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tv   [untitled]    February 1, 2012 11:18pm-11:48pm EST

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right right we paid taxes on that income that income has been double taxed i mean that argument is never make sense to me that's a great argument we shouldn't have those taxes either ok so let's get rid of all taxes and tell us where you really should go back to just flattening out the tax so get real loopholes get all these crazy deductions and go ahead to simplify it drop the rates drop the corporate rates and make them pay you know a good flat rate they know or not and see a flat rate with a assumed rates and there's no i don't wiggle around and let's have capital gains at the same rate and so that a thirty five percent tax will be the tax that applies to everybody and then you're going beyond the buffett one or maybe it's dropped on the street thirty second deborah thank you very much for being out here on the thank you appreciate thank you glad being here. you need to know this when i was thirteen years old in one thousand nine hundred sixty four i remember going door to door with my dad campaigning for barry
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goldwater in fact yeah that's a picture of me and my dad around that time but their and my three brothers my mom but there are i think i was in the same suit the last time i actually wore that suit ennio but that was a republican party that was a lot different than today's republican party that was when the idea of the united states is a war machine that should bring democracy to the farthest reaches of the planet to shove our way of life down others throats through the barrel of a gun was unthinkable and most relevant today that was a time when the thought of indefinitely detaining americans who might be suspected of terrorism would have been unthinkable to conservatives like barry goldwater and besides that it wasn't what barry goldwater the republican nominee for president one hundred sixty four believed and he would have been outraged this was a republican party that rallied behind two white eisenhower elected him president united states twice in fifty two and fifty six eisenhower also did not believe in an all powerful military security complex famously saying this. it is classifiers
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missionizing fifty three. every gun that is made every warship launched every rocket fired signifies in the final game a fan from those longer and not. those who are cold and i'm not but. this world in arms is not spending money alone. it is spending in the sweat of its labors. the genius of it signed the obvious to. the cost the one modern heavy bomber is this. a modern brick school in more than thirty. two electric power plant each serving a town of sixty on the lakes. it is. only possible . it is on the miles of country. and. we paid
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for a single fighter plane with us i have many invoices we. we pay for a single destroyer with new homes and of how. more than a thousand feet. that is not a way of life at all. in any. of the crowd affecting already humanity hanging from a cross of our. and today we are firmly nailed to a cross of iron with endless war being conducted around the planet at the behest of both democrats and republicans who've forgotten the history of their respective parties both democrats and republicans have also thrown their support behind indefinitely detaining american citizens one of the most radical assaults on our constitution since the patriot act was signed into law more than a decade ago now is a sign that both parties have gone too far voices within each are standing up to say enough is enough democrats and republicans in the house and senate are now joining together to repeal the controversy indefinite detention provision that was
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signed into law last month by president obama one of those republicans joins me now in the studio to talk about this effort is congressman jeff landry representing the third district of louisiana congressman it's great to have you with us great to be here thank you for joining us what has happened to our body politic that something that would have so offended the founders has actually become part of our law well i think you know look i just got elected. to this seat last year and and i got elected because i believe that we have some kahnawake commingled the executive and the congressional branch said the two separate branches they conduct commingled themselves congress has abrogated a lot of policy over to executive both democrats and republicans are responsible for it they haven't been clear and precise in the last sort of the executive would have those types of clear precise instructions so that the courts could determine exactly what congress is intent was and this is a plain biggs example of that i mean in the n.d.a.
