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tv   [untitled]    January 26, 2012 6:48pm-7:18pm EST

6:48 pm
length of. hi guys it's time for tonight's tool time award and it goes once again to bank of america you see the state of arizona is accusing the of a peeping of fraud probe against the bank investigation was launched by the state in two thousand and ten to look at allegations that the bank had repeatedly deceived homeowners who are looking for mortgage modifications and bank of america is making as difficult as humanly possible for them to actually conduct this investigation is he back in june bloomberg reported that the of a denied of the arizona attorney general's request to interview former bank employees and it looks like that railroading was just the tip of the iceberg it turns out they've decided to go with straight up payoffs let me explain how it was states are calling up the people that actually made complaints against b.
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of a they weren't really getting called back very often which was weird because these are the people that had filed official complaints against the bank in the first place so they take a little bit deeper and they discover that the reason for the radio silence is the bank of america had beat them to the punch they have been making a few phone calls of their own offering a loan modifications to the borrowers who had made complaints in return for their silence that's right they had to agree not to make any statements that quote defamed disparage or in any way criticize the banks reputation practices or conduct and the best part is still coming up to the documents read to the bar will remove and delete any online statements regarding this dispute including without limitation posting on facebook twitter and similar websites so yeah they're actually making people go through their entire social network history and scrub it of any negative comments about the of a that snarky tweet be made about what a whole bankers are that's going to have to go and a facebook post yeah those are gone to you this is a payoff this is
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a lower rate in exchange for silence past and present and you wonder why people think the banks are so evil now the state is acting asking the courts to step in and tell the bars if they don't have to comply with this absurd gag order which b. of a claims is routine personally i would call it obstruction but for paying off for. ogling borrowers in exchange for their silence to impede a broad investigation thank of america has once again tonight still time when. hi guys it's time for a happy hour and joining me this evening r.t. correspondent christine for south and comedian stephen smith welcome back feet and we've missed you it's been all right here yeah. let's start with a really horrible awful story it's just we're due out of oklahoma one lawmaker has a particular cause and he's trying to buy it for. leaving it and i was able results
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are a proposal at the state capitol people are talking about an oklahoma senator asking for a ban on fetuses used for food testing lawmaker wants to make it illegal to manufacture or knowingly sell food or other products that contain embryonic still stem cell. is there a problem like do people normally put aborted fetuses into food and any food maker is saying that no this is never happened even the guy that brought up legislation said i don't know if it's happening in oklahoma it may be it may not be what i'm saying that if it does happen then we're not going to allow it to manufacture here i think the point is this is bringing a lot of questions everybody wonder what do you what do you talk about i have a lot of questions i actually wrote them down here we go what company is saving money by making selling aborted foetuses all right i mean what is aborted foetuses actually replacing it like a certain placement. going with it i mean if you see how many mass producing baby
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fetuses i think they are mass producing that are they locally grown or is this like of coming from china and if that is how they are they are they are there in the up reserves in my love my baby fetuses or or another question are they are freeways. and becoming so i want to have some proper of i don't want to suffer baby feed. i get like a prayer for it always going to be church out like what you're doing right now like a flirt we can do that this is how i would drink this water and i. will say i was just going to say i think this is an attempt at somebody that's very conservative and very pro-life agenda anti stem cell agenda who wants to get people talking about i want to get people grossed out about it people who don't think about. the issue of abortion he wants to get them disgusted by it but that's a little more so i guess i'm going to really really never say whether you know. the smaller government republicans are right you know this is happy hour this is exactly how you got to be anybody what is the legislating on things that are not
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issues and so raise up all these stupid questions that are stupid but i want to say i want to smaller government where baby fetuses are legal how about that i'm a republican i let's move on to moving on and. take a look at this top story he wants his job back. to lean on the. defense lawyer says he was responding to a call for backup back in two thousand and eight when this porn actress in her crew approached him and asked him to engage in lewd acts with her. all right so the guy got approached by a foreign sorry felt while on duty do you think you should get a job i think you should get a job back he wasn't in the whore and he didn't take his clothes off she asked him to spank him a couple times he said his job here service i know he served more than twenty years it's hard to find good traffic cops in any city in america i'm completely for him keep his job also because i'm more used to the more i'm not getting tickets that say all right and b. you know it's funny this would never work a reverse like this is only to work with
