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tv   [untitled]    January 27, 2012 8:30pm-9:00pm EST

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hi guys it's time for tonight's tool time award and tonight it's going to newt gingrich and his campaign staff now even i will reluctantly admit that no it's pretty good at the debates his concert attacks on the moderators have earned him the love of the g.o.p. crowd and he's even managed to knock the ever so slick mitt romney office he's so confident in his abilities these actually campaigning as the man that can beat obama by debating him to death. i want you to know. if you choose me and i am allowed to be your nominee. i will immediately challenge president obama to seven lincoln douglas style three hour debate. now we all know that newt's got an ego on him that he claims to be the man who has grandiose thoughts and apparently it's rubbed off on his aides you see last night at the c.n.n. debate everybody pretty much agree that gingrich didn't do so hot and so what do gooders aides blame that went on they claim that mitt's people quote definitely
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packed the room i mean seriously newt sucked it up in your response was that mitt was cheating it wasn't a fair fight nice try i find all the word tainted because of newt's complaint about the last debate held by n.b.c.'s brian williams on monday night last night's debate because the audience was taken out of it and up until this point the audience has been your fam. you know i wish in retrospect i protested when brian williams took him out of it because it's wrong and i think he took away because the media is terrified that the audience is going to side with the candidates against the media which is what they've done in every debate and we're going to serve notice in future debates we will talk all of us we're just not going to allow that to happen that's wrong as the media doesn't control free speech people ought to be allowed to applaud if they want to do. all right so let me get this straight on tuesday he's complaining about a media conspiracy to keep the audience from using their free speech in adoring him either just four days later he has a new clapping related conspiracy to throw out it wasn't brian williams this time
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it was mitt romney now of course the spokesman of the for the republican party says that this is absurd that the party worked very hard to ensure the room was rank and file folks who represent the electorate that these guys are trying to speak to but you know that's just not enough not good enough for newt gingrich it could be that he had a poor performance is that somebody else wronged him so it's not the evil mainstream media it's got to be somebody else now my idea for newt is take take your humble pie and just eat it he had a bad night period so over pulling out the also classic victim routine we give new congress newt gingrich and his staff tonight's tool time award. now just yesterday twitter made a major announcement that they are expanding their operations worldwide they have yet to say which countries they'll be extending their business to but with the news of their expansion they also announced it will be using a new censorship policy is in order for twitter to exist in certain countries they have to agree to comply with that country's policies on the freedom of expression
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when it comes to censoring certain information so in a twitter blog post the company said starting today we give ourselves the ability to reactively withhold content from users in a specific country while keeping it available in the rest of the world we've also built in a way to communicate transparently to users when content is withheld and why now many people are opposed to the censorship plant and tomorrow january twenty eighth users who want to protest are going to stop the site for the day stop using the site for the day so basically any current tweets out there to spread the word of the protest have the hash tag twitter blackout now the huffington post is reporting the word about the blackout is spreading in all different languages at a rate of twelve tweets per minute and while the outcry over any type of censorship on twitter is understandable there is another side of this discussion in a blog post that we just shared twitter says they're giving themselves the ability to censor users but that's for users in one specific country they'll be leaving that same tweet available for users around the world so let's say that somebody in germany shares
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a tweet expressing support for the nazi party that is illegal in germany so even if twitter does censor that tweet in that country users in the rest of the world can still read the text as it was originally written so rather than tweet rather than the tweet being censored everywhere now the social media company has also said that censoring any content would only happen reactively they're going to let the users know about the withheld content they also plan on publicly posting every single censored tweet on the website chilling effect or to show that the company is attempting to be as transparent as possible now twitter was one of the major online sources for people to share word of protests like protests of sopa and pipa or occupy wall street as as well. of course reading worried about movements during the arab spring in countries with oppressive governments twitter provides an outlet for people to share their thoughts without worrying about censorship so news of twittering gauging any type of censorship is rightfully causing concern how is twitter going to decide which laws they will abide by will iran's laws be treated with the same respect as germany's laws now somehow i doubt it would just brings up
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a whole host of questions so is this sort of selective censorship actually a good thing because it limits the impact of the censors or does a put too much power in the hands of the company to decide who's laws are valid and whose aren't going to let you decide but i think we'll find out what the people really think when they stop tweeting on saturday. well it's been more than four months since the occupy movement began and as encampments across the country have been evicted lot of questions have been raised as to what comes next well this might be one path c. there is now officially the first occupy candidate running for congress nathan kleinman is a twenty nine year old member of the occupy philadelphia movement will be running in pennsylvania's thirteenth district and i'll be running and the democratic primary so what does being an occupy candidate really mean is the only way to break into the mold that enact change from the inside or is the tea party route considered a bit of a sellout joining me now is a think climate a declared candidate for congress in the two thousand and twelve election who's
