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tv   [untitled]    January 25, 2012 11:00am-11:30am EST

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american jobs are being outsourced to other countries president obama's state of the union speech sounded motivational full of good intentions but the fact that almost all his major economic initiatives got bogged down in congress like the jobs act that he put forward last year is giving a sense to many that he might be saying all the right words but they may not be necessarily followed by demons on the foreign policy front he ran on promises to end wars but while he pulled troops out of iraq and started winding down the war in afghanistan with a pledge to bring all troops home by two thousand and fourteen america's wars didn't stop president obama bombed levy last year to the tune of bringing about democracy also the u.s. may now be on the verge of an all out confrontation with iran and in the speech he once again said all options are on the table washington is now actively building up its military presence in the persian gulf region new u.s. drone bases are popping up in the arabian peninsula so we see that while president obama went through with the promises to scale back on iraq and afghanistan he's
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been actively building up a platform for possibly new wars president obama certainly prides himself on his role in killing osama bin laden and a number of other terrorists but the means by which the u.s. is going about the task of chasing down terrorists raises a lot of red flags so some experts argue that what washington is doing is fighting terror and provoking terror at the same time but in president obama's presentation everything sounds just great on the war on terror front because it will come out of the reaction of obama's speech coming up later in the program to. the expose some of the world's darkest secrets and soon you'll get the chance to find that even more when the world's most famous whistle blower launches a world show on his son's exclusive series will premiere in march the world's readers are already abuzz about who the wiki leaks founder is set to interview plenty of people lined up london correspondent laura smith reports. basically we
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knew that asked and wanted to wanted to write and host his own interview show and we made it happen this is going to be broadcast on r.c. it's going to focus of course on us ologies favorite topic control fifty two thousand and eleven was a soldier's year his name became one of the most famous in the world and indeed it became a byword for for explosive control to see when he released the biggest ever set of us the documents by his web site wiki leaks he's going to be interviewing a series of what he called iconoclasts visionaries and power insider than he's going to talk about how to shape the vision of a brighter and better tomorrow that as i say is going to be focused on r.t. and we are hoping that it will be as explosive as the release of those documents was via wiki leaks we can't see any reason why it wouldn't be hundreds of articles from all around the world local newspapers international newspapers everybody seems
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to be talking about this because the twist is there is a light with rumors about the show relation about who might be interviewed by julian ourselves and of course he is a massive name but that's not the only reason why this will be fascinating it's going to be filmed where assault has been subject to strict bail conditions things like signing in to the police station every day being essentially under house arrest under the spell conditions for the last four hundred fourteen days even though no charges have been filed the first episode is also going to be shot a week before his supremes court hearing to fight against his actual decision to sweden for questioning on alleged sexual assault charges so as i say no use of rumors about what's going to go on he says going to be a new type of television of course he's no stranger to being on the other side of the interview is table i've interviewed him myself but if you want to find out exactly what's going on you're going to have to stay here on r t my lips are sealed
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so for all the details and the guests we can't reveal at the moment that the secret but we will be having exclusive trailers and previews here on r.t.c. watch this space. we will indeed laura smith there now r t s news executive nicholai burger chain describes how the network signed up julian assange to britain there were quite interesting discussions we said in our office after christmas sharing ideas about the show's possibilities and obviously it would be and it channels we right now to get our signage but i think it's quite natural that his show will be on our t.v. i mean r.t. always tries to go beyond that to see other sides of any news story and shoulder real reasons behind the news that you would see on mainstream china when we talk. you know was very calm and relaxed which you would expect of course from someone who's been under house arrest for more than four hundred days he was very full of ideas and some of them were born as we talked so i think this will be
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a very hard hitting show. and there at one of our news executives over to you we will know what you think about what topics you'd like to see during this tackling exposing his new t.v. series here on this channel in march this is what you're telling us this hour the votes so almost evenly split just over a third of you believe he should focus on who really rules the mainstream media a good question thirty percent think the series should focus on the nato war machine agenda and the same number of you this i would like to see as julie exposes the world bank's new rules the remaining seven percent of you should see the wall them to expose who controls the internet again another big one tell us what you want to you'd like to see tackled of the show you've made your choice know it r.t. dot com we're listening. back to our top story now shall we as promised. more thoughts about obama's state of the union address there's talk now than jeremy corbin is a labor of the member to stop the war coalition mr corben very good evening good to
