tv [untitled] February 1, 2012 12:30am-1:00am EST
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welcome back here with their teeth here's a look at the top stories diplomatic deadlock russia says no to regime change in syria as moscow slams a proposed u.n. resolution calling on president assad to step down the kremlin's warning against using the world body to impose outside interests on the syrian people. we kill leaks founder julian assange has to appeal to britain superimportant against his extradition to sweden a son just want to for questioning over alleged sex offenses which he denies claiming the allegations against him are politically motivated. and an israeli ad campaign in the us backfires by a virtually insulting many jewish families across america causing the commercials to be pulled off air the ads have been criticized for trying to scare israeli jews
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lol. how. hot. a terrible incident unfolding on the campus of virginia tech university in blacksburg virginia that's a couple of hours south of washington d.c. at least twenty people have been killed in at least two separate shooting incidents there is still a lot of activity there are still officers up above crouched high trees just enough police out there weapons drawn. going through the campus business but it's been like all maureen very chaotic very rushed with thirty three people killed here at
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virginia tech including the gunman this is the worst campus massacre in united states history but of course it isn't the first it's almost eight years to the day since the columbine massacre. we have been able to confirm the ability of the gunman and the response the person is cho charged with. the gunman needed only to i.d.s. . credit card to buy the weapons and. sadly virginia tech has just become an all time mass murder site and students here will never feel the same. it was a normal monday morning and. from my nine am french class. another. day. campus and we were pretty late about five or six minutes late.
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and we ran in to sit down like normal we started hearing banging noises for the first time in my teacher stop lecture and and as she went to the door to look a member teacher's face dropping in her expression she closed it again and she came kind of back and said everybody so we called on one everybody get their desks as when i pull on nine one one and seem only a couple seconds after that i never seen bullets comes to the door. she started shooting everyone just jumped to the floor and i kind of jumped underneath a bunch of desks and you hear just constant gunfire just bang bang bang and then a clip would change and then just more gunfire and i'm him being just about at my feet in this for i felt for some bullet underneath my shoulder and the flipped my whole body around and expose my right hip. right hip and it wasn't too long after
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that it just got quiet again sousa police came in they said shooter down i didn't know he had killed himself in the front of our classroom as it was shot four times in total and i have want to exit wound three of the bullets are still in my body in pieces above my knee and in my hips. they put a cop on each leg and a cop on each arm and picked me up upside down and brought me down the hallway and down the stairs and out the front door. and a folks last including the teacher i think was seventeen students and i think i'm one of seven or still alive.
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this is a senseless. and fashionable tragedy i believe it could have been prevented i believe if there was a way that we had a better background check on this kid this kid can go to our laws right now can go out and even though he's on medication can get a weapon if he has no criminal history it's the same. they were doing a tech massacre has renewed debate on the passionate issue of gun control and the second amendment chosen we legally bought both guns in virginia which has some of the most relaxed gun laws in the nation critics say those laws need to be tightened do you think these things are happening because there are too many guns in the united states it's too easy to get too high powered weapon rate in this country it's been eight years since columbine we've done nothing as a country it's been six months since the school shootings we've done nothing i wrote an open letter to the president of the university. and in it i asked them to
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let me take responsibility for my safety legally licensed to carry a firearm anywhere in the state of virginia except for some very limited places and yet when i come on campus it's not illegal it's just i'm subject to disciplinary action which means to expel me. i just couldn't help with that had one person in that classroom been able to legally carry and defend themselves that things could have been very different. some people seem to think the. some sort of vigilante behavior or something like that or not that at all it's an awesome responsibility sean mcquade is waking up in his own bag he has the final victim of the virginia tech massacre to be released from the hoss. but look twenty two year old was shot in the face during that horrific incident and it has really been knighted that national debate over gun control the debate being led in large part by new york mayor michael bloomberg new york city's mayor michael bloomberg blames gun crime here on lax gun laws in other states congress should also be doing
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more to stop illegal gun sales before they occur and vince didn't want to contribute to violent crime in his city bloomberg decided to sue twenty seven firearms dealers in five states seven of them in for ginia mayor michael bloomberg is going after rogue gun dealers there this week they fought back with a controversial garden giveaway. giveaway. we're going to have a drawing the drawing is to simply send a couple of messages which one is going to new york mayor bloomberg but if you're going to come under for june you don't go around virginia law enforcement and the other message is that human life is sacred. and human life and people should be allowed to defend themselves wherever they are guns in the hands of law abiding decent people are not a problem in fact you can't have enough guns of that type. the right to carry is
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exactly that it's a right it's not an obligation it's an important option that we all have as americans this is a semiautomatic beretta nine millimeter handgun it's a very dependable weapon is currently in use by the u.s. army. washington today the supreme court took up a landmark case a case that could decide for the first time ever whether the second amendment guarantees americans the right to own a gun the second amendment says plainly the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed but that comes at the end of a much longer sentence giving states the right to keep a well regulated militia. in one nine hundred seventy six the d.c. council in reaction to rising gone violence decided to enact a law basically banning the registration of new handguns it's from one nine hundred seventy six on that has been the law. when i think clearly the washington d.c.