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running on a platform based on the occupy movement and you can thank so much for joining us tonight and first i guess tell us a little bit more about yourself when you say that you are an occupy candidate or that you're an active member by philadelphia what does i really mean. sure i do want to say i am not an official occupy candidate there really is no such thing as far as i know. we infact in occupy philly we had a proposal last night at the general assembly that i was really happy to support that made it very clear that we do not endorse candidates we're a nonpartizan movement we're a nonpolitical movement and we need to have as open a tent as possible i think that's really important for a movement like occupied to do so while i consider myself an active participant i'm really proud of my participation in occupy philly i am not an official candidate in any kind of way i'm an autonomous individual running for congress on my own platform i happen to share a lot of the ideals with the
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a lot of occupiers share i but do you call yourself an occupy candidate because you think that it makes you stand out from the rest of the democratic party who are going to say you're in a panic you say you're a democrat what you know what's your own label yeah i call myself an occupy inspired candidate i am running in the democratic party i'm a lifelong democrat and i i believe for a lot of reasons but most of all because it would be really no way to win an election like this without running our two party system is so entrenched i think the democratic party has lost its way on lots and lots of issues and especially the issue of corporate power and money in politics and that's that's why i'm running to to do something about it i think we need to take a multi-pronged approach i still i'm involved in occupy and i plan to continue to be and i'm really excited about my involvement and a lot of the projects that are happening at occupy philly and it at occupies around the country and around the world you know expand tell your platforms like that.
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sure well i've my platform you can see i'm wearing a button here that says repeal the patriot act. that's that's a crucial issue i mean we have we have laws in this country like the patriot act that have classified legal interpretations so we don't even know what the government thinks that they can do with a law like that with the n.d.a. that allows for indefinite detention these things are dangerous and and i'm running to i'm running to stop them i'm also running because we've got we've got to help the working class we've got to help the middle class extending the bush tax cuts on the rich have that the fact that people who consider themselves progressives voted for that even as recently as last year is just to me is just appalling i now carry is to because you know part of the occupy movement are part of the goals and ideals there are to rid the system of the corruption of the influence that money has and
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that's why we see so many moves to overturn citizens united we've even seen some other candidates out there some republican candidates like buddy roemer put limits on how many on campaign contributions you know how are you going to go about that you have limits or you know where do you plan to get your money from. well i plan to get my money from individuals and i'm not planning to take any corporate money we really just got are just getting our fundraising up and running we fed exed our papers to the f.e.c. and i have volunteers working for me right now i don't have any staff but i will i will have staff i actually received my first donation today i'm allowed to receive up to five thousand dollars before before the f.e.c. officially registers my candidacy we've got the best we've got a bank account we can accept checks i haven't made a decision yet about a individual limit got to look into what other candidates are doing and what seems
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appropriate but right now i'm running against a candidate who can raise millions of dollars with their hands tied behind our back and so the only way to compete in this election is going to be to raise money but i've already said publicly and i absolutely am committed to this that if i am elected to congress which i expect to be i will never spend a single minute of my time as a congressman raising money because it's a twenty four seven job and i really think that it's unconscionable that members of congress spend half their time or more on the phone raising money or going to fundraisers it's it's really inappropriate congress is a twenty four seven job so i am let me interrupt you nathan to just one final question sound i'm curious what those at the you know what those that are part of the occupy philadelphia movement think about this move do they think that there should be my candidates and say that they occupy inspire or is that too much mimicking what the tea party to which now is just become an extension of the you
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know the republican party is there a lot of debate over this there isn't quite a lot of debate i think that. it varies depending on the location and i'm sure it varies depending on the individual i've been involved at occupy philly since since october and i've been. incredibly involved in a number of different working groups so the people who are most involved there gotten to know me really well and they've been incredibly supportive i've been really gratified and happy with all of the support that i've gotten from from occupiers and occupy philly and my friends in the movement across the country it's been really really really quite amazing there is a strong debate inside the movement about this question of reform versus revolution but i believe that movement like occupy is only going to succeed in changing the country if we take this multipronged approach and try and change the system from within and from without and i'm going to continue being active in occupy philly during this campaign and after i'm elected and i imagine after i retire as well
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because this is a long term process changing the country is not going to be quick it's not going to be easy and that's what the occupy movement is committed to that's what i'm committed to. we'll see if you start the trend namely same our occupy inspired candidates popping up thanks so much for joining us tonight thank you was a pleasure have a great day. so the country friday and unhappy at one time carolina politician to death i think of that penalty is harsh enough to propel it is planned and obama singing gives al green his record sales i don't think it's. i. on the money with the business of russia this.
