tv [untitled] January 26, 2012 6:00am-6:30am EST
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in other cities and towns protesting against this new document the act it's the end to counterfeit trade agreement which was signed today by the people who are protesting they were holding banners down with the censorship and the internet believing that this agreement could in fact serious censorship on the internet and that many polish websites would be then blocked they also have. a good glued to their mouths symbolizing this way that their mouths will be shot by this new agreement and we also know of several very harsh hacker attacks on polish governmental websites including prime ministers website including the digital and cultural ministry's websites of the attacks were as far as we know performed by the anonymous hacker group very well known in the hacker world and they also published a very stern statement in fact saying that they had very sensitive information about the authorities in poland and that they would definitely publish this
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information if that act paper is signed so now it's signed we are waiting for more reaction from these protesters and told there are several more european states which are waiting to sign this document some experts in fact. expected that the european union would avert signing this document giving all the criticism the only stamp which is left this is the. this document by the country's parliaments and we are expecting that certainly it will be ratified in poland given that the ruling party the party of the current prime minister is also ruling in the parliament has a majority there is a very slim chance that this document would not be ratified in the post parliament this whole situation here in poland comes just several days after similar situations in the united states with hacker attacks of the anonymous group on governmental websites with. major websites like wikipedia and google partially obscured and blocking their websites in protest to the s.l.
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would be document we could be seeing the same situation here in the in europe the same which is happening in the united states. party selects yourself ski reporting right there let's turn our attention to syria now where government forces are reportedly stepping up their assault on the opposition but u.n. security council is expected to vote over the next few days on a resolution aimed at stemming the conflict the draft calls on the syrian regime to comply with an arab league proposal which would see president assad cede power paving the way of pro coalition government with the opposition but russia has made it clear it will veto any security council resolution that would target there were a dream or allow for retreat intervention or this comes as the arab league's crucial monitoring mission to syria suffered a setback after six countries pulled out calling on the un to act forty sarah ferguson more from damascus. saying they get by and heading home if said it's from
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the gulf states leave the airport their mission in complete leaving behind a country in a deepening crisis is never going to be easy so you won't want to stay. i don't want right from the word gay the missions prefer problematic the opposition accused the monitors of being too closely aligned with the government the government's now accused of being part of the foreign conspiracy and they will it just to cool complaints to the observers seemed ill equipped on the ground and there were concerns that they were simply too few numbers to undertake such a major task and if things were bad at the beginning now they seem even worse following in saudi arabia's footsteps all the gulf states withdrew their observers after damascus rejected their recent proposal that included president cede power to a deputy and form a unity government was interesting that these countries is very interested in
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democracy and they have nothing and this is the most interesting this is something pani will talk about. well we'll have a new constitution we are going to more democratic country multi parties was about what about to do about the west come on talk about syria which would be changed and leave saudi arabia as it is damascus is rejection was no surprise they sides of the conflict of shame equal willingness to soften their stance even when the daily death toll in the country continually rising the killing of the head of the syrian arab red crescent was on the right to damascus yes and no they were in mind the spiraling situation. of the observers it's such a creature of a bid to the country's crisis is seen as clinching show the arab league essentially has no credibility on the arab street what the arab league mission is trying to accomplish is going to be enough evidence concrete everything about human rights
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abuses on the part of the are so very easy to them take to the u.n. and the evidence will be so strong that even russia and china feel compelled to work but as of now one month after this mission started they seem to know the monitors thing to know more about what's going on the ground and they think. at the beginning and so you know looks like you know we're going back to square one as the death toll rises the earlier proposal being floated to increase the number as a service on the ground and provide them with u.n. training could be a life saving one but for now those plans have been pissed on hold in fact much of the substance of the report that graded pieces on both sides seems to have been lost in the flurry of diplomatic activity now france and britain have joined forces at the united nations to try to end president assad's rule waving goodbye to that gulf state colleagues some observers remain but it's small consolation syria didn't
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close the doors in for the arab league i think. it's diplomacy we. give anyone to help but the last decision in the hands of the syrian people not in the hands not of bleakness crude concept so a national dialogue through these reforms despite damascus and the mission to be extended for another month. is officially saying that they can continue with the task behind the scenes and the sentiment is much less optimistic. it's a gloomy outlook for the country with little regional or international agreements or what action should be taken to stop the violence and putting an end to the crisis seem to be slipping further and further as a very. artsy damascus syria and i still to come on the program here on our t.v. we are in the powerbrokers playground in switzerland to see whether davos falls on deaf. activists way to get their voices heard as global leaders meet for the
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world economic forum here in davos for their annual business more or less or we'll have more coming up. it's the online election battle front where nothing is off limits that's russia's presidential campaign hot political activists are moving away from traditional tactics and embracing the internet whether promoting ideas or spreading fear webcam painting is playing a bigger part than ever before. perhaps the story. oh sorry doesn't want is that you were right is that was that it was that there was a way suits and ties and slogans called out from the poor d m r the traditional election season is there but they're no longer considered politically. today's campaigning has gone online in a whole new trend in russia. with programming and bloggers making fun of the opposition portraying them in prayer outside the u.s.