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a male like a meter maid i could be a big muscular do some way which taught me johnson that video would never exist and that said to me so you think if it was a woman that was asked to be in a porn with a man that she would be it women always say no this is like i'm going to she said yes that is how you see radically your own life just like you know when the stranger walk i know. to touch that one of the bigger flaws that god put in you know what i mean no offense i think women are equal and all that but god if you will just say yes a little bit more can we move on you know you are bored i usually like this if you want to. drink and. have been on the senate floor in kentucky but basically they were they were debating some bill about the local aquaria so they had a visitor from the local aquarium was a cute little thing when this happened. just because he did on the floor over there . there is that the pain when your dog going to actually say i believe that your desk. this is why you don't bring penguins into the state house i think it was
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great to paper out the penguin it got all these what seems to me very stiff kentucky legislators laughing about something they can have somebody clean up the penguin poop i'm sure it's something i'm completely against bringing any animal in i mean they couldn't they could picture couldn't believe i was going to make the same factors a cute adorable penguin is a very attractive oh if you see the penguin sitting there i'm afraid of this because i know disney movies are messed me up and we think a lot of animals are cute i don't know what the dangers are penguins but i do want to find that out. i saw the moment when a very personal relations off all right everybody everybody i talk appliances are far from the pop up so now front of the most dangerous things in the world what with the pain when we're crazy and there was a death all right you can talk you know the wrong tool can tell me what you would be controlled by people and they could get you to leave your their main black widow . on this for you heard her by penguin in the kentucky state legislature that was talking about that as well. i love this story this story is so messed up so this
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kid is in ninth grade sees a substitute taking a nap when he's supposed to be teaching a class or takes a picture of the substitute taking a nap with a cell phone and he shows it to the principal and then the kid gets suspended and this is their reasoning. but the use of a telecommunication device is not permitted during the school day i gree with that policy yeah but maybe that was the only way to prove that the teacher was actually sleeping you teacher was sleeping then maybe the school system needs to investigate that. i agree i mean seriously being on the job but it's the kid that gets in trouble but then i guess that's why i haven't snarks that's what we're seeing on the ari i think it's outrageous the kid should be a hero the kid should be congratulating congratulated for trying to make his school system better of course if he's taking pictures of the teachers sleeping he's not going to be learning you think the other students feel that way they're like dude we didn't have to do anything because the substitute was a sleeve and you had to go and i think we're missing the bigger issue here to
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substitute teacher nobody was learning anyway right it was an off day for everybody our teacher was sleeping just like the rest of the class should have a sleeping kid should be some are a lot of people who want jobs as substitute teachers who are very qualified former teachers laid off they should be allowed to be in the classrooms not people sleeping yes and there's a lot of students who wants to teach or so they can do nothing and this is really everything he says where he just lets also think about the bigger picture we need are starting to feel learning what to do right it's the teacher either leaves them a lesson plan or tells them like here's a movie pop into the tape that you're ok i want to interview contention tell me a great substitute teacher story where they set you down and taught you that one life lesson that you learned no life lesson but i had plenty of substitute teachers who actually taught me the lesson that the teacher would have taught that day really yes i never will substitute but it was nevertheless the days that we was all like you exactly that's what those lessons i got mean. they were better school me than me are you guys going to have a thank you for joining me this evening now that right so thanks for tuning in ad
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maker to come back tomorrow at the ranch as if the reason is going to be on the show to talk about the latest unemployment numbers and also to have a little fun happy hour now the time to forget the fantasy launched on facebook you can follow us on twitter if there's anything ever miss can catch you tube dot com last feel are still coming up next. well into the future this month the chunks by particles that make up the fabric of the universe find what you're looking for in the deep siberian forest prevent a fire with the help of lasers in fibers pull out your tablet of a new gaming religion and let the inventor begin all of that here in the midst of dear speed technology on day here on r.g.p. we've got the future covered.