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see you in london they're a barber said earlier on that america remains the one indispensable nation in world affairs but we know washington faces opposition on very many major issues thinking syria thinking or ran from countries like russia and china are america's ambitions justified. well i find the speech really brought strange for a country that's just gone up to sixteen trillion pounds of debts it seems to be very strange to then be presenting yourself as a military power with the more ambitions for greater military power around the world tense obama's speech last month of expanding u.s. military operations all over the pacific region and then his statement iran would never possess nuclear weapons were going the wrong i don't want to iran or anybody else possess nuclear weapons. through the straits of hormuz last week was a provocation. and i just hear the drums of war building up again approximate
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is very very disappointing. us is still the biggest military power in the world. and seems to be a problem. in his inability to rein in the whole military industrial complex you know we're really talking about iran let's focus on the number of things to talk about as well but let's think about iran since that. happened and since the the pressure ramped up in the straits of hormuz that we've also heard the u.s. defense department is well admitting that they think is building a nuclear weapon quite so why is the tension still so high. seems to me the is the term for another enemy they had afghanistan and that has not been a success they have iraq which is. success they have libya and look at the internal
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problems and the civil war that is happening in libya so they need to look for another enemy but this one has been slowly very well choreographed build up towards the tensions with iran we have increased naval presence in bahrain and in the gulf we have the support of saudi arabia and the gulf cooperation council to solve the whole political build up european union then piled in with sanctions against iran we now have the sanctions against oil products from iran the west saudi arabia and iran for the gap and we just see this pressure and now the admission that they are not building a nuclear weapon and not wanting to build a nuclear weapon must be very inconvenient but it won't stop them doing the same remember colin powell before iraq in two thousand and two with all the stuff about chemical weapons in iraq jeremy obama also said america's world styling is the highest in years and old alliances a struggle overseas going to pick up his part obviously is going to pick up
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a position now if he wanted to run for office but do you agree with that assessment thinking for instance you're based in britain britain was one of america's oldest allies. well indeed britain is very close in the military and political sense of the united states and bush was extraordinary popular all around the world including in this country there was enormous goodwill towards barack obama when he came here he was very well received but quite honestly the rhetoric of obama and the soaring off of obama doesn't fit in with the reality of his presidency as i said before is still open he's proposing another generation of weapons they're proposing continuing to increase military expenditure around the world and now the threat with iran and i just really wonder where all this leads to more briefly what we think america's standing here how america's standing around the world is low because. ok i just want to ask. whatever subject in the last thirty seconds we got
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into syria looking at where things may go he also mentions syria saying that the assad regime will soon discover quote so that the forces of change of course the arab spring cannot be reversed because that seal assad's fate. i think unfortunately it looks to me as though they're building up for some kind of military intervention i think they will try and use proxy parties to attack iran as is happening at the present time and i think the maybe a danger of the useful proxy force in syria yes i want human rights yes i want democracy but yes i think the people of the country should decide their own future states and not nato and not the west to recall the very grateful sort some of it against the number of the stop the war coalition joining us from london. coming up soon on this channel keep the business world's top tier ticking along the world's economic elite set out to tackle the eurozone recession and make some profit along the way while those worst hit by financial troubles for themselves locked up as we
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report. next tens of thousands of egyptians are in cairo right now connacht area square to mark a years since the uprising that toppled president mubarak but there's another reason. almost thirty years of emergency rule was partially been lifted of those some key police powers will remain as we've been reporting over the last twenty four hours as. this a very good evening to you we're seeing thousands of people in tahrir square again the year wrong but it's more of a frustration than celebration isn't it phyllis said. right on the lifting of that emergency law or at least partially is not going to be enough for these tens of thousands of protesters that have come to talk we are just want to step out of the sun and give you an idea of how packed this is where is this for them is of course where it all started tons of thousands of people if not hundreds of thousands in fact up rear is packed to its max hundreds of people cannot get onto the square and
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in fact there are reports from the egyptian health ministry that some eighty six people were injured when one of the stages collapsed dozens of those people were taken to hospital it's just reports for now i was just on the square and it did seem like things were very calm but people extremely for us. freighted extremely passionate and really sick of the fact that the what they say is their original goal for this revolution was to take down the regime and their goal is still very much just that to take down the regime they do not want the army running their country although the military rulers have made some concessions it is just not enough for these people these are most certainly people are on top here today will say the biggest protests since the fall of hosni mubarak and what we're hearing people will not give up until this regime comes down as well my colleague mary of the notion has been speaking to people now take a closer look at why for egyptians the revolution is still very much alive.
