tv [untitled] January 26, 2012 1:30pm-2:00pm EST
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guys it's time for you said it i read it right take time to respond to my brilliance engaging viewer comments on facebook twitter and you tube because we've got some to say i listen now first i want to respond to jack mack rad boy who watched our interview with former chief of staff to colin powell lawrence wilkerson on the g.o.p.'s position on continuing sanctions on cuba he comments on facebook will deal with china but not cuba come on now yeah it's a little bizarre after all isn't china an anti-capitalist evil dictatorship too in our minds the only thing about china is that it does not have a powerful constituency living in the united states who lobby day in and day out against the chinese regime and for saying things on the chinese people like the cuban south florida but of course there's the size and power of the chinese economy the fact that we borrow a lot of money from that we all know that when a country benefits the united states economically and as
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a result militarily because the borrowed money pays for our wars then we're always willing to turn a blind eye and so there you have it now last week a show which airs on al-jazeera called the listening post al-jazeera english they produced a story about r t which featured me prominently and was not exactly fair in my opinion so yesterday i took some time on the show to respond to their piece and their use of clips of us having fun clips from our hala we can show and they use those to paint a picture of us as a silly un serious network simply to be ignored so in addition to our response we heard a lot of words of encouragement from our viewers tim davis on facebook set alona do you know who you are we know who you are obviously they don't. set a glenn beck is a d. bag b. i don't care if you were born on mars you unlike the rest advocate the truth unfortunately seems to be the only one who sees this as a true duty of a journalist happy upcoming birthday alone and so i just want to say thank you so much for all the support. guys it's obviously never fun to be attacked on t.v.
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especially when the attacks aren't fair or accurate but it is comforting know that we have viewers who appreciate and support what we do every day which is tell the news with no mercy and we have a little fun all right of course and thank you to everybody for the early birthday wishes as well and finally i want to respond to a viewer that was following my live tweeting of the state of the union last night gooch tweeted to us thanks to the alone a show and our team dot com for the state of the union play by play for us folks that can't watch it now honestly it was my pleasure to have a lot of fun tweeting during the bait the debates and the speeches even though some of those debates a really painful to sit through and from time to time i guess maybe i can get a little carried away i think those of you who follow me probably already know this pretty sure i called john boehner a nasty name last night so hoops either way make sure to follow us at the low to show and i will do my best to keep you informed and entertained. now yesterday we told you about how the supreme court gave their input when it comes to
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the government tracking you and while they refuse to declare those contentious g.p.s. trackers as unconstitutional the justices did say that the actions in that specific case did constitute as a search and therefore in need of the warrant a big step towards protecting your right to privacy but now that we've taken a small step forward this next court case for might push us a few steps back see a case in colorado is grabbing attention after a woman has been ordered to decrypt her personal laptop by a federal judge or mona for has been charged with bank fraud and money laundering and the prosecution wants to use data on her computer to form a case against her federal prosecutors explained in a brief that if the defendant doesn't make the data in question on encrypted they would her public interest and make efforts to prosecute her impossible so basically the lawyers are worried that they will have enough to build their case against her so they want her to violate her own rights to help them prosecute her right i mean isn't that why we have the right to not self incriminate in the first place now if that reasoning wasn't bad enough the lawyers really want to make sure the judge
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granted their wishes so they love touring with other criminals saying that failing to force for cosi to encrypt her computer what amounts to a concession to her and potential and other potential criminals like terrorists drug dealers and those accused of child exploitation seriously she's accused of financial fraud and the blatant fear mongering here is just outrageous now obviously for close to decline the request of first saying that it was a violation of her fifth amendment rights to not incriminate herself but judge robert blackburn officially ordered her to do so by february twenty first and his opinion judge blackburn said i find and conclude that the fifth amendment is not implicated by requiring production of the unencrypted contents of the toshiba satellite and three o five laptop computer and the prosecution and the judge agree the fifth isn't at stake here because they merely want access to the information that's been password protected however civil liberties attorneys was cited other supreme court. does that explain that a suspected person cannot be forced to give encryption passphrase is because that extends to the contents of