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embassy on sundays claiming they are connected to the us state department and the opposition filming funny cartoons about politicians made out of lego. getting information out there is becoming easier all the time but the internet is a very different medium to television while on t.v. it's enough to just look into the camera like this to attract viewers attention not so although that too may he were police video reach millions of excite line it's not a lot it just the message it also has to be provoked to brazen and sometimes project a whole different image. it's no surprise then that putin as a character from harry porter became an overnight hit it's an industry doing this you will. see what i see you stuck with something yes the ready to go
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you'll make it and you're sure that the book you're critical of would you. prefer got there but it will just be them but you but i don't confirm it's up to you about you apart from catching images memorable catch phrases are used against those in the corridors of power opposition blogger alex enough while me was the first upload his shop which is tongues online a year ago he labeled the ruling united russia party the evil. and scoundrels. brazen first appeared on the net but quickly migrated to almost every match in of all media in russia and beyond a year after the party won in the parliamentary elections and reworked the catchphrase philistinism vote for the party of fees and scoundrels for ten years of economic growth with the party fees in scoundrels united russia. the mastermind behind that video and state duma deputy robert proved his party can also fight its
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wars online broke out superballs the use of being able to my aim was to provoke supreme reality darker than that is often i don't agree with such statements in my videos but they do work but i see because putin and russia without putin would rise why not give away your country your beautiful girlfriend to some foreign guys what will happen to the caucasus nothing less just give it away to. respond in a war technically this video is made of very professionally you can see that a highly paid special is did it when it appeals to primitive responses but works one hundred percent first thought is that there is indeed know the true without put but videos from the opposition are just as blatant. and out of whole a trend of this election season eavesdropping on politicians and posting recordings online or those taking part in a massive opposition rally in december were surprised to find out that one of their
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inspirations boris himself described them in a phone as the other person. here from its future of government property or for your property or to your comfort. it's naive to expect from any side when we are living in an election year there are no holds barred in this war not even interfering in someone's private life but. a lack of privacy for today's politicians is already a modern day reality and with fifteen min. russians going online today about forty percent of the adult population. is predicted to be sure to look at all the line police and other tyrants pushing the boundaries of a virtual world without borders exceeding the grandchildren r t v. all of our stories our latest videos and much more always available on our website arts he taught by here's what else is waiting for you on line right now from our web whistleblower to t.v.
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talk show host wiki leaks founder julian assange gets his own program and will be right here on r.t. find out what to expect and find out about the worldwide reaction to the news that's on our website. at a celebration of the year of the dragon in thailand went up in flames as fireworks exists but loaded setting homes are blazing see how it all happened at r.t. dot com. for it it's an hour quarter past the hour here in moscow it is day two davos as political and business power brokers at the world economic forum look to restore confidence to the economy and to capitalism itself for some the current downturn isn't the fault of the system while others argue that radical reform is urgently
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needed artie's lauren just has the latest from us. so far we've heard a lot of debate about capitalism and just various sessions of issues a lot of talking but not necessarily solutions being put forward yet one thing interesting today although this is the world economic forum politics is on the agenda and a number of world leaders heads of state bureaucrats are here today some of that attention turns to the arab spring people here at the forum try to weigh the economic implications are reports are coming that that investors at davos are stumped over the arab spring and what that means for investment in countries like egypt that have seen their borrowing costs or and you still see protests on the street as we've seen a year after that uprising so for the business community the investment community that is was really looking for merkel pledged more money they certainly didn't get what they wanted she pledged instead that that the solution a euro zone leaders have to have come to that she's kind of led the charge on for
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fiscal integration and structural reforms that that is what she can offer at this point along with a plea for more patience so not sure that that's what investors want to hear that wanted more bailout money pledged the irony of course is that in a year where we've seen occupy movements really grow and really take a major news they've made it onto the agenda of the world economic forum and a number of participants are talking about inequality yet the occupy protesters that are here are by no means invited they're not having their voices heard within the forum there and stead relegated of course to outside where you would typically expect activists to be limited to. long list of course russian representatives outperformed have also have something else to offer let's cross over to natasha now at artie's business to us from. that's right in the business bulletin last year emerging markets suffered from the biggest capital outflow since two
