tv [untitled] February 3, 2012 12:00pm-12:29pm EST
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this is live video from cairo egypt where fresh clashes broke out and tear gas was fired at protesters venting their anger against egypt's military rulers in the wake of wednesday's football violence that left seventy four dead. moscow says it can't support a new u.n. resolution on syria saying despite being softened it doesn't address all of russia's concerns. and of the close up on the vote all polling stations across russia get their own digital observer as webcams were installed on orders of the prime minister. is the euro old dead current seeds of find out the. discuss the whole big business and see it with him.
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at nine pm in moscow i match president good to have you with us here on r t our top story fresh clashes in egypt with reports of at least three people killed and some four hundred injured as police fired volley of tear gas to disperse crowds of protesters broke out after wednesday's football violence when seventy four people died in post match clashes protesters blame police for doing nothing to prevent the soccer pitch deaths they're also calling on the military council to step down for more on this we go live to egyptian activist ahmed salo who is live for us in washington d.c. thanks for joining us so i anchor over these deaths on the football pitch has grown into widespread protests against the rule of the military council do you think there was anything more than a football rivalry behind wednesday's clashes. i'm sorry i have to really quick to
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this information this was not a fulbright this was a crime that was aimed at one of the factions of the revolution. football fans of allegedly team as well as a football fans of the malik and the other teams they have been always forming the spearhead and the confrontations we've had with security and military before during all the clashes we've had with the current military regime in egypt and this was a massacre that was deliberately made there are very strong signs that. we have that this had been totally deliberately made with the arrival of buses with loads of persons in civilian clothes and holding sticks that were all very much identical the use of firearms the use of strangling tactics that would break the nic which means that these people were trained to do this and wait wait
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a second asian satirist adult step back here for a second these people on the buses that you're talking about are these supporters of the regime of the government or people who are with the people i know you were there i hired you were they were hired and they would brought from a different nearby town of the town of course eight where the events took place. the lights went off hired by who are the security ok hired by the security we have pictures of police officers directing those persons those masses. and. give orders to turn of the lights about twenty minutes before the game was finished it was all deliberate we have every evidence that can prove it now you are right now there is that if. you campaigned against mubarak who is now out of power do you think you are satisfied with the way reforms are moving forward. we are not sure
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that mubarak is out of power to be goes well what is happening was mubarak he is living in total luxury in this presumable hospital and usually with i don't know how many jacuzzi bus i don't know what he's brought in and out of his trial by helicopters his trial is a mockery trial it's a charade and everybody expects that he would be acquitted so we don't think that he is really out of quote i think that he as well as his associates in the skaf the supreme council on forces of the orchestrators of the atrocities that are having that we are having in egypt right now and they should be brought to justice all of the groups of supporters of cairo's football club have pledged a new war to defend the revolution as they say that wednesday's clashes were an attempt to punish them for their part in the overthrow of mubarak do you think this could become another full scale operation i'm sorry i didn't catch old your
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question do you think that this could lead to this unrest that's going on in the wake of the football violence could it lead to another uprising it is already a total uprising you have not only into people are supporting the ministry of the interior under siege from all the different streets there is over ten thousand people that are trying to put the ministry of defense the headquarters of the itself under siege which is a very formidable area and we've never been able to go there before because you always managed to stop us before we arrived there but so many rallies went from different directions and it's all over the country there are clashes everywhere the security is shooting people everywhere we have marchers falling everywhere and some reasons of injured people it's all over the country all right thanks for insight we have to leave it there ahmed egyptian activist joining us live from washington. well tell us what you think about the latest clashes in egypt at r.t.
