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tv   [untitled]    January 25, 2012 9:48pm-10:18pm EST

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it looks like indiana tragically is going to go down this road. just. the good the bad and the very very tricky but there are a silly ugly the good. mass of dar's city dobby despite being home to eight percent of the world's proven oil reserves abu dhabi is making strides in moving away from oil and towards green energy the government of that small nation has invested billions of dollars in them as dar city which is a planned city development will be finished by two thousand and twenty five and one of the greenest cities in the world master will be home to forty thousand people who all use electric vehicles and all energy in the city will be produced through photovoltaic wind and geothermal power even though they have literally oil in
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their backyards. the recognizes that now is the time to develop and shift to green energy technology time the united states the same thing the bad tennessee state representative joe reagan and the tennessee state legislature raygun a state representative from tennessee read recently compared homosexuality to pedophilia prostitution and murder and also said that homosexuality could be controlled by mentally healthy adult human beings or by clinics run by michele bachmann's husband these comments come in support of proposed legislation in tennessee. fifty three what many are calling the license to bully bill because it would protect bullies protect bullies who harass students based on their sexual orientation along with house bill of and fifty three the state legislature will also consider a bill that prevents school teachers from discussing or providing information on social looks like rick santorum is going to be moving to an a c.
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when his presidential bid fails. and the very very ugly oklahoma state senator ralph short file this under absolutely insane legislation shorty recently conducted extensive research into his state's use of human fetuses in its food after reading less than credible reports apparently on the interwar that stated that companies may have used them cells in the production of food at some point i'm sure to introduce legislation that would prohibit the manufacture and sale of food which quote contains a board human fetuses and in an explanation to a local radio station shortie said there is a potential of there are companies that are using aborted human fetuses in their research and development for basically enhancing flavor for artificial flavors who want to know that aborted foetuses could enhance the flavor of our foods however when asked shorty was unable to provide any specific examples of human fetuses being used in food no kidding well stem cells can be used in nutrition and food
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research we're not talking about embryonic or human stem cells nor are there actual human babies in our food. big thanks to big government which is looking out to make sure we don't eat babies and that's a very dear. president obama said the state of our union is getting stronger unfortunately for our neighbors across the pond the same can't be said about the united kingdom and half a dozen or so other european countries as well it's been more than a year and a half since david cameron and his conservative party rose to power in the u.k. on a platform of bringing austerity spending cuts in government layoffs to a nation fighting a recession and mounting debt. you know that same kind of us austerity that
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republicans here are trying to bring to the united states of massive budget cuts after a year and a half the results are in austerity flat out doesn't work let's just look at the numbers in the final four to two thousand and ten when cameron's austerity agenda went into effect the british economy shrank by a half percent then rebounded slightly in the first three quarters of two thousand and eleven but not exactly the type of growth that could turn around an economy and now today we've learned that in the last quarter of two thousand and eleven the british economy is once again going backwards contracting at two tenths of a percent the i.m.f. slashed economic growth forecast for the u.k. in two thousand and twelve and more and more brits are turning against cameron's austerity that was unclear display last august when young people who couldn't find a job and were watching the british social safety net frey decided to set london on fire for five straight days and for the last two years we've seen similar riots in
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greece as austerity was shoved down the greek people's throats to that economy by the way shrank more than five percent last year how much more evidence do we need that austerity is a bad idea to austerity is for the good of the economy or frankly even for the good of the people austerity is a religion it's a belief system and there's no proof anywhere that it will stimulate an economy none but it does hit average working people and particularly badly hits poor people oh and by the way doesn't affect the lives of rich people a bit if think that may have something to do with why all these banks and millionaire pundits on t.v. and the millionaires who make up the majority of our national politicians in the republican party like austerity so much. as long as the people are forced by austerity to pay the price for the damage caused in the two thousand and eight bush
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financial collapse and not the banks toure's not the billionaires than international markets are happy and this is why it's both stupid policy and morally wrong an economy is not just supposed to be a tool to be used by rich people to increase their riches and economy is a living breathing organism made up of all of us and it depends on all of us or at least most of us to be financially secure for the economy to keep breathing people need to have jobs so they'll have enough money in their pockets to buy things each time working people go out and buy stuff the economy breeds but austerity stars and economy especially during times of recession are we keeping economic growth like europe is experiencing think of this as the living breathing body of the economy it's made up of all of us each of us are cells and organs doing our part to contribute to our bodies economy so that it grows and flourishes but when our body
