tv [untitled] January 31, 2012 11:00pm-11:30pm EST
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diplomatic deadlock russia says no to regime change in syria as moscow slams a proposed u.n. resolution calling on president assad to step down. the wanted man wiki leaks founder julian assange andras to appeal to britain supreme court against his extradition to sweden. and it is really ad campaign in the us backfires by a virgin only insulting manny jewish families across america causing the commercials to be pulled off the air. a.t.m. in the russian capital you're watching r t joshua welcome to the program now the
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u.n. security council has agreed of ones to avoid military intervention in syria but differences remain over the way had the u.s. as well as its european and arab allies one president said out of power for its part russia says the u.n. shouldn't be used as a platform for excessive interference in syrian affairs merino work now has the latest from new york. the united states france britain could talk are and all all those countries supporting this draft resolution said that there would be no military intervention imposed in syria if the draft resolution was adopted but the most important thing to note is that those spearheading the push for this draft resolution are also calling for a ceasefire in syria and also calling for a national dialogue between the government and opposition groups these steps these calls are calls that have been made by russia for the last few months russia has
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indicated on tuesday that it will veto a draft resolution on syria in which the attacks calls for or imposes any regime change and leaves a rhetorical door open for military intervention similar to what the world saw transpire in libya now russian ambassador to the united nations vitaly churkin did address the security council indicating that russia is clearly committed to finding a peaceful solution to the ongoing conflict in syria but it is a solution that has to involve the syrian people not a solution that is imposed by outside forces take a listen to what he had to say this unity council cannot prescribe radio recipes for. domestic political purposes it's not in the charter we don't want the security council to call them to fall into the habit because once you start is difficult to
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stop then you will start telling what needs to design and you know what prime minister needs to step down this is really not the business of the security council moscow has proposed its own draft resolution on syria which calls for both parties participating in the violence to come to the negotiating. negotiating table and take part in a dialogue this is an invitation that russia recently made to representatives of the syrian government and opposition groups earlier this week to try to get them to come to moscow and participate in talks in the coming days the security council will be working to try to come to a consensus on the text of a resolution on syria but if the times remains as it's been presented calling for president bashar al assad to step down and leaving the door open for military intervention this is something that russia firmly will be opposed to marina park
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now reporting there from new york now the west has made a habit of using the u.n. to legalize its aims of regime change in other countries so says peace activists jacob hornberger that's the whole idea of these resolutions that they're no matter how tightly they are constructed they will always be construed to do whatever the u.s. government the british government want to do but one thing's for certain this is a problem for the syrian people to resolve not through the u.s. government the british government the united nations this is a problem for the syrian people so obviously that the main thrust of u.s. foreign policy is regime change we've seen them time and time again you can begin to sanctions those into embargoes blockades but ultimately the quest is to remove a recalcitrant dictatorship install a u.s. regime even if it happens to be a dictatorship so this is another classic example of where the u.s. is but in india other people's affairs when it really has no business doing so. now
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coming up later here on our team people of al and his guests on crossed out debate the hurdles in the way are breaking the deadlock of the syrian crisis. to host negotiations between all of the different parties and as we know the syrian national council you know one of the main opposition blocs has essentially rejected that offer possibly with some foreign encouragement behind them because one of the stipulations that they made one of the preconditions for the talks was that. should resign so they wanted on the old come to go. come of the process as a preliminary condition and so the possibility of negotiations is very unlikely and from that point of view it's starting to resemble a bit what was happening in libya where the opposition consistently refused to
