tv [untitled] February 1, 2012 11:48pm-12:18am EST
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so he very strange happen on capitol hill the house subcommittee on energy in the environment was meeting today and filmmaker josh fox the guy who made gas land was arrested while trying to film the the event he was you just showed up but he was trying to film this thing at this this hearing on fracking at the orders of republican chairman and here here it is. the moment. that this is. when we hear you work with the public and with the right man you think you know you're already. out. there you go. i want to move you out so when. we receive.
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yeah as you know some of the democrats in the media were saying where's the transparency fox later released a statement about his arrest he said the first a member of the constitution states explicitly congress shall make no law that infringes on the freedom of the press which means the no subcommittee rule or regulation show he should prohibit a respectful journalist or citizen from recording a public hearing congressman jury now adler agreed he said i've served in the house of representatives since one thousand nine hundred two in all that time i cannot recall a chair of any committee or subcommittee having ever ordered the removal of person who was filming a committee proceeding and not being disruptive so what's going on here well i think it's pretty simple pretty straightforward and people want something kept secret something fishy is up. this is a symptom of corporate control of our government but these lawmakers don't want the truth getting out about fracking truths like the halliburton loophole that was
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passed in two thousand and five dick cheney's influence on the e.p.a. when fracking in violation of a two thousand and four e.p.a. report that said the it could wreck groundwater if it was legalized you know the bottom line is what happened here is that the fractures were afraid that they could be punished by the excuse me the the congressmen were afraid that they're going to be punished by the fractures we've reached the point where it's like it's a carrots and sticks i i mean i have an acquaintance who was a member of congress a couple of years ago and told me the story about a. lobbyist essentially somebody associate with a lobbyist coming to him and saying we're going to spend a couple hundred thousand bucks i forget the exact amount in your district we can use it to destroy you or to make sure that you get reelected which would you prefer . i mean how do you how do you respond to something like that his response was to say i'm not going to run for congress again literally he just so that's
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a full board but you've got you know the republicans here who are being paid off by the oil industry and have you know all these buddies among the fractures and halliburton which was a company that was nearly in bankruptcy because because dick cheney when he was c.e.o. acquire dresser industries before he became vice president now this giant corporation that's making a billion one point six billion dollars a year of fracking you get these big corporations they could either punish these members of congress by running people against them in primaries and things or they could contribute to them they can give the massive campaign contributions. this is just another example in my mind this is just another example of the corruption of our political process by big money they've got the carrots hey you want to campaign contributions and they got the sticks oh you don't know you don't want to go is ok we'll support your your opponent and it shouldn't be we used to call this bribery and corruption it's time to get money out of politics.
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when it comes to a single payer health care system we have to look toward canada the canadian government didn't just one day say it's time for a single payer system and everyone was covered. instead it was a process it was a process that started locally it began in one thousand nine hundred six when so scratch one became the first province in canada to say that everyone should be able to get medical care when they're sick bypassing the says catch one hospitalization act well that was a big step forward and here's this catch one here well that was a big step forward. the province actually wanted to do more it wanted universal health care for all of its citizens it just didn't have the money and so on their way to few years and one nine hundred fifty alberta saw what was going on and say
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oh it's a cool idea let's try something like that and they passed their own plan they gave health cut health coverage to ninety percent of their population so in one nine hundred fifty seven the federal government saw what was going on around the nation and passed the hospital insurance and diagnostic services act that paid for half of all the cause of any single payer system that was created by any of the provinces after that by nine hundred sixty one fifteen years after sis gach won all ten provinces and similar single payer systems. today canada has one of the highest life expectancies in the world and spends almost a third less a year on health care than we do in the united states doing something right up there the point here is that a single payer universal health care system won't be enacted overnight in america just like it wasn't an act that overnight in canada that's because the for profit health insurance companies here have latched on to our lawmakers and our economy so
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i eat it's going to take an act i pry them off and along the way no matter how much salt we toss on them will be plenty of setbacks on the road to making health care of basic right in america and we suffered one of those setbacks this week california could have been our assess catch one for the second time in the last couple of days a builder create a single payer universal health care system in california the nation's biggest state got a majority the votes of the california state senate but didn't pass one thousand eight hundred years voted yes fifteen senators voted no with a single bill it payor bill came to vote shy of getting the type of majority it needed to pass because the california senate you need twenty one votes out of forty members to make matters worse the votes were there but the senators weren't four democratic senators alex alex podia one vargas michael rubio and rod right did not vote they abstain had any two of them voted yes california right now would be on
