tv [untitled] January 24, 2012 11:48pm-12:18am EST
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reports as a form of unconstitutional detention and search in violation of our rights to be presumed innocence and our rights of privacy finally our last comment of the day is from our viewer rant line and let's just say kids should cover their ears come on you're only fooling the ignorant because you're such a god you know we're not a democracy you. can generate a constitutional republic and also. decide what the guns are for. now comparing it if i want to but they have a candy shop in washington if people decide you. were a republican not a democracy you know the republicans which sounds a lot like republican right roll that old one out with joe mccarthy and limbaugh has been hammering it for years the fact is that james madison the father of our constitution called our nation both a democracy and
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a republican various times the words were in till seven hundred eighty seven interchangeable if you were to get super technical what we really are is a constitutionally limited because our constitution limits the power of government representative because we vote for representatives not for laws democratic because majority rules republic a nation of laws of the constitution constitutionally limited democratic republic oh and leave you to. that's it for my take your take tonight if you'd like your comments and questions heard on this segment of the big picture listen up we want to know your to send us your comments by visiting the tom hartman facebook page via twitter at underscore apartment or in the chat room on the message boards or through the blog and you can also leave a message on a rant line by three six fifty three zero six agree disagree sound it's all welcome to remember that your comments may be used on the air.
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the man who is delivering the republican response to the president's state of the union address is this guy republican governor from indiana mitch daniels and the thing all americans should know is they listen to his speech is that he's a great multi-tasker because not only can he give a partisan response to the state of the union but he can also wage a war on working people at the same time on monday the indiana state senate has legislation to turn their state into a so-called right to work state that legislation is expected to pass the state house and may be signed into law soon by governor governor mitch daniels and on from that point on working people in indiana are screwed so what exactly to do right to work laws mean let's take a look inside
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a factory or call it tom's tractor company has ten employees who work there let's say a majority of them six decide that they're going to form a union under the wagner act also known as the national labor relations act passed back in one hundred thirty five you have to our administration they have the right to do just that a majority they have a union just like when i incorporated the tractor factory and got certain government protections against liability in tax benefits the workers who unionize will get certain rights as well like the right to collectively bargain with me assuming that it's my tractor factory i don't actually have one anyway and wants a majority votes to unionize then in most states all ten workers. at tom's tractor factory are now part of the union all ten workers get the benefits of the union including better pay better benefits better working conditions and all
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ten workers also have an obligation to pay dues to keep that union functioning dues by the way that these guys these ten workers set by a vote they also vote for their leaders that they vote in office it's a democracy and if a worker doesn't want to be a part of the union if he doesn't want the better pay and benefits then he has the absolute right to work anywhere else in the world except in times for tractor company but right to work laws change all that under right to work laws which came into existence in one nine hundred forty seven under the taft hartley act it was passed by republican house and senate over the veto of president harry truman when a majority of workers vote to join a union and the shops gets he gets unionized those who don't want to pay union dues don't have to even though they get the benefits of all the bargaining and all the other work that the union does for them so those four employees of tom's tractor company who don't want to pay for the union will still get the better pay and wages
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but they don't have to contribute a dime to it what happens when that happens while the union loses it loses money it loses people the workers turn on each other until eventually the union collapses and then of course wages go down benefits are wast and working conditions think again this is exactly what's played out in states that have so-called right to work laws or as they should be called right to work for less law us right now there are twenty two states that have right to work for less laws indiana would become the twenty third state. and here are the facts about these states these right to work for less states on average workers in the right to work for less states make five point five thousand three hundred thirty three dollars a year less than their counterparts in freberg and states twenty one percent of
