tv [untitled] January 29, 2012 9:00am-9:30am EST
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intervention at the u.n. security council resolution on syria is under consideration russia rejected the latest draft put forward by e.u. and arab states calling for regime change in the country and allowing further action if the math doesn't comply political analyst david lightman believes it's not a coincidence that the arab league pro the commission just as western powers up a call for foreign involvement. well my goodness that sounds like a no fly zone to different language it was an open sesame to direct intervention meeting war the observers were sent into syria they picked the wrong man to lead the mission the sudanese generals the they thought they had the air manage your eyes who would deliver the goods against the side believing him for everything going oh i'm cool what a general does he do what he said assad is cooperating it's exactly the opposite of what the last one they wanted
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a pretext to step up whatever they have in mind which is some kind of few dates and the best solution is the way syria's civil it's all going to see and hear is a legitimate opposition in syria syria is that authoritarian state a reporter in the when the guardian reported we could do it go get a national poll that apparently there are some credibility he said good by joran he all syrians back aside for america and britain and the arab league and there's to intervene in syria since it is and to have an arrogant resolution saying and all the power to it deputy in two weeks well assad absolutely should in diplomatic way which tell these people to to go. well around one hundred observers are still in syria awaiting further instructions but gulf nations are not taking part they withdrew their monitors saying the mission had failed to hold the syrian government to its pledge to end violence but it's our first reports weakening the fact finding
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team these syrians on the ground preparing for the worst. saying they get by and heading home they've said it's from the gulf states leave the airport their mission incomplete leaving behind a country in a deepening crisis is never going to be easy so you want the wanted to just. i don't want right from the word go the missions prove problematic the opposition accused the monitors of being too closely aligned with the government the government's now accused of being part of a foreign conspiracy and there were logistical complaints to the observers seem to equipped on the ground and there were concerns that they were simply too few numbers to undertake such a major task but if things were bad at the beginning now they seem even worse following in saudi arabia's footsteps all the gulf states withdrew their observers
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after damascus rejected their recent proposal that included president decides cede power to a deputy and form a unity government was interesting that these countries is very interested in democracy and they have nothing and this is the most interesting this is something pani will talk about about syria or will have a new constitution we are going to more democratic country two parties are but what about to do would be the west's come up talk about syria which would be true changed and leave saudi arabia as it has damascus is rejection was no surprise both sides of the conflict of shame equal a willingness to soften their stance even when the daily death toll in the country continually rising the killing of the head of the syrian arab red crescent was on the road to damascus yet another in mind the spiraling situation. of the observers at such a creation of a bid to the country's quite serious is seen as controversial the arab league
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essentially has no credibility on the arabs. what the arab league mission is trying to accomplish he's got enough everything concrete everything about human rights abuses on the part of the also very team to then take to the un. the evidence will be so strong that even russia and china will feel compelled to work but as of now one month after this mission started they seem to know the monitors things and i know more about what's going on the ground than they did. at the beginning and so it all looks like you know we're going back to square one as the death toll rises the proposal being floated to increase the number of observers on the ground and provide them with u.n. training could be a life saving would but for now these plans have been pissed on hold in fact much of the substance of the report that they agreed to pieces on both sides seems to have been lost in the flurry of diplomatic activity now france and britain have
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joined forces at the united nations to try to end president assad's rule waving good bye that gulf state colleagues some observers remain but it's small consolation syria didn't close the doors in for the arab league i think. it's diplomacy would give anyone to help but the last decision in the hands of the syrian people not in the hands not all believe this could go on so it's a gloomy outlook for the country with little regional or international agreements on what action should be taken to stop the violence of putting an end to the crisis seem to be slipping further and further as a very. artsy damascus syria. well also coping with unrest in egypt coming up a year after its uprising it could cut corners where as hundreds of thousands rally against the absolute power of the bully military and its reluctance to step down.
