tv [untitled] January 25, 2012 6:48pm-7:18pm EST
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nies mainstream media hosts out there chris matthews he's the host of two very well known shows and he seems to know his stuff when it comes to politics at least the horse race part of it so not only is he worked as a journalist and reporter on capitol hill for decades but he even spent some time in politics as a speechwriter for president carter and as a top aide to speaker tip o'neill so with his wealth of knowledge of course he was tapped to weigh in on president obama's speech last night along with the rest of n.b.c.'s all star team however one part of obama's state of the union address really stuck with chris matthews. this thing that came out of nowhere to be having worked up there for all those years and covered it insider trading by members of congress i mean they much to the wind must have come out of that when they heard that here's a trike it's an attack institutionally against them that there is some sort of insider trading going on up there where they're benefiting from their knowledge of what's going on in committee work and going off and investing quickly in some sort of day trading or whatever on stocks i have never heard any reference to it before
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in my life anything they were else notice how shocked he looks when he's discussing this he even goes on to say that lots of politicians and their significant others are going to be blown away by what obama is talking about insider trading you know this is tough stuff and i wonder what he's up to if he's got something that he's going to work on here but i'll tell you the members of congress and their wives their spouses must have heard that and when they go home they must be saying what's this the president's talking about insider trading on capitol hill to do something about it dear. while matthew is really just blown away all the records of the insider trading and in fact he speaks about it as if he's reciting the lessons from a textbook but guess what pres nobody's going to get in question about it tonight when they go home because everybody already knows about it and the whole problem is that it's illegal but he is imus n.b.c.'s go to guy for anything relating to d.c. in politics so how could matthews have missed the major story that c.b.s.'s sixty
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minutes did just back in november where they put the spotlight on these questionable practices. for example insider trading on the stock market if you are a member of congress those laws are deemed not to apply so congressman get a pass on insider trading they do the fact is if you sit on a health care committee and you know that medicare for example is considering not reimbursing for certain drug that's market moving information and if you can trade stock off of that information and do so legally that's a great profit making opportunity and that sort of behavior goes on or does congress get out now the two month old report goes on to highlight how house speaker john boehner former house speaker nancy pelosi and spencer baucus are all engaging in these practices on a regular basis. these meetings were so sensitive that they would actually call for skate cell phones and blackberries going into those meetings what we know is that those meetings were held one day and literally the next day congressman baucus
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would engage in buying stock options based on apocalyptic briefings that he had have the day before from the fed chairman in the treasury secretary i mean talk about a stock tip well congressman yes it was a story that will have basically all of capitol hill buzzing l. that house financial services committee even held a hearing proposed legislation to force politicians to comply with insider trading laws there's even a bill that's been in the works since two thousand and six that is years before sixty minutes did this piece called the stock act or the stop trading on congressional knowledge act it's gaining bipartisan support by the day and that's why the president took time in his speech to encourage his fellow lawmakers to send him that bill the sky so i just don't understand how did chris matthews miss the c.b.s. story the bills and the hearing i thought that this guy lives and breathes politics i guess he was sleeping on the job because insider trading is common knowledge and that's why president obama addressed it when he spoke to the nation last night it's not just an element of the president's upcoming election campaign he's actually focusing on
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a problem that is affecting americans view of congress which is that they think and know that it's corrupt but since chris matthews is considered one of the most influential voices in the media when to give him time award for so epically failing in either being oblivious or just ignoring this obvious problem. how you had time for happy hour joining me this evening r.t. web writer andrew blake and comedian ten young gentleman is going to hate you know it's been a while since we've seen an anonymous video but turns out that this one isn't actually from anonymous trying to see if you can guess who made it. evil that's how it's wing in this country and throughout the world we need triumphed in the political arena we looked the other way when it invaded our schools and prayer replaced discipline humiliated our children made them on safe and fed them live
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when it took over the media we would not believe. i get those kind of giving away but it was ok with glenn beck all right really what is that a fresh ideas to do anonymous and tell us about how evil atheism is or something he's doing parodies now like weird al i mean next i think he's probably going to do miley cyrus's the climb so i mean it's really that's and to me honestly anything about love like creepy things about love scare me more than the original anonymous video like a really bizarre i still don't grasp the concept it doesn't make sense right now i mean it was either kurt cobain or lady gaga one of the other says you know you don't make it until weird al covers and i feel like glenn beck's the same way that . he's doing the state of the union next week you know there's obama will officially made it barry's and. so we have made there is going to the next nirvana well he said after our t.v. for us that we made a long time ago all right. let's talk about. so there's this city and community of twenty eight thousand people and on the exact same day where
