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tv   [untitled]    January 26, 2012 4:18am-4:48am EST

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with a plea for more patience so not sure that that's what investors want to hear that wanted more bailout money pledged and we heard from very prominent investor george soros yesterday criticizing germany's plans but being careful with the wording not wanting to hit too hard on germany by making it pretty clear that he didn't see these solutions as solutions and he's worried about austerity causing europe to go into a deflationary tailspin so you can see there's a real mixed result with with investors versus what merkel has to offer and that's just one part of me there's economists and people i'm sure that would disagree with what indeed that people disagree i mean what about the people who aren't being allowed in the number of bounty corporatists is there in double some updates of voice their point of view on the current economic crisis although being heard at all well no they're not being heard they're down the street they're in an encampment their numbers may be dwindling a bit because they've literally been sleeping in a glues and when i went out visiting them yesterday they were telling me that one
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collapsed in the night so they're really dealing with the elements they have various things staged throughout the week some of which we have seen there have been some pictures that you guys have been playing of those i know over the last few days i know more is planned and they're expecting more activists to come this week and the irony of course is that in a year where we've seen occupy movements really grow and really take a major news they've made it onto the agenda of the world economic forum and a number of participants are talking about inequality yet the occupy protesters that are here are by no means invited they're not having their voices heard within the for their instead relegated of course to outside where you would typically expect activists to be limited to ok keep us posted on all that floor in the lower in the from davos certainly well. now more people are expected to protest in the egyptian capital with their square already full once again a year after the ousting of hosni mubarak thousands of protesters are desperate for
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the interim military government to immediately relinquish power dozens have been killed in recent months as troops clamp down on several demonstrations there is counting that activists are angry that some of these young minds are still in the strange part and an elected constitution on the military still reigns supreme and the back in a state of emergency law has finally been lifted an egyptian author and maker risk says that change is little. i don't see it as being that big of a shift i mean we lived under military rule for thirty years and that gave the government their storage and to do just about what they wanted today we live under military rule so to me it's just a formal matter and that they they lived emergency law while we live under the rule of a military dreamt up since the military took over january twenty eighth over fifteen thousand civilians that we know of have faced military courts and have received
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trials of anywhere between six months to fifteen years and a formal matter like lifting emergency law means absolutely nothing when we have a newly elected parliament that is still under the thumb of military drone term they've tasted power they have massive economic interests in the country again everything that's happened in egypt really needs to be looked at from an economic perspective in that there's a group of cronies of one box and his government that were in power they've been moved out of power and there's a new group of cronies that are in place and central to that group of power hungry rulers today are the military generals and they will not just let go and hand over power like that without having guarantees that their interests will be secured. well more world news now insurgents have bombed a house in iraq killing ten people inside their home located fifty kilometers south of baghdad was owned by two policemen who were brothers they died in the attack as did two infants the police spokesman says the house was flattened by the explosion
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. because defense minister has arrived in the town of bani walid after and loyalists of more dolphins seize control of the area on monday the minister has begun the goetia with militia who drove out pro-government forces three days ago four people were killed and twenty five others wounded in the battle retaking of the town is the first thing to challenge the new government supporting. multi-story building has collapsed in the center of rio de janeiro with reports saying two people are dead and up to eleven still trapped in the rubble dozens of firefighters and paramedics are working at the scene looking for survivors layers of dust and debris cover the surrounding area there making the search difficult i would say there was a strong smell of gas in an explosion before the building collapsed. one of the owners of the cruise liner that capsized off the italian coast denies telling the ship's captain to change the vessels route this comes after captain francesco
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schettino told a friend he was pressured by managers to steer the ship to the area where the collision occurred the company says the captain was going too fast to be so close to shore sixteen bodies have been recovered since the ship ran aground and the search continues for seventy people still missing. no rushing the progress cargo spacecraft has launched from the baikonur cosmodrome in kazakhstan is now on its way to the international space station it's the first space flight of twenty twelve expected to reach the ice or so after a two day journey because this ship is carrying a more than two and a half tons of fuel food and quint as well as personal packages for crew members from the families currently six people stationed at the isis monitoring and conducting scientific experiments. in fact staying with space exploration in the failure of moscow's recent unbend mission to mars was due to harmful solar activity
