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tv   [untitled]    January 26, 2012 3:30pm-4:00pm EST

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issue the food part of g.m.o. was months out always used the term substantially quadrant and the food is very summer but the japanese scientists say that it is not substantially equivalent that food is different and that you have changed in a true genetic engineering or a genetic modification you have changed the structure of the food and it's not the same and it can have very harmful allergens or bacteria that because they're viruses and the bacteria that they use for the transferring of genes are also in that food so it is not the same and it could have very possible long range health effects of by eating it in other words what monsanto present it to our governments in north america is false and that it's not safe and it's not substantially quabbin which means it's not the same as other regular food and that has been a major major announcement by the japanese scientists.
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in north america the chain of transport is completely unprotected and open no one has ever thought of the idea of transporting and storing genetically modified grain separately no it is too late. it's very difficult to segregate the grain chromed regular grain and today they called grain because you'd have contamination from the pit from the elevation from the trucks that are hauling it so it would be impossible to keep it separate so there's always be a small percentage beach four percent each that would mix together and sold would not be g.m.o. free. thus the borders are open for the export of genetically contaminated grain and also seat into the whole world.
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if you introduced you most there is no such thing as coexistence and after several years it all becomes most i have also heard in europe the company saying that all a farmer has to do is leave a buffer strip fifty meters one hundred meters there is no safe distance it doesn't matter if it's fifty kilometers it will spread so if you introduce g m o's it all becomes mo's after several years and to give you an example how bad it is in canada we no longer have any pure rub see we no longer have any pure soria it is now all g m o's in canada i have often heard in europe and we were also told that in one thousand nine hundred six farmers can have a choice they can grow g m o's they can grow organic or they can grow conventionally there is no more choice left it all becomes g.m.o.
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was and you know longer can have an organic farmers. they want control ok and they basically have control is what they have first they go in and they bought our seeds stay seed stock producer holden's corp i believe out of iowa and after that they have holdings has like a whole family or group of seed growers. and the rule was that in ninety five i said in five years and after they told them you will be selling ninety percent
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monsanto product or you will not be in business selling seed so if they did not push monsanto's product on the farmers they would be out of business and so that's what all the c. growers did they pushed the product on the farmers so that they could stay in business because if they were did not have holdings to grow their spread their seed stock they would not have anything to sell they had it all changed it all changed overnight in one thousand nine hundred ninety six it all changed and it's interesting that the way monsanto seems to enforce this saying is they go into the countryside and they try to determine who is clean in their own seed saving and cleaning your own seed for replaying the next years is a perfectly legal. activity. but over the course the last ten years it's went from a perfectly legal and respected activity to one that is illegal. all because corporations have the money to own seed they own life. and what's even
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worse about it is this is life that that the human kind of spent. eons developing. you know we took the soybean ten thousand years ago from nothing to what it is today and then monsanto comes along and search one little gene and then then they turn around and patent all the germplasm not just the g.m.o. but the the conventional portions of the seed and say yeah we own this too that's nonsense that belongs to humankind and in my mind. you know. the called pirates are farmers that save their own seed pirates pirates they call us. but i think we ought to revisit who's the real pirate here these people stole our genetic heritage. if farmers lose their rights to use your own seed becomes service of the land and
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we're back to a pugil system and that could quite easily quite quickly happen in a third world country but it will also happen in north america and i think to some degree farmers already are in a service of the land already because they have to buy the say they have to from a certain company they have to buy the fertilizers they have to buy the chemicals especially for all from the same company you have to pay a fee to grow a crop on their land on their own land so i think already to our large agree we are already served on our own land by a multinational corporation like months adul. mark was is an organic farmer a neighbor of percy schmeiser together with
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a thousand organic farmers he sued monsanto if a democrat is arising from the contamination of their canola and mustard crop. the thing is what should always happen is to precautionary principle we should not allow anything out of the lab oratory into the environment especially to do with our food because it is so essential we all need food we need water we need air we should not allow this to happen. only six years later the supreme court of canada decided that they could not bring the case as a class action no every farmer has to claim his damages individually and assume the high risk and high legal cost.