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a year after its historic revolution egypt is spawn from calm protests have become a part of everyday life and no longer an event one of the revolutionists most significant achievements. we could never believe we would come out and speak out like this there are several reasons for egypt's people to take out to the streets following the uprising that ousted mubarak last february the country's economy is struggling unemployment is at its highest in decades and while the newly elected islam is dominated parliament debates the country's future resentment grows against michiru and the feeling they hijacked the revolution possibility we want them to do what military should do it protect its citizens and the country. i want to be sure that there will not destroy our lucian's achievements they betrayed us. the military dominated egypt's politics since the fall of the monarchy sixty
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years ago some skeptics say the twenty eleven revolution did little to change this trend when mubarak toppled down people welcomed the supreme council of the armed forces to lead the transition but the initial euphoria began to fade when the military council was still in place six months later after one bloody crackdown on peaceful protesters after another claiming at least eighty lives since october there isn't any doubt left here scaf should go voices of the protesters against it louder but fear isn't growing as well that they may never be heard. and to scoff a scary cuz aboon arabic or army lawyers campaign they work to reveal the army's wrongdoings between our female activists attacking field hospitals and conspiracy theories under the military council twelve thousand people have been brought to military trials that against less than two thousand in mubarak's thirty years i
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believe that there are life i believe that we don't want them anywhere here in this chair that's what i believe and that's that's what most of what all i know believe and we will work whatever happens scott claim it to leave when the new president is elected in june but few believe the promises that once were broken so easily some also fear that the generals may stay on behind the scenes reluctance to relinquish the power they've had for decades with protests pushing them to leave one thing is clear the fight is not yet over. r.t. cairo. well we invite you to head to r.t. dot com for the latest from egypt as well as thoughts on what the revolutions really brought there well you're online you might be interested in these stories as well on our web site us tightening the noose around net freedom but america's former spy chief has come clean about cyber snooping and even digital attacks in other countries really interesting read on line from us tonight in north korea. big
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business gets one over on the politicians a rant is the sanctions do little to stop western oil giants trading with to run again you find out the details about that at r.t. dot com. as the world's business top brass descends on switzerland some of the so-called one percent saying capitalism is widening the pit of inequality but economic elite from around forty nations davos economic forum are out to save the financial system stem the crisis and of course seal a few lucrative deals to his loyalists the ski resort forest where she also made a few who were locked out of the talks. it's certainly on the agenda talk of remodelling capitalism debate about capitalism and they can talk all they want though you have to wonder how serious people are about that discussion when many of the corporations that are present here are those that have benefited from this this type of capitalism so although klaus schwab the founder of the world economic forum
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has said that capitalism in its current form has no place in the world around us these are the corporations and banks that are represented here many of which have benefited from government bailouts in the case of banks from central bank easy money policies in the case case of many banks and corporations so whether or not these are the right people to be having that conversation to be talking about reform i'm not quite sure you also have to remember that while the official genet agenda yes deals with capitalism the unofficial agenda of davos is very much about making corporate deals and that might in fact the official agenda as you can probably recall some corporations here shell out up to three hundred thousand dollars for a membership to the world economic forum in order to be here they're shelling out that kind of money presumably for more than to talk about capitalism there have been reports in the past every year of the deals that go on the networking of this some sixteen hundred business leaders including a thousand executives they're here at davos some of these sessions dealing with remodeling capitalism specifically talk about the occupy movement is identifying
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some of these problems with capitalism that they're supposed to be talking about here at this forum bailouts inequality those being some of the issues however none of the occupy activists have been invited they're building igloos not too far from where the davos forum is taking place they're very much highlighting this occupy movement that is swept the globe klaus schwab was asked about that he said it's hard to identify a leader that was his excuse we're not likely to see them here unless of course mr schwab himself goes down to those igloos and maybe recruits if you so that we do hear those voices inside the fore. and if it does we'll report it now russia's president says he's willing to meet with opposition members including representatives of those who protested against what they called the unfair parliamentary vote to make him a very of also promise that an exciting political season set to follow the upcoming presidential elections bring us up to date on this story ati's peter oliver tonight . one of the main points that president medvedev made today was that it's well he
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really isn't done with politics just yet now of course he will step down in the role of president but he has said he hinted that perhaps he could appear on the ballot paper again going to see me office now. that to me a putin has said should he be elected as president in march his elections then he will make to me to get if his prime minister something which meant that if they accept it now it could have as has said though that no matter what happens in the elections in march he will remain in politics now he also said that he was willing to meet with the leadership of the opposition leadership and the leaders behind protests which took place following the pollard mentary elections we saw in december here in russia now he said he wasn't willing to meet with individual protesters but that organizes those people behind the protests that he was willing to sit down with them and discuss their grievances. this was an address by the
