tv [untitled] January 30, 2012 8:00pm-8:30pm EST
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more than four hundred people were arrested and occupy actions so is the beginning of more showdowns with police or is this just a one off then secretary defense leon panetta gave an interview to sixty minutes that aired this weekend so we're going to break down some of his words and we're going to take a look at other foreign policy goings on turns out we're still flying drones over iraq and afghan president hamid karzai is planning on meeting with the taliban and saudi arabia so we'll see if that's his way of shutting the u.s. negotiations a guitar and a greek debt deal has been stalled once again get more details on what this could mean for the u.s. for artie's lauren lyster host of the capital account or have all that and more few tonight including it as of half the hour but first take a look at the mainstream media has decided to miss. so this past weekend sixty minutes aired an interview with secretary of defense leon panetta now was a good sit down with the former cia director that covered a pretty wide range of topics some of them highly important if you ask me now the
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mainstream media however didn't really pay all that much attention to what he said and in fact i'm pretty sure that c.n.n. was the only that worked that even bothered following up on some of the secretary statements this morning from what we saw and for some reason their take away was that the following line of panetta is was really wild and shocking beyond that is creating some international buzz he says he remains convinced that someone in pakistan's government must have known that osama bin laden was hiding in that country what do you know about the rifts between our country and pakistan and is it getting any better these types of statements from u.s. officials like defense secretary leon panetta certainly won't help especially statements that can't be substantiated certainly a man in this position if you makes a statement like that it's going to create a lot of buzz and that's what's happening to the pentagon backing off from that statement in an effort to mend these very fragile relations. aren't so considering
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that panetta then reiterated that this wasn't based on any fact this was just his opinion and then the pentagon had to walk it back that's an opinion also it's been repeated about a million times over at this point firstly i would have chosen that as the only clip worth talking about far from it in fact you see one of the most telling parts of this interview with scott pelley was who conducted it was when he decided to ask about the obama administration's killing of anwar a lucky the u.s. citizen was killed in a drone strike in yemen last year and we found out through various leaks that there was a secret legal memo that justify the president ok in the killing of a u.s. citizen without due process although of course that a memo remain secret and according to other reports it will remain so even when attorney general eric holder gives an address counting the now. security efforts of this administration now you guys know how i feel about this that was a sad and scary day for what we know as the constitution and the rule of law in this country and yet with the exception of perhaps scott pelley nobody else in the mainstream media really seems to care all that much so just take
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a listen to what the secretary of defense said when he was questioned about the legality of such a move despite the fact that this person may be a citizen he is first and foremost deters to threaten sort of people and for that reason we can establish a legal basis on which we ought to go after that individual just as we go after bin laden just as we go after other terrorists why because their goal is to kill our people. our and so did you hear what panetta said there despite the fact that a lot he was a u.s. citizen he was first and foremost a terrorist and that's ok to essentially consider him a citizen earth's community that to essentially not consider him a citizen anymore because his goal is to kill our people now there are a number of issues with that statement that should concern everybody out there let's not forget that the obama administration has never released any of the evidence that they say they have to prove that a lockie was playing an operational role in planning any al qaeda attacks against
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the u.s. as far as we know a lot he was indeed very vocal in the videos that he posted on you tube but that alone doesn't make you a terrorist so all that we can get from point at his answer here is that the evidence doesn't matter due process in a courtroom to prove the evidence doesn't matter if the government calls you a terrorist they can kill you and the rest of us are just supposed to take their word for it you see it didn't end there. this person wanted to suddenly raise questions about whether or not they're terrorists and they were to return to the united states of course they would be entitled to due process that that's something we provide every u.s. citizen and for that matter frankly any terrorist who's arrested we provide due process to that individual as well but if a terrorist is out there on the battlefield and a terrorist is threatening this country that person is an enemy combatant. and what an enemy combatant hold should go to church. all right so here we have numerous other problems that with leon panetta statements he says that if
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a locket wanted to return to the united states to raise questions about his own terrorist label then he would have been entitled to due process big problem with that logic is something that glenn greenwald also pointed out today at salon dot com you see there were never any charges brought against a lock in a courtroom the only reason that we even found out that it was on an assassination list is because it had been leaked not because the administration openly said it so how are you supposed to return to the us turn yourself in if you don't even know that you're being targeted and if you have no court room to question it now let's also not forget the statement made by panetta that any terrorist arrested is provided due process well that's just false how about so many of the detainees that are still being held at guantanamo bay the president deemed fifty of them on tribal early on many have been cleared and yet are still being held at gitmo and if you want to claim that it's because they were apprehended on a battlefield and not right here in the u.s. then where do you draw the lines for the battlefield this is part of the problem