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when you are in switzerland last year one interesting thing is we had a journalist who was very surprised to find out that when we do surveys in canada about labeling g.m. foods that over ninety percent of canadians say we want mandatory labeling on foods and this journalist was so surprised he said we just assume we take for granted that in north america you're comfortable with g.m. foods look you've been eating it for ten years there seems to be no health effects . see people when you survey them when you ask them they don't want this we are eating this unfortunately because we don't know it's in our food there's no labeling therefore we've been used like laboratory experiments where you've been used as guinea pigs and who knows we may be affected with our health as we speak with products that you purchase in the store anything that has soya or canola in it
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or corn you have to be aware because the most likely contain transgenic or g.m. products. in canada it was approved by the canadian food inspection agency they're the ones that gave monsanto regulatory approval for the introduction but they only used the data supplied to them by months until. they never did no testing whatsoever and so at one month satis said to the canadian food inspection agency it tips actually quadrant it's almost like the real food then the government said well then we don't have to test it if it's substantially public we don't have to have our own scientists check it did no testing whatsoever and that has really created a lot of fear and in the canadian consumers because what are they really eating
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when monsanto said it was safe when months handle has a very bad track record when d.d.t. was a p.c. b.s. were say eight you know orange was safe now are we to believe them when they say a g m o's or g.e. or genetic engineering it say i would never trust them one bit because they don't have a good track record because everything they said before or is false and a lie. also in the case of months santo's herbicide roundup there were studies demonstrating that roundup could be used without risk resulting in worldwide approval of the product many other studies so the negative health effects of the active ingredient to round on life was eight months until itself warns the material safety data sheets of tissue damage bloody vomiting cardiac arrhythmia and a demon as a result of direct contact or ingestion of the toxin. and
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they'll be a prone that round up studies done in oregon shows that it is the third biggest carse from related illnesses in the state of california and eventually it originally we were told by month central roundup is so sate you could drink it. with the advent of gene technology the chemical industry entered into the business of plant breeding dupont and monsanto but seed producers for about twelve point five billion dollars in ten years today the two chemical giants are also the biggest plant breeders in the world producing about three quarters of the world's g.m.o. crops. the height of gene technology cynicism is the so-called terminator technology it makes
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the farmers biologically dependent on the corporations the plants are genetically modified in such a way that they are able to germinate only once sowing the harvest seeds is pointless the harvest is dead. monsanto has. that they own anything they put their seed in or they develop what about if you put a gene into a human being this that say they own me has that say they own you.
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but i was from one end of south africa whether it was john as were girls durban or or cape town cape town where the parliament is sat i was invited to speak there and and incident happened in it or at the parliament that i'll never forget in town among one of monsanto's representatives also had given a small presentation and i had given a presentation regards how their seeds and plants as whole could be contaminated and coming out of the assembly the parliament assembly where i went face to face in two months had his representative from johannesburg and he he was very very out of that i would say rude and a he said to me and shaking his fists to my face said nobody stands up to monsanto
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we're going to get you and we're going to destroy you and no way and he also went on to say that when i get back to canada i was going to be in big trouble and sure enough three weeks later when i got back to canada monsanto launched another lawsuit against me for a million dollars and for all their car cars because they said i was stubborn i was arrogant i didn't do what months and. one it and after another year of trial the judge the same judge as to first went out ahead in the federal court or what it must sound one hundred fifty thousand dollars of court costs they didn't get the million and so i am now faced with an additional costs if i wouldn't lose my case in this way in court. in may two thousand and four the supreme court of canada unknownst its decision one percy schmeiser did infringe upon the pavement owned by months on to a corporation by illegally seeding his canola which was contaminated with months on
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toes d.m.o. seen and to because he did not actively use the patient is not required to pay any damages two months ago. at the same time as the judgment is being announced an auto a birth the smiter and his lawyer terri's a christie give a press conference in sauce katun there was. approximately two hundred thousand dollars judgment that was set aside by the supreme court of canada today and that to percy is a fairly major victory. i really feel that. i can save many farms save main home without pain it costs to monsanto you know i was looking at a two hundred thousand dollar bill so that is a major victory to me to. the court rules further the page and on the gene allows the owner to control the entire plant that is the paint on the gene has priority
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over the ownership of the plant. where it says fries or loses a court battle to monsanto and as i said just was talking to another lawyer that it could be the biggest win for us or for the people concerned about most and time only tell and i'm sure that destroying court in for private years will have to revisit because where the results of their decision could mean better corporate. could control almost anything that the put your genes into anything to put their plans are that's the way it stands right now also some people legal people have expressed that maybe it was a white decision that eventually now monsanto will be faced to be able to have to control what they put into the environment for although i built the issue and if they put up an environment that the pair ate and it's no they can't control they'll take a second look at it if they put something in there and going to end up with massive
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lawsuits which can break the company. i was just been talking with nathan busch the wonderful new yesterday and he was really telling me he said i had a great victory yesterday and he said that we should own up dairy and to really give encourage and encourage bent but he said what now has happened is that monsanto could farmers could break monsanto. if every farmer would. say i think they're some of your g.m.o. canola or soy beans have my people come and get it we don't want it here or i have i we think some of the most seeds are being terry my seed come and get it how it wants to be able to take a plant out of a farmer's field how would they know if it could all plant when it's to see just
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say and flowers to say so much how to couldn't they couldn't do it. the ground of appeal that we were wanting to win on was one that would say that you know just because you have a pattern to or gene or a cell that doesn't give you a pattern to apply to the other part of the problem is what what responsibilities do biotech companies have to farmers for patented material that escapes and causes damage that issue is yet to come up. in that respect. as far as percy is concerned is drawn to a close and many many people around the world paid their hopes on the. ground of appeal in the hope that we would succeed but i don't think it ends the war the war's going to continue. continue in a different form i think this is
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a matter that parliament needs seriously to look at the impact if we're going to say in this country that you can give patents to people that allow them to control organisms that spread themselves around that raises implications that were raised in this case that need to be addressed by parliament and i hope their advice to do so. but i want to ask you a question has been reported by national broadcaster this morning that the supreme court ruled that you deliberately. supplanted it jeanette. modified monsanto a seed in your crops and i just want to know if this is a correct report or if you could straighten the record for that for once and for all in my view if you're not planting something intending to grow around brady crop meaning some crop you're intending to spray with round up. you know i don't see where that goes but as far as the supreme court was concerned in the lower courts.