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this month. the universe. lasers. we have seen the damage it has done to our environment market because what the park props we do not want anymore. of course system it's just there was a dismal experience and i'm just just appalled that that's allowed to go on.
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here even this unfortunately because we don't know what's in it and there's no labeling therefore be used like oratory experiment be used as getting. more money than we. are it's. like. welcome to tonight's fireside fridays with your host jimmy cops. well this friday we have yet another episode of absurd government secrecy to discuss now case and if you out there forgotten we've never actually seen any evidence or any photographs or videos to prove that osama bin laden really was killed the obama administration has instead claimed that these photographs exist
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but they've given various excuses for why they should be made public things like fearing that it might incite violence in the muslim world or worrying that this could reveal classified operational methods used in these types of missions and that has satisfied a number of media organizations and rightly so in my mind and in fact a government watchdog group called judicial watch is suing the government for the release of all photographs and or video recordings taken of the raid last may so their argument for why this should be made public makes a lot of sense see the obama administration has made it public to the entire world that they got osama bin laden president obama gave. speech about it the night it happened here mind of congress and the entire country quite a few times in his state of the union address just this week so it's one of the biggest successes of the administration likes to claim so in that light how could a feeling these videos or these photos do any damage to national security this is by no means something that is a secret and personally i think a little bit of proof would be nice and so just get a load of what argument the justice department is making now to continue the
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excessive secrecy so they have filed papers asking a federal judge to rule against judicial watch saying if the cia's drone program which technically the cia doesn't acknowledge is also one of those things that everybody knows about it despite the fact that everybody knows about it they continue to keep it a secret and continue not to let out any details including the number of civilian deaths because if they did release any of the details to the public on a program with the public already knows about it would still risk jeopardizing national security now let me give you their exact statement here it goes as follows the fact of the public may already speak freely of the existence of drones or speculate openly that such a program may be directed in part or in whole by the cia does not in masculine eight the cia's warnings of harm were forced to acknowledge officially the existence or nonexistence of requested records i really hoping that the rest of you out there pick up on the absurdity of such an argument but the problem is that we see the same argument being made all the time the way the state department refuses
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to declassify the state department cables even though they've been released in full for all to see by wiki leaks the same thing was done with the pentagon papers which are only last year forty years after being published a newspaper is technically declassified so what's the point of keeping something classified or secret if everybody already knows about it it defies logic it's become an obsession it's an addictive habit of the government just can't seem to break and now while at times it can seem so ludicrous that it just makes you want to laugh about it we have to remember that it's also a very dangerous and very toxic path to be. down because you see the more the government gets away with things like this the more they're going to keep us in the dark and while some out there might try to argue that these are classified missions and there are some things that need to remain secret which i think most anyone would agree with we have to look specifically at what it is that they're applying this argument to the use of drones that's something that needs more public debate not only is there a legal gray area to be applied but the more rally the ethics of firing from
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thousands of miles away and not disclosing it to the public who exactly was it was killed or caught in the crossfire that's questionable especially when drone strikes so often shape public opinion in other countries when women children neighbors are killed and yet we have no idea what's being done in our name. so let's just let this be a reminder another example for you of how far the secrecy obsession is really extending hopefully the judge is going to rule against the justice department and for judicial watch for transparency and for honesty but if the government's done it so many times before what's to stop the judge from letting them do it again. guys it's time for a happy hour trying to be this evening is r.t. web writer andrew blake and the reason foundation's anthony rand. thanks for
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joining me guys you're already seeing i don't know what you're so upset about we're not i did i did hear there ok ok sorry for being a masculine with these little drinkers these are what sorts of miniscule hearing about them or to me was from scotch next time i would like ok. ok let's move on to something a lot more fun. whatever as if having the death penalty and being one of the lot more solemn speak us here in the country that still has this really archaic and like horrible way of killing people isn't enough this north carolina politician wants to bring back public hangings just take a listen he said we need to make the death penalty a real deterrent again by actually carrying it out every appeal that can be made out to be made at one time not in a serial matter if murderers and i would include abortionists rapists and kidnappers as well actually executed it will at least have the deterrent effect upon that for my money we should go back to public handing hangings which would be more of a deterrent to others as well. so you absolutely incredibly peripherally imagine
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that if he really wants to attack you know school absolute most hated rivals people you think should just hanging that's supposed to come up with what would you suggest a lawyer and see i mean how do you know he's already playing out of murder on the way to go. you know the hunger games probably would be you know at least a start you know all that's been done you know don't hold back how would you kill someone you know this is you i'm not that dark inside my feet but i feel like with questions you have something and i feel like you've thought about this before no no no but other people have like down the down the coast in florida congressman last year said that they should bring back the firing squad actually because they don't have a firing squad in utah until just recently and then there was a guy that actually chose it but this dude. just wants probably yeah. he said this is kidnapping the thing is legal hits get the kidnappers and hang them like two people get kidnapped still like everyone's had an abortion has yeah it's ok to hang