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a defendant's mind which is what the fifteen minute protects so it looks like not only are your fourth amendment rights under attack by the government but now they're trying to take away your fifth amendment rights as well as seen as declan mccullagh put it this case in colorado could set a dangerous precedent and decisions like the one of could ultimately wind up in the supreme supreme court someday if of course the justices decide to hear it. all business and political leaders including seventy billionaires are currently gathered at the world economic forum's annual meeting in davos switzerland some exclusive events that even journalists have a hard time covering as most of this action happens behind closed doors and behind many layers of expensive passes but with the eurozone in the middle of a debt crisis and protesters calling for an end to inequality worldwide there is much to be discussed so earlier i caught up with loren lister host of the capital account here on r t who's there in davos i first asked her to tell us her impression of the former overall and whether they were making it as difficult as possible for her to get close to any of the attendees. yes they do alone i'm
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supposed to have limited access to the. congress congress center which is where all of the actual official davos happens except for thirty minute intervals that i can get a score did by someone from the world economic forum in order to shoot some video and try to get interviews stairs that lead to the. lounge and the session rooms where people big people big names you'd want to stake out are being held can't go up those those are off limits i can just kind of mole around and try and figure out of any of the faces i don't recognize are important i know that sounds bad but hey come on they're forcing me to be limited so i've got my back yeah i've seen some of your tweets with the picture of the stairwell that you just can't go that you're not allowed to but you know there have been a few big names that have spoken and will merkel for example today and she basically was telling the business community that they need to step back
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a little bit and let lawmakers do what they need to do when it comes to the eurozone crisis can you tell us more about it. yeah you know that's a little interesting because investors and i'm sure some of those people in that audience of some of the sixteen hundred business leaders that are here they want europe to commit more money to bailouts they want that from europe and angela merkel was saying we're not going to do it instead what i'm going to give you is that we're pledging fiscal integration we believe this is the this is the solution we're committed to it this is going to take patience but if we pledged more money and the markets attacked us then we would be able to deliver and that would be worse for the eurozone essentially i'm paraphrasing so probably not what a lot of. the business leaders wanted to hear but merkel said you know what we know that we've become known as your headache but i think there are other headaches in the world too and we just really want your patience we think this solution will work interestingly enough i was just saying that george so are supported on the sidelines was saying that structural reforms that she's pushing for are not enough
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in his view to solve the crisis that there is going to be needed some tougher austerity that it's not the end of the world of greek greece defaults so you can see that there's definitely a mixed reception to her speech by the people in that audience aren't so we say a little bit of a head butting between the business leaders and the political leaders but i know it goes on for a couple of more days who else are you really looking forward to hearing speak or you know just of being there in general. yeah well there are some heads of state that we're going to hear from david cameron we're going to hear from someone that won't be hearing from him i don't know if you saw this but mick jagger is here he comes to davos just as the gaston when his presence here was politicized by cameron's political party or so he believed. him being here he laughed is the report and it was seen as this snub so that someone you know one of the big heads of state that's here and prominent celebrity that's not too happy about that but we will hear from more economists as i said some heads of state people like all