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dot com today we're asking why you think the calm has failed to return after the revolution in egypt last year so far most believe it's because it's the same officials who were in power under mubarak under mubarak but are still running the country a quarter think that continuing on the rest plays into the interest of radical groups eighteen percent also say that the revolution creates its own downfall and have the same number saying the unrest continues because high unemployment assists those are how the numbers stack up right now you can change them if you like by casting your vote at r.t. dot com. you can also see the events unfolding first hand in cairo by check out the streaming video at our website that's on our teeth dot com. moscow says it can't support a new draft resolution on syria although the text has been softened to overcome some of russia's objections the kremlin says it still falls short of addressing moscow's main concerns are marine important as the latest from new york. as the
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security council enters its fourth day of negotiations major powers are still divided over how this resolution should be drafted and what wording should be used now the russian foreign ministry said that moscow is still committed to talks and these talks are continuing but no vote is planned for the coming days now as we've been reporting the resolution the draft resolution that was first introduced to the council on tuesday has been revised and updated to meet some of russia's concerns now some of those revisions reportedly include the fact that the text no longer is spelling out plans for syrian president bashar al assad to step aside or to relinquish its power it also reportedly deletes a paragraph demanded that u.n. member states prevent the flow of arms to syria but at this point we still do not know what are the sticking points we do know that moscow opposes any language that
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would open the door for regime change in syria russia russian officials have acknowledged that the tax has softened but still does not meet moscow's major concerns now why the wording is so important is because of what has taken place in libya russia china many other countries believe that western powers misinterpreted the text of the resolution that was passed for libya that allowed for a no fly zone and circumvented the attacks and and took advantage of what the security council wanted and that's why you have all these member states going through the text word for word and debating word for word because many countries do not want to leave the door open for misinterpretation by western powers some of which want to see a regime change in syria. marcus papadopoulos editor of politics first magazine thinks the u.s. is still committed to seeing power change hands in damascus western interest in the
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conflict in syria isn't guided by wanton soup advance human rights democracy or the rule of law in the region if it was about that then we'd probably see an american naval flotilla off the coast of saudi arabia which happens to be one of the most repressive and brutal regimes in the world but it follows a pro western foreign policy syria is a huge player in middle eastern politics and the west principally america has a very problematic relationship with syria so it would be very much within america's interests for the syrian government for president assad to fall from power and for a more accommodating a more sort of pro western government to come to parallel should that happen that would give. almost full dominance politically in the middle weights so instead of western governments the british and the american and the french ones
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talking about president assad stays being numbered they should be more responsible in their outlook and the main focus should be on bringing pace to syria. marcus papadopoulos there editor of politics first magazine joining us from london will stay with us there's a lot more coming your way in the next few minutes including this to the extreme. ski the and the screeching people learned from this is a misinterpretation of their secret groups some are line of rhetoric from a radical islamic group shocking belgian society including their fellow muslims stay with us.
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good. job. thanks for staying with us here on our t. eleven minutes past the hour in moscow live pictures from every polling station in a russia set to go online with the help of a new web site that launched friday thousands of web cameras being installed across the country ahead of next month's presidential election the move was introduced by
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the current prime minister and presidential candidate widen your putin as a way towards stopping fraud during the vote is going off as the details. inch after inch mile after mile big brother is preparing to cast his eyes on polling stations as the massive campaign to install web cameras is in full swing across the entire nation but actually sometimes but i think if anything i asked a central electoral commission to install web cameras at all polling stations across the country so that everyone could watch online what's happening there what twenty four hours a day. the idea was put forward following the biggest protests in russia since the collapse of the u.s.s.r. with tens of thousands demanding fair elections so wiring up over ninety thousand polling stations is the scale and around a half of a billion us dollars is the price tag. the system is not be made only for one
