tv [untitled] January 26, 2012 1:48pm-2:18pm EST
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there is some sort of insider trading going on up there where they're benefiting from their knowledge of what's going on in committee work and going off and investing quickly in some sort of day trading or whatever on stocks i have never heard any reference to it before in my life anything they were else notice how shocked you look funny this gushing this he even goes on to say that lots of politicians and their significant others are going to be blown away by what obama is talking about insider trading you know this is tough stuff and i wonder what he's up to if he's got something that he's going to work on here but i'll tell you the members of congress and their wives their spouses must have heard that and when they go home they must be saying what's this the president's talking about insider trading on capitol hill you know something about a deer. wow matthew is this really just blown away to all the records of the insider trading and in fact he speaks about it as if he's reciting a lesson from a textbook but guess what chris nobody's going to get in question about it tonight
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when they go home because everybody already knows about it and the whole problem is that it's illegal but he the m.s.m. b.c. is go to guy for anything relating to d.c. in politics so how could matthews have missed the major story that c.b.s.'s sixty minutes did just back in november where they put the spotlight on these questionable practices for example insider trading on the stock market if you are a member of congress those laws are deemed not to apply so congressman get a pass on insider trading they do the fact is if you sit on a health care committee and you know that medicare for example is considering not reimbursing for certain drugs that's market moving information and if you can trade stocks off of that information and do so legally that's a great profit making opportunity and that sort of behavior goes on or does congress get out now the two month old report goes on to highlight how house speaker john boehner former house speaker nancy pelosi and spencer baucus are all engaging in these practices on a regular basis. these meetings were so sensitive that they would actually call for
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skate cell phones and blackberries going into those meetings what we know is that those meetings were held one day and literally the next day congressman baucus would engage in buying stock options based on apocalyptic briefings that he had have the day before from the fed chairman in the treasury secretary i mean talk about a stock tip well congressman yes it was a story that will have basically all of capitol hill buzzing l. the house financial services committee even held a hearing proposed legislation to force politicians to comply with insider trading laws there's even a bill that's been in the works since two thousand and six that is years before sixty minutes did this piece called the stock act or the stop trading on congressional knowledge act it's gaining bipartisan support by the day and that's why the president took time in his speech to encourage his fellow lawmakers to send in that bill the side so i just don't understand how did chris matthews miss the c.b.s. story the bills and the hearing i thought that this guy lives and breathes politics
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i guess he was sleeping on the job because insider trading is common knowledge and that's why president obama addressed it when he spoke to the nation last night it's not just an element of the president's upcoming election campaign he's actually focusing on a problem that is affecting americans view of congress which is that they think and know that it's corrupt but since chris matthews is considered one of the most influential voices in the media when to give him tonight's all time award for so epically failing in either being oblivious or just ignoring his obvious problem. i know you had time for happy hour and joining me this evening r.t. web writer andrew blake and comedian tim young gentleman. you know it's been a while since we've seen an anonymous video but turns out that this one isn't actually from anonymous trying to see if you can guess who made it. evil that's how it's wing in this country and throughout the world we need triumphed in the
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political arena we looked the other way when it invaded our schools ended prayer replaced discipline humiliated our children made them on safe and fed them lies when it took over the media we would not believe. i get those kind of giving away it was with glenn beck all right really what is that a fresh ideas to do anonymous and tell us about how evil atheism is or something he's doing parodies now like weird al i mean next i think he's probably going to do it my way cyrus is the climb so i mean it's really that's and to me honestly anything about love like creepy things about love scare me more than the original anonymous video really bizarre i still don't grasp the concept it doesn't make sense right now i mean it was either kurt cobain or lady gaga one of the other says you know you don't make it until weird al covers and i feel like glenn beck's the same way that. he's doing the state of the union next week you know there's obama will officially made it buries and. so we have made there is going to the next
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nirvana well he thought after our t.v. for us that we made it a long time ago all right. let's talk about. so there's this city and community of twenty eight thousand people and on the exact same day where four police officers in east haven including the local police union leader were charged by federal authorities with civil rights abuses against latino members of the community this is what the mayor had to say about it with such tensional it's you know community with a force of fifty officers still no police officer latino ancestry. and your point being the mayor didn't get it just look at this exchange we don't for the community today i might have tacos when i go home i'm not quite sure yet. i don't really like that official are supposed to be a little bit better with your words no they're just saying that it's a this dude's been he's been the mayor of east haven for like fifteen years
