tv [untitled] February 2, 2012 4:48pm-5:18pm EST
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sovereign debt which they haven't done instead it's just you know as i said averted a credit crisis or a liquidity crisis in their view is this just another example though of politicians or governments doing whatever they think is going to help but in the end of the day it's just a bailout for the banks. that's exactly what it is that's good sure i mean you pump out hundreds of billions of dollars for two or three years everything looks better for a while especially the people who get it but in the end on its worst for all of us it's worse for the world because three years from now or two and years from now we're all going to have to start dealing with these problems that they're not solving the problems no country that's involved here shows the deuce deficits a year from now or two years from now three years so all this is is that ok let's get through the next election or two and then things will be better but nobody nobody as they want to show you about this budget or reduce the debt over the
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next few years. just continues to build ok speaking of problems building up some people think china has problems building up and i want to bring up paul farrelly market watch has been writing he sat there singing your praises as a commodities guru i want to bring up what he said about if people should follow you. and china he says should you follow his lead forget america invest in china the world's greatest market maybe follow roger's earlier advice and hot commodities how can how anyone can invest profitably in the world's best market he says don't this is a no win scenario for china the usa the world and you so tell me what do you say to that. i think mr prout should short commodities and should short china it's very simple we don't want to i don't argue with anybody there's no reason to argue all you got to do is write down what he said right so short the commodities sell short china and we will see in five or six years who was right and who was wrong this is
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not something to argue the market won't tell us what the answer is pretty quickly but so far as you pointed out all of europe is now in china trying to get them to bail them out. china and europe try to get you have to bail them out america's agenda trying to get. bailed the us out can't go mr farrel better read better watch r.g.p. . see who's got the money and who doesn't have the money because so far the chinese individual you know i'd better and certain they'll be setbacks in china of course it will but we in america have horrible setbacks as we rose to power to go over but in the end they were mr lee's alone yes two choices they had thought of or at from the us a good driver barred from jaya a bad think advice what about some of those concerns about the housing china over building of luxury condos now that we need to big of a government footprint
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a bubble that collapsing are those problems you're worried about. i don't know what i don't know where the global is the chinese stock market is down about seventy percent from its all time high it's a very strange bubble that is. as far as property yes as that are both in urban coastal real estate but this list of pros a little late again the chinese have been trying to prop that bubble for three years they have that bubble prices coming down they've raised interest rates they've raised reserve requirements several jobs so i'm not the only one who knows the real estate problem they knew it the world knew it and they're doing something about it but let me repeat what i said before and our china will have said backs we in america in the nineteenth century had fifteen which is the civil war horrible civil war no human rights massacres in the streets very little rule of law and yet we became the greatest country in the twentieth century child is going to have
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a lot of setbacks and you've said that so i don't know what it when or why but to repeat if you need a loan you're more likely to get it from china than you are from the u.s. you know this is a large debtor nation in the history of the world china is the largest creditor nation in the world and despite said they're going to do well it's an interesting song and dance they did together speaking really quickly before we go we're almost out of time but mr rogers i was just in davos for my first time at the world economic forum where experience for me i'm not a billionaire i'm just a lowly journalist obviously i only have my perspective on the thing but i didn't hear a lot of creative thought or innovative thought i more so felt like i understand where the herd mentality comes from when it comes to conventional wisdom i'm wondering you've been around longer than me even you know done very well what's your insight on. why do you say with a new. mode
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and not at all. well you're right about herd mentality is. extremely well lots of things were there in the beginning. but after a while they become. part of the crowd you heard of legendary investor and author jim rogers. all right we've got a fun new graphics hip hop beats to talk about some of these stories that we didn't get to. as our producer here in the studio and shannon donahoe in the newsroom
