tv [untitled] January 25, 2012 8:00pm-8:30pm EST
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you reminded us quite a few times that he is the one that got bin laden but does the president still have the power to inspire or are the people tired of unfulfilled goals then business and political leaders are gathered at the world economic forum in davos taking on the eurozone debt crisis income inequality believe it or not and there's even an occupy davos encampment so artie's lauren lyster host of the capital account is there and she's going to give us all the details and then last night the president didn't specifically address the occupy movement although we definitely heard some of the rhetoric of fighting inequality and corruption in his speech so let's get an occupy response to obama have all that morphy tonight including a dose of happy hour but first take a look at the mainstream media has decided to miss. all right so tonight we have a bit of a special edition of main stream is for you to see this morning r.t. had some very big news to announce the julian assange founder of wiki leaks is
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going to be launching a talk show which will be broadcast by this network and it's going to be called the world tomorrow it's going to consist of ten weekly episodes where he interviews who he calls iconoclast visionaries and power insiders now personally i think about sounds pretty bad ass i'm really intrigued to see what comes up with who we interview is what he asks them but as for the majority of the rest of the media out there and not so much these people who are even seeing this program they have already made their judgments loud and clear i mean come on we know damn well how media organizations like the new york times and the guardian feel about it saw it those same organizations that worked with him and reported on the extensive material that we can we provide it they printed story after story based on the leaks of the iraq and afghanistan war logs as well as diplomatic cables they had no problem using that information to sell more papers make a profit when it suited them and then of course they turned completely against assad and started writing smear pieces about his dirty socks so as not to give the establishment the wrong impression so as not to be seen as being in cahoots with
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the man of the u.s. government is leading a massive investigation against with charges of espionage though they cared more about his dirty socks and they did about some of the real mistakes like publishing the names of informants. so they are in my mind cowards and if you read michael hastings recent interview with us on to rolling stone seems like he feels the same way and so you can imagine the shock of the outrage and as mark out of monist put it today the pearl clutching that's been going on since this announcement was made this morning now it's perhaps the most ludicrous part of it all is that even the associated press which provided the original story which claims to be a straight reporting news agency they made their opinion very clear their headline and headlines from the wall street journal and others today looks like this program when t.v. channel to air wiki leaks talk show kremlin t.v. to air julia songes new show or my personal favorite we can expound or to launch a t.v. show on kremlin's mouthpiece. now for starters the name of the channel is r t it's
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not kremlin t.v. have you ever seen anyone refer to al-jazeera or the b.b.c. as british or qatari mouthpieces in a news article you don't hear people calling the wall street journal rupert murdoch's mouthpiece but hey if it's r t than just have at it now let me read you one more line that came from a guardian news article not an opinion piece but a news article about this announcement today it read the channel like the russian government has been very supportive of songe since his arrest for allegedly sexually assaulting two women in sweden in august of two thousand and ten i mean come on people they make it sound like the second that assad was labeled as a sexual predator we came running to his defense if you actually watch r.t. or watch my show you would know that we were one of the first networks to have joined us on jon after we cubics released the collateral murder video in april of two thousand and ten the we've been covering week the leaks for years rather than just jumping in since his arrest for sexually assaulting two women and never has there been a statement made by me trying in on those sexual allegations because the truth is i
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don't know what happened there's a lawsuit going on there for a reason so it's not my place to have an opinion to all of this really shows you is just how united the mainstream media is when it comes to attacking somebody with a different point of view and somebody that might challenge the status quo and that's why people are turning away from the mainstream media most notably the cable networks to do the most pathetic job and just focus on partisan tit for tat campaign strategy sex scandals and set of unemployment homelessness and veterans suicide or the failing drug war and innocent victims of no knock rates but there is an appetite out there for something else first something that the mainstream media is not providing and as an american i feel that it's not only in my interest and yours but it's my responsibility to find that material and to cover it but of course it's much easier to be on the side that never pisses anybody off stays in the good graces of corporate networks so they can keep getting invited back on but i think that when julia songes show airs the world will be watching young people
