tv [untitled] January 30, 2012 10:48pm-11:18pm EST
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killing seventeen people the captain took off in a lifeboat and is now being charged with multiple counts of manslaughter this is a really tragic incident which brings us back to what priebus said which is that obama is america's a little skit it just makes perfect sense right seventeen people die in a foreign country in the arms he comes up with a nice little joke to link president obama to it a chance to call obama a coward you just have to take it now you could tell how pleased he was with the line that was saying he just couldn't stop himself from chuckling chuckling while explaining it but i guess the death of seventeen people is only tragic and not political fodder when it happens in the us otherwise it's a political attack just waiting to happen now i'm the last one to say that priebus should be censored or reprimanded for his comments i just think it's dumb to go on national t.v. comparing the president to the captain of a cruise ship that is being charged with manslaughter is just plain stupid it just gives you some insight into how these people operate shamelessly and without care or tact that's why rents priebus the chairman of r. and c. is tonight's told i'm like.
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ok guys it's time for happy hour and joining me this evening is our chief producer jenny churchill and our t. correspondent christine for style hello ladies thank you for joining me. ok let's start with this is an ad that we played before here on the show and this key just came from a you tube user who i think is a user name had ron paul in it and so some people are saying a fan created it and it was it was fear mongering about jon huntsman because all my god he speaks another language. which. ones are. all right
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so this is what's happening now and i find this to be kind of odd and seeming to be a little out of character for the ron paul campaign because they're basically filing a complaint in court they're saying that the use of his name infringed his trademark and defamed him by improperly implying that he was behind it whereas i don't think anybody thought he was behind it people thought it was just some random guy on you tube who was a ron paul supporter but you don't control your supporters and so they're actually trying to figure out who this youtube user is and get the ad pulled seems very strange to me that ron paul would want to get the government involved in anything especially a speech matter or trying to find something out it seems very interesting but who knows maybe the huntsman campaign called and wanted to get behind it it's not that offensive i kind of really doubt that he would do something like this on huntsman's pressure i think i have to believe that he really truly thinks that this person was trying to represent this ad as by him and that he feels like he has the right to
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sue i mean i think for him it would have to be a scenario where he thought you're you know tarnishing my name i have the right to know who this is and to go after them legally. it is strange don't you know that or so many people on facebook and twitter you know people that love ron paul love ron paul and i feel like there's so many people that have you know some aspects of ron paul in their names that are in there is of course the i just love that it's ok so here we are going after one you tube user where you know we don't know where so much of the money comes from when it goes to super pacs or you know some of these other organizations that are citizens united and all these ads come out but there's one you tube user and we have to go after him and get him anyway just. to me now to talk about something that's happening in indiana take a look at this. controversial proposal that would require drug testing for people on welfare is getting even more people upset today that's right lindsey mail the
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bill's main proponent says he would be ok if executives of companies getting tax breaks are tested as well. now not only that but so this republican lawmaker the legislation also now has taken it off because a democrat out of the piece of legislation or a provision to it that would have said fine if federal law makers also have to get drug tested legally you can't do that thanks to a case in the courts and so supposedly the republicans as it is not necessarily against the idea he just has to fix the legal language here he's not against it i find it so interesting that these lawmakers are always so gung ho about you know drug testing poor people basically but when it comes to the biggest welfare recipients the legislators no no please don't try to test us i mean i think i think it's true and there's all this mumbo jumbo about having to change the wording and oh you know all reintroduce this on monday so the wording is just right. it's very interesting when this kind of stuff comes up i think it does as you say bring up
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the discussion of wanting to target these poor people i want to know who's going to pay for the multiple amount dozens if not more of drug testers who would have to come and you know be employed by these statewide offices to drug test the thousands of people who would be required to wear with that money come from and it ends up losing the state money we've done the story before because in florida they instituted the exact same thing and shockingly they found out that oh my gosh most of these people are actually on drugs and so now we just spent all this money drug testing them and it's really just a horrible horrible policy but i kind of like at least that some people are trying to stick it to them and say final drug test you to amla drug. the corporate executives that all get huge tax breaks and. serious government money going. to happen listen to this story so a british tourist. had a little fun tweeting some stuff and so his tweet said what i'm set free this week
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for a quick gossip slash before i go and destroy america another tweet said three weeks today we're totally in l.a. pissing people off on hollywood boulevard and diggin marilyn monroe and so what happens is that basically this guy when he arrived got held he told them there was a misunderstanding so that the marilyn monroe reference was a family guy riff and also that the official or the term destroy is just british slang for going out to party because of this he was still held on suspicion of planning to commit crimes and they had their passports confiscated i don't think just a royal just are it is slang not. destroyed tonight i think it's definitely taking it too far when you talk about tweets and facebook and that's the problem with the dames that we're living in is you know on one hand we've got all these people who are afraid for our country and needing to look out for terrorists on the other hand . this is america we have all these social media outlets and you can say we're going on i think we have to say though i'm really glad this happened because the
