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tv   [untitled]    January 27, 2012 3:48pm-4:18pm EST

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the simple pre-filter there electrodes are bombarded with a ten kilowatt charge this charge comes in handy later when the particles stick to polypropylene fibers becomes a static electricity but the charge also splits oxygen molecules creating ozone using something called the corona discharge method the resulting rich oxygen environment is toxic to all the little bacteria viruses and fun guy which means this filter does more than simply get rid of simple dust and dirt given that it can be a matter of life and death at hospitals just to make sure that all the particles in harmful microbes don't come out during their testing lab you can see that the air flowing out of the filter is free from all those that were there. so whether it be in coffee shops or operating rooms technology make sure that the air we breathe is as clean as possible. in those of years academic cluster you're never much more than a short walk away from the siberian forest along the way you can run into all kinds
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of people scientists engineers and even some fit with the latest military hardware . but don't worry these aren't real gunmen they're just dress the part to show off the latest thermal weapons sight developed at the institute of city conductor physics here in novosibirsk. now we'll try to locate the three fighters with sniper rifles who have hidden themselves. there somewhere here in this forest some wearing white. so no ordinary come a flash as you can see we can spot any of them with just the naked eye. i'm trying to find the hidden goldman you. can monitor the process at the same time on the screen. there's one. hundred three encounter flies with a forest in the back or. hard to spot him even if the visibility were normal.
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on the other side of a small man and. i can just see the edge of his face and hood. the third one. is in an abandoned construction site in the corner of a dark room with a metal grating. so we found all three fighters it's hard to hide from a thermal. in terms of image processing believe we are the leaders. we use a powerful processor that we've developed. it's based on very promising technology . computing. it gives us a very large optical band with. two times more energy efficient. it can run for four hours with only four double a batteries consuming three watts of
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energy. now spotting this potential bad guys with such easy work because of the powerful image processor within the site despite its low energy demands it still produces image quality that second to no other non cool thermal sight computing power is packed onto a series of circuit boards assembled by the skilled team the engineers know it may look like a never ending maze of copper silicon and plastics you or me but to those that built it it's a thing of computing elegance. trying to obtain as much functionality as we could while keeping it as small as possible more than we have a microprocessor capable of running at a frequency of five hundred. the programmable logic is comparable to a chip from a pentium it has several dozen megabytes of memory. in such a small. package so this isn't the limit of what we can do and we're already
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looking into how it can be made smaller and better. traditionally the best thermal sites had to employ cryogenic cooling but that made them both bulkier and far more expensive but thanks to recent advances those from the institute of silly conductor physics can offer us the best of both worlds. we figured out. how to distribute power in terms of the range. averaging it out along the whole spectrum. in such a way that the signal coming from long distances is the same as from short distances. the prize for these cool thermal sites with micro ball or metric matrices is pulling drastically. we expect to be able to put such cameras in mobile phones in fifteen years in affordable mobile phones of course. in terms of image quality. they're close to expensive system. so despite its small
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size and light weight these newest sights allow us to see things previously impossible on such devices whether we're looking straight into the sun or trying to spot something on the waterfront that's no problem for soldiers equipped with these sights designed and manufactured right here in siberia but if time is the only thing you need to kill there's one company that makes waiting for you less than punctual for a little more enjoyable. entertainment russian game designers and artists are hard at work to distract you from yours the games may seem simple compared to blockbusters like quake and modern warfare the amount of work required for these casual games is often overlooked a dedicated team has to collaborate together to take it from any idea to finished product and that's precisely what has assembled out here in novosibirsk as a result of their hard work they're by far the largest and most successful gaming
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company in eastern europe and based on what they've done lately they can clearly compete with the best that the west has to offer but they found that with accolades and success come ever growing considerations. kind of financial resources that you work with at the beginning and what kind now. to thousands one could spend something like ten thousand dollars or even less to make a game that's completely competitive. today to make a game that would be his in its own. looking about casual games we don't speaking about major blockbusters in the hard cold gaming genre coralie bus one has to spend in excess of hundreds of thousands of dollars. and that's true for one of the alum wars biggest titles the treasures of montezuma has proved so costly among casual gamers that it's already on its third iteration it's ranked as high as number two on the us i pad app store list of most games with each new version in the montezuma
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series the developers have to give players a reason to pony up the cash for the latest one and that's what seems to drive the increasing costs as you can see it takes far more than a few clicks of the mouse to make an idea for a new game come to life and that's something that makes our success even more satisfying to these developers. actually just this last december we released our first game of the windows phone seven platform scold from frenzy to it was a pleasure to see that the game immediately shot to the top of the us marketplace it was the fifth most popular on that lists unfortunately i'm not ready to brag about any specific figures in terms of downloads because it's a new plant from and has not yet enough information as to how much for example fourth plane sealed in a day week month regardless the fact itself of being in the top list is rather nice
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. now maybe it's because many of us yearn for a simpler life on the farm but whatever the reason farming games like this can prove to be a big success but nowadays it's not enough to release a game on just one platform you have to cover them all to have a chance at a hit. where planning to develop and trade more and more new titles and put them out and more and more new platforms not only for p.c.'s but also from macs possibly sony playstation three up. notable comes the launch of the prospective audience the civilities on the coasts are not as high as they used to be. so with companies like al or round it's safe to say that sites like this are only going to become more common but it's no longer just teenagers and twenty somethings from middle age to retirees nearly everyone is getting in on the casual game bandwagon despite all the fun games are mobile devices now offer us it's important
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to put them down every once in a while and see the real world around us but in ways that will do for this edition of technology will soon next time enjoy the ride.