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provision there's no language that clearly allows the president to to detain americans indefinitely something that our founders did not want the executive branch to have but certainly gave that politic congress if a if the situation arose we could suspend a writ of habeas corpus but congress is not specific when it does so well and. the last two times that happened were i think the war of eight hundred twelve in the civil war. you know it's like during time of an invasion or insurrection that was it has tried it and we have no insurrection and we're not being invaded and it's a serious responsibility and congress should take that responsibility. very careful in how it conducts its business in draft this legislation mitt romney defended this position being one of the republican debates and he was actually booed by the audience in south carolina republican audience do you think that that's an indication that the people get it and the politicians are a little behind in catching up oh absolutely i mean i think that the governor's
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rome on this issue i mean look at the end of the day we have protections in place i mean i think it was thomas jefferson who said it best when he said you know those who have sacrificed liberty for security will one day week up and find that they've they've they have neither liberty nor security and this is this is a classic example you know what i love about this issue is that this is not a democrat or republican issue this is an american issue this this this strikes at the very foundation of this country without liberty we or we don't our country basically doesn't exist in a form that it was founded upon i mean you've got a bell franklin and you have the republican exactly so so what can we do and what is the possibility of anything happening in congress here as we go forward well we've got about forty seven co-sponsors right now and everyone who's listening out there in the house in the house both democrats and republicans and so everyone
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who's listening out there should call their congressman and demand that they get on this bill and i think the pressure will get to a point where and we have a commitment from the chairman and i've been working with the armed services commitment committee to make sure that we take this bill up and that we address this issue whether we do it as a standalone bill or insert it into the new india a we should become. now in may and once and for all be very clear that when when it comes to american citizens here in this country they would not be denied their due process and an oracle to record them and what kind of blowback are you getting i know you know what's in lindsey graham has been probably the most outspoken saying no no we need this but is there is there no getting much pushback and no i you know i think it of course look all your views out there certainly can continue to help us in that the push that we've gotten when you see a congressman such as myself who's been hailed as a tea party guy and someone like senator franken. excuse me on the other side of
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where we're together that really scares everyone else and so i think that that push is going to get us to what we need which is to correct this language and at the end of the day this this will give instructions to the court if there is an incident then courts will have a clear indication of what the congressional intent is under the national defense authorization bill yeah it's a noble and great work you're doing congressman and and while we may be have opposite political philosophies in some areas i think you know our love of country and and belief in liberty is transport as i'm totally with you what a great thing about it is we're both american citizens and that's a very good thank you so congressman thank you very much if you.
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crazy alert punxsutawney phil is going to be jealous errand a new washington d.c. resident is trying to obtain a live groundhog before thursday at eight thirty am so that he can host upon circles first ever groundhog day celebration is celebration would feel feature potomac phil who he says according to groundhog mythology is the long lost brother a pox of plenty phil here's the taxidermy version of what potomac phil would likely look like according to aaron did new to the new told the huffington post that the father of both groundhogs passed on the internal power of weather prediction to both of his sons unfortunately did news search for pontiac potomac phil is proving to be very hard most well groundhogs are hibernating this time of year as efforts to contact wildlife sanctuaries and animal rescue groups has yet to pay off nonetheless he was prepared for this possibility so he has a puppet groundhog and a stuffed dead groundhog ready to go for thursday's festivities given that
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a dead groundhog can't see his shadow looks like summer is just around the corner. coming up after the break violence and destruction filled the streets of oakland over the weekend is there a way to stop the radical factions of the occupy movement or will they be it's alan fall. who was shot four times in total in the air war as it were. sort of the bullets are still in my body. and people should be allowed to defend themselves wherever they are guns in the hands of law abiding decent people are not a problem national rifle association there's a group of basically retired military police loves to shoot
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holes in i'm sorry if you know that the bullet comes out here and this makes it go bang and if what's in front of here is going to die and that's all the training you really really need raise your hand if you know something's been shot ok let's kill him what i want to the philadelphia horn these are the streets we can live without a gun hopefully we will never have to use the weapons for self defense but we should be prepared for the full class including the teacher i think there's. seventeen students and city and one of seven or so a lot of. cultures that so much different and there's a huge we're going to share the power of mind with the mark with siri on the brink violence escalates in this in battle country the calls for strong sanctions and even a military intervention grow in intensity. welcome
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to the big picture i'm tom arbonne coming up in this half hour beilenson property damage marred occupy oakland protests this weekend what can be done to quash the violent factions within the occupy movement also the governor of arizona is waging a new war and it's not about trying to find president obama's birth certificate but if you try to do know how will it affect the citizens of arizona and you could think a largely democratic state government could pass a single payer health care bill right or wrong what's really behind california's inability to act.
