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tv   [untitled]    January 28, 2012 5:48am-6:18am EST

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but the charge also splits oxygen molecules creating ozone using something called the corona discharge method the resulting rich oxygen environment is toxic to all the little bacteria viruses and fun guy which means this filter does more than simply get rid of simple dust and dirt given that it can be a matter of life and death at hospitals just to make sure that all the particles in harmful wind don't come out during their testing lab you can see that the air flowing out of the filter is free from all those that were there as an intern so whether it be in coffee shops or operating rooms technology make sure that the air we breathe is as clean as possible. in those of years academic cluster you're never much more than a short walk away from the siberian forest along the way you can run into all kinds of people scientists engineers and even some fitted with the latest military hardware. but don't worry these aren't real gunmen
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they're just dress the part to show off the latest thermal weapon site developed at the institute of city conductor physics here in novosibirsk. now we'll try to locate the three fighters with sniper rifles who have hidden themselves. there somewhere here in this forest some wearing white. some ordinary come a flash as you can see we can spot any of them with just the naked eye. i'm trying to find the hidden goldman well you. can monitor the process at the same time on the screen. there's one. hundred three encounter flies with the forest in the background and be hard to spot him even if the visibility were normal.
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on the other side of a small man and. i can just see the edge of his face and hood. the third one. is in an abandoned construction site in the corner of a dark room with a metal grating. so we found all three fighters it's hard to hide from a thermal. in terms of image processing i believe we're the leaders. we use a powerful processor that we've developed and. it's based on very promising technology called high performance reconfigurable confusing. because it gives us a very large optical band with nearly two times more energy efficient. it can run for four hours with only four double a batteries consuming three watts of energy. now spotting this potential bad guys with such easy work because of the powerful image processor can within the site disappoint its low
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energy demands it still produces image quality that's second to no other non cool thermal sight all the computing power is packed onto a series of circuit boards assembled by the skilled team the engineers know it may look like a never ending maze of copper silicon and plastic to you or me but to those that built it it's a thing of computing elegance. trying to obtain as much functionality as we could while keeping it as small as possible more than we have a microprocessor capable of running at a frequency of five hundred meg. the programmable logic is comparable to a chip from a pentium it has several dozen megabytes of memory and much more. in such a small package where there's no this isn't the limit of what we can do and we're already looking into how it can be made smaller and better. traditionally the best thermal sites had to empty. cryogenic cooling but that made them both both here and
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far more expensive but thanks to recent advances those from the institute of semiconductor physics can offer us the best of both worlds. we figured out. how to distribute power in terms of the range. averaging it out along the whole spectrum. in such a way that the signal coming from long distances is the same as from short distances. the prize for these cool thermal sites with micro ball or metric matrices is pulling drastically. expect to be able to put such cameras in mobile phones in fifteen years in affordable mobile phones of course. in terms of image quality. they're close to expensive system. so despite its small size and light weight these newest sights allow us to see things previously impossible on such devices whether we're looking straight into the sun or trying to
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spot something on the waterfront that's no problem for soldiers equipped with these sights designed and manufactured right here in siberia but if time is the only thing you need to kill there's one company that makes waiting for you less than punctual for a little more enjoyable. entertainment russian game designers and artists are hard at work to distract you from yours the games may seem simple compared to blockbusters like quake and modern warfare the amount of work required for these casual games is often overlooked a dedicated team has to collaborate together to take it from a national idea to finished product and that's precisely what has assembled out here in novosibirsk as a result of their hard work there are by far the largest and most successful gaming company in eastern europe and based on what they've done lately they can clearly compete with the best that the west has to offer but they found that with accolades
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and success come ever growing considerations. kind of financial resources that you work with at the beginning and what kind now. thousands one could spend something like ten thousand dollars or even less to make a game that's completely competitive. today to make a game that would be his in its own zone. talking about casual games we don't speaking about major blockbusters in the hard cold gaming genre quarterly but one has to spend in excess of hundreds of thousands of dollars. and that's true for one of the alum wars biggest titles the treasures of montezuma has proved so costly among casual gamers that it's already on its third iteration it's ranked as high as number two on the u.s. i pad app store list of most games with each new version in the montezuma series the developers have to give players a reason to pony up the cash for the latest one and that's what seems to drive the