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more news today violence is once again flared up. and these are the images for world has been seeing from the streets of canada. giant corporations are rooted a clue.
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politicians billionaires nobel prize winning economist they're all here in davos for day two of the world economic forum i'm sure you've seen a barrage of headlines the coming out find out what's really going on. and the one percent descend on davos to try to solve problems of the ninety nine percent something is just not adding up and another forum is looking for some economic answers because it might not be the band-aid the world needs it might be an overhaul. it's good for the community good for the state and good for your business as well not to the general art to that. what's good for the goose isn't
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necessarily good for the gander especially since corporations are flying high while average americans barely wattle by well tell you how the company world pool is putting one town through the spin cycle. it's thursday january twenty sixth seven pm in washington d.c. i'm liz wall and you're watching r.t. . well it's day two for the economic powers that be in davos at the annual world economic forum leaders from across the globe are set to engage in a series of round discussions and at repairing the world's broken economic system the meeting comes as the crisis in the eurozone threatens to plunge the region back into a recession and bring the global economy down with it but as we see one economic
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summit after another play out well this four be any different and being a real force for change artie's own lauren lyster join me a little earlier today from davos with the latest from today's meeting. well as you can imagine liz the eurozone as very much taken the official center stage after yesterday we heard from angela merkel which i talked about with you guys and she said be patient we're going to stick to this fiscal integration we're going to join together for more europe that's a solution just hang in there we heard david cameron come on stage today for his remarks which were drew a very large audience a very large line to see and as you would expect he talked a little trash on the euro zone and talked a lot of trash on the solutions that leaders of come up with that have been championed by angela merkel saying that in order for a single currency to survive in the case of the euro zone needs a number of things including a central bank including a way to do some kind of what sounds like he was amounting to euro bonds
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a few other things to a need that it's not that the eurozone doesn't have all of these it's that they don't have any of these so pushing for more money more of a firewall more of a solution and we hear that not just from politicians we hear that from big wig investors like george soros who has been really pushing his plan for the euro zone which he's come out with in a book which leaders in the eurozone have not adopted so very much taking center stage but as you know as i've been talking about that's not the whole forum at all . speaking of solutions this year they were expected to discuss capitalism and rethinking the system is that the these are the political and business elites that of course have benefited from a capitalist system so are they really interested in talking about income inequality or is it all for the cameras. well you know that's the thing you can put whatever you want on the official agenda but what people are really going to do and what they're really going to talk about is whatever they're really going to do and
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talk about and that's the status quo that they've benefited from then that's what you can expect yes we have seen people like klaus schwab who is the founder of the world economic forum talk about the problems with capitalism and how it's outdated in its current form but that's a same quote i've seen appear over and over again and all of the stories i've i've seen about the rethinking of capitalism it's the same quotes over and again coming from one debate yesterday morning on capitalism and a handful of billionaires talking about income inequality so while yes we have seen some focus on stage and in some of the content on the agenda you have to remember that a handful of billionaires and a couple of people that are concerned about capitalism and these issues are i hand full of the twenty six hundred people who are here many of which to talk business to network and to continue on in the status quo many big corporations and big banks that have very much benefited from the current form of western capitalism and when you hear really the establishment figures asked about western capitalism in its
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current form they're very much in favor of it they're not questioning it at all yesterday we heard that from brian moynihan c.e.o. of bank of america today i heard that from david cameron the u.k. prime minister when he was asked directly that question. as the political and economic leaders there the big wigs are all there in this one place some argue that this of that is just a bunch of pomp and circumstance rather than generating real solutions to world problems what is the feeling that you're getting over there. well that building i'm getting because you have to remember live yes all of the sessions are going on but really what i'm seeing is the sidelines and the people that i'm talking to joseph stiglitz and brian moynihan and then a some of these guys most down to me the guys i'm talking to are the business leaders i spoke to a governor today i spoke to a couple of people that are our diplomats from from britain and for all of them the benefit today is the business deals are the meetings is the networking some of them