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will be watching but the mainstream media has already judged and dismissed what he might have to offer. they're going to continue to miss. last night we tuned in for president obama's last state of the union address before this november's upcoming elections and he definitely got the feel of a campaign speech as the president laid out his vision and put the onus on congress to bring the bills to his desk we heard a lot about investing in our education system an energy and an infrastructure we've heard the populist rhetoric of calling for a fair system where everyone pairs pays their fair share in taxes and where companies are rewarded for bringing jobs back to america rather than sending them abroad but to start and wrap up this speech obama focused on his foreign policy successes for the first time in ninety years there are no americans fighting in iraq. thanks
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in two decades. is not a threat to this country. thanks most of all card his top lieutenants have been defeated the taliban's momentum has been broken and some troops in afghanistan have begun to come home. so what do we think about the speech well joining me to discuss it is jake you're host of the young turks thanks for joining us tonight and you know first i want to start with that clip that we just played there curious what do you think about obama starting and ending the speech with and in the war in iraq and i guess most notably getting rid of osama bin laden i mean he really kept harping on that point to remind all of us which makes sense to me but can we really say that the world is
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a safer place today or that the taliban's momentum has been broken i feel like he went maybe a little too far there. yes i don't think he was a little too for a lot of these i wouldn't worry too much about you so down below. you know i know you want to see longer but at least we are out of the right now so it's very sensible. point you. were reelected to star in the military given his accomplice to several children below to separate it and so i don't read much right so then what was your overall opinion of the speech we heard a lot of a lot of lofty promises a lot of goals set for where america should be in the future. yeah you know mixed feelings about the speech is always president obama and the things that he spoke about i liked him as a president far more than i do today of course
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a lot of times you don't get the action behind us each but there was a positive note here number one there was some action and there are eight new york state attorney general eric schneiderman and put him in charge of good mortgage investigation unit out by actually to really talk on the back so that would be terrific and then number two i just thought he had a more aggressive maybe even confrontational tone with the republicans where he was sorely lacking for three straight years so on the other hand of course it's obama so he at the same time try to reach out to republicans and his energy program is basically saying one and if there's one he brags about it all about strategy that are sheep that was literally a republican line so some prostrating moments as always but overall better than some of the other speeches because at least in tone because it looks like you might take it on the republicans at least on some which i went i'm happy you mentioned that because you know he definitely took on the republicans in certain areas
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specifically when we heard a lot about taxes but aside from energy there are a couple other things that seemed like he was trying to reach out or pander whatever throw them you know a couple little bones so let's take a listen to those real quick. i believe as strongly as ever that we should take on illegal immigration that's why my administration has put more boots on the border than ever before. that's why there are fewer illegal crossings then when i took office and nowhere is the promise of innovation greater than in american made energy over the last three years. we've opened millions of new acres for oil and gas exploration. and tonight i'm directing my administration to open more than seventy five percent of our potential offshore oil and gas resources in fact i've approved fewer regulations in the first three years of my presidency than my republican predecessor did in his. right so we haven't heard
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that the energy lines there the oil drilling although he did talk a lot about green energy but the immigration thing you know let's not forget that this is going to be a very big chunk of the population the fastest growing voting demographic do you think that obama did the right thing there see an example is a good one because it shows you the. fruitlessness of the split works there because he wants to show them how to use other ration and it's true it hasn't worked more people than bush by very sort of more marginal program records but is there any credit for from the conservatives who want to become yes immigration no he gets no credit whatsoever i mean do you think they think he's up on immigration he's not going to be a single vote based on what is a year with the same time he's alienating latino voters who we desperately needs in two thousand and twelve so i don't see how it's
