tv [untitled] February 3, 2012 10:48am-11:18am EST
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romney has changed his opinion on so many things look at me were the same about four more years. well i think the president is going to be able to make some very sharp contrasts with with mitt romney i think you have you have two candidates one candidate you know you have the president who you know put forth has put forward a plan that really deals directly with the middle class and i think mitt romney there's a perception out there that you know his focus is on you know really the top one percent protecting tax breaks for them for the for corporations he had this huge gaffe yesterday where he said he didn't care about the very poor people he has you know history and i'm not casting aspersions here on the private equity world but you know he does have a history there he has accounts in the cayman islands all these things that make him seem a little bit unusual i think to most voters felt dispersion on these people and like that ok feel free to cast aspersion right along. i mean along with i think
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record you know he was forty seventh in job creation in massachusetts so he's going to have a really tough i think a record to explain himself but look the bottom line is we're a very divided country and this campaign is going to play out across you know eighteen twenty two battleground states and i think it's going to be very close and the president needs to be very prepared i think he is but i i do think in the last month or two i think democrats have got you know the the concern about mitt romney has been reduced a bit because we've seen over the course of this primary that you know he's not as he's not as powerful as i think many people thought he would be you know john i get the impression sometimes that obama's not so much worried about someone like me but he's actually more worried about people that he's disillusioned from two thousand and eight to the president a lot of i mean we know that there was a lot of enthusiasm form when it when he was elected during the campaign campaign.
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and i've seen a lot of that enthusiasm dissipate i mean in particular again i have an international audience here obama's foreign policy looks very different very little difference with the bush foreign policy actually even more neo-con for again outsiders looking in sure and one of the ironic things about the obama presidency is that people thought he might be fine on domestic policy and would be an absolute nightmare on foreign policy i think most conservatives in the country and a lot of independents would say it's been quite the reverse that they're not happy with obamacare they're not happy with dodd frank which is the financial regulation bill but they've been very pleased with the way he's continued to keep it mopin for the noncombatant detainees or for the combat detainees he's you know he was the one who called the shots going in getting osama bin laden so most independents would probably say that he's done better on foreign policy. one of the groups that you talked about that seem like they've been disillusioned or for him just did a survey of hispanic registered voters in florida couple weeks ago with resurgent
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republic and they in obviously very important state florida typically determines the election forty six percent of hispanic voters who voted overwhelmingly for barack obama fifty seven percent of them supported him in two thousand and eight in florida forty six percent said it was time for someone else forty five percent said he deserves reelection and that's a key group that if he doesn't do better with hispanics i don't see much chance for him winning reelection between if i go to use talk about another candidate i could be right his. head in that i want to talk about ron paul i was just going to say yeah i was just going to say john john's right hispanics are a key group but you have to also remember. barack obama wasn't matched up against mitt romney there and i think mitt romney you know many of the you know the way in which he has been very hostile i think to the hispanic community perceived hostility towards them you know he has no real immigration reform plan that has that will play
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a role in the general election the republicans being against the dream act opposing sort of my or you know there are a lot of number of issues that are important to this man a community that when they're pitted when he's pitted against a living breathing human being you know those numbers will i think dissipate he may not do as well as he did in no way as long as the any republican is going to do to well. john you well as if we look back at two thousand and four george w. bush won forty four percent of hispanics now a lot of change since then but part of the problem for president obama it's not just enough to say well look at me compared to new look at me compared to romney. those people just might stay home and that's a key problem for him for young people are disillusioned and they stay home and hispanics stay home to any significant degree then that puts him in jeopardy even if he still continues really really badly all among those who turn out ok when you guys all know it's really at the same to george. i want to do good point everyone agrees with what happens between if i go back to dallas let's look at ron paul here