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you know day to adopt those and they hadn't been to a single session so for a lot of these people it is business and that's really the agenda also everyone kind of has an agenda even from the big wigs that are speaking whether it's investors or c.e.o.'s they have a reason for you know bill gates there's a press conference but it's to announce the money he's giving to aides george soros talks to the press has a prince lunch he has a new book out he's very much pushing that with the same kind of rhetoric that he's writing in the financial times and saying to everybody at the forum so every guy has an agenda live for a lord of the we also here you people are on twitter are saying about davos let's see if it matches up with what you are observing over there all over a willis he says a leaps hobnobbing with elites about elitists things pretty much what's wrong with the world and answer cain says that's a two bankers at the bar of a fancy davos hotel they are talking about the crisis and smiling not quite sure
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what's so funny. so what do you think laura. yeah liz you do get that sense you don't hear a questioning of this system a rethinking of things really you hear solutions and concerns from the people who have been operating and benefiting from the system that we're currently in so and yes they are elites and many of them are the global one percent seventy billionaires politicians. all of these people they are very much the global elite so you can imagine that. this allusions they find in the problems they're talking about are very much the ones that pertain to them and there is kind of that that separation you definitely see that being pressed you feel like a little bit of a second class citizen i have to say sorry to hear that. maybe the occupy movement won't make you feel that way and i know that they are there they set up some igloos
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outside of the do would you say that their message and their presence is affecting the dialogue there at all. you know i wouldn't say that it's affecting the dialogue because although we've seen discussion of occupy and the movements from again klaus schwab who's the founder of the world economic forum i've also heard snickering on the sidelines from businessmen at the occupy igloos that are here saying oh they really lack the numbers what i will say is if you're going to have a protest igloos are a really good way to go because i think that our key by has been mentioned in a lot more of the news stories that i've seen and then pretty much any of the other occupy protests that i've seen since this movement started in new york in wall street so i think they're getting some bang for their buck with the igloos as far as public awareness not sure if it really matters when it comes to the agenda of what's really going on and being discussed at the world i guess that's more
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interesting to talk about igloos than ted lauren thanks for keeping us updated that was art he is lauren lyster host of the capital account. and as some of the world's deepest pockets attempt to just tweak the capitalist system another group is hoping to construct a major overhaul and are hosting their own forum it's called the world social forum and it's taking place now and allegro brazil porto alegre brazil that is president dilma rousseff decided to ditch the elites and instead attend and of that which brought together a medley of social movement groups from around the globe the event rivals the exclusive forum happening now in davos so can the world social forum shake things up enough to change the system i spoke to lou rockwell chairman of the league with mrs institute a little earlier about this. well i think probably not every evil person in the world is or importer allegro but what they all have in common is they want to run
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our lives they want to rip us off for their goals and because of divorces the banks there isn't all the corporate status the politicians who are in league with them the important leg where we have all the n.g.o.s and the people who want to strangle economic growth put their foot on the face of the poor and crush them through you know ending economic growth through all the climate change nonsense and sort of is there the al gore people but they're really connected because if we think of al gore himself he's that he's also a corporate status he could be a devil or a porter allegro and i would say even though these these groups have different rhetoric and they have a little bit a different ideological orientation they're almost interchangeable because they want to have much bigger government really at the tallit tarion world government to benefit themselves and hurt the rest of us so this is both of these groups comprise the one percent. that is connected to government and lives off government and crushes the rest of us or so so they hope but of course there's
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a lot of opposition all over this world there are people who want real capitalism not social democracy or socialism as importer alegria or fascism or corporate sadism as in as an davus but actually like a real free market we don't want to be ripped off or the banks or is or the climate change artist we'd like to have been able to live our own lives raise our own families run our own businesses their own neighborhoods our own our own countries and not have these groups both of which one world government not have to get them you know get them the heck out of our laws and so we're seeing these competing movements that won and brazil is kind of the anti capitalist movement they're saying that capitalism it's not working for something else needs to take its place and what that new way is there are alternatives. well first of all what they mean by capitalism is the current state capitalist or or really fascist system the corporate state the combination of big businesses big banks big government
