tv [untitled] January 30, 2012 6:18pm-6:48pm EST
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get your move anybody or their camping materials and at one point this afternoon some demonstrators turned the tables on the media they went after a fox news van that was illegally parked but despite the taunting nothing serious out of the van or those that surrounded it for several hours after the noon deadline people are still surrounding the park and continuing their protest but most demonstrators believe that the real action by police isn't going to happen until the media leave the park and probably not until the sun goes down their plan is to try and evict us when all the media leave so that there won't be too much you know they don't want to be seen pulling us out it's a big p.r. problem for them we're not going to see a strong police in for some of the locating regulation until there is a dispersal of the media i think we're going to miss it pretty comfortably here until it gets dark i think at a certain point yeah we're going to see the cameras turn off or we see the police come in. so as of now looks like the police have followed through with their new policies but we're going to have to wait and see if they do take action once the
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media spotlight is a little less bright. well coming up after the break you are discussion on the war on terror with. get his take off and his comments on his death and look more in depth at the use of surveillance from. the same. people calling like you said for free and fair elections. and we're still reporting from the prison as you can hear behind me loud explosions. i mean. good it gave. a.
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all right so let's get back to what i opened the show with more war on terror that shows no signs of waning we got the secretary of defense telling sixty minutes that they will not show any evidence and the public will just have to believe the administration when they label someone a terrorist and execute them without any due process and iraq we're seeing local outrage because despite the last american troops leaving the state department still operating a fleet of surveillance drones and in afghanistan reports say the negotiations with the taliban by the u.s. are under way in qatar afghan president hamid karzai has announced that his plans his plans to personally attend a meeting with taliban figures in saudi arabia aka going around the u.s. negotiations so how do you break it all down well joining me to discuss it is jack
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rice former cia officer and criminal defense attorney jack thanks so much for joining us tonight we've got we got a lot on our plate so i guess let's just start with secretary defense leon panetta and i'm going to replay one of the clips that i showed at the top of the show here . this person wanted to so that they raise questions about whether or not they're terrorists and they were to return to the united states of course they would be entitled to due process that that's something we provide every us citizen and for that matter frankly any terrorist groups arrested we provide due process to that individual as well but if a terrorist is out there on the battlefield in a terrorist is threatening this country that person is an intimate combatant and when an enemy combatant holds to go to church. you fire back. a jag i don't know if you have my rant at the top of the show but i think if there are some serious misinformation in that answer that he gave that would you agree. oh without
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question you're absolutely right i mean look shall we go down the list of this first of all are they actually on a battlefield when it comes to an where all the lockerbie answer was no he absolutely was not this is a cleric who did not pick up a weapon was he saying what he was saying maybe that's the real question but there's a broader one here it what we're getting is if he came to the united states he would have due process but we've decided we want to kill him so better for he doesn't i guess you didn't really finish that last sentence to be no doesn't really seem like a day you know i mean i ask this all the time but it just seems crazy to me that we don't see more outrage in the media over this that we don't see more outrage from even democrats over this who were not very happy when it was the bush administration right they were concerned about guantanamo bay they were concerned about detaining people and here we have what is a much more serious and scarier action by the government which is killing somebody
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and then suddenly there's silence. it was a i think the big problem here and i see this not just as a former cia officer so i do have that hat i have worn in the past but i'm also a former prosecutor and criminal defense attorney and so tomorrow i'm getting ready to start another jury trial and one of the things that i talk about in every jury trial this is about the concept of constitutional rights and what they mean and we all argue that it's something that's worth fighting for but the problem is this what you see the government doing and i would argue a democratic government does this just like a republican one is they said yeah but these guys are terrorists and so what happens is they have no natural allies if you will and i'm not an ally of a percentage but what i am is i'm standing up for the belief that the constitution actually means something and if it means something it means something for all american citizens and that's regardless of whether or not you're a terrorist or not but the thing that makes a critical here is that the u.s. government unilaterally without any proof without any due process at all is