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law is out of sync with the constitution i mean you look at all the american history from the seven hundred ninety two it was on for sure that it was an individual right you're looking at a landmark decision. a lot of elected officials for some time have used the second amendment as an excuse not to adopt commonsense gun regulations are hope in the future is that places like d.c. and have the right to do reasonable gun regulations. it's a very important point guns are why america is the most opulent abundant wonderful country ever known on the face of the use morning america is the greatest country on cleaning up seventy percent of the united states supports gun control seventy seven americans own firewall seventy percent supporting role in. looking at gun control laws and united states the only class of guns that are outlawed are fully automatic guns otherwise americans can own and you you know
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just about any kind of gun they would like. there was an historical moment in the one nine hundred sixty s. when you had all these threats to gun rights because of the political assassinations in one nine hundred sixty eight pass gun control legislation that limited who could own a gun by age by mental health status how you can acquire a gun no more mail order guns and then after that nothing really came on the radar the federal level until the brady bill one thousand nine hundred ninety three. the phrase. bill is named after james brady president reagan's press secretary who was shot and paralyzed during the handgun assassination attempt on president reagan it took twelve years for legislation to finally be passed in congress but democrat bill clinton took over the presidency. what does that brady gun control act do all
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the brady bill does is let's make sure that at this moment right now we're not selling a gun to someone who's got a criminal history that's the thrust of the brady bill the instant background check system. a year later clinton passed the federal stalled weapons ban which did criminalize possession of almost an entire class of firearms. the assault weapons ban expired a little fanfare in two thousand and four and democrats have not spoken about renewing it since returning to power. how did the n.r.a. defeat so-called assault weapons ban. finger pin burning waiting periods gun registration gun owner licensing and two generations worth of a and i gun schemes and i gun schemers the n.r.a. is able to prevent publicly supported gun control legislation from passing because their members are so deeply committed and passionate about the idea that if you
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pass any form of gun control legislation it's going to eventually lead to the loss of all gun rights from my cold dead. my. eye. i brought a brand new python never been fired. intra tech info on this technology. as long as people are fearful that their government take away their guns. they're going to keep buying them as long as they kept. over the years as a lobbyist in the pro-gun movement i understood the most effective lobby in america is when you can motivate and energise huge numbers of ordinary american citizens
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to call and write their congressman and let them know in no uncertain terms what their views on a particular issue. and frankly no one does it better than the national rifle association of america. the newspapers have dubbed him the subway vigilante the man was riding the subway saturday when for use apparently began hassling him neatly dressed suspect pulled out a gun and calmly shot all four national rifle association so what's the. right of citizens to obtain firearms lawfully the first day ever ended up on the national media as a lead story it was a pretty big news conference and that was kind of a fun high visibility day that on citizens to prevent crime the thing about rich is he took risks he took risks that nobody could enter
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a war to take the greatest single deterrent to crime is an on citizen national rifle association who has a group of basically retired military and police who love to shoot holes in paper. they were like walking around on eggshells oh my goodness oh my goodness somebody is use the gun for self defense richie went in there he says look the guy is somebody's wish to found. he's there it became a civil rights issue the right of people who were victims to have the means to defend themselves. after congress. yes the gun control act of one thousand nine hundred sixty eight there were some in the in the national rifle association that felt that the group had become too complicit or too weak or should have fought against that legislation in one thousand nine hundred sixty and so there was
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a revolution of the n.r.a. and a group of hardliners took over that wanted to basically say we need to be politico we need to be fighting against any gun restrictions these folks behind me on capitol hill they know that gun owners in this country are very well organized and there are hundreds of thousands if not millions of them that will vote for or come on on the gun issue alone and that can determine the outcome not just of congressional and senatorial elections but it can alter the outcome of the presidency of the united states. i believe very strongly absent his anti-gun position al gore would have been president back in two thousand and one. if you take nothing home from this conference but this next sentence please listen you are one election away from losing your second amendment rights
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one election. you look at the bill of rights the key thing to go rights is the second amendment because if push comes to shove you can't defend free speech with your mouth as chairman of the citizens committee for the right to keep and bear arms and founder the second amendment foundation i really want to welcome all of you to the two thousand and seven gun rights policy conference nobody gives us permission to carry a gun we get them when we're born we live the i make my living pen on a keyboard in writing news and i don't have to run this for some government you live this second amendment just like you live the first amendment when we say something like well they should allow licensed trained people with concealed carry permits to carry guns somewhere or other we've just said that they should allow that means that they have the right to disallow it's a right it can't be allowed or disallowed it's
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a right to who are licensed what how do you get a license for a right. trained i'm sorry if you know that the bullet comes out here and this makes it go bang and that what's in front of here is going to die that's all the training you really really meet. and show me a five year old that doesn't know that. it was gun control that contributed to the tragedy at virginia tech thank. you for these this is course what we're talking about that has to believe had it was creeping gun control no more gun control get rid of virginia tech problems by getting getting rid of gun free zones don't get rid of more people keeping guns out of the wrong hands i see. that is helpful is arming the population so we can shoot
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trucks thanks. but i'm a scholar goddard twenty three went to virginia tech in two thousand and three found myself on april sixteenth sitting in class and that's when my life changed. the gun laws in this country are weak and virginia tech happened as a result the brady campaign has a mission to enact sensible gun laws to help protect americans. didn't ask me to come and work i want to go work for. me what exactly it was that. i did a six month internship with brady so came in to meet with the great campaign office today or come back at them full time as a full time advocate on the hill talking to the congressman i've talked to local people doing grassroots the media but i want to get a few i want to talk to the guys who actually made the law.