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but first u.n. nuclear inspectors have started a three day mission to examine iran's atomic activities tehran says it's certain the talks the first in more than three years will prove its programs purpose is purely peaceful but the i.a.e.a. visit comes at a time when tensions between iran and the west are approaching crisis level on monday evening has adopted an unprecedented set of sanctions against the atomic republic which include a complete embargo on oil supplies from iran that's meant to come into force in july but iran is considering an immediate halt of oil sales to europe in retaliation well let's discuss this latest development around the uranium crisis author michael winter who joins us live via broadband from boston thanks for being with us mr winter that you adopted its embargo on the radio and oil despite knowing un nuclear inspectors were to visit tehran in just a week's time why do you think they rushed to take such drastic measures instead of waiting to see how the i.a.e.a.
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emission actually went well when something about the us you think we need to remember the difference between basically in their initials both bodies merge to the same tune and i think they're issued by the same global banking part so. three nonproliferation treaties of been signed by iran and they're been zero absolutely zero in braxton's order today balance inspections but have taken place and not one inspection is yielded the results of us speaking which is mainly a reason to invade and or bomb iran by finding evidence that they are seeking to produce nuclear weapons i believe the us is turning up the heat because they see the game is slipping away these embargoes are designed to do several things one is that terrible iran economically and thereby open the iranian people feel the pain and freedom's journal strike within iran resulting in national disunity this is standard operating procedure for the arrest of three strikes and this harmony in
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a country they are seeking regime change in a divided house is always easier to conquer than one which the i have an answer on solidarity i think the more pressure is placed on iran the embargoes and sanctions the greater chances the us the militias have of carrying out the plans but ultimately are designed to create a change in iran's leadership regime nothing has changed policy wise against iran since the very early eighty's after the seventy nine revolution of around sixty. succeeds in a plan to bypass the petrodollar and deal in sovereign currencies and gold is famous for their oil the back of the broken and that is the truth there the rest of the have to deal with i think this whole issue around quest for end of this fiction i think it's just a smokescreen to deflect from the real issue of the u.s. losing to a reserve dollar status. do you think that the tar sanctions on the harsh rhetoric that we're seeing could eventually backfire on the west absolutely
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i mean a. given in mind that. retaining investor dollars the primary goal of the u.s. or sneeze sanctions what's going to happen is exactly what is happening now iran is gone to russia and china india south korea and they're bypassing the federal dollars by forcing the sanctions they're putting a ram into a corner where they have no options but to go and deal in currencies other than the federal dollar so they're really creating their own it's mine in the situation let's talk about iran's response to the e.u. oil embargo it's preparing to stop all supplies to europe within days and not wait until the summer for that ban to actually come into full of fact what is tehran hoping to achieve with that move. well i think if we were dealing with honest people possess integrity then i don't think anything new of the brown as in the detected and numerous inspections and i've already performed over the years the sad
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fact is that we're not dealing with honest people when it comes to the to the us and the e.u. and. it's as a fester that our loses of standing in the us and through them the e.u. is now in a position where i think they will create the evidence they need or they may even perform an outright fabrication in order to justify their aggressive program the former head of the i.a.e.a. stated repeatedly in reports of no weapons research is being conducted this does not support the rhetoric of the us this new chief is more in line with us same since the november report from them stating the capability exists for three eight twenty percent enriched uranium which can be used to weapons grade materials i would compare this to policeman stopping a car and searching for drugs they don't find the drugs you're looking for they simply produce some that they have on the first and one of them. i would expect the possibly some new undiscovered evidence is found that supports the u.s.