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but that's the preliminary finding by russian investigators looking into the breakdown of the group probe it was launched in the very not stuck in earth's orbit before plummeting back and he says ten days ago experts also think it could have been down by american radar interference but nasa is refusing to work with the russian experts who present their final report on sunday. than a tasher is here for us now with latest business news. twenty four minutes past one pm here in moscow you're watching business r.t. russia exporters will be able to get cheap all the world's thanks to a new insurance agency created by giants bank. it will ensure the creditors of exporters against risk so they can provide loans with an interest rate of around three percent that compares with an average nine percent offered by russian banks
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at the moment speaking from dallas the head of the export credit agency peter fraud explains why domestic firms need extra help. so simple it's clear for example you know that you support him but here brive from brazil but you're from canada expletive of canada brazilian myself additional provide their exporters just three four percent close for the tim kitchen yes that's the deal so the russian banks cannot provide let's say civil aircraft the floyd for example was such sure so says my mortgage we're doing just good you might as well as your board would believe it slightly if we give you the time we. come up to give you the washroom before. emerging markets are suffering from their biggest capital outflows says two thousand and eight investment advisors cross
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border capital says in the past four months it reached two and three quarters trillion dollars and russia of course is no exception money has been leaving faster than predicted but speaking at the dallas economic forum the head of the country's direct investment fund told r.t. the negative trend should reverse after the presidential elections in march so the people if we could evolve you know we got the election for. the super successful people all to come before the elections thank you for the way that you feel is a risk we believe that this old law will become will be kicking off if you like three because russia back recalled is very strong because what we have to do is. go forward there be slow discussions with the leading investors in the world let me after russia we go live to would not stop me from sections of the next one months to the bulls election. and now let's check out the markets oil first then it's
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still in the black but the gains are more modest than earlier in the day and get a major boost on wednesday when the u.s. fed reserve kept interest rates at a record low the low cost of borrowing supports the u.s. economy boosting oil demand this hour that of each eye is that ninety nine and a half dollars a barrel brant is at around one hundred ten and the war. and the european markets are higher this hour following that two u.s. fed reserve decision that i already mentioned they expect the potential strength of the u.s. economy to benefit those across the ocean the footsie is about a third of a percent higher the dax is adding roughly the same. and the russian markets of posting strong gains the r.t.s. has come down from its highest point since last november but it's still trading around around want to have percent higher and the my sex is around half percent hard right. and now. now the biggest movers on the my sex abuse than the demand for metals is pushing the metal stocks higher severstal is now up two percent whereas
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new novel of the sixty you is trading almost two and a half percent higher and banking stocks continue to rally on the improved sentiment about the eurozone debt crisis with the bear bank well over two percent this hour. and now the currencies of the ruble is slightly lower to the euro but it's continuing its rally against the dollar all thanks to the fed reserve decision and the dollar itself has dropped against the euro. russian tycoon a victim of vex a bag has once again pulled the i.p.o. this gold assets she now says the listing of the bomb will happen no sooner than next year as the company is yet to finalize the plans to prove production the i.p.o. was expected to take place in hong kong. and that's all the latest from the business desk i'll see you back here in about fifteen minutes.
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we have seen the damage it has done to our environment mark chemicals probs we do not want any more of. our core system it's just there was a does more experience and i'm just i'm just appalled but that's allowed to go on for. eating this unfortunately because we don't know what's in it there's no labeling there for it being used like
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a board to experiment who could be used as guinea pig. as well now we have more questions than we have had three guards in like. let's recap i mean had lots of plans to enforce an anti piracy the one posted thousands of people onto the streets and a wave of cyber attacks on government websites protesters all saying agreements designed to protect intellectual property rights would lead to censorship. call for action the un faces arab pressure to adopt a resolution on syria to push present assad from russia has made it clear it will be. any security council that put out the nutrients attention. and buying for votes
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online a new dynamic in russian politics as bonanza people take to the internet ahead of the presidential elections the viral videos and creative campaigning how did will sway than ever. when next we bring you the story of one farmer who stood up against a massive multicultural corporation to defend his rights and property. was . told to control dangerous knowledge and control like no one should have that great input patterns on nature and right as long as my wife and i have light within
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us we will always fall down and fight for the rights of partners always have you've used your seed from year to year no one should take that right away from anyone. this is what the judge ruled number one if you are contaminated against your wishes by might satisfy most you'll no longer own your seeds or plants they become the ownership of a corporation in this case points out. he also ruled we were not allowed. to use our seeds were planted again.