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on the money with the business over russian news this.
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from igloo protons to high profile meetings among economic elites the world economic forum sure knows how to break the ice and this week the swiss town will have more lister live in davos with a wrap up of the annual form of. the world wide web might be getting a little more tangled these days but polish protesters aren't going to allow their freedoms to get stuck in cyberspace will explain. a lot of people going out right. now even. when you're. in the land of the plenty more
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and more american children are left with their bellies aching from hunger each and every day so how many are struggling a number may shock you. it is friday january twenty seventh four pm in washington d.c. i'm christine for you watching our team. well the world economic forum is wrapping up in davos switzerland now on the agenda for this conference of the global elite discussions about economic growth global competitiveness education technology and health and today a large focus on the crisis in the eurozone well our two moralists are host of the capital account and our own financial guru is in davos and she's with me now to break it all down. there lauren a it seems to me that what you've been seeing over the past week is that very little is actually paid very little attention is
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actually a paid to what's on the agenda talk about what's being said in davos and also what's not being said yeah speak to that point i know this is something we've been talking about that the official agenda maybe isn't as important as the unofficial one but today i feel like i was really testing that because the euro zone discussions really made a lot of headlines there was a big debate of finance ministers and the economic and monetary affairs for the european union timothy geitner spoke about the u.s. economic outlook there were just some big news making debates and so the first time that i'm in the congress center to kind of get everybody's response to you know how they felt about the comment that came out on the euro zone and and that kind of thing they kind of look at you with a quizzical. what are you talking about you know i it's just i was the most important thing to people when i asked them what you know what is the value in davos for you it's all the same kind of thing larry summers says you can see more people in one day than you can in
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a year you know that it's easier for the networking i was a u.s. politician a congressman said the same thing it's the one place where you can see all these heavy hitters and network that's really it also c.e.o.'s i talk to c.e.o. bill gross of ideologues and said you know he's here he has this new idea this new business pre-fab houses for india and he gets there and starts networking about it and suddenly out of customers and he's you know figuring things out and getting buzz and possibly business from it so that is what seems to be driving the agenda because you know everybody's the world sees what's going on you know maybe sound bites from these these forums on the stage and maybe they matter to the people that are on there but i'm seeing the view of that yes but but the congress center which is where all of this gathering we're all these people are when they're not on stage there and it's a very different thing what people are talking about and caring about. and i know lauren here recently i think it was just a couple days ago federal reserve chairman ben bernanke spoke and basically said the same thing he's been saying for years now that interest rates will once again be kept to near zero talk about what those you're meeting there in dollars are
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saying i know lawmakers and others and how this decision that's been made time and time again affects this country. no one i talked to is very interested in the fed very concerned about the fed really talks about the fed when they talk about the economic problems that maybe they're thinking about and to give you an example i did bring this question to a couple of u.s. senators that i did stumble upon bob corker and also chambliss who's a senator as well and i said you know if the economy is proving as improving as timothy geithner says why are interest rates being kept at zero by the fed you know and their to their answer was old economy is improving as much the fed's trying to help but then when you continue that discussion you know what impactors zero percent interest rates having on congress's inability to rein in the debt and to rein in spending and those issues and bob corker admitted he said you know if interest rates were higher the congress would be forced to take a closer look at debt and spending which is
