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tv   [untitled]    January 31, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EST

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syria is still reeling from escalated outbreaks of violence as its plight to new york where u.n. security council members seem unlikely to reach consensus on the. occupy d.c. protesters and dig their heels in as they wait for a police crackdown after the deadline to leave their camp by all thora to use past . and london security goes large for the upcoming summer olympics with tens of thousands of troops and the high tech spy drones all that amid fears the spirit of the games will be damaged by the show for.
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worldwide news live from moscow city center this is c with me room received welcome to the program. syrian troops said to be pushing further into damascus into the suburbs around the city after seizing control of a key checkpoints and moving the front line away from the capital and as the unrest runs high moscow has offered itself as a stage for dialogue between the regime and the opposition rejecting talks with president assad but it's sarah first reports there are concerns that outside players determine to throw fuel on the fire behind all the refuse. with the stance of gunfire and that hillary. faced tests from the states and the increasing. international opinion britain needs to lead the way in making sure we tighten the sanctions the travel bans the. freezes.
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can be hard to hear the syrian. but the syrian case has developed as every side wants to push away the responsibility to another tossing the ball back and forth. in the last few days the situation has become so unstable that finding people willing to talk right now has proven difficult. we've had tanks entering in firing and just or we've had six people who've died we travel to the suburbs where some of the clashes have breaking out to try to get a clearer picture of what had been happening here in the last few days in one of the damascus at the moment now we were traveling. we thought. that we just received a phone call telling us that it's not safe to travel. with the situation so volatile it goes to show you really. don't know what's going on in these areas even the people who are living in these areas don't really have the situation at the
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moment we make it into the job or using backwards the opposition that just last week had control of some of these areas have now gone underground so there was a funeral for a resident of who died in the file during his funeral people and his relatives were voicing and she regime slogans and called for freedom someone was shot dead during the funeral and we had to go and hide from the security forces. are taken to meet some members of the f.s.a. . begins and some other members join as well and has talked to people they know just been arrested in the changes and the atmosphere starts to feel hostile so. such uncertainty right now it seems mistrust is rife. it seems sort of convinced the free syrian army not coming closer to the capital would be simpler no this is harmful to the cause of bringing peace to syria. everyone it seems is no
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waiting to see what if any outcome there will be at the un's briefing by the arab league's with having ground to a halt offer to hold reconciliation talks it's not want to be simply dismissed as many have already done they have do political aims they have two political reasons for. the poor for feeding the conflict in syria i think they don't want they're not interested in due form nor are they interested in democracy or freedom was the government accepted the invitation received mixed reactions from the opposition they size have been very clear in the past including first syrian solution to a syrian problem that it's repeatedly failed to communicate no opportunities to dialogue are running out fast. and with such desperate pleas from many people here the opposing sides continue to make it clear they don't want to listen the calls the international action is just going to keep getting louder surface
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r.t. damascus meantime the syrian opposition has threatened that president bashar assad and his family will follow the fate of libya's late leader more market duffy a member of the syrian national council says the leader has lost his chance of a peaceful exit join are broadly author of the book after the arab spring so the opposition is simply not interested in a peaceful solution. they're under huge pressure from outside powers who want these talks to fail even before they begin most obviously nato nato is determined to bring the assad regime to its knees as a prelude to invading iran saudi arabia is financially and politically back in the back in the. opposition and has been widely reported to be funding and arming the jihadi rebels who are leading this insurrection we can be
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absolutely sure that this is nothing to do with human rights when it comes to the west and even more sure when it comes to the concern of saudi arabia this is how preposterous the western media coverage is of this uprising rusher of course has that experience to draw iran and once bitten twice shy they know that if they support a u.n. resolution that even ostensibly is aimed only at protecting civilians it will be used by nato as an excuse to impose a no fly zone while the qatari isn't saudis fund jihad is on the ground and so russia is essentially crucial in all of this and the battle over syria now shifts to the u.n. security council in new york as its members are set to negotiate a resolution on syria backing the arab league's peace plan. as a preview. the united nations security council will hear
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a report from the arab league today detailing findings from its recent monitoring mission in syria this of course coming as an arab european drafted resolution on syria is already circulating among council members the draft calls in part for syrian president bashar al assad to transfer powers his powers to his deputy this draft resolution also says the security council could quote adopt further measures if syria does not comply with the terms of the resolution in the meantime russia has said it cannot accept the draft resolution in its current form because it simply ignores moscow's position in addition russian officials say they would like time to study the arab league's report in detail and not act so swiftly or too swiftly now on monday the russian foreign ministry did invite