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economy goes into recession it's like the food supply gets cut off people lose their jobs people lose their homes no one is spending money the cells stop working the organs slow down or fall away the body economy begins to disintegrate people have no money so they're not buying things and they're not buying things company have has no demands they're not hiring anybody or a body economy it starts to vanish pieces of it going away it needs food to stay healthy it needs an employer and a spender of last resort and guess where that food comes from that spender of last resort if it's not available the marketplace it's the government after world war two this is what germany looked like the german economy was essentially dead everything was bombed out but today this is what germany looks like. how is the german economy saved here's a hint. it wasn't for letting the free economy do its work and it wasn't because
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the german government said we have no money so let's cut spending now the german economy and nation was saved through massive government spending through the marshall plan we gave huge amounts of money to germany to rebuild and the germans did rebuild they got the food they needed they got their economy back on its feet again and today germany is the fourth largest economy in the world and the largest economy in europe that's what government spending does when an economy is destroyed but austerity holds back the much needed food it cuts off the demand for goods and services the puts people back to work and resuscitate the economy and lets the enter of recession just continue to eat away and eat away until the body economy dies it'll make debt worse since people aren't collecting paychecks and paying taxes but instead are getting government benefits so revenues go down and expenses go up i as world renowned economist steve keen why austerity is even an option and he gave me this bloody answer. ready even without something as stupid as a master of trading austerity actually pushes you backwards and each time you
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attempt to do it you end up with a bigoted problem than you had beforehand why would these people buy into this notion that you can somehow cut yourself to prosperity i think it's because unfortunately a totally in sign theory of economics which is superficially plausible but fundamentally unsign has taken over the economics profession. yet this fundamentally insane idea is exactly what we're seeing played out in the u.k. and in greece and bizarrely it's what republicans want to bring to the united states let's not follow europe down that rabbit hole into economic collapse through austerity and economy isn't here for the banks toure's and the rich it's here for all of us and no nation in the history of this planet has ever cut its way to prosperity so let's stop trying that's the big picture for tonight for more information on the stories we covered visit our websites of thom hartmann dot com
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free speech dot org an r t dot com also check out our two you tube channel is there a link to tom hartman dot com also at tom foreman dot com you can check out all the different ways you can send us feedback and don't forget democracy begins with you get out there and get active tag your it will see you tomorrow.
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the big. wealthy british style dogs that's not on the tires on. the market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max cons or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kaiser report.
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more news today violence is once again flared up for the film these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. giant corporations are the day the but. welcome to the loner show where we get the real headlines with none of the mercy or can we live out of washington d.c. now tonight we can speak the change you are about the obama's state of the union address last night there were a lot of big promises a lot of fingers point of the congress and he reminded us quite a few times that he is the one that got bin laden but does the president still have the power to inspire or are the people tired of unfulfilled goals then business and political leaders are gathered at the world economic forum in davos taking on the
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eurozone debt crisis income inequality believe it or not and there's even an occupy davos encampment so artie's lauren lyster host of the capital account is there and she's going to give us all the details and then last night the president didn't specifically address the occupy movement although we definitely heard some of the rhetoric of fighting inequality and corruption in his speech so let's get an occupy response to obama have all that morphy tonight including a dose of happy hour but first take a look at the mainstream media has decided to miss. it so tonight we have a bit of a special edition of main stream is for you to see this morning r.t. had some very big news to announce the julian assange founder of wiki leaks is going to be launching a talk show which will be broadcast by this network and it's going to be called the world tomorrow it's going to consist of ten weekly episodes where he interviews who he calls iconoclast visionaries and power insiders now personally i think about
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sounds pretty bad ass i'm really intrigued to see what comes up with who we interview is what he asks them that's for the majority of the rest of the media out there and not so much you see before even seeing this program they have already made their judgments loud and clear i mean come on we know damn well how media organizations like the new york times and the guardian feel about it saw it those same organizations that worked with him and reported on the extensive material that we can we provide it they printed story after story based on the league. of the iraq and afghanistan war logs as well as diplomatic cables they had no problem using that information to sell more papers make a profit when it suited them and then of course they turned completely against the science and started writing smear pieces about his dirty socks so as not to give the establishment the wrong impression so as not to be seen as being in cahoots with the man of the us government is leading a massive investigation against which charges of espionage though they cared more about his dirty socks and they did about some of the real mistakes like publishing
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the names of informants so they are in my mind cowards and if you read michael hastings recent interview with a saunter rolling stone seems like he feels the same way and so you can imagine the shock of the outrage and as mark at a modest put it today pearl clutching it's been going on since this announcement was made this morning so what's perhaps the most ludicrous part of it all is that even the associated press which provided the original story which claims to be a straight reporting news agency they made their opinion very clear their headline and headlines from the wall street journal and others today looks like this program when t.v. channel to air wiki leaks talk show kremlin t.v. to air julie to songes new show or my personal favorite we can expound or to launch a t.v. show on kremlin's mouthpiece. now for starters the name of the channel is r t it's not kremlin t.v. have you ever seen anyone refer to al-jazeera or the b.b.c. as british or qatari mouthpieces in a news article you don't hear people calling the wall street journal rupert murdoch's melt piece but hey if it's r t than just have at it now let me read you