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operating against the rest of us mussolini style so of course that doesn't work it's it's a it's a disaster morally and economically what they want however is more you know this is a more of a of a pure socialist nature where you have again the state running over they making everybody poor bringing on huge pollution as we saw in every every socialist state people still suffering from that today. so there they have exactly the wrong path the people on dab most of the wrong path to both of these groups or their false alternatives and it's little bit like in the us doing what the republicans of the democrats you know they have the different rhetoric but both of them agree that they and the government and the big businesses they are associated with should be ripping the rest of us off so we need another alternative that this is we don't need to put a real ignored or davis we need freedom. and so what do you think how successful do you think they are over in brazil and getting their message out i
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mean they're supposed to serve as a rival to the world economic forum how how effective do you think they are getting this message across. for their very effective the media find them a very sympathetic group since they most of the people in the media not our team necessarily of course. believe in the sorts of things that the people of puerto rico a group pushing and they have they have a huge amount of money they have tremendous connections to all the powerful and so they are able to get their message out but just as i think the whole climate change business has declined in influence i think their point of view is declining too so i think and hope anyway that as far as regular people are concerned they're not going to buy into this but the elites the elites love it the elites love it they have some of the elites involved in puerto allegro some of them are involved in divorce but none of them have actually put this exactly our interests at heart they want to gain power and money through the government through operating through the
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state and they all have their own little plans as to how we should live our lives and we don't need either one of these groups so it sounds like you are not one of our not in the least bit by either of this group the farm in brazil or the forum and davos i guess in your opinion what is the worst of the two evils. well i think probably it's tough to tell but i think probably davis is the worst because it has the most powerful people connected to it even more powerful than the people in porto alegre they have all the huge international businesses as well as of course the u.s. government the federal reserve some the european central bank bank of japan i mean all the central banks of the world all the big banks that are connected to them and the big international corporations that want to get cozy with the government so probably davis is more powerful but the people of puerto alegria do a huge amount of harm to everything they promote again makes poor people poor or makes middle class people pour it may have but it helps the the super rich who are
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connected to government even though they pretend to be concerned about. the poor and they're not they hurt the poor and the people and i was of course couldn't care less either although they may use that rhetoric and all their talk and devils about a new form of capitalism we don't actually have capitalism right now we have state capitalism guided capitalism corporate statism again a form of fascism that's that that is the that is the current economic system and most of the world today is one or another form of fascism and of course both of these both of these groups are for turning up the police state they want to control our lives in every sense they're all for all these police state agencies there are again global government both of these groups think there is nothing beyond the state the state wants to do anything to you they should have the power to do it they are not necessarily doing it but they should have the power to control any aspect of your life tell you what kind of light bulb you should have in your house
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if you thinking about port or a leg or what the how of the size of your toilet tank what's the paint you can paint your basement wall with i mean down to down to that kind of that kind of minutia they want control of every aspect of our lives and the day those people may not be concerned about your toilet tank but they're definitely concerned about controlling us politically economically. and making us just serves on their plantations so these are two terrible choices that we should as true both of them and just lastly want to ask you so we have america and davos she recently gave a speech and that we have the president of brazil who decided to debts that davos to go to porto alegre so how would you compare the two we you know i think under merkel is a perfect example of you know everything that's wrong i mean for example how does a woman who was a youth leader in the east german communist party become head of the christian democrats i mean here's somebody who was an actual you know that was her job and of
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course she's entirely in league with the banks despite all her rhetoric about well we're not going to tax the german people anymore we're not going to punish the german people for four other countries of course she's a she's not concerned about other countries jews are concerned about the germans are there she entirely serves the banks she's the prime minister of bank lending and so i'm glad the people boycott or speech it's a good thing it's just more propaganda not that the prime minister brazil is any better either of course the president of brazil excuse me because she has her own view of the state should be running everybody's life but i'm going merkel i'm going to work as a bad lady wow i guess or i have to leave it. very interesting thank you for coming on the show that was a little rockwell chairman of the lewd wig of mrs institute. still had an r. t. hang an entire town allen to dry a popular american appliance manufacturer claims to be cleaning up communities but it's really.


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