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its way to establishing a single payer health care system. not to mention two democrats voted no. and new career so that six democratic senators. who shot down this bill when they when the people of california only needed two votes the stars were aligned in california for single payer this bill had passed the state's legislature before twice in fact only to be vetoed by republican governor arnold schwarzenegger but this time a democrat jerry brown was in the governor's mansion and democrats control the legislature but these six democrats let us all down and we were pretty good idea why keep your friends close keep your enemies closer that's the strategy for the for profit insurance banks stores that they're going to continue to use in coming years as more and more americans demand a single payer health care system here at home that's how the banks tour is one in california the two democratic senators who voted no ranked in the top ten in the
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sun in contributions received from the health insurance industry in the last election in two thousand and ten lou korea pocketed forty seven thousand one hundred dollars in iran calderon took in thirty nine thousand six hundred they both voted no and i know it sound like a lot but for local elections that's a hell of a good chunk of change and one of the democrats who abstained from the vote alex padilla he got thirty six thousand seven hundred ninety three dollars from the health insurance industry in two thousand and ten to win this election he also ranked in the top ten so here's the tragic reality these weren't contributions these were investments that the same sort of investments the wall street hustlers made in mitt romney down in florida were just two hundred donors raised thirty million bucks for the romney super pac romney didn't win florida his investors want because of romney find himself in the white house in those investors are going to see big returns by keeping the capital gains tax loophole in place or dismantling wall street reform or the keystone x.l. pipeline. in california for profit health insurance bankers have for years been
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making an investment in politicians so that when the day came that the for profit health insurance model was in danger as it came this week insurance industry banks hers would have enough politicians in their pocket to keep the status quo in place some of the six senators likely people who want to be lifelong politicians and would rather do what's best for their careers than for their constituents probably didn't want their campaign contributions cut off so they did as they were told others are for more moderate districts and are watching their backs knowing that thanks to citizens united one hot shot health insurance executive can drop ten million bucks in the next election and that state senator would be out of a job we the people lost the health care battle this week in california with virtually no coverage by the mainstream corporate media because we can't compete with the enormous money in our politics until we get some states men and women who don't care about being lifelong politicians and who are willing to stand up to big money and do what's right will keep losing and losing and losing
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about. russia refuses to back the latest u.n. draft resolution on syria unless it's a managed to clearly a wild military intervention and an arms embargo on damascus and aleppo german chancellor angela merkel arrives in china hoping to secure support from its strategic economic partner in times of crisis and get bored of the western policy on iraq. watch as the international community calls on israel to stop building homes and office by the land palestinians who live there or try to stop what they call terrorism at the hands of israeli settlers. of how the best still. i mean twenty minutes times more fake is.
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what you are going to live from the russian capital russia says it will veto the latest u.n. security council resolution on syria unless the draft is changed while moscow admits progress has been made it's yet to see a text that explicitly rules out military intervention russia is also reluctant to stop selling equipment to damascus saying that would leave syria at the mercy of unrecognized rebel forces armed with weapons smuggled from abroad to see if you're going to has more. russia says it won't accept even a hint of an embargo on arms embargo when it comes to syria and its reasoning for this is pretty simple it says firstly that the weapons and arms are that russia provides to syria cannot be used against demonstrators thus don't influence
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anything that goes on inside syria and when it comes to this conflict now secondly russia says that it is only following its legal obligations it's following its international contracts with syria and it's not breaching any international laws at all and most importantly it says that the lessons of libya need to be large because when an arms embargo was put in place on libya what ended up happening was government forces were embargoed but the opposition groups continued to receive openly arms from abroad and this is something that they don't want to see in syria and russia says it's time for the west to stop pretending like armed groups don't exist over there. it would seem logical if there is a conflict let's not supply arms because we saw what happened in libya in an imperfect world this would have been the following no weapons with the government much opposition pointis could get them from anyone that's what that would mean especially now our security council colleagues refuse even to admit the presence of groups they will not condemn them. being supplied with weapons and we say.