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those workers twenty percent excuse me twenty one percent more people in the right to work for latin for less states lack employee coverage health insurance in the right for work for less kid states compared to freberg and states poverty is two point three percent higher in right to work for less states and looking at numbers from the bureau of labor statistics incidents of workplace deaths and injury are fifty one percent higher in the right to work for less states than in states that don't have the right to work for less laws so basically you have a right to work for less a right to work without health care a right to work in poverty and a right to work in a dangerous environment thanks to laws like mitch daniel will probably be siding later this week that they call a right to work and here's what's really troubling once indiana passes this law it'll be the first state in this region a manufacturing bill to pass
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a right to work for less law and this is where unions were born actually up and up into wisconsin as well it's becoming the place where unions are dine. and as a result the middle class has to. as this chart shows as union membership has declined in america so too has the middle classes share of annual income we need to put an end to this war and unions just recently in wisconsin we saw the power actually let me just this is this is unionization and wages notice a correlation just recently in wisconsin we saw the power of the labor movement when it fought back against governor scott walker and collected over a million signatures to recall him from office we now need that same energy in indiana governor mitch daniels is a rising star in the republican party and we need to turn him into the next scott walker unions are literally democracies in the workplace and we have to
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save them if we want to restore a strong middle class to america. as the big picture for tonight for more information on the stories we covered visit our website to thom hartmann dot com free speech dot org and. also check out our two you tube channels or a link to tom hartman dot com this entire show is available as a free video podcast on i tunes and we have a free tom hartman i phone and a brand new i pad app at the app store. you can send his feedback at twitter at tom underscore hartmann on facebook at tom underscore our on our blogs message boards and telephone comment line at thom hartmann dot com. and don't forget democracy begins when you show up it begins when you stand up and say right to work right to work i think no that's right to work for less let's change our language when you say yeah it's a democracy and a republic when you participate when you show up in movement politics when you go
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out of occupy something when you show up at the one of the political parties and say yeah i'm here i want to be a delegate i want to be a precinct committee person when you volunteer when you're there get out there and get active tag your it will see it. there are those he desperately needed to survive. these local is the to give money to look. good when the fisa law to suppress is the prize the rights of the few for . those who don't get their share of the traits.
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good by download you've got. people that he's i mean you'll go last but look the one that is that people need to know about it i mean that we look at. from the company from. those who suck it out to prosper. side the seeds and say. probably not. see. life license and. no one can live without it's in one of the largest blood banks in the world. blood of nigeria. on our t.v. .
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wealthy british style. that's not on the times. markets why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report on r g. p well into the future of science technology innovation all the latest developments from around russia we've got the future covered.
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with the u.s. economy still on the ropes president obama pledges another program to change during his annual state of the union address. in libya gadhafi loyalists claim they're in control of the town of bani walid and the country's interim rule a struggle to keep the peace. and coming full circle into a square thousands of egyptian protesters angry and reform are expected in central cairo as the country marks the first anniversary of its rising.
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business desk while entrepreneurs are surging around the world russia is lagging behind not only its bric countries but the majority of its european states. program . twelve news and much more twenty four hours a day you're watching welcome as the u.s. presidential race a picks up pace ahead of november's vote rock a bomber is trying to ratchet up support for reelection he's just a bit his annual state of the union address where he made new promises of change ahead. and has been listening in. this was president obama's last state of the union address before he runs for re-election so his goal was to highlight his achievements and lay out new promises as far as the message policies he speech was full of heartfelt success stories about the economy and jobs creation but there is
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a lot of skepticism among american social inequality in america is now at a level unseen since the great depression the top one percent of the wealthiest in the country are making a killing while the middle class is shrinking dramatically and that gap is getting wider american jobs are being outsourced to other countries president obama's state of the union speech sounded motivational full of good intentions but the fact that almost all his major economic initiatives got bogged down in congress like the jobs act that he put forward last year is giving a sense to many that he might be saying all the right words but they may not be necessarily followed by it's on the foreign policy front he ran on promises to end wars but while he pulled troops out of iraq and started winding down the war in afghanistan with a pledge to bring all troops home by two thousand and fourteen america's wars didn't stop president obama bombed levy a last year to the tune of bringing about democracy also the u.s.
