tv [untitled] January 26, 2012 3:18am-3:48am EST
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which they have benefited from dr warning and the c.e.o. of bank america of america is one who was saying you know the western capitalism is subject to boom and bust this is part of it but come on there are so many people that we talked to when interviewed on our show that talk about how long and how painful the costs are of this bust that is it here by accident and has a lot to do with maybe some of the bailouts that his bank has benefited from and the boom years of easy money that they did as well so there obviously are plenty of defenders and we'll have to see if anything really comes out of that conversation i've seen some reports of billionaires defending they're concerned about inequality and having concerns about capitalism in that regard we'll have to see if it just amounts to some talk because i'm seeing a lot of little business action go along on the sidelines with participants who are bringing up inequality in this issue of inequality it's i did talk to them in their concerns were some of the concerns that have been concerns from outside of davos over the years that these are a bunch of elite getting together to talk about solving the world's problems in
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a way that's not democratic as if they have actual implications and they do turn into policy in some way shape or form there's a lot of people locked out of that conversation but there is an occupy tinge to it and definitely a world economic forum focus so let's just hear from from their words what one of them had to say to me but overall they're saying they're improving the state of the world and to me that's truly arrogant and hubris stick to take on these shows that their decisions and or the networking they're doing and what they're discussing is going to have global ramifications that are going to affect the entire seven billion people on this planet there is a big lineup star economists all those people still be speaking not on the record some of these are in closed door sessions that press are privy to at all but some are there really about talking about the impact of democracy the impact of people that are upset over inequality or is this about figuring out where the best investment opportunities lie that's what we'll have to find out we'll keep you posted but for now i'm lauren lyster here in davos. and russian representatives
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that the foreign diverse also have something a lot less cost to the business desk. in the business bulletin in twenty eleven and merging markets suffered the biggest capital outflow since the onset of the crisis in two thousand and eight and russia of course was no exception more than eighty four billion dollars left the country last year but speaking and down both the head of the country's direct investment fund told business r.t. that negative trend may reverse after the march presidential election details in about five minutes. the russian progress cargo spacecraft has launched from the baikonur cosmodrome in kazakhstan and is now on its way to the international space station it's the first for its part of twenty twelve and it's expected to reach that two day journey because the ship is carrying more than two and a half tons of fuel food equipment what is personal computers for crew members from . the six people stationed at monitoring and conducting scientific experiments.
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and staying with space exploration and russia's recent unmanned mission to mars failed to leave due to harmful to pity that's the preliminary finding by russian investigators looking into the breakdown of who was groomed probe launched in the very last contact for planting to work in pieces ten days ago experts also think it could have been downed by american radio interference but nasa is refusing to work with the russian experts who present their final report on sunday. the farms of rural america produce around thirty nine percent of the world's corner every year but all of it ends up on dinner tables instead of feeding the hungry almost half of the u.s. corn supply goes to making ethanol they want to power american cause salty's christine because our reports this has many asking which is more important food or
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fuel. it is a process that comes. with a price tag for the american way not just from farm to. but from farm to fuel and this is where it all starts where the thieves are planted and the corn grows it is the most simple part of a process that has become anything but simple the production and youth of ethanol one largely considered an environmental one has become very political being blamed for everything from the power of the state of iowa to world hunger fifteen percent right now of the food increases in this country that you've seen in the last year are directly associated with this policy and that policy a subsidy paid by the u.s. government to encourage the production and use of corn ethanol it lasted thirty three years and cost more than twenty billion dollars oklahoma senator tom coburn
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led the charge to do away with the subsidy and won but the government mandate requiring oil companies to use ethanol is still in place so just about anywhere you go ten percent of what you put into your car is ethanol. even if your car is a race car. nascar's partnership with ethanol a sign that the pressure on the corn supply will continue forty percent of last year's corn crop. went to ethanol that leaves the other sixty percent to go toward food for people and animals and with the price per bushel more than doubling in the last five years it's no wonder food prices are going up when demand goes up for an f. farmers plant more corn. then they can't. research scholar
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tim searching or says that leads to the shortage and increased prices of other crops and it's not just this country in other countries where people rely on corn meal as one of the only meals for their family. price hike has been devastated. ethanol farmers and plant workers argue that the claims are exaggerated since leftovers are actually used to make high protein animal feed everything else from the fiber from the protein. and fat though the corn oil is left over that is what over and rated for animal feed and still it doesn't change the fact that one sixth of the world's corn supply is burned in american cars that is enough corn to feed three hundred fifty million people for an entire year. raising the question of fairness in the increasing competition between fuel and food. in iowa christine freeze out our teeth. coming up in our sports her later this hour fighting to the
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last breath the number one ranking buskers at maria sharapova victoria azarenka better russo face each other this weekend strong in the open which determine who becomes the world's leading tennis player. that's the way in just over fifteen minutes next we get the latest business update. twenty five minutes past the hour here in moscow you're watching business on r.t.e. emerging markets are suffering from their biggest capital outflows two thousand eight investment advisors cross border capitals says in the past four months it reached two and three quarter trillion dollars and that russia is of course no exception last year money was leaving the country faster than predicted but speaking at the devils economic forum the head of the country's direct investment fund told r.t.