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contracts a longstanding relations with syria that they will start supplying even more to the opposition groups just like they did in libya. there's no sign of a break in deadlock just yet the arab and western backed regime change resolution calls for the. syrian president to step down if this does not happen within fifteen days further measures could take place and russia says no thanks we've seen this similar scenario in libya and this particular case moscow says what's important is for talks for syria to exercise its sovereignty for the opposition and the government to sit down together moscow has offered russia as the central. stage for these negotiations but it's important to say that russia still believes that a consensus can be found within the united nations security council it says that broad resolutions that are dangerous should not be put on the table that can split the council and really aggravate any sort of conflict and it continues to call for
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the importance of arab observers to are remain working on the ground and see if you're going to reporting there now the u.s. as well as a peon an arab allies are committed to pushing president asad out of power but political analyst benjamin barber says forcing regime change is a bad idea that's already plunged other arab countries into turmoil in the case of libya the case of yemen and a number of other countries egypt also suggest that you have to be careful what you wish for the west is rather critical of the recent insurgency is a good thing only to find that insurgency often means. fractionalization splintering various groups up against want to try and over time the forces that are welcome to the west one for displaced libya you see a country that is unable to create any kind of see where the militias are fighting one another very recently. towns like donna while he was back in the hands of
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gadhafi forces and the danger of libya like somalia with live on militias and tribes before so nobody i think did what will happen if assad is overthrown or killed or steps down and no one really knows what the outcome is likely to be the west is hoping it will be less supportive of hezbollah less supportive of iran and less support that. no one really knows what it's going to look like so the fact is when you support insurgencies you're basically taking a very difficult bet on a certainty. the armed wing of the opposition the free syrian army claims to have tens of thousands of officers fighting to bring down president but leading british journalist now the son suspects the numbers are being exaggerated to provoke foreign intervention can watch the full interview in just over twenty minutes time here on r.t. actually in fact next hour. there's a huge debate about the f.s.a.
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and how much first of all how many defections there are going on because they claim to be getting dozens and dozens of the fact every day every week from our side so we also had yet others in the political so just your federation of apologists say well actually it's a pretty critical and the exaggerated arab spring in order to get justified western intervention if you look at the history of western intervention so far from other terror you always see this including the for the f.s.a. on the ground whether in libya or if you go back to kosovo in the k.l.a. which also said you know give us the guns give us the support we'll do the fighting and in afghanistan you have the northern alliance and actually it turns out that these groups tend not to have as much legitimacy as they claim to be not have as much military strength as they claim. alligators from europe's biggest economy and asia as are due to me to where germany seeking china's support for the euro zone and our foreign policy goals in the middle east this will be angle on merkel's visit to china and important strategic
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economic partner for germany she's to hold talks with the chinese president hu jintao a clear wen jiabao and try to with them for investment in their ailing euro also on the agenda hopes to try and change china stance on syria and iran professor. chinese university of hong kong believes that china needs an ally to counter u.s. dominance. i think actually there are a few reasons overtures to be trying to. in the euro to try this is but that's not the only reason you is cooperating with. the german chancellor that wish to. the chinese the. north makes use of this shooty to increase the oil imports from your own so that's the second agenda but then the only chunk of germany has to. convince china that she should not work well
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with iran in exchange of german's foreign of their support and china's need is some . support when it's done in the united states and there's a sense in china that there's and and self-command of china by the united states right now and doesn't really engines of the united states in asia pacific so our china needs some balancing acts we've got out of power so e.u. is one of the many important matters that china wish to engage is over and so. you know log on to our website r.t. dot com to give us your opinion on the possible results of chancellor merkel's visit to china so far thirty seven percent think beijing will extend a helping hand we can europe a we're a third of voters think the visit will help germany axis new markets and a little less believe that china will move closer to that western position on iran and might already see the meeting will end with chinese support for a u.n. security council resolution on syria so head to cast your vote. is going
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out for you this hour the candidates versus their critics. they asked me if the president. said you know i don't know do you know. why careless comments of u.s. politicians were because of the american credibility on the international stage. u.n. inspectors saying they'll return to iran again later this month in further attempts to verify the peaceful nature of to iran's nuclear program i. have talks in islamic state this week stressing that iran is committed to resolving the atomic dispute western sanctions against the country have recently been stepped up and it fears to ron is developing atomic weapons despite hopeful feedback from the u.n. a group of american lawmakers want washington to bully iran into submission the top military official in u.s. ally israel also says all possible means should be used to disrupt to iran's
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nuclear program investigative journalist robert perry's things the drums are for regime change. there's been almost a consensus not just in the united states in the intelligence community but even in some degree in israel that the iranians have not made the decision to move ahead to build a nuclear weapon obviously there's belief that they are developing expertise that can be used in the future for such a decision if they were to make one so. if iran is sincere about its lack of interest in a nuclear weapon and if the west is willing to show some more flexibility in terms of how they're willing to negotiate on this i think there could be some resolution a many people in the west do want regime change in iran they would like to see the removal of this islamic republic there's been a lot of propaganda in the west against iran but i do think that there is this there is an opportunity here for. for rand to make to achieve some openings but
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that may not be enough to satisfy many of its critics who would like to see real change in government. that we have more news in iran on our website r.t. dot com the power of the pastor dollar and author explains his saying so he things will profit most probably comic sanctions on the islamic republic and predicts what's likely to follow. also online a hacktivist group reveals links between american and british wide supremacist bands records to expose the times story actually dot com. were shot four times in total and i want to use a. story of the bullets are still in my body.