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in the best of the rest of the news this weekend we witnessed chaos and violence in the streets of oakland most from police who use chemical weapons and and rubber coated steel bullets against peaceful patriots arresting more than four hundred people unfortunately in response to the police brutality we also also saw some of the more radical members of occupy oakland rise up they battled with police made their way into city hall caused thousands of damage dollars worth of damage and even burned an american flag at the heart of the occupy movement and from its inception has been the notion of using peaceful protest and nonviolent struggle as a means to achieve greater equality within american society however over the course of history every form of peaceful protest has spun off a more radical violent faction typically a very small faction and the same is sadly true with the occupy and these radical
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factions to their use of violence and destruction undermine the very principles of the movement themselves and put a stain on those members who continue to use peaceful protests to accomplish their goals so how does the occupy movement best deal with this problem. joins me now she is a syndicated op-ed columnist for the managing editor of crooks and liars tina welcome thanks tom thanks for having me thanks for joining us and i hope i said your last name right. to point it was close thank you very much i understand you've been to eight occupies in two countries you've written about it extensively for the atlantic you've been following the movements of the day one and used to live in oakland how big of a problem are these minority factions who push a quote diversity of tactics and quote which is code for ok for some people to smash windows. it's a problem because really this these tactics taint the entire movement when i woke up in the morning and i saw the now iconic very recognizable picture of the
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occupiers burning the american flag on the steps of city hall after it had been broken into and my first reaction was that is what their enemies should have photo shopped in order to discredit them and here they are doing it to themselves. and if you have five thousand people who shut down the ports of oakland and you have two people breaking windows it turns into five thousand people who broke some windows so i guess it absolutely tate's their. the entire movement but also you destroy your moral authority when you start using these tactics you can't go after you know the illegal tactics are these somewhat legal tactics of the banks and these these other. things that they have risen up against when you yourself are going and doing graffiti and breaking things it just doesn't
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first of them ascend to peaceably assemble and petition your government if you've got a gross of grass' right and so in what they're doing and burning the american flag is absolutely protected speech but breaking into city hall and causing property damage is not protected speech civil disobedience is civil if it looks like it riot it probably is as i've been watching this and i saw this movie before i was an s.d.s. back in the sixty's and and knew some people didn't know where i was going on right i absolutely do and three thoughts came to mind one was infiltrators by the police or or groups that want to blow up the occupy movement to a genuine splinter group like the revolutionary communist party group or the world can't wait group so. one of those folks or three people who are just politically naive they just don't understand how they don't stand how this stuff plays out in
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the media having been around the world long enough to figure that out what's your sense of and is there is there a fourth or fifth that it could be and what's your sense of what is fueling this. well i think in oakland specifically and i and i like your third option and i agree with you i think it's you know people who are a little naive they haven't read about other groups you know i mentioned the weather underground in my piece and now a solid linsky who's been vilified recently by gingrich he said that the weather underground should have been on the establishment's payroll because they were helping the establishment in a lot of ways all they do they destroy the us right they absolutely absolutely and with these tactics in oakland they actually make the oakland police look good and that's really hard to do because the oakland police haven't been community policing for forty years i mean if i lived in oakland if the oakland police get out of their car they're arresting you these are not people that are is are easy to make look
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good but when you have people who say that from occupy breaking into city hall that you know makes the cops and their tactics look justified so strategically it's not very good i think that there is a lot of. it's resentment and people who are myopic instead of people with a long game and a strategy and and that's unfortunate because it undercuts anybody with a long game and a strategy you know i have been saying from the very beginning that occupy you know michael lewis quite famously said that occupy has justice on its side they have the facts on their side they have history on their side they have the public on their side it only takes a couple of you know these these individuals who are not denounced by the way by occupy as a whole to ruin and really taint the entire movement well and that's that's the question is what point i remember one of the first times that there were
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guys dressed in black and with hoods and things and they it seemed like they were all men this was a month or so ago in oakland smashing windows and there was some footage of it and along with the footage this was stuff that the. mainstream media didn't pick up but you could see it on you tube and you know the movement knew about it along with them smashing the windows there were also all these people from the oakland occupy movement standing along the street shouting at them stab stop don't do that and they were completely ignoring them i mean people were physically and these people were like you know throwing chairs and things at the occupiers who were trying to stop them at what point does the occupy movement as a whole have to address this head on and come out with a statement and and and what about this diversity of tactics that you know keeps coming up like hey it's like diversity of opinion isn't a wonderful thing when some of those tactics within that diversity are going to destroy the movement. tom i think that they're at this point i mean they're they
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the movement is a little over four months old as far as being a viral kind of hit in this country and i think that this is the moment when they have to stand up and i've had people say well how can occupy that has no leaders how can they denounce this how can they say that this is a fringe movement and it's the same way that they can say that they're going to have a march in solidarity with oakland they just say it and i think that they are absolutely at this point where if they want to be a nonviolent movement they have to decide that they're going to be a nonviolent movement but nonviolence is not we're going to be nonviolence and less the cops mess with us then that is a you're not your violent status is contingent on the cops and that means that the cops have control over your principles absolutely and that is what's not getting across to people who believe in these diversity of tactics very very well said tina thanks so much for being with us tonight thanks to the group thank you so much for