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one more line became a guardian news article not an opinion piece but a news article about this announcement today it read the channel like the russian government has been very supportive of songe since his arrest for allegedly sexually assaulting two women in sweden in august of two thousand and ten i mean come on people they make it sound like the second that assad was labeled as a sexual predator we came running to his defense if you actually watch r.t. or watch my show you would know that we were one of the first networks to have joined us on jon after we can weeks release the collateral murder video in april two thousand and ten the we've been covering week the leaks for years rather than just jumping in since his arrest for sexually assaulting two women and never has there been a statement made by me trying it on those sexual allegations because the truth is i don't know what happened there's a lawsuit going on there for a reason so it's not my place to have an opinion but all of this really shows you is just how united the mainstream media is when it comes to attacking somebody with a different point of view and somebody that might challenge the status quo and
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that's why people are turning away from the mainstream media most notably the cable networks to do the most pathetic job and just focus on partisan tit for tat campaign strategy sex scandals and set of unemployment homelessness and veterans suicide or the failing drug war and innocent victims of no knock rates but there is an appetite out there for something else first something that the mainstream media is not providing and as an american i feel that it's not only in my interest and yours but it's my responsibility to find that material and to cover it but of course it's much easier to be on the side that never pisses anybody off stays in the good graces of corporate networks so they can keep getting invited back on but i think that when julia songes show airs the world will be watching young people will be watching but the mainstream media has already judged and dismissed what he might have to offer. they're going to continue to miss.
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last night we tuned in for president obama's last state of the union address before this november's upcoming elections and he definitely got the feel of a campaign speech as the president laid out his vision and put the onus on congress to bring the bills to his desk we heard a lot about investing in our education system and energy and an infrastructure we've heard the populist rhetoric of calling for a fair system where everyone pairs pays their fair share in taxes and where companies are rewarded for bringing jobs back to america rather than sending them abroad but to start and wrap up this speech obama focused on his foreign policy successes for the first time in ninety years there are no americans fighting in iraq. thank you first time in two decades osama bin laden is not a threat to this country. sure thanks
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most of all carter's top lieutenants have been defeated the taliban's momentum has been broken and some trucks in afghanistan have begun to come home. so what do we think about the speech well joining me to discuss it is jay cuter host of the young turks thanks for joining us tonight and first i want to start with that clip that we just played there curious what do you think about obama starting and ending the speech with any of the war in iraq and i guess most notably getting rid of osama bin laden i mean he really kept harping on that point to remind all of us which makes sense to me but can we really say that the world is a safer place today or that the taliban's momentum has been broken i feel like he went maybe a little too far there yes i think he was a little too for
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a lot of these i wouldn't worry too much about. what. you know i know you want to see longer but at least we are out of it right now so he's very sensible or. more. were elected to star in the military given his accomplice use their route. to separate it so i don't get much all right so then what was your overall opinion of the speech we heard a lot of a lot of lofty promises a lot of goals set for where america should be in the future. yeah you know mixed feelings about the speech is always present oh my pick the things that he spoke about i liked him as a president far more than i do today unfortunately a lot of times you don't get that action behind us speech but there was a positive note here number one there was some action and that there are eight new york state attorney general eric schneiderman and put him in charge of good
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mortgage investigation unit that might actually really talk on the back so that would be terrific and then number two i just thought he had a more aggressive maybe even confrontational tone with the republicans where he was sorely lacking for three straight years so on the other hand of course it's obama so he at the same time try to reach out to republicans and his energy program is basically saying one and if there's one he brags about all the strategy that are sheep that was literally a republican line so some prostrating moments as always but overall better than some of the other speeches because at least in tone because it looks like he might take on the republicans at least on some which i want to i'm happy you mentioned that because you know he definitely took on the republicans in certain areas specifically when we heard a lot about taxes but aside from energy there are a couple other things that seemed like he was trying to reach out or pander whatever throw them a couple little bones so let's take
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a listen to those real quick. i believe as strongly as ever that we should take on illegal immigration that's why my administration has put more boots on the border than ever before that's why there are fewer illegal crossings then when i took office and nowhere is the promise of innovation greater than in american made energy over the last three years we've opened millions of new acres for oil and gas exploration. and tonight i'm directing my administration to open more than seventy five percent of our potential offshore oil and gas resources in fact i've approved fewer regulations in the first three years of my presidency than my republican predecessor did in his. right so we haven't heard the energy lines there the oil drilling although he did talk a lot about green energy but the immigration thing you know let's not forget that this is going to be
