tv [untitled] January 28, 2012 4:48am-5:18am EST
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well remember in the first half of the show we were talking about mervyn king and he's so angst ridden about these bankers and their bonuses well here's a possible solution strippers can show us bankers just rewards jamie whyte in the city am proposes that strippers and bankers they operate on a similar performance bonus scheme but here is one of the many differences he says between lap dancers and bankers whereas mr stringfellow makes his lap dancers pay for the privilege of being put in the way of their bonuses with a house fee of about one hundred pounds a night investment bankers are paid to have the chance of earning bonuses in the millions with base salaries ranging from roughly fifty thousand pounds to three hundred thousand pounds it's not even that they're being paid but they're given a subsidy if you look at in terms of the concept of too big to fail banks the government gives investment banks a subsidy in the form of low interest rates and bailouts so that they can go ahead and do what is no more instrumental in keeping the economy going as the average
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pole dancer so the pole dancing model of you've got to give the house some money to basically rent space to pole dance is exactly what the model should be for investment bankers because their job at the end of the day is just a seduce suckers into giving them lots of money for cheap thrill as we just reported the headstrong community does not deliver alpha that is to say they don't make anybody money they instead produce they get about which is to say they lose people money which is exactly what the typical pole dancer does they get the client all hot bother but they don't actually deliver what the ultimate desire of that client would be same thing with an investment banker they talk a good game but they deliver nothing and the fact they are nothing but subsidy suckers in germany you know the street prostitutes they have a kiosk or they put in. money and they rent space to do their job this is exactly
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the same on wall street jamie done something go to walter government put in a million dollars and exercises right as a wall street prostitute this is do it it's into j.p. morgan stock in all their products that's exactly the way it should be done he and lloyd should put on their g. strings man and do a little dance and see who is better i think james got some nice chicks when you compare it to lloyd blankfein is kind of out of shape but you know jamie jamie is constantly out running the pitchforks and torches and he's got nice legs well investment bankers like lap dancers should have to pay to go to work if investment banks held auctions in which prospective employees bid for jobs by offering an annual fee the bank's owners and all of those others who nowadays concern themselves with the issue could be confident that they are not overpaying their staff any excess pay would be competed away in the auction auction is capitalism we don't have capitalism you know thanks to the predatory behavior on wall street and
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the city of london no more bear stearns no more lehman brothers the competition is shrinking the too big to fail problem is growing the agency fraud as bill black calls it is increasing well between these two headlines max i haven't told you this yet but i did put out word to the primate community basically looking for somebody to audition to be our fund manager and i've got this video here from gibbon he's our new hedge fund manager and of course it is imposable but he could pull in there . yeah this guy has got the chops and he's got what it takes to be a good fund manager because he's decisive you know there's a come incredible analogue between a suicide bomber and a hedge fund manager they are willing to die for market fundamentalism without thinking about it too much what i'd like to see lloyd and jamie performing next and see who could do that better swinging on those a row while some clearly the government isn't doubting why. that i don't think
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either of those other two gentlemen are but that's clearly maybe not great for the hedge fund industry for say but it could be useful in other contexts speaking of natural endowments there are certain artists who are naturally endowed with great art and those who still taking the mickey joy division drummers anger at disney t. shirts inspired by unknown pleasures album cover so joy division drummer stephen morris has hit out at a disney t. shirt which appears to have been inspired by the band's first album cover the waves mickey mouse t. shirt is similar to the one thousand nine hundred eighty nine album unknown pleasures but uses silhouette so here you can see the images side by side the one on the left is the mickey mouse t. shirt and the one on the right is joy division's album cover now disney originally said that it was inspired by the iconic sleeve but the disney store website now contains no reference to the band well let's introduce
