tv [untitled] January 24, 2012 7:48pm-8:18pm EST
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there but i'm pretty sure that this is about the less i miss the pun it is hard to love becoming like a madman does the fire. experts say that the gas burned off in nigeria would by itself be sufficient to satisfy the energy needs of the whole continent of africa billions of cubic meters that we saw in the bowels of the earth go up in smoke day and night. that famous overpressure in the pipes in reality the companies make so much money from the oil that they don't even care about the gas they pump at the same time. these massive bernal's also create acid rain so that the water from the sky is no longer drinkable. garrison in charge of site surveillance court will have a visit that we spend several hours negotiating bargaining explaining ourselves to the higher ups over the telephone. reputation and his work with amnesty
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international in particular allow us to get out of trouble. to. a former farm worker sent esteem as a leader of most of the movement for the survival of the ogoni people its founder the writer can sorrow we. denounced both the dictatorship and power in the eighty's and the ravages caused by shell the largest of the oil companies present in nigeria . in a sham trial in which he was accused of murder and despite the process stations and anger of the whole world he was condemned to death and hanged along with eight other members of the movement. which companies are selling. i did visit. several music. i want to know about them but it got that but the results is a bit. you haven't committed to
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a walk in nigeria. in is out of the month as possible. because grass isn't going to sort out going to don't come together because they know that when governments are going to get out of their minds other companies that want to articulate the problems that this is our programs. take to permanently escorted synesthete has no car no address and no children or anyone who hinders all production in nigeria is under threat of death. the village on the creek is even crossed by a highway of pipes that don't even buried. before
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we were fishing no fish. he's condemned for ever one day spiel i shall discover that he's been very. large who would see it is so with us because they are always afraid to people damages and composition. we mustn't lump everyone together not all the companies behave or have behaved as badly a shell in nigeria. it's just the worst one amongst them. offshore total allows us to go from installation to installation. the jack ryan is
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a motionless vessel position by satellite with its derrick and its pipes it conforms to the stereotypical image we have of oil drilling. beneath the boat three thousand meters of water on it or pockets or a further two thousand meters below the sea bed. and apocalyptic day in harsh conditions a few months back a crane drag three men into the sea one die. for the nigerians on board the wages are unique you earn a good living in oil whether you're black or white. so big country they got
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a big bunch of feed you know that want to. tell you it's a big country i brought us up to be. happy possibly. not about you i don't know but. on the floor below we can clearly see a pipe plunging into a pool the heart of the ship. this is the umbilical cord fixed to the seabed. inside they slide the rods that were drilled down to the deposit. and the oil is reached they install a sort of giant valve several stories high over the drilling been done it and the engineers have a very pretty nickname for it. but. the point here we are in front of the christmas tree is that when you cool it the christmas tree which you know the christmas tree is so well head and ridges and
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george i was based on you since you have all this must stay here i think. yes. i've. faced oh yeah. yeah. so if it was a. christmas tree they'd be days if i didn't spot to for the why this is it's what. has been done with the price i feel like seventh son to us about fires going on we will be to go to. my book but if i. could do this but. first this is going. to twenty feet first must be discouraged or. it was done if you go on a seven. by. seven day so. you have the money back when you vest. your. three years on
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these so it. cannot be bought with those goes to do i think make. sure celestin is continue his crusade and he takes us to an incredible spot swallowed up by the undergrowth for. the fed for way. i would read in bed that already or where. i went up by one. to three june that there are fifty six. go. if. that's why i went out with them. in that bed. i'm not so bad about you know it's about us but as i speak doesn't like my place you know going to not do it i've been there calls false you can see. used to think like you can see ya bonbon
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modern mission of free accreditation free transport charges free arrangement free. free studio child free. download free blog a lot of video for your media projects and a free media dog r t dot com. you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know. welcome to the big picture.
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from assembly lines to the unemployment line americans looking for jobs these days might be better off moving to china because u.s. companies are not bringing manufacturing back home any time soon so is this the end of the line for the american worker. and while the u.s. exports jobs the e.u. was importing trouble this time with new oil sanctions toward iraq but this tough man stance could spill out into the global gas prices well drilled into the issues . plus one country's discarded relations is another's treasure india is ready to shallow some serious nuggets for reruns of black gold we'll explain.