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president to a group of journalism students at a moscow university plenty things that were being discussed one of them was the case of. the president saying that the holocaust the case shouldn't become a political football it shouldn't be politicized and also dismissed rumors they've been circulating that last summer he had planned to release the jail tycoon he said there is no truth in that whatsoever because he's too generous and students that he was speaking to and the subject of journalism and the media did crawl put the president made good of saying that there was too many state owned television stations in russia and that they really need to cut down the number of those perhaps only having worn as the mouthpiece of the government and to have more private television companies and more private news stations in the country our correspondent paper all of one has run the world now take you to syria first the security forces clashed with opposition groups in the central city of homs. after talk to persuade militants to lay down their arms. gulf nations pull their
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observers syria now even though the mission had been extended for another month it was set up to monitor the regime's compliance with an arab league plan to end the violence in time the head of syria's red crescent shot dead and on wednesday the un now estimating that more than five thousand people have been killed in the country in the past ten months. at least twenty three of died in a tribal region near the pakistani afghan border when soldiers clashed with militants officials say six of the dead were pakistani troops who were attacked by taliban fighters during a search operation pakistan's been battling against groups linked either to the taliban or al qaeda in the area for several years now. rachel ray's pool widespread close to southeastern australia several local rivers have broken the banks causing landslips and flash floods over four thousand residents been ordered to leave their homes in the state of new south wales alone with more heavy downpours and strong winds forecast for the area straight he was also hit by devastating floods last
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year you may recall that time it killed thirty five people. one of russia's richest men wants to be the country's next president we talk to him shortly on r.t. also ahead in the next thirty minutes sport with you including good news for russian tennis star maria sharapova at the australian open but it's business next to me to see it. thanks kevin malone welcome to business see optimism is in short supply in the swiss town of the fate of the year it swing heaviest online so the economic four main theme and maybe how to create a fairer world but for many the more pressing question is how to fix this one financier george soros believes european policymakers are not helping. it is germany that dictates european policy because at times of crisis the creditors are in the driver's seat the travel is that the austerity
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that germany wants to impose real a push europe into a deflationary that spiral economic deterioration and a process a process of political and social disintegration will mutually reinforce each other. well those sentiments of found an echo in russia's top banker the head of the burbank herman grass believes a european policymakers should not focus on keeping all the current members in the single comes. from going through. the euro will have a say i think the situation would be improved if several countries left the single currency this is a key year for the eurozone in terms of making citizens and understanding the new reality separately economic relations between russia and the e.u. become more closely integrated i think the current difficult situation in europe
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will encourage it to explore the growth potential we are merging markets like russia of the former soviet states and turkey. for the markets now on our team you start with commodities so well as somewhat recovered since we last looked at it still down fourteen cents as australia said it will join europe and radiant oil but this is being offset by rising u.s. stockpiles are. moving on to stocks now in the u.s. markets are mixed still as pending home sales came in with a decline from a nineteen month high the nasdaq is being propelled by apple shares which are gaining six point eight percent this hour after a press of earnings. in europe the picture is pretty negative mostly weighed down by pharmaceutical and telecommunications companies shares of ericsson tumbled more than fourteen percent of one point after the from avoided a sixty five percent profit decline for the fourth quarter banks are also under
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pressure one of the few upbeat stocks is their holdings it's three point one percent london bored by robust earnings from apple yet again. and this is the closing picture in a rush and it's all pause here with the r.t.s. gating one point three percent of my six point seven percent led by a bank's mosley's take a look at them burbank gaining more than two percent. even more than that three point three. per cent they are rallying on improving sentiment about the euro zone's a debt crisis but lukoil among energy shares was losing point two percent of the close. the ruble as said new highs for twenty twelve against the dollar and euro in my six trading take what is the squeeze on the russian banking sector driven by tax payments and the oil prices have been supporting the currency in the eurozone slowdown against all of the european central bank was said to be opposed to restructuring it's a greek forms. all right to business will be back in one hour so i fifty five
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minutes to be exact with an update. we have seen the damage it has done to acknowledge the environment more family calls what the poor probs we do not want any more and no deal molds.
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our core system it's just there was a dismal experience and i'm just i'm just appalled but that's allowed to go on america. eating this unfortunately because we don't know what's in it there's no labeling there for it being used like the board to experiment you could be used as guinea. pigs now we have more questions than we have access to guards in flight.
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time our top stories for you president obama kicks off his campaign to stay in the white house using the state of the union address to pledge to save the economy he says successes and promises billions of new jobs but critics say it doesn't quite reflect reality. tens of thousands of egyptians are back on tahrir square marking years since the uprising that toppled president mubarak's thirty year rule but
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frustration along with celebration because of dragging reforms. and the world's top will suppliers to get others to spill the beans on t.v. is julian assange. an interview show right here on r t we can leaks founder expose some of the world's darkest secrets in his new series is set to premiere on this channel in march. next with russians heading to the polls in march as well to elect a president we talked to one of the registered candidates for the race he's a tycoon and owner of the new jersey nets basketball team. tells us his plans for russia as he makes his first bid for the country's top job. mr prothero.


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