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tv   [untitled]    February 3, 2012 7:00am-7:30am EST

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protests spread across egypt with more killings reported as people vent their anger against the military rulers for not doing enough to stop wednesday's. left seventy four dead. un the makes headway on a new resolution on syria with references to regime change removed to answer russia's concerns. and close up on the boat all polling stations across russia get their digital observer as well stored on a minister's orders. that
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they are watching r t a very warm welcome to our top story now protests rage on across egypt with reports of at least three killed and some four hundred injured as police fired tear gas to disperse crowds on rest broke out after wednesday's football violence when seventy four people died in post match clashes in cairo protesters continue to gather around the interior ministry blaming police for doing nothing to prevent a soccer pitch that's also calling on the mitchell council to step down let's now talk to they are bird journalist and writer in egypt he's also the editor of the current affairs chronicler blog thank you for joining us here on our team now the military council head says the clashes were an orchestrated bid to destabilize the country while of course the muslim brotherhood which came out on top in the recent elections are blamed supporters of the ousted regime so who do you think is really behind all this violence. well at this stage it's very difficult to say who is
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actually behind the violence and whether it was a spontaneous. street it but what's certain is that there's a security vacuum in egypt and this security vacuum is intentional the police and the security apparatus has wanted to since the revolution began has wanted to punish the people for rebelling against it and. like in the immediate aftermath of the revolution the police disappeared off the streets and now they haven't returned to full capacity there was a huge gaps in the security at the stadium so even if there was no intentional hand behind it. these lapses enabled the violence to take place. if i could just interrupt so i supporters of carice football club pledged a new war defend their reputation as they believe that wednesday's clashes were an attempt to punish them for their part in an overthrow of hosni mubarak could this
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become another full scale uprising that. it's highly possible i mean. the soccer. the beautiful games they call it has become a real political football in recent years and there's been the groups of fanatical fans if you like who have become very politicized they've been known as ultras a kind of modeled on. italian politicise supporters. and yeah i mean it's also a classic case of blowback and backfiring the regime in recent years has tried to use football as a distraction you know get people caught up in petty. tribalism and factionalism of club football and promote patriotism through football because you know the regime was very like ice you know thin ice and people would sit inside of it so whenever it won an african championship this was a chance for the regime to promote itself and try and build some patriotism and it
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used cynically for example in two thousand and nine in the run up to the world cup in the war of words that erupted between egypt and. ok but as we know these live pictures now from cairo thousands of people still there protesting critics of egypt's interim leadership have been saying that the only outcome of last year's uprising is chaos and what sylvie. no i think. the people who cry chaos have a vested interest in a promoting that chaos and in be using as an excuse to hold up reforms the supreme council of the armed forces since barak's ouster have been trying to sell themselves as a guarantor of peace and stability in egypt and so they jump on every opportunity to drive home the message that egypt is in like. mayhem and chaos and the only
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way we're going to get out of this is be you to support us as your leaders and groups like the muslim brotherhood. because of their close association with the military council and because of of. the way the elections came out in their favor and the way they've been calling you know they didn't want to engage in the revolution from the start they're also jumping on the on the chaos bandwagon to try and like you know finally get a taste of power after ninety years in the political wilderness when indeed and some of the protesters are calling on the ana to choose between a miniature council you mentioned and there is running against them is the army like it's a sport a new revolt. no the army is on like it's supporting your vote in the first revolt pragmatically supported the protesters because that mubarak's game was up and since then it's troy it to. delay
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reforms and. basically the changes that have occurred so far have largely been cosmetic ones to try and give. me the generals a sheen of legitimacy but i don't think they have any intention of stepping down just yet unless forced to do so by the street. and indeed as we look at those live pictures from the streets of cairo would have to leave it there after the college the opposition jenison writer thank you for joining us. well you can tell us what you think about the latest clashes in egypt at r.t. dot com today we ask you why commerce failed to return after egypt's revolution last year so far going to be it's because it's the same officials who are in power and to present a dark cloud running the country down a quarter think they're continuing unrest is in the interests of radical groups some of you also believe that evolution creates its own downfall it's like if you
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are so far say the unrest goes on because the people protesting on the streets have no jobs to get into the papers now how to change and if you like your vote county dot com. you can see firsthand as events unfold in cairo as you say at r.t. dot com we're streaming the protests for you live on our web site. the u.n. is edging closer to a deal on syria with a new draft resolution softened to overcome russia's objections references to present i said stepping down and an arms embargo had been dropped from the revised text which is still pending approval when moscow continues to wall it will oppose any attempts even to hint at targeting the syrian regime parties honesty churkin it has more from you. after some three days of diplomatic deadlock over this arab and western backed regime change resolution it looks like russia's calls that