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a huge issue for the united states which has fifteen trillion dollars in debt and if really congress coming up with some solutions is all the u.s. has in store which is something that timothy geithner was banking on according to his remarks that the u.s. is in trouble not only because as the senator said that's not going to happen they're not going to agree on anything but also because they don't really have the fire lit under their rear ends to really do anything and it's a they said you know i don't think that's the fed's intention it's not maybe but there's unintended consequences for everything and i think that's a big one and lauren. you know it's really interesting when we talk about the agenda and we talk about this conference in general as a whole it seems to me you know one of the reasons you're there to is to network is to is to talk to people in this business and kind of find out their story get to the bottom of it how much actual questioning of the scheduled speakers is happening is this just sort of listen and. or is there actual questioning of the policies in the system that's in place right now. that is
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a good question because there is a quite there as question and answer sessions and some of these you know debates and they have debates so these are people these are important employ people that are out there debating these issues but the thing that really sticks out to me is that they're all debating from a very establishment perspective for example there was a. session on banks are too big and the consequences of banks that are too big and it was roubini obviously you know very well known economists and you had a got a central banking background and some finance ministers and they're all debating this but from within the viewpoint of the current system so when they talk about how you know small banks are really the ones to historically fail not big banks so we shouldn't really be as worried about this well why don't big banks fail because they get bailed out by governments and they get supported by federal reserve banks now why isn't that question to time when people are out on the streets protesting bailouts and that's not just people that are the ninety nine percent those are people i talk to that are the one percent that just are wall street bankers or
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c.e.o.'s of these huge multinational companies so corporations i should say so really you know the debate is framed in a very stylish way which i think is concerning when you do have the one thing i will say is a congressman a u.s. congressman he said you know i come here for the networking but also it's kind of one stop shopping to see where the global economy is going you know i can find out what's happening in greece what the prognosis is all of these things if that's the case no wonder we have the problems we have because everybody is just following the same herd mentality and kind of same set of different establishment arguments without really hearing very many contrarian view points if any that i've heard personally well certainly there is a group in this country that has some major contrarian view points those are the occupy wall street protesters you've been talking this week about how some are actually gathered there and i think i read that even the founder of this forum the world economic forum klaus schwab has invited some of them to come and have a negotiating session with him what can you tell us about that will that happen and if it does a sort of just a p.r.
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stunt or will something actually come out of that. my read on this just from gathering kind of the tone of this forum and talking to a lot of people is this is good p.r. this looks good i'm not saying that maybe klaus schwab isn't very in concerned about inequality or doesn't care about what these protesters say i'm just saying that the world economic forum's agenda and logs agenda is not reflective of what the twenty six hundred participants here in davos at this forum are here to pursue that's you know that's the organization's agenda maybe that it that it's putting on or what they're concerned with but that's not everybody is concerned so with the occupy protesters that are here they were invited to this open forum on remodelling capitalism but this is an event that is open to everybody this isn't at the congress center this isn't really just the davos crowd this is anybody from the community can go occupy protesters did go klaus schwab did invite them to discuss their issues to have a meeting and when i talked to the occupy protester they were negotiating how to do that where to do it when to do it we're looking to do that but as i said you know
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the clash is one man he's the organizer it's not reflective of everybody i don't think it will we will look forward to having you back here in d.c. enjoy the rest your time there are two years lauren lyster host of the capital account. and of course be sure to tune into the capital account coming up right after the news lauren will dig even deeper into the economic forum and tell you what if any decisions were made there and then later guest host to meet her katrina's sort through the u.s. g.d.p. numbers that just came out today and tell you why the road to recovery might be a little longer than you may think well coming up new at four thirty. well there's been a lot of talk about inequality and also about how many people in this country are on food stamps and i'll show you one reason why president obama is the most effective procedure in american history to track to. more people who've been put on food stamps. than any president in american history.