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increasing costs as you can see it takes far more than a few clicks of the mouse to make an idea for a new game come to life and that's something that makes our success even more satisfying for these developers. actually just this last december we released our first game on the windows phone seven platform scold from frenzy to it was a pleasure to see that the game immediately shot to the twelfth of the us marketplace it was the fifth most popular on that lists unfortunately i'm not ready to brag about any specific figures in terms of downloads because it's a new plant from and there's not yet enough information as to how much for example fourth plane sealed in a day week month regardless the fact itself of being in the top list is rather nice . to know maybe it's because many of us yearn for a simpler life on the farm but whatever the reason farming games like this can prove to be a big success but nowadays it's not enough to release
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a game on just one platform you have to cover them all to have a chance at a hit. where planning to develop and trade more and more new titles and put them out and more and more new platforms not only for p.c.'s but also from max possibly sony playstation three up. so the launch of the perspective audience the most possibilities on the coasts are not as high as they used to be. so with companies like al or round it's safe to say that sites like this are only going to become more common but it's no longer just teenagers and twenty somethings from middle age to retirees nearly everyone is getting in on the casual game bandwagon despite all the fun games are mobile devices now offer us it's important to put them down every once in a while and see the real world around us but in ways that this edition of technology will soon next time enjoy the ride.
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think. observe nature and discover its beauty. communicate with the wild and. test yourself and become free. see what nature can give you a. serious
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divided opposition groups argue over who represents the voice of the people and that's all opinions class of the u.n. security council with a new resolution against syria trying to harsh criticism from russia. led thousands of angry protesters in warsaw to cry out against an international online piracy act claiming it targets the basic rights of internet users. plus the e.u. takes yet another pounding this time with credit greater fates downgrading five more european nations even as its leader is trying to soothe concerns at the world
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economic forum in davos. my from moscow words three pm our top story russia has opposed a new arab european draft resolution on syria saying it can't be used as a basis for resolving the crisis the countries in the u.n. says moscow will carry on searching for ways to end the violence there are days when important i have been following the latest meeting at the u.n. security council in new york. there has been a lot of discussion taking place primarily because a european arab draft resolution was circulated to the u.n. security council members in which it calls for the syrian president bashar al assad to transfer power to his deputy while a unity government is formed and prepared for
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a new election is now courting to reports this draft text calls for a political transition in syria it also says the security council could quote adopt further measures if syria does not comply with the terms of the resolution now of course this is just a draft text that was written up by france and britain in consultation with morocco germany portugal the united states and qatar this is a draft that is just beginning to be discussed by the security council members we do know that the russian ambassador to the united nations vitaly churkin expressed . deep disappointment with their draft indicating that he does not believe that the international community should impose an outside solution on syria in terms of the conflict taking place there and he also rejected the idea of an arms
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embargo or the use of force speaking imposed on syria because we should keep in mind that if this text includes that the security council could adopt further measures if syria does not comply with what the security council wants we don't know what those further measures could be you have countries such as russia china india brazil that believe that there is a conflict that two sides are involved in syria and both of those parties should be addressed now russia has drafted resolution on syria but i. according to reports and according to what members told me it does not include the cohesive or punitive measures against syria that western countries are looking for the russian draft hold both parties accountable it doesn't call for any type of regime change and that is something that russia and china we saw three months ago vetoed
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a western draft resolution that could impose possibly regime change in syria and that's where you have a difference of opinions but this story will continue next week because from what we're told the security council will meet to discuss the text of this draft resolution when antiwar activist and blogger don de bar says the latest draft resolution circulating at the u.n. security council doesn't uphold the right of the syrian people to choose their own leadership the point of departure between the western interests and russia and china voiced by russia this. is whether or not the decision about who will rule syria is made by the syrian people or by nato as it was with libya in the u.k. did that they would not allow a resolution to go through that called for regime change in syria without the participation of the syrian people the signet the western powers want to see in
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this region is discord they obviously cannot occupy these territories after they conquer the refuse to iraq and afghanistan you can see that that's the case but as long as the people on the ground are busy killing each other the united states can secure oil or in the case of syria for example the port at tartus which would keep russia out of the mediterranean whatever other objectives they have. well there are more ming reports coming from syria with opposition activists claiming that more than sixty people have been killed during the latest outbreak of violence that's against the backdrop of the reported advance of arm syrian anti regime fighters towards the capital damascus and while some see it as a sign of liberation others as artists are first discovered remain unconvinced. message from the protesters and this damascus as a funeral takes place. we don't want to linger don't go we don't want to.
