tv [untitled] February 3, 2012 3:00pm-3:30pm EST
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live video from cairo where fresh clashes broke out in tear gas was fired at protesters venting their anger against egypt's military rulers in the wake of wednesday's football violence that left seventy four dead. moscow says it can't support a new u.n. resolution on syria saying despite being so often to doesn't address all of the kremlin's concerns. zoom in on the vote all polling stations across russia get their own digital observer as webcams are installed on the prime minister's orders .
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it's midnight in moscow. good to have you with us here on our team our top story fresh clashes in egypt with reports of at least four killed and some four hundred injured across the country as police again fire volleys of tear gas and birdshot to disperse crowds of protesters we're looking at a live video from cairo or earlier we showed you a live video from cairo thousands of people were gathered in tahrir square that's the live video we're looking at now on the rest broke out after wednesday's football violence when seventy four people died in post match clashes protesters have been massing entire square seen here and around the interior ministry blaming police for doing nothing to prevent the soccer pitch deaths they're also calling on the military council to step down for more on all of this i'm joined by his. political analyst and editor of beirut based english newspaper so protesters have come out to demand justice for the victims of the football violence now the rallies seem to have grown into
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a kind of nationwide anger against the military leadership do you think there was more than a football rivalry at play behind wednesday's clashes. well i think certainly there were many factors at play let's keep in mind that the ultras the fans have played an important role in the egyptian revolution as some sort of a shock troops that would come in and protest at different points in time and what we've seen is basically a mix of anger a mix of excitement a lack of enough police that was there what the problem is that the way it's been mushrooming since wednesday if you if you recall we don't know exactly what kind of power relationship exists today between the military staff the military council the government and the elected the newly elected parliament so after what happened there's a lot of blame going around we saw a very odd scene in the parliament when governor prime minister appointed by
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the military rulers was being questioned and spoken to by parliament that's elected from people so what we're seeing on the street is that people are extremely frustrated they don't know who should be responsible they know the police force of course is to blame initially they're going to the minister of interior but then also who's who's in charge of the ministry he has blamed the police force the muslim brotherhood now that's dominating parliament is also blaming the government the government is answerable to who exactly the military or the parliament so what we're seeing is extreme frustration at the fact that since the revolution erupted we have seen little restructuring of the control and command of the police forces and we've also seen an extremely slow process of transfer of power to civilian rule now the muslim brotherhood plame supporters of the ousted regime from the violence
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and we had a guest on earlier who claimed that police were actually bussing in people to stir up a crowd and for mental violence who do you think is responsible. i mean i wasn't there myself the reports i've heard from people there and from friends in cairo is that yes there was at least. complicity impassivity on behalf that's the least we can say on the police force i was in cairo maybe seven years ago and i was watching a match actually not and the back then there was no revolution there was no security and i remember that each block of seats the entire rows of chairs the rows of chairs surrounding it were actually seated by police force so there must have been an extremely lower police force present or as you've heard from other people on your show. they were really for mentioning it so it's very likely that this is happened but i think more dangerous than this is the fact that nothing has been done yet nothing substantial to kind of tell people that we things are under
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control i think this is a surface when we say that police were doing this what's more important is that you know there's no political system in place to actually deal with things like that we don't we don't know exactly who is actually issuing these commands words it where it's coming from all right hisham severe and in political analyst and editor of beirut based on akbar english newspaper thanks for your insight. well tell us what you think about the latest clashes in egypt. dot com today we ask you why you think calm has failed to return to the country after egypt's revolution last year so far most think it's because it's the same officials who were in power under mubarak that are running the country now little less than a quarter think the continuing on arrest plays into the interests of radical groups seventeen percent says the unrest continues because high unemployment is persisting and if you were of that believes that every revolution creates its own downfall that's how the figures stack up right now you can log on and have your say at our
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team dot com. and you can also find the events going on firsthand as they unfold on the streets of cairo streaming that video of the protests on our web site r.t. dot com so you can check that out as well. moscow says it's not ready to support a new draft resolution on syria although the text has been softened to overcome some of russia's objections the kremlin says it's still short falls short of addressing their main concerns are important as the latest from new york. as the security council enters its for its fourth day of negotiations major powers are still divided over how this resolution should be drafted and what wording should be used now the russian foreign ministry said that moscow is still committed to talks and these talks are continuing but no vote is planned for the coming days now as we've been reporting the resolution the draft resolution that was first
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introduced to the council back on tuesday has been revised and updated to meet some of russia's concerns you know some of those revisions reportedly and include the fact that the text no longer is spelling out plans for syrian president bashar al assad to step aside or to relinquish its power it also reportedly deletes a paragraph demanded that u.n. member states prevent the flow of arms to syria but at this point we still do not know what are the sticking points we do know that moscow opposes any language that would open the door for regime change in syria russia russian officials have acknowledged that the tax has softened but still does not meet moscow's major concerns now why the wording is so if there is because of what has taken place in libya russia china many other countries believe that western powers misinterpreted the text of the resolution that was passed for libya that allowed for
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a no fly zone and circumvented the attacks and and took advantage of what the security council wanted and that's why you have all these member states going through the text word for word and debating word for word because many countries do not want to leave the door open for misinterpretation by western powers some of which want to see a regime change in syria with libya's new government accused of abuse and the country's detention centers it's been revealed about one fifth. former senior official could have fallen victim to torture by a militia libya's former ambassador to france has died in custody twenty four hours after being detained by an armed group for some insight on this i'm joined by sue khan shandon middle east expert and journalist who joins us live from london so human rights groups say the torture and killing of detainees is an ongoing problem in libya do you think the militia responsible for it will be held to account. i
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don't think the militia responsible for the the likely torturing to death or miss the will be held account but there's a lot of interesting political games going on in libya if you use a step back and look at what's happening with this latest development something interesting arises why is it that mr bush is killing has been fingered at the tiny militia when we know that the permanent representative to the united nations under the gadhafi regime that's a doctor. has been tortured by a militia in tripoli has been visited by the red crescent and now it's disappeared in in the hands of another militia in tripoli so i've been looking through the human rights watch website i've been looking through the amnesty web site and there's not one mention of missed the board but here but here pops up the torsional estimates the rubbish now what it seems to be very clearly is that why this focus now on this in tiny militia is because there's a tiny militia there's entirely people holding saif al islam and the west
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especially the i.c.c. are very fearful about what this one tiny militia are going to do with saif al islam saif al islam hasn't had access to us the list as far as i know and he hasn't said anything publicly so i think for this entire knees that saif al islam in their in their custody is the biggest power play that they've got to use in libya so i think this is the great agenda of what's going on right now with this latest development but nonetheless mr bush does seem to have been tortured to death was the former ambassador fronts all right just for our viewers information saif al islam being the one of the surviving sons of moammar gadhafi who is in custody now doctors without borders has recently suspended its mission in misrata saying it's treated patients for