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tv   [untitled]    January 31, 2012 12:48am-1:18am EST

12:48 am
do you believe that the internet really is capable of changing the way politics is politics yes we are not a right margin we are not extreme a left party because we have some elements for example of socialist ideas of self management direct democracy economical democracy some ideas of course of freedom individual freedom and we are part of a future and this electronic democracy this computer democracy can involve on economical planning but it will be very free very democratical planning indicated for plain it is a democracy and. democracy of course inside the state and we promoting this idea as and we now really make platforms which are using now pirates are going to explode internet platform and now our civil societies are rooting for their civil soviet serial console as in moscow by this are you working on the
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platforms you working on technologies that will allow citizens to effectively control the government you know you me you mean not doing the internet is really closing the gap between the government governors and the government is their right . to control go second to really to vote for a lower ordinary people must want followers not deported this is why do we need. a pirate party to fight for these principles are the existing parties enough to include the don't in memphis they are very old for this they are very old nor communist party annoyed you know nor. and. they know it is interesting and this is their for all forms they are like feudal parties in terms of revolution they are for all i got you ok so then how would
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you explain the success of the pirate parties in germany and sweden does that inspire his because of this that we are only one part of a future now of this old world in deep crisis in a passion nobody knows how to go out of this powerful only pirate party make program for future for future society and thus i would say i had no other explanation my explanation is that maybe in countries like. denmark sweden germany people who are sick and tired of politics they don't distinguish between different parties the the moderate left of the right move the so so the pirate party is the only party the talks to people about something that they're interested in there and they're really calling for a real change something like what. if in this case maybe we would have
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majority but we have no majority majority of people don't like all the parties yes it is but we have normal georgia too even in germany you know so we really are all sectors all sector of waterless who really support this new point of view new topics of discussion and maybe it's not majority but it is a real daughters who are. i don't want to have some fun not only but they want a real new discussion only human should the russian president meeting with some members of your party among other people also the russian communication is through influential man in the field mr shargel if he visited one of your meetings where you gatherings we will do since where you went to to which extent according to your understanding is he sharing your it is very easy i think that. our states now have
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got a big lack of new ideas and. the searching for something new and i think this talk about innovation all the time but they don't know what is it really make this call career don't want to what to do with this maybe introspect money of more severe good idea to spend money for them but they don't know what to realize and we know but of course this was a. shrug of it was an official it was an official we gathered. in bookstore it wasn't our stuff and he said that oh i went to buy some books although you are part of the body how it's interesting. really of course it was it was not only an incident and it was a real discussion of it and when my own point of the discussion was there to reset we need now this computer democracy and we have concrete ideas how to realise it's
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also fears and that maybe it's very interesting but we have no society which want this computer democracy from the state society don't want and we ask why so you know people don't want free movies on the internet they want to say. this is not now not the electronic democracy south in another the dawn towards the dawn. fluids are going about they don't want democracy well i think. think i think i would be on your side rather than a shovel of side in this discussion because as we remember most of the people gathered during these rallies after the after the last elections here. in the central moscow. the great rallies were gathered through the internet through facebook through computer and this is computer margaret so it does exist and these people are on our side and we ask why you want why you know how you can know you
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know nothing about you people are people who are living in what they want and our this ideas of electronic democracy and free exchange of influences can make society more general more more more consolidated by the way now we have split society and nobody knows what the real russian citizens want from the street well i'm not sure the internet will give us an idea of what it's one of the ways citizens it is one of their always fires because internet voting is biased. in the other voting probably and not really because if you make through internet elections of the party of course it is really it is a competition of money competition of images and so on but then the real electronic democracy people discuss the lore internet they don't discuss
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deportees they discover the law is another this is thing is because because when you talk about elections elections of m.p.'s well it's like it's like finding a wife in truth very very few years all really are i themselves a spouse through the net because because we are not really you can find something real through through your. own members of my own party a good way i did it after this election. ok well. justice. fused to register your partly because of the word pirate you see piracy is something illegal so you shouldn't keep this in the name of the body will you stick to that woodpile saeco your age or drop it in order to become legal first of all the thing is that it is not according to the law because the explorer their letter was that pirates of the people who. was accused in court
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because of burned it isn't in the c. c. we are not so you must. have some christmas in your. and so we want to struggle to have a struggle for our name but of course we are real politician and we understand that our states don't think about law all the time. and we may be can change one letter. and if we will be for example not a party. they could prove that reality is more a realtor who is in somalia for example who were there with a nurse instead of a c r i don't know what you can understand thank you thank you very much it was a very nice talking to you in just a reminder that my guest today was alexandra shubin one of the leaders of the russian pirate party and the third for now from politics here if you want time
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yourself spotlight drop you know what life would be back with more government and what's going on in and outside russia and so then they are r.t. and take care thank you.