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the abortionist but when i hear it all right with me i'm just incredibly down i don't think that people still get kidnapped but this is this is going to have a no you just. you know city folk not understanding north carolina like we're not going to tell you the value of us public hanging and you know what i was you know shaping minor children and nobody is completely horrific and you know i guess were missed the whole kidnapping epidemic of north carolina all right let's move on to mormonism huggett so much better use of the literature you learned several out there that are you know look at cerner that mitt romney is a mormon. mormonism is a cold and it would give credence to a cold to have a mormon candidate. all right so there have been a lot of questions as to whether his religion might affect his campaign but now check out this story that gawker is talking about today which is apparently mitt romney's militantly atheist father in law was posthumously converted to mormonism
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by his family despite the fact that when he was alive he regarded all religions as hogwash. and this is he died because we can now this is just sort of the tip of the iceberg if you want to get into like an unusual thing in mormonism because as everybody who has seen the book of mormon you know you have all sorts of what you get to be god of your own planet and no but delivered as the wife you can only get to the planet if your husband gives you the keys or something and i did as you know that if there is no mystery that if we want to start grabbing like weird things and hold about people's religions and holding them against them then we you know i'm a christian and we believe when we take communion that we are drinking the blood of christ and eating his flesh that's a cigarette i think you know the jews like to necessarily religion specific this is like oh the guy died let's just cover up his past for a political campaign the poor guy who is an atheist to save his soul they just want to save us all so they waited for is a one to three with their dragging a chicken around your head and transferring sense to it as the jews like to do or
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i'm not going to do or seeing any of this is really the second half crazy art let's move on to something hey let's move on to. there's so much fun. i have genital herpes and i try to be careful there and here you know my doctor told me something surprising one study found that up to seventy percent of people who had genital herpes got it from their partner when they had no signs or symptoms of an outbreak. i always wonder who the actors are that actually agreed to be in these commercials because it's like embarrassing right to be like a t.v. commercial out embarrassing ever and so now this kid you know what you're pretty is really angry kenneth clements a former student at ronald reagan high. miami florida claims that the school newspaper wrote up a story about s t d's with the headline teen stay quiet about as t.d.'s and they just put a photo of his idea on it with an axe over his mouth and so he's obviously filed
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a lawsuit because he's saying you basically just labeled me as as t.v. boy now everyone it's called me i don't say i can't take a joke saying you can't take a joke like it's not bad if you are the one person that they made of body you know be the face of the story it's much the student but you know maybe the economy. is well perhaps you were clearly a bully unschooled it oh shit clearly this is very limited this is this is this is coming across as very much so you would just laugh it off i would i would think you should be saying that i think you know i would sue because i want money because i'm a high school student and i want to embrace all that is america but i would also on that i think he should step up like why not just start getting crazy laid and have a bunch of protected sex and get it get these us t.v.'s so then she just take a look back at him is that now it's making it so he can't get laid in high school because he's already has the label of s.t.d. boy so that you know he's interested in your employer that's so fast i don't know i mean if they are going to speculate about what he's going to get all this money
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from this lawsuit people are going to be flocking to him he's going to get these estes anyways he'll be able to look back on it in laugh all right let's just end this with a nice little clip of obama saying again that. luke was. all right you know really talk about his policies but a little bit makes me. anyway after that al green's record sales were shot up by four hundred ninety percent but we don't time to talk about it so thank you for joining me john i'm sorry you brought our experience and here i am sorry guys i think very much thanks once again make sure they come back on monday we're going to hear that. are we hearing that we are hearing excuse me the occupy d.c. by clair doubts we're going to ring out the latest in the meantime follow us on line on facebook on twitter and on you tube and coming up next is plenty.
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more news today violence is once again flared up. and these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. trying to corporations rule the day.
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syrian opposition fighters tightening control of the outskirts of damascus while opinions clash at the un on how to end the bloodshed with a new motion under discussion at the security council. crowds. gather outside the presidential palace to protest the online anti-piracy pact which threatens regular internet users. and libya's new leaders face
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accusations of torture as medicine. pulls out of a key city saying people are being repeatedly during interrogation by the new authority. and broadcasting live direct from the heart of moscow this is glad to have you with us armed syrian opposition fighters are continuing their advance towards the capital having already seized control of a town on the outskirts of damascus at least two dozen people are thought to have died in suburban fighting in the past two days with buildings heavily shelled a massive anti-government demonstration rocked the damascus suburb. now under the control of the rebel free syrian army clashes between president assad's armed forces and anti-government gunmen.


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