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a very big chunk of the population the fastest growing voting demographic do you think that obama did the right thing their. reaction example is a good one because it shows you the. rootlessness of the split works there because he wants to show that how tough views on immigration it's true he has a border more people than bush by a very sort of more marginalized baggage program records but is there any credit for from the conservatives who want to be covered yes immigration no yes no credit whatsoever i mean do you think they use up on immigration he's not going to be a single vote based on what is your with same time he's alienating latino voters who we desperately needs in two thousand and twelve so i don't see how it's a winning strategy just you know whether it's the energy pros there the immigration . regulations he's idea well if i go in trying to reach out to these certain voters
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what they're going to vote for you know the amounts in a socialist and all of those early days your own voters so trying to to compromise but you know probably it's not going to benefit him there again i want to play a clip that i found was particularly interesting up to and we'll talk about it. anyone who tells you otherwise. anyone who tells you that america is in decline or that our influence has waned doesn't know what they're talking about. are now i get it all the time with these state of the union speeches you have to be very patriotic it's got to be very raw raw america but things are really bad right i mean this is why we have people protesting on the streets right now so to tell people you don't know what you're talking about if you think that our influence might be waning all over the world or that certain things are in decline i think that we see a lot of decline you know with the economy outside on the streets right now we see a lot of decline in the sense that our civil liberties have been completely eroded over the last ten years how can you say that well i'm feeling. is it worth it
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for us. and perhaps these other candidates running you know just as his line is drawn do i know you think overall vision for america. wolf well you know i've got yes to the rest of us to see a little over the top god bless america but. we've seen better days but of course the president is going to say and if you. cross so. we spend less on worry about it. and more time worrying about how you actually fix the economy how do you work with the base so that you serve the middle class so that you can win the election based on the merits but do you think is that really just an obama thing or is that something that you could say maybe is a cultural difference that we have a little bit of a hard time just saying that times are rough the road ahead is going to be tough there are going to be sacrifices that need to be made it's like we always need to
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be built up and told every you know told that everything's going to be happy and joyful and perfect again some day without knowing that there's going to be a hard slog first. well yes you're right it's certainly a lot of this is low to do that and this is you know unfortunately it's the best place to do that and you're always. strong and that's what every president says and this is president obama said the president of the state of our t.v. is getting stronger which it actually is more of a tacit admission that any other president will say ok we're not in or. he's really strong you know it's kind of iraq that's where you vote. again. you know ok well let me say we're going to give a pass a missile and he started talking about iran specifically and had this statement to me. we're going to run through the power of our diplomacy
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a world that was once divided about how to deal with iran's nuclear program now stands as one of the regime is more isolated than ever before its leaders are faced with crippling sanctions and as long as they. and i living in a completely different world than president obama is living in because the world is not unified on what to do with iran right now you can see that with our trying to put you know push the rest of the world to into sanctions where the e.u. is along but china russia india they're not along and you know what happens with sanctions it's more the people that suffer than the leaders. you know i have a more complicated you know sanctions i think that they were depending on whether it's a simple dictatorship or it's all yorkey with us a lot of business interests them if i could buy it in iran they might have a better chance of working than they did in iraq where they were never going to sit up and say remember that you were in south africa now as far as this time is the world is united and you know it's we have such a limited world view here in the u.s.
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of course they so often that we hear well if the democrats and republicans agree then the world must be nice but we're not the world as you said i was a lot of people are not united on the say she was. you know low doses that are really serious maybe because that is something that so many people in washington are if you're being the drums of war on and it's silly and ridiculous and actually the best candidate on that is shockingly enough for both of us ron paul who constantly points out ridiculous is to go out. right now the last thing that i just ask you we're going to play a clip or at a time as you know we heard a lot as i said about the troops about the armed services and what they do for this country but then obama kind of. made this connection by saying that we should learn to be more like that and they're not all worried about individuality and you know just their individual responsibility which is kind of interesting how you think
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about sounds to americans where really so much of our founding is about individuality. you know he's got to strike a balance there but but you know of course i believe in individual responsibility who doesn't but. you know it's again now one of the things that i thought was you know obviously relevant there. it's what drives me crazy is because you know compromising with the republicans and then not be stronger but i thought again he was fairly strong yeah to do a swagger about it last night i jangled thanks so much for joining us tonight all right thank you i want to. hide just ahead on the show you know their input on president obama's state of the union place last night but they want to know what the ninety nine percenters think of the president's plans for this year after the break we're going to speak again to get his take on.


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