tv [untitled] February 1, 2012 1:30pm-2:00pm EST
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joining us tonight thank you for having me. on the after. party tonight here in. the russian capital new stories this hour. back to weapons in bargo in the syrian government because of the armed opposition groups operating in the country that some un members refuse to acknowledge russia is standing firm on top position to any military intervention in syria. u.k.'s high court considers the fate of wiki leaks founder julian assange wanted in sweden on allegations of sexual assault the wiki leaks founder insists the case is politically motivated. and israel's campaign is based in the u.s. suggesting the jewish identity is being diluted by the country they live in.
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stories in other news for less than half an hour from now in the meantime it's the second part of the. sorry guys it's time for show and tell it's a nice program last time we spoke about the international copyright and counterfeiting treaty called act it was signed by the u.s. last year it's an issue that caused people in poland to take to the streets to protest of the office of the e.u. parliament just last week but we wanted to know if you thought that there was enough opposition to get congress to weigh in on it here at home since president obama signed a last year without seeking their approval so it's going to present richardson ascending to find out what you had to say. the anti-counterfeiting trade agreement which lumps together anti-counterfeiting in anti-piracy into one was signed by the u.s. and six other nations in two thousand and twelve and just last week the e.u. and poland signed on as well now people in poland and france have openly protested
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the way that these governments have been sneaking off the negotiating in secret while the e.u. still needs to ratify it most people in the us never even notice that we entered into an international agreement without any debate from congress or says people in england are unhappy that it was never approved by parliament so do many viewers believe that there's an up and a octomom mentum for congress to weigh in let's take a look now what he said it's doubtful that the american people can summon up another energy to oppose after after all the exertion over the stop i'm privacy act in the protect ip act now girls told us that there is not enough anti active momentum we need more people involved in social media to push for online coverage and then mainstream media coverage and then there's not to tease who said as a canadian the us or structures have been great so there you have it two sides of the active problem so people want to make sure that they have internet freedom to create others just want to make sure they get paid it seems like an argument that's
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been going on for a long time argument that governments around the world seem to be frightened to talk about and settle openly. but as we've seen in protests in poland and france perhaps coming to other countries who signed the treaty an issue that probably should never be settled in secret. now is always we appreciate your responses and here's our next question for you what we're going to be talking about this supposed to go to the show but we're going to be talking about the connection between outsourcing and the u.s. education system that's next stay with the road but we want to know what you think what if anything you think we should be doing to stop the outsourcing of american jobs to other countries so you can let us know anything on facebook twitter and you tube and who knows your response just might make it on air. well today we have an update for users of the now sees it file sharing site make a yesterday we reported that u.s. prosecutor sent out a notice saying that customers of this site could have all of their data delete it copyrighted material or not by this thursday and that was all because make uploads accounts have been frozen since the original original seizure by the f.b.i.
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on january nineteenth making it impossible for the company to pay its third parties who have been storing the data of the hundred fifty million users however a tweet from defense attorney iraq and said today that carpathia and cogent the two companies storing the information agreed to first serve consumer data for at least another two weeks so mega upload can work with us on proposal now c.n.n. is reporting new information on exactly how the f.b.i. obtained lots of its data before it was raided sources say that the government may have a remotely implanted cyber spying software called the recorded conversations from skype which helped them build their case against the cloud service d.o.j. claims that they obtained court approval to implant that spyware or more details on the legality are still unknown meanwhile owner kim dotcom is being detained in new zealand and his next legal hearing is scheduled for february twenty second where we're going to learn if you will be extradited to the u.s. to face prosecution and as always we will continue to bring you all the latest on
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this story as it becomes available. well these days it's become increasingly difficult to find something that's truly made in america especially the gadgets we rely on every day more specifically your i phone see just the other week the new york times released an in-depth report talking to former apple employees and contractors economists manufacturing experts and the like and they concluded that it's not just low wages the drive businesses businesses to take jobs abroad but it's the convenience of the supply chain as well as a larger workforce of mid-level employees and engineers that are more skilled and more adaptable so basically it says that american manufacturing is not coming back because our workforce and our factories simply can't compete but our guest tonight says that this kind of information propels what's known as an education crisis myth and decouples human rights and wages and working conditions and economic policies that enrich the already rich here in this country joining me to discuss it is david sirota talk radio host and author of back to our future how the one nine hundred
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eighty s. explain the world we live in now david thanks so much for joining us tonight and i guess first tell me you know what your beef is with this argument here that some companies are saying that we just cannot compete when it comes to manufacturing because our workers don't have the same skills. well it doesn't make any sense on the face of it i mean the united states especially in high tech is producing more science technology engineering and math graduates from our universities then the economy can employ that's just a statistical fact that there is an unemployment rate among so-called stem workers that are is not being necessarily brought down with the rest of the economy there still remains a pressing unemployment rate in that that sector now is lower than the overall employment rate but the notion that companies can't find these workers when the data says that there are more workers and we are producing more of those workers than the economy will employ suggests there's something not being told that