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members from the syrian national council as well as the syrian government to come to moscow to participate in negotiations and to get a dialogue started our viewers may remember that it was back in october when russia and china did veto a previous u.n. resolution on syria citing that the language that was used in that draft that was of course also written up by by european countries open the door for foreign intervention possibly foreign intervention similar to what the world saw transpire in libya. reporting right when i was told to come for you in the program because you put the you're twenty five nations agreed to a new treaty making it a sanction of crime to abuse deficits all the czech republic joins the u.k. rejecting the module. problems. at the philippines finds itself in the middle of
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a power struggle between two global giants turning the battle of wills to its own advantage. and he corporate protesters from the occupy wall street movement in washington a gearing up for tough police action they passed a deadline set up by local authorities to remove company equipment from the city squares but as artie's lives while discovered the activists are remaining loyal to their ongoing costs. so we are here at macpherson square where protesters have been occupying the park since october throughout the demonstration about one hundred tents have been pitched here the national park service has repeatedly slapped these notices on tents here macpherson square informing protesters that they can no longer camp out here that means they have to get rid of sleeping bags and any other material which allows them to live here protesters are responding by painting that symbol on the notice which demonstrates the fact that they do not agree with this
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mandate there are tens can stay about their doors must remain open proving no one is living in it the notice warns protesters that violate the rule are subject to arrest and it's basically a symbol of opposition. to you know what everything this moon is opposing right now and so i think the tents are really important part of what you buy but police presence was sparse with no reported arrests they stand mostly on the sidelines refusing to answer questions from the media no one but occupiers made their message loud and clear they are not giving up the fight. as you can see protesters have erected a massive shadow over the statue here at macpherson park it's all a demonstration to the anticipated even action by park oh yes this is our tent of dreams we want to be able to sleep here so we can dream of a better world where everyone has access to health care education housing and where
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the rich from corporations and banks no longer have control over political system the federal government and the political leaders in wall street were all tone deaf they could not hear this so the occupy movement has offered them a hearing aid and they're getting our message loud and clear now the purpose of this was to unite us in this space so if they want to arrest one of us the after arrest all of us or not of us and washington liz wahl r.t. . and i think corporate movements elsewhere in the world are also facing tough sanction not only from the police london bailiff runs his car through a group of demonstrators as a police just stand by and watch you can find out a full story from our london correspondent at r.t. dot com.
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you with r.t. live from moscow i'm rori sushi is good if you join us today let's go back to two of our top stories here the ongoing going boiling a crisis in syria and that of what's happening in iran as well to discuss both issues further i'm now joined in the studio by the deputy chief of the russian a duma committee for international affairs constantine cost of thank you for joining us on r.t. today straight to that of syria the u.n. security council is set to negotiate a new draft resolution later on tuesday what do you think we should expect to see by the end of the day do you expect any action on this well hopefully we will be able to see here because i believe that we need to have a united position by the security council and its member states but perspectives are not there good because the draft resolution has been the give
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a route to that has been drafted to result the russian participants participants result take into account our concerns and the major concern is still that these draft resolution is addressed just towards one part in the call flip namely mr his government in order to force them to resign and there is no review undermines any perspectives for a political solution for this crisis so it is interesting how you bring in the fact that that undermines russia's view here because russia had actually earlier vetoed a well. back resolution on syria and then we just had comments from british prime minister david cameron accusing russia of shielding those with blood on their hands when russia has or has proposed to be the mediator to bring the opposition and the syrian government to moscow to negotiate a peace deal why why is the u.n. why would the west not take russia's motions here seriously because unfortunately the are not interested in a political settlement of this conflict what they are interested in is to get rid
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of mr us and his regime because they believe that syria plays a very negative role in more global or at least regional context in terms of the ongoing process as in iran in west bank in other areas in the middle east region and this is cause they do not accept mr anyhow so is it so is the western position here is that just based on a regime change it definitely has and i have no doubts about that in this this is not fear and this contradicts to the international law now we have just heard a comment out of a senior official in damascus saying that our president and his family have now lost their charge to make a peaceful exit similar to what happened to death and you see that no i believe that the whole have had a unique chance to get force together by arranging political consultations and most call this initiative was rejected yesterday by their position and the. reason they
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have the look there are no prospects to speak to this regime because this regime is out of question they were they they really why because messages coming to syria from abroad from washington from brussels from elsewhere has have always been this regime does not have a future you don't need to talk to them this is a wrong message and by that message they have undermined prospects for political consultation or elsewhere and this is how we can keep. to see clashes in syria we will see blood casualty this week unfortunately it will continue to happen not to due to the russian position but due to the position there you know that there are very very unfair position taken by the united states and they're always right now let's turn our attention now to that of iran certainly another powder keg in the region the u.n. inspectors are there now that nuclear facilities tehran has even invited the u.n.