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may now be on the verge of an all out confrontation with iran and in the speech he once again said all options are on the table washington is now actively building up its military presence in the persian gulf region new u.s. drone bases are popping up in the arabian peninsula so we see that while president obama went through with the promises to scale back on the record of ghana's that he's been actively building up a platform for possibly new wars president obama certainly prides himself on his role in killing osama bin laden and a number of other terrorists but the means by which the u.s. is going about the task of chasing down terrorists raises a lot of red flags so some experts argue that what washington is doing is fighting terror and provoking terror at the same time but in president obama's presentation everything sounds just great on the war on terror front. time to check out now let's break down the president's a state of union address with that us professor paul sheldon foote from california state university joins us live now did the president's speech today about tax
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potations of the american people do you think no it was is typical very big cheerleaders political spin. republican governor mitch daniels expressed it well saying it's not truthful and that the only correct way of describing the state of the union is the word grave. well he have obama has proposed raising of taxes for the rich that will go down well with ordinary american went to congress support that idea well of course it's popular at the ordinary american but what obama failed to say in expressing his great desire for fairness is that nearly half of americans pay zero income taxes that's not fair and he doesn't dare say that he will put in a flat rate system in which everyone pays their fair share and so while it is very popular to say will increase taxes on the rich does it mean that we will no longer
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allowed to doctrines for investments in tax free federal and you know small bombs if so that will raise the cost of the federal and state borrowing and then already to the cost of debt and we will be in even deeper trouble than leonardo so he doesn't go into these kind of details and he's very selective about his choices or examples. the president has or has recently authorized the u.s. minutes to detain terror suspects indefinitely without charges. how's that going to affect his chances of re-election. i don't think he's worried about his chances a reelection the republican party is badly divided you have those who support run all the libertarian republicans who don't want the endless wars and the endless debt and they will never vote for any other republican candidate and then you have the neoconservatives the zionists the christian zionists who are supporting the other republican candidates and they will never vote for ron paul. so if i were
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obama i would just. make a few minor proposals for changes between out on election day and sit back and just say i'm going to win the election i think he feels very comfortable but relection and you mention endless wars that that end bomb us pledge to cut down on military spending but the war in afghanistan rages on doesn't it ten and washington's gathering forces for a possible strike on iran even all of those two positions compatible no they're not they're very contradictory and he used the cute little code phrase that we're going to have an enduring relationship with in a stand which means we're going to have bases in that country and stay there for ever whether they want to serve. likewise he said regional gadhafi syria's next did if iran doesn't behave there the after that so. it is totally contradictory to say that he's going to be able to pay down the american debt and
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expand government spending programs domestically with savings from bringing in soldiers older mors what in fact he has plans to expand what he didn't mention try to find a me also said that we have a pacific strategy and the world will know that we are number one. that was a thinly veiled threat against china even i mean how insane can you be china's holding more than a trillion dollars of our debt we've got tens of thousands of factories there we're highly coordinated do it depended upon them though and he's threatening them to ok so back back on the on the home front and looking ahead to november as it does the democratic party still hot what it takes to stain charge on the white house will will people feel it's time to give the republicans another chance is there any difference. the warmongers of the republican
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party are no different. pointed it out himself he said that many republicans are big spenders too and he was trying to claim the he admired most of all republican president abraham lincoln who said that you only provide is this little government as people really need he was going to be a fiscal conservative been compared to the warmonger neo conservatives he's telling the truth it's. ok me to death now life in the u.s. that was kind of funny estate investing professor paul sheldon fit thank you. well you are with r.t. and still to come on the program a meeting of money tree mines the business and banking elite descend on down the us for the world economic forum find out how much focus will fall on reforming the global financial system. searching for a fair salary while a legal loophole in india has left many without jobs or
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a stable income. there is confusion over events in the libyan town of bani walid out among gadhafi loyalists seized the city on monday killing five people and injuring twenty five in clashes with government forces but libya's interior minister said it's actually not clear who controls the city claimed clashes erupted you two internal problems and were between rival militias. elders in the town said they'll now point to their own local representatives ject interference interim authorities fighters for the national transitional council have now set up checkpoints outside the town it comes as the m.d.c. has been struggling to unify its armed forces and protests in several cities across the country and prompted the council chairman to warn of a possible civil war let's go to the journalist simon ourselves many libyans are not getting what they. think about revolutions is they're not simply passive events
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there is a whole awakening of a population in the middle east but also libya and people saying well this is not what we have not prizing for and the victims themselves you know the victims the new victims the old supporters of the old regime saying well you talk about democracy where is our inclusion in this so you get the sense there is this fracturing the new electoral law is very. going to put it has made people very very unhappy it seems there is a reintroduction of tribalism and patronage networks and so on and so you know. that there is a lot of this quiet in every corner of libya at the moment it's a truism that there's no such thing as a clean civil war the most. brutal affairs and so you so you can imagine. nato but i don't need to imagine made to really pushed the envelope and they broke the resolution they were there to defend civilians that was the mandate and they were essentially became the rebel rebels air force and so they were attacking in the all you know almost total annihilation of very messy very brutal and i think