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a new personality to our role gal gallery of terrorists and kleptocrats bob iger our c.e.o. of does they just announce fifty million dollars compensation for the air bob iger are is to do copyright terrorism what blankfein and diamond are to financial terrorism and disney of course is the company that every single time mickey mouse is due to enter the public domain they lobby congress to extend copyright most famously with bondo bono bonnie bono bono cher's ex husband who got extended by another twenty years to create what lawrence lessig calls perpetual copyright and gives them cooked a crowd of powers to do exactly this say that we know we're violating copyright law but we don't care because we have the power to tell you to go buzz off at the same time we're going to use it to deprive you of your constitutional right to fair use this is at the nexus of the copyright problem the soap of the people that act bob iger are copyright terrorist does. thing is
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a shameless organization that really needs to be broken up as well as these big banks so stephen morris the drummer from joy division said i was quite angry when i first saw it no one asked us they were trading off the band and our album cover but get away with it by apparently saying the design was inspired by us so why isn't that the argument for mega upload we were just inspired by warner brothers music universal music one of the creators of that show californication it's from the title of a red hot chili peppers song they simply stole it they didn't pay him compensation they said you know we're we're bigger than you tough luck well so it's part of that banana republican ism however where a certain class of kleptocrats get all sort of rights exclusions exemptions from all laws and tax laws and criminal laws and the other class have been out as thrown at them behind a cage that's right those are americans so fur that you mentioned sopa thirty years
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before sopa m p a feared the v c r so somebody uncovered some testimony by jack valenti the former n.p.a. head the motion picture association of america and this is him speaking before the house judiciary subcommittee in one thousand nine hundred two he said to the gathered congress people i say to you that the v.c. are is to the american film producer and the american public as the boston strangler is the woman home alone. right jack valenti arguing against technology course the v.c.r. gave birth to the blockbuster franchise of rentals of video a multi billion dollar of revenue source for hollywood which that went into the d.v.d. market another multibillion source of revenue which could enter into the download market at every step of the way hollywood has put their foot down and said no we need protection from the government against any competition and they have
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reluctantly been dragged through the innovative process to multi-billion dollar profits going forward why anyone listens to these idiots in los angeles i don't understand meanwhile in new york you've got people like louis c.k. who put on his concert film online no diarra asked for people to just give him money for the show and he raised over a million dollars no bob iger are no disney no ca no management fee just artist public and beaucoup bucks so he used this as an argument that it was just being used by people who were illegally copying material from the television he said the loser will be your public because they don't have these expensive machines and that is what i am saying sir the public is the loser when creative property is taken and here's the reason why the investment of hundreds of millions of dollars each year to produce quality programs to theaters and televisions will surely
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decline exact same words they're using today and what happened these expensive machines v.c.r. players used to cost a thousand fifteen hundred dollars they came down to fifty bucks today yeah yeah they can't get more it's called capitalism right and this is the one thing that hollywood doesn't want to participate in they want to have like the big banks on wall street huge government subsidies for an industry that is completely superfluous you could go a limb in a hollywood eliminate too big to fail banks and the us economy would be the beneficiary of this more competition in the creative space more competition in the financial space for. well max i've got to go payer fund manager he has paid in in manga as you know. those plenty more where that came from buddy keep picking those winners all right stacy your work thanks so much for being on the kaiser report thank you max and that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser and stacy herbert send me an e-mail at kaiser
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on the money with the business over russia. syria's divided opposition groups argue over who represents the voice of the people while opinions clash at the u.n. security council with a new resolution against syria drawing harsh criticism from russia. thousands of angry protesters in warsaw cry out against an international online piracy act claiming it targets the basic rights of internet users. plus the e.u. takes another pounding this time with credit rating or french junk rating five more european nations even as the leaders try to soothe concerns at the world economic forum in davos.