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because i watch some of the debates on you tube and when he when they introduce him i mean there's a really charged small but loud ok who's more afraid of ron paul romney or obama. if he goes only runs on the money a third party you know an independent. if he doesn't see i don't think he will because then that would hurt rand paul in the senate so i we can probably be very comfortable that ron paul will not run a third party but his supporters could indeed determine who the actual winner of the primary is if it does go down to the convention and that's very important because his people have been waiting on this day for a very long time they've paved the way to put up ron paul or rand paul and ron paul's place when his when his dad finishes and they have delegates they are the ones who are going to those caucus states positioning themselves to be delegates so
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even though rick santorum might have won iowa my i bet you ron paul has the most delegates out there so i think mitt romney should be really worried about ron paul if he decides to throw his delegates to someone else at the convention when you think about that which ron paul's playing in the rest of the campaign here. well it's going to be really important i think if mitt romney becomes the presumptive nominee it's going to be very important how he treats ron paul supporters you know there's a i think you know i look at this contest and i look back to two thousand and four where you had a insurgent candidate howard dean who had a lot of support and love from the grassroots and then you had a kind of a you know you had the kind of the candidate of the of the part of the kind of the party bosses in john kerry and it's very important to you know it was very important how john kerry reached out to at that time to bring them into the fold i'm not sure if he did a very good job but that's
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a sort of you know it's an analogy to this time where i think it's going to be very important how mitt romney makes those overtures and there's a chance that they may stay home i mean you know look they clearly have a gender that i don't think really is in line with what mitt romney wants to do and there's not a they don't necessarily go to a bomb on either i think many of these people or a neighborhood with ron paul his message is a very strong libertarian message and it doesn't really fit with what mitt romney is saying about you know protecting huge tax cuts for you know huge corporations and millionaires and billionaires ok i tend to think that the republicans and democrats that i have i would like to add to that though. not only that but i think you might see the ron paul people get engaged if mitt romney is the presumptive nominee simply for a couple of reasons the political landscape is very very different and you have had republicans out there campaigning to expand the terrorism the war on terrorism which is strange if the war is over and the troops are coming home they have passed
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the bill to legally detain a united states citizens indefinitely and mitt romney said he supported that and i don't know they may come out against him ok john i'm going to give you the last word on this program and maybe you can make some history here we had soccer moms in the past i mean is there a category out there that you are looking at that is coming. and to play you know that you know uncles that drink beer i mean what is there a category out there that you think that can swing things one way or another that is that uncles who drink beer is a pretty broad category out there that it's almost like saying men. one of the interesting things that we found in our polling is we you know we've talked a lot in the past about how union workers people who are part of a union support democrats overwhelmingly. what we've seen in the last year especially through the two thousand and ten cycle now into two thousand and eleven two thousand and twelve there's a very distinct difference between the union workers who work for the government
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typically teachers oftentimes other government employees versus the private union workers who work for a car company and work in a factory those folks as blue collar folks who are private union employees tend to are more likely to vote republican this year than they have been in the past and i'd say you know the republican nominee probably does very well among that group if they split out between really the right and up on those loans very interesting discussion we'll keep our eye on the campaign many thanks to my guest today in dallas and in washington thanks to our viewers for watching us here arche see you next time and remember last time. you. want. my. world. series
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fresh clashes break out tear gas fired at protesters in egypt venting their anger against military rulers in the wake of wednesday's football bios that left seventy four dead this is live video you're looking at now from the center of the egyptian capital. moscow says it can't support a new u.n. resolution on syria saying that despite being softened it doesn't address all of russia's concerns. and a close up on the vote all polling stations across russia get their own digital observer as webcams are installed on the orders of the prime minister.