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day we help this project want only develop elections acknowledges but will also help modernize telecommunications infrastructure across the entire country. all cameras will be feeding the videos the film to local digital storage facilities after computer processing will be then sent to seven large storage and distribution centers via cable radio and satellite these centers will then broadcast the information to several web portals it's estimated that all together the cameras will film and broadcast four hundred and ninety years of video information in good quality however there is still down to this technology will help make the vote more transparent. you'll get us i'm sure the observers won't be able to check in advance if these cameras work will not. matter if everyone knows about cameras in supermarkets but this still doesn't stop robberies from happening. it's planted
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that every ballot box will be monitored by two cameras one with the general view and another with a close up of the slot there are many ways to rig a vote and the cameras don't provide one hundred percent guarantee against them but using them should still make it much more difficult to stuff boxes of course there's nothing new. or web cameras are using them to monitor elections on such a scale is a first for any nation and regardless of the success of the idea everyone will be able to monitor the vote online and not to mention no one is against having more real life observers on the spot he was going off r.t. moscow. well ad voting video isn't just yet but there is a lot streaming right now when you can check it all out of our. government web sites in ukraine suffering after being hacked. for shutting down a popular file sharing resources. of international space station crew members stuck
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they may be a minority but they are making their presence felt in belgium are a group of radical muslims is getting a mixed public reaction ranging from fear to ridicule. reports their extreme message may even contradict the very religion that they claim to observe. bearded wearing a comma flushed jacket and constantly surrounded by men for what a belt is hard not to notice he heads the islamic fundamentalist group sharia for belgium in september the group opened the country's first sharia court in outwork to mediate domestic disputes among muslims with our own system. of handling things if you want to accept it accept it if you don't. there is a judgement day if you if you're a muslim you will go to paradise if you are this believer you will go to hell. any
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further controversy may have ended there if that was all there is to it that video such as these. have caused outrage. the freedom of speech and. the hatred incitement to violence starts we have. leadership. he openly. said that. i should be. should be killed because i am an enemy of islam in january and work or prosecutor recommended two years in prison and a fine of five hundred fifty euros for about a seven for inciting hatred and violence against muslims that's in addition to fourteen police court convictions and criminal convictions for robbery defamation and violence if you would. just a few people maybe a dozen of people maybe two dozen of people dressed like.
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green flag. and this is a joke yet it has its repercussions on other muslims. this kind of group of course they are moved them but they have no religious background it is a minority perhaps that in search of an identity but. that's a big difference and the myth that they're using it's scary and it's freaking people language. unfortunately just kind of group shows about image of islam and most muslims condemn this kind of. this is a misinterpretation of her secret. muslims comprise about six percent of the belgian population one of the highest rates in europe and is expected to rise to more than ten percent by two thousand and twenty the muslim who live in belgium they say. they are belgium from the region. and you know rigid and
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the first thickly nation of. muslim radical groups such as those of the islamic fundamentalists comprise a minority and it's not representative of the muslim community in belgium nevertheless politicians analysts and even the bells of muslims themselves acknowledge that the problem is what these groups symbolize radicalization the process it spreads and the allure of extreme views. tests are still here r t brussels the u.s. set out some of that its combat operations in afghanistan will add earlier than expected has stirred some confusion among afghan officials who say it could be a disaster for the whole transition plan u.s. defense secretary leon panetta said earlier that the country wants to switch to a role of supporting and training local forces before the end of next year war correspondent and author eric margolis thinks the upcoming u.s. elections could be the main motive for the decision. first of all pressure from other this year's elections a poll shows sixty percent of american voters are fed up with the war in
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afghanistan or against the price is approaching one trillion dollars a time when washington's very hard of cash is cutting budgets and obama wants to be leander johnson democratic party member he was the piece presidency brown is going to repeat student states and this is a very important step you must draw to a smaller number of foreigners bases and conduct drone attacks will conduct special sources really it's not over yet in afghanistan the will it's going to have the eighty thousand us paid mercenaries who are in afghanistan remains uncertain turned out to some other stories making headlines across the globe at least thirty seven people have been killed in a shootout between a rival police forces in south sudan dozens more were hospitalized with gunshot wounds fighting erupted at a peace meeting to resolve local disputes about stolen cattle south sudan which
