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tv   [untitled]    January 28, 2012 4:00am-4:30am EST

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is formed as prepared for new elections now cording to reports this draft text calls for a political transition in syria it also says the security council could quote adopt further measures if syria does not comply with the terms of the resolution now of course this is just a draft text that was written up by france and britain in consultation with morocco germany portugal the united states and qatar this is a draft that is just beginning to be discussed by the security council members we do know that the russian ambassador to the united nations vitaly churkin expressed deep disappointment with the draft indicating that he does not believe that the international community should impose an outside solution on syria in terms of the conflict taking place there and he also rejected the idea of an arms embargo or the
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use of force being imposed on syria because we should keep in mind that if this text includes that the security council could adopt further measures if syria does not comply with what the security council wants we don't know what those further measures could be you have countries such as russia china india brazil that believe that there is a conflict that two sides are involved in syria and both of those parties should be addressed now russia has drafted a resolution on syria but according to reports and according to what members told me it does not include the cohesive or punitive measures against syria that western countries are looking for the russian draft hold both parties accountable it doesn't call for any type of regime change and that is something that russia and.
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and china we saw three months ago vetoed a western draft resolution that could impose possibly regime change in syria and that's where you have a difference of opinions but this story will continue next week because from what we're told the security council will meet to discuss the text of this draft resolution. more activist and don't do so as the latest draft resolution circulating at the u.n. security council doesn't uphold the rights of the syrian people to choose their own leadership. the point of departure between the western interests and russia and china voiced by russia this time is whether or not the decision about who will rule syria is made by the syrian people or by nato as it was in libya and they indicated that they would not allow a resolution to go through that called for regime change in syria without the participation of the syrian people we seeing that the western powers want to see in this region is dischord they obviously cannot occupy these territories after they
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conquer them if you look to iraq and afghanistan you can see that that's the case but as long as the people on the ground are busy killing each other the united states can sue cure or oil or in the case of syria for example the port at tartus which would keep russia out of the mediterranean and whatever other objectives they have. while there are reports from syria and opposition activists claiming that more than sixty people have been killed in the latest outbreak of violence that's against the backdrop of the reported advance of syrian regime fighters towards the capital damascus and while some see it as a sign of information. first discovered that remain unconvinced. a clear message from the protest is this said that damascus as if you know takes place. we don't want to linger don't don't we don't want to see our oh god see we also it's
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shouldn't killing we don't yes freedom we don't know what we will do you have to live. here in this and this is going to want to come to us so now they feel safety is being provided by the free syrian army think of a the body made up of many defects is they could say it's president as a neighbor protests like these to go ahead it's. just the military cannot come in anymore because. the free syrian army is protecting us we support the free syrian army and we support. the former army colonel heads the f.s.a. from the brute he's been steadfast from the start and his cools the foreign military intervention. say far voided partnerships with any other opposition elements he sees defense significant inside the country and the national khuda nation council one of the leading opposition groups remains adamant that foreign military intervention would make an already to tear erasing situation even worse
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whole while the security position has caused some areas to get out of control and it seems that there is a war between two groups outside the country and it's the syrian national council pitching itself as the main opposition but it too has failed to unify the many different opposition factions and this lack of unity has hampered the calling coups for direct u.n. involvement russia and china remain firmly opposed to a resolution that would leave the door open to foreign military intervention and in a far cry from previous coups the dialogue qatar and saudi arabia now talk to the opposition and the cost even more lives say many nice things to find rebel groups who have to work with working with. the f.s.a. say they have little choice but to use weaponry to protect civilians. who have this
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main square here in town where people come out and protest every evening the security forces try to come in but we protect them but this is what's happening here but it remains a precarious situation in the moments of confusion the crowd gets nervous and starts to run at one point gunshots heard. where they come from or from. him. a lot of confusion here on his face even if the reading of the different. rex's not exactly sure what's going on that's really not a safe situation severe right now and all of this happening just fifteen minutes from the city center just a day before it seem a chip or a government demonstrations so position can show continues to gain ground the divisions within the country have never been clear a. gun was. a good idea. coming up in the program when pressure from the west backfires iran is set to hold