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a winning strategy just you know whether it's the energy pros there the immigration bill coming down on regulations he's an idea well why go in trying to reach out to serve voters what they're going to vote for you know the amounts in a socialist and all of those alienate your own bookers so trying to to compromise but you know probably it's not going to benefit him there again i want to play a clip that i found was particularly interesting that's to and we'll talk about it . anyone who tells you otherwise. anyone who tells you that america is in decline or that our influence has waned doesn't know what they're talking about. are now i get it all the time with the state of the union speeches you have to be very patriotic it's got to be very raw raw america but things are really bad right i mean this is why we have people protesting on the streets right now so to tell people you don't know what you're talking about if you think that our influence might be waning all over the world or that certain things are in decline i think
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that we see a lot of decline you know with the economy outside on the streets right now we see a lot of decline in the sense that our civil liberties have been completely eroded over the last ten years how can you say that well really how is it rectified. and perhaps these other candidates running you know this is lining is to run do i know you think overall vision for america. is all. i've got yes to the rest of us to see a little over the top god bless america but. we've seen better days but of course the president is going to say that and if you. cross so. we spend less worry about it. and more time worried about. fix the economy how do you work with the base so that you serve the middle class so that you can win the election based on the merits but do you think is that really just an obama thing or
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is that something that you could say maybe is a cultural difference that we have a little bit of a hard time just saying that times are rough the road ahead is going to be tough there are going to be sacrifices that need to be made it's like we always need to be built up and told every you know told that everything's going to be happy and joyful and perfect again some day without knowing that there's going to be a hard slog first. well yes you're right it is certainly a lot of this is lower and this is the you know unfortunately it's the best place to do that and there are always forces say where you need strong and that's what every president says and this is president obama says the president of the state of our t.v. is getting stronger which it actually is more of a dish a tacit admission that any other president. is saying ok we're never he is really a strong you know it's kind of. a that's where you go standing ovations again. you know ok well let me say we're going to give a pass
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a missile and he started talking about iran specifically and had this statement to me. we're going to run. to the power of more diplomacy a world that was once divided about how to deal with iran's nuclear program now stands as one. the regime is more isolated than ever before its leaders are faced with crippling sanctions and as long as me. and i living in a completely different world than president obama is living in because the world is not unified on what to do with iran right now you can see that with our trying to put you know push the rest of the world to into sanctions where the e.u. is along but china russia india they're not along and you know what happens with sanctions it's more the people that suffer than the leaders. you know i have a more complicated you know sanctions a day to day work and you know whether it's a simple dictatorship or it's all yorkey with us a lot of businesses use them yet if i could buy it in iran they might have
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a better chance of working in a good iraq where they were never going to sit up and say remember they didn't work in south america now as far as i was the world is united you know it's we have such a limited world view here in the u.s. of course they so often that we hear well if the democrats and republicans agree then the world must be tonight we're not the world as you said i was a lot of people are not united on the sanctions on iran you know low taxes issue that really scares me because that is something to so many people in washington are appearing to be drums of war on and it's silly and ridiculous and i see the best candidate on that show you a doctor over that's ron paul who constantly points out ridiculous is to go out for iraq right now the last thing that i just ask you we're going to play a clip or at a time as you know we heard a lot as i said about the troops about i'm services and what they do for this country but then obama kind of. made this connection by saying that we should learn
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to be more like that and they're not all worried about individuality and you know just their individual responsibility which is kind of interesting how you think about sounds to americans where really so much of you know our founding is about individuality. you know he's got to strike a balance there but but you know of course i believe in individual responsibility who doesn't but. you know it's one of the things that i thought was you know. what drives me crazy is. you know compromising with. the strong but i thought it was really strong. and it is flat. i jangled thanks so much for joining us tonight. if you want to. just ahead of the show g.o.p.