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see children killing we don't read them we don't know what we will do you. live. here in this you know this is going to come to us so now they feel safety is being provided by the free syrian army the guerrilla body made up of mainly army defectors they could say its presence here is unable protests like these to go ahead. ever shape the military cannot come in anymore because the free syrian army is protecting us we support the free syrian army and we support. the former army colonel heads the f.s.a. from the brute he's been steadfast from the start and his cools the foreign military intervention the armed group is safer voided partnerships with any other opposition elements he sees defense significantly inside the country and the national khuda nation council were at the leading opposition groups remains adamant that foreign military intervention would make an already to tear erasing situation
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even worse while the security position has caused some areas to get out of control and it seems that there is a war between two groups outside the country and it's the syrian national council pitching itself as the main opposition but it too has failed to unify the many different opposition factions and its lack of unity has hampered the clothing clues to to. rexx u.n. involvement question china remain firmly opposed to a resolution that would leave the door open to foreign military intervention and in a far cry from previous schools the dialogue qatar and saudi arabia is no tool to the opposition and these this fit cost even more lives say many nice lead to find rebel groups who have to work with the other side working with the other side uses them to instead of targeting the f.s.a. say they have little choice but to use weaponry to protect civilians. who have this
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main square here in town where people come out and protest. for the security forces trying to come in but we protect them but this is what's happening here but it remains a precarious situation in a moment of confusion the crowd gets nervous and starts to run at one point gunshots heard still says where they've come from or from i know you can favor that a lot of confusion here on the face even if you are reading in a different direction not exactly sure what's going on that really you know as safe situations they are right now and all of this happening just fifteen minutes from the city center is just a day before it's major pro-government demonstrations so position can show continues to gain ground the divisions within the country have never been clearer surf city syria. it's eight minutes past the hour coming up when pressure from the west backfires iran is set to halt all supplies to the european union in
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a preemptive move that many believe the block's economy can't withstand. and we report on the struggle of the local food industry in india that went head to head with international superstore giants. thousands of people have gathered in warsaw to protest the signing of a new treaty enforcing intellectual property rights on the internet opponents say the international act a document is pure censorship and a violation of human rights argues alexy or says he has been hearing the demands of the protesters first tapped. a passer by from england confused scenes on friday in central warsaw with filming of a sequel for the hollywood movie for vendetta judging from the number of mosques men and cameras such resemblance was tangible the film character forced the revolution these people are also standing for change to stop the anti-cancer free
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trade agreement act from becoming law in poland minus fifteen degrees centigrade is definitely not an excuse for thousands who gathered in central warsaw friday protests culminates a week of numerous mass rallies across the world with people protesting against internet censorship act and may have a positive aim to protect intellectual property but these protesters fear it will be used to police the web and take harmless websites offline. engineer martin says he's work is under threat because of actors obscurity with the international backed worked out in complete secrecy issues with. the visibility of illegally censoring information the problem is that it's very unclear the negotiations have lost it since two thousand and. anything unlike the week's massive protests in poland friday's showdown had political overtones while
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the majority of the crowd was voicing no to the treaty a large chunk was directing their anger at the government experts saying the scale of public dissent has managed to make more soldiers ruling elite nervous the government was promoting itself as being modern as being people probably internet and people trying to keep them accountable so when they discover that the government is supporting something without it was purely political answer to no we don't believe in any more of this but this considers the harm governments are pretty steadily seen to their point of view already tactic and the and they know that they might not ratify act and they will have a second fault so after a week of ignorance i think suddenly they realize that the protests are much deeper much broader and. to become law in poland needs the approval of both the polish and european parliament nobody knows for sure how long this might take but protesters
