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tv   [untitled]    January 24, 2012 3:48pm-4:18pm EST

3:48 pm
humidity and amice ferric pressure. one team is on shift for two months. it's to sit on its way from to go to the grand northern slope the helicopter passes by and mt fished the highest point and the western ridge. it's. after an hour's trip by end dimitri and his son kid will walk about the northern sector of the caucuses
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reserve in the company of ranges the jugo weather station is now schools of coleman says away. people and animals share the only path there is in this area going to do the bison let humans approach them but most of the people traveling around there as a grange isn't holds back the last short while ago patrol duty in a different area the focus of the short distance from here they can seem on shaky show that came across nine bodies and. the lettuce come quite close to them. were only fifteen meters away. bison leaving the coaxes reserve have no enemies sometimes humans can come very close to them provided they are on horseback buses a range of dismount the bison instantly make it clear they're poised for attack.
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were. horses are the most reliable and indispensable companions when people go on long trips in the mountains only horses with good training eligible for the job. was the door to this one as cold churton ish movie he's my favorite in the resistance but we became first friends. reading him is no problem he does what he's told to do. but this one is still young stallion. so that it will let anybody touch him. look. his scared of ever.
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chel never a chair on his one of the remotest areas of the eastern sector of the caucuses reserve several reserve staff and their families live here on a permanent basis. even if the weather is warm it's only possible to reach this place with an off road vehicle. schoolchildren from a nearby village of sit by often visit reserve ranges they have organized an eco movement called the little bison. hello hello glad to see you. dear our guests. that's thorough
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but that doesn't hurt the top machine we are. churning and is the starting point of a circular route for high just only visitors with a permit and a map are allowed to enter the reserve they gear is inspected and ranges teach them the elementary rules for surviving in the mountains children from the little bison oh is welcome here they already have experience walking cross country with the children from the little mice and often cross the river in that way but it's rescaling winter time so today we're going to take a detour we'll cross the bridge and forest warden will take care of all stuff. pikas can choose between. several popular routes in different areas of the caucuses reserve.
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close to the trail stands an oval table used by ranges it's meant for hikers. and it will run from the governor here. to just him as we all know that on the eve of new yourself many low ball pick up the forage. on the side to save the green beauty is the name of a movement organized by the children so they make leaflets that of a food tree and you will note that they are right taxed on the leaflets and display them prominently in the village although. the children hope their peaceful actions will help prevent further trees from being cut down illegally to. preserve ranges however take more radical measures against
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lawbreakers their main task is finding and detaining poachers. one of the most challenging jobs takes rangers to mount yet. each time they go under a veil of secrecy regardless of day or night or the conditions they're painstaking job requires special knowledge and staying power they need to be skilled horseman as well as able to discern telltale signs showing the presence of trespasses and have no difficulty finding their bearings. and you will always be tempted to answer the reserve because beasts are easy prey here. they're not as much afraid of humans as they are elsewhere because they're under constant protection. cultures see them as enticing tidbits because hunting for them is so easy.
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as the path reaches higher altitudes one climatic zone in the mountains gives way to another here the fog that enveloped the forests in the foothills is now a distant memory there is snow on the slopes and it is much colder the caucasian mountains gradually come into view. after several attempts to find the best point for filming the landscape dimitri suddenly comes face to face with a brown bear one of the rarest and largest animals of the caucuses reserve.
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am rangers did find fresh tracks they were close to the heart where the rangers put up for the night they reported the find over walkie talkie that he would use there all threats here but the store always got from a wolf yes. keep still the workers let me see them what initially go into trucks no just those old in. the case here they are. two three three four eight calling one zero four eight calling one zero four zero zero everything's ok no poacher tracks if only some left by animals the latest tracks are those of
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wolves three of them over and out. different people visiting the coaxes nature reserve a raft of different things some seek shelter from the hustle and bustle of big cities others around the thrills only a few are able to blend in with this wonderful place and become possibly. just invested by old and yet i feel i'm an integral part of this world yet i do you well know crazy romantic. i'm nearly drowned almost frozen to death and full of cliffes already. nature is wiser than we are given her ingenuity is all pervasive. she is the creator that gave birth to us about enough but i do not let
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me bring us to ruin unless we come to our senses. and i have led them i think that's what people should devote their lives to. let's go get the book i don't know if i can cope with the task but i'm going to try.
