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tv   [untitled]    February 2, 2012 6:48pm-7:18pm EST

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or as he tries to defend that stands by invoking god and the bible will said it's a biblical principle if you double a teacher's pay scale you'll attract people who are called to teach and these teachers that are called to teach regardless of the pay scale they would teach so basically the guy thinks that the only good teachers out there are the ones that are called by god to teach they would teach because that's their destiny in life right it's especially novel hearing that from somebody who is a public servant and so was so special about this public servant is that while he will rail against raising teachers' salaries to compensate them for their hard work and contribution to society he has no problem raising his own in two thousand and seven mcgill is one of the many lawmakers who approve the salary hike that increase lawmakers salaries from thirty thousand a year to forty nine thousand five hundred a year and as things progress pointed out alabama legislators are now paid more than a teacher who's been working for over twenty seven years oh and i mention the lawmakers are technically part time in alabama so we should not pay teachers more but we
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should absolutely pay lawmakers more and not because they contribute so much for society or working so hard and helping so many people because so they won't be tempted to be corrupt and accept bribes it's really really super solid logic so for trying to keep teachers from getting their salaries they deserve and using the bible to defend his greed shafik mcgill is tonight's to a time when. our guys it's time for happy hour and joining me this evening artsy correspondent christine and jake breuer chief strategy officer at vision strategy hey guys thanks for joining me i think there is a did you know that there was really huge news that was going to happen day the thing that we covered on our show everybody was waiting for donald trump to announce his endorsement of a republican candidate i could. it's my honor real honor and
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privilege to endorse mitt romney. our it's what we did there is we got to make sure that every single network every single cable network went live with this i'm not even kidding you we were checking out earlier editorial meeting this morning and that same b.c. had a countdown clock like three hours and twenty minutes until drawn from announcement all the while i was looking up to you again by the way although it said all the while egypt is are up to you know here's what i think it should have been was actually the. point of this all this morning was that punxsutawney phil woke up this morning and made one appearance and then he had to fly to vegas and actually make another appearance on donald trump's head. and i think that's really what i was recovering right yeah i mean the countdown to donald trump's indorsement i know it's so hard because it is it's true why do does anyone give a crap as you say what you know why is all times that important person he's an
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entertainer he's not so important that his voice should get all this attention however i say this and yet this morning i was on twitter all morning and i thought it was so interesting because wall street journal had tweeted for a while donald trump to endorse gingrich and then you know c.n.n. poll of fast maddy n n was saying that he was interests romney so here this was i was being caught up. myself and it all the while saying why does trump matter but obviously he did matter to me so i don't know it was personal ones that i was yeah and romney didn't way. it was going to get to that anymore but yet here we are talking about it but i mean the countdown clock and he still is the door open for running an independent bit if he is not the nominee. let's talk about a little fun little thing called the no fly list. thanks to nine eleven and the response here in our government you know you hear more and more stories all the time with people that are on this list that really shouldn't be on the list here's
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just one example dr santos thomas was just made aware that his oldest daughter is on the list the terrorist watch list that impacts travelers who could be a threat to national security alicia's parents found out at the continental check in counter during a recent trip from cleveland to minneapolis. so you got children on there that we had a few lawmakers right who was that they found themselves on the list well guess what under the obama administration that list has more than doubled to now about twenty one thousand names and that includes about five hundred americans you know i think is the single between the terror watch list which this little girl was on and what you're talking about which is the no fly list so if you're on the no fly list that means that you cannot get on a plane and i think that i think it's a little strange and the patriot act and you know all this kind of stuff but we have to also look at the other side of the story and say maybe there's better
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intelligence now maybe all these people there's actual names of people who are living or in a cave. caves they're living in the caves or there's a bridge about their or maybe you know their names their social security numbers are going to thirty seven million travelers and a lot of you guys so it's every year twenty thousand of them that is point zero zero zero zero. two percent are on this list right in out of americans this point zero zero zero zero zero one percent of americans are on a no no fly list in perspective we're talking about a ninety nine point nine nine nine nine fly list right so like you some mistakes are going to happen it's going to get we have got to get it done i said. i don't understand why suddenly the threat has become so much more reasonable really understand how to double it is a lot it also could be we don't know we're not in the situation room it could be that there's just better and more intelligent and that's why we're saying. we