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the negative trend should reverse after the presidential elections of march. if people like you could evolve you know you got the election for. the successful people all to come before the elections that you go to that if you're somebody rich we believe that the low we pick up would make it feel like free because russian magritte called was very strong because what you get the go for it looks like third the flow discussions with the leading investors in the world let me after the russian we know full well we would not stop me from sections of the next one months it would be fool's elections. and let's now take a look at the markets oil first and it's in the block and got a major boost someone's they won the u.s. fed reserve kept interest rates at a record low the low cost of warming supports the u.s. economy boosting oil demand this hour put up the try has slipped below one hundred
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dollars a barrel brant is at around one hundred in the house dollars now on to equities and the european markets are higher early trade following the u.s. fed reserve decision which already mentioned they expect the potential strength of the u.s. economy to benefit those across the ocean the footsie is gaining around half a percent at the moment the dax is around one percent higher. and the russian markets a posting strong gains this hour the r.t.s. has come down from reaching its highest point since last november but it's still trading almost one of a half percent higher and the my sex is around half a percent higher. and let's check the biggest movers on the my sex abuse than the demand for metals is pushing metal stocks higher obviously severus all is up almost two percent whereas noble if it's steel is trading over two percent higher and banking stocks continue to rally on improved sentiment about the euro zone's that prices with their banks up almost two percent this hour and now onto currencies the
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ruble is slightly lower to the euro but it's continuing its rally against the dollar on. thanks to that at this hour the session. of the un changed the rates throughout twenty four teams are offering that support the dollar itself though has dropped against the euro. and that's all the latest from the business team on the back of a gift that. will
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live for this month's challenge by particles that make up the fabric of the universe find what you're looking for in the deep siberian forest prevent a fire with the help of lasers and fibers pull out your tablet of a new game in the region and let the inventor begin all of that here in the with severe subject knowledge of danger here on r.g.p. we've got the future covered.