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it would not support such resolutions have finally been heard and we're seeing somewhat of a game changer take place delegates and diplomats seem to have agreed on new elements that they are considering putting into a new document and we do know that these new elements are being sent over to governments at home for consideration approval and deliberation and form what we know russia's about that or to the u.n. has said that this does not mean that anything has been fully decided yet and russia continues to reiterate that even if the hint of a regime change clause continues to be presented in such a resolution it would not be supported now what we what we're hearing and some reports that this clause will actually be non-existent in this new text being considered whereas earlier the arab league and the west have been seeing that the syrian leader needs to step down if this does not happen within fifteen days further measures could take place another clause that we're hearing is going to be
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removed from this document is the arms embargo that russia has also been opposing but from what we understand what will continue to remain in a new text is a support of a facilitation of a political transition now of course they have to again say that some of the details are still largely up in the air some diplomats are saying that a vote could come very shortly we will just have to wait and see exactly how events play out the security council in the days to come. and walk us but with all this terrible politics first magazine but is the u.s. is still committed to seeing you hands in damascus. western interest in the conflict in syria isn't guided by a wanton soup advance human rights democracy or the rule of law in the region if it was about that then we'd probably see an american naval flotilla off the coast of saudi arabia which happens to be one of the most repressive and brutal regimes in
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the world it follows a pro western foreign policy syria is a huge player in middle eastern politics and the west principally america has a very problematic relationship with syria so it would be very much within america's interests for the syrian government for president assad to fall from power and for a more accommodating a more sort of pro western government to come to parallel should that happen that would give. washington almost full dominance politically in the middle way so instead of western governments the british and the american and the french ones talking about president assad stays being numbered they should be more responsible when their outlook and the main focus should be on bringing pace to syria. market opened up a set of politics first magazine talking to us from london there. a lot more coming up the next few minutes religious to the extreme. it's scary and it's freaking
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people out this is a misinterpretation of your secret groups. some extreme rhetoric from a radical islamist group shocks belgium society including fellow muslims. live pictures from every polling station in russia will go online there's a web cameras are installed all across the country ahead of next month's presidential election the move was introduced by current prime minister and presidential candidate that may put in as one step toward stopping food during the vote lucas enough has details. inch after inch mile after mile big brother is preparing to cast his eyes on polling stations as the massive campaign to install web cameras is in full swing across the entire nation sometimes but i think if anything i asked for a central electoral commission which is to install web cameras at all polling stations across the country so that everyone can watch online what's happening
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there almost twenty four hours a day and they go we want them there. the idea was put forward following the biggest protests in russia since the collapse of the u.s.s.r. with tens of thousands demanding fair elections so wiring up over ninety thousand polling stations is the scale and around a half of a billion us dollars is the price tag. the system has not been made only for one day we held this project want only develop elections acknowledges but will also help modernize telecommunications infrastructure across the entire country. all cameras will be feeding the videos the theorem to local digital storage facilities after computer processing will be then sent to seven large storage and distribution centers via cable radio and satellite these centers will then broadcast the information to several web portals it's estimated that all together the cameras will film and broadcast four hundred and ninety years of video information in good
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quality however there is still down to this technology will help make the vote more transparent. you'll get a stone i'm sure the observers won't be able to check advance if these cameras work will not. everyone knows about cameras in supermarkets but these still doesn't stop robberies from happening. it's planted that every ballot box will be monitored by two cameras one with a general view and another with a close up of the slot there are many ways to rig a vote and the cameras don't provide one hundred percent guarantee against that but using that should still make it much more difficult to stuff boxes of course there's nothing new. or where cameras. moving them to monitor elections on such a scale is a first for any nation and regardless of the success of the idea everyone will be able to monitor the vote online and not to mention no one is against having more
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real life observers on the spot the war is going on r.t. moscow. well that voting video isn't online just yet but there's a lot that is streaming right now and you can check it out a dot com government websites in ukraine suffered a blackout altering attack by hackers but shutting down the palm sharing users. the crew members will be stuck in orbit for an extra forty five days and out what's course the delay dot com. is.