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disagree whatever. i thought i was going to. i'm with you all you know is i'm not on a no fly list and sure that's nice. not. december maybe twenty twelve has a whole day means you know you're pretty out of there i don't know i mean may. end up somewhere. it's finding that very cool buried treasure these guys found a ship it's a british merchant ship sunk by the germans in one thousand nine hundred two and they think that i have a lot of money on. a crew of me treasure hunters who jockeys boston are getting ready to celebrate seventy one percent of the platinum from the s.s. the ship was sunk in nine hundred forty two by the germans as it was carrying the russian metals to the us by the soviet union for the united states with the war. all right so seventy one tons of platinum at the time that was valued at around fifty three million dollars and today's value is going to be three billion
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dollars and these guys are so the guys that i'm to get it one way or another even if i have to lift the ship out of the water are their property is that i mean they should get a large reward for i'm finding and that i should and shouldn't i go to make our budget deficit well there's no soviets anymore what do they say it was oh sorry the payment from the cell phone. i mean we're going to be less government right now is a british ship but it should be ok the interesting thing here is actually just that it wasn't just the ship there was also another ship with five hundred million dollars of spanish gold on it and the problem was that the government ruled that gold is not does not belong to the discovers it actually belongs to the descendants of the two hundred year old. yeah so that if he gets a billion dollars they think they're going to actually have a problem of getting access to it because it belongs to the british government and why should i think what i'm going to die for i'm going to be wrong i don't think i understand that i really you know i think there's going to war in a big world right i think they should get at least they should get at least all of
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it was at least at least all of it. you know to give away i think after twenty years you should like it's you know what we like that one go how are you going to fall in that direction anyway. treasure hunter has been asked to take a metal detector and i think you start you know that's right all right well let's let's put it with our last thing which is you know there are constantly a lot of people are upset because certain video games out there are too violent they're worried about what kind of impression it's making on children whatever what it's teaching you but now there's somebody who's trying to do something different with violent video games take a look. over one this is what so that we and today i'm playing the school's sky room. and i'm going to be doing something a little bit unique in this game i'm going to be playing as a pacifist that's right i don't kill anything. right. now this is not new i mean that's not true yeah i mean like people since
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super mario brothers have been playing games in a way is that they don't kill the enemies just because it's harder like to increase the challenge level over them you jump over the thing so there used to be people who would try to place him are brothers like the old school you know to buy the little thing true just try to see if they could do it and it wasn't because their pacifist wasn't because they had some moral agenda or just because i was part of a nothing revolutionary about and i think not really i mean there's this whole you know people want to want to call it a pacifist movement it really is just like a bunch of you but a dude sit around joins you know we're going to video games out there find one read on to kill and i like the same city flight some of the i don't know i hardly find why this is a big deal the wall street journal but you know look i mean it was interesting because for so many people the point of video games is to get out that aggression and to kill i think it's i think in video games as in life you know if someone's coming at you when you have a gun it is easier to shoot them and then they don't take those the least sophist intentions inside of you and use them for more good directions bothers me that
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character not enough i have got to go that they started i think when i show thanks for tuning and make me come back tomorrow medicine money the roll call is going to be with us for happy hour in the meantime the family lives on facebook follow us on twitter in this anything at all and to dot com slash the letter cell and plant thanks james. it was shot four times in total and i want to use that word. sorry of the boys who are still in my body. and those people should be allowed to defend themselves were they own guns in the hands of law abiding decent people are not a problem national rifle association was a group of basically retired military we love to shoot
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holes and i'm sorry if you know that the bullet comes out here and this makes it go bang and if what's in front of here is going to die and that's all the training you really really need raise your hand if you know something's been shot ok but to live what i want to the philadelphia horn is over streets. jello without a gun hopefully we will never have to use the weapons for self defense but we should be prepared the full class including the teacher i think was. seventeen students and i think i am one of seven or still alive.