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supplies in you know a preemptive move that many believe the book's economy can't withstand. a report on the struggle of the food industry in india and went head to head with the international superstore giants. now thousands of people have gathered in warsaw to protest the signing of a new treaty forcing intellectual property rights on the internet opponents say the international act document is pure censorship and a violation of human rights aunties and i see our show ski has been in the demands of protesters first hand. a passer by from england confused scenes on friday in central warsaw with the filming of a sequel for the hollywood movie v. for vendetta judging from the number of masked men and cameras such resemblance was tangible the film character fought for revolution these people are all still
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standing for change to stop the anti-cancer feed trade agreement act from becoming law in poland minus fifteen degrees centigrade is definitely not an excuse for thousands who gathered in central warsaw friday common it's a week of numerous mass rallies across the world with people protesting against the internet censorship act in may have a positive aim to protect intellectual property but these protesters fear it will be used to police the web and take harmless websites offline. engineer martin says he's work is under threat because of actors obscurity with the international backed worked out in complete secrecy issues with. first of all. the possibility of legally censoring information the government. is very unclear the negotiations have lost since two thousand and four and nobody's been told anything unlike the week's massive anti
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active protests in poland friday's showdown had clear political overtones while the majority of the crowd was voicing no to the treaty a large chunk was directing their anger at the government and experts say the scale of public dissent has managed to make war soldiers ruling elite nervous the government was promoting itself as being modern as. people probably internet and people trying to keep them accountable so when they discover that the government is supporting something without doubt it was purely political answer to no we don't believe this but this considers the harm governments are pretty steadily. scenes of their point of view are already tactic and the end might not ratify act and they will have a second fault so after a week of ignorance i think suddenly they realize that the protests are much deeper much broader and. to become law in poland actor needs the approval of both the
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polish and european parliament nobody knows for sure how long this might take but protesters say they will continue piling the pressure on the authorities to stop this happening i think it came as a complete shock nobody expected nobody expected. to. do this going to think i think there will be a lot more. loss for at least two weeks i think because. i think how long it will take to actually. prime minister to be adamant war so would not give in to and to blackmail in the streets with what was initially acquired social protest has become politically broader with every rally ask elating in both the numbers present and the level of aggression. the reporting from warsaw in poland. will make her behalf from the helsinki foundation for human rights says governments should communicate with users before preparing sweeping internet laws.
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the way it did break it my rider made the debate big three and there you are a mash would be. all you were there without really actually with the goodbye and later in the internet and though that internet provider there with companies which are taking advantage of the. internet the first thing we should be aware of the record death people are feeling that they were cheated by the government and that something is wrong or that they were not all contemplation and there was no particularly good debate before. more of the signature of the document there were a quote maybe atlanta in every year or even man who would be internet and every guy and people have that they impression that the government is taking that without the
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base and without your rainbow you are now and the internet users with it head to our website r.t. dot com for any stories you've missed as well as the latest news and comments also there for you and our mother nature spectacular said no way was the world and i told him but sit back and enjoy one of the most breathtaking dormant eyes displays ever seen. and elf to a great start to the c.s. first cargo space craft named progress successfully docks with international space station. tons of vital supplies including a special birthday gift for one of the crew. iran is ready to cut off oil supplies to europe as early as next week the move
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comes in response to the e.u.'s ban on crude imports from iran due to be enforced in the summer but with oil prices already rising rapidly experts are warning that the actions of the european union could do the more harm than good meanwhile a senior group of officials and weapons experts are preparing to meet in tehran due to arrive this weekend for the highest level talks over there a new clean machine in three years liberal policy consultant money told o t threatening to turn off the tap in europe iran is actually hoping to cushion the embargo blow. that calculus from iran's perspective is going to be if they preempted by cutting exports the forward the july first date that the e.u. has set for cutting exports and iraq preemptively cuts its three four hundred thousand barrels with exports to the e.u. will it be able to drive prices up enough by doing that to offset for that you know right now what is going on with iran is that they there is an existential threat to