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the official ante up location. from the top story. video on demand. old girls and streets now in the palm of your. question on the dot com. the u.s. announcement that its combat operations in afghanistan will end earlier than expected a state of confusion among afghan officials who say that it could be a disaster for the whole transition plan american defense secretary leon panetta said the country wants to switch to a role of supporting and training the core forces before the end of next year war correspondent and author eric margolis thinks that the upcoming election is the main motive for the decision. first of all pressure from other this year's
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elections poll shows sixty percent of american voters are fed up with the war in afghanistan or against the price is approaching true dollars a time when washington it's very hard of cash is cutting budgets and obama wants to we energize now regret it already remember he was peace presidency brown is not repeat student states and this is a very important step you must draw to a small enough for a fortified bases and duck drone attacks will conduct special forces raids it's not over yet and understand what's going to have the eighty thousand us paid mercenaries who are in afghanistan remains uncertain. now they may be a minority but they are making their presence felt in belgium a group of radical muslims are attracting mixed public reaction ranging from fit to
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ridicule. to sell so they discovered an extreme message may contradict the very religion they claim to observe. bearded wearing a comma flush jacket and constantly surrounded by men fought about his hard not to notice he heads the islamic fundamentalist group sharia for belgium in september the group opened the country's first sharia court in antwerp to mediate domestic disputes among muslims with our own system our own belief. of helping things if you want to accept it accept it if you don't that's your problem but there is judgement day if you if you're a muslim you will go to paradise if you are this believer you will go to hell. any further controversy may have ended there if that was all there is to it but videos such as these. have caused outrage. the freedom of speech and. the hatred incitement to violence starts
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we have laws about leadership. he openly. said that. i should be. i should be killed because i am an enemy of islam in january and work or prosecutor recommended two years in prison and a fine of five hundred fifty euros for about a seven for inciting hatred and violence against muslims that's in addition to fourteen police court convictions and criminal convictions for robbery defamation and violence if you would. just a few people maybe a dozen of people maybe two dozen of people dressed like. the green flag. and this is a joke yet it has its repercussions on other muslims. this kind
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of group of course they are muslims but they have no religious background it is a minority perhaps that in search of an identity but. that's bigger than the mrs they're using it's scary and it's freaking people. unfortunately just kind of group shows about image of islam and most muslims condemn this kind of ideology this is a misinterpretation of her secret for. muslims comprise about six percent of the belgian population one of the highest rates in europe and is expected to rise to more than ten percent by two thousand and twenty the muslims who live in belgium they say. they are belgium from the region. you know rigid and the first. muslim radical groups such as those of the islamic fundamentalists comprise a minority and it's not representative of the muslim community in belgium nevertheless politicians analysts and even the belgian muslims themselves
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acknowledge that the problem is what these groups symbolize radicalization the process it spreads and the allure of extreme views. tests are so your r.t. brussels. brief for you now this hour come various supreme court has sentenced the commander in chief jay to life in prison for crimes committed by running a terrorist detention center appeal judges rejected his claim that he was only following orders overseeing the torture and execution of more than twelve thousand victims he was already serving a thirty five year prison sentence for crimes against humanity. rescue teams are continuing to battle heavy seas and strong winds the search for survivors after a ferry sank off can you give me three hundred fifty passengers and crew aboard almost two hundred fifty people were plucked from the sea but many are still missing the ship's operator said the vessel had sent a distress call thursday but then contact was lost so the passengers were university students and trainee teachers. a cold snap has
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already claimed a hundred sixty four lives in western europe as the country struggled with record low temperatures heavy snowfalls caused widespread transport chaos and power outages one hundred people died crave knowing after temperatures plummeted to minus little celsius sometimes less. the eurozone the worries and iran's nuclear ambitions have taken the german chancellor to china and other merkel is hoping to reassure investors that europe is still a good bet he's hoping to secure funds to help the region escape its financial crisis merkel is also asking beijing to join the e.u. oil embargo on iran analysts say the easing is interested in a diplomatic solution in the middle east china is not the eve of sanctions and i believe they're cherry now we not reduce its import off
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oil from iran he doesn't mean that china is going to increase its import of oil from iran but i think china will lose its influence in the middle east no way which is compatible with the the mantle principles of china as diplomacy and i believe that china even the even a very strong body position in the middle east peace goes. to tel aviv of course israel china has very good relations be israel but china has also good relations we . saw china ease your power broker or even in the middle east. later join the moscow out team on the hunt for new ways to spend your time and the winter freeze on staying indoors.