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say they will continue piling the pressure on the authorities to stop this happening i think it came as a complete shock nobody expected nobody expected. to. do this kind of thing i think there will be a lot more. because. prime minister to be adamant war so would not give in to blackmail in the streets but what was initially acquired social protest has become politically broader with every rally. in both the numbers present and the level of aggression. alexi russia . reporting from warsaw in poland. germany could become scar from the helsinki foundation for human rights as governments should communicate with users before preparing sweeping internet loss of the way it. is my
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prayer lake those basic freedoms and in the years to mash with the freedom to. use their without really actually the goodbye later in the internet and those internet providers though there are companies which are taking advantage of the fear of the internet and the first thing we should be aware in the press is just people are feeling that they were cheap that by the government then that something is wrong and that there were no consultation then there was no possibility of the debate before or. for the signature of the document there were many afghans even then returned. to the internet and every time people have the impression that the government is taking them that without conversation without . their knowledge and internet users. well to our website are to dot com for
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any stories you've missed as well as the latest news comments and much more also there for you now mother nature a spectacular show norway gives the world a night to remember you can sit back enjoy and watch one of the most breathtaking northern lights displays ever seen. also online right now off to a great start this year's first cargo spacecraft named progress successfully docks with the international space station bringing it tons of vital supplies including a special birthday gift for one of the crew. to iran is ready to cut off oil supplies to europe as early as next week the move comes in response to the eaves ban on crude imports from iran due to be in force
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this summer but with oil prices already rising rapidly experts are warning that the actions of the e.u. could do the block more harm than good meanwhile a senior group of i.a.e.a. officials and weapons experts are preparing to meet in tehran they're due to arrive this weekend for the highest level talks over the iranian nuclear issue in more than three years global policy consultant says sankara monny told r.t. that my threatening to turn off the top for europe iran is helping to cushion the embargo blow. that calculus from iran's perspective is going to be if they preempted by cutting exports the forward to july first date the e.u. has set for cutting the exports and iraq preemptively cuts its three four hundred thousand barrels with the exports to the e.u. will it be able to drive prices up enough by doing that to offset for that you know right now what is going on with iran is that the there is an existential threat to the government that quite frankly from the u.s.
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perspective i don't think there's a lot. i hope that these sanctions will actually get you want to stop its nuclear program think the real unwritten objective here is quite frankly in the call it by different name but it's regime change ultimately they want to put as much pressure that as they can on this government their authority live from moscow coming up in the program we hear from the people out on the streets of new york in the wake of a growing concern over quote warming. do you think most people are willing to change their behavior even though they believe it's a proud new cold and selfish you know they don't really care about the planet until until it affects them personally. who are americans ready to sacrifice their daily routines in the name of the environment you can find out with artie's or harvest a bit later on our team. but euro is still taking a hammering through which one of the big three credit raters has announced five more downgrades for european economies that's as the leaders struggled to soothe
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nerves on another front the debt crisis ravaging the eurozone took top billing at the annual world economic forum in davos argues lauren lyster is there. we're going in today for davos at the world economic forum and today we'll hear from a number of economists and kind of thinkers about where the global economy is headed we'll have to see how much attention the eurozone captures though because it really has overshadowed a lot of other things that happened on the official and unofficial agenda here at davos we heard from a number of euro zone finance ministers and e.u. officials speaking with a lot of optimism about the euro zone solution saying they believe the fiscal compact will be reached with tighter fiscal discipline in that this will really help the debt crisis that the euro zone is dealing with they also said that greek bond holders will come to an agreement on haircuts for greek debt by this weekend to hopefully presumably avoid default which is definitely not a certain thing at all and that d.-day for greece is march twentieth.


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