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suggests is there's a there's an untruth being told by the executives and by the politicians who say this is just a workforce crisis what this is is a workforce crisis if you think it's a crisis that american workers won't accept for instance seventeen dollars a day working six days a week twelve hours a day that's what chinese workers are working in some of the apple plants as the new york times reported so if what companies are really saying is they can't find american workers to work at those slave levels they try to end a sentence by saying base can't find american workers but what again they're really saying is they can't find american workers to work in slave conditions with low pay well i mean i i definitely agree with you in the sense that you know what we see in terms of working conditions in china is not something that i think many americans would be interested in but it doesn't necessarily mean that there isn't
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a problem with our education system just because we're producing people with degrees doesn't necessarily mean that their skills are better rightly so in a lot of statistics out there comparing for example you know fifteen year olds in china versus fifteen year olds in the u.s. and let's say the u.s. ranked. he fit the month paris i'm thirty four a country is in math and china's shanghai exit scares me at brain behind nations antenna's shanghai a ranked seventeenth in science. that's it isn't there a little bit but we're falling behind when it comes to the testing and how the students are actually performing well let's let's be clear about what kind of education crisis that we have in this country we have an education crisis in this country when it comes to kids who are in poverty when you compare our schools in very wealthy areas the top ten percent of wealthy areas in america with schools around the rest of the world we actually perform the best our students perform the best in all of those areas so if we have an education crisis in this country i
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certainly want to suggest that we we do have a form of a crisis management issue in this country it is a crisis of poverty now the separate issue is on topic obviously fixing our education system making our education system better is a good thing would be a good thing because i think for a lot of reasons but the notion that fixing our education system whether the systems that are serving the impoverished areas or otherwise the notion that fixing those systems will solve the jobs crisis in this country is preposterous what the new york times outlines is a manufacturing industry in the high tech world is just one example that has moved offshore not because skills are widely acquirable or available in the workforce here in the united states but because the companies have found profit margins huge profit margins in paying workers extremely low wages in not having to follow environmental laws and not having to fire go up against legalized unions cetera et
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cetera in other words companies realize that in places like china china didn't have the reforms the things that we call progress in this country after the industrial revolution it's basically like putting the company into a time. and setting it's there for eighteen ninety you know in the united states in that sense david you know i mean should we kiss this entire idea of bringing manufacturing back to the united states goodbye you know if americans here are are going to work for lower wages if they're not going to work more hours if the entire supply chain which this new york times article also argues has already moved on to that part of the world where it's so much easier when you have factories right next to each other right to ship these materials then what should we be doing instead should we stop relying on manufacturing as something that can bring jobs back well no the the political design of the what i call the great education the notion this
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is all a problem of our education system is to distract attention from what the real problems the real problem is that we have trade and tax laws on the books in this country that make it a good business decision for apple to move its manufacturing workforce over to china so we are forcing americans who get paid a minimum wage of what is it sixty five dollars or so a day in an eight hour day to compete with workers who make seventeen dollars a day oh let's you go back to the policies tariff policies for instance that would make that business decision less lucrative for apple so that when apple says oh we could go over and get a seventeen dollars a worker but if we face a tariff sending the most of the products back into the united states it's not going to make that transaction as profitable for us then you have a chance to build up in manufacturing industry or build it back up in this country just the way by the way that we build our manufacturing industries up in the past we have our manufacturing industries were built with those kinds of tariffs and
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without the tax policies that literally reward companies for moving overseas now does last we have a far to go do you think that consumers might be willing to go back because we know that a lot of these companies have become very used to having a very beautiful cushy profit margin and you know subset to six out there will say that even to make this a. i phone in the us it really would only cost maybe sixty five dollars more but you know would consumers be willing to pay that much more maybe that's just the i thought maybe other examples of mean that things would rise by hundreds of dollars in price or here's the thing this is why the apple example is so interesting apple is reporting the largest profits of any corporation in the history of corporations so the notion that it needs to go to china because it's operating on very slim profit margins is preposterous it can afford to absorb this company for instance at least some of those costs of not let's say employing essentially slave labor so that's why the apple example is so interesting more generally yes i mean i think we need to have a discussion in this country about whether the benefits of low prices by
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outsourcing manufacturing the benefits of the consumers outweigh the costs i would say with unemployment at eight percent nine percent wages stagnating in this country the notion that because prices have been lower it's been a good deal for us offshore has been a good deal for us that notion has been debunked i love to contain this conversation with some other point to and talk about this idea that's been floating around to have of moral capitalism as well right the companies might bring the jobs back but does that necessarily mean that they'd be willing to even take any kind of a cut in their profits thanks so much for joining us tonight thank you. cards at the head of the show their converts take some time to bash obama for being accepting of all the bullshit detail thanks to all time and happy hour jon huntsman's biggest donor was from his own family and i made a cameo on jay leno's tonight show and have all that and more after the break.
