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tv   [untitled]    February 2, 2012 8:18am-8:48am EST

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it's like wait a minute how could they possibly be right about terrorism how could they be right about north korea are going to be right about iran's so-called nuclear program when their candidate doesn't even know that there's a north and south korea i think the u.s. is why and so then the world has this very paranoid view of the united states because of the candidates not understanding basic facts or understanding basic principles of international law which unequivocally prohibit torture if i were president i would be willing to use waterboarding i think it was very effective with me and the consistent streak of foreign policy blunders made by u.s. presidential hopefuls is quite humorous but it can also be considered a national tragedy if most candidates campaigning to be leader of the so-called free world simply don't know enough about the world outside of america's borders marina porter nile r.t. new york. are just a few minutes away from the business here with dimitri for now though the r.t.
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world updates and other global headlines in brief all started with pakistan it's where the supreme court has decided to charge the country's prime minister with contempt for his failure to reopen an old corruption case against the president if convicted use of could face six months in jail and loses office the court has long commanded a reopening of the case dating back to the late one nine hundred ninety s. but the government has refused it insists that the president enjoys immunity from prosecution while in office. the united states has made the surprise announcement that it will hold combat operations in afghanistan earlier than expected u.s. it defense secretary leon panetta said the country wants to switch to a role of supporting and training local forces before the end of next year afghan officials claim the decision ruin the whole transition plan and force preparations to be rushed through seventeen hundred american troops and tens of thousands of civilians have died since the two thousand and one invasion. a ferry carrying three
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hundred fifty people has sunk of papua new guinea's north coast rescuers plucked from the sea at least two hundred nineteen survivors others are still missing though the ship's operator said it lost contact with the vessel on thursday after it sent a distress call most of the passengers are students and trainee teachers. the un has demanded israel stops building settlements on occupied palestinian territory and restart peace talks palestinians claim they're being terrorized by israeli settlers in the meantime outnumbered and outgunned by now turning to tech savvy solutions to defend themselves pulis lire reports. this footage is being filmed with nasa on a watch as camera he's the palestinian who's been pushed to the ground fine israeli soldier just moments earlier his friend took his camera and started filming with
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the. president of here want to thank all of it out for literally i know that it was me it. was a little i was not only oh no no no. no no no no no it seems like those happen almost weekly here and they have been hills and across the palestinian territories for years they went on record until an israeli human rights organization distributed cameras to nasser and dozens of other palestinians to capture glimpses of every day reality in an occupied zone the number one reason for settler attacks against palestinians on their property is the lack of law enforcement by israeli authorities this sends a clear message to violence settlers they will act with impunity that they will not be made to pray to pay a price for their actions but more and more they are being courted book after footage like this has been made public the extremists often strike in the dead of night sitting fire to mosques and painting wars with the words. the term is
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a threat to israeli security forces of the heavy price will have to pay if they try to break down settlements and. the goal is to take control of all the land and expel palestinians the settlers let loose wild animals on the agricultural land which will then destroy the crops we've seen instances where settlers run over palestinians with their cars and shoot at unarmed palestinians it's on the increase . guy batavia is an israeli activist who gave up his day job so he could volunteer full time to teach palestinians about the camera project he says settlers think twice when they see a lens pointed in their direction although it didn't stop him recently from breaking his arm and beating him all over his body at a protest in support of a palestinian farmer whose land again stolen by a settlement but we were about fifteen activists in. and there there's. about the camera actually.