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gave their input on president obama's state of the union speech last night but we want to know what the ninety nine percenters think of the president's plans for this year after the break we're going to speak with jesse to get his take on. last night after obama's state of the union address we heard the republican response delivered by governor mitch daniels we haven't heard a tea party response there by herman cain but how do members of the occupy movement
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feel after all the president definitely use some of the rhetoric of battling inequality and corruption but he never mentioned the protests or actions specifically so joining me from our studio in new york to discuss that is jesse greco activist and writer jesse thanks for coming back on the show tonight i want to start off by playing a clip where i feel like obama really picked up on. some of the things the occupy wall street has been preaching for us take a listen. we don't begrudge financial success in this country we admire it when americans talk about folks like me paying my fair share of taxes it's not because they envy the rich it's because they understand that when i get a tax break i don't need and the country can't afford it either adds to the deficit or somebody else has to make up the difference like a senior on a fixed income. or
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a student trying to get through school or family trying to make ends meet. jesse do you think that we would have heard that exact you know paragraph or a statement from the president had the occupy movement not sprung up in the last year oh certainly not i think it's pretty obvious to most people in politics that occupy wall street still has a winning message because it addresses the concerns of average people have people don't want to have to sacrifice for a disaster they didn't create and they sure don't want to if the rich guy who made the mess is unwilling to sacrifice anything himself so i think the president is wise to speak in those terms because it really connects that his person on the street but i never he didn't you know refer to occupy wall street or the occupy movement specifically didn't talk about any of the protests or any of the targeted actions that we've seen around the country but to make that. well i think the way that some members of the media perceived by wall street slandered us would kind of
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give it a negative thing at the same time i don't want the president telling us how great things occupy wall street i just want him to do his job and when it comes to the simple math that if we're going to cut taxes for the rich it's going to come out of the budget somewhere else then it's not a democratic or republican issue at all it's not tea party or occupy wall street if you cut taxes for the ridge you're going to decrease revenue and that's going to generate a deficit and that's more than simple math that really does goes totally beyond politics altogether i what about some of the other things that he proposed for example right creating this unit to look into bad mortgages the result before the housing crisis happened i'd say that bad good development but it's about time right it's three years then. so to me i would want to see too little too late but it's about time to say the very least you know the thing is this is one of those areas where we do have regulatory overlap it might not be necessary to start a new commission even though i admired my own new york attorney general eric schneiderman who's going to be leading that organization we really have a regulatory body like that it's called the s e c why not fire the people at the as
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you see if they're unwilling to do their job or unable to and replace them with tough regulators we're going to hold these banks accountable i think we don't need another agency the ones that we have are good enough as it is if anything i think the people in charge of those agency should be replaced if they're totally malfeasant at their job i will say i do think that schneiderman is a good person to you know tap for that leading wrong mean let's not forget this guy got a lot of flak and also a lot of praise from people like you and i for the fact that when there was a massive settlement the bank of america was trying to mate with a number of states he said no you know this is letting them go too easily but then some are questioning if this means that i have been sold out. no not at all for anything that the attorney general eric schneiderman is the absolute perfect person to put in charge of an organization like this you know if it weren't for him and attorney general of delaware beau biden and a couple other stalwart. thirty generals we would have made a disastrous settlement that would have given wall street a slap on the wrist a twenty five billion dollars fine for stealing trillions of dollars in home equity
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value so the me i applaud the appointment of attorney general eric schneiderman i couldn't think of a better name in new york at least if not america to put in charge of that organization do you think of the president gave himself or perhaps as dodd frank a little too much credit though i mean he said that we will not go back to the days when wall street was allowed to play by its own set of rules i kind of feel like they're still doing that they certainly are still doing that i many others didn't think dodd frank went far enough especially not in the derivatives market that really led to the crash in two thousand and eight so it's all well and good to say hey look at this reform we did our job but the reality is much different that and if anything i think that it's not right to paper over this problem we still need to break up the too big to fail banks we still need a financial transaction tax that will act as a syntax to keep the speculative trading down that drives the cost up of food and
