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tv   [untitled]    January 30, 2012 5:00pm-5:30pm EST

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rebel fighters have been locked in intensive bottles with government forces in the suburbs surrounding damascus and invitation from russia to host peace talks between syria's authorities and the opposition has been accepted by the assad government but given a cool reaction by their potence. has the latest from damascus. we've seen the situation escalating dramatically a for the past couple of days now over the weekend the suburbs were embroiled in the heavy clashes between the two sides in fact in damascus people were waking up yesterday to the sounds of gunfire and shelling in those areas very very alarming indeed some of the reports that were coming from those areas and certainly the response from the government to the free syrian army taking control of some of those suburbs has been a strong well we've had reports of tanks going into those areas and the death toll on both sides extremely high as well and of course this comes on the back of the
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arab league monitoring mission saying that they had to hold said that mission for the time being is that the remaining observers that are here in the country they hadn't really seems to recover from that decision last week of the gulf states to withdraw them on it's it's well it's hard to say really exactly what the future of the mission now is there's a little bit of a sense that it's dead in the war so now what we saw at the end of the month because as they presented their reports i what was interesting is the details of that has made note of abuses on both sides that was what had been mentioned and on the back of that it was discussed possibly increasing the numbers on the ground and making the mission stronger as well as for the how really what we saw was the decision for the goals things to weave through them all this is now today russia's foreign ministry has said that it has put forward the offer of using moscow as a place to hold a reconciliation talks between the two sides pursuing some sort of resolution for
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the situation through dialogue again because what we've seen with the arab league decision to go to the u.n. the fears are that there's a real close now international and ferentz the international involvement adding possibly we could see the conflict get even more violent even more militarized and that's not what. well wants to see as we said the last few days the. situation and jordan brierly a specialist on our countries and also the group after the arab spring believes that syrian opposition groups are opposed to gay sation largely because of their four in banking. they're under huge pressure from outside powers who want these talks to fail even before they begin most obviously nato nature is determined to bring the outside regime to its knees as a prelude to invading iran and last but by no means least you have saudi arabia qatar saudi arabia is financially and politically backing the the still
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very young opposition. has been widely reported to be funding arming the jihadi rebels who are leading this insurrection now obviously apart from doing nato as dirty saudi arabia. the syrian regime for the simple reason that secular this is the only secular country that's left in the middle east now saudi arabia of all the countries and complains of human rights abuses on the part of the assad regime and say six weeks during its monitors because he doesn't want to be a false witness to human rights abuses i mean saudi arabia has a reputation second perhaps only to north korea in the world repressing and oppressing and told cheering and imprisoning its own people so he sees the saudi. revolution and its culmination will be the overthrow of assad regime. you need is
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have agreed at five hundred billion your rescue fund would be you were to come in july a year earlier than planned and they've also been debating plans to close a fiscal union to bring pride to central you control of the budgets of member states and resolving the greek debt crisis which remains at cern the stage now correspondent i saw see reports now from brussels and will believe it is agreed. they said coming into this summit they will talk about jobs and growth to address the twenty three million unemployed in the european union and indeed that's what they talked about that agreed to make it easier for example for young people to have access to training and to have easier flow of labor from for example young people from struggling economies like greece and portugal moving on to stronger economies like germany the real challenge here really is to see how quickly these words in principle and these concepts translate into the real economy to create real jobs and the other thing that they did agree upon is the fiscal compact which
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they. use summits there were some sticking points one of which was poland for example really wanted to insist that non the euro members would be able to sit down the euro zone meetings to discuss the future of the euro zone well after all that's been done the twenty five of the countries will sign on to this fiscal treaty which means. controls interest stricter rules automatic punishments the two countries that won't be signing on will be britain britain has already given its statement its position. saying it's not going to sign on to a treaty that does not protect its interests and its financial sector in particular and the czech republic because it says that it has some problem entry procedural problems and they also agreed upon the they keep repeating this acronym it's the european stability mechanism this will be the permanent bailout fund that will be put into place by july to replace the that's a temporary one but at the end of the day there's a big elephant in the room but they really have been trying to avoid talking about
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the this is the issue of greece which is right now still struggling to have a deal with its creditors it really needs to deal in order to get the second tranche of its a bailout money one hundred thirty billion there are reports that it now it's one hundred forty five billion euros and they have to pay fourteen point five billion euros of debt by march and if not it's a technical default there's no concrete answers given by the leaders even if journalists kept asking them questions about the future of greece so at the end of the day i think we might be seeing even more meetings they say they might meet in particular to address this problem. and as our correspondent just mentioned e.u. leaders aim to push through the so-called fiscal union to toughen budget troubles and punish those who don't obey and poor not all and then go of the european parliament the direction in which the e.u. is moving is and democratic they're trying to put a lot of pressure on greece and this idea that the germans have that you can almost a budget commissioner nafta needs to oversee their budgets surtaxes is quite