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musette the egyptian presidential candidate are here and the arab spring and what's going to happen geopolitically is on the agenda the economic implications of course as i'm sure there are many investors who want to know that so there is a big line up star economists all those people still be speaking not on the record some of these are in closed door sessions that press are privy to at all but some are i also saw a few reports of some people that didn't make the list or just aren't going to be showing their faces this year like dominic strauss kahn but you know one of the interesting things too is i know that there are more than seventy billionaires at this forum right now and yet from some of the statements some of the reports i've read it seems like they feel that inequality is a really pressing issue that they need to cover which i think that sounds a little odd to the rest of us. yeah i know it does sound odd and this is something that we keep hearing that that a number of participants here are bringing up inequality in this issue of inequality but how far that conversation actually go is of course up for debate
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because a lot of the people that come here are people that benefit from the current economic system and that come here to advance their corporate goals this is known as kind of the premier spot for deal making and networking so i don't really know how far that conversation is really going to get to kind of punctuate that in a debate over capitalism earlier today you had not surprisingly someone like brian moynihan the c.e.o. of bank of america defending this system and saying defending the banks defending the role that they've played or are just that it's been a victim of the economy they were in so you know it only goes so far alone but you also have to wonder too if it's the question of inequality is now being raised because that could threaten some of the positions that these people are in in the kind of unrest that it's led to that we've seen it lead to and places maybe that we've seen some of these arab spring countries and uprisings and now that we're seeing with some of the occupy movements so that is when it becomes a concern for some of the one percent i think we i know that some occupiers made it
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all the way out there to davos to even hear the occupy davos build iglu is you get a chance to go check it out and talk to some of them. oh no i have been in an igloo they actually build igloos so for what they lack in numbers they're certainly making up for and perseverance because they're sleeping in them in this snow i think that speaks to their dedication but yes i did talk to them and their concerns were some of the concerns that have been concerns from outside of davos over the years that these are a bunch of the league getting together to talk about solving the world's problems in a way that's not democratic because if they have actual implications and they do turn into policy in some way shape or form there's a lot of people locked out of that conversation but there is an occupy tinge to it and definitely a world economic forum focused so let's just hear from from their words what one of them had to say to me but overall they're saying they're improving the state of the world and to me. a fairly arrogant and hubris stick to take that really and it shows that their decisions and all the
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networking they're doing and what they're discussing is going to have global ramifications that are going to affect the entire seven billion people on this planet and at the same time the seven billion people are being actively shut out of the discourse. and whether or not this actually does amount to anything because actual policy isn't made here you know that's one of the arguments the reality is that one of things that the protesters pointed out is that some of the corporations here are bigger than states more powerful than states and when you have that kind of that kind of networking going on there are results that impact people as a way that they feel also also real quickly one interesting thing that protester is an ex-pat he thought that the occupy movement really heating up when he saw those pepper spray victims in new york i think that's interesting to see how that news traveled and sparked protests all over the world are yeah well no it's definitely a good thing if you will made it all the way out there to davos in the cold and it was i think it shows that occupiers aren't going anywhere alone and thanks so much
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for filling us in with what's going on out there. i saw the come one part of obama's speech last night really caught m s n b c host chris noth thing is going to be called into my full time and that and happy hour blend that the hottest group anonymous and goebbels going to invade your privacy even more and you can't do anything about it some explain after the break. of this nature and discover it to be. a communicate with the why don't. test yourself and become free. see what nature can give you.