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last thing we need in hollywood is another drunk person stumbling down the streets i mean i think we need to keep the british drunks away and i think what was supposed to happen happened here you know sorry you have your vacation so this is really. you know this is just going to shows maybe some people are going to make jokes was going to be all slang involving i have no idea and so sorry confiscating your passport to save you're going to commit crimes i mean another another wasn't really rage at the white house it goes to show just how close all of our twitter accounts are probably be followed to unmonitored point point i'm sure they like. the tennessee tea party wants to change some of their history books take a look. it's mainly the issue of slavery that has some tea party members asking for changes i sat down with a local activist who tells me it's not so much what's being in the text but what's been left out and how that could affect your kids. future and future generations of americans. are if you want to know if they're so concerned about being left out as
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if they're not really sure they like the way that slavery was portrayed they think that slavery was seen as too negative and that kids are going to grow up and be taught in history that slavery was a bad thing and they don't realize how much you contributed to the south's economy at the time yeah because i think the worst thing that you could ever think was that you know if there weren't slaves the economy wouldn't have existed and actually we don't have to even look at history books we can look at alabama right now when you get all the illegal immigrants all of the economy collapses. i mean the bottom line is the slaves that did build this country in so many ways and we can say that and we can mention it but we should never mention it in a positive light as of saying nothing doing is very slavery you know really going to slavery because they don't want the kids to look back at the founding fathers and think oh my gosh they had slaves they were terrible people i mean i don't think kids are able to make realistic thoughts on these things i was leading the other lives to you guys that they were afraid that they were going to think negatively of
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the founder of the founding fathers let's face it came about was a big ball i mean that's something that is worth talking about when it comes to the founding fathers as the for all of their principles of freedom and all their wonderful ideals that they were all slave owners a lot i know you're getting ready to go to the next story but we actually switch stories because today we have to cover the biggest story of the day the u.s. where you guys are already in the back with your birthday. may i have. to wait. for them to tell anybody. or anything all right thanks guys. happy birthday. everybody right ladies that's it for tonight's show thanks for tuning in make sure to come back tomorrow the read a community which took a stand against so but now they're trying to take a stab at writing their own legislation to talk to reddit co-founder alexis ohanian about the free internet act in the meantime don't forget to become a fan of the law michelle you follow us on facebook twitter and on you tube if it's
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marvin to washington d.c. and this is the big picture. you need to know this according to article two section four of the united states constitution the president vice president and all civil officers of the united states should be removed from office on impeachment for and conviction of treason bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors you understand that a president can be impeached to be convicted of treason bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors any other attempt to remove the president from office absent of
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those crimes would not be an impeachment instead it would be a coup d'etat and her multi-millionaire republican lobbyist grover norquist stage right this guy's famous for corralling nearly every single republican in congress together to sign his pledge against raising taxes at the end of last week in an interview with the right wing national journal grover norquist called for the impeachment of president obama not for treason or for bribery or for high crimes and misdemeanors not for any real impeachable offense but only because the president might raise taxes on millionaires and billionaires back to where they were during the clinton ministration to thirty nine percent as norquist said obama can sit there and let all the tax cuts lapse and then the republicans will have enough votes in the senate and twenty fourteen to impeach again grover norquist is calling for the impeachment of the president of the united states just for making millionaires and billionaires pay their fair share in taxes making millionaires and
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billionaires pay just thirty nine percent in taxes instead of thirty five percent taxes so one of two things is going on here either norquist in the oligarchy works for are comparing raising taxes by a mere three to four percent to treason against america or norquist and the oligarchy he works for are telegraphing their plans to stage a corporate coup against president obama as soon as they get enough votes in the senate to kick him out of office. i'm frankly not sure which is more frightening but if it is indeed the latter and norquist is calling for a coup it wouldn't be the first time in our nation's history and sometimes when such an attempt was made against the white house by the super rich this is general smedley butler in the one nine hundred thirty s. he was one of the most famous retired marine general is in america he rallied the bonus army on the steps of the white house all the way down to the potomac he was well liked among the veterans in one nine hundred thirty four butler was approached