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engage in any sort of peaceful negotiations. well you can share your thoughts on the situation in syria by logging on to our website r.t. dot com and taking part in our latest poll take a look what's happening there now well this hour forty percent thinks the u.n. is simply being used by the west to further its aims in syria almost a third of the respondents say it will and with a russia china veto and as you can see less than a quater things there will be agreement on the motion and minority believes it will finish with continue this effort to overthrow the assad regime but let us know what you think of this issue by logging on to our website r t v dot com and casting your vote and while you're there you can check out what else we have for you online. and forcing american laws with russian weapon us police will soon be using guns provided by the firm that makes kalashnikovs. also. the final verdict is out on
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why russia's martian mission probe grew and failed to get all the details on our team dot com. and the pale of that group or band aids but find out why some medical experts believe it could also fuel n.h.i. of the epidemic. now the u.k. superior court is expected to consider an appeal by then we can expound on julian a saga against his extradition to sweden over allegations of sexual assault in the august twenty. the future of the world famous whistleblower is unclear as ever as questions are being raised over sweden's legal system and its ties with the united
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states artist on bargain has the details. the face that launched a thousand leaks julian assange exposure of tens of thousands of secret documents has embarrassed governments the world over but the wiki leaks phenomenon is no longer his most pressing concern he's the person with the most pivotal role in in that historic event and then the there the questions of his sexual misconduct in sweden and. what kind of legal consequences that will have for him and those two stories have intrigue intersected in a kind of extraordinary melodrama. suis all thora teams want to question a songe over allegations of sexual assault dating back to august two thousand and ten prosecutors have been criticized by
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a son just supporters and international civil libertarians with allegations of a cumbersome contradictory and slow legal process huge arguments have also broken out over the nature of some of sweden's laws on sexual offenses such as those of some faces which would not mean criminal charges in several european countries for example all of this has led to some question whether a sondre gets a fair trial in sweden earlier this month it's going to be closed course and leading up to the trial is going to be held. while the chip prosecutor are straining to be held in solitary confinement it's just as i said there are so many bizarre aspects to the wine which the management is being conducted up till now. from our perspective i just can't see how he would get a fair trial. others have gone beyond legal arguments saying the storm raised by our sons through wiki leaks has made him a target for political interference that has been received with anger by figures in
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sweden's legal establishment political reasons are ridiculous i am very very tired of hearing anything about that but because so many statements has been have been made in london and elsewhere about political reasons and that is ridiculous nothing less than ridiculous but others point to wider trends trends as wide as those washed over by the wiki leaks flood itself across the atlantic us or thora t.'s enraged at having their secret documents exposed may seek to have a son extradited there to stand trial but surely sweden's famed neutrality would stop such a thing i would disagree as whether sweden is an outright country sit in a very clear cut. proximity and
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collaboration even in military operations with such campaigns initiated by nato you haven't done. so in its presence in afghanistan you have a clear cut. it brought nato. want it back to sweden and that is not to try to do with some u.s. politicians branding their son a cyber terrorist and calling for the death penalty it could get a lot worse for the wiki leaks founder and that brings us back to that website its enemies and its supporters the problem is not that we have too much wiki leaks we have too little. i think most people agree with the fact. the national public polls indicate that very large majorities applaud and support the efforts of. the why do worry is that with or without julian
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asuncion governments around the world with something to hide will now launch a full scale assault on internet freedom in order to keep their secrets secret but for now the focus is on the man not his website cheering us on just connections with sweden have raised many questions about what really happened in august two thousand and ten but now with the sun just future as uncertain as ever questions are being leveled at sweden's legal system and its relationship with the united states which could prove crucial to the fate of the world's most notorious whistleblower tom watson r.t. stockholm sweden. so i have for you this hour here on our team a campaign full of controversy and find out why here is a paid for by the israeli government have left millions of american jews feeling.