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live from our studios in central moscow you're watching archie with me and he said now why thanks for being with us our top story this hour russia has opposed the new arab european draft resolution on syria saying it can't be used as a basis for resolving the crisis the country's ambassador to the u.n. says moscow will carry on searching for ways to end the violence there arches are an important i have been following the latest meeting at the u.n. security council in new york. there has been a lot of discussion taking place primarily because a european arab draft resolution was circulated to the u.n. security council members in which it calls for the syrian president bashar al assad to transfer power to his deputy while a unity government is formed prepared for new elections now according to reports
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this draft text calls for a political transition in syria it also says the security council could quote adopt further measures if syria does not comply with the terms of the resolution now of course this is just a draft text that was written up by france and britain in consultation with morocco germany portugal the united states and qatar this is a draft that is just beginning to be discussed by the security council members we do know that the russian ambassador to the united nations vitaly churkin expressed . deep disappointment with their draft indicating that he does not believe that the international community should impose an outside solution on syria in terms of the conflict taking place there and he also rejected the idea of an arms
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embargo or the use of force being imposed on syria because we should keep in mind that if this text includes that the security council could adopt further measures if syria does not comply with what the security council wants we don't know what those further measures could be you have countries such as russia china india brazil that believe that there is a conflict that two sides are involved in syria and both of those parties should be addressed now russia has drafted resolution on syria but i. according to reports and according to what members told me it does not include the cohesive or punitive measures against syria that western countries are looking for the russian draft hold both parties accountable it doesn't call for any type of regime change and that is something that russia and china we saw three months ago vetoed
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a western draft resolution that could impose possibly regime change in syria and that's where you have a difference of opinions but this story will continue next week because from what we're told the security council will meet to discuss the text of this draft resolution well antiwar activists and blogger don de bar says the latest draft resolution circling the u.n. security council those are no hold the right of the syrian people to choose their own leadership. the point of departure between the western interests and russia and china voiced by russia this time is whether or not the decision about who will rule syria is made by the syrian people or by nato as it was in libya and they indicated that they would not allow a resolution to go through that called for regime change in syria without the participation of the syrian people the thing that the western powers want to see in
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this region is dischord they obviously cannot occupy these territories after they conquer them if you look to iraq and afghanistan you can see that that's the case but as long as the people on the ground are busy killing each other the united states can secure oil or in the case of syria for example the port at tartus which would keep russia out of the mediterranean and whatever other objectives they have . there are alarming reports from syria with opposition activists claiming that more than sixty people have been killed during the latest outbreak of violence that's against the backdrop of the reported advance of arm syrian and to regime fighters towards the capital damascus and while some see it as a sign of liberation others as artists are first discovered remain unconvinced. a clear message from the protest is this said that damascus as a funeral takes place. we don't want to linger don't don't we don't want to see of oh god seeing all sorts shouldn't killing we don't yes freedom we don't know what
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we will do you know to. live. here i mean this you know this is going to be overcome to us up to now they feel safety is being provided by the free syrian army think of it the body made up of many defects is they can say its presence as a neighbor protests like these to go ahead it's. the same the military cannot come in anymore because the free. syrian army is protecting us we support the free syrian army and we support. the former army colonel heads the f.s.a. from the brute he's been steadfast from the start and his calls the foreign military intervention of his safe are void of partnerships with any other opposition elements he sees significantly inside the country and the national coordination council one of the leading opposition groups remains adamant that foreign military intervention would make an already to tear erasing situation even
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worse whole while the security position was called summer used to get out of control and it seems that there is a war between two groups on the outside the country and it's the syrian national council pitching itself as the main opposition but it too has failed to unify the many different a position factions because lack of unity has hampered the quote includes the direct u.n. involvement russia and china remain firmly opposed to a resolution that would leave the door open to foreign military intervention and in a far cry from previous coups that dialogue qatar and saudi arabia now talk to the opposition and leave the state even more lives to say many nice things to find rebel groups you have to work with the other side it's working with. the f.s.a. say they have little choice but to use weaponry to protect. people have these main
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square here in town where the people come in all the. security forces try to come in but we protect them but this is what's happening here but it remains a precarious situation in a moment of confusion the crowd gets nervous and starts to run at one point gunshots still says where they've come from or from oh you could save a lot of confusion here on the face even if you are running in a different direction. not exactly sure what's going on that's really not a safe situation severe right now and all of this happening just fifteen minutes from the city center is just a day before it seem egypt government demonstrations so position can show continues to gain ground the divisions within the country have never been clearer. to you. well coming up in the program when pressure from the west backfires
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iran is sad to halt the oil supplies to the european union in a preemptive move that many believe the blocks economy can withstand. and we report on the struggle of the local food industry in india that went head to head with the international superstore giant. but first thousands of people have gathered in warsaw to protest the signing of a new treaty enforcing intellectual property rights on the internet opponents say the international actor document is pure censorship and a violation of human rights or it is alexei or so he has been hearing the demands of the protesters first hand. the purser by from england confused see them friday in central warsaw with filming of a sequel for the hollywood movie v. for vendetta judging from the number of masked men and cameras such resemblance was tangible the film character forty four revolution these people are all still