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four police officers in east haven including the local police union leader were charged by federal authorities with civil rights abuses against latino members of the community this is what the mayor had to say about it with such tensional to the community with a force of fifty officers still no police officer a latino it's history. and your point being the mayor didn't get it just look at this exchange we don't for the community today i might have tacos when i go home i'm not quite sure yet. i don't really like that official are supposed to be a little bit better with your words no they're just saying that it's a this dude's been he's been the mayor of east haven for like fifteen years something ridiculous like that he's had this whole scandal just friggin ruined his brother want to talk to is spending this look you know bad t.v. we're all yours he was going to have tacos or not i don't know whether i would but
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when i wake up every morning i usually want to. blame the guy for wanting tacos after this whole thing number one if you want to help out the mexican community you know to order margaritas because alcohol is more valuable than talk to us but the other half of that story is that cleaning and maintenance came to an absolute halt in city hall after he made that statement is that true that's what i heard you know just kidding. about it about it just a jerk and here and there to not be in office but you know more than i was about als whatever you know i think i think that he tried to make some kind of a claim to that it was like the barely any of our constituents or even lead teano well the backyard i didn't even matter the reporter went on to say that he ran out the mayor ran out of the office while he was still reporting on the street and said oh i take it back i took it back i never meant that so like how lame are you on t.v. are you going to run out of talk to you have to get him into it can't have that happen ok let's move on to google's new really crappy policy that takes away all of your
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rights to a new policy reflects our efforts to create one beautifully simple experience it means that if you're signed in will treat you as a single user across all of our products combining information you provided from one service with information from the others. so you have a better more intuitive experience from the moment you sign in to the second you log out. oh it sounds so intuitive and happy but it turns out that google now just gets to get rid of all their privacy rules for like the sixty different products that they have because they claim that now they just have one product and so in order to use anything google related you just have the same policy or terms of use that applies to it all because it was real because i knew the story but that just looked like as a last commercial actually that was another one of the impacts videos was equally as creepy as the first one but it's pretty weird because when i log in to my g. mail now it's going to be like pro-wrestling news new york mets suck and images of alone which is that's why i don't understand that. they're going to have to streamline everything before it really matters to me like i want to be watching
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porn in the me like hey andrew don't forget those wein bootlegs you want to download and then can then the them also i don't care about streamlining my google maps with my do you still need to raise you're going to work i have one what if i want to keep something separate no no i have to say hey our last story real quick we don't have time for the clip but we heard a lot from the republican candidates about cuba and how they want sanctions to stay forever and they think that fidel castro is going to hell and. he has some opinions of his own on the g.o.p. candidates in an editorial he wrote the selection of a republican candidate for the presidency of this globalized expansive empire is and i mean this seriously the greatest competition of idiocy and ignorance that has ever been he needs to stop plagiarizing me. i want to just hold it up to you guys are pretty damn embarrassed that he said he was dead he thought really all kicking the can still jerk there is what i call heaven where. you know communism
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having i lived in when else. getting off we got to go thank you for joining me tonight that they're going to do thanks for joining and make you come back tomorrow smith is going to be joining us again for happy hour in the meantime don't forget to become a fan of the a lot of show you can follow us on twitter you can catch everything you tube dot com slash on the show and up next and it's. there are those who desperately need it to survive locked the spike onto the tongue give money to the on the lookout. for the gold in the fish out on the suppresses the prize the rights of the food for. new clothes and. those who don't get their
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share of the traits. good by downloading got what he called police and you'll don't last but not the one not us at equal media by you know about it i mean not look at it it from the company from. the those who suck it out to prosper. inside the seas and say. coming up from. some. nice glasses on. no one can live without it's in one of the largest blood banks in the world. blood of nigeria. on our t.v. . wealthy british style. is not on the spot.