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sure is the same or different you should be sitting on the mark when you read on the brink violence escalates at least in the battle country the calls for strong sanctions and even a military injured. engine grow in intensity. the british. market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy
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welcome back you're watching our tina iran says it's held three days of constructive talks with inspectors from the un's nuclear watchdog the i.a.e.a. is attempting to very fine the peaceful nature up to iran's atomic program the west has. stepped up economic sanctions against islamic state suspecting it of developing nuclear weapons washington's intelligence chief has warned of an increasing likelihood that iran could attack america or its allies the u.s. is beefing up its military presence in the persian gulf by sending a third aircraft carrier to the region but former cia analyst ray mcgovern says people have been misled into thinking of iran as a clear and present danger. if you look at the polls seventy percent of the american people believe that iran already has a nuclear weapon that's exactly the same percentage of people in two thousand and two who were persuaded by what i call reforming corporate media to believe that
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saddam hussein was working to clear weapons it's bizarre what do the defense ministers of america and israel say they say all the readings working on a nuclear weapon know if the marines were working on a nuclear weapon they would have to kick you in its specters he would know that and they don't want that at all they are not working on a nuclear weapon they have not yet decided to do so so the facts or the offense ministers both intelligence agency the way they say it is they have not yet decided to do no nuclear weapons will that means to me simple english means they're not worth you know nuclear weapons going to war if. contrived if you have to take five steps back and say what is this whole about this it's about a nuclear capability. it was about regime change. sound world news in brief
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for you this hour at least ten people are missing after a cargo ship capsized off the coast of turkey the ship was sailing from russia to turkish border but sank in the black sea during a storm near the city. two crewmembers have been rescued and search teams are continuing to look for those still missing authorities say it's likely the storm caused the ship to tilt to one side and take on water causing it to sink. dozens of people were injured in clashes outside egypt's parliament in cairo where protesters have gathered to demand an end to military rule they were stopped from reaching the doors of the building by supporters of the muslim brotherhood which holds the majority of seats tensions are high between islamize supporters and protesters who accuse the movement of siding with the military betraying the revolution that toppled former president hosni mubarak one year ago. mitt romney has recorded a convincing victory in the republican presidential primary in florida romney has
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forty seven percent of rival newt gingrich on thirty two percent after a majority of votes were counted florida's primary is the largest of the u.s. election season so far and follows a series of televised debates and big spending campaigns. at least sixty people have died in eastern europe after a deep freeze and blizzard swept the region the drop in temperatures has prompted several countries to deploy the army and set up emergency shelters the highest death toll is in ukraine where thirty people died after a temperature of minus thirty three weather forecasters say the subzero conditions are suspected to last until friday. now an ad campaign in the us paid for by the israeli government has left many jewish americans feeling insulted the series of commercials encouraged israeli jews to leave america and return to their roots suggesting that jewish culture in the u.s. is weakening but it's policy or in our reports the ads seem to have done more harm
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than good. the big comments could be the family featured in an advertisement recently pulled from the movie can t.v. go is radie. an american jewish woman what it was saying is that my husband shouldn't have married me but the emotional response was just kind of ouch. this is one of three ads sponsored by the israeli government and aid across the united states that evoked more than just an ouch from american jews when who is really grandparents ask what festival it is the american granddaughter happily on says christmas instead of the jewish festival of hunger the implied suggestion was that jewish identity has been diluted in america and that angered many jews who live there. means. support cannot loads of points or two. missiles and so for them. shows a toddler calling daddy daddy to his napping is really expected father who finally
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wakes up only when he son switches to hebrew american jews felt insulted by the suggestion that israeli jewish identity was more pure than american jewish identity i think that that's really what bothered me about the ads is that they came from a place of almost fear mongering you know they were almost kind of trying to scare people who are living here israelis who are living here the ads were designed to encourage its radius living in the united states to come home but critics complained they smacked of arrogance ignorance and cultural disrespect for america instead of giving positive reasons for expects to return to israel they failed to address why many had left in the first place i think a lot of american jews look to going on israel was developing in the parliament particular in the field strongly alienated from that and they say to themselves this is not the israel that we fell in love with this is not israel that we want to defend american jewry has always been more liberal than israeli society they traditionally voted democrat and often open to