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we're actually at the control room scares newsroom where am i ok so when the craziness of the eurozone with the debt crisis. it's really become that there are two women that are really kind of the most important in dealing with the financial crises that face the globe one of the. is is this one let's roll the tape. here with my little bug to actually collect a bit of money thank you. so there was christine lagarde in davos she's head of the i.m.f. collecting money for the i.m.f. the other woman angela merkel the leader in germany and she is collecting money for the i.m.f. for europe and china as we speak but there's this article talking about the female titans that they are but but saying are they is this the battle of the female titans you know or is there tension and the the article cites you know le garde criticizing germany for relying too much on exports and then talk about how then
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merkel fired back kind of a response to that at her speech at the world economic forum so i don't know do you guys buy this well this is the reemergence of the franco german rivalry right we've seen that that was the time of bismarck we saw it again in world war one and world war two and france is still reeling from a six to defeat so i think merkel. being chancellor she was in the limelight now christine lagarde as you said she was majestic and. very tall very elegant woman. i think it's i think going are clearly the level of competition and i don't blame. you know you know i am sorry this is be ok didn't sit there citing a merkel firing back against what glenn guard said about germany everyone is criticizing germany right now i was at davos cameron david cameron from the u.k. george soros everyone is indirectly criticizing germany because they want germany
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to spend more money the fact that they are being blown up is the clash of the titans this is written by a man ok men just don't like what. they think they can't get along i think this is misguided and you know. i think it's just interesting how women post because obviously just to get out women and to show that each other woman oh come on this is just a room full of stereotypes women and men both fight dirty they both you know are passive aggressive i don't buy it women ok let's move on. speaking of fighting this is the lawyer that evidently fights the best against wall street according to time magazine this is the man busting wall street their least favorite attorney he is pretty. i hope i said that right he has a record of zero losses when it comes to insider trading but when you look at some of his tactics and we already know what the tactics are on wall street ok it makes
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you wonder if this fight is going on more like this. no i was your age which really. old criminals what i'm saying is this. for you so you see a little. what's different. ok and we're almost out of time but just quickly this guy wiretaps conference calls for ninety three people with no reason to do so he's best friends with the author of the patriot act is this any better than the guys he's fighting on wall street this is are these guys going to go out to fight fire with fire dick cheney said after nine eleven the gloves are coming off i guess is how we have to go after wall street you've got to you've got to know if they're wrong something or i argue gregory and we're almost out of time but you just want to add the final word i'd say two wrongs don't make a right thank you two to one the meter you are over old you were not only had time for i want to tell you that's all we have time for our show's over thank you so much for watching though kids can feel free to follow me on twitter at lauren
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lester you can give us feedback at youtube dot com slash capital account and you can come back tomorrow for a very exciting show including a video you didn't get to see me with no make up but it's also interesting ok well see you tomorrow thanks for watching good night. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom parker is a big issue. me
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is it the beginning of the end of the war leon panetta says the u.s. troops will leave afghanistan by next year but as the u.s. looks forward to the endgame we'll take a look back at the executive war and question what exactly has been accomplished. and while the u.s. army looks to make a quiet exit from afghanistan hillary clinton is getting awfully rowdy at the u.n. security council meeting in syria even bolian countries in the cinema ship will bring you the very latest from new york. where they asked me as the president of the bank if they could stand spam i'm going to say you know i don't know. and say
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the darndest things unfortunately these people are the politicians we elect to lead the country i guess ignorance isn't always bliss. it's thursday february second five pm in washington d.c. i'm liz wall and you're watching r t. well the end of an era on the horizon in afghanistan u.s. secretary of defense leon panetta has announced that america's longest war is coming to an end by next year the u.s. and nato anges to draw down troops and end all combat in afghanistan with this pull out in the official end of the war we want to take a look at what a look back at what this means and what has actually been accomplished well the last time the u.s. entered a war without a decisive victory was in vietnam for many of the fall of saigon left
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a bitter taste in their mouths it was in many ways an end to an extremely unpopular war and the early hours of april thirtieth one thousand nine hundred eighty five the capital of south vietnam fell to the communist north two americans were killed and thousands fled the u.s. embassy and were evacuated it was the single largest helicopter evacuation in history well this may be exactly what the u.s. is trying to avoid as they plan their departure from afghanistan the way the u.s. leaves the country has the potential to define the entire war and if you remember the last people to exit afghanistan for the soviets back in one thousand nine hundred nine here they are with their heads held high as eight apart the country now as the u.s. prepares to leave afghanistan with thousands dead billions of dollars spent it was a decade of bloodshed and war all for nothing former u.s. marine and r.c. blogger jacob delivered of join me just