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this is email account was created to attach to op eds and written pieces i did. this is after i wrote our guns on campus editorial so i get some interesting responses from people this one titled would you prefer to save yourself and others or lay like a rag dog is the one with all due respect sir if you are no student or teacher would have been carrying a concealed weapon on for sixteen to those seven you would not have been shot. i love or knows that when you have all the time in the world to think about it as you write it it sounds quite simple but when you're there and a man's pointing a gun and she was about to pull the trigger it's absolutely a different thing. if the only person for what twenty twenty. one student did have a gun in the classroom how would they respond to
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a shooter coming in and now it's time to begin our experiment. as you leave begins talking about protective headgear i cannot stress enough. for you to be back. to the instructor is a student hit julie struggles to get his got out but it stuck in his shirt not a single student was able to effectively return fire on the shooter before being shot themselves or shooting another student in the class and students had many hours of training on the range froze up completely that was the first shot and the second shot was right in the chest and a recap of how our students did half of them couldn't get the gun out including the student with the most training those who did get it out couldn't shoot fast enough or accurately enough to save themselves and there was a constant danger they would kill a friend or innocent bystander they were simply in the wrong choice of the wrong try to little brothers ages two went eight outside ploy suddenly someone fired six
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gunshots redevelopment this morning on thursday shooting of a philadelphia police officer a second suspect was caught by philadelphia police eight guns were found at the original crime scene including a k forty seven is another assault rifles for the killers of homicide victim number one hundred forty in the city of philadelphia this year. but a philadelphia. as. we need water to live and you can't live without water and philadelphia streets you can't live without a gun an early. communities calling the police. that's a lot of time for anything that you know to be perfectly honest. i haven't. and i'm not the type of guy who killed people i never killed anyone and i'm not that type of family but even a family man. like
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. reputation is one of them. so you're actually in the deadliest neighborhood. in one of the deadliest cities and one of the deadliest countries. in the civilized world. if you've been shot before. right on two different occasions twice and today and how many of you know somebody who's been shot raise your hand if you know something's been. ok so i'm going to walk you through the experiences of one young man this is lamont adams you know if you notice more than ten thousand people. it's just hard to wrap your mind around the fact that we can live in a city that the cradle of american history and to think this so many of its people can be shot. four rounds into his back and dropped him this young teenager then
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stood over the month and shot him ten times more. columbines that happened over the project in virginia tech's it happened but there anomalies. and you see how folks react when that happens you know i think columbine thirteen kids maybe. thirteen kids when we know we can't hear the other side tries to argue that the world is easily divided into criminals and non-criminals rage on the freeway when let's try but all of us get angry people get drunk people have road rage people get depressed a family wiped out by one man with no history of violence a woman shot and killed her son at a gun range then turned the red weapon on herself. guns are available people who without those guns might have been someone who got angry or threw a punch all of a sudden turn into someone who got angry and grabbed a gun police say it was very angry because his boss had yelled at him for not wearing a safety glasses and talking on
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a cell phone call he can was on will someone in the home with a gun is more likely to have gun violence in the home without a gun he was having trouble drilling a hole through the wall so he decided to use his twenty two caliber handgun to make a hole one of the bullets went through the wall and struck his wife in the chest killing her i know a lot more people that have been injured by guns and have used guns to protect themselves we need to intervene before these people get shot. what could we do about the what could we do about how the gun is sold what could we do about laws about guns in the united states. this group has been around for about a year and a half here and a half there about started out with fifteen mayors and today we have three hundred fifteen mayors representing over fifty million people mayors against illegal guns want to respect the right to have reasonable regulations just like we respect first amendment rights but has regulations on the first amendment to protect the safety
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and welfare of people the federal government has requirements in terms of background checks and who can buy guns those laws are not enforced the way they should be number one and number two there are ways around them for example the gun show loophole that's the most insane thing in the world i'm good at i think you look it's no secret in this country how god's going into the hands of criminals. the most common way is probably through straw purchasing the cultural loophole is another very common way. to reduce. emissions is. some of that it's just thirty minutes also of them because they were.
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used to have this thing out of my parents put in my underwear. after the first trip that gets hot so i became very comfortable quick. this was his idea from way way back he was still convalescing from the injuries when he came up with the idea and i didn't know how to help him do it. so i was very nervous for most news that the equipment would work right that didn't even get what he wanted i was. the only thing i wasn't nervous about was whether he could find a gun to buy because obviously i was simplest bought about. world . science technology innovation all the list of elements from around russia we've got the future covered.
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