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there's quite a lot of acts of revenge taking place as well but we have more news and stories few on our website at r.t. dot com here's a look up what you can find there right now trading real gold of black gold iran has reportedly bypassed the latest round western sanctions by accepting the precious metal as payment would spoil exports also. on online source to another pound of russia's most popular social networking site devoted donors to wikipedia find out why a party dot com. now egypt's military really has announced that their country's decades long stated emergency will be partially lifted on wednesday as one of the key demands of
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thousands of protesters who are marking the first anniversary of the uprising that toppled president barack for many who continue to demand that the army steps down it's still not enough for national reports now from cairo. a year after its historic revolution egypt is far from calm protests have become a part of everyday life and no longer in event one of the revolutions most significant achievements. what we could never believe more would come out and speak out like. that there are several reasons for egypt's people to take out to the streets following the uprising that ousted mubarak last february the country's economy is struggling unemployment is at its highest in decades and while the movie and act it is the us dominated parliament debate the country's future resentment grows against a military rule and the feeling they hijacked the revolution was organised we want
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them to do what the military should do it protect its citizens and neutral the country. in want to be sure that there will not destroy our lucian's achievements they betrayed us. the military dominated egypt's politics since the fall of the monarchy sixty years ago some skeptics say the twenty eleven revolution did little to change this trend. when mubarak toppled down people welcome to the supreme council of the armed forces to lead the transition but they nissho euphoria began to fade when the military council was still in place six months later after one bloody crackdown on peaceful protesters after another claiming at least eighteen lives since october there isn't any doubt left here scaf should go i believe that they're there i mean our life i believe that we don't want them anywhere here in this chair that's what i believe in the words and that's what most
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of what all i know believe and we will work in whatever happens as these are works with and discovered are scared because he blew in arabic or army lawyers campaign they work to reveal the army's wrongdoings between female a. activists attacking field hospitals and conspiracy theories under the military council twelve thousand people have been brought to build two trials that's against less than two thousand and thirty years staff claim to leave when the new president is elected to do but few believe the promises that once were broken so easily some also fear that a dangerous may stay on behind the scenes reluctance to relinquish the power they've had for decades with protests pushing them to leave one thing is clear the fight is not yet over grief notion r.t. cairo. well egypt now has a new do that parliament with
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a muslim brotherhood holding majority of seats they almost said it would give up power once a new president is sworn in after june poll when the crosstalk program later people of ellen his guests to debate the country's future here's a preview for you. if the united states wants to ingratiate themselves with the egyptian people what they've got to do is we've got to offer humanitarian aid we've got to offer loans. and services to the egyptian people and not so much you know cut the government but i very much you think it's on their side in a way and we wish nothing but the best for you now but well i don't i think most egyptians don't believe that ok after thirty years it's hard for them to believe that the last twelve months hasn't changed and i think that's why we've got a lot of work to do here a lot of. what are these real intentions if you just leave egypt alone completely and let them decide for themselves let them decide their own foreign policy if they want to tear up the peace treaty with israel i should be very i mean you're saying there is in effect ourselves it should be there is politics but there's
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a lot of humanitarian relief that we can help and that's the kind of work we should be doing. members of the well as the business elites have gathered in davos switzerland to assume the group of deals and discuss the so vacation of populism in the process down to a world economic forum has opened its doors to top business people and decision makers well to learn the stars the details all right i'm here i made it to davos i'm at the world economic forum my first time i'm not alone though it turns out morgan stanley's c.e.o. says first time i would shows the caliber of the people that are here ok these are much of the corporate elite much of the global elite when it comes to wealth power all of that so they're all gathered here the question is what is davos man got on his agenda this year now of course the unofficial business is what davos is really become known for in many respects that's what you hear about that makes it worth all of the money that some of these corporations shell out to be here is the
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networking and the deals that are done in private parties you know off the record in hallways in lobbies so this is where a lot of the global one percent or some of them at least a presumably are doing business according to past reports ironically on the actual official agenda this year is the big topic of capitalism and if it is or ambling what its future is and what the solutions to its problems are so schwab the founder of the world economic forum has said that we can't think of this is business as usual anymore that capitalism in its current form has no place in the world around us talking about much of the of the discontent we've seen over in quality that we've seen with the occupy wall street movement which is on the agenda when some of these sessions are talking about remodelling capitalism occupy is one of the things that they're talking about interesting lee though none of those activists are invited to the forum to have that discussion but they are.
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