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a short while ago and i asked him was this war essentially a waste of time here's his take. i think i think that we have to take that war in two parts first the united states response to nine eleven i think was reasonable was done just and i think the u.s. performed relatively well that afghan support at the very beginning but when we chose to go into iraq the u.s. got totally got sidetracked we missed the boat and capturing bin ladin and we totally totally took our eye off the ball which led to a series of problems that we had to deal with in afghanistan later on and when obama came into office there was a series of of other dilemmas he had to deal with and i think that the second part what we've been doing recently this nation building is is the part that's the problem and that this part has not been justified it's not been worth that had we taken bin laden out when we had him at tora bora had we done the job at the very
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beginning and got now we wouldn't be in this problem we would have spent all those billions of dollars and also i think that you probably wouldn't have had the iraq war it have you gotten been had we gotten bin laden in two thousand and one i think the second half of this is been a big big mistake and now with the impending drawdown of troops in afghanistan and as the us reflect on our time spent there over the past decade what would you say was really accomplished there. well you know i mean i was in afghanistan in two thousand and nine i just returned i was a part of a series of u.n. delegations that met with taliban leaders and u.s. officials and afghan leaders and i say that. the departure comes at a time where the united states has a recognize that its military can only do certain things that the real crisis the real problem now afghanistan is a political problem resting inside of kabul with you karzai essentially being you
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know the the government abuser in chief the mayor of kabul and the pakistani i.s.i. continuing to fund the taliban and the haqqani network and i think that as the u.s. leaves they're going to see an increased taliban influence i don't think the taliban's ever going to be what it was in the one nine hundred ninety s. but they're certainly going to be somewhat of an influence for for the foreseeable future do you think what the pentagon making this announcement that they have come to the realisation that a war and afghanistan against the taliban is not really winnable at this point. you know i think that i think that the pentagon has seen that they need to change policy you know what secretary gates left he made a couple remarks saying that basically the real problem in afghanistan is the political problem not the military and that we just saw. the deputy secretary
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michele flournoy leave and i think the press there is some in workings within the pentagon of arguing about what what needs to occur and leon panetta said essentially that nation building and counterinsurgency is not what the u.s. should be doing so i think that it's more about less less about winning and losing but more about the u.s. making the decision that it's not in its interest in a more to be nation building and i think that the profound move from the inside of the pentagon and jake also wanted to talk about this highly classified report that was leaked mischa's that the taliban backed by pakistan will rise back to power so this decade long western intervention i mean what has it done to curb taliban influence in the region. well a couple things first of all nobody has heard mo or heard or seen from mullah omar
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since two thousand and two and so the leadership of the taliban of the quite assured taliban the old taliban is essentially become in consequential what we have seen an anti cars i movement grow there has been a growing movement that's anti western and of course that's what the west the west wants. government favorable to itself so there's some problems there and also i think the big big big problem is that we still haven't had pakistan come on the side of the afghans or pakistan really a real partner with for the united states so i think that the continued arise in power from the county network specifically and i think that the taliban the idiology is still going to be stronger with our students regardless of whether the u.s. is there or not because we haven't had pakistan drop its support for the taliban and the u.s. has been trying to build some kind of an alliance with pakistan and an effort to
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help fight against the taliban and afghanistan and light of this recent report that's classified report that was released i mean is that going to show that with this kind of american sentiment that it that is spreading there that at that at any time a relationship with the with pakistan is going to be as it is unlikely. yeah you know this is a great question it's a great point what's going to happen to pakistan god only knows pakistan is. it's the moon with gravity it's so chaotic there's simply like ten militant movements that no one has control of the us has continued its drone strikes and as a result there's been an increase in punjab the violence pakistan is just an absolute mess it's. no way of really dealing with it so i think i think basically that the u.s.