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well last time i checked having a government that refuses to allow people starve is a good thing but that's just me but anyhow this has come into the forefront of discussion who relies on food stamps who relies on federal programs and more importantly who is impoverished in this country in america now we talk about a lot of different people single moms different things but we wanted to look a little bit deeper into the children of this country people who are born here and are a little bit helpless they can't go get a job because they're too young and they're hungry are to correspondent on a stasia churkin i looked into this. children we hold in assumed one in five in the us struggling with hunger the federal government tells us that by a time a jolly old reaches the age of eighteen it will have been wiped out of every two chance of being. federal government to solve this problem most half of all children would by the time they reach that age of eighteen on any given day one in four
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children on food stamps and over twenty one percent are living in poverty for african-american kids that number jumps to thirty five percent in a country where the government and a model that's focused on the wellbeing of its people obviously its children would be a priority but unfortunately the united states is not a country with that kind of model. food pantries like this one see parents barely keeping afloat financially their paychecks not stretching to feed their children every day we are serving now almost twelve thousand individuals with georgi our children forty four percent of single mothers in america are in food stamps yet struggle to put food on the table i have six kids of my own i have been seeing grandkids and it throws the fruit them but not enough it's not enough money so you've got to go out in struggle getting food is a nonstop battle for these mothers a lot of people don't come out because right. but now even.
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children for these people poverty is a growing pandemic i'm just afraid of what the next was going to happen to the next generation. i'm just afraid everything is falling apart very angry because a film like they make in a pause the voices of poverty is a website showing many faces of american hunger god only knows how with three girls two bedroom apartment. trying to keep food in their mouths and sometimes i go without eating just to feed them one of the things i found the trouble ground was just the sheer enormity of this that this is a problem that is probably the single greatest economic challenge facing america the boss numbers cascading all the time that's just something that shouldn't exist in the country with all of the food resources that america has this new york school is one of many where more than half of students are eligible for free lunches in
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order to ensure the kids get at least one proper meal a day or even say it is it is and i wonder when people at the gabba experts say the problem of hunger in the u.s. is more widespread than in other developed nations getting worse not getting better and this is a major crisis in this country because you look at countries like united kingdom or france they have poverty rates that are under ten percent you know united states is now well over twenty percent. meanwhile america's estimated to waste from a quarter to an entire half of all the food it produces this occupy wall street activist was homeless and underfed in his teens he says times are much tougher now this appears to go there in the bush. team eighteen but the crazy about doing that time even though i was homeless i was still able to find work a growing number of americans say the time has come to bail out the p.
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. you know we're very quick to a bit about wall street when wall street was in trouble what wall street wasn't doing you're going home with one in five children in america facing hunger brushing the elephant in the room aside cannot remain an option for the u.s. much longer as the suffering children are not just missing out on meals but their entire childhoods and stay in our new york well it is yet another day of protests in warsaw poland after lawmakers there signed the international web piracy act act check this out here's a picture of lawmakers during a session of parliament who actually disagreed with the decision one that's also resulted in hacker attacks again and again tens of thousands of people also in the streets there now of course this is in poland for now but this is a big deal guys twenty one member states have signed on to this the largest demonstration right now taking place in warsaw by the way taking place despite freezing temperatures there but people around the world say this is the equivalent to outright internet censorship and gross violation of human rights artie's alexy
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our chef who has been following the protest against act he's outside of the presidential palace in warsaw with more. i down with censorship at the end so i count a few trade agreement known as act which poland signed on thursday has upset many internet users across the country in the small town of libyan alone several thousand people hit the streets fearing the treaty would allow corporations to crackdown on the freedom of speech online the idea of funding. for publishing the. marriage material. is somehow illogical to me it's like punishing the corporation that produces knifes for. being used to kill somebody that will be used to monitor our internet activity i believe that talking through the internet email chatting forums form of self-expression this was yet
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another rally in a whole string of protests held in poland since tuesday large crowds in several cities voiced their anger at the government for signing the document most of the country's government websites were hijacked by the anonymous group they had threatened to reveal sensitive information about the authorities should they go ahead with the act there are certain countries which are very interested in. this is. this is john. and because they. truong businesses. are property law and they want to enforce it all over the world but this doesn't mean that this is good for the people and this is why would we have this protest in poland because people feel oppressed by that essentially actor is about protecting intellectual property from music and books pharmaceuticals and . similar in form to the stalled u.s.
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bill sopa and people also sparked widespread protests however critics say actor was engineered in complete secrecy bypassing government procedures and the. criminal punishment it allows alerted many any legislation must be founded in the public opinion of what's right and wrong when you have a copyright industry that's talking about extraditing a person who has done nothing but linking to t.v. shows extradition that something useful murder and genocide does this is such an abuse of power our think is time is more than ripe for a serious review of what we want with copyright law and it's certainly not calling out teenagers terrorists thank you sir thank you if you doubt this will happen given that prime minister to six party holds a majority in the same.


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