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and the egyptians are rolling out the carpet for a new parliament meanwhile civil unrest still grips libya two countries involved in the arab spring two very different outcomes so as the u.s. holds its breath and the world watches and we take a look at what's next for the middle east. it is tuesday january twenty fourth eight pm in washington d.c. i'm liz wahl and you're watching. well made in the usa products with that proud stamp increasingly becoming a thing of the past companies are finding it more attractive to do business overseas it's no secret that foreign labor is cheaper than hiring u.s. workers but it's much more than that it's the system america's infrastructure
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workforce the work ethic factors that companies and workers here in the u.s. at least as of now just can't compete with one is the labor force a skilled labor force that in china is willing to work twelve hour days live on site and sleep in a dorm so they get the job done by working hard and working quickly so it seems the likelihood these manufacturing jobs will come back home are slim to none and as unemployment continues to soar how is it possible for america to compete meanwhile china seems to have a wealth of jobs both for skilled and educated workers so how is it possible for america to compete well to dig deeper into this i spoke to peter schiff president of euro pacific capital and i asked him why aren't there more jobs here for those who are qualified. you may have a lot of degrees that doesn't mean we're actually educated just because you get a degree doesn't mean you know anything in fact a lot of americans have the griese but have very real marketable skills the problem
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is it's too expensive for companies to train workers so they waste time in taxpayer money going to overprice universities yet they can't find jobs and you know wages is just one part of the employment cost of picture you've got regulations you've got taxes you've got litigation there are all sorts of things that the u.s. government does that prohibits americans from learning on the job that prevents companies from hiring americans they look abroad and they find it much better trained workforce because people in other countries aren't wasting so much time and money pursuing worthless degrees in college they're actually learning skills that increase their productivity and so it's impossible for america to compete right now because we're at such a competitive disadvantage because of all the government that we have so we have people being trained than being educated but not not for the right things not for the things that the economy needs and i don't even know if they're educated just
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because you go to college and cram for some exams i mean a lot of people they graduate with a bachelor's degree they don't they might know very little about the subjects they majored it i mean ask your typical college graduate i mean all they try to do is a pastor they try to get a grade they try to study for their exams or write their papers but how much they actually retain how much alerting is actually going on at american universities i think a lot of people are there they're there for four five six years either getting dropped or go to parties they're having a good time they're cramming for their exams but all they want is a degree because somehow they've been conned into believing that all you need is to have some kind of degree and now you can earn a living and the fact the matter is you can't everybody's got these degrees so what are they worth what people need is real skills ah the. job training where they acquire a knowledge or a skill that actually makes them more productive and that's what a lot of americans lack are those skills and once they graduate they're not going
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to take these low paying jobs with all those student loans they'd rather just you know collect unemployment or collect some other kind of government government benefit and of course a lot of the companies can even hire them even if some of these people were willing to work for lower paying jobs that they're not even available because the employers won't provide them because it actually costs too much even with the low wages when you factor in all the other government mandates and benefits and the risk of it getting. a little lawsuit accomplish just as soon not even bother and just look to hire abroad and a lot of college graduates being faced with this harsh realisation of the unemployment rates highest among recent grads but peter has the u.s. come to the point to the to the realisation that these jobs that are now overseas that they're just simply not coming back. well they're going to come back eventually i mean at some point this phony economy that we have where we spend
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borrowed money is going to implode and a lot of the service sector jobs are going to disappear and we're going to have to replace them with productive jobs the types of jobs that we lack and we're not going to be able to do that unless we dismantle much of the government that we have that is preventing us from creating those jobs and we have a lot of our workers unfortunately are employed in a very inefficient manner and it's only made possible because of the artificially low interest rates the fact they were allowed to borrow so much money from the rest of the world that we can import all these consumer goods that we can't produce but the world's willingness and ability to sustain this the american economy is coming to an end when the world you know gives up and they can't promise up anymore and we can't cause them anymore with inflation then we're going to have no choice but to allow this economy to be reached to reach be restructured by the market and that's going to be very painful for a lot of people they're going to have to wake in to this reality and it differs
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dramatically from the fantasy that a lot of people harbor about the american economy and that the economy as expected to be that the main focus for tonight president obama will get his state of the union speech and jobs a part of that and the bigger picture right now is the disappearing middle class which some attribute to the fact that these jobs are going overseas and i mean if these jobs are gone what then is the alternative to bring back the jobs back the middle class well. doesn't understand that the reason the jobs are leaving is because politicians like him have pursued policies that have chased them out and you know this might be called the state of the union address but believe me he's not going to speak at all about the true state of this union this is all politics are brought obama is trying to get votes he's trying to win reelection so he's going to paint a rosy scenario. you know he's going to talk about what a gigantic mess he inherited and if it wasn't for him things would be so much worse
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and that now things are getting better the only truthful statement will be that he inherited a mess but rather than cleaning it up he made it worse and he made it worse by expanding on the very policies that produced that you know barack obama ran on a platform of changed but the only thing he changed was the size of the mistakes he's just making the same mistakes only bigger and the only thing standing between us sort of living in right now is cheap money artificially low interest rates but just like interest rates rose in greece and now they're rising in italy or spain they're going to rise in the united states and when they do our phony economy implodes and then we're going to have to deal with these problems peter thank you so much for for away and on all of this that was president of euro pacific capital peter schaeffer. still ahead on our barreling out of control that year was now banning all new oil deals with iran but while europe fractures relations other