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actually pointing the finger and saying you my friend are a terrorist so the question then becomes if they get to decide what makes you question whether or not they can decide that it's you or it's me or it's my neighbor or my father or my son i mean all of these are the kinds of issues that we need full transparency for and really understanding where due process actually counts it may not be popular but it is an absolute fact and if we believe it then we should stand up for it oh we should just shut up and say you know what we're going to kill people we don't like and we don't care that there's due process or rights or law or the constitution anyway definitely has to be a lot more attention paid to it is something we keep popping on here on the program but let's switch to iraq quickly so there are reports coming out that apparently the state department is still using surveillance drones over iraqi airspace which is making a lot of people in iraq an easy making them unhappy because they feel like it's
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violating their sovereignty it's an affront to their sovereignty we're also hearing from a new york times report that american contractors are saying the. now the state department is looking to possibly use surveillance drones and other problematic areas they're thinking about and they need to they're thinking about perhaps pakistan do you think that this is something that we're just going to see expanding more and more and more even though we're technically not at war there anymore we're just going to keep flying surveillance drones without question and you're absolutely right we have seen this under the obama administration where in fact we have more than tripled the number of surveillance routes that we run through through various predator drones and some of the others as well so we're starting to see this not just in iraq and afghanistan but of course pakistan has increased dramatically most recently we've heard about that the crash of that one drone in iran so we've seen that the real possibility that we're going to start seeing these in places like the philippines the places like indonesia malaysia and other areas of yemen which we've
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already seen some again these numbers continue i mean and you realized that because it's easy it's simple and we like to do it but of course it's a violation of international law but you know that just gets in the way so we'll just say it's easy and it's simple so we'll do it we've got the stuff let's do it that's the argument i guess as should the state department be doing it though. no without question they should not be doing this i mean again we have to decide whether or not we're part of the international community or not i recognize that there are threats out there and i know this very very clearly that the threats do exist but when we unilaterally do things and again this happened during the bush administration and we saw many on the left jumping up and down screaming about this until all of a sudden it was one of their own in the white house and then conveniently they all disappeared again this is the same problem that we had with what we were just talking about that there are certain things that we should be doing and certain things that we should not be doing and it actually creates more instability it
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creates more distrust and frankly you may actually be motivating some of those people who are your friends to actually turn against you or at least to turn a blind eye to those who do want to kill you and that is a great great problem here all right so what do you think right now of afghan president hamid karzai saying that he's going to go to saudi arabia in person to meet with members of the taliban to negotiate this is at the same time while we're hearing reports that the taliban and the u.s. are starting their negotiations and can tie that feels like it may be a snub of course it is i mean the problem that we have right now is we don't exactly know what it is that president karzai is doing and how well he's doing it we doubted it from the beginning but i think we chose this man we put him in power we placed him essentially on the throne if you will and i thought about this through lots of conversations i had with with the people in afghanistan when i was in the country and so that's a fact the problem that we have is that the afghans and specifically president cars i don't particularly trust the americans either so we're going in different
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directions right now and we're simply continuing to keep all of our people and spending billions upon billions of dollars nobody trusting anybody we don't trust the afghanis we don't trust the pakistanis and i by the way neither of them trust us either way i do think that there is such a thing as negotiations of the taliban i've had a lot of guests on this show say that they they're not only doomed but that they're a joke. of course they are i mean it they are a joke without question our argument there is we're looking for a way to get out you know i guess we're going to have. the banter that president bush had just president obama probably won't use that the same way because he saw how much but failure it was a good you and i have had this conversation before but historically nobody has been able to do this this has never been done successfully nor will it ever be at the end of the day whether it's president obama whether it's dare i say it president romney it doesn't really matter the fact is that nobody will successfully finish this and all of a sudden everybody will say wow that was magnificent this will simply be an ending and it will whimper away and the fights will continue as they have for decades and
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dare i say it centuries i jack well thanks so much for joining us tonight a lot of stuff that is thanks a lot thank you very much i'll be right back. we'll speak to the street. people calling like you said for free and fair elections. and they're still reporting from the oakland where you can hear behind me loud explosions that lead. me to keep. the money. i get it.