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standing for change to stop the anti counterfeit trade agreement act from becoming law in poland minus fifteen degrees centigrade is definitely not an excuse for thousands who gathered in central warsaw friday protests culminates a week of numerous mass rallies across the world with people protesting against the internet censorship act in may have a positive aim to protect intellectual property but these protesters fear it will be used to police the web. take harmless web sites offline. engineer marchin says he's work is under threat because of actors obscurity with the international pact worked out in complete secrecy. with. legally censoring information. it's very unclear the negotiations have lost since two thousand and four and nobody's been told anything unlike the week's
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massive and the protests in poland friday's showdown had clear political overtones while the majority of the crowd was voicing no to the treaty a large chunk was directing their anger at the government experts saying the scale of public dissent has managed to make more soldiers ruling elite nervous the government was promoting itself as being modern as being people probably internet and people trying to keep them accountable so when they discover that the government is supporting something without it was purely political answer to no we don't believe you anymore this but this considers the harm governments are pretty nice in the steadily scenes their point of view a tactic and the and they know that they might not ratify act and they will have a second fault so after a week of ignorance i think suddenly they realize that the protests are much deeper much broader and. to become law in poland actor needs the approval of the polish
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and european parliament nobody knows for sure how long this might take but protesters say they will continue piling the pressure on the authorities to stop this happening i think it came as a complete shock nobody expected this and nobody expected. to. do this don't you think i think there will be a lot. of these two weeks i think because. i think this is how long it will take to act. boss legislation is a prime minister to sky's been adamant of war so would not give in to anti acts of blackmail in the streets with what was initially acquired social protest has become politically broader with every rally ask elating in both the numbers present and the level of aggression alexi russia's key r.t. reporting from warsaw in poland. put them in your car because scar from the helsinki foundation for human rights as government should communicate with you is
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iris before preparing sweeping internet loss. and the way it is great it is my prayer late those basic freedoms and in the years to mash with the freedom to. use there without really actually the good bye later in the internet and those internet providers though there are companies which are taking advantage of the fear of the internet and the first thing we should be aware in the press is just people are feeling that they were cheap that by the government then that something is wrong and that there were no consultation and there was no course the critique of the debate before or before and the signature of the document there were a quote maniac and even then returned. to the internet and every time people have the impression that the government is taking them that without
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conversation without. their knowledge and the internet users. well i do our website our two dot com for any stories you might have missed as well as the latest news and comments also there for you today mother nature spectacular show norway gives the world a night to remember you can sit back and enjoy one of the most breathtaking northern lights displace ever seen. and off to work great start this year's first cargo space craft named progress to sext successfully docks with the international space station bringing in tons of vital supplies including a special birthday gift for one of the crew. to iran is ready to come out of oil supplies to europe as early as next week the move
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comes in response to the ban on crude imports from iran due to be enforced in the summer but with oil prices already rising rapidly experts are warning that the actions of the european union could do the block more harm than good meanwhile the senior group of i.a.e.a. officials and weapons experts are preparing to meet in tehran they are due to arrive this weekend for the highest level talks over to rein in nuclear issue in more than three years global policy consultant so fun to go romani told r.t. that by threatening to turn off the top for europe iran is hoping to cushion the embargo blow. the calculus from iran's perspective is going to be if they preempted by cutting exports before the july first date the e.u. has set for cutting the exports and iraq principally cuts its three four hundred thousand barrels with the exports to the e.u. will it be able to drive prices up enough by doing that to offset for that you know
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right now what is going on with iran is that the there is an existential threat to the government that quite frankly from the us. perspective i don't think there's a lot of hope that these sanctions will actually get you want to stop its nuclear program think the real unwritten objective here is quite frankly in the call it by different name but it's regime change ultimately they want to put as much pressure that as they can on this government well coming up a little later in the program we hear from the people out on the streets of new york. do you think most people are willing to change their behavior even though they believe it's a radical and so fish that you know they don't really care about the planet until until it affects them personally are americans ready to sacrifice their daily routines in the name of the environment we find out with our tears laurie hard for that. we're always still taking a hammering troops one of the big three credit raters has announced five more downgrades for european economies that is e.u.
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leaders struggle to soothe nerves on another front the debt crisis ravaging the eurozone took top billing at the annual world economic forum in davos archies moralists or has more from there we're going in today for davos at the world economic forum and today we'll hear from a number of economists and kind of thinkers about where the global economy is headed we'll have to see how much attention the eurozone captures though because it really has overshadowed a lot of other things that happened on the official and unofficial agenda here at davos we heard from a number of euro zone finance ministers and e.u. officials speaking with a lot of optimism about a big eurozone solution saying they believe the fiscal compact will be reached with tighter fiscal discipline in that this will really help the debt crisis that the eurozone is dealing with they also said that greek bond holders will come to an agreement on haircuts for greek debt by this weekend to hopefully presumably avoid default which is definitely not a certain thing at all and that d.-day for greece is march twentieth.
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