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are you guys it's time for tonight's tool time that's an ira giving its one of the most recognized mainstream media hosts out there chris matthews he's the host of two very well known shows and he seems to know his stuff when it comes to politics at least the horse race part of it so not only has he worked as a journalist and reporter on capitol hill for decades but he even spent some time in politics as a speechwriter for president carter and as a top aide to speaker tip o'neill so with his wealth of knowledge of course he was tapped to weigh in on president obama's speech last night along with the rest of us n.b.c.'s all star team however one part of obama's state of the union address really stuck with chris matthews. this thing that came out of nowhere to be having worked up there for all those years and covered it insider trading by members of congress i mean they must to the wind must have come out of that when they heard that here is
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a track it's an attack institutionally against them that there is some sort of insider trading going on up there where they're benefiting from their knowledge of what's going on in committee work and going off and investing quickly in some sort of day trading or whatever on stocks i have never heard any reference to it before in my life. they were else notice how shocked you looks when he's discussing this he even goes on to say that lots of politicians in their significant others are going to be blown away by what obama is talking about. insider trading you know this is tough stuff and i wonder what he's up to if he's got something that he's going to work on here but i'll tell you the members of congress and their wives their spouses most of her dead and then when they go home they must be saying what's this the president's talking about insider trading on capitol hill to do something about it dear. wow matthew is this really just blown away to all the records of the insider trading and in fact he speaks about it as if he's reciting
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a lesson from a textbook but guess what chris nobody is going to get in question about it tonight when they go home because everybody already knows about it and the whole problem is that it's illegal but he is m.s.m. because these go to guy for anything relating to d.c. in politics so how come our viewers have missed the major story that c.b.s.'s sixty minutes did just back in november where they put the spotlight on these questionable practices for example insider trading on the stock market if you are a member of congress those laws are deemed not to apply so congressman get a pass on insider trading they do the fact is if you sit on a health care committee and you know that medicare for example is considering not reimbursing for certain drug that's market moving information and if you can trade stocks off of that information and do so legally that's a great profit making opportunity and that sort of behavior goes on. now the two month old report goes on to highlight how house speaker john boehner former house speaker nancy pelosi and spencer baucus are all engaging in these practices on
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a regular basis. these meetings were so sensitive that they would actually call for skate cell phones and blackberries going into those meetings what we know is that those meetings were held one day and literally the next day congressman baucus would engage in buying stock options based on apocalyptic briefings that he had have the day before from the fed chairman the treasury secretary i mean talk about a stock tip well yes it was a story that will have basically all of capitol hill buzzing l. that house financial services committee even held a hearing proposed legislation to force politicians to comply with insider trading laws there's even a bill that's been in the works since two thousand and six that is years before sixty minutes did this piece called the stock act or the stop trading on congressional knowledge act it's gaining bipartisan support by the day and that's why the president took time in his speech to encourage his fellow lawmakers to send him that bill the sign so i just don't understand how did chris matthews miss the c.b.s.
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story the bills and the hearing i thought of this guy lives and breathes politics i guess he was sleeping on the job because insider trading is common knowledge and that's why president obama addressed it when he spoke to the nation last night it's not just an element of the president's upcoming election campaign he's actually focusing on a problem that is affecting americans view of congress which is that they think and know that it's corrupt but since chris matthews is considered one of the most influential voices in the media we need to give him tonight's all time award for so epically failing in either being oblivious or just ignoring this obvious problem. how you had time for happy hour joining me this evening r.t. web writer andrew blake and comedian tim young hello gentlemen it's going to hate you know it's been a while since we've seen an anonymous video but turns out that this one isn't actually from anonymous trying to see if you can guess who made it. evil that's how
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it will be in this country and throughout the world we need triumphed in the political arena we looked the other way we didn't need to our schools ended prayer replaced discipline humiliated our children made them on safe and fed them lies when it took over the media we would not believe. i get those kind of giving away it was because glenn beck really what is that a fresh ideas he has to do anonymous and tell us about how evil atheism is or something he's doing parodies now like weird al i mean next i think he's probably going to miley cyrus's the climb so i mean it's just really that's and to me honestly anything about love like creepy things about love scare me more than the original anonymous video like a really bizarre i still don't grasp the concept it doesn't make sense right now i mean it was either kurt cobain or lady gaga one of the other says you know you don't make it until weird al covers and i feel like glenn beck's the same way that . he's doing the state of the union next week you know there's obama will