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people should be allowed to defend themselves wherever they are guns and the law. bodies of people are not a problem national rifle association there's a group of basically retired military police loves to shoot holes and i'm sorry if you know that the bullet comes out here and this makes it go bang and if what's in front of here is going to die that's all the training you really really need raise your hand if you know something's been. killing what i want to philadelphia on these urban streets. we can live without a gun hopefully we will never have to use the weapons for self defense but we should be prepared for the full class including the teacher i think it was. seventeen students. and one a shot and lost a lot of. the
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close up team has been to the whole bar of screen. where the country's middle well starts its way across the ocean. now our team goes to the area. once named dr len and good looking to a different character to represent itself. for local businesses are striving to build the aviation capitol of russia. that's where the four by fours are made and can be tested to the limit. welcome to the screech of. russia close up on our cheek. the blunders of u.s. politicians happened speier jokes and parodies for decades has a campaign for the two thousand and twelve election heats up candidates mistakes are in the limelight once again by their critics are laughing and going to report some believe a common snape show nothing more than ignorance and disregard for world affairs.
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every four years america's top job is up for grabs. with each new election comes a new batch of candidates with compromising foreign policy credentials when they ask me who is the president of you becky becky becky becky stan stan i'm going to say you know i don't know do you know i'm afraid that it's a very hard struggle particularly given the situation on the iraq pakistan border you can actually see you rush from land here in alaska africa was a country on the brink on the brink of complete meltdown and chaos geographically illiterate us candidates have supplied comedians with endless material but all jokes aside some presidential hopefuls vying to lead the world's most powerful armed forces know very little about america's military interventions so you agree with president obama libya or. libya.
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forming a cohesive sentence on geopolitics can be a struggle i do not agree with the way he is the father riis. you know that's that's a different line differentiating between friends and enemies it's also a challenge obviously got to stand with our north korean allies in the case of republican candidate mitt romney mixing up presidents and prime ministers can be common i think that president bush represents a real threat to the. stability and peace of the world the overarching ignorance on international affairs has caused american political commentator bill maher to conclude i think anybody could be president in this dumb country. sort of like at this point now where i think if you're gonna be when you register to be a candidate you also have to go take a test about foreign affairs and if you fail the test we might get you one chance to take it again and then i'm saying sorry go run you know for city
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council in your little town in alaska if a country with the world's highest national g.d.p. is being represented by politicians with a deficit on international affairs the biggest consequence it is likely to be america's credibility around the world and even who we target in let me finish this i just get lost in the blizzard of words there this is where it gets really dangerous for united states of america it's like wait a minute how could they possibly be right about terrorism how could they be right about north korea are going to be right about iran so-called nuclear program when their candidate doesn't even know that there's a north and south korea i think the u.s. is why and so then the world has this very paranoid view of the united states because of the candidates not understanding basic facts or understanding basic principles of international law which unequivocally prohibit torture and if i were president i would be willing to use waterboarding i think it was very effective in
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me and i think the consistent streak of foreign policy blunders made by u.s. presidential. hopeful's is quite humorous but it could also be considered a national tragedy if most candidates campaigning to be leader of the so-called free world simply don't know enough about the world outside of america's borders. r.t. new york take a look at some other stories from around the world at least seventy four people have been killed and over one thousand injured in clashes between rival football fans in egypt the violence happened in the city of port saïd after an upset victory by a home team over. the fans stormed the field after the game and it armed with sticks stones and even eyes forty seven people have been arrested in connection with the trouble and troops have been deployed to the city to prevent further clashes officials.
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