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mark your calendars because leon panetta is ready to close the book on the war in afghanistan but as the u.s. gets ready for the next chapter what has really changed and is there any way for the u.s. military to save face well read between the lines. and while the military quietly polls the escape hatch hillary clinton is closing the door on syrian president bashar assad and even bullying the u.n. into intervention we'll bring you the very latest on the security council meeting. when they asked me as the president of you becky becky becky becky stand stand i'm going to say you know i don't know. the peaceful country of becky becky stan stan
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but herman cain isn't worried about foreign affairs he was more worried about selling his nine nine nine plan and he's certainly not the only politician who would be better off where the dunce cap these days will explain. and while politicians love their maleness and facts around a box it looks like the rest of the us are in for a few more weeks of cold this according to the president whether x. bird the groundhog but there's more than one groundhog popping its head up in washington d.c. these days well explained. it's thursday february second seven pm in washington d.c. i'm liz wahl and you're watching artsy. well the end of an era on the horizon in afghanistan u.s.
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secretary of defense leon panetta has announced that america's longest war is coming to an end by next year the u.s. and nato aims to draw down troops and end combat and afghanistan now it wasn't too long ago that americans watched as u.s. troops and tanks rolled out of iraq but after their exit iraq remains in a state of instability and violence as insurgents fight to gain a stronghold in the country now in transition and the last time the u.s. ended a war without a decisive victory was in vietnam back in one nine hundred seventy five it was an end to an extremely unpopular war the capital of south vietnam fell to the communist north two americans were killed thousands fled the u.s. embassy it was the single largest helicopter evacuation in history while this may be exactly what the u.s. is trying to avoid as they plan their departure from afghanistan the way the u.s. leaves afghanistan has the potential to define the entire war and if you remember
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the last people to exit afghanistan were the soviets back in one thousand nine hundred nine here they are with their heads held high as they depart the country. well with the official end of the war we want to take a minute to look back at what this all means and what has actually been accomplished with thousands dead billions of dollars spent it was a decade of bloodshed and war all for nothing well joining me now is their crow political director from brave new foundation welcome to the show derek so violence in afghanistan at its worst arguably now since the u.s. went into the country and now afghanis are bracing themselves for the taliban to return back to power so this seems to be very far from a victory for the u.s. was the war than a waste of time. well certainly the investment of lives and resources in the military for strategy was absolutely a ways we said prior to president obama's latest escalations in afghanistan that
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you know more troops are not going to solve the problem that if you added more troops you would in increasing the temperature of the conflict to more civilians have become the crossfire and that's exactly what happened so the answer is yes i mean that military first strategy has been a waste and if you heard about the recent nato report that was leaked that showed the taliban's self concept is still very strong you'll see that that military first policy has failed to achieve victory and it was always going to fail to achieve victory the right moves would have been political solutions that would have brought all the stakeholders in afghanistan to the table and elected a government through a legitimate means that would have represented the will people there now with this impending drawdown of troops and as the u.s. reflects on the time spent in afghanistan what was really accomplished there. i think it's i think that at least now to report really shows that we're going to have a very hard time pointing to any lasting impact on the afghanistan political process
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especially if we keep supporting corrupt national and corrupt local leaders like ahmed karzai is family members people like karl rove the people that we know to be corrupt know to be war criminals but we arm them anyway simply because they were enemies of the taliban now if we want to have a lasting impact in afghanistan you know we can support things like election reform like supporting people who are advocating for the rights of women in afghanistan but doing that with guns is absolutely not the right policy against what has been done to car taliban influence in the rain again or has there or influence in the region waned at all well i think part of the problem in our attempts to get them to the negotiation table is that the united states has been successful at killing you know senior leaders of taliban membership but those are just replaced from the bottom and the negative impact that that actually has had is it is brought to power more radical younger leaders in the taliban that actually are less willing to negotiate and into the war i mean let's be honest based on what we've seen military