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market why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max cause or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to cause a report on our. well that video revealed unsettling truths about the war in iraq and now the man who helped leak it to the world is under fire once again along with our teeth we'll tell you all about julian assange just the latest adventure and why it has the media all worked up. the one who tells you better ones. anyone who tells you that america is in decline or that our influence has waned doesn't know what they're talking about. well that's one way of putting it but i have a feeling that the millions of unemployed americans would disagree as president
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obama preaches progress we'll bring you the real state of the union. and caviar champagne and a few economic problems that's what's on the menu this year at the world economic forum that's an exclusive gathering of the world's political and economic elites but don't worry we've got a pair of eyes and ears on the ground at davos. good evening it's wednesday january twenty fifth seven pm here in washington d.c. i'm lucy catherine of and you're watching our t.v. . now before we move on to the state of the union i want to take a moment to discuss the gloomy state of the mainstream press now network evening news continues to lose influence when it comes to viewers the so-called big three networks a.b.c. n.b.c. and c.b.s. lost nearly twenty million viewers since thousand nine hundred eighty that's more
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than half of the audience they once enjoyed the cable news networks have picked up the slack but despite lofty mottos like fair and balanced partisan and divisive seems to be the name of the game news takes a backseat to spin and opinion and you can barely hear the real issues over the shouting by the talking heads now since one thousand eighty three ninety percent of the american media was owned by fifty companies last year that number shrank to six think about that six megacorporations like g.e. and disney owning ninety percent of the media that you consume now print journalism is also struggling to stay relevant at a time when tweets blogs and online media floods through the gates that the newspapers once kept it seems that there's been a transformation from washed up journalism to laptop journalism corporate officials more generals lobbyist senior administration officials are all taken at their word treated with respect meanwhile those who lack the good standing with the
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establishment are marginalized ridiculed just think of occupy wall street want paul julian assange which of course brings me to wiki leaks. i have all of you to see. and now the release of the collateral damage video showing an apache helicopter attack in baghdad ended the era when journalists decided which weeks would see the light of day the establishment have balked we here at r.t. covered the story the day that it broke we even put juliana songe on the air at first the other outlets stayed away after all a songe was described as a terrorist by our own government but market interest seemed to take over and everything soon changed before long a songe became a media darling gracing the screens of the cable news networks major publications even partnered up with wiki leaks to catalog and help release countless previously secret documents now it's not a stretch to say that julian of songe is
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a controversial figure who's been driven off the internet deprived of funding placed under house arrest all as he fights extradition attempts over sexual allegations but whether or not you love the man or hate them in it's difficult to deny that his actions and wiki leaks forever changed the face of the media as we know it now two years ago we invited mr songe to speak on air and in two months we're going to bring him back starting in march a songe will host a ten part series of interview programs on this network you can love it you can hate it and you can skip it the decision is yours and the show and its content are of his own choosing now i found it hard with a difficult to understand the headlines when i woke up this morning the kremlin's mouthpiece selling out to the russian government a kremlin pawn in the cold war part two perhaps now funny i didn't see those headlines when the major papers worked with wiki leaks to release information nor do i recall the allegations of a songe as a general electric stooge after he did interviews and most n.b.c.