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by a banker in manhattan a guy by the name of gerald mcguire it was a plot in the works to throw franklin roosevelt out of office the newspapers called it the business plot mcguire wanted butler to lead an army of a half million men to march into d.c. and they were going to assemble in elkridge maryland and march to d.c. they were going to replace the elected president with a new fascistic or corporate run dictatorship mcguire knew the butler was the right guy veterans adored him they'd listen to him mcguire told butler that some of the wealthiest of people in america were putting up three million bucks and that was back in the days when three million bucks was like three billion in today's dollars and dupont remington were going to supply the armament arms and ammunition he told mr butler general butler this was really happening and it was supposed to go down the following year nine hundred thirty five just before the next election a couple of members of congress samuel dicks dean john mccormick caught wind of it and they called butler to testify before a closed hearing with the house un-american activities committee in that hearing
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butler completely blew the whistle the plot was abandoned and a year or two later here's what he told the american people about. before the congressional committee gaius representation of the american people and even took out what i knew of activity which i believe might lead to an attempt to set up a fascist dictatorship. the upshot of the whole thing was that i was supposed to lead an organization of five hundred thousand men which would be able to take over the functions of government. now but it was congressional testimony in that testimony he said that mcguire had told him that franklin roosevelt would eventually cave in to the scoop because well quote you know the president is weak he will come right along with us he was born in this class that is the very wealthy and he was he was raised in this class and he will come back he will run true to form in the end he will come around as to why this needed to happen butler said
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about mcguire he did not give me the name of it but he said it would all be made public a society to maintain the constitution and so forth they had a lot of talk this time about maintaining the constitution i said i don't see the constitution's in any danger and i asked him again why are you doing this thing names were named in the hearings the rockefeller's the melons the morgans the du ponts the remingtons but they all denied it and since these were some of the wealthiest most powerful people in the united states the whole plot was swept under the rug but all the documents are out there we almost had a corporatist revolution in america and that was when the elite were reacting to a truly revolutionary change i mean roosevelt was actually putting major new regulations on the banks he had jacked the top income tax rate up from twenty five percent to sixty three percent he was he this is the wagner act allowed for unions is pushing for unions the whole new deal social security the rich definitely had something to worry about today however it's about
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a minor tax increase today's oligarchy have an ed contacted our erik prince at blackwater to march on d.c. at least as far as we know but thanks to the supreme court they don't need to they can now buy our elections lol again majorities in congress and stage a much quieter coup kind of coup the grover norquist seems to be calling for it's looks like the business plot has returned i'll have more on this on another side of this story in tonight's daily take. so why is it that at a time of extreme hardship for the majority of americans of forty nine million people in poverty and half of all americans belonging to the working poor it's the super rich who think they're the ones under attack it's the super which with multi-millionaire lobbyists like grover norquist who want to impeach the president over a tiny tax increase is the super rich who yell socialism when the president calls
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for an endo oil subsidies or more regulations on wall street we seem to be living in a bizarre alternative universe universe where the super rich with the help of the republican party in a few we're democrats have become the true victims of the great bush depression so how did this come about joining me now is a man who's extensively studied this exact issue thomas frank is an author journalist and columnist for harper's magazine whose new book is pity the billionaire are times swindle and the unlikely comeback of the right thomas welcome it's great to be here tom good to see you again. this this is really quite extraordinary the militant multi multimillionaire lobbyist grover norquist. calling for the impeachment of the president because he and his rich buddies are the victim yes that's right president we're all a see that's exactly right that's the word that's if that's what they are i don't know if they think something like that sincerely but there's a nuff of that kind of stuff out there in the culture that i'm able to create whole
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book called pity the billionaire about this you know this phenomenon this is a complete inversion of your usual sort of hard times symbolism ok so do they believe it and are they trying to sell it to average working people and our average working people by and they do believe this goes back to the very beginning of the tea party movement the very beginning of the obama administration they believe that they are the producer class or the job creator class if you will and that the rest of america is essentially some sort of parasites it's this is the all the symbolism from the one nine hundred thirty s. sort of reversed but otherwise it seems exactly the same it's actually old frank capra movie or something well it's actually the narrative that was shrug yeah but you're going to really is that's right you've got this wealthy brother and sister who inherited their money from their parents and the railroad and all the workers are parasites and one of the characters in atlas shrugged actually says at one point in the book that the that the rich the tycoons the captains of industry are
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the greatest victims of you know because society dares to tax them and to make them obey all these laws and that sort of thing on this is this is the book is it eric cantor or of there's a whole bunch of republicans that i mean they are all their staff and that's right i mean it might be paul ryan it's what all right if that's who it was who is most famous for this. comparative spassky generations of the super rich i mean we've we've ever since i think the first person actually have a net worth of over a million dollars in today's dollars and seven hundred ninety most of the really rich left during the revolutionary war is jimmy carter well it's not really only good nickels but compared to past generations of the super rich over today's average joe that's you know they're on it they're on a kind of one nine hundred centuries. we've rediscovered the heights of you know the great days of the vanderbilt's and the ghouls and the robber yeah that's exactly right that's the old term for it by the way and one of the sort of many like strange little themes of pity the billionaire people trying to debunk the idea of the robber barons in fact those people were you know wonderful job creators. in
