of history you had a good run well i just mentioned the famine victims here is the banker who's had too many munchies i guess you could say over his lifetime surely president obama is joking about this have larry summers run the world bank thing so larry summers apparently has been is being floated as a possible world bank chief had floated floated yeah like a big giant macy's day balloon which. but the article points to a ron suskind book confidence men and it talks about some little bits from inside that book inside the obama white house and one of the interesting things is that apparently larry summers. threw major hissy fits when he was not nominated to be ben bernanke to be the central bank chief to replace alan greenspan in particular he got very angry with timothy geitner who didn't support his nomination
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so this is what he wanted to be he wanted to be the polar bureau in chief the fat cat top smoking those obama dollars who's a fatter pig is it larry summers or chris christie i have to look that up who's the biggest pig but you know the fact is that larry summers and the readers editorials in the financial times are preposterous because you keep harping on about the same thing for years now we just need to increase demand increase demand increase demand by stoking the markets with more credit and giving people more means to borrow more money to go out there and demand never to as you say that there should be maybe a supply maybe a supply of manufactured goods for example maybe savings that would create capital for your capital's model he never talks about supply he only talks about demand and how to increase demand as if we're living on a planet that can support hundreds of millions of people in the us and billions of people around the world all demanding stuff and borrowing money to get that fulfill their demand but never ever actually manufacturing
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a single thing unless you're at foxconn eight hundred thousand slaves making i pods and i pads all day so that people in new york and flash around central park with their little gadgets making googly eyes at each other even though they're supporting slave labor you know there has been a massive supply of financial products under him a massive supply of fraudulent financial products he was actually pushing alan greenspan to be less regulating of fraud and alan greenspan was one of the maestro's of allowing fraud to flourish as a way to provide liquidity to the markets ok let's examine that for a second the supply of financial products that are all based on debt and debt is the killer. of the economy and people demanding more debt is not the same thing as fulfilling a supplied car with a demand curve this guy larry summers is an abomination everything it touches turns to garbage he uses position the government to invest in things like square that new
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online start up company to insider trading inside information market manipulation another terrorist christine legarde son of all the time all states never don't go away stay right there all going to talk about more stuff you to stay there. and discover it's. communicate with you want to. test yourself and become free. see what nature can give you.
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countries make money so what else you got for me those days are over well max we've already established that the regulators bankers economists and all or all of the are there stowed in their own money supply i think we've shown a pretty convincingly. and they're all meeting in davos now here's robert johnson an economist and a former currency trader for soros another big name always appearing at davos and he says economy as a profession see how to keep economists from missing the next financial crisis notice that he says financial crisis is not financial crime wave and i think that's an important thing to think about here he says that it's all about the mathematical models in particular that we need to really look at these financial market models for instance he says tend to be constructed was building blocks that assume stable and anchored expectations but as far back as one nine hundred twenty one frank knight of the university of chicago made the useful distinction between measurable
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risk and unknown unknowns which he called radical uncertainty knights point was that in a period of radical uncertainty expectations couldn't be anchored because they have nothing to latch on to well this is an ongoing debate in economics and finance and what people fail to understand is that the liquidity the capital that's used to fuel capitalism coma's overwhelmingly from the losers the people who make losing bets the people who make losing option bets the people make the losing bets on all kinds of investments that money gets recycled into the economy and gets used by those who are able to make better bets to make better use of that capital if in fact you had an economic model that would give some predictability.
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