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thousand and eight and russia of course was no exception but speaking in dabbles the head of the direct investment fund told business r.t. that negative trend could reverse starting in april why find out in ten minutes. also ahead of you in the program why america's corn production is fueling the fire of debate whether it ends up on people's plates or at the pumps to help power the nation's cars. more people are expected to protest in the egyptian capital with to rear square already full once again it's a year after the ousting of hosni mubarak thousands of protesters are desperate for the interim military government to immediately relinquish power dozens have been killed in recent months as troops come down several demonstrations an hour is currently on trial but activists are angry that some of his key allies are still pulling the strings
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a new parliament has been elected destroying our constitution while the military still reigns supreme mubarak era state of emergency law has finally been lifted but a gypsy an author and filmmaker philip risk says that change is very little on the ground. i don't see it as being that big of a shift i mean we lived under military rule for thirty years and that gave the government the authority to do just about what they wanted today we live under military rule so to me it's just a formal matter and that they live to emergency law while we live under the rule of a military dreamt up since the military took over general twenty eight's over fifteen thousand civilians that we know of have faced military courts. and i have received trials of anywhere between six months to fifteen years and a formal matter like lifting emergency law means absolutely nothing when we have a new year like to parliament that is still under the thumb of military drone term they've tasted power they have massive economic interests in the country again
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everything that's happened in egypt really needs to be looked at from an economic perspective in that there is a group of ronis of one box and his government that were in power they've been moved out of power and there's a new group of cronies that are in place and central to that group of power hungry rulers today are the military generals and they will not just let go and hand over power like that without having guarantees that their interests will be secured. you watching r t and a russian progress congress spacecraft has launched off from the baikonur cosmodrome in kazakhstan now it's on its way to the international space station now this is the first space flight of two thousand and twelve it's expected to reach the i assess after a two day journey the cargo ship is carrying more than two and a half tons of fuel food and equipment as well as a few presents for the crew from the families that are currently six of board the small entering and conducting scientific experiments. and are staying with space
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exploration here on r.t. and the failure of moscow's recent unmanned mission to mars or that was due to harmful solar activity that's the preliminary finding by russian investigators looking into the breakdown of the ground probe it launched in november book got stuck in earth's orbit before plummeting back in pieces just days ago experts also think it could have been downed by american radar interference but nasa is refusing to work with russian experts who presented their final report on sunday. the farms of rural america produce around thirty nine percent of the world's oil every year but not all of it ends up on dinner tables instead of feeding the hungry almost half of the u.s. corn supply goes to making ethanol in order to power american cars and us all to christine reports this has many oscar what's more important food or fuel. it is a process that comes. with
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a price tag for the american way not just from farm to. but from farm to fuel and this is where it all starts where the thieves are planted and the corn grows it is the most simple part of a process that has become anything but simple the production and use of ethanol one largely considered an environmental one has become very political being blamed for everything from the power of the state of iowa to world hunger fifteen percent right now all of the food increases in this country that you've seen in the last year are directly associated with this policy that policy a subsidy paid by the u.s. government to encourage the production and use of corn ethanol it lasted thirty three years and cost more than twenty billion dollars oklahoma senator tom coburn led the charge to do away with the subsidy and won but the government mandate requiring oil companies to use ethanol is still in place so just about anywhere you
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go ten percent of what you put into your car is ethanol. even if your car is a race car. yes. nascar's partnership with ethanol a sign that the pressure on the corn supply will continue forty percent of last year's corn crop. went to ethanol now leaves the other sixty percent to go toward food for people and animals and with the price per bushel more than doubling in the last five years it's no wonder food prices are going up when demand goes up or. farmers or. so research scholar tim searching or says that leads to the shortage and increased prices of other crops and it's not just this country in other countries where people rely on corn
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meal as one of the only meal for their family. price hike has been devastated. ethanol farmers and plant workers argue that the claims are exaggerated since left overs are actually used to make high protein animal feed everything else from the fire or from the protein. and fat though the corn oil is left over that is what over and ready to put animal feed and still it doesn't change the fact that one sixth of the world's corn supply is burned in american cars that is enough corn to feed three hundred fifty million people for an entire year. raising the question of fairness in the increasing competition between fuel and food. in iowa christine for south r.t. before we get to natasha with the business let's check out some other international headlines for you with the ottawa doctor to have the latest news here is that insurgents have bombed a house in iraq killing ten people inside the home located about fifty kilometers