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it's one of the people that they were with. on the ground there with their cameras. all the common good i like you know not only did israeli police do nothing while bones were broken and one six had him tonight for protester but israeli activists say police beat several of them up what's more for the first time israeli woman activists say there were six she her last and assaulted by both male and female israeli extremists but that hasn't dampened the enthusiasm of nasa and others to feel what's going on and hold the israeli security forces and settlers accountable when the settlers see the cameras of course they don't do what they would usually do the cameras haven't stopped have just changed the way the settlers attackers now they do it mostly at night when it's impossible to show their checker from the side before they attack to see if we have cameras with us ok the settlers are accused of carrying out violent attacks against random palestinian civilians
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damaging their property more recently however they're charged with targeting israeli soldiers and police and defacing the homes of left wing israeli activists israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu has vowed to crack down on jewish extremism in the west bank but with his government supporting settlement expansion that promise means precious little to those on the receiving end of the violence policy r.t. television. and a major joins us next with the best. thanks rory a radical improvement in the business climate will be the urgent task of the next administration if i'm a person wins the presidency in march speaking at the troika dialogue forum and moscow the prime minister says the country needs to jump from one hundred twenty if to twenty of place and times of its investment climate results in the cost or puts it sounded like a school records
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a bright student work so bad must try harder not to be abuse and highlighted once again that russia has a lot of potential but it is failing it soon get their results he said most attendance studies place the country in the top five in terms of its potential to get more investment but in reality it's investment from the places russia in the budget and twentieth position something he called a shameful that he said that russia should become the technologically of the facts and not only when the come sit in the pension he said that there's be a different culture over business consumption and investment and as an example you mentioned creating an energy revolution which would be followed by a drop in oil prices and other hydrocarbons and one of the other changes to the mrs is setting up and that's men who would be responsible to protect the rights of all on super mare was not just foreign investors and he couldn't help but mention the situation that is on rattling around the world and how it's affecting the country
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he's complained that excessive government that in the u.s. and europe poses a real threat to the global economy particularly for the major exporters in the emerging markets and europe that by saying that the next ten years would see a transformation of the global economy and would see the emergence of new financial centers and goes up to a mistake that russia would be part of those. the russian government is ready to buy back shares in the country's second largest bank d.t.b. from minority shareholders who purchased the stock during an i.p.o. in two thousand and seven the government adds that it will do its best to ensure investors do not make a loss the head of the tb gives his estimate of what the plan will cost there are around one hundred fifteen thousand minority shareholders in the t.v. bank in order to buy back shares of around one hundred to one hundred ten thousand minority shareholders will need from fifteen to eighteen billion rubles. now at the
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same for a max of finance minister cooter and has also been urging speedy reforms he says without them growth will be kept even with high oil price. russia is not ready for a bounce in economic growth for the next three to five years with liking some legal states management and market conditions really if the new government decides to improve these it still means a transition period of three to five years then we could be ready for a bounce and a return to growth rates to six to seven percent. let's take a look at the markets this hour we start with europe and this is their flats after solid performance in the previous session flat to negative as you can see there the greek government is still trying to come to a deal with their creditors who are putting pressure on the e.c.b. to join the swap because here. in russia the markets are down also the obvious down point four percent of my six point two percent but if we take
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a look at these stocks and we've just heard that prime minister putin has been announcing that there will be a buyback there are the figures it's up almost three percent on the announcement burbank is down a point six percent this one hundred shares of better point two percent. finally to exchange rates the euro is coming back versus the dollar after european union officials said the blog has asked the years old to help provide an extra twenty billion dollars or fifty billion euros for debt ridden greece. coming up next i'll see the headlines with rory.
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a soulless substance. in a touch like a well trained army. villages in ruins. for thailand where time stands still. all becomes a sea of nothingness. the mysterious suns of russia. are. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realized everything you
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thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture. now five thirty pm here in the russian capital business office he talked at lines moscow promises to on a cost deals are not stop selling arms to syria. saying weapons will still reach opposition groups from abroad despite any embargoes and russia is adamant it will blog any un resolution which doesn't rule out military intervention. the german leader takes her words eastwards as she tries to convince china not to write off the e.u.