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to that to the cultivation of plants with the gene in it was sufficient to be infringement today as a personal as i said it's a personal victory. six years of legal battle when we stood up to monsanto back in one thousand nine hundred eighty eight we never realize it would ever go this far and then when the other point i'd like to make. a special comments from that with both the biotech industry you always have to remember monsanto late the lawsuit against me i did not play the lawsuit against monsanto they were the ones to start it and then we took my wife and i took the position that a farmer should never ever looses rights who's used to seed from year to year and that was the basis we fought that for the rights of bombers. in. the one. thing. that.
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was sad because cotton on that gene is valid and wherever that tino rice by whatever means in any higher life form they all will and control that light form and when i used that term higher life form i don't only mean seeds or plant it's bird species animal even a human being so now we have more questions than we have at your state canada and regards who owns life. me. since two thousand and four percy schmeiser has not
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planted on his farm and is growing wheat oats and peace instead but increasing need there are volunteers are browned up resistant on his fields he informed monsanto which tested the plants and confirmed them as being their pates into canola but they would not remove the plants unless a full release a non-disclosure agreement was signed and in that release form first of all they said we can never ever talk to anyone to the press or i knew what the terms of settlement work and he wanted us to sign give all our rights away well that it's no way we're going to do that this new way we give for our freedom of speech away and it and that take. it up they wanted us that we could never take them to court for the rest of our lives and it wasn't only perceive myself it was our children they what that did they would have that the side the two that they would never speak if
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you're wrong it's been said and that's a reason why we want to sign it because there's no way you want to give it right away to a corporation. my father said ok we won't remove the plants then that i call points out will then we are going to remove my will get help and we will move remove the plant and we will send you the big monsanto immediately send us an e-mail and said you're not allowed to do to those plants whatever you want because they're our property so i told them it's your property it's on my property we want the land. we pay the taxes get your property off our land. percy hired a neighbor to remove the plants and sent the bill to months on to over a total amount of six hundred canadian dollars monsanto refused to pay and luis miser filed a claim in the local small claims court. can you imagine the end there is going to
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monsanto a billion dollar corporation coming to court for six hundred dollars but five minutes before the trial might sound too agreed to settle out of court and they agreed that there would be no gag order my wife and i could talk about it i could talk to you about it here tonight so it was not only a great victory for ourselves but now it opened it up for all farmers in every part of the world if you are contaminated you know have an avenue where you can take my cat and not only monsanto you could take sent gent out dupont to court if you are contaminate contaminated because now if president has been established. when i travel around the world and i meet so many people so many organizations that
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have such a dedication they one good food they want safe food and they don't want the environment our air our land our soil contaminated with poisons and then when i see how hard these people work and for what they believe in it gives me the courage and the strength to carry on.
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i i polish people a march against their country citing a multinational piracy pack. people fear that these documents will give corporations too much power to take regular user small flying i would wait why in just a few moments. plus around threatens to cut off its oil supply to europe before the e.u. trade band aid because they get around nuclear program of the force in july. and plays in syria as
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a resolution to i was present in the sand lands on the un desks but moscow was it was foreign forces intervening. live from moscow at one am this is r.t. warm welcome my name is kevin now in our top story key websites were hijacked and thousands of internet freedom supporters marched outside in a two pronged protest in poland it's because the country has just signed up to a global web piracy pact covering everything from movies and music to fashion and pharmaceuticals but its net stretch is wide. in warsaw to explain more well this document called the courtesy trade agreement which has been signed by poland and many other countries other countries in fact including the united states .


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