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their day i've had i've had libertarians on the show say you know all we need to fix america is to go back to the seventy's so this is their moment this is their home and i'm going to tell you why i mean this is we sit here and talk about this it is happening before our eyes there's no doubt that this is happening that this stuff is going on the question that i tried to answer and pity the billionaire is why how did they do it and what i finally came up with was instead of doing the sort of heavy handed thing like the smedley butler the coup attempt in the thirty's and various other things that the that the ultra rich tried in the one nine hundred thirty s. all of which failed you know that's their nightmare decade what they're doing this time around is they are deliberately mimicking the other side they're acting like the voters are me out there you know the tea party march on washington in twenty nine they're acting like the you know like huey long they're you know one of the funnier things that a little bits of evidence that i found when i was writing putting the billionaire was this discussion board where various conservatives were talking about the song
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brother can you spare a dime and they saw this song as a protest against franklin roosevelt kidding. and it's and it was a joke on areas how they're dead john rockefeller's appeal. here and reaction to. the while. the great depression led to a revolution called the new deal. why has this great depression or small depression not yet led to a revolution or is it possible that we voted for one in two thousand and eight and we didn't we didn't yet know and that's why we got so many because look two things one first of all is that the right got there first with the most money and they set up a fake populist movement and they they they did a real good job mimicking the real deal you talk about the libertarians that you have on your show they did it let's have it till they did a really good deal building a fake mass movement a fake populist movement and then the other side of the coin is that look the democrats totally dropped the ball they let the victory of two thousand and eight
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slip right through their fingers there's just no there's no doubt about it this was a populist moment and their idea was to do you know clinton to you know to triangulate come to some kind of grand bargain you know do all the things that democrats did in the one nine hundred ninety s. they did not seem to understand that this was that this was a replay of the one nine hundred thirty s. kind of situation and they completely missed it let's let's let's hope they catch it the next to me too but if they don't they're screwed i mean i'm with you thomas thanks so much for being with us my pleasure as always your new book i'm looking forward to reading your your writing is brilliant always really is very kind of you . coming up later tonight the occupy movement squared off with police this weekend in oakland and washington what happened and how does it affect the movement's efforts going forward also the california state legislature voted friday on a single payer health care or medicare for all bill how they will go are there any surprises and what does the result mean for similar efforts around the nation and mortgage giant freddie mac. is betting on your economic failure what are you doing and how did
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bass arrests chemical weapons of nationwide solidarity the occupy wall street movement has was the big story is the big story of the weekend and so too was how hundreds of americans were screwed out of their constitutional rights to free speech and assembly more than four hundred members of the occupy movement were arrested saturday in downtown oakland as riot police use flash bang grenades chemical weapons and less lethal rubber coated steel bullets cracking down on an attempt to occupy a long abandoned city building an unknown number of patriots were hospitalized with injuries after the assault by oakland police at least four journalists were arrested the most since mayor bloomberg says midnight raid on zuccotti park last november all in all it was an ugly day in oakland saturday but the nationwide
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occupy wall street movement rebounded on sunday with solidarity marches across the nation within just twenty four hours marches were nice at least twenty seven cities in america from denver to to boston. new york city unfortunately many of these peaceful marches also ended in a rests and in washington d.c. today the nation's oldest and largest remaining occupations are in danger of themselves of being a victim at the behest of republicans in congress like former criminal darryl the national park service told demonstrators have been occupying two spaces in downtown d.c. for months but they have until noon today to remove any camping gear or face immediate arrest deadline came and went without a vision when the sun goes down in the ban on sleeping goes into effect things could get ugly for the latest on all these coast to coast events and what the state of the occupy movement is after a tumultuous weekend i'm joined from oakland by susie cagle freelance journalist and contributor to the guardian and here in our d.c. studios ben zygier participant the occupy d.c.
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and eric latke latke also participant with occupy d.c. and the author of the book twenty forty four the problem isn't big brother it's big brother inc welcome to all three of you glad to have you with us susie if i may start with you what happened in oakland over the weekend and what was the problem primary cause for. occupy oakland was that was trying to take over and be ended city owned building the kaiser article i am one hundred year old building and police clearly knew that that's where protesters wanted to go they wanted to take of this the things you create a political and community center out of kind of replacement but the tent camps you see need to occupy and at least just we're not going to allow that day i am and they resigned it with its dad's tear gas when it's less lethal projectiles that flash bang grenades and i have your mission is that when all day until that mass arrests action around seven pm so here in the san francisco crime.
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