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play. play . syria's still reeling from escalating outbreaks of violence as the plight spreads to new york where un security council members seem unlikely to reach consensus on the unrest. occupy d.c. protesters dig their heels in as they wait for police crackdown after the deadline to leave their camp said by city authorities passive. plus a bittersweet victory for the euro twenty five even nations sign up for stricter udev rules while the czech republic joins the u.k. and rejecting the much hyped we're told.
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if any of the russian capital you're watching are marina joshie the battle over syria shifts to the un security council in new york as its members are set to negotiate a new resolution on syria backing the arab league's peace plan moscow has slammed the document already saying the current tax may open the door for a levy style intervention archies marina explains the united nations security council will hear a report from the arab league today detailing findings from its recent monitor mission in syria this of course coming as an arab european drafted resolution on syria is already circulating among council members the draft was introduced by morocco on friday and calls in part for syrian president bashar al assad to transfer powers his powers to his deputy while
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a unity government is formed in preparation for new elections now according to reports this draft resolution also says the security council could quote adopt further measures if syria does not comply. i with the terms of the resolution now in the show in a show of western solidarity u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton will be joining her british and french counterparts at the united nations on tuesday to show their support for this new draft resolution and possibly push for a vote in the meantime russia has said it cannot accept the draft resolution in its current form because it simply ignores moscow's position on the issue of syria in addition russian officials say they would like time to study the arab league's
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report in detail and not act so swiftly or too swiftly now on monday the russian foreign ministry did invite members from the syrian national council as well as the syrian government to come to moscow to participate in negotiations and to get a dialogue started our viewers may remember that it was back in october when russia and china did veto a previous u.n. resolution on syria citing that the language that was used in that draft that was of course also written by by european countries that the language open the door for foreign intervention possibly foreign intervention similar to what the world saw transpire in libya. now reporting there now the dust has not yet settled over the suburbs of the capital damascus which saw some of the fiercest fighting since the beginning of the unrest with regime troops taking the upper hand now that's amid concerns the escalation of violence is down to outside players throwing fuel
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on the fire as our teams sara for three ports. with the sounds of gunfire and hillary. yes of praise tests from the streets. numerous international opinions britain needs to lead the way in making sure we tighten the sanctions the travel bans the asset freezes on can be hard to hear the syrian. the syrian case has developed as every side wants to push away the responsibility to another tossing the ball back and forth. in the last few days the situation has become so unstable the finding people willing to talk right now has proven difficult. we've had tanks entering in firing and just enjoy or we've had six people who've died we travel to the suburbs where some of the clashes have breaking out to try to get a clearer picture of what had been happening here in the last few days when one of
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the damascus at the moment now we were traveling. we thought. that we just received a phone call telling us that it's not safe to travel. with the situation so you. know you really. don't know what's going on in these areas even the people who are living in these areas don't really have the situation at the moment we make it into the job or using backwards the opposition that just last week had control of some of these areas have now gone underground so there was a funeral for a resident of who died in the fire during his funeral people and his relatives were voicing slogans and called for freedom someone was shot dead during the funeral and we had to go and hide from the security forces. after it had taken to meet some members of the f.s.a. . begins and some other members joined as well and has talked to people they know
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just been arrested to meet changes in the atmosphere starts to feel hostile so. such uncertainty right now it seems mistrust is rife. it seems sort. of convince the freeze. syrian army not coming closer to the capital would be simpler no this is harmful to the cause of bringing peace to syria. everyone it seems is no waiting to see what if any outcome they'll be at the un's briefing by the arab league's with having ground to a halt case offer to hold reconciliation talks is not want to be simply dismissed as many have already done they have do political aims they have two political reasons for. for for feeding the complicated in syria i think they don't want they're not interested in due form nor are they interested in democracy or freedom was the government accepted the invitation received mixed reactions from the opposition they size of being vocal in the past in calling for