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officially made it barry's now. that we have made there is going to the next nirvana well he thought after our t.v. for us that we made it a long time ago all right. let's talk about. so there's this city and community of twenty eight thousand people and on the exact same day where four police officers in east haven including the local police union leader were charged by federal authorities with civil rights abuses against latino members of the community this is what the mayor had to say about it with such tensional it's you know community with a force of fifty officers still no police officer a latino history. and your point being the mayor didn't get it just look at this exchange we don't for the community today. i might have tacos when i go home i'm not quite sure yet. i don't hear of guys who like that official are supposed to be a little bit better with your words no they're just saying that so this dude's been
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he's been the mayor of east haven for like fifteen years something ridiculous like that he's had this whole scandal just friggin ruined his brother want to talk who is spending this look you know bad t.v. we're all yours he was going to have tacos or not i don't know whether i would but when i wake up every morning i usually want to. blame the guy for wanting tacos after this whole thing number one if you want to help out the mexican community you know to order margaritas because alcohol is more valuable than talk to us but the other half of that story is that cleaning and maintenance came to an absolute halt in city hall after he made that statement is that true just what i heard. just kidding someone blogged about it about it that it's just a jerk and you're in there to not be in office but you know more than i was about als whatever i think i think that he tried to make some kind of a claim to that it was like that's barely any of our constituents or even lead teano welcome but i'd like it even better the reporter went on to say that he ran
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out the mayor ran out of the office while he was still reporting on the street and said oh i take it back i took it back i never meant that so like how lame are you on t.v. now are you going to run out of talk to you have to go into it can't have that happen ok let's move on to google's new really crappy policy that takes away all of your rights to a new policy reflects our efforts to create one beautifully simple experience it means that if you're signed in we'll treat you as a single user across all of our products combining information you provided from one service with information from the others. so you have a better more intuitive experience from the moment you sign in to the second you log out. oh it sounds so intuitive and happy but it turns out that google now just gets to get rid of all their privacy rules for like the sixty different products that they have because they claim that now they just have one product and so in order to use anything google related you just have the same policy or terms of use that applies to it all was it was it real because i knew the story but that just looked like there's a lot commercial actually that was another one of the effects videos it was equally
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as creepy as the first one but it's pretty weird because when i log in to my g.-mail now it's going to be like pro-wrestling news new york mets suck and images of alone which is that's why i don't understand that. they're going to have to streamline everything before it really matters to me like i want to be watching porn in the military andrew don't forget those wein bootlegs you want to download and then can then move them also i don't care about streamlining my google maps with my you still need to raise you're going to work i have one what if i want to keep something separate you know now i have to say hey our last story real quick we don't have time for the clip but we heard a lot from the republican candidates about cuba and how they want sanctions to stay forever and they think that fidel castro is going to hell and. he has some opinions of his own on the g.o.p. candidates in an editorial he wrote the selection of a republican candidate for the presidency of this globalized expansive empire is and i mean this seriously the greatest competition of idiocy and ignorance that has ever been you need to stop plagiarizing me. i want to just hold it up to you guys
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are pretty damn embarrassed he said he was dead he really will kick you know pick and still jerk there's a lot of gray our phone call. communism he's already having i live in what else i do i'm kind of getting off we got to go thank you for joining me tonight that they're going to say oh thanks for joining and make you come back tomorrow this is going to be joining us again for happy hour and meantime don't forget to become a fan of the a lot of show you can follow us on twitter you can catch everything. they want to fail at fairfax if and. wealthy british style. is not on the front of the.
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markets why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with much stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kinds a report. of this nature and discover its beauty. communicate with the wild and lead. test yourself and become free. see what nature can give you on on the.
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i i the polish people in a. country signing up to have multinational web piracy. people fear that some of these documents will give corporations too much power to take regular users offline i'll explain why in just a few moments. threatens to cut off its oil supply to europe before the e.u. trade aimed at curbing to rand's nuclear program comes into force in july.
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and violence flares in syria a resolution to oust president assad. but. to say what foreign forces intervene. by from moscow to me watching our. breaking news. to start this we're been hearing the last couple of minutes at least seven people have reportedly been taken hostage at a middle school in russia's volatile north caucasus there is in the map a source of the region's security services has told russia's interfax news agency in the last hour that there are no children among them police have the school surrounded it goes on to say the instance happened in the city of nell chicken the republic of couple of the noble carlia soon as we get more.
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