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salary cap i mean stories for you know a call for action the u.n. faces arab pressure to adopt a resolution on syria to push president start from power russia has made it clear it would be tied any security council that would have down it you mentioned. plans to enforce an anti piracy though in poland prompts thousands of people onto the streets and a wave of cyber attacks on government websites says are saying the agreement designed to protect intellectual property rights production need to censorship. and
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vying for votes online a new dynamic in russian politics as millions of people take to the internet stench of actions with borrowed videos and creative campaigning for the most wanted and i thought. you know r.t. talks to a british author whose recent book entitled after the arab spring predicted the egyptian revolution he gives his expertise on the middle east that's next. i'm talking to join all broadly he's a foreign correspondent who's dedicated his life to writing about the middle east to publications all round the world in the wake of the arab spring he says fall from the democratic pluralism that the west assumed would take over was in fact rushing into that power vacuum is islamicists john albright the thanks very much for talking to us today now we'll start with the situation in iran because it's
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very much in the news that the mavens the e.u. has banned all new oil contracts with the country and it plans to extend sanctions on the iranian central bank how much do you think that's going to cost iran the e.u. and the global economy in general it's only going to cost to run we've seen today the local currency. level against the u.s. dollar in history and the fact is that iran exporter sizable amount of its oil to the you and coupled with american sanctions unilateral sanctions are already in place against iran it's going to hurt but what we're seeing essentially is the first phase of economic warfare against iran and the problem is the west has iran all wrong just as it has the middle east all wrong people leave the sanctions will increase the divide between the regime and the people and historically this doesn't happen there's no proof that this happens whatsoever people feel pressured and they look where that pressure is coming from the west and so it makes them more anti
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western that's the only logical outcome he also hopes that if there is serious instability as a result then because iran is very ethnically and geographically divided that certain groups will rise up against the regime or there will be a popular uprising but again it's wishful thinking it's not going to happen at all and we saw years of sanctions in iraq didn't we it is is that a comparison that you draw you know and then we saw a war on. all of this is leading to war hawks in washington there are allies in saudi arabia and israel are absolutely absolutely determined to bring iran to its knees and it seems like it's now or never and they're going for broke so what will happen next you think what does that usually involve what they're hoping for is that iran is backed into a corner and some incident occurs whether by accident or design that makes it seem
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that the reigning in. power as it were and then because there is very little support in the west for unilateral strike against iran the fact is especially if it's done at the behest of israel and they need iran to do something whether it's the u.s. carrier. in the strait of hormuz or whether it's just rhetoric on the part of the iranian regime. it's everyone's up. to the extent that something has to happen and the americans wouldn't militarized to the extent that they have if they weren't expecting the final out to be war do you see that that could be the a rainy and looking the straits of hormuz the gulf oil export reaches that now promising that they well you know though it's not saying that it will do that just as a result of sanctions it's threatening to do that in the event that it attacked and
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that's just one of many things that iran is threatening to do and has the capability to do if you are very worried about ethnic divisions all through the middle east comes the fore in both iran and also in syria if sunni islamists gain control of most of the middle east what do you think the outcome could be for the majority shiites iran obviously all of this is news for iran i think if you look back at the arab spring the turning point. ok in late february when saudi arabia was given the go ahead by washington. what happened then is related very much to everything that's happening now because the only country is a majority ruled by a sunny minority and iran has the story claims to the island and the u.s. navy's fifth fleet is. crucial to containing iran and so essentially what we've seen is a sunny divide reemerge in the middle east with washington clearly backing sunny
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powerhouse saudi arabia close american ally and saudi arabia and turkey along has taken control of the revolutions out swearin so for example its funding and into the main islamic party in tunisia the muslim brotherhood and more extremist groups in egypt are on the record as saying they go substantial funds from saudi arabia the yemeni government has openly criticized for interfering in its internal affairs and funding radical islamists and of course in syria the the main opposition is made dominated by the muslim brotherhood and the so-called free syrian army is dominated by not only radical jihadi is from within syria but also you have these from throughout the region where we're told constantly that there's no real threat because these are moderate islamist parties but of course the definition of
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moderate makes absolutely no sense in any rational because saudi arabia is often described in the western media as a moderate arab state and i lived in saudi arabia for three years and i can assure you there is absolutely nothing moderate about our country at all you say that that is that is the base groups who have stepped into the breach in many of these countries are you saying these weren't genuine people's uprisings at the time. the idea. behind it is that they hijacked the revolutions. precisely because they were in fact islamic inspired beginning in tunisia could never have been because it's rather in prison or and the muslim brotherhood in egypt openly came out against the revolution initially the problem is that the motivation for these revolutions was economic internees here for example it started in the deep south in operation in the south in syria it started in a city near jordan which hadn't been experiencing