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as it were shot four times and all their layers of. syria's aborts are still alive bloody. people should be allowed to defend themselves wherever they are gone from the law abiding decent people are not a problem national rifle association. basically retired military police love to shoot holes in i'm sorry if you know that the bullet comes out here and this makes it go bang and if what's in front of here is going to die that's all the training you. really raise your hand. really what i want to build up your dream. a little out of hopefully we will never use the weapons for self defense but we should be prepared. for the future of.
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seventeen syria. thirty seven are still alive. our guys it's time for tonight's tool time war and tonight we're giving it to crotchety old newt gingrich yet again it's one of the stops along the campaign trail in florida who decided to set his moon colony and his child labor proposals aside to talk about religion but not all religion just the one that new follows is he trying to share a very sweet tale about how he and his third wife calista attended a catholic mass and how the church was speaking out against the obama administration's stance that insurance companies should have to cover birth control for women and all stems from his attack on mitt romney yesterday when he accused the former governor of engaging in a war on religion while he was head honcho in massachusetts but that newt took his
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accusations a step further then he explained how obama's move was an attack on freedom of religion and ended his rant with this really really arrogant comment i think we need to have a government that respects our religions i'm going to try to be lectured about respecting every other religion on the planet i like of restraint i am going to just. yeah newt says stop respecting all of those other religions just respect ours got a little question for you knew what exactly is ours looks like a history buff and as a reminder of what the ideals of raw founding fathers were that they put into the bill of rights of the constitution the first amendment congress saw me. no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise their up so that means that if you want to practice catholicism catholicism you can if your neighbor wants to be an atheist he can if your aunt wants to convert from judaism islam she can do it's one of the great things about living in america is that you have the freedom to believe whatever you want and nobody has the right sell you
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otherwise the government is meant to respect all religions it's on the topic of history here let's also take a little moment to remind you that our country is also founded on the principles of separation of church and state yet it the government can impede on religions that can't pick and choose so you just keep them completely separate now sadly these ideals in danger with the outcry from religious groups over birth control distribution women were pretty reproductive rights in general not to mention gay marriage but i don't think that newt's respect my religion but i won't respect yours comment will play out very well if he did become the commander in chief christianity is most popular religion in the united states that doesn't mean it's the only one and some people are actually fond of that whole freedom of religion thing so for new to claim that christianity is getting the shaft i mean come on it's just laughable when the war on religion is trying to keep statues of the ten amendments content commandments out of state courthouses i think that it's pretty clear the pendulum has swung reidy far in the christianity direction now and for
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new making an attack on president obama for respecting all religions laws was ludicrous only in the g.o.p. just being an open minded individual mean that you're doing something wrong so for wanting christianity to be respected more than other religions practiced in the united states despite the fact that it goes completely against the constitution g.o.p. presidential candidate newt gingrich is tonight's time winner. guys it's time for a happy hour and joining me tonight is lauren lyster host of the capital account here on r.t.e. and comedian lafayette right. hey guys thanks for joining we have welcome to the show. all right we're going to start this evening off with reminding us ourselves what it's like when obama likes to sing a song. lose
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the. now let's compare that with what happens when mitt romney tries to sing a song. oh beautiful for spacious skies for. i mean. don't get any better or worse i guess i got to give it a bit of press obama deliver he's black and over for the next turn. around but i'll bring the obama was impressed me he says saying. they're now being approached by some even flow you don't know saying you're just like you know just recited the lyrics you know what if we do life again that kind of thing but with the south al green was cheating well whatever i want to see mitt romney do you smell green that yeah you know ok yeah bring it on guys. i think they should have
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a little what together i think it should be if they end up debating there should be like a state of the area like nas and jay z. . like i don't know myself and they can bring bill clinton out to play the saxophone will be great that's a word or like mitt you know me back at the answers yeah i don't have the right words not to pick a word you get on my back. ok i think we have a flatter making this happen. and that will really not even bring the intelligence level of the debate down all that much more in the. thinking and having a battle speaking though the debates we know that newt gingrich kind of has like his move at this point is basically just attacking the journalists or the moderators that are trying to. it. just one of my colleagues who've done a terrific job of answering an absurd question first of all chris that i took seriously broached injunction to put it sort of the talking points and i wish you would put aside the gotcha questions and i'm trying to not intrude in your effort