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the dangers of this overly expansive global war on terror is that anything can now be deemed a battlefield by the administration i mean here's one more little tidbit for you today you know and v.a. the president signed on december thirty first of last year the one that codified indefinite military detention into law well it's already being applied to legal rationale take the example of a guantanamo havey as case. versus obama and if you go to the la fere blog today you're going to find the government's legal argument for his detention or forming the author already of the president to detain any person who is part of or substantially supported al qaeda the taliban or associated forces that are engaged in hostilities against the united states or its coalition partners now that is the language of the n.d.a. so saying that is by no means shocking but just so you know it's already being used so there you have it books not only some blatant missing from. ation coming from the secretary of defense but really poor rationale that essentially says that if we say someone's a terrorist we can kill him and we'll never have to provide the evidence and i'm so
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happy that scott pelley actually asked him those questions we need more journalists asking those questions but despite everything that was said the complete lack of respect or adherence to the constitution and the laws put in place the promise due process the mainstream media didn't even blink don't stead they chose to miss. all this weekend oakland once again became the scene of a massive confrontation between occupy protesters and police after an effort to occupy former convention center in the city protestors relator corralled in front of a y.m.c.a. where more than four hundred people were arrested that includes at least six journalists known as us far now the day it once again saw oakland police using flash grenades and rubber bullets but are also reports of vandalism by those in the crowd and today the national park service gave the occupiers here in d.c. a deadline to remove camping supplies although as of yet we haven't seen any
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massive clashes so it is the action in oakland over the weekend i mean we're back to the events of last fall joining me from oakland is susie cagle freelance journalist and cartoonist who has herself been arrested at the occupy oakland protests there susie thanks so much for joining us again tonight and i guess i know that you were arrested back in november we spoke to you then i know that you were arrested there on site and then released last night but if we first can step back and just talk about how it is that all of this exactly happened can you give us some details. sure i live there are reports there that are circulating really jumbled the timeline so it started with my oakland planned this move in day to take this i'm used to convention center one hundred hundred year old historic building i am downtown and i'm and take it and use it as a political and community center and they were thwarted at every turn police clearly knew that this was the goal of the march and they knew just how to walk
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a crowd of about a little more than a thousand i would say between one and two thousand and they say when protesters i've pushed down some of the chain link fence in front of the convention center many yards away from police things were thrown many yards away from the police fired tear gas into the crowd and the crowd dispersed. back to downtown where these sort of skirmish street battles kind of continued and there were flash bang grenades there were less lethal projectiles and all of those those weapons that we became i was so familiar with back in the fall that haven't really seen in a while in outlands i and as the day wore on. people kind of regrouped for a little while and then i decided to go for a plan b. another building or potentially several buildings that could possibly have been
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taken for this purpose since they've integrated from that convention center i and that march only went on for about two hours before police finally i can elaborate why it by the y.m.c.a. surrounded them at all sides i gave notice first order that i could hear and that's where i myself am five other journalists were were a mistake at all and we were told we were we were being detained along with along with the occupiers so did you did you tell them i'm press did you show them your credentials was a very obvious to the police a fair arresting members of the media. it was incredibly obvious i and i. because i had been through this before just a few months ago i'm certainly more outspoken. than i was last time i demanded a sergeant and still i was handcuffed for forty minutes and i was told that i had
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to press that i had my oakland police department i issued a press pass and also had a press pass for a freelancer skills that i am a member here in california and i'm my oakland police department has expired four weeks ago the end of two thousand and eleven because they only get them out for calendar years even though it had it for weeks it was already already expired and they told me because that. has expired you aren't press tonight or you think that they you know i mean oakland itself has been giving has been given a really hard time the police department there for arresting journalists we've seen a lot of journalists arrest all across the country since the occupy movement really sprang up and just last week we saw on this you know world press freedom index of the u.s. dropped twenty seven spots because of that so you would think that maybe they would be a little bit more careful but so i guess i also have to ask you know who was really making up the crowd yesterday because we've seen in the past too in oakland there