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something ridiculous like that he's had this whole scandal just friggin ruined his brother want to talk spanish you know bad t.v. we're all yours he was going to have tacos or not i don't know whether i would but when i wake up every morning i usually want. to blame the guy for wanting talkers after this whole thing number one if you want to help out the mexican community you know to order margaritas because alcohol is more valuable than talk to us but the other half of that story is that cleaning and maintenance came to an absolute halt in city hall after he made that statement is that true just what i heard you know just kidding. about it about it just a jerk and here and there to not be in office but you know more than i was about als whatever you know i think i think that he tried to make some kind of a claim to that it was like the barely any of our constituents or even lead teano well the back yard i didn't even matter the reporter went on to say that he ran out the mayor ran out of the office while he was still reporting on the street and said
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oh i take it back i take it back i never meant that so like how lame are you on t.v. are you going to run out of tacos have to go into it can't have that happen ok let's move on to google's new really crappy policy that takes away all of your rights to a new policy reflects our efforts to create one beautifully simple experience it means that if you're signed in will treat you as a single user across all of our products combining information you provided from one service with information from the others. so you have a better more intuitive experience from the moment you sign in to the second you log out. oh it sounds so intuitive and happy but it turns out that google now just gets to get rid of all their privacy rules for like the sixty different products that they have because they claim that now they just have one product and so in order to use anything google related you just have the same policy or terms of use that applies to it all was it was it real because i knew the story but that just looked like it was a lot commercial actually that was another one of the impacts videos was equally as creepy as the first one but it's pretty weird because when i log in to my g.-mail
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now it's going to be like pro-wrestling news new york mets suck and images of alone which is that's why i don't understand that. they're going to have to streamline everything before it really matters to me like i want to be watching porn in the me like hey andrew don't forget those wien bootlegs you want to download and then can then the them also i don't care about streamlining my google maps with my do you still need to raise you're going to work i have one what if i want to keep something separate no no i have to say hey our last story real quick we don't have time for the clip but we heard a lot from the republican candidates about cuba and how they want sanctions to stay forever and they think that fidel castro is going to hell and. he has some opinions of his own on the g.o.p. candidates in an editorial he wrote the selection of a republican candidate for the presidency of this globalized expansive empire is and i mean this seriously the greatest competition of idiocy and ignorance that has ever been you need to stop plagiarizing me. i want to just hold it up to you guys are pretty damn embarrassed he was dead he really will kick you know pick and still
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jerk their. head where. you know communism. i live in what else. i'm kind of getting off we got to go thank you for joining me tonight that they're going to say oh thanks for joining and make you come back tomorrow smith is going to be joining us again for happy hour in the meantime don't forget to become a fan of the a lot of show you can follow us on twitter you can catch everything youtube dot com slash and next. wealthy british style.
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markets why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with my stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report on. the observed nature and discover its beauty. communicate with the wild and learn. test yourself and become free. see what nature can give you on aunty. if. russia would be soo much brighter if you knew more about
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i i the polish people in a. country signing up to have multinational web piracy. people fear that these documents give corporations too much power to take regular users offline i'll explain why in just a few moments. the rand friends to cut off its oil supply to europe before the e.u. trade curbing to rand's nuclear program comes into force in july. and violence flares in syria as
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a resolution president assad. foreign forces intervene. from moscow to be watching our. breaking news to start been hearing the last couple of minutes at least seven people have reportedly been taken hostage middle school in russia's volatile north caucasus there. isn't the map a source of the region security services told russia's interfax news agency in the last hour that there are no children among them police have the school surrounded it goes on to say the instant happened in the city of nell chicken the republic of couple of the noble cartier soon as we get more of course we'll bring you more details of just to bring you up to date as well we're actually now hearing more
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information as well coming through the interfax news agency now reporting in the last minute as have been speaking to the one person has been killed there so just to bring you up to date what we know at least seven people reportedly taken hostage we're hearing one has died at a middle school in russia's volatile north caucasus that's according to russia's interfax news agency this is happened in null chick in the republic of kabadi no ball carrier. key websites were hijacked and thousands of internet freedom supporters marched outside of the major two prong protest in poland earlier on today it's because the country's just signed up to a global web piracy pact covering everything from movies and music to fashion and pharmaceuticals but its net stretch is wide jeffs he's in warsaw to explain it for us. well this document called the courtesy trade agreement which has been signed by poland and many other countries other countries in fact including the united states
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. new zealand and others is the reason why thousands of people are taking to the streets in poland is the reason why most of the governmental web sites in this country have been hijacked by the hacker groups including the anonymous group which is well known across the world basically this agreement is all about protecting the intellectual property including movies books pharmaceuticals designer clothes and things like that but ordinary people fear that the big corporations will use it to police the web and to take regular users offline so we've seen lots of protests in poland as i mentioned in the last several days we are also seeing protests being held today in the cities of new berlin and bozeman in central poland we are expecting more protests to morrow on friday more so the problem about this document is that it was worked out in complete secrecy bypassing all governments and the general public had no access to it so that's why the regular users are afraid that