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having this discussion i really appreciate it thank you tom thank you. good workers in arizona last week the number one priority for governor jan brewer was boosting her own book sales that's why she met president obama on the tarmac at the phoenix airport last wednesday start a fight with a man wag your finger in his face for the perfect photo op to publicize your book and by the way it worked the book shot from number three hundred forty three thousand on amazon that meant there's three hundred forty two thousand above it. to number seven mission accomplished now this week governor brewer and a republican soldiers in the state legislature have a new priority going after public worker unions republicans in the arizona state senate introduced legislation this week that puts wisconsin governor scott walker's war on unions on steroids the bills would ban collective bargaining for public
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employee unions forbid public employees from deducting part of their paychecks to go to union dues and unlike in wisconsin the bill also targets police and fire fighters as the democratic senate minority leader david shapiro described it it looks like an all out assault on the right of workers to organize he's right but it's more than that it's an all out assault on the middle class and american middle class that is quickly vanishing mine over here and take a look at this chart this is here we go here we have a union membership as a share of income and a share of income going to the top one percent it's pretty straightforward stuff when union membership goes down so does middle class income union membership is the red line middle class income the blue line and mother were top one percent that's the green they go up ever since we started reaganomics thirty years ago. eighty per cent of all new wealth created in the united states since reaganomics has gone
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to just the top one percent and before reagan in the pure you see the numbers and before reagan the c.e.o. worker to pay ratio was thirty to one now it's four hundred seventy five to one in some industries it's ten thousand to one. unions democratize the workplace the reason why these things are so intertwined like this is because unions are democracies within the workplace we have a demonic democratic government within that we have an economy that has little kingdoms these kingdoms are called the workplace and when the kingdoms become oppressive you get a democracy inside that a balance the power of that zero pressure and then what happens is a fully democratize workplace will help both its its owners and c.e.o.'s and its workers create a strong middle class but when you take democracy out of the workplace take out that balancing power of workers the middle class dies and for the oligarchy that's
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the whole point they want it all for themselves even if it means doing it by creating bubble in a crash economies you know rebrand spin and bubble and crash again let's steal as much as you know this is this is all about ripping off the middle class and we were ending up very rapidly with a middle class in america that pretty much is it and that's a tragedy for all of us and it's also dangerous for democracy. after the break democrats in california have failed twice this week to pass a single payer health care bill what's behind the failure and who is really to blame. wealthy british style. is not on the title of.
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markets why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max cause or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to kaiser report on r g. the world's muslims for science technology innovation all the list of elements from around russia we've got the huge earth covered.
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it's the good the bad of a very very. slowly ugly good thirty eight of the world's top climatologists you may remember in our good bad and ugly segment yesterday that are very very ugly went to the wall street journal for publishing a less than scientific global warming denial op ed written by sixteen scientists whose field were anything but climatology well today a group of thirty eight of the world's top climatologists wrote a scathing letter to the editor of the wall street journal chastising those editors for publishing that original op ed and telling them to check with climate scientists for views on the climate letter went on to state that the op ed was written by the climate science equivalent of dentists practicing cardiology the letter picked apart the credentials of the sixteen deniers as well as the so-called science they used to say that global warming doesn't exist congrats to these thirty
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eight climatologists for standing up to rupert murdoch and his right wing media empire and the bad east haven connecticut mayor joseph maturo jr you may remember material making the news last week for his stunning statement that he would eat a taco when he went home it as his way of reaching out to the large latino community in east haven well material ran his mouth again yesterday when asked about his choice to appoint a puerto rican city committee and not an ecuadorian which is the larger population and east haven material smugly said. no you don't have to come from a certain section of a country and then as if that wasn't enough of a gap material added as you know darker for you why not for you blatant racism the material has displayed twice in two weeks is frankly intolerable society and particularly in elected office in new one. sometime sure. and the very
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very ugly alabama state senator shadrack mcgill according to a deal the bible is quite clear that increasing teacher salaries would only lead to less qualified teachers he made this remark at a prayer meeting in which he also said the doubling teachers' salaries which are only at thirty six thousand a year now would not help education a twenty eleven report showed that alabama is we down the list when it comes to teacher pay across the nation mcgill also said that it was a factor keeping teacher pay low is a well known biblical principle mcgill of may have seen the hidden writing about teacher salaries in the bible but he sure didn't read anything about increasing the pay rate for state legislators a whopping sixty seven percent in two thousand and seven to be more specific mcgill a part time legislator is making more than a full time teacher with a master's degree and fifteen years of experience it's clear mcgill just wants more money for himself quoting the bible cover up his own personal greed now that's very very.


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