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declared its independence last year playing with ethnic tension violent cattle raids and rebel attacks. cambodia's supreme court has said they compare rouges chief jailer known as comrade to life in prison for crimes committed while running a notorious detention center appeal judges rejected the man's claim that he was just following orders overseeing the torture and execution of more than twelve thousand victims he was already serving a thirty five year prison sentence for crimes against humanity. a cold snap has already claimed one hundred sixty four lives in eastern europe as nation struggle with record low temperatures heavy snowfall lead to widespread transport chaos and power outages the extreme cold even caused the black sea to freeze off ukraine's coast in that country alone more than one hundred people died after temperatures plummeted to minus thirty celsius most of the victims homeless people. and
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coming up a little later join the moscow team on the hunt for new ways to spend your time and beat the winter cold while staying indoors here's a peek. exploring the subject of hobbies in the working capital from board games to extreme sports the cold weather doesn't put anybody here but why the mosque because i'm here. in the center of moscow where this group is going to in the game. stay with us from moscow throughout the day here on r t business news next with
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dmitri stay with us. and welcome to business r.t. the european union is reporting a fall in russian gas supplies for the furred straight day the exceptionally cold weather is putting strains on supply from siberia to cornwall to tell us what's going on we sent artie's daniel bushell out in the freezing night what we do know is that you energy commission a good target in your sig goes probably did warn of potential shortages and for the last three days several states from the likes of poland to italy and austria said there have been caught no there has been increasingly cold weather in europe so that means that the morning has risen but those countries have got reserves for such a contingency the european companies have not complained yet officially which means it goes from says it's not making a statement because it's received no complaint previously goes from said that it may preference russian consumers which is also suffering russia is also suffering
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from fairly cold weather at the moment but ukraine and russia have accused of being behind these cuts but it is not really become clear what the real reason for these cuts is at the moment and we do expect this issue to toiled over where near the called receives and do more deterrence to normal market watchers expect the darkness of eurozone debt problems to get some light ratings agency standard and poor's expects the house the union to gradually climb out of its mild recession in the second half of this year and into twenty thirty the firms achieve the european economy is designed we shall see explained. the risks of the more severe recession . that could go into twenty thirteen are significant we estimate about forty percent probability yet i think we have to look at all the fact is there has been some and co edging ever upwards inside the you was own and outside of you was on
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what we expect is the moment from emerging markets particularly. a shout to strengthen again in the second half of the and that should be supportive of a very gradual recovery in the eurozone we also expect that investors confidence will gradually come back as they do up in central bank continues to provide ample liquidity to the banking sector in the euro zone. but not everyone agrees saxo bank is predicting an economic apocalypse with european equity markets losing a quarter of their value this year we asked the author of the best seller extreme money such as she dos which scenario seems more likely to him. well i think the best way to describe the s. and p. report is whatever they're smoking i'd like to have some as far as the sex of bank report goes i think they are believers in the mayan calendar which believes that
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the world will end in two thousand and twelve but i think the major thing is that when you look at the situation there is no way that europe is going to have a small recession it's going to have a long recession because the government spending will have to be cut and that has been the major stimulus which had these economies go the second thing is the banking system in most of these countries is not creating any credit will not be able to create this technically if you are honest about it they are marginally solve them to bits and we still have not resolved the debt issue and the real question is what will happen to portugal what will happen to spain what will happen to italy and there is absolutely no result on the part of european leadership and the european economic community because there is really no easy solution. and the russian mob could so ended friday's session with gains marking the fourth bull session in a row how to train from the us where the economy added two hundred forty three
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thousand jobs in january and twice what was expected and that will be unemployment rate to eight point three percent in the u.s. if we look at the market movers on the my sex partners gold surge the most in three years media reports it's a london listed parent will make a buyout offer of what's next is also a strong euro giant has reported a twenty percent increase in net profits for twenty eleven which is beating for costs that's all for now the headlines are next on r.t. to stay with us.
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the closer team has been to the hub bar of screen. where the country's mineral wealth starts its way across the ocean. now our chief goes to the area. once named dr lenin looking to a different character to represent itself. for local businesses are striving to build the aviation capital of russia. and for the four by fours are made and should be tested to the limit. welcome to the illyana screech of. russia close up on r.t. . welcome to the. science technology innovation hall the list of mellow mints from around russia we've got the future covered.
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