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position an assertion that iran is indeed seeking to build a nuclear device michael winter talking to us live from boston via broadband thank you very much for your analysis on the iranian nuclear issue. but we're keeping a close eye on bad boy and nuclear saga with iran on air and online for you head to our website r.t. dot com for more analysis and updates on the latest developments. well a u.s. occupy movement protests once again turned violent in oakland california police fired tear gas and bean bag rounds of some two thousand demonstrators several hundred were arrested as they attempted to occupy a vacant convention center before storming into city hall marches were an important
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has more. it began around saturday afternoon when roughly two hundred fifty occupy occupy activists in oakland california began demonstrating in the streets and it was hours past the crowd grew stronger and stronger up to roughly twenty two thousand people strong ultimately what the goal was for this demonstration is for protesters to take over an empty abandoned building where they wanted to create their new headquarters because as our viewers may remember crossed the country in the united states just a few months ago police departments are removed activists from their camps and this was an attempt for oakland optimist to set up a new headquarters but as the crowd grew stronger and larger of them too late the police in oakland began firing tear gas and flash grenades i v occupy atlanta this
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morning to the police they say members of the crowd began throwing things at times at the officers and that is what ultimately triggered this clash between police officers and occupy optimist but as guys you know this is not the first time we've seen a fierce clash between officers and activists in oakland california got in october there was a least three hundred people arrested and a former u.s. marine by the name scott olsen was left in critical condition with a head injury from being struck in the head by a police tear gas canister canister and this is something odd that put a lot of criticism on the police department in oakland california they've been criticized for being very harsh with occupy out. well those occupy protests in america come against the background of the race for the white house military my or coping with the crisis find out what president obama's administration is putting
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top of it to do that's our expert evaluate the leader's state of the union speech. reelection accusation in britain we take a look at how politicians are making a push for power on the internet. but first it's been a turbulent week for poland which saw thousands of people protesting against the n.t. web piracy pact their countries signed up to along with twenty one other european states activists say the multinational deal which still needs to be ratified by the european parliament allows firms to censor the internet like syria said ski reports from warsaw. at first thousands across poland directed their anger squarely at the notorious anti counterfeit trade agreement the idea of funding. for publishing the. material it's somehow illogical to me it's like punishing the corporation that produces knifes for. being used to kill somebody but
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with every passing rally the protest grew more political the crowds put prime minister government under fire for signing the agreement on thursday most governmental websites were hijacked by the anonymous hacker group i think they are trying to maximize us with. the promise is that the sudden closer touch to the documents that says that we have. the right for our own interpretation of the king but that's not possible knows a lot from our government technically active should be a good thing protecting intellectual property ranging from music to design your bags but the global online community fears corporations will use it to police the web and take regular users offline for harmless internet behavior it certainly has a striking resemblance to the much debated sopa bill in the united states which sent even online giants like google and wikipedia to take direct action but the law
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was only meant to work locally across the atlantic while act would be applied more globally. groups and in some countries it needs to be ratified by parliament but not in every country so we have another. source open but actor is still an option for many many conferences it was too much for one french e.u. deputy quit calling act charade then came the twitter twist the micro-blogging site saying it can now censor tweets country by country pride is active protests in. war so were expected to gather up to forty thousand people but a sudden big freeze kept many away nevertheless the intends to rally for several more weeks hoping to urge war soldiers ruling circles to take a step back twenty one other e.u. member states along with poland signed an actor but it's only here that the decision has caused so much control over sea and public dissent the document is yet
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to be ratified by the country spar limits which certainly leaves the possibility of more protests everywhere across the european continent so let's. see reporting from poland. well as our correspondent mentioned the microblogging from twitter is that a flap over censorship scandal of its own we've got more analysis on that on our website our team dot com including one suggestion that the move will ultimately backfire on governments. what is said will make it very clear that their users your government is censoring you and i think that'll be a huge step in pressuring both people to share the stuff that was censored but also pressuring governments to change their policy and watch the full conversation with internet liberty campaigner aaron swartz on our t.v. dot com also online. the internet's most famous whistleblower is getting ready to reveal even more on t.v. . launching his own talk show here on our team. on the web site.
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well this week egyptians marked a year since the beginning of the country's uprising hundreds of thousands flooded tucker square the iconic birth pay place of the resolution and today the polls have opened for elections to the upper house of parliament this after islamist parties claim an overwhelming majority in the lower house the new government is currently trying to develop a new constitution but above all egyptians want the dissolution of the military council which inherited absolute power from to post president hosni mubarak political analyst. told r.t. the military knows its time is running out. but. supreme council of the armed forces. should. be.
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the symbols of the old regime. it is a general. feeling will frustration over the smooth change. from the old regime and some members of the supreme council of the armed forces. to destroy any form of opposition that's so good people just have a general lack of trust. i believe that the sooner. the better for them the nor the book is. going to do much a little boost and so far. has been followed to the letter. but libya is not far behind coming up next hour on our team ons after the fall of gadhafi respected angio doctors without borders spends its mission from libya after being forced to treat torture victims were then sent straight back further.