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this document would be used against them i'll just give you a simple example for instance you create a website and you put links to your favorite movies on this website and big corporations can in fact start a criminal case against you saying that you violate the agreement so nobody knows to what extent the corporations can go in using this document in fact misusing this document as the protesters fear in poland and everywhere they protest against it certainly has some resemblance to the american soap bill which is also being discussed in the united states but the difference is that the bill is a moral american local thing the act is definitely international and it will concern all countries which sign it in we are certainly in possibly for more protests across the european continent. well let's talk more about this controversial agreement and i bring into the conversation. members internet society in poland good evening well now we've all lent these monks friends or way but what
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you're advocating is a very different thing though you feel a bit responsible for things like actor being forced upon us because of that i gerlach in a curious one is a modern technology what i'm saying is we've all all talk a bit slower for you we've all lent we've all borrowed d.v.d.'s c.d.'s some of us can even read the records over the years but what you're advocating is a very different thing don't you feel responsible for bringing on something like actor. which we're a. modern view on copyright and other into the core property systems i mean it's obvious for everyone that those intellectual property systems does not work in the digital age and obviously the young people the internet users think that the this piece of legislation is really outdated and doesn't cover their needs and we need
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a new kind of law the problem we've done is that the act that we basically. through a freeze the system as it is now if we make it unable to change in the future and we need to change we don't need to change to make the system more oppressive for more restrictions less democratic control we need a system which is flexible and which adapts to the in the very innovative economy and we're really afraid the this system will not come all right ok but i guess you're not arguing though against the fact that surely people who've invested in or created products that are then being freely swapped they do deserve something in return for their labors for example if i painted a picture and then someone princip and sells postcards of it makes money for themselves doing that that wouldn't be right would it you agree with that do you or don't you. think that we think that it's not really the
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internet doesn't work like that i mean on the internet we are active active consumers in the same time as we are active producers we communicate with other people we receive messages and we send messages and we very often send messages which we did didn't create that someone else created the message we wanted to forward to other people and internet is a public communications space and this is exactly the problem if i find a nice picture on the web and i want to show it to my friends i usually do is they put it on my blog right now because it's illegal and that there is something really wrong about what you are sol i guess this is a club just sort of putting in a second but i guess this is to clamp down on you stopping having advertising on your blog and maybe making money from it that's part of the issue here isn't it. i mean the biggest part of the issue is that i mean for most of the people i
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mean money are really not involved the people do those that. those are not on the commercial scale they're not money money changing hands so what we're afraid of that the intellectual property systems a really kind of very oppressive for despite this this kind of communication and we and this is why these protests we have on the streets people are not afraid about some bad business. the they really don't care about it they would they do care about it is about themselves and that they may be prosecuted just for the act of the communication with other people and we've acted they were pretty much right i mean this is this there is a half written into this nasty piece of a lot of the parts on putting. and this is. this is
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not the way we want to go so what's the real aim here why do you think the authorities are doing this what's the grand plan. i think i mean i mean there is the there are central to this is certainly there are certain countries which are very interested in large dark. this is you know this is of america are this is a drop by. and because they. don't have very strong businesses rely on the corporate world and they want to enforce it all over the world and but this doesn't mean that this is good for the people and john this is where we have to start as a volunteer because people feel oppressed by that people don't like the police government just doing what american companies though the government would to do because all of the government is supposed to work for the police people. ok you
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know so thanks for making your point so clearly yaroslavl from the internet society in poland really good having a program thank you frank. now back to the breaking news we started this with details coming through we're hearing as i just mention about five minutes ago one person has reportedly been killed tonight after a school siege in russia's volatile north caucasus now the news agency reporting that is russia's interfax news agency that we are at least seven people have been taken hostage at a middle school in the city of now all chick in the republic of the noble carlia a source in the region security services has told the agency that there are no children among the minds flashback to beslan of course two thousand and four but no children here and one little bit of good news police have surrounded the school we're told and additional anti terror and special forces units are being deployed to the school we're hoping to catch up with our correspondent in the region shortly for r.t.