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were. some cases vandalism there were some so-called black bloc tactics you could see and so you know it was a crowd like yesterday. i would say many people i came came prepared for a street battle and many people came prepared with. shields plastic garbage cans cut in half metal garbage can live in korea gated metal and wood shields as well many people were amassed and i and many people were fully covered head to toe and many people weren't i it's i find it troubling to make really broad generalizations about such a large group of people based on the few that are its rights and are throwing things so what do you think my happen next right because we've seen things simmer down a little bit with the occupy movement we've seen some more targeted actions and yet
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we're still in the middle of winter at least we are here on the east coast i know it's not as cold there at oakland but do you feel like some of this is starting back up we're going to start seeing more of these massive demonstrations maybe even clashes like we saw last fall or was this perhaps just a one off. i think that occupy a right now because they were thwarted on this building and because they they don't you know those those ten camps weren't just place to stay i mean they were a political center i mean ground zero and now occupy all of the occupations they don't have that and so i think that building occupations are going to take on a much more important role in the movement in the future and i think that if that's where and that's where occupy really expense resources spends time i think the next really interesting stat even though it's got a nice outside. or any i was a gorgeous day on saturday i think that that's really going to be important for the
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future. now if we could are so see how some of the attitudes are changing marriage inquired of oakland for example told the protesters to stop using the city as their playground and i found quite interesting headline on the fox nation website today when i was looking at it and they try to tie this to obama's state of the union address and they asked did obama's class warfare rhetoric spark occupy riots in oakland i don't know what do you think of that. i know that. people occupiers and certainly no fans of obama but i do think that they were proud of that state of the union address and i think that we all heard some occupy influence on it. i think mayor gene is getting a lot she's getting a lot of heat from people over occupy from both sides of things people who thought that that kick tent camp should never have been established and people who thought that that first tear gas canister should never end problem and the recall campaign
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against her is actually being led by that more conservative faction so i think that she is trying to work to two keys those people more than she is trying to appease people who are i agree about all of the police brutality that we're seeing it's easy well thanks for joining us and giving us all the details there. well today here in d.c. all eyes are on the fearsome square and freedom plaza to see if the occupy movement makes it through the day to last friday it was announced of the two encampments of the facing eviction today because of unsanitary conditions and increasingly hostile attitude from mary gray congress itself is something we touched upon last week when we discussed our isis committee's hearing on how the campaign has been able to stand for so long in a public park officials have now decided to enforce a no camping rule in both of the parks so basically that would require all camping materials to be removed and for one side of any temporary structure in the parks to
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stay open notices of the new policies went up over the weekend and when occupiers brian last tried to remove one from the camp meant he was tasered by d.c. police. the joint ok ok. ok. ok ok yes. he was originally arrested on charges of disorderly conduct but has since been released because he sent his actions are simply a prequel for tensions at the park today where the media was waiting with cameras rolling all to see what police would do after the new deadline was set and protesters made it clear that they weren't going to leave and they constructed a tent of dreams around the macpherson square statue. here in the clear city squares a symbolic protest and we're dreaming of a better world and by not letting us sleep they're not letting us dream and that's
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what the police have ordered us to do we're allowed to stay here but we're not allowed to sleep here but sleeping is an integral part of our protest and so if they're not letting asleep they're not letting a stream of a better world. continue their peaceful protest or dancing chanting familiar phrases like this is what democracy looks like right now police have not made a move yet to remove anybody or their camping materials and. one point this afternoon some demonstrators turned the tables on the media they went after a fox news van that was illegally parked but despite the taunting nothing serious out of the van or those that surrounded it for several hours after the noon deadline people are still surrounding the park and continuing their protest the most demonstrators believe that the real action by police isn't going to happen until the media leave the park and probably not until the sun goes down their plan is to try and evict us when all the media leave so that there won't be too much you know they don't want to be seen pulling us out it's a big p.r. problem for them we're not going to see a strong police force made of the locate the regulation until there is
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a dispersal of the media i think we're going to sit thirty comfortably here until it gets dark i think at a certain point you know we're going to see the cameras turn off or we see the police come in. so as of now looks like the police have followed through with their new policies but we're going to have to wait and see if they do take action once the media spotlight is a little less bright. coming up after the break continue our discussion on the war on terror with jack right we'll get his take on tonight's comments on a lot of his death and we'll look more in-depth at the use of surveillance drones to drop.