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but now president obama vowed to reform tax and fight poverty while helping america's military during his annual state of the union speech much of the focus in this year's address was dedicated to the country struggling economy and the pressing. problem of inequality embodied by the occupy movement obama also praised army advances abroad and the assassination of some of bin ladin speeches regarded as a pre-election chance for obama to sell his campaign to the public and professor paul seldon flight from california state university believes the address clearly demonstrates the policy priorities chosen by obama's administration. he used the cute little code phrase that we're going to have an enduring relationship with jeff in a stand which means we're going to have bases in that country and stay there for ever whether they want to serve. likewise he said regional gadhafi syria's next day and if iran doesn't behave there the after that so. it is totally contradictory
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to say that he's going to be able to pay down the very debt in the experience of government spending programs domestically with savings from bringing in soldiers older mors what in fact he has plans to expand what he didn't mention try to play day me also said that we have a pacific strategy and the world will know that we are number war. and that was a thinly veiled threat against china even i mean how insane can you be china's holding more than a trillion dollars of our debt we've got tens of thousands of factories there we're highly coordinated doing depended on them though and he's threatening them to win the election campaigning in russia inthe web weapons that are the front line of the battlefield parties katherina gotto by has been looking at the cutting edge tactics being used to win hearts and minds. doesn't want is that you were right is that was
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that it was gray suits and ties and slogans cold out from the poor d m r the traditional election season fair but they're no longer considered politically in vogue. today's complaining has gone online in a hot new trend in russia. with programming bloggers making fun of the opposition portraying them in prayer outside the u.s. embassy on sundays claiming they are connected to the us state department and the opposition filming funny cartoons about politicians made out of lego. getting information out there is becoming easier all the time but the internet is a very different medium to television while on t.v. it's enough to just look into the camera like this to viewers attention not so although that to me you are police video reach millions of lives it's not enough to
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just have the message it also has to be provoked to brazen and sometimes project a whole different image. it's no surprise then that putin as a character from harry porter became an overnight hit it's in addition to doing his usual bush's record of what of civil rights you stuck with some years the ready to . go you'll make it in your truth when you're little you. are a part of the what it was. but you are them comfortable apart from catchy images memorable catch phrases are used against those in the corridors of power opposition blogger alex enough while me was the first upload his sharp witted tongue online a year ago he labeled the ruling united russia party the. and scoundrels the
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insulting phrase at first appeared on the net but quickly migrated to almost every magical media in russia and beyond a year after the party won in the parliamentary elections and reworked the catchphrase philistinism vote for the party of thieves and scoundrels for ten years of economic growth the party of these in scoundrels united russia. the mastermind behind that video and state duma deputy robert proved his party can also fight its wars online broke out superballs the use of the name my aim was to provoke to preen reality darker than that is often i don't agree with such statements in my videos but they do work but i see disputing that russia without putin would rise why not give away your country your beautiful girlfriend to some foreign guy what will happen to the caucasus nothing less just give it away to you responding your
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technical the videos made a very professional you can see that a highly paid specialist did it it appeals to primitive responses but works one hundred percent you first thought is that there is indeed no future without put but videos from the opposition are just as blatant. and ad a whole a trend of this election season eavesdropping on politicians and posting recordings online those taking part in a massive opposition rally in december were surprised to find out that one of their inspirations boris named self described them in a phone as. hear from each user of government property or for your comfort or. it's naive to expect politeness from any side when we are living in election year there are no holds barred in this war not even interfering in someone's private life but. a lack of privacy for today's politicians is already a modern day reality and with feet in. million russians going online today about
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here at r t live from moscow our top weekly stories the league's beleaguered mission arab nations called their observers work in syria reports of an upsurge in violence the massacres says that could make things worse. talks between iran and u.n. nuclear inspectors resume amid international tension iran is considering stopping
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fuel supply to the e.u. within days as a response to sanctions. also u.s. anti corporate protests feel the full force of the law in oakland again with officers resorting to plunge grenades dispersed demonstrators and arrests hundred. and multinational proposals to stop web piracy as part of mass protest in poland say their government is supporting internet censorship not copyright protection. coming up next our two caught up with the head of russia's high tech state corporation bruce non-o. at the economic forum in davos to discuss the country's business and political future. the trip was one action should russia's new government take to stop business leaders stealing money and taking it out of the country the basic rule.
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