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a drought for three years and in egypt an extensive opinion poll carried out even among those who went to her just after mubarak fell only nineteen percent of the free and free elections and free expression and so on of the top of their agenda their main priority sixty five percent was the economy now the people who use revolutions foolishly declared their revolutions leaderless and they didn't have an agenda anyone who knows anything about revolutionary uprisings in the past and specifically you're the most ready for and the seventy nine revolution in iran knows that what happens in the post-revolutionary chaos is that the groups that are most disciplined. and most ruthless politically then fill the vacuum and so when you couple that with the fact that they're then with the funding that we've been talking about from saudi arabia. able to manipulate the electoral process. they were perfectly poised to to step into the into the cap and fill the vacuum and
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that's what they've done what about the free syrian army is fighting for a genuine democracy and you'll see whether or not they're fighting for democracy is an open question what kind of democracy we then have to just took hold and go to the coverage that this jihadi outfit is being given you can get a word in edgeways in trying to criticize it all trying to illustrate just what a horrible. extremists these people are very string of credible reports that are showing that. especially. gulf states have been funding jihad is not only from within the country but from libya for example and elsewhere i find it very typical that we're going for. its ultimate goal western style democracy employers only freedom is what we're seeing in syria basically and islamic
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revolution absolutely if we've been hearing constant greatly exaggerated predictions of the syrian regime's d. minus for eleven months now if a popular revolution was going to happen it would have happened already the fact is though they may have no great love for the cucumber face president. the. general feeling of better the devil we know and you talk about the arab league do you think that the mission in syria has essentially played into the hands of those who are existing pressure on the syrian also or sees it overstepping its mark when it makes demands while the mediating the arab league essentially has no credibility on the arab street and everyone knows that it's the top of the g.c.c. and its aim is not to create momentum that the arab league itself can then implement all the recounting and has imposed sanctions and suspended syria and could possibly impose
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a no fly zone what they are going to do is what they did with libya before you remember before the un resolution on libya the arab league convened and conveniently almost all of those who voted were from the gulf cooperation council in support of the no fly zone in libya what the arab league mission is trying to accomplish is get enough evidence concrete evidence about human rights abuses on the part of the very seem to then take that to the u.n. and the evidence will be so strong that even russia and china. as of now one month after this mission started they seem to know the monitors seem to know more about what's going on the ground than they did at the beginning and so it all looks like it will be going back to square one and in contrast to libya so far western nations of the nazi adamant that they're not going to go into syria why do you think that's is it doesn't have a seaport. in the way that it's not on the coast in the way that for example.
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benghazi was on the coast in libya and so. difficult militarily to get in supplies it's also not resort to resource rich. you know obviously they went into libya because it has a great deal of oil and they continue to support saudi arabia and because they have a great deal of oil and gas there is no great pale immediate payoff when it comes to syria but there is a great deal to be gained politically but they can buy time and they're hoping for an internal collapse or barring that the arab league somehow money she's to weaken the regime enough that we've had for example the. mayor of kut saying that arab league troops should be sent in and so the west is quite happy for the time being for the arabs to do their dirty work john albright they thank you very much thank you.
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we have seen the damage it has done to our environment mark chemicals probs we do not want any more of. our core system it's just that was a dismal experience and i'm just i'm just appalled that that's allowed to go on. eating this unfortunately because we don't know what's in it. and there's no labeling there for being used like on the boards where the experiment could be used as getting. old now we have more questions than we have matches to guards. like.
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three series stuart chaifetz priests. the old fremont can split video for your media projects a free media. tom. fox a call for action the u.n. faces an arab pressure to adopt a resolution on syria push. for russia. has made it clear that it will be termed any security council move without military intervention. plans to enforce an anti piracy the intelligent thousands of people on the streets and the rate of cyber attacks on government websites are just as well saying the agreement is going to protect intellectual property rights and lead to censorship. and going for votes online a new dynamic in russian politics millions of people take to the internet and the
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presidential election with a viral videos created campaigning holding sway never. timed out the sports news with to mature. good to have your company again big show coming up in the program. a russian. open title and the winner will become the world's number one. still on beats and says come. on home colton basketball's your league to claim that twelve straight win in the tournament. and england's carling cup liverpool are through to the finals to face second to cardiff city. so let's start
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with terry. has advanced into the women's singles final of the australian open after beating world number two in the last four the twenty four year old russian needed more than two not out opponent. top six two three six six four victory in the decisive match russia. is our. first ever grand slam final. thanks after defeating the defending champion kim clijsters of culture x. factor so again it's going to become world number one again thank you thank. action will see the top four in the world playing.
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