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to talk atomic watchdog members to extend their mission there it would appear that iranian officials are cooperating and complying with western demands why then does the international community continue to rattle its sabers that iran will have no good answer on that because the nuclear program of iran is not a transparent enough this is true and they have many questions and i many questions but the relation is there inspectors are there and they continue to talk to each other and suddenly we see that anything iran does in this area is completely unacceptable for western media or for western politicians and again and again we should keep iran inside of this dialogue. we should try to give them a chance to explain themselves to prove that their program does not have a military i'm sorry there are some that are saying that it doesn't really matter what the i.a.e.a. report comes out because the west isn't interested again perhaps like what you said
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with syria perhaps the west is also only interested in regime change in iran absolutely have no doubts about that and the nuclear program of iran is just a pretext in this case of the same way it was a pretext and peaceful iraq when saddam hussein was blamed for developing destruction weapons program. proved to be absolutely false and then i'm afraid that in this case and peaceful for and these accusations may become exactly false of the same men that they were both iraq but. it would be too late to to to to to. they're easy because the regime would be so forcefully moved to hate by now let's get to our last question here and forgive me i'm running low on time. u.s. british french warships are already loitering around the iranian border some might sense they waiting for perhaps a possible form of provocation at the same time thousands of american soldiers are being positioned in israel what's next is it war hopefully more because it will
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have disastrous consequences for iran for security in the region for the security of the united states and other participants in this military operation so i believe the call for this is just the method dorsett additional pressure on iran but i do not believe that the united states seriously consider a military a scenario for at least of all these these deputy chief of the russian a duma committee for international affairs causing chaos or chaff thank you for joining us here today. because america's decision to station its forces in the philippines is as part of its new asian strategy now threatening repercussions the state owned it china daily called on beijing to enact economic sanctions against manila after invited in u.s. troops in reaction to an escalating territorial dispute but a powerful church of help on playing the political research at the institute of southeastern asian studies expects a stronger reaction in the coming weeks. the us has claimed that this is about to
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maintain the freedom of navigation and this is partly the interest of the us but i think if we look deeper this is not only about to maintain or to defend freedom of navigation this is about two cultural balance the rise of china and when you talk about the rise of china this is not about economic rise but it's also about the rise of military capability for beijing the issue of the u.s. reengagement we saw east asia with the philippines and also its intervention in the south china sea issue that is very important for the chinese government the chinese government has perceive. you as part of. preserving national interest so i think we should expect or anticipate some sort of rest from beijing in the next couple weeks perhaps we might see something coming out of beijing in regard to the philippines. well i don't hesitate to log on to our web site and so you don't com
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it's the best place to look for the latest updates comments and videos that's. some of the items waiting for you there right now is so-called healing pyramids certainly attracting russians who are hoping to improve their health skeptics dismiss the structures as fraudulent false idols designed only to help people part with their money. and the pentagon's money management proved to be far from efficient as one hundred million dollars once stored in saddam hussein's palace disappears into thin air. or in a few moments in a tussle with the business but for now britain is preparing for the greatest show on earth and taking the possibility of a terrorist attack seriously london's summer olympic preparations are calling on
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all corners of the nation's defenses but as a bennett reports such measures may not only turn the capital into a siege city but simply proved to be ineffective. spectators may know who they're watching at the olympics but they won't know who's watching them surveillance drones like this could be circling the skies of london this summer police may use the spy cameras in their lympics anti terror tactics it will leave no hiding place the drones can make out a car's number plate from heights of up to one kilometer privacy campaigners fear is the start of a slippery slope i think it be our salute tragedy for britain the largest part of the olympic legacy was a surveillance legacy where we have store all this equipment in the name of national security and then when the other bits are over we keep using it personally very very serious risk to the privacy that might not be adequately protected the spy in the skies been piloted before in britain by four police forces but never