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he also ruled that all our profit from our nine hundred ninety eight the north crop goes to my temple. in one thousand nine hundred ninety seven as a result of a simple discovery life changed dramatically for the seventy year old farmer a power line runs along the edge of percy schmeiser is probably as usual the power company had the surrounding vegetation controlled by applying the herbicide roundup but in spite of this powerful chemical volunteer canola plants continue to thrive among the wheat this can all it was sprayed with four times their normal rate that you would spray. round up and yet it has not died so it's a very powerful. resistant canola to round up so it's definitely monsanto's seed that is here we've created our real big frankenstein.
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the pesticide roundup produced by the multinational concern monsanto is the most widely sold spray in the world monsanto made its canola resistant to round up this means round up kills every plant without exception only monsanto's genetically modified canola remains alive. it was introduced without really much testing being done and i think even at that time when it was introduced in the middle of the ninety's that even the governments were taken in by what these corporations told what it would do like increase heels and less chemicals and more nutritious and i think the government even believed the corporation. in ninety nine hundred six the chemical giant monsanto introduced its brand of canola into canada a brand. system to the pesticide round up in smoke as region three farmers agreed
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to plant monsanto's new g.m.o. canola. due to a heavy storm during the harvest freshly got g.m.o. canola drifted into percy schmeiser is fields his work of fifty years of breeding was destroyed because his harvest was contaminated by monsanto seed. but on top of that monsanto turned him the victim into a culprit. august ninety ninety eight some ice or was sued by months on joe for having illegally planted the corporations paid into g.m.o. . he was to be forced by a court decision to pay damages in the amount of one hundred thousand dollars and all this for a canola seed he did not want in the first place. under the patent law it says to violate a patent you have to use the patent in my case and never use monsanto's patent i never sprayed their chemical round up on my fields so i never used their patent.
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but percy schmeiser would not let himself be intimidated he filed a counter suit against the chemical called brazen on grounds of environmental pollution see destruction and slander from that time on monsanto had the small wheat farmer spied on and pursued like a criminal. in summer ninety nine hundred nine the situation became even more menacing for days detectives with cars were in front of smiters driveway following him onto the fields and observing his every footstep. and we found out afterwards by taking license numbers that they were people hired by monsanto and also monsanto representatives himself they didn't even stop by the field they would even drive into our yard here and i don't know if it was just. a method of intimidation or whatever but these are things that happen.
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and they did everything to bring us down financially and mentally and that's what they're doing is to mentally and financially break people. just they are totally ruthless they have no ethics they have no morals it's the bottom line. on a trust fund to pay for some of my legal bills and some time ago i get a phone call from the manager of the bank saying they were going to close out that account and they wouldn't give me no explanation so i went to see the bank manager which was a lady and i asked her why do you want to close out this account you have to give me a reason even under the bank act you can't just close somebodies account out and she
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wouldn't tell me what the reason words and finally i said to her is it because of monsanto and she said yes. and i said why and she said monsanto went to the head office and said to the head office of the canadian imperial bank of commerce if you don't. percy schmeiser is he who trust fund out we will cancel all of our phones with the canadian imperial bank of commerce across canada. in two thousand and one smiles or was ordered in his months on to a trial to be about four hundred thousand dollars in damages and costs the court to take it for granted that smites us canola fields contained ninety five to ninety eight percent of months santo's g.m.o. canola the judgement is a scandal of twenty eight test results only for back such a figure the rest varies between sixty nine and zero percent with contradictions and different evaluations most samples were procured behind my suspect not one of
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them was taken in his presence the decisive expert witnesses in court were either months on to employees or paid by months on to the judgement left people stunned worldwide today even canada's government admits that g.m.o. canola is everywhere. and what the trial judge ruled their first trial judge rule is what made the case become internationally known overnight what can happen with farmers when you introduce. and the judge ruled this number one it does not matter how a farmer is contaminated ten he went on to say cross pollination with paul and flown in the wind by birds or by direct sea flown and away in by or farmers transportation if your contaminated against your wishes you will no longer own your seeds or plants have become the ownership of monsanto under patent