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. beijing's support for an oil embargo against iran calling on china to use its influence to persuade to iran to abandon any atomic weapons. and egypt mourns over seventy football fans killed in post match clashes founds rushed onto the field in the seaside city of port side after the home team beat egypt setting off clashes on the stump the investigation into the tragedy is underway amid claims of police and action. and now our spotlight host al going off talks to russia's minister of communications about the latest technology that will be used to prevent fraud in the country's upcoming presidential elections that's next right here on our.
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well that is true science technology innovation all the moves developments from around russia we've got the future. how again a welcome to. our. show . the upcoming presidential election in russia is going high tech. to prevent vote from. two hundred thousand the webcam. polling stations across the country video feed will be available on the internet making of election more transparent the first effort will cost about half a billion dollars the price some critics say is too high so is it really worth it.
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possible to implement the project given a month before election day we're asking russia's minister for communications. half a year ago russia topped the european internet users rating becoming the market with the highest number of online users some seventy million people served on the internet regularly and most of them use social networks in december of mass protests against alleges election fraud work coordinated by facebook more expected in february and march song consider the polling stations. in response to the anxious users official say in order to provide uninterrupted access to all of the cameras the overall bandwidth. russian networks will be increased by fifty percent . almost a shovel and welcome to the show thank you very much for being with us well let's
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start with the webcams which is is it really a process unprecedented in world history to have webcams inside the polling stations. perhaps not but the big stance you know well being as you've said that two hundred thousands of webcams stations all over the country in each and every polling station and to have a network with two thousand comes transmitting single tenuously doing unlimited number of uses it is unprecedented and the world history of very high technology just how detailed will be i mean the picture what will be the quality of the cameras will they really allow the viewers to see some irregularities that may happen during the world there will be two cameras on the. station and their proximity speed of transmission will
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be five hundred twelve the second it's pretty high quality and a lot of initial but you may see one it's not a very high definition but it's enough to to see to see the details so there will be two of them one will show the. station. with wide angle so we will see the whole the whole while the whole. second one will be directed at the boxes and the vote and boxes and then. after. the board will be finished the boxes will be removed and the table will be put in the same place where the commission will count the voices listen you are directing the cameras. at the polling boxes at the ballot box as they are coming from but when i go to. do that i have
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a literary but there were there was only one i don't know so nobody will see you i mean the boxes where you drove where were your dog. not where you. put the sign on the bottom so the place where you where you actually make your choice there will be no ill will fill in the bottom of the never ask your folder. you just put it inside . the camera will be put above you know. the face not to see how they will not see they will not see my face so there is nothing. constitutional and democratic and i think that people can can protest against as we see it it is not a decision that was taken just by the government there is an advisory council including members of the social voting commission. of political parties. from the next week on leaving from this week on there will be representatives of
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the headquarters of all the registers candidates so everybody will see. how the procedures are made what are the requirements and how it will go on during the election well as they say it doesn't matter. and matters who's counting it that there is such a state and at the counting of the of the voices of the votes is is one of the most . contradictory well well at moments in the in the whole and there lection process so you say that those tables where the counting will take place will be under the cameras too but will it be possible. i mean using these cameras to see whether this eager surely if but this is so as lattimer put it if i put it in here out there just just just give me this is probably
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not but you will see how many of the kind of this is going to be going to be explained or maybe explained by the commission members but it is a suggestion and one of the political parties. the vote of counting. the president of the commission shows the result into the camera and so on it will be you are just selling and saved so this will be a special new procedure you salute during the counting of the vote to make it to make make it more transparent absolutely not visible will everybody well any use around internet get free access to those webcams where will it be sort of limited what you know will be said limitation is supposed to be accessible to every user and so the spirit of the theoretical rather says they have moved theoretically the system is a well constructed to allow two twenty five million. you
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know people. to see during the day one hundred million two hundred people similar to honestly. sixty thousand viewers. camera at every given moment i do get a figure and i'm sorry like the traffic around the russian internet lection day may reach five point four by here which five point four million terabytes which is a it's incredible. absolutely if you take you tube you know that every day the users upload on this resource about four years of video every day what we will have with the system is going to be five hundred years. within the day . after the election and the election morning russia will have the most advanced internet in the world absolutely absolutely as far as the video conferencing and
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probably. medicine and facilities for those medicine concerns yes it will be the case. with the shock of well one thing is watching the election which is fun of course for uses for for for for for for a bureaucrat or for party politicians but another thing is having access to that arc i say are after the election somebody says there was there were irregularities and one of the police stations who will have the official access to the fs archive are very specific station recorded by the webcams this is more of us political question and it concerns directly the election legislation of russia so it has to be decided upon it's within the political class the wall you know and with just wages as we see it but anyway there will be him.