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the government there and quite frankly from the u.s. perspective i don't think there's a lot of hope that these sanctions will actually get you right to stop its nuclear program think the real unwritten objective here is quite frankly and call it by different name but it's regime change ultimately they want to put as much pressure that as they can on this government. well coming up a little later in the program we hear from the people out on the streets of new york. most people are willing to change their daily behavior even though they are proud to call it selfish you know they don't really care about the planet until until it affects them personally are americans ready to sacrifice their daily routines in the name of environments. harvest. the euro is still taking a hammering fitch one of the big three credit rates has announced five more downgrades for european economies as you read a struggle to soothe nerves on another front the debt crisis ravaging the eurozone
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to top billing at the world economic forum in davos what he's doing this has moved us from the. we're going in today for davos at the world economic forum and today we'll hear from a number of economists and kind of thinkers about where the global economy is headed we'll have to see how much attention the eurozone captures though because it really has overshadowed a lot of other things that happened on the official and unofficial agenda here at davos we heard from a number of euro zone finance ministers and e.u. officials speaking with a lot of optimism about the euro zone solution saying they believe the fiscal compact will be reached with tighter fiscal discipline in that this will really help the debt crisis that the eurozone is dealing with they also said that greek bond holders will come to an agreement on haircuts for greek debt by this weekend to hopefully presumably avoid default which is definitely not a certain thing at all and that d.-day for greece is march twentieth after that optimism which was kind of the headline coming out of that we hasn't seen fitch the
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credit ratings agency downgrade by e.u. nations this includes italy and spain which are two of the economies that are very much of the biggest concern when you're talking about the eurozone debt crisis because they are much larger economies than greece they're both dealing with problems of their debt and of the funding of their debt which we've seen a lot of discussion here at davos over what is the best way to deal with we know george soros has his own plan i don't know if european union leaders are calling him now to take another look at it after these downgrades that something will have to watch for today or a miss mccrae chief economic correspondent told the u.k. as independent newspaper it believes that greece is effectively really in default and that's a good is imminent. i don't think you have to be a whiz at math to figure out that it's not just the indecisiveness of some countries of birth but also the euro oh the common currency is a single currency for an area where some countries need
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a devaluation i don't know whether technically greece is going to be in default or not but if you're repaying thirty or forty cents in the euro your debt and the write down is going to something right before to say forty if you're lucky thirty if you're unlucky that it any rational say it's the is a country defaulting on its debts and whether technically that it is or whether it take it seems to me to be not that relevant because once you've dealt with greece ok you try and have to put a fireball behind that but people may say look if i'm not going to get my money back on greece why should i learn to portugal why should i lend to spain why should i lend to italy west of the comfy when the program russia's future lympics host city plans to overshadow those famous he gives or competitors i sometimes want to support such. millions of
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shop owners in india are fighting for their survival as the threat of outside competition knocks at the door while the entry for international supermarket giants has been shelved for now there are those who argue the move would be good for consumers and employment artie's pressure investigates. this dry food store has been set then they're seeing chalons family for six generations it's one of the many small retail stores that have been operating in this market in old delhi for hundreds of years. six generations of our family grew financially and provided us with everything but now sing chalons way of life could be at risk after years of pressure the indian government decided to allow foreign multibillion and retailers the likes of tesco and wal-mart access to one of the fastest growing middle classes in the world until now india only allowed single brand foreign retailers like reebok to enter the country even though the indian economy opened up more than a decade ago economists here argue that the country needed at least five years to
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build up its domestic multi brand retail sector before allowing foreign competition into the country but now politicians argue that it might be the perfect time for foreign companies to enter india's five hundred ninety billion dollar retail sector the politicians behind the push say that farmers can make more money and consumers will pay less for food if these stores are allowed into india these retailers could provide organization to india supply chain by cutting out unnecessary middlemen president obama and other western leaders have also been putting pressure on india to allow their stores to open in the country arguing that they could provide jobs to millions of indians but small business owners still argue that it's an idea that would jeopardize their way of life. once the big stores open up small businesses will not be able to compete with them and they will find it hard to survive so this is a conspiracy against us to shut us down and open big shops but we will not allow this