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frankly an affront to democracy the oldest democracy in the world and if i was in athens of the moment i've been out on the streets demonstrating as well the scary thing here that you have is once you start tinkering with democracy and trying to change things i think you got a very slippery slope in these and what's happening at the moment over here is that the e.u. is really showing get through that showing what it's all about it doesn't want to listen to the people what they're doing at the moment in the building behind me is they're talking about an intergovernmental agreement and this will go into primary e.u. law through secondary legislation which means that the people can be bypassed there will be referendums across the continent particularly in ireland where there should be a referendum on this and what will happen is they will bypass the people and it will go straight into the e.u. law and they will get exactly what they want and it is a complete affront democracy is only going to get worse i mean at the moment they're burning german flags on the streets of athens i predict it will be roll next and then there's been you never know it could be toppled as well the tensions between the countries and particularly between the north of europe and the south of
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europe is only going to get greater and what you've got is you've got protests in the south and what we're seeing in the north is a political revolution where new parties are springing or euro skeptic parties gets better results than ever before iran has valid to hold or like sports to e.u. countries for up to fifteen years despite its parliament postponing a debate on a complete ban on current supplies to europe it would be in retaliation to the imposed embargo or to rain all due to come into full effect this summer russia's foreign minister says tehran the thread shows how you know lateral sanctions can often backfire. let's hear. russia has firmly held the opinion that in most cases sanctions are not only affective but also counterproductive for the current situation yet again confirms the old will be every action there is an equal reaction announcement was made in response to be european union's decision to ban the purchasing of any a little boy member states. and while it runs nuclear program
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the target over you sanctions is being scrutinized by you uninspected as to iran has offered i.a.e.a. officials the chance to start the mission iran says it's ready to answer any questions to prove its atomic ambitions are peaceful and to discuss the situation i'm now joined live by the radio host of taking aim program should not mr shiraz thank you so much indeed for your time said iran all for dui the spec says the chance to prolong that mission yet the you imposed an oil embargo a week ago saying iran isn't cold curating all day defines showing that in fact he wants to work with the agency. well i think you have to understand that the entire predicate of an entitlement to reimpose oneself through the aegis of the united nations or whatever pretext on a song state and on its energy policies and howard it conducts its internal affairs is itself an example a paradigm of in the period dominion that the us exercises both over the world body
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and over subject peoples throughout the world it is entirely an example of imperial hubris that there is an assumption made that united states has bases military bases of occupation all over the world that wages war subjugation for the control over people's resources that it targets countries to fragment them and to break them up into the ethnic and religious components this imperial agenda which takes countries and syria out him as their targets now concentrating on. iran expresses the permanent war that is waged against subject peoples by american corporate capitalism this united nations has forever been an instrument of such imperial policy the palestinian people themselves receptive to the carving up of their country and the imposition of a colonial settler state through the aegis of the united nations the un has been
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the vehicle for imperial policy in one form or another because the member states have essentially the same class rupture as that which governs united states so this question of international inspection in iran of their nuclear energy program is itself an expression of imperial hubris as i say it is yes i want to show him as just a male us get to our scene cessna can convince the atomic agency that a program is peaceful but the west are really interested in hearing berent. well i would put it to you that whether or not the iranian population or the country of iran or the nation of iran elects to you have nuclear weapons is no one's damned business particularly i mean is the state of israel subject to these demands which has four and five hundred hydrogen bomb bearing mistrials that target the countries
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surrounding it and have for forty and fifty years there's the united states itself which targets peoples around the world with weapons of mass destruction because subject to such united nations demands an inspection the very idea that iran is somehow obligated to open its front gears to inspectors who are essentially penetrated and permeated by the central intelligence agency in the mossad expresses what i am attempting to say to you didn't this is outrageous that has no legitimacy and it should repudiate it exposed for what it is the same syndrome was present before the attempts to destroy iraq the claim was made before the united nations that saddam hussein had a nuclear program targeting the united states total fabrication it is the same with respect to iran first they attempt to cut off iran's oil trading capacity its ability to in import replacement equipment for its refineries then they want to tie
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up its banking and to preclude people from the good from trading with its banks then every company that is in fact engaged in trade with iran is subject the united states to penalty what do you think this is but it act of war blockade is an act of war these sorts of embargoes or act of war hundreds of thousands of iraqi children died as a result of the embargo imposed upon iraq the same fate is intended for iran this entire charade is an expression of imperial aggression and you are going to need to add that threatening to stop oil supplies to just some european countries as opposed to a previous thread to bar exports to the holy why has the stars changed. well i would just put it to you that we the imperial propaganda with respect to iran at the moment is this dog is vicious if you step on its neck and tries to bite your
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foot that's the whole rationale here with respect to iran acquiescing in allowing un inspectors to go there nominally to defuse the situation it's a hopeless quest i say hopeless because the united states and the european countless pounds will always be and you can be absolutely sure that the reports back for one or more of these inspectors function as intelligence operatives will say well there's evidence that they may be doing this and they may be doing that for iraq there is no there's no win here these countries are being imposing themselves on the sovereign nation of iran would the united states or great britain subjected so to such demands from iran although after all it's not only iran country at about it i think i meant we just have to read that and fortunately radio host thank you very much indeed for joining us thank you.