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a syrian solution to a syrian problem that has repeatedly failed to communicate no opportunities to dialogue are running out fast. and with such desperate pleas from many people here the opposing sides continue to make it clear they don't want to listen the calls the international action it's just going to keep getting louder surface r.t. damascus. the idea of the syrian opposition dancing to the foreign drums is shared by john r. bradley author of the book after the arab spring he says nato members are committed to toppling the regime to make iran their next target. they're under huge pressure from outside powers who want these talks to fail even before they begin most obviously nato nato is determined to bring the assad regime to its knees as a prelude to invading iran you have saudi arabia qatar saudi arabia is financially
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and politically back and back in the. opposition and has been widely reported to be funding and arming the jihadi rebels who are leading this insurrection we can be absolutely sure that this is nothing to do with human rights when it comes to the west and even more sure when it comes to the concern of saudi arabia this is how preposterous the western media coverage is of this uprising rusher of course has that experience to durant and once bitten twice shy they know that if they support a u.n. resolution that even ostensibly is aimed only at protecting civilians it will be used by nato as an excuse to impose a no fly zone while the qatari isn't saudis fund jihad is on the ground and so russia is essentially crucial in all of this. in just
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a few minutes we report on another potentially even bigger powder keg in the region iran faces another blow from the u.s. whose lawmakers are pushing through further sanctions against iran despite its current talks with the u.n. nuclear watchdog. london security goes large for the upcoming summer olympics with tens of thousands of troops and high tech spy drones all that amid fears the spirit of the games will be damaged by the show of force. and the corporate protesters from the occupy wall street movement in washington are gearing up for tough police action they have passed a deadline set up by local authorities to remove camping equipment from the city squares but artie's liz wall discovered the activist are remaining loyal to the cause. so we are here at macpherson square where protesters have been occupying the park since october through out the demonstration about one hundred tents have been pitched here the national park service has repeatedly slapped these notices on
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tents here macpherson square informing protesters that they can no longer camp out here that means they have to get rid of sleeping bags and any other material which allows them to live here protesters are responding by painting that symbol on the notice which demonstrates the fact that they do not agree with this mandate there are tens can stay about their doors must remain open proving no one is living in it the notice warns protesters that violate the rule are subject to arrest and it's basically a symbol of opposition. to you know what everything this movement is opposing right now and so i think the tents are really important part of occupy but police presence was sparse with no reported arrests they stand mostly on the sidelines refusing to answer questions from the media no one but occupiers made their message loud and clear they are not giving up the fight here as you can see protesters have
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erected a massive shadow over the statue here at macpherson park it's all a demonstration to the anticipated even action by park oh yes this is our tents of dreams we want to be able to sleep here so we can dream of a better world where everyone has access to health care education housing and where the rich from corporations and banks no longer have control over political system the federal government and the political leaders in wall street were all tone deaf they could not hear this so the occupy movement has offered them a hearing aid and they're getting our message loud and clear now the purpose of this was to unite us in this space so if they want to arrest one of us the after arrest all of us are not us and washington. liz wall. the mayor of oakland california has called on the nationwide occupy movement to disown the local protestors after the weekend's demonstrations there they were met by