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we'll bring you more as soon as we've got him and he's got his head around the fact and we will update you of course throughout the next couple of hours here on r.t. . iran's threatening to switch off its oil supplies to europe before the e.u. embargoed comes into force in july parliament will discuss next week whether to make the move the you decided to stop buying a radio a little bit of force to run back into talks over its nuclear program as opposed to surety sharf a from the campaign against sanctions and military diversion in iran she explained what message this move sends to europe the grace period that they had envisioned for six months for does go to take place may actually not be that graceful so iran is taking matters into his own hands another issue is that it shows a complex city of feeling in the midst of politics and the power that the iranian parliament holds and that is accountable to its people and it's not going to just sit back and watch what's going to happen to the national sovereignty off of the
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wrong there it shows the disconnect between. his parliament people because this is a model is not something which is going to be to the benefit of european people and there's also a disconnect between european governments and their parliament as well i mean it's not the most ideal situation for iran because iran has to find different consumers for the customers or it's all about either at the same time iran is going to be to decrease this dependence on the petro dollar this is a very good thing in their lot longer and of course they read in middle class the small businesses that actually do business with your pin businesses they're going to suffer but that is. wrong claims that that is for short term and in the long term this is actually going to lead to more independence for iraq as a whole as as a nation not just not just one part of the society which is investing in foreign businesses. i'll wait a few minutes to see divorce versus the crisis. low ball political and economic
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leaders meet here at the world economic forum to tackle the euro zone crisis and also the arab brain meanwhile those protests did activists they want their voices heard remain locked out. to come but next syrian troops have stormed the heavily populated damascus suburb where government forces pulled out earlier this week after clashes with opposition fighters the u.n. security council could vote no in the next few days a resolution aimed at stemming the escalating conflict the draft calls on the syrian regime to comply with an arab league proposal for president sad to leave and pave the way for unity government russia has made it clear it will veto any u.n. resolution that allows for intervention or sanctions in syria itself meantime the arab league's crucial monitoring mission has resumed for the first time in a week because of the violence that's after the source six gulf countries pull out and call on the u.n. to act. first is there for us. saying they'll get by and
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heading home they've said it's from the gulf states lethal the airport their mission in complete leaving behind a country in a deepening crisis is never going to be easy so you want the arab league wanted to stay i don't want right from the word go the missions prove problematic the opposition accused the monitors of being too closely aligned with the government the government's now accused of being part of a foreign conspiracy and there were logistical complaints to the observers seem to liquidate on the ground and there were concerns that they were simply too few numbers to undertake such a major task but if things were bad at the beginning now they seem even worse following in saudi arabia's footsteps all the gulf states withdrew their observers after damascus rejected their recent proposal that included president assad cede
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power to a deputy and form a unity government was interesting that these countries is very interested in democracy and to have nothing this is the most interesting this is something pani will talk about about syria or will have a new constitution we are going to more democratic country two parties are but what about to do about the west come up talk about syria which would be true changed and leave saudi arabia as it has damascus is rejection was no surprise both sides of the conflict of shame equal unwillingness to soften their stance even when the daily death toll in the country continually rising the killing of the head of the syrian arab red crescent was on the road to damascus yet another remind of the spiraling situation. of the observers at such a crucial moment in the country's crisis is seen as controversial the arab league essentially has no credibility on the arabs. what the arab league mission is trying
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to accomplish is get enough evidence concrete everything some human rights abuses on the part of the are so very seem to then take to the un the evidence will be so strong that even russia and china would feel compelled to work but as of now one month after this mission started they seem to know the monitors things and i know more about what's going on the ground and they did. at the beginning and so it all looks like you know we're going back to square one as the death toll rises the proposal being floated to increase the number of observers on the ground and provide them with u.n. training could be a life saving one but for now these plans have been pissed on hold in fact much of the substance of the report pieces on both sides seems to have been lost in the flurry of diplomatic activity now france and britain have joined forces at the united nations to try to end president assad's rule waving good bye to that goal to
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stay colleagues some observers remain but it's small consolation syria didn't close the doors in front of the arab league i think. it's diplomacy will give anyone to help the syrian but the last decision in the hands of the syrian people not in the hands not arab league this could come soon so national dialogue through these reforms despite damascus and the mission to be extended for another month and the observers officially saying that they can continue with the task behind the scenes and the sentiment is much less optimistic. it's a gloomy outlook for the country with little regional or international agreement on what action should be taken to stop the violence and putting an end to the crisis seem to be slipping further and further as a rate so r.t. damascus syria. bring update on our breaking news so one persons reportedly being killed tonight during a school siege in russia's volatile north caucasus.
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