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offices today and they done a troll start today's ok why protest in oakland california they may won't stick a activist out of the laces rally ended with a riot police firing tear gas bombs and while in washington a deadline issued by the national paul defilements to dismantle to find courage has post with acts of its statehood and acts of a several bit war from the occupied to see action is that the latest model shows how militarized u.s. planes have become. i think you have to recognize the specifics of the oakland police department there are known as one of the most violent repressive in the country and it's exposed how militarists militarized american police have become in recent years so you know it's it's shocking it's horrifying to see what's coming out of oakland but it's hardly surprising knowing what we know and it's worth remembering that the oakland police may be under federal control soon because there
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have been so many civil rights abuses there if you look at the videos you don't see protesters attacking people you see protesters sticking together in ways that try to fuel each other from the police and i think it's important to recognize the distinction that there i haven't seen anything that looked like violence on behalf of the protesters coming out of oakland i've just seen people being proactive in recognizing that they're going to be facing what effectively an armed force police in london have also been accused of excessive force and. occupy demonstrators stood together last night as officers look to take over their towns or cities the worst smith has more on the london based battle between occupies and offices what we've seen in the last twenty four hours is the first of the. building that they were calling the bank of ideas it was a building that by u.b.s. the back and it was evicted by. anyone who's been up against a bailiff in this country would call them hired thugs basically and what you see in
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the video that we're showing now is a bailiff essentially driving into a group of protesters watched on by the police basically he allegedly before this incident took place punched a photographer in the face the police apparently did nothing apart from briefly confiscate. the car keys of the bailiffs in question they then gave back his car keys according to the occupy movement and then cleared the way for him to leave the scene so far. from the police. some other major news stories making headlines across the globe at six point three money should ask way has rocked central peru over one hundred people officials said number of problems were damaged in the quake just stuff to midnight local time will some day those half have been treated for minor injuries and hospital five days ago . should be going to south leaving about five hundred dead.
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in nigeria the boko haram terrorist organization is suspected of attacking a police station in the northern c.t.o. can a gunman opened fire and threw explosives killing two civilians and they're sold over the weekend the organization distributed leaflets around the city warning residents of north taksin security services ten days ago boko haram carried out multiple blasts in tano which left almost two hundred people dead. bangladeshi capital dhaka they head of the opposition on thousands of her supporters state should demonstration calling for elections next paulie's for today and the government rallies across the country town violent with three people killed in clashes between protesters and security forces oxalis also say thousand demonstrators were. going to sixteen. died by police during anti-government protests in senegal demonstrations have been
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held since friday when the country's highest court but it dated president in a bid to run for. the two time limit under the constitution doesn't apply to him as he was ready to go in office before it came into force. and that's the way the news leaks this hour here in moscow next as iran braces itself to praise the fresh west imposed sanctions would talk to its interior minister told us how the current state of affairs is including seen as inside.