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took off after one crashed into a river and the u.k. aviation authority failed to grant the necessary license that's the only legal requirement before this sort of surveillance becomes a reality at the olympics a minor hurdle for what's already britain's biggest peacetime security operation total cost over one point six billion dollars it is worrying that the security bill has increased so drastically from initial estimates one of the reasons being given for this is so heightened risk of terrorism which seems incredible as an excuse at a time when the original estimates were made around the time of the london bombings when london was considered to be a very high risk so it seems incredible they got the estimates so badly wrong in the first place commandos speeding up the thames is one answer to a myriad of perceived terror threats this time a hijacked passenger boat they'll also be warships anchored on the thames attack
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helicopters on standby even ground to air missiles ready to launch or vance before you even get to the security on the ground to give you idea an. if the numbers take the olympic stadium capacity eighty thousand ground security at the games is enough to fill sixty percent of that inside the venue will be over twenty three thousand security guards along with seven and a half thousand military personnel and then outside a further six thousand troops along with twelve thousand police total just shy of fifty thousand the budgets ballooned by one hundred percent because initial estimates were woefully inadequate but that still couldn't stop to fake bombs being sneaked in under the radar at the stadiums dummy runs not exactly great value for money london organizers have tried to play down fees the olympic village will be a siege city but with such a massive security operation the plan the limb pick legacy of international
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friendship may not be the one that sank chile left after bennett r.t. london. the latest e.u. effort to save the hero under way now in brussels is off to a rather characteristic start with the leaders of france and britain arguing over which of them has more industry the exchange came out there too often at loggerheads to downplay disagreements and mutual distrust the incident however was not isolated poland set to join the eurozone demanded a greater say in decision making the spanish in turn argued against excessive austerity while everyone pressed the greeks to complete debt talks with its creditors there was one result however with twenty five of the twenty seven e.u. nations agreeing to a german fiscal rule that would limit deficits and a new bailout fund as the e.u. works to rein in its less responsible members the kaiser report looks at what got them in the mess in the first place max and stacey and their take on the strange
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and wonderful world of finance coming your way next hour. zombie debt or a zombie debtor is a noun and indebted consumer who is only able to pay the debt interest each month so here you have the two pillars of society zombie debtors who never escaped and clown bankers who never have to pay debt so the zombies and clones yep wherever there is a zombie debt or you can be sure there's a zombie creditor and as zombie central bank are feeding them all. because report next hour here on now though and a touch or joins us next with the first.
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almost twenty five minutes past two pm here moscow you're watching business on our . emerging market currencies a seeing the best start of the year since the turn of the century the russian ruble along with the mexican peso and the brazilian ryall how the foreign currencies from major developed nations sentiment is spoiled by rising risk appetite after the e.u. leaders signed up for stricter budget discipline at monday's meeting however stephen jacobson from saxo bank believes the positive mood is not going to last. the central banks continues to print money so much that they're actually running out of paper to printed on if you look at the easy be they have been expanding their balance sheet since july first by thirty eight percent in terms of currency strength and risk appetite has become a game of continuing to frawley credit she edwards extensively solvency issue there's little bit like pretending that you can treat a patient deal by giving them all fear and the good to create
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a diagnosis of why the patient is sick but of course the patient will improve short term and this is what's going on with the risk and that's what's going on with the currency market. and let's now take a look at the markets a stronger oil is pushing the russian currency higher against the dollar however the ruble is still lower to the euro the dollar is also lower against the european currency as some progress has been made in talks with the greek bond holders. oil and instigating value as traders get the message that greece is closer to the final stage of its talks with bondholders that brings hope that the e.u. crisis might soon be resolved which in turn increases the out the type of risk this hour and develop e.t.i. is trading at ninety nine and three quarters of a barrel brand is up more than one hundred and eleven dollars. and now on to equities european. and the seas are trading higher and the early afternoon choose there after the e.u.
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leaders agreed to boost fiscal integration german unemployment data is actually being released all right as we speak of footsie is gaining more than half a percent the dax is two thirds of a percent higher. and here in moscow the markets are in the positive territory at lunch hour the r.t.s. is up almost two percent while the my six is gaining more than one percent. and now the biggest movers on the why sex is very bright is higher on east concerns about the euro debt crisis energy majors are also higher with rosneft up one a half percent and russia's biggest drugstore chain thirty six point six is among the top gainers that's on the news that it plans to open a drug discount chain to boost sales. and that's all we have time for in this edition of business for you back in about fifteen minutes about.
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