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good morning everybody. hello we're exploring the popular subject. from board games to extreme sports the cold weather. here but why the mosque well that's because i'm here. in the center of moscow where this group the popular game. is you can join in just a few minutes here on r.t. first though this is updates with dmitri. and market watchers expect the darkness of euro zone debt problems to get some light ratings agency standard and poor's expects the currency union to gradually
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climb out of its a mild recession in the second half of this year and twenty first the firm's chief european economist. explains. the risks of the more cvo recession. that could go into twenty thirteen are significant we estimate about forty percent probability yet i think we have to look at all the fact is there has been some and could wedging devore upwards inside the year was own an outside the year was on what we expect is at the moment from emerging markets particularly. a shout to strengthen again in the second half of the and that should be supportive of a very gradual recovery in the euro zone we also expect that investors confidence will gradually come back. as they do up in central bank continues to
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provide ample liquidity to the banking sector in the euro zone. well not everybody shares this opinion saxo bank thinks the prospects for the euro zone are as harsh as the wave of extreme weather the europe in its icy grip is predicting an economic apocalypse with the european equity market snoozing a quarter of the value this year we asked the author of the best seller extreme money does where he's placing his bets. well i think the best way to describe the s. and p. report is whatever they're smoking i'd like to have some as far as the sex of bank report goes i think they are believers in the mayan calendar which believes that the world will end in two thousand and twelve but i think the major thing is that when you look at the situation there is no way that europe is going to have a small recession it's going to have a long recession because the government spending will have to be cut and that has been the major stimulus which kept these economies go the second thing is the
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banking system in most of these countries is not creating any credit will not be able to create this technically if you are honest about it they are marginally solvent at best and we still have not resolved the date issue and the real question is what will happen to portugal what will happen to spain what will happen to italy and there is absolutely no result on the part of the european leadership and the european economic community because there is really no easy solution the big question now is what's the price in europe could afford to pay to pull itself out of the crisis we asked the director of the international center for monterrey and banking studies in geneva to put the price on it for us. private estimates by university researchers put the cost of restoring bank fails to about one thousand billion so we come close to ten thousand euros we
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don't need to spend it but we have to have it ready and having it straight he will stop the crisis that two ways to doing it one is true announced we will do it if need be that will scare the market then stop immediately the prices. that i don't think will happen what will happen is that they will spend and spend and spend. prize look at the markets this hour and in europe they are trading slightly higher investors anticipating a key u.s. or nonfarm payroll dates a jew out later today well what we're seeing is that they're pretty optimistic at the moment. russian markets are struggling for direction this friday but at the moment they are lots of positive the artist on the my sex and among the movers is an extremely positive performance of polish gold it's up to thirty seven percent the most in three years and media reports that it's london this the parents will make a buyout offer or on speculation that they will have
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a merger with russia's second largest gold producer of polymaths and gas problem is down among other energy shares and the financials on the also not feeling very well bt be declining points and. take a look at the exchange rates this hour and the euro is strengthening that versus the dollar five just a notch both the european and u.s. currencies are gaining a small fraction against the russian. moving on to oil now and it's a turning of positive light sweet is up fourteen cents a brant is out to one hundred twelve dollars and fifty cents. coming up next on odd see the headlines with carol do stay with us.
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a soulless substance. cannot touch like a well trained army. villages in ruins. for thailand where time stands still. all becomes a sea of nothingness. the mysterious sons of russia. are teaching.


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