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law we had about five hundred and fifty hectors stated to rapeseed in one nine hundred ninety eight he was. ruled because of the contamination all the profit from our crop in one thousand nine hundred eight goes to monsanto another important issue he mentioned he said it does not matter how much of a problem what is contaminated if it's half percent one percent two percent it does not matter you will no longer own your seeds or plants. after this decision percy schmeiser and his wife are very demoralized just like many farmers who had been following the case percy decided to appeal the ruling and took the case to the higher court but after two more years of legal battles the no three hundred photos in canadian dollars of legal expenses the judges again ruled
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if you were contaminated with months sometimes genes you no longer own your seeds and plants then we only had one avenue left and that was the supreme court of canada first of all we said to the supreme court that a farmer always should have the right to use his seeds from year to year if on his own farm and the most had partnership to my wife and myself by that time was that no one no corporation no individual should ever have the right to put a patent on higher life forms like a seed or plant. when i use the term higher life form i mean any lifeform whether it's a bird be an animal face or even a human being. if
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you have a patent on that gene that's in that poland and it gets in your field you don't longer own your seeds or plants so you could have one plant g.m.o. and all these could be regular organic but true patent law they can claim all of your plants. because you don't know which one is g.m.o. which is not. in one thousand nine hundred six when it was introduced farmers were told three main things had always be a bigger yield or it would be more nutritious and less chemicals and within three and four years we found out that the total opposite happened we're now using more
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chemicals in ever before and more powerful and more toxic chemicals because it has become a super wheat the other issue is that the quality is much poorer and and so now we have and then also poor yields and to give you an example of that he even the united state department of agriculture just a short time ago indicated that they yield on soybeans was down about fifteen percent with the introduction of g.m. most. monsanto's technology contract virtually turns the former into an accomplice of the agro chemical industry he has to buy new seeds every year with the technology surcharge and only them is he allowed to cultivate the seat the natural right of every farmer to replant his harvest seeds is waived by contract. i have a contract here for monsanto and i'll just give you some of the clauses in that contract. a farmer must always buy his seeds from monsanto. he must only
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buy the chemicals from months handle he can never use is seeds he must pay monsanto about forty dollars license fee on each hector he owns each year he must permit monsanto's police force to come on his way and for three years after the contract even though he may only grow jammu one year and months sounders police could go in your grain race they can go in your fields they can get your tax records your programming records with or without your permission and if a farmer commit some violation of the contract monsanto can take all its profit or monsanto can make him destroy his crop and the parmer is not allowed to say anything to anybody about it. no the multinationals with these contracts are exercising more power than any government would ever dare to do months saddle india
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or two thousand and three contracts have another cause added which states that a farmer can no longer sue months or take months out go to court or lay a lawsuit against monsanto no matter for what reason it could be whether its poor see poor crops they'd no longer consume us out almost takes their rights away have a farm even taken months and are to court so all their freedom of speech or expression is taken away total domination and controlled by a multinational over a farmer because like stamping their primer into a into the ground he has no longer any rights for it and that's basically what the judge ruled in my case against montana's case against me monsanto's patent law is over an oboe farmer's rights. and we hope that the supreme court will change that and give the rights back to the partners where they belong not to multinational
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corporations. in all of north america there are hundreds of farmers under the same threat as percy schmeiser only a few of them have had the courage to come foolish to talk about. david runyan from indiana is one of the few that is standing up to months on but even he took half a year before going public with his story on santa as investigators arrived on my farm it was price of one thirty at night pm they. did not identify themselves i really did not know who they were until about three days later. i was informed from a local feed mill where i have my seed cleaned every year after twenty years and
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they inform me that that's who they were that they were investigators for monsanto and investigating me for patent infringement. all they will i want to know all the investigators was what kind of. grow a kind of wheat do i grow or what kind of corn do i grow and the herbicides i use and also whom do i sell my products to they wanted name and phone numbers. and at that point i refused to cooperate and i ended the conversation. so anyone they investigate they will definitely find will have someplace a positive identification for genetic material.


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