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guys it's time for you said it i read it but i take time to respond to my brilliance and engaging viewer comments on facebook twitter and you too because i've gotten to say i listen now first i want to respond to a viewer the watch our story on senator al franken and representative jeff landry teaming up to change the language of the n.d.a. clarify the u.s. citizens are barred from being indefinitely detained live damascus commented how about a lot of stop tacking on laws to big spending bills like defense authorization act we need to close that these loopholes of tyranny i personally i wholeheartedly agree i think of the practice of tacking on amendment after amendment to giant spending bills as an incredibly dangerous one there's
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a way to. so much pressure to push these bills through especially when it comes to defense because you know nobody would dare leave the pentagon unfunded in this town it's an age old washington tactic and it works senators and congressmen object but the bills involved funding the entire u.s. military so while they just have to get pushed through then we end up with situations like this one where hugely important and quite frankly scary things like the provision for indefinite detention get passed and only patched up after the fact when it's often too late and as i mentioned earlier in the show the n.b.a. is already being enforced by courts next on respond to burgundy point three who apparently thinks that the brakes we have to hit on the show are something nefarious he commented on you tube don't you hate it when newscasters cut an interesting conversation short because they have to go to breaks yes because you know i love to censor my guests the specially on issues like act now unfortunately we have to have certain breaks for international air trust me i hate it just as much as you do but and a good interview before it's reform we're ready to end it is always
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a painful thing unfortunately though it's not up to us it's just the way things have to be a lastly i want to thank all of our viewers for all the birthday love today i got a lot of tweets and messages and here are just a few of them deledio tweeted that this happy birthday alone i watch your show all the time i always look forward to it every day you are the best by a tweet it might be day to today and dick cheney so there's that that's the first that i've heard that i share the same birthday as dick cheney and i don't know let me tell you creeps me out a little bit then it robertson guard tweeted this i must tell you are wiser today because you are old happy birthday and many many more love your show rock on so thanks for all the love you guys are the best and that from my ranting so they are we back with more later in the week. well looks like anybody who has had their personal fire files copyrighted or not saved on make upload could lose that data forever you see when the f.b.i. came in on january nineteenth and raided mega upload in new zealand and attained
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four people tied to the file sharing site they also froze the accounts of one hundred fifty million registered users even customers of the access to their data which is all stored virtually and they also froze make up loans bank accounts which is important to know because the company hires third parties to store customer data for a fee so inevitably make upload can't pay their bills and storage companies carpathia hosting and cogent communications group. for free so they just might start deleting that data as of this thursday february second a letter from u.s. prosecutors announce the data could be deleted as early as this thursday and went on to say the while the us did go through the locker storage company's servers they did not take any information with them they just scanned through them and copied any data that they felt was evidence of a d.o.j. letter also explains of the government is finished with the search warrants and has no right to go back and access the data again meanwhile we're hearing some thing different from the companies that are actually storing the data paper for example
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is issued a statement saying maybe hosting does not have and has never had access to the content of mega upload servers and has no mechanism for returning any content residing on such servers to make uploads customers the company also says they have not been given any notice about deleting information to the government so we're not really quite sure where the d.o.j. got this tip about data being wiped out meanwhile defense lawyer iraq and is also trying to regain all that data saying that it's a crucial element of the upcoming legal case between the hong kong company and the department of justice and that's not the only legal challenge of the u.s. is facing here you see they're also facing a legal challenge coming from of the pirate party according to torrent freak parties from around the world are coming together to make a list of every person who's been a fair. by this rate a master list is going to be used to file an official complaint against the us and in an announcement they stated that the seizure of mega upload is an justifiable and is responsible for creating widespread damage they went on to say for this
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reason pirates of catalonia in collaboration with pirate parties international and other by rip artie's have begun investigating these potential breaches of law and will facilitate submission of complaints against the us authorities in as many countries as possible to ensure a positive and just result so all eyes are on the f.b.i. the d.o.j. and the u.s. government in general to see what move they're going to make next with regards to make. we're going to make sure to keep you updated on all those developments. well once again the world had to hear that because she ations between the greek government and bondholders didn't result in an agreement being reached stock slipped on the news is vester is becoming more weary of constantly hearing that a deal is close meanwhile here in the us news that consumer spending fell flat december as more americans saved thanks the question of where exactly growth is going to come from and we've been hearing a lot about the need for moral capitalism discussed these days but are some of the advocates of it part of the problem joining me to discuss all that is our lauren
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lyster host of the capital account lauren thanks for joining us and welcome back i know you just got back from davos last night we had a chance to capture up with you couple of times while you were there but now they're back now the whole thing's over what would you say is the biggest takeaway it's a big question first of all happy birthday i think you know. the biggest takeaway and regard with the official agenda are kind of my biggest personal takeaway were biggest personal takeaway from spending a couple days up there in the you know in the mountain. my biggest takeaway is get a better badge and maybe have a little bit more energy to schlep around because it's not as glamorous as it looks all the traipsing around in the snow i think that's probably a really different experience no matter how you experience davos just based on who you. where you're coming from that is a really big forum it's really hard to kind of get overwhelming sense of you know what's really going on everybody has a different agenda and a personal agenda is far is the official agenda i didn't hear anything that was