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the possibility of war between the united states and iran is being debated there around the world that's what the mood is like inside the country to discuss that the endowed joined by iran's interior minister. it's possible thank you for your time mr stern yesterday we're talking several days after the e.u. introduced oil sanctions against iran and i know the iranian leadership has responded by saying the sanctions will do more harm to europe and until ron. still says iran gets seventy percent of its revenues from oil do you have any fears about negative social reactions including strikes as people may lose their jobs do you take this somehow into account in your walk. that these speculations on our country and our government or the power of the people all
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around ruling bodies or in power as a result of popular voting therefore our government and our role for it is a completely popular and people have participated in all areas and spheres of own life from the very start of the revolution therefore as i've said there's nothing new about these talks which are actually quite outdated and irrelevant we don't sell that much oil. in the european accounts don't have that much money. so. the u.s. and the west as a how do not conceal that one of the main tasks of the. the sanctions is to get the oil prices for the iranian oil lower thus decreasing the revenues from the oil iran saudi the us is there well as to how we used to manipulate the political situation . the way we're going into jadwin that i believe they've made a big mistake as this action results in turbulence for the oil and energy markets this very fact it can result in oil price growth in these conditions the west
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should expect a drop in the euro rate and the euro market this new decision will result in further economic problems which as we can see have affected them already and so far they've been unable to find solutions for oil and energy markets will experience instability in its own and this factor can boost prices for oil and energy products and jeopardize the market security but this is quite difficult for them obviously which going on previous experience is used to consuming certain kinds of oil and energy and this also brings up technical and economic issues at the same time we're not worried for iran at all that we've ensured our efficient planning in advance and with god's help we will continue moving forward if i may i would like to ask you about the recent killing of a new clothes scientists that have been other similar cases and as far as we understand the investigation into it has not made great progress so why have there been no substantial results and who might be behind the killing. of
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this is clear is day and they admitted mossad and the cia as well as some european security services don't like to see nations progress they would like to have control and a monopoly over everything in his sort of the great iranian nation that follows the path of searching for a new technologies and it wants to stand firmly on its feet by means of its own strengths and produce its own knowledge they disapprove of this progress and they don't want to see other nations develop themselves and the fact that they come over to such people's homes or attempt to murder an educated and broad mind. university professor highlights the grave nature of the situation that the scientists assassination will only make the iranian people stronger and more focused on their goal. you know people understand that they've chosen the going to try the one of scientific progress the understory does not want to see this happen that it would cause harm to have the physical annihilation of people in full daylight is a sign of the adversaries complete powerlessness and they spend on
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a mission that's the last you know that r.t. has been comprehensively covering the situation in the arab countries as we have covered there was in libya and syria we often heard complaints from the leadership that the intelligence services of other countries have stepped up their operations on the territories of the countries concerned in the past year the way many on edge the mass nerys in syria and libya who could see with our own eyes that some people were apparently not libyans but fought on the side of the rebels can you see any increase in the operations of intelligence services from other countries or any attempts to penetrate your territory at least in recent years since the latest events in the arab countries began. you see foreign powers and other enemies are at work everywhere they might also be present in our country but we do not feel we should worry about this of course we should look out for superpowers and our enemies attempting to interfere in the home affairs of arab countries especially in
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syria and in all countries where the people are in charge of running their nations they must keep track of such a task. i don't. mean about genius in the arab spring began at first even the iranian leadership hailed the movements in egypt and libya as expressing democratic sentiments but now this one here is passed the attitude towards prevents around your country has changed do you still believe that as a people are driven by their own democratic ideas do you see hundred other countries . in the events of the arab spring. we support any popular movement as long as people's demands are legitimate and the imperialistic regime of world supremacies is obviously trying to lead people away from the right and neutralize the popular management about all transformers and favor of their own interests but it will have to get a pure straightforward all right your plans that people have been following along streets of the region how well is stipulated by their willingness to defend their
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rights which is a legitimate demand from iran's viewpoint that what it is that minister can one say that the instability in the region has considerably increased the narcotic drugs trafficking. in and out on kong as yes afghanistan is certainly the focus of narcotic plantations now the americans and europeans are there and since they came narcotic drugs production has increased forty fold and it's a financial source for most terrorists who infringe the security of central asian states the states of the region and russia itself even if it's a fact that both iran and russia host their main struggle trafficking routes i was just the pairing for this interview several colleagues approached me at r.t. are asking if there was going to be a war between iran and the usa i was here on thing. as well in let me say this again all those fabrications and not need to was the islamic republic of iran is a strong power capable of defending its regional security for me and the iranian
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people and being a great and powerful nation not afraid of those futile threats that. are shot four times a. day is a. serious aboard. indeed people should be allowed to defend themselves surely they are gone from the law by decent people are not a problem sure rifle association. basically military police. to shoot. i'm sorry if you know that the bullet comes out here and this makes you go bang and if watching here is going to die. that's all the
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training you really really need raise your hand. to live without one of. the streets. until about a bully will never use the weapons for self-defense so he should be preparing the full class including the teacher of english. seventeen students. and want to share in the law still a lot of. this is outside the headlines. baseline hundred around damascus as rebels engage with government forces in the suburbs of a compass held in them while the assad government welcomes a russian proposal to host moscow based spain's talks with the opposition that
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which has given a mixed reaction. iran warns it could stop supplying oil to some of these states in response to sanctions against its nuclear program which is currently undergoing a do an inspection. even begin had agreed on a permanent five hundred they didn't hear a rescue fund for the curacao not that the sun that's how the game brussels elsewhere ovaltine old the news twenty seven countries have agreed to close a fiscal year when intended to mean time to brussels control of the budgets of member states. to help deal with big euro crisis. and the heavy handed police response to the paper protests in california is that code across the atlantic where british officers are also accused of excessive use of balls. up next we take you beyond the tiny village that has to do with relentless sandstorms which mysteriously cuesta paid for years ago our special report at times.


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