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or opinion now jumping on the bandwagon and placing sanctions on iran if the west attempt to stop iran from furthering their nuclear enrichment program they are convinced the program is being used to create a nuclear weapon iran and says the program is only for peaceful purposes but it's not stopping the sanctions against the country from coming but how much of an effect will the sanctions really have on iran while if you take a look at their exports maybe not much as you see here about the largest amount of oil actually goes to china with about five hundred forty three thousand barrels each day but the second largest amount going to the e.u. turkey india japan and south korea all also export hundreds of thousands of barrels of oil from iran each day china and most of these countries are refusing to join the oil embargo so it's pretty much just the u.s. and the european union and as you can see here the europeans make up just twenty
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percent of the iranian exports so what purpose what the sanctions it really serve well for some insight i spoke to policy director for the national iranian american council. here is his take. we'll see what effect they have europe is the second largest buyer of iranian oil so it's going to have some impact but. the fact the matter is there's a set amount of oil that's available even though there's a spare capacity that's a little bit more than the amount that iran puts into the market if you stop buying from iran and go to other sellers of oil they're going to be plenty of other countries who are going to come into iran to buy oil that's just how the market goes you're never really i don't think going to be able to cut off iranian oil completely. i think what the people who support these sanctions what they've said is that this is going to force the ron to sell its oil at
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a discounted rate and make less money off of it so the twenty per said it would have an effect i mean just think about it in business terms if you lose twenty percent of your profits yeah it's going to hurt you but i mean what it cripple iran and the way that the west wants to have that effect in order to put pressure on them to tell listen up it and kind of you know force them to do what they want to do which is stop whatever it is that they're doing with their nuclear program i think where we're headed if this is really the goal is to is to cripple iran then we're either headed into a confrontation with with china which i don't think the u.s. can really afford right now i don't know that we have a whole lot of leverage that we can take out on china to force its companies to completely stop purchasing iranian oil or we're headed to you know a blockade which is an act of war but actually physically blocking iran from exploiting its oil and it's interesting that this blockade will last later in the
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present republican presidential debate you know we saw the front runners newt gingrich or mitt romney using their usual tough rhetoric when it comes to a war with iran and supporting going to war with iran ron paul that was singing a different tune i want to play that clip for you. question was you know would you go to vienna and he would he would go to war but you have to think about the preliminary act might cause them to want to close the straits of hormuz and that's a blockade so paul goes on to argue that blockading iran is an act of war an act that would prompt them to respond so so are the sanctions and it's going to just the same sions that will encourage our pressure iran into war or is there more to it what we've constantly seen a ratcheting up of the pressure i think a little while ago it would have been nobody would have expected that we would be imposing a embargo on all the rons exports that was not in the cards
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a year ago year ago it was a matter of trying to block iran from importing refined refined petroleum. but we've gotten so caught up in this game of whack a mole where we're trying to close off every avenue that iran may possibly have and they're constantly outsmarting and finding ways out of the same sions and then we slap new sanctions and we sort of lost sight of what is this exercise all about what are we actually trying to achieve here nobody really knows what that is is it to topple the government is it to convince the government to come to the table for talks. there isn't a clear policy directive there and the response that an iran has threatened to take was to close this critical waterway the strait of hormuz ron paul last night also went on to say that iran they really don't want to close that waterway because it's not really going to help them just as much as it's not going to help the other countries that that use this this waterway iran depends on the strait of hormuz in
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order to ship out its oil i think that the case could be made that if a successful embargoed is placed on iran then they have little incentive to keep that strait open because they're not sure they get anything out of there however i don't think that that's ever going to be the case so what i really think this is is a ratcheting. up of pressure by you braun this is the leverage that they have and the funny thing is that when you run the stuff like this it drives the cost of oil up anything that iran is losing in terms of being able to export its oil it's making up in the increase in prices because of the tension that has been ratcheted up and some and as you said this will affect oil prices in some countries and the u. e.u. are worried that this act this action well well end up hurting their own economies so i mean is this really a double edged sword very well could be a double edged sword and that's why the e.u. put a six month timeline on when they would actually put this into effect greece spain italy particularly greece are dependent on iranian oil grease buys one third of its
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oil comes from iran and they buy it on credit because nobody else is really willing to extend greece credit given their situation so six months from now the is actually going to have to make the real decision already to go through with this and is this potentially going to topple one two three economies in the eurozone iran does have leverage here and it's really a matter of at some point the parties realizing ok we have more to lose than we do to gain by continuing down this course and well with the e.u. now jumping on board. what effect do you think that will have now that the e.u. is backing the u.s. and these sanctions and the bigger picture i mean is that is that going to help relations i mean is it going to get its intended effect or really will what are the consequences of the e.u. now now joining i think that the consequence is really that we're running out of moves here on this just board every time that we take another step that's one less move that we have.
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