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is going to try to take its hands off and hoping that with a less footprint that perhaps the violence and the increased militancy amongst those and different militancy is you know the t.t.p. and economy and pressure of taliban that perhaps less of a footprint might make these movements decrease i think that's what the u.s. is betting on and lastly just want to ask you as an iraq and afghanistan war veteran yourself how does it feel to see this announcement that troops after a decade of fighting are finally leaving these countries. well i think i think that this is one of the best things there for us because as you know when we started this thing in two thousand and one you know we had no idea that this would take ten years twelve years and it's been almost the longest war in history and it's totally exhausted the u.s. military suicide rates an all time high divorce rates and at eighty percent the
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u.s. military certainly has taken a drain and withdrawing from these nation building operations is really really good for the morale of the troops i also think that overall it's good for america's strategic interests because now we don't have our military bogged down in a nation building campaign god knows where halfway around the world for you know a decade and so on it's so it's good and from our point of view i think we're happy to see the afghans take charge and the u.s. not to be in charge of the fate of that country take a pleasure to have you on the show as always that was our team blogger and former u.s. marine jake delhomme barito while. the death toll in syria has surpassed five thousand as violence and rages on between government forces and rebel fighters and sunday a debate at the u.n. security council continues over what to do about the conflict the last calling on syrian president bashar al assad to step down they support
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a resolution they say is aimed at bringing peace and stability to syria but russia and china say they will veto the tax because they say it paves the way for the west to intervene militarily russia and china says regime change is not their business artie's on a stasi a turk and joins us live now from our studio in new york to bring us the latest lot amount of stasia so are they any closer they're coming to an agreement. well liz definitely the events of the last couple of days have been unraveling pretty quickly as we know the arab league and the west spearheaded by the u.s. have been pushing for a regime change resolution against syria that would call for president assad to step down if this was not done the internet within fifteen days the international community would be allowed to conduct quote further measures and of course this is something that russia and china have said they would not support so the last couple
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of days have been you know days filled with very heated debates and discussions on really still trying to find a compromise but positions have been quite different so far but we are hearing that earlier today it looks like russia and china's voices were heard because we're hearing that a new document has been circulating at the security council that does not apply the terminology of regime change any more possibly and reportedly we're going to have to wait and see whether or not this is going to be the case and we have heard from the president of the security council togo the country presiding this month that talks are really being discussed as something very important between the syrian government and the opposition and this is something that russia has been voting for and calling for this entire time so it looks like the west is willing to take some of that controversial language out in order to please russia and china. well we'll have to wait and see whether that happens but definitely that is the main sticking
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point right now the u.s. and the arab league basing this important resolution on regime change and russia and china as you said said that's not their job they're not going to try to impact ousting somebody it's really the business of the syrian people so we're going to have to wait and see really who's positions wins but definitely russia has been a game changer in this whole scenario because of you know if russia and china don't agree or text cannot pass so it's one of those cases where they have to find a compromise otherwise they can't vote on anything. also want to bring attention to something that secretary of state hillary clinton sat there and talks yesterday she said quote every member of the council has to make a decision whose side are you want are you on the side of the syrian people or are you on the side of a brutal dick tauriel regime so what do you make of this claim in painting this as
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a black or white you're either on the good side or you're on the evil side. well liz we've certainly heard that kind of language coming from the united states before it's been a traditional bad guy versus good guy you're either with us or you're against us this kind of language has been all too popular during the bush era in this particular case the united states had tried to convince the international community that unless you support this particular regime change text you are really supporting and not standing united with the syrian people according to the united states but the problem here is that this particular crisis in syria it's not you know standing against the government or standing along with the people because what we're talking about is opposition groups and government groups so it's really not a matter of finding the bad guy picking him picking him and trying to get rid of him and then everything will be magically become better that is not been the case and that's what russia has been saying is guys look there are armed forces on the
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ground and if we push for regime change those armed forces who are in fact still involved in killing civilians as well which is also been found by an arab league report the situation is not going to become better so you know all of this terminology can be used as much as i wanted on to this humanitarian vale of good goals but unfortunately life is not that easy for the u.s. so another kind of language is going to have to be used and it is being used most likely otherwise there will be no solution lastly anasazi i want to ask you what to expect in the coming days any word on when a vote will be. well we're hearing that there's no specific deadline where we know that the international community in the security council is trying to come up with as a resolution as soon as possible because they realize that something is needed some sort of sort of strong message is needed they're working almost around the clock to make that happen and we did hear that likely it's possible that within the next two
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days one of the versions we've heard that monday is a possible day for a vote but that depends on how successful the talks are within the next hours and days really on a saucy i thank you for keeping us updated that was our to correspondent on a saucer. well still ahead on our t.v. everyone has a freudian slip on occasion but it seems u.s. politicians have more than most from this back to back the sad stance to our north korean allies are politicians really that ignorant or are they just sticking to popular talking points that story next. r t is the state run english speaking russian channel it's kind of like. russia today has an extremely confrontational stance when it comes to us.
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at first very much as boring drys right right i mean it's like a derivative of actual pepper it's a food product essentially. it's much stronger than anything you'd be by a lot of. dollars of times stronger than any kind of debris and they were putting in. well campaign season is in full swing as g.o.p. presidential candidates now hone in on and of that with the caucus coming up there this week and from embarrassing debate performances to be willed or in interviews when it comes to foreign policy it seems some of the candidates don't really know what's going on.
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