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a pm in moscow i mattress a good to have you with us here on our t.v. our top story fresh clashes in egypt with reports of at least three killed and some four hundred injured as police again fire volleys of tear gas to disperse crowds of protesters we're looking at live video here that we're bringing you from cairo seeing fastens gathered in the center top here square out a rest broke out after wednesday's football violence when seventy four people died in post match clashes protesters blame police for doing nothing to prevent the soccer pitch deaths they're also calling on the military council to step down journalist believes there may be forces that are banking on the unrest. at this stage it's very difficult to say who is actually behind the violence and whether it was a spontaneous or straight it but what's certain is that there's
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a security vacuum and in egypt and this security vacuum is intentional the police and the security apparatus has wanted to since the revolution began has wanted to punish the people for the rebelling against it and and so. like in the immediate aftermath of the revolution the police disappeared off the streets and now they haven't returned to full capacity the supreme council of the armed forces since barak's ouster have been trying to sell themselves as a guarantor of peace and stability in egypt and so they jump on every opportunity to drive home the message that egypt is in like. mayhem and chaos and the only way we're going to get out of this is be you to support us as your leaders basically the changes that have occurred so far have largely been cosmetic ones to
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try and give. the army the generals a sheen of legitimacy but i don't think they have any intention of stepping down just yet unless forced to do so by the street. does what you think about the latest clashes in egypt is calm today we're asking you why that column has failed to return after the country's revolution last year so far most believe it's because it's the same officials in power now who were under to be in power under president mubarak that are in control the country of the border think continuing to rest plays into the interest of radical groups eighteen per cent also believe that every revolution creates its own downfall about the same number say the unrest purses because of high unemployment persisting those are other figures fact that you can change them by logging on to casting your vote at r.t. dot com. and you can see the first ten events unfolding as they happen in cairo at r.t. dot com we're streaming the approaches for you live on our web site. moscow says it
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can't support a new draft resolution on syria although the text has been softened to overcome some of russia's objections it still falls short of addressing moscow's main concerns for more we're joined by our teams marina porton live from new york. the marina so the un seemed so close to reaching an agreement on syria earlier and now we have this setback again do you think it's back to square one. i would say square one but the security council is not near the final stages nowhere near the final stages of agreeing on a draft resolution on syria as the security council enters its fourth day of negotiations major powers are still divided over how this resolution should be drafted and what wording should be used now the russian foreign ministry said that moscow is still committed to talks in these talks are continuing but no vote
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is planned for the coming days now as we've been reporting the resolution the draft resolution that was first introduced to the council back on tuesday has been revised and updated to meet some of russia's concerns you know some of those revisions reportedly include the fact that the text no longer is spelling out plans for syrian president bashar al assad to step aside or to relinquish its power it also reportedly deletes a paragraph demanded that you were a member speak number of member states prevent the flow of arms to syria but at this point me we still do not know what are the sticking points we do know that moscow opposes any language that would open the door for regime change in syria russia russian officials have acknowledged that the text has softened but as you mentioned it still does not meet moscow's major concerns now why the wording is so
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important is because of what has taken place in libya russia china many other countries believe that western powers misinterpreted the text of the resolution that was passed for libya that allowed for a no fly zone and circumvented the text and and took advantage of what the security council wanted and that's why you have all these member states going through the text word for word and debating word for word because. many countries do not want to leave the door open for misinterpretation of misinterpretation by western powers some of which want to see a regime change in syria. marine important i reporter for us there from new york thanks for that update. marcus papadopoulos editor of politics first magazine believes the u.s. is still committed to seeing power change hands in damascus. western interest in the conflict in syria isn't guided by wanting to advance human rights democracy or
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the rule of law in the region if it was about that then we'd probably see an american naval flotilla off the coast of saudi arabia which happens to be one of the most repressive and brutal regimes in the world it follows a pro who western foreign policy syria it's a huge player in middle eastern politics and the west principally america has a very problematic relationship with syria so it would be very much within america's interests for the syrian government for president assad to fall from power and for a more accommodating a more sort of pro western government to come to parallel should that happen that would give. almost full dominance politically in the middle way so instead of western governments the british and the american in the french ones talking about president assad stays being numbered they should be more responsible in their outlook and the main focus should be on bringing pace to syria. margaret
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papadopoulos editor of politics first magazine speaking with us there from london will stay with us here on our team lots more coming up in the next few minutes including this we're live just to the extreme. so it's scary and it's freaking people legs and this is a misinterpretation of her secret groups and some hard liner rhetoric from a radical islamic group shocks belgian society including fellow muslims. a soulless substance. cannot touch like a well trained army. villages in ruins. for thailand where time stands still. all becomes a scene of nothingness. the mysterious sons of russia.