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really different i didn't hear anything that really made me feel like people are serious about advancing capitalism in a way that is different from how it's been with the bank bailouts and with crony capitalism with some of the problems that we've seen the eurozone crisis was a big deal but it's continued to be a big deal and we've heard more leaders in finance ministers talking about it more discussions today kind of an ongoing saga the u.s. not a big part of the agenda definitely the euro zone crisis is taking over and. the u.s. part of the agenda and officially its networking place and people are very dazzled by the quality of the roster so their network but this entire theme of shaping new models didn't exactly come into play but so in that case let's talk about greece let's talk about what's been going on once again it seems like they keep saying that they were close to reaching agreement or they didn't reach a final agreement you know are people can get sick of this at a certain point are they getting a little weary at least aren't you. i don't morning on this every day minute line
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is ok blah blah blah eurozone officials are meeting we'll tell you when there's something to really talk about today i guess it was a win with the fiscal pact that angle merkel's been trying to tout as a solution to the eurozone crisis this is just one thing i mean the big kind of rallying cry of davos for leaders whether it's timothy geitner which is obviously not a european leader or david cameron or all of these officials from various different countries we need a bigger we need a bigger fire wall they need to boost the firewall there needs to be more money more bailout money which is something that angela merkel doesn't want she made that very clear at davos there is no greek deal that is essential the last thing we saw a european union official saying that. germany had a wanted to take over the budget of greece and then sarkozy said that's not going to work for obvious reasons that you know you can expect greece to hand over its sovereignty that's absurd that's kind of a crazy idea there is to say here in italy greece you deal with all of our spill
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and a lot on the right of that on a big debt it's your birthday getting you know excited right about the euro zone crisis i know a lot to get excited about let's talk about something you know you brought this to my attention today to we've heard with occupy wall street going on ever since the financial crash too you know there are a lot of these emotions that capitalism isn't exactly being practiced way that should be this country which i think you can say obviously and so we've heard a lot of calls for this more moral you know approach to it and so one of the people we've heard talk a lot about this is arianna huffington of the huffington post and so i'm going to read a quote here from her she says i worry about it in the middle of the day as well as in the middle of the night one of the things that make me optimistic is so many millions more people do have a voice now so there's a countervailing force that is coalescing about real transformation not rhetorical want so that all sounds very nice and i think that she has
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a point in terms of we're finally hearing this become you know part of the rhetoric part of the discussion but she also kind of a part of the problem alone in this i think it kind of really highlights is a really good example of the difference between ideology and reality ariane huffington is at davos where the one of the themes is rethinking capitalism and transformations and capitalism that isn't serving society anymore she's asked about it saying there needs to be moral capitalism talking about how it keeps her up at night whether vested interest or get to get in a way of that this is an interview with chrystia freeland from. an area huffington writers boycotted the two unions led the charge of the national writers union in the newspaper guild a lot of others joined in because she doesn't pay all over. there is a network of eight thousand unpaid bloggers who were upset over the fact that a oh well paid three hundred fifteen million dollars for a huff post ariane huffington is making out very well and that money isn't getting
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down to any of her workers and this is the kind of person that's rallied they want to go out on capitol hill and i just think how about your workers instead of making them you know report on the presidential elections for free when you just got bought by a well it's not you know the progressive nonprofit blog anymore all right last thing to let me just talk about a few figures that came out basically telling us that consumer spending was flat in december but we also saw wages rise a little bit but that also means of people just aren't spending anymore and they're starting to save and so how do you look at that is on one hand it's probably not that bad of an idea for americans to start saving a little bit of money and stop using their credit cards all the time but without consumer spending and the economy won't grow that's a really tough pickle what i can say not all growth is good growth i know that's always the rallying cry it was certainly the rallying cry of davos but you have to differentiate between that and i think the country's problems the economy is problems are really multi-dimensional and i think it's whether you want to look at the short term or long term. i'm not
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a not the expert but i think that you know we do have to look at this a little bigger picture and a lot of times these numbers are month to month quarter to quarter and i think there's a lot structurally that needs to be dealt with and i think you know one consumer spending number is a very small part of the picture are learned well thanks for filling us in sorry for the spill there it is all the water. pipes so because when i show one republican to use the recent cruise ship tragedy in italy to pay president obama as a coward he tells night school time rather than happy hour one lawmaker has a change of heart after introducing the drug testing legislation and is ron paul going after as you can users critics claim that the british. people calling what you said for free and fair elections.
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and we're still reporting from the. as you can hear behind me loud explosions. in the. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so four lengthly is think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture.
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want went on c.b.s.'s face the nation and this is what he had to say about president obama. in the end in a few months this is all going to be ancient history and we're going to talk about our own little captains which is president obama was abandoning the ship here in the united states is more interested in campaigning than doing his job as president what did you just say what did you call of president obama i call them captains you know the captain the lead the ship in italy that's our own president who's filling the american people and not doing his job and running around the country and campaigning. ok. you made me think of it. right as you were as tissue. paper was about who you know is i can give you a little primer he's a captain of the it's.
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