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from american factories to foreign soil companies like apple might have been invading the usa but just about everything they produce is made in china find out why america's number one export these days just might be its job. and while american companies export labor the e.u. is banning new oil imports from iran with yet another round of sanctions but could all this tough talk with ron actually backfire well explored. and if the e.u. doesn't want the oil there are plenty of other countries who are happy to make the black gold start flowing in their direction like india and it is ready to pay big
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bucks to make that happen. it is tuesday january twenty fourth four pm in washington d.c. i'm liz wall and you're watching our table before we begin you may doe this a different look today our team america is now in high definition some of you may still be getting standard definition for some artsy programming but that will change in the coming months. well made in the usa products with that proud stamp increasingly becoming a thing of the past companies are finding it more attractive to do business overseas it's no secret that foreign labor is cheaper than hiring u.s. workers but it's much more than that it's the american system america's infrastructure workforce
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a work ethic factor is that workers and companies here in the u.s. at least as of now just can't compete with one of the labor force a skilled labor force that in china is willing to work twelve hour days lie live on site and sleep in dorms so they get the job done by working hard and working quickly so it seems the likelihood these manufacturing jobs welcome back home are slim to none and as unemployment continues to soar how is it possible for america to compete well i like to dig a little deeper into this with the help of peter schiff president of euro pacific capital. welcome to the show peter so peter this article in the new york times recently shows that while money is a part of it it's just one of the many factors when it comes to manufacturing products it's also the system the infrastructure these days china has it america does not the supply chain skilled workers so where oh where did in america lose its way what we lost its way when we lost our freedom and replace it with government
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you know jobs are our only export right now we also export a lot of dead and a lot of inflation you know if we can sip of we can export our politicians our bankers and our lawyers then maybe we can get our jobs back but the problem is the government has made it very expensive and very risky for american businesses to hire american workers and so the natural response is to outsource and to hire abroad and and that trend is going to continue and you know we're heading off the edge of an economic cliff the president is not even going to touch upon this fact when he gives the state of the union address later tonight but you know if we're going to have a healthy economy if we're going to create a productive job. i think we lost peter schiff there we were just talking about the fact that a lot of our jobs are going overseas now for. for
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a variety of reasons and we're going to discuss more of that with peter schiff in just a few moments we'll be right back stay tuned. people calling what you said for free and fair elections. and we're still reporting from the. as you can hear behind me loud explosions.
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but the capital account of crime laurie mr. welcome back to politics for that technical glitch i want to bring peter schiff president of euro capital back to the show welcome back peter as i want to continue on with this conversation so in china they not only work extremely hard in conditions americans were simply refuse to do they're also scaled workers scales that america is a workforce that lacks now on the surface this seems
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a little strange because america is one of the most highly educated company cannot contrarious. in the world we have a lot of unemployed people with college degrees so why aren't there workers qualified to fill these jobs well first of all we may have a lot of degrees it doesn't mean we're actually educated just because you get a degree doesn't mean you know anything in fact a lot of americans have the griese but have very real marketable skills the problem is it's too expensive for companies to train workers so they waste time in taxpayer money going to overpriced universities yet they can't find jobs and you know we wage is just one part of the employment cost of picture you've got regulations you've got taxes you've got litigation there are all sorts of things that the u.s. government does that prohibits americans from learning on the job that prevents companies from hiring americans they look abroad and they find it much better trained workforce because people in other countries are wasting so much time and money pursuing worthless degrees. knowledge there are actually learning skills that
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increase their productivity and so it is impossible for america to compete right now because we're at such a competitive disadvantage because of all the government that we have so we have people being trained than being educated but not not for the right things not for the things that the economy needs and i don't even know if they're educated just because you go to college and cram for some exams i mean a lot of people that graduate with a bachelor's degree they don't they might know very little about the subjects they majored it i mean ask your typical college graduate i mean all they try to do is a pastor they try to get a grade they try to study for their exams or write their papers but how much they actually retain how much a learning is actually going on at american universities i think a lot of people are there they're there for four five six years either getting dropped to go to parties they're having a good time they're cramming for their exams but all they want is
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a degree because somehow they've been conned into believing that all you need is to have some kind of degree and now you can earn a living and in fact the matter is you can't everybody's got these degrees so what are they worth would people need is real skills ah the job training where they acquire the knowledge or a skill that actually makes them more productive and that's what a lot of americans lack are those skills and once they graduate they're not going to take these low paying jobs with all those student loans they'd rather just you know collect unemployment or collect some other kind of government that government benefit and of course a lot of the companies can't even hire them even if some of these people were willing to work for lower paying jobs that they're not even available because the employers won't provide them because it actually cost too much even with the low wages when you factor in all the other government mandates and benefits and the risk of it getting in and getting a little lawsuit accomplish just as soon not even bother and just look to hire