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to happen in india. the small business will be swallowed by will not like the way small fishes are written by the big fishes in the sea these small family run businesses will be completely destroyed jeopardizing the financial situation of families and children so for now however opposition within india has stalled the decision from. being finalized store owner is like saying chauhan are watching the debate closely wondering if his family's business and the old delhi that he's known his whole life will suddenly change. this is an attempt to destroy the livelihood of the businessmen in india but we will not allow this to happen in india resisting outsiders from potentially destroying his family's tradition priya sri there are t. delhi india or the neighboring pakistan are where more than one hundred thousand people took to the streets the pro it's not about protests within our country's business leaders of the supporters to model the government continues its blockade on supplies crossing into gonna stop demonstrators also condemned drone attacks for
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the us trouble was worse with than. twenty four pakistani soldiers were killed by misguided u.s. airstrikes. at least seventeen people have died in about a dozen a missing off the three buildings collapsed in rio de janeiro in brazil a twenty story block crumbled on wednesday bringing down two neighboring buildings police are investigating a charge of the water which is believed on the authorized construction work they have been responsible. for protests as have marched on the u.s. embassy in the capital the philippines against government plans to allow american troops into the country the deal between the two nations is part of washington's attempts to reinforce its presence in the region the move viewed by august as a strategy to counter the influence of china the philippines hosted major u.s. military facilities and to ninety ninety two. to russia now where the future winter olympics host city sochi is hoping to attract fans of adrenaline packed winter
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activities artie's denise polaski reports on the modern resort now challenging the traditional ski regions. it's nowhere and cold in the caucasus mountains but it's the hottest time for ski fads many like this couple even came promise for a say bierria for the season's grand opening in sochi it's neat to see mrs now that . it's thirty snowing a month ago so much snow we wanted to write so badly and now we had this. super this is also cool to a brand new resort just off the black sea coast with a number just plan to attract ski fans who might otherwise prefer a winter break in france or switzerland kilometers of tracks that will be able to compete with many european resorts means six to ten thousand tourists will be able to ski here to show your work and seasonal warm weather left a few foreign destinations a little high and dry but then steph here it was i who got to became snowed under
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with work as skiers sold out new resorts just a little while and you. believed and everyone enjoyed. very positive feedback this morning yes that's true. but they're also photos biggest test is yet to come in february and march was just about two thousand and fourteen winter olympics it will mean terrorists will be strictly off list but for now they're making the most of the snow the freedom and even the romance and the russian winter it's great as there is snow is so much but you said it was supposed to kiss and that is my window so if you'll excuse me. but you. are to sochi russia. the issue of global warming is still one that challenges divides the international community aside struggles to find solutions to the problem but he's not a half an ist went down to the streets of the big apple to find out what we do americans are ready to give up to help out.
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today legislators are introducing more and more bills to help curb the effects of global warming what are you willing to do to help out this week let's talk about that would you be willing to say not blow dry your hair anymore yes that i'd be willing to do would you be willing to dry your clothes on the line and never use or drying machine i don't know about that you know it's about it depends would you be willing to change your behavior like say i walk into any destination that's under two miles instead of driving like what i'm doing today is a yes yeah yeah i absolutely absolutely beside your virtual for well it's good what about showering for under a minute. i'm always skin and they were pretty much broke saw lots of the electrical futile mother saves money don't become the postal is the clock on the market were going to do you think most people are willing to change their daily
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behavior even though they are proud to call them selfish you know they don't really care about the planet until until it affects them personally unfortunately that's the world we live in whether or not you're willing to change your energy consumption habits now the bottom line is you might just have to in the future if global warming continues to progress. the latest cars or reporters coming up short and a softer look at the headlines stay with us.
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on called touch from the. life on the go. video on demand all teens mind old girls and our essence feeds now in the palm of your. question on the dot com. because headlines played out here not syrian factions argue over who represents the will of the people but opinions crash at the un security council resolution against syria joint harsh criticism from russia and. thousands of angry protesters in warsaw cry out against international online piracy act claiming it targets the basic rights of internet users. plus the e.u.
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takes yet another pounding this time with credit rating which downgrading four of the european nations as its leaders trying to sooth concerns that the world economic forum doubles. beat the global financial headlines is up next and the kaiser reports today show has a distinctly fruity favor. bash has or this is the kaiser report yes we have. obama we have no obama today stacey i guess you're talking about the state of the banana republic let's look at some artwork here from zero heads this is william bonzai seven and he's talking about the state of the union it's a state of the banana of course.


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