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all right so let's get back to what i opened the show with more war on terror that shows no signs of waning we've got the secretary of defense telling sixty minutes that they will not show any evidence and the public will just have to believe the administration when they label someone a terrorist and execute them without any due process and iraq we're seeing local outrage because despite the last american troops leaving the state department still operating a fleet of surveillance drones and in afghanistan reports say the negotiations with the taliban by the u.s. are under way in qatar afghan president hamid karzai has announced that his plans
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his plans to personally attend a meeting with taliban figures in saudi arabia aka going around the u.s. negotiations so how do you break it all down well joining me to discuss it is jack rice former cia officer and criminal defense attorney jack thanks so much for joining us tonight we've got we got a lot on our plate so i guess let's just start with secretary defense leon panetta and i'm going to replay one of the clips that i showed at the top of the show here . this person wanted to so they raise questions about whether or not they're terrorists and they were to return to the united states of course they would be entitled to due process that that's something we provide every u.s. citizen and for that matter frankly any terrorist groups arrested we provide due process to that individual as well but if a terrorist is out there on the battlefield then the terrorist is threatening this country that person is an enemy combatant. and when an enemy combatant holds to go
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to church. you fire. a jag i don't know if you are my rant at the top of the show but i think if there are some serious misinformation in the answer that he gave there would you agree. oh without question you're absolutely right i mean look shall we go down the list of this first of all are they actually on a battlefield when it comes to an where all the lockerbie answer was no he absolutely was not this is a cleric who did not pick up a weapon was he saying what he was saying maybe that's the real question but there's a broader one here it what we're getting is if he came to the united states he would have due process but we've decided we want to kill him so better for he doesn't i guess you didn't really finish that lessons. no doesn't really seem like a day you know i mean i ask this all the time but it just seems crazy to me that we don't see more outrage in the media over this that we don't see more outrage from even democrats over this who were not very happy when it was the bush
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administration right they were concerned about guantanamo bay they were concerned about detaining people and here we have what is a much more serious and scarier action by the government which is killing somebody and then suddenly there's silence. it was a i think the big problem here and i see this not just as a former cia officer so i do have that hat i have worn in the past but i'm also a former prosecutor and criminal defense attorney and so tomorrow i'm getting ready to start another jury trial and one of the things that i talk about in every jury trial this is about the concept of constitutional rights and what they mean and we all argue that it's something that's worth fighting for but the problem is this what you see the government doing and i would argue a democratic government does this just like a republican one is they said yeah but these guys are terrorists and so what happens is they have no natural allies if you will and i'm not an ally of a percentage but what i am is i'm standing up for the belief that the constitution actually means something and it means something it means something for all american
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citizens and that's regardless of whether or not you're a terrorist or not but the thing that makes a critical here is that the u.s. government unilaterally without any proof without any due process at all is actually pointing the finger and saying you my friend are a terrorist so the question then becomes if they could to decide what makes you question whether or not it can't decide that it's you or it's me or it's my neighbor or my father or my son i mean all of these are the kinds of issues that we need full transparency for and really understanding where due process actually counts it may not be popular but it is an absolute fact and if we believe it then we should stand up for it oh we should just shut up and say you know what we're going to kill people we don't like and we don't care that there's due process or rights or law or the constitution anyway definitely has to be a lot more attention paid to it is something we keep harping on here on the program but let's switch to iraq quickly so there are reports coming out that apparently
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the state department is still using surveillance drones over iraqi air space which is making a lot of people in iraq an easy making them unhappy because they feel like it's violating their sovereignty it's an affront to their sovereignty we're also hearing from a new york times report the american contractors are saying the. now the state department is looking to possibly use surveillance drones and other problematic areas they're thinking about indonesia they're thinking about perhaps pakistan do you think that this is something that we're just going to see expanding more and more and more even though we're technically not at war there anymore we're just going to keep flying surveillance drones. without question and you're absolutely right we have seen this under the obama administration where in fact we have more than tripled the number of surveillance routes that we run through through various predator drones and some of the others as well so we're starting to see this not just in iraq and afghanistan but of course pakistan has increased dramatically most recently we've heard about the crash of that one drone in iran solely seen that the