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if the entire procedure within every. voting. district will be. registered twice in a double way so one is going to be. on the computer that will serve the cameras and the second one is going to be in the data center in the central data centers of the com so their respective glow chance that any air station is going to be lost and well know what interests me is look like a week to week after the election if there is information and then there has been for all that will the representatives of the civil society have the possibility through a court decision of otherwise to get a fish recordings take them to court and look at them and make
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a decision whether it was a fraud or not so there will be such a mechanism to show absolutely absolutely absolutely that it's impossible to watch two hundred thousand calories per day absolutely to what you are going to get but. the previous question concerned the move the theoretical but the physical possibility it did to watch all of them. then that flicks network into the united states and its three hundred thousand view a simple tell us we tried to work to watch some mission it takes almost a third of the entire capability of the unit you see internet so if it's going to be more the internet will collapse even in the states. by now we've got much weaker internet so we we are considering not a restriction about the. possibility of registration so everybody who's going to watch the vote on the fourth of march. is invited to to
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use his facebook of contacts to cure cancer or whatever account to also young turks accounts to. register himself in the network and to have a private cabinet to show which you know what cultists he's going to visit will not show it on the fourth of march and then this way under the porch on the side is going to go on the first of february so within the months we're going to calculate the capability of networks that is going to be needed for the most popular cations and probably increase so you'll hear here to the demand. increase for those locations where the demand will be the most you know. popular says shove the russia's minister our communication spotlight will be back shortly after we
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take a break so don't go away stay where you are we'll continue this interview in less than an. mission free. education free. car charger free. range free. free. free. download free volunteer video for your media project free media r.t. dot com.
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welcome back to the spotlight i'm algor knob and just a reminder that my guest on the show today is shug minister of communications of the russian federation mr schaffel if we're talking about the high tech high tech collections the he webcams that are going to be installed as a matter of fact this was the initiative of prime is to putin and we always one of the candidates on the actually the main candidate for presidency on the upcoming election so but it wasn't his idea actually from the very beginning yes well what it originally inside your ministry was that the internet community who came up with this idea first putting on cameras it was his own idea of trying to get all of the absolutely because a year and a half ago when there were in the summer of two thousand and ten there were huge
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for forest fires and you know to rebuilt the villages and i don't want to say yeah it was the idea time so that the members of the construction site or something to control the start i'm sorry absolutely and he was he was very pleased with the new york when they were defecting or did you deal with that. absolutely i did work yeah yeah and the cameras are still there you remove them remove them the construction of the work was done but they were there you had to think of a place where to put the cameras and you decided to put them in a post here. ross telecom is the company behind this i mean the main provider of these cameras you know the whole system well the operation is worth like thirteen billion rubles what are they carrying tease of the transparency of the whole of the whole deal of the held up ration health project well. this summer consists of two parts one of them it's the the the price of the
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equipment itself that will go it will be installed in the building it reflects but the other part is the cost of the upgrade of the inter network so when the price of the equipment is two and a half. billion rubles and the rest as you want to stand is the nine and a half was going to go to the network but if you consider the comparable programs in other states some will not appear as huge as you've got it now oh look in brazil . they're going to invest about six billion dollars in upgrading the internet just to reach the miller supposed. to make electronic services possible it's hundred and eighty will and rules we just thirteen will in and the. telecom.


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