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south of baghdad was owned by a pair of policemen who were problems they died in acid to influence a police spokesman says the house was leveled by the explosion. a suicide car bomber has killed at least four people and wounded thirty one in southern afghanistan it was targeting a nato sponsored construction team estate passed through the rest of helmand province they were in the area to bring. support for the afghan government helmand has been one of the most volatile areas in the taliban's fight against nato troops . libya's a defense minister says the town of bani walid is now under government control after clashes on monday left seven dead and twelve injured following a visit to the area he said the problem was an internal one caused by a hostage situation between two rival groups it was initially believed that the fighting was between former rebel fighters and khadafi loyalists but this is being
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denied by both the defense minister and local residents. one of the owners of the cruise liner that capsized off the italian coast denies telling the ship's captain to change the vessels route or this comes after captain francesco schettino told a friend that he was pressured by managers to steer the ship to the area where the collision occurred the company says the captain was going far too fast to be so close to shore sixteen bodies have been recovered since the ship ran aground and the search continues for seventeen more. orders i promise the next is the time and the business. twenty five minutes past three pm here in moscow you're watching business on our t.v. emerging markets are suffering from their biggest capital outflows since two thousand and eight and best not advisors cross border capitals has in the past four months
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it reached two and three quarter trillion dollars and russia of course is no exception money has been leaving faster than predicted but speaking at the dallas economic forum the head of the country's direct investment fund told r.t. the negative trend could reverse after the presidential elections in march. if you put the key to all the election. news successful people old it will be selections for you to do it yourself if you wish to leave the old because they could include up to like three people rushing the group called the story is told it doesn't want to go forward with the flow discussions with the leading investors to the old lady to russia we hope our lives would open up new from sections of the next one looks at the full selection. and less now check out the markets oil first
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it still in the wild but the gains a more modest than earlier in the day and got a major boost on wednesday when the u.s. fed reserve kept interest rates at a record low the low cost of borrowing supports the u.s. economy boosting oil demand this hour that is topping one hundred dollars a barrel grant is just under one hundred eleven dollars and in europe the markets are of beat the sour following that u.s. fed reserve decision that i just mentioned they expect the potential strength of the u.s. economy to benefit those across the ocean both the footsie and the debts are trading more than one percent in the block this hour. and the russian markets are continuing to climb this hour the r.t.s. is now well above the one thousand five hundred and sixty markets highest point since last november and is up more than two and half percent this hour and the my six is also keeping up the pace it's one of the more percent of the sour. and now
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the biggest movers on the my six a boost in metal demand is pushing miners higher severstal has lost some ground but it's still up almost three percent in the valley steel is trading up more than two and a half percent on the block and the banking stocks continue to rally and improve sentiment about the euro. debt crisis was bear bank trading three and a half percent in the block. and on two currencies and the ruble is slightly lower to the euro but is continuous advance against the dollar the dollar has dropped against the euro. russian tycoon victor vix hilberg has once again postponed the i.p.o. has good assets she now says the listing will come choco believe will happen no sooner than next year as the company is yet to finalize its plans to prove production the i.p.o. is expected to take place and hong kong. and that's all the latest from the business team my colleague dmitri medvedev breaking out of date in about fifteen
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a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture. this is r.t.d. live from moscow time for you headlines now plans to enforce an anti-piracy lore and poland thousands of people onto the streets under a wave of cyber attacks on government websites protesters saying the agreement designed to protect intellectual property rights lead to censorship. a call for action the u.n. faces hour of pressure to adopt
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a resolution on syria to push president assad from power but russia has made it clear it will veto any security council move that would target the regime or allow for military intervention. and vying for votes online a new dynamic in russian politics as millions of people take to the internet ahead of the presidential elections with viral videos and creative campaigning holding now more sway than ever. or do stay with us here it's time now for max and stacy is a declare their support for a new kind of movement find out more with the cause report next. stars are this is that as a report you know we have banks there but we hate hollywood even more stacey max there's been a call to revolution kill.
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