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a list off the docks practice of judaism then the israeli counterparts for years a rift has been growing between the two much of it based on the aggressive policies of tel aviv towards gaza and the occupation these really palestinian conflict still shows no signs of compromise and consecutive israeli governments have been unable or unwilling to reach agreement with the palestinians. even many american jews feeling more and more alienated from israel does some of what's going on in the israeli public sphere troubled some north american jews troubled them very very greatly i have no question but that's the case since the late one nine hundred sixty s. israel has built hundreds of thousands of homes here in the whispering more than half a million people now live in settlements and just this month television nonstick was issuing tenders for thoughts on war homes to be built across the green line evoking anger and condemnation from the international community. as many as a million israelis live outside the country in the last five years the number of people who choose to leave the holy land has outpaced those wanting to come and
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live in israel and although the ads are no longer on the air the reasons that they provoke such a backlash in the first place are far from resolved policy r t television. brings us up to date here on r.t. business is next with katie. welcome to the business program here in our day the chiefs have not mornings from iran that the decision to impose an embargo will lead to skyrocketing of prices the organization thinks a fair price for a bout of bread should be about one hundred dollars david earns burb global directs of all that industry research is plats says the worry is not so much crude prices will hit one hundred fifty dollars but actually fall. most of the people we've talked to in the market don't expect oil to get anywhere near hundred fifty anytime soon i in fact the concern is really rather that oil will fall below that saudi
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arabia which of course has the greatest reserves of oil it can bring to market in the event of a disruption has made constant assurances that it's going to be able to fill any gap left by the iranians even if they attempt to close down the strait of hormuz which looks increasingly unlikely as the weeks go by right now there appears to be plenty of supply available in the event of a disruption and of course there's a lot of stock to hand as well a lot of countries have been busily stockpiling crude oil and they've been well aware of potential structure for the better part of the year now so the market is positioning itself to withstand the supply shock so much so it might be oversupply the short term a lot of watchers are concerned that the price of all my fall rather than rise in may be be a case of being a little bit overprepared here for what might come to pass. ok we're going to have a look at those or prices now see what's happening this hour crude is trading near its lowest price and more than a week that system on fuel is slipping in the u.s. a report by energy department forecasters say
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a high of crude supplies adding pressure on the oil it was a government statement that consumer confidence is for length and business activity is trailing in the world's biggest crude consumer. and now when move on to the equities asian stocks are trading for lots of all today with chinese guy under the traders spotlight according to hate just b.c. chinese manufacturing activity remained stuck in contraction in january up as the survey results adults with the official statistics which came manufacturing expanded in the first month of the both the hong kong's hang seng and japan's nikkei all adding a quarter of a percent just. two hours out of the me about hair in moscow the russian markets posted gains on tuesday the r.t.s. rise two percent on my sights and is more than one percent time looking ahead to the coming. concessions tom monday from thirty two says after a strong start to the year caution is the better part of valor. we find out how to
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get ready for russia next week so since we can so you know i would be quite cautious bearing that in mind and i would be looking for companies that display a few characteristics that generate free cash flow that have generate generate money. that don't have a lot of the page of the new to which you investors are the have lots of liquids you're quite safe so for me most companies like. difficulty with this kind of environment. are quite safe stocks like my books are the promise of the victim's house displays all those defensive characteristics and that's the sort of stop replying to this. the winds of change is coming into the global economy a new report by saxo bank says the crisis will reach the peak of their share provoke major changes in the structure of the financial system in the opinion of the bank further state intervention any fines diminishing returns with europe unable to solve the debt crisis such as
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a bank predicts european stocks markets will dive twenty five percent the eurozone will show it is zero growth this year with a global g.d.p. to increase just three percent the altar of the reports jacobson explains what's a podcast in the current situation. in my opinion my personally i have fifty percent in cash twenty percent in gold and then i have thirty percent in corporate bonds and that is divided into two currency parts one with fifty percent in dollars and one fifty percent in scandinavia and swedish kronor in terms of whether as a class i like i like bonds because bond in itself is a put on the it could do more good than where you see the stock market goes down the bond goes up but one place in the market where the biggest capital dislocation is in the corporate bond market so in the corporate bond market you can buy yields of ten fifteen percent in currencies like swedish kronor and that's why i think the real gains would be this year you should be both be taken care of the currencies but you're also certainly be investing because in terms of crisis you have the
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old means of protection can be used. in global supremacy. between two thousand and five and two thousand and nine u.s. has spent fifteen billion dollars in the prostate for the entire program that we are dealing with right now here in two thousand and eleven is another hundred fifty billion dollars that's larger than many country's entire military budgets twenty oftens becomes the best form of defense. a soulless substance. cannot touch like a well trained army. villages in ruins. thailand where time stands still.
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