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well with the. technology innovation all these developments around russia we've got the future covered. thanks for staying with us here on r t ten minutes past the hour in moscow live pictures from every polling station in a russia will go online with the help of a new web site that was launched friday thousands of web cameras are being installed across the country ahead of next month's presidential election the move was introduced by the current prime minister and presidential candidate of light of your putin as a step toward stopping fraud during the vote. has more. inch
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after inch mile after mile big brother is preparing to cast his eyes on polling stations as the massive campaign to install web cameras is in full swing across the entire nation but actually sometimes but i think if anything i ask for a central electoral commission to install web cameras at all polling stations across the country so that everyone can watch online what's happening there how much twenty four hours a day sunday you always want that only. the idea was put forward following the biggest protests in russia since the collapse of the u.s.s.r. with tens of thousands demanding fair elections so wiring up over ninety thousand polling stations is the scale and around a half of a billion us dollars is the price tag. coming into this system is not be made only for one day we hold this project want only develop elections acknowledges but will also help modernize telecommunications infrastructure across the entire country.
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all cameras will be feeding the videos the therm to local digital storage facilities after computer processing will be then sent to seven large storage and distribution centers via cable radio and satellite these centers will then broadcast the information to several web portals it's estimated that all together the cameras will film and broadcast four hundred and ninety years of video information in good quality however there is still down to this technology will help make the vote more transparent. you'll get a story i'm sure the observers won't be able to check in advance if these cameras work or not now. everyone knows about cameras in supermarkets but these still doesn't stop robberies from happening. it's every ballot box will be monitored by two cameras one with the general view and another with
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a close up of the slot there are many ways to rig a vote and the cameras don't provide one hundred percent guarantee against them but using them should still make it much more difficult to stuff boxes of course there is nothing new. or where cameras. using them to monitor elections on such a scale is a first for any nation and regardless of the success of the idea everyone will be able to monitor the vote online and not to mention no one is against having more real life observers on the spot in what was going on r.t. moscow. well the voting video isn't online just yet but there is a lot streaming right now and you can check it all out at our website our team dot com including this government web sites in ukraine suffer a two day blackout after being caught by a group for shutting down a popular file sharing resource. and international space station crew members will be stuck in orbit for an extra forty five days find out what caused the delay
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home. well they may be a minority but they're making their presence felt in belgium a group of radical muslims is getting a mixed public reaction ranging from fear to ridicule as artie's tests are so your reports their extreme message may contradict the very religion they claim to observe. bearded wearing a comma flush jacket and constantly surrounded by men fought about his hard not to notice he heads the islamic fundamentalist group sharia for belgium in september the group opened the country's first sharia court in antwerp to mediate domestic disputes among muslims with our own system. of handling things if you want to accept it accept it if you don't. but there is a judgment if you if you're a muslim you will go to paradise if you are this believer will go to hell. any further controversy may have ended there if that was all there is to it that video
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such as these. have caused outrage. the freedom of speech and. the hatred incitement to violence starts we have. leadership. he. said. i should be. i should be killed because i am an enemy of islam in january and work or prosecutor recommended two years in prison and a fine of five hundred fifty euros for about the same for inciting hatred and violence against muslims. that's in addition to fourteen police court convictions and criminal convictions for robbery defamation and violence in my view would be a bunch of corns just a few people maybe a dozen of people maybe two dozen of people dressed like middle eastern. middle age fundamentally stories young males saying that the green flag. on belgium and come
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on this is a joke yet it has its repercussions on other muslims. this kind of group of course they are moved limbs but they have no religious background it is a minority perhaps that in search of an identity but that's ignorance and the method they're using it's scary and it's freaking people out. unfortunately this kind of group feels about image of islam and most muslims condemn this kind of ideology this is a misinterpretation of her secret books and her little muslims comprise about six percent of the belgian population one of the highest rates in europe and is expected to rise to more than ten percent by two thousand and twenty the muslim who live in belgium they say know that i'm muslim they are belgium from american origin turkish albanian origin and the first declination.
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