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a broad. and a lot of college graduates being faced with this harsh realisation of the unemployment rate the highest among recent grads but peter you know has the u.s. come to the point to the real to the realization that these jobs that are now overseas that that they're just simply not coming back. well they're going to come back eventually i mean at some point this phony economy that we have where we spend borrowed money is going to implode and a lot of the service sector jobs are going to disappear and we're going to have to replace them with productive jobs the types of jobs that we lack and we're not going to be able to do that unless we dismantle much of the government that we have that is preventing us from creating those jobs and we have a lot of our workers unfortunately are employed in a very inefficient manner and it's only made possible because of the artificially low interest rates the fact they were allowed to borrow so much money from the rest of the world that we can import all these consumer goods that we can't produce but
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the world's willingness and ability to sustain this phony american economy is coming to an end when the world you know gives up and they can't promise up anymore and we can't cause them anymore with inflation then we're going to have no choice but to allow this economy to be reached to reach restructured by the market and that's going to be very painful for a lot of people they're going to have to waken to this reality and it differs dramatically from the fantasy that a lot of people harbor about the american economy and that the economy as expected to be that the main focus for tonight president obama will get his state of the union speech and and jobs as part of that and bigger picture right now as the disappearing middle class which some attribute to the fact that these jobs are going overseas and i mean if these jobs are gone what then is the alternative to bring back the jobs back the middle class well. doesn't understand
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that the reason the jobs are leaving is because politicians like him have pursued policies that have chased them out and you know this might be called the state of the union address but believe me he's not going to speak at all about the true state of this union this is all politics for barack obama he's trying to get votes he's trying to win every election so he's going to paint a rosy scenario. you know he's going to talk about what a gigantic mess he inherited and if it wasn't for him things would be so much worse and that now things are getting better the only truthful statement will be that he inherited a mess but rather than cleaning it up he made it worse and he made it worse by expanding on the very policies that produced that you know barack obama ran on a platform of changed but the only thing he changed was the size of the mistakes he's just making the same mistakes only bigger and the only thing standing between us sort of living in right now is cheap money artificially low interest rates but just like interest rates rose in greece and now they're rising in italy or spain
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they're going to rise in the united states and when they do our phony economy implodes and then we're going to have to deal with these problems peter thank you so much for for away and on all of this that was president of euro pacific capital peter schiff. well still ahead on our team vera wang alex hunter all the e.u. is now banning all new oil deals with iran but while europe fractures the relations other countries could be striking black gold with new details of that story ahead. what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to break through that sort of being made who can you trust no one who is in view with the global machinery see where we had a state controlled capitalism is called sasha's when nobody dares to ask we do our tea question morning.
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well as products are no longer made in america it seems the seeds of war are their opinion and now jumping on the bandwagon placing sanctions on iran if the west attempt to stop iran from furthering their nuclear enrichment program they are convinced the program is being used to create a nuclear weapon iran insists the program is only for peaceful purposes but it's not stopping the same sions against the country from coming but how much of an
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effect will the same sions really have on iran while if you take a look at the exports maybe not so much because as you can see behind me here the largest amount of oil actually goes to china about five hundred forty three thousand barrels each day with the second largest amount going to the e.u. turkey india japan and south korea all also export hundreds of thousands of barrels of oil from iran each day china and most of these other countries are refusing to join the oil embargo so it's pretty much just the u.s. and the european union and as you can see here the european yet the europeans make up just twenty percent of the iranian exports so what purpose what these sanctions really serve well for some insight jamal a de joins me now in studio. welcome to the show jamal so as we just saw
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most of the exports they don't even come from the european countries about eighty percent or so come from other countries which are refusing to hop on board and support an oil embargo so if so how much of an effect what these sanctions really have. we'll see what effect they have europe is the second largest buyer of iranian oil so it's going to have some impacts but. the fact the matter is you know there's a set amount of oil that's available even though there's a spare capacity that's a little bit more than the amount that iran puts into the market if you stop buying from iran and go to other sellers of oil they're going to be plenty of other countries who are going to come into iran to buy oil that's just how the market goes you're never really i don't think going to be able to cut off iranian oil completely. i think what the people who support these sanctions what they've said
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is that this is going to force you wrong to sell its oil at a discounted rate and make less money off of it so twenty per said it would have been a fact i mean just think about it in business terms if you lose twenty percent of your profits yeah it's going to hurt you but would it cripple iran in the way that the west wants to have that effect in order to put pressure on them to listen up and and kind of you know force them to do what they want to do which is stop whatever it is that they're doing with their nuclear program i think that where we're headed if this is really the goal is to is to cripple iran and we're either headed into a confrontation with with china which i don't think the u.s. can really afford right now i don't know that we have a whole lot of leverage that we can take out on china to force its companies to completely stop purchasing iranian oil or we're headed to you know a blockade which is an act of war but actually physically blocking the road from exporting its oil and it's interesting that this blockade will last only during the
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present republican presidential debate you know we saw the front runners newt gingrich or mitt romney using their usual tough rhetoric when it comes to the war with iran and supporting going to war with iran ron paul that was singing a different tune want to play that clip for you. question was you know would you go to war and he would he would go to war but you have to think about the preliminary act it might cause them to want to close the straits of hormuz and that's a blockade so paul goes on to argue that blockading iran is an act of war an act that would prompt them to respond so so are the same actions and we're going to is it just the same sions that will encourage or push iran into war or is there more to at what we constantly see in a ratcheting up of the pressure i think a little while ago it would have been nobody would have expect.


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