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force is not going to force an end to the conflict with the taliban in afghanistan our only options were always political discussions and our military first policy has radicalized that faction even more and brought to power people who are less willing to negotiate and are more repressive on the rights of women so i think it's a fair assessment to say that the more we've relied on military solutions in afghanistan the worse the situation has got in the further we are from lasting gains in that region. and as you just mentioned this highly classified report that was leaked shows that the taliban backed by pakistan will rise back to power the u.s. has been trying to form some kind of an alliance with pakistan in hopes that they can help in fighting terrorism but in light of this report is any kind of constructive relationship with pakistan now unlikely. well i think it's not quite fair to say that the taliban would return to power in the same way that they were
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in power before the u.s. invasion it's not going to be that cut and dry it will be a very ambiguous relationship as to who is in power is in control the thing that's fair to say is that it's not going to be possible through military force to eliminate the taliban as a political force in the life of afghanistan and the longer we put off into real good faith negotiations with our opponents in this conflict the longer we're going to make sure that that conflict is settled by force of arms now what we've said in other pieces that we put out has been that the people in the regions where the insurgency is the strongest what they said they want is a just election process that doesn't blacklist people based on which side of the conflict that they're on but which blacklists them or less them on the ballot based on their record of human rights and respect for the people of afghanistan right now their standards are very unjust if you're an ally of the united states or of kabul you can get away with much much more without being blacklisted not just helps promote petty thugs and local warlords as leaders in afghanistan what those people
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want is a fair process that keeps the worst people out from both sides of the conflict and then allows a new election process with fair rules that allows people from all sides of the conflict to put their name on the ballot and now we have we heard this news from the secretary of defense leon panetta that this drawdown is going to happen by the end of next year is there a graceful way for the u.s. to exit the country well let's be clear about what's on the table nobody in the first or excuse me in the obama administration has said that there's going to be a date certain for all troops to be out of afghanistan what they have said is they're kind of speeding up the process and by two thousand and thirteen they'll be handing off combat operations to the afghans locally doubt if that follows the path that followed in iraq what will start is a withdrawal of u.s. forces kind of out of the faces of the local people in their villages and on to more base structures where they're on large bases instead of out in. communities all the time and from there with then further withdraw out of the country now if
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it's far is what it's going to be like on the way out let's not let's not you know paint too rosy picture here it will be more unstable but the simple fact is that adding more troops in afghanistan did not bring down the level of violence in fact it helped to escalate and staying there for another ten years and wasting two billion dollars a week is not in the interest of the american people when there's no victory in sight or even on the table as a definition so the way out is to simply begin pulling the troops out to support more fair election process in afghanistan and two if we're trying to avoid another vietnam let's avoid fighting wars using the exact same strategies that got us into the mess in vietnam in the first place now this news and is coming after a troops have been pulled out of iraq so now these two both of these wars are kind of coming to a close gradually how would you compare the two and the legacy that the us has has left behind in these countries. i would say that both wars utilized exactly
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the same kind of overarching military strategy that we saw in vietnam and because of that both wars have not only damaged our reputation in the world in general but specifically in the region and that what we should learn from this experience is that sending hundreds of thousands of troops into other people's countries to try to remake societies you know motivated through national hubris it's absolutely either not a way to make americans safer nor a wise use of our resources abroad and what we can learn from these two conflicts is that you know the most important thing that americans can do is regard their their the arguments made for war and more troops from leaders with skepticism and work really hard as folks at work to united states in those words possible there thanks for weighing in and giving us your perspective that was political director for brave new foundation crowd thank you well the death toll in syria has surpassed
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five thousand as violence rages on between government forces and rebel fighters and today a debate at the u.n. security council continues over what to do about the conflict the west calling on syria president bashar al assad to step down they support a resolution they say is aimed at bringing peace and stability to syria but russia and china say they will veto the tax because they say it paves the way for the west to intervene militarily russia and china says a regime change is not their business artie's earlier i spoke to our teams on the sauce in a church about the issue. the events of the last couple of days have been unraveling pretty quickly as we know the arab league and the west spearheaded by the u.s. have been pushing for a regime change resolution against syria that would call for president assad to step down if this was not done the internet within fifteen days the international community would be allowed to conduct quote further measures and of course this is