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oil and housing in a number of other commodities i think we need more and i think settling for less is not the answer neither is applauding a halfway measure so i think it's one place to start but we should leave it there and i think we should definitely pressure this president and all the other presidential candidates to do the right thing by the american consumer and not worry so much about what the banking oligarch he would like instead and so we also heard a lot about manufacturing bringing manufacturing back to the united states which is by giving tax credits to companies that actually make jobs here at home rather than take them out of the country but do you think that that's going to be enough do you think that america really can have. you know a rebirth of the manufacturing sector. i think it's a good place to start but i think a lot of times we look at our tax code is a place to put incentives into the marketplace when it shouldn't be used like that i think the main problem the economy is demand average consumers incomes have been stagnant since the one nine hundred eighty s. while prices have gone up and people have taken on debt to meet that demand if you
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put income into people's pockets by creating green energy jobs instead of the natural gas jobs that they trotted out as if that some sort of green energy initiative it would make a major difference we need infrastructure in this country about four trillion dollars worth instead president obama himself as applauded the fact that we cut trillion dollars out of the budget when we need that spending most to put income in the pocket of average american worker so i think tax incentives are all well and good it's a mice place to start but we shouldn't discuss what icing we should put on this cake before we stick it in the oven our death they want to thank you for joining us tonight and one thing is for sure is that i think in many ways the discussion has changed in this country you know since i could even saw it in the president's speech last night thanks. very welcome thank you. well today many iraqis in the town of haditha are crying foul after learning that a marine who led a team that killed twenty four civilians and was personally implicated in nineteen of those deaths is going to serve no jail time and we spoke about this case
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yesterday brought up as maximum sentence could be three months but it turns out that he will serve no time at all now it all stems from an incident back in two thousand and five when a marine was hit by a roadside bomb while he was on patrol in the province in western iraq after he was killed staff sergeant frank wuterich ordered a group of seven marines to join him and finding out who is responsible for the death now on their hunt to find the killer the group of marines proceeded to enter homes unannounced and opened fire without determining if the people inside were a serious threat so using m. sixteen s and grenades ten women and children were killed at point blank range another six were all shot in the head were huddled in a one bedroom and another five men who pulled up in a car where the marines were on patrol were also killed and later testimony we learned that would require lead this group ordered his fellow soldiers to shoot first and ask questions later grotesque massacre has been labeled a turning point in the war in iraq a lot of people claim that it's the reason the insurgents amped up their fight against u.s. troops and it's also one of the most horrific and infamous parts of the war now
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whatever it was originally charged with manslaughter charges but the staff sergeant agreed to plead guilty to one count of negligent dereliction of duty and the maximum penalty for that charge was only three months in prison he was also demoted to the rank of private but the pretrial agreement also came with a promise of water it serving zero days behind bars on the other seven marines were exonerated for various legal rulings but families of those that were killed were holding out hope that the u.s. would hand down the appropriate punishment and when they learned that what are its actual sentencing was far less severe the response was negative. i mean this does not represent serious accountability for what was clearly a grave a very grave offense you know we are we are quite certain that this is being received very badly i don't know to look there are no other i was expecting that the american judiciary would sentence this person to life in prison and that he would appear in confession from the whole world that he committed this crime so
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that america can show itself as democratic and fair. now feels the anger for iraqis hoping to see some sort of justice soldiers pulled out of the country at the end of december iraq he said this move shows how americans truly few their view their counterparts the u.s. holds their own high in all in high priority no matter what the soldier has done wrong or innocent civilians are the lowest classification in the world now i completely understand the outrage after all was this punishment really fair you think that maybe the u.s. would use wyrick as an example for other troops showing other soldiers that if they were doing gauging these kinds of actions they would face serious consequences but you also have to say i understand how hard these issues are war makes people do horrible things that it's especially hard to hold one man responsible for the crimes of the iraq war when so many who should have been including the people who have led the u.s. into the war in the first place have not. now we have to take a break but coming up next inside i read it and business and political leaders are
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holding their annual meeting in davos so are these long list of programs all the. news and common to live broadcasting from the heart of moscow this is our t.v. and these are your headlines one year down the line egypt is celebrating the beginning of the revolution that president mubarak tens of thousands of people are now on top of the square frustration over the slow pace of change has cast a cloud over the party atmosphere. in the state of the union president obama
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pledges to fix the economy and create millions of new jobs in a speech widely seen as the start of a reelection campaign critics of his address say his agenda leaves the white house open to accusations of double standards and his upbeat tone doesn't reflect reality . and julian the songs are the known for spilling the world secrets online is going on the air his exclusive interview program set to premiere here on our feet. those are the headlines this hour now let's head back to washington for part two of the ultimate show don't go away.
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