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does the same goes all fair in love and war and i suppose when you're bleeding dollars viewers and ratings it's easier to throw mud at others and to clean it up at home. now yesterday evening the president delivered his annual state of the union address a chance to reflect on the current state of america by speaking directly to both congress the country and the world so how do the rhetoric stack up to reality whether well arty's own christina explores that question. for president obama america is back the renewal of american leadership can be felt across the globe that leadership though not strong enough to win over china or even traditional allies like india south korea and japan who won't follow americans lead when it comes to cutting iranian oil out of the market and well as we've dealt our enemies . to the enduring power of our moral example america is back one question who exactly looks to america as a moral example internationally and many are actually outraged at america
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especially after a decision made about the us marine who led his men on a shooting rampage and had in two thousand and five that killed twenty four civilians his punishment a lowering of his rank a cut in pay and no jail time i was expecting that the american judiciary would sentence this person to life in prison so that america could show itself as democratic and fair meanwhile bradley manning remains in custody and may for the rest of his life he's accused of leaking classified documents to the web site wiki leaks illustrating abuses to the world in this showdown between murder and truth it appears this land of high morals lays down a heavy hand on truth world outrage also over the u.s. his failure to close guantanamo bay prison for one hundred seventy one prisoners still languish ten years on when one of the most powerful little democracies is behaving with hypocrisy in promoting you know illegal practices and abusing human
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rights that undermines the cause of human rights everywhere on the planet we bet on american workers we bet on american ingenuity much of the state of the union focused on how to quote win the future to create more jobs. we have a huge opportunity. at this moment to bring manufacturing back it's a great goal though on his watch several manufacturing plants have shut down this whirlpool plant in benton harbor michigan has scaled back with more than five thousand people losing their jobs a small fraction of what this country has seen as a whole well rock obama doesn't understand that the reason the jobs are leaving is because politicians like him have pursued policies that have chased them out so this is a comparison between the us and china this is purchasing power parity and the g.d.p. and it shows that the chinese economy will expand from eleven point two trillion in two thousand and eleven to nineteen trillion in two thousand and sixteen meanwhile
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the size of the u.s. economy will rise from fifteen point two trillion to eighteen point eight trillion i would take america's share of the world output down to under eighteen percent the lowest in modern times china's would reach eighteen percent and will most likely continue to grow optimism and strength must be at the forefront for the president for any president really it is after all an election year anyone who tells you that america is in decline or that our influence has waned doesn't know what they're talking about. christine presume. now one of the things that seem to be missing from the speech was any kent of the old candidate obama the one who in two thousand and eight campaign against america's wars and acknowledged what conflict torture secrecy and us regard for the rule of law to this country's reputation abroad and stead we heard this this
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generation of heroes has made the united states safer and more respected around the world for the first time in nine years there are no american spiting in iraq. first time in two decades. well she is not a threat to this country. most of all carter's top lieutenants have been defeated the taliban's momentum has been broken and some trucks in afghanistan have begun to come home. and forget about the fact that fifteen thousand u.s. diplomats federal employees and contractors still remain in iraq for the fact that it took the new york times to fact check president obama's incorrect claims a victory against a total ban there was no mention of the drone strikes that continue as a part of our never ending war on terror with the slow but steady erosion of freedoms and civil liberties here at home now on the domestic front the rhetoric
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was dripping with optimism president obama's third state of the union address laid out a vision of america in which everybody gets a fair shot at economic success and where everybody including the wealthy pays the plays by the same rules as the average citizen so as the president's point on we're out of touch well that's the question that i posed to nomi prins earlier today she's a senior fellow at the think tank demos and also the author of the book book black tuesday here's her reaction. i think a little bit of what you just said in the intro here it was oratorial optimism which he's very good at and which a hollywood actor could equally have stood in and done instead of him and a lot of repetition he basically took a collection of what worked for him i think or what seemed to work for him in the in the opinion polls etc from his prior speeches and sort of mix them together and
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that's really what we got last night we got nothing particularly new we got a sense that he's conveying that our economy is better is going in the right direction that there are problems but the biggest ones he's dealt with like regulatory inept and this like like wall street and so forth and we can look forward and it will all be rosy and fine so it was really it was a campaign speech it was a lot of repetition it was a lot of oratory and it was pretty meaningless well on the issue of wall street no man want to bring up the point i mean the president did say that he will not go back to the days where wall street writes their own rules and plays by their own rules and he even announced a new financial crimes unit to crack down. on presumably crimes both in washington and wall street so what's your impression of that. well first of all to mention another financial crimes unit well what is the f.c.c. supposed to be doing what is the department of justice supposed to be doing what's the f.b.i. supposed to be doing we have