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something that russia and china have said they would not support so the last couple of days have been you know days filled with very heated debates and discussions on really still trying to find a compromise but positions have been quite different so far but we are hearing that earlier today it looks like russia and china's voices were heard because we're hearing that a new document has been circulating at the security council that does not apply the terminology of regime change any more possibly and reportedly we're going to have to wait and see whether or not this is going to be the case and we have heard from the president of the security council togo the country presiding this month that talks are really being discussed as something very important between the syrian government and the opposition and this is something that russia has been voting for and calling for this entire time so it looks like the west is willing to take some of that controversial language out in order to please russia and china. well we'll
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have to wait and see whether that happens but definitely that is the main sticking point right now the u.s. and the arab league basing this important resolution on regime change and russia and china as you said said that's not their job they're not going to try to impact ousting somebody it's really the business of the syrian people so we're going to have to wait and see really who's positions wins but definitely russia has been a game changer in this whole scenario because of you know if russia and china don't agree or text cannot pass so it's one of those cases where they have to find a compromise otherwise they can't vote on anything. also want to bring attention to something that secretary of state hillary clinton sat there and talks yesterday she said quote every member of the council has to make a decision whose side are you want are you on the side of the syrian people or are you on the side of a brutal dick tauriel regime so what do you make of this claim in painting this as
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a black or white you're either on the good side or you're on the evil side. well liz we've certainly heard that kind of language coming from the united states before it's been a traditional bad guy versus good guy you're either with us or you're against us this kind of language has been all too popular during the bush era in this particular case the united states had tried to convince the international community that unless you support this particular regime change text you are really supporting and not standing united with the syrian people according to the united states but the problem here is that this particular crisis in syria it's not you know standing against the government or standing along with the people because what we're talking about is opposition groups and government groups so it's really not a matter of finding the bad guy picking him picking him and trying to get rid of him and then everything will be magically become better that has not been the case
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and that's what russia has been saying is guys look there are armed forces on the ground and if we push for regime change those armed forces who are in fact still involved in killing civilians as well which is also been found by an arab league report the situation is not going to become better so you know all of this terminology can be used as much as a wanted on to this humanitarian vale of good goals but unfortunately life is not that easy for the u.s. so another kind of language is going to have to be used and it is being used most likely otherwise there will be no solution lastly anasazi i want to ask you what to expect in the coming days any word on when a vote will be. well we're hearing that there's no specific deadline where we know that the international community in the security council is trying to come up with this a resolution as soon as possible because they realize that something is needed some sort of strong message is needed they're working almost around the clock to make
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that happen and we did hear that likely it's possible that within the next two days one of the versions we've heard that monday is a possible day for a vote but that depends on how successful the talks are within the next hours and days really on a saucy i thank you for keeping us updated that was our correspondent on associate . well campaign season is in full swing as g.o.p. presidential candidates now hone in on of data with the caucus coming up there this weekend from embarrassing debate performances to be will during interviews when it comes to foreign policy it seems some of the candidates don't really know what's going on abroad are the correspondent marina pore and i explores how these blunders by past and present u.s. leaders could be affecting america's image abroad. every four years america's top job is up for grabs. with each new election comes a new batch of candidates with compromising foreign policy credentials when asked
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me who is the president of you becky becky becky becky stan stan i'm going to say you know i don't know do you know i'm afraid that it's a very hard struggle particularly given the situation on the iraq pakistan border you can actually see you rush from land here in alaska africa was a country on the brink on the brink of complete meltdown and chaos geographically illiterate u.s. candidates have supplied comedians with endless material but all jokes aside some presidential hopefuls vying to lead the world's most powerful armed forces know very little about america's military interventions so you agree with president obama. forming a cohesive sentence on geopolitics can be a struggle i do not agree with the way he. knows that that's.


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