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to get republicans fighting each other. it's just such an ok we don't know but this is the is new thing is that he's saying that if he becomes the nominee he doesn't want journalists moderating the debates anymore he didn't say he wants to do it instead but he just said i don't want journalists moderating the debates anymore because he doesn't need to have a second obama person in the debate well you know i think that it can't get much worse and this would just help the us get lowered a few more rungs on the journalistic freedom that went from twenty to forty seven and now you know be just perfect if newt gingrich said you know no reporter is moderating the debates and then we can just drop even further which you were a journalist journalist like you know like a drone but it's like arguing with your girlfriend in the beauty shop you know you know going to win that kind of thing you know i mean if anything you know we should be moderators people have to use the bathroom why because i believe that only people who are like completely know you know what i mean because they go to. their you know you go so you got to take it out and they all have those like thirty
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second response stuff though i mean it's ridiculous i mean i was thirty two newt gingrich really want to moderate the debate and said and i we give probably an exaggerated a lot to do with plenty of hell on this show too because they often don't do a very good job brian williams for example or john king for example and offer you know ask stupid questions but how much lower can we go yeah exactly come on it was i was in a debate yeah. i have to go to the bathroom and we will do the same job and it all work out well for you yeah ok let's talk about i would start of the show it is basically talking about the fact that we got some disclosures today about how much super pacs are spending which is kind of an insane amount of super pac spending on ads going up sick. hundred percent since the same time since two thousand and eight but what it's also let us know is that there are some people in every now and then individuals that can basically just support entire campaign and so it turns out that jon huntsman and the super pac that supported him which was call the i forgot it's called our destiny thank you
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basically his daddy. that's just pathetic so i'm on seventy first of all the money in. fact was from dad you just can't be any more of a people where money better things just like the way you were we learned elementary school remember foamers lives yeah and the kids in the class with the rich parents their parents who they were sure you know. the thing and their kids like me would just steal from them and. that's how that works goes all right well he's going to steal the dad's money now i want to see. you know i think that's a really good example you grow up at the same thing never changes but now you get over it if you are going to billionaire parents that try to buy you the presidency you haven't even daddy couldn't succeed in buying the presidency or even a spot this far well because i mean there are other reasons for that because i
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think jon huntsman is just hussein in ways with the republican party but this takes him down a few notches. come on he's a ansible and he's a total whose daddy has to fund his election oh ok ok looks like about far get some supporters let's talk now about his daughters. sorry. lord i have a lot of opinions on this. story want to do jay leno do yet i was more talking about me why not so last night i didn't even know the jay leno has this thing called coulda woulda should show and he decided basically it's like happy hour like we play clips and we talk about it as the exact same thing as a free play a clip of the ending a story of american comedians talk about it. our next story very painful take a look this iranian guy twenty one year old son of a really great idea to have a tattoo on his penis. and the story goes under there you guys that are kind of out
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of us but of course we got to go i cried when we're talking about penis tattoos yeah well come on it's jay leno that's great it's amazing and it's kind of cute you were setting up happy hour and then they made their own happy hour with i think i have a better rivalry i agree that our jokes about the iranian penis than they did. you don't go back and watch i'm serious i was going to bet it was iranian penis as you joke around the penis i mean apparently to get a boner for here you know the part of it yeah they should just money this is so the people would have wrecked out this fall should they called it the would. the spokes people can be like omar. from the black people move the wood. ok whatever it would daisy that would you know if they can rap and they can sell the. if they don't have to go to the bathroom yeah. it's all about the wood again i got a rabbit i've heard of it thanks so much for joining me tonight that's it for tonight's
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show thanks for tuning in admission to come back tomorrow dylan ratigan host of the dylan ratigan show on m s n b c is going to be here to talk about his new book the bastards in mean time don't forget to become a fan of the one show on facebook you can follow us on twitter if there's anything ever missed you can find it youtube dot com slash the owner shell and coming up next in the.
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