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a lot of bodies that are supposed to be looking at financial fraud and financial crimes that were inept when they were being perpetuated that are m.i.a. at indictments or convictions and that have levied in the meanwhile minor amount of settlements and finds that have been active no change in how these wall street banks operate and for him to say along those lines that wall street is somehow better or cleaned up or will be or whatever our top five banks have increased for example their derivatives production of the most riskiest components of what they do by twenty percent in just the last year so if obama thinks that having five banks consolidated incorporating more risk into the world is his definition of things being better he's on a different financial planet and you which he is in your point of view i mean is this sort of not really wanting to level with the american people or is this more
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of not really understanding the actual factors that contributed to to the crisis and the actions by his own administration. i think he may get the connection between the housing market and the crisis he mentioned that last night he's mentioned that in other speeches he has put forth plans to help borrowers mitigate their fallout from the housing market crisis that have been spectacularly useless the reason they have been useless and not helped as many borrowers as were promised not help the five million only help a half a million borrowers is that they rely on the banks doing the right thing so somehow because wall street does support obama did in the last election is his largest funder of campaign contributions for this election because he has had the consistent leadership in office he helped confirm ben bernanke he for a second fourteen year term running the federal reserve he's got tim geithner as the treasury secretary who was an architect of bailout economics before obama and
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during the obama administration he's not going to step back and say hey wait a minute all that stuff is wrong i'm not doing it right here's the real problem he's going to pretend to the american public that the problem has been solved that risk is under control that he knew would happen that wall street banks are somehow magically going to in his terms make up the trust deficit which is absolutely ludicrous jamie diamond j.p. morgan chase is going to turn around and be like hey all you borrowers you know i'm sorry if we misled you i'm sorry if we create a toxic assets on the back of faulty mortgages you know what i get it you don't trust us let's let's change all that refinance you all this is going to have an even if he did say whoa you know woke up yesterday with a brand new outlook generally wanted to change at the core of things the way washington is run is it too little too late i mean that's. if he doesn't win reelection he's essentially a lame duck president. yeah i mean he's he's he's he's effectively got very little
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done but been able to to spin it from a verbal perspective as having accomplished a lot as as with the issue of wall street as with the issue of health care where insurance costs are now twenty to twenty five percent higher than they were before his health care bill was passed and so forth but he spends it is doing something because there is legislation on paper that he signed but that doesn't actually change what wall street did it doesn't change what's happening on the insurance side and so forth so even if he were to do something and he mentioned towards the end of his speech that he was going to get money out of politics and we're all like oh ok fine you can actually do something real and he went on to say well the should be insider trading with congressional members which is absolutely true but what he didn't say was oh and i'm going to take all that bundling money that we're getting from the financial community i'm going to say you know i don't need that because i'd like to independently create legislation that will keep you guys and checked so he'll say something and then he'll do something or or say he will do something that is completely in opposition of that you know me as a citizen as an economic expert what did you want to hear from the president
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yesterday. i wanted to hear some culpability i wanted to hear you know what it's been three years actually economy isn't so great actually these foreclosures have continued to rise and what i've tried to do hasn't works i'm not going to try to do the same thing more. student loans and education is important which he did say but you know what the banks have been in control of the private loan insure loan market for students and their defaults are rising and i understand that and i'm going to basically look at the financial infrastructure of this country in terms of how it impacted the the economy of our country and i'm going to get it this time i'm going to get rid of tim geithner i'm going to basically stand up to the banking community i'm going to take more of a leadership role in real change and real reform for it obviously was going to say any of that because that's as we said a lot of things he's been doing wrong and in opera tending to gloss over you know
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all the things he says are fix their art but it would have been nice to have honesty and i think that's the thing with all of these speeches and it's part of our political process and in any of the campaign speeches that i think individuals know that what is coming out of the males of these people is what they think they should say to a particular moment to get an impact they're trying to get and not really trying to dig in and fight fight for america and fight for real policies that will help it but to say what's expedient at that particular moment. there's so much disillusionment here honesty in politics certainly sounds like a revolutionary notion or oxygen or so much so it i wish always thankful to have you on the program thank you so much that was author of the book black tuesday nomi prins. well the rest of us may be left out in the cold economically speaking but the so-called one percent are flocking straight to it several thousand of the world's political and economic elites have gathered in the swiss town of davos for the.
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