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real possibility that we're going to start seeing this in places like the philippines the places like indonesia malaysia and other areas of yemen which we've already seen some of the again these numbers continue i mean and you realized that because it's easy it's simple and we like to do it but of course it's a violation of international law but you know that just gets in the way so we'll just say it's easy and it's simple so we'll do it we've got the stuff let's do it that's the argument i guess as should the state department be doing it though. no without question they should not be doing this i mean again we have to decide whether or not we're part of the international community or not i recognize that there are threats out there and i know this very very clearly that the threats do exist but when we unilaterally do things and again this happened during the bush administration and we saw many on the left jumping up and down screaming about this until all of a sudden it was one of their own in the white house and then conveniently they all disappeared again this is the same problem that we had with what we were just
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talking about that there are certain things that we should be doing and certain things that we should not be doing and it actually creates more instability it creates more distrust and frankly you may actually be motivating some of those people who are your friends to actually turn against you or at least to turn a blind eye to those who do want to kill you and that is a great great problem here i thought what do you think right now afghan president hamid karzai is saying that he's going to go to saudi arabia in person to meet with members of the taliban to negotiate this is at the same time overhearing imports that the taliban and the u.s. are starting their negotiations and. that feels like it may be a snub. of course it is i mean the problem that we have right now is we don't exactly know what it is that president karzai is doing and how we'll use doing it we doubted it from the beginning but i think we chose this man we put him in power we placed him essentially on the throne if you will and i thought about this through lots of conversations i had with with the people in afghanistan when i was in the country and so that's
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a fact the problem that we have is that the afghans and specifically president cars i don't particularly trust the americans either so we're going in different directions right now and we're simply continuing to keep all of our people and spending billions upon billions of dollars nobody trusting anybody we don't trust the afghanis we don't trust the pakistanis and i by the way neither of them trust us either way i do think that there is such a thing as negotiations of the taliban i've had a lot of guests on this show say that they they're not only doomed but that they're a joke. of course they are i mean it they are a joke without question our argument there is we're looking for a way to get out you know i guess we're going to have. the debate under president bush i just president obama probably won't use it the same way because he saw how much of a failure it was to get you and i've had this conversation before but historically nobody has been able to do this this has never been done successfully nor will it ever be at the end of the day whether it's president obama whether it's dare i say it president romney doesn't really matter the fact is that nobody will successfully
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finish this and all of a sudden everybody will say wow that was magnificent this will simply be an ending and it will whimper away and the fights will continue as they have for decades and dare i say it centuries jackal thanks so much for joining us tonight a lot of stuff to discuss there thanks a lot thank you very much i'll be right back. and again this is an see the headline. is flying through around damascus as rebels engage with government forces in the suburbs of the capital meanwhile that government welcomes a russian proposal to host most basic needs two weeks with the opposition which has given a mixed reaction. iran wants it can start supplying oil to some e.u.
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states in a response to sanctions against its new that program is currently undergoing a un inspection. also you need is have agreed on a permanent five hundred billion euro rescue fund twenty euros and that for a summit of the game in brussels also but those who will be these twenty seven countries have agreed to close a fiscal union intended to mean time to brussels control of the budgets of member states. i'll deal with the euro crisis. and to have a hundred police response to as you called for protests in kind of fornia exactly because that one takes liberties also accused of accepting the use of. those the headlines up next the second paul of all she's.
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