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a strong police reaction with tear gas flash grenades and hundreds of arrests activists robert wolfe from the occupy d.c. action team thinks the protesters fell victim to a militaristic police force. i think you have to recognize the specifics of the oakland police department they're known as one of the most violent repressive in the country and it's exposed how militarists militarized american police have become in recent years so you know it's shocking it's horrifying to see what's coming out of oakland but it's hardly surprising knowing what we know and it's worth remembering that the oakland police may be under federal control soon because there have been so many civil rights abuses there if you look at the videos you don't see protesters attacking people you see protesters sticking together in ways that are trying to shield each other from the police and i think it's important to recognize the distinction that they are i haven't seen anything that looked like violence on behalf of the protestors coming out of oakland i've just seen people being proactive and recognizing that they're going to be facing what's effectively
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an armed force as a corporate movement elsewhere in the world are also facing tough action not only from the police to london bailey frons his car through a group of demonstrators as the police stand by and watch and find a full story from a london correspondent at r.t. dot com. also on the line so-called healing pyramids and track russians hoping to improve their health but skeptics dismiss the structures as fraudulent false idols designed only to help people part with their money. and the pentagon's money management proves to be far from efficient as one hundred million dollars once stored in saddam hussein's palace disappears into thin air.
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america's decision to station its forces in the philippines as part of its new asia strategy is now threatening it repercussions the state owned china daily called on beijing to enact economic sanctions against a manila after it invited in u.s. troops and reaction to an escalating territorial dispute. of the sea university of hong kong told r.t. that the philippines is cashing in on regional instability. at the international level the philippines know that the u.s. is step unless the return to asia refocusing is military and security deployment in the middle east in asia pacific targeting china in iran the primaries security concerns the philippines also see that there's a reason changes in the regional politics particularly in taiwan where mr my into your and to call restriction was successful we were elected there means beijing and taipei would have more stable relationship expression in terms of economic
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integration across the strait in the coming years and the philippines knows that the u.s. would need a more reliable ally in the asia pacific region so the philippines is reeling to lend its hands to it to the american airline for that kind of particular security concern the u.s. is having in the asia pacific region i have already noticed there's tremendous pressure from the public opinion within china asking and urging the chinese government to top of a tough position towards the philippines however i think the chinese government should be a bit more careful about these internal demand so i think the philippines is all doing that to try to get the best interest from from this china and u.s. relations. now to another region that's the focus of intense american interest the u.s. senate lawmakers have released a plan for a new round of sanctions targeting iran's energy sector the bill aimed at choking
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funds used by to iran to allegedly develop nuclear weapons will be mulled over on thursday but while washington shows no sign of easing up on to iran iran's foreign minister has welcomed the extension of the i.a.e.a. mission in the country a team of u.n. nuclear inspectors may now prolong their stay in iran beyond the initially planned three days the minister was optimistic about the possible renewal of nuclear negotiations saying the i visit is a step towards easing the tensions however american radio host well fellow man is skeptical about the talks as he thinks the u.n. body is under too much western influence. the very idea that iran is somehow obligated to open its front gears to inspectors who are essentially penetrated and permeated by the central intelligence agency in the mossad this imperial of agenda which takes countries as syria at home as their targets now concentrating on iran expresses the permanent war of the waves against subject peoples by american
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corporate capitalism this united nations has forever been an instrument of such imperial policy first they attempt to cut off iran's your own trading capacity its ability to in import placement equipment for its refineries then they want to tie up its banking and to preclude people from from trading with its banks then every company that is in fact engaged in trade with iran is subject the united states to penalty what do you think this is better than act of war. but britain is preparing for the greatest show on earth and taking the possibility of a terrorist attack seriously london summer olympic preparations are calling on old corners of the nation's defense but as bennett reports such measures may not only turn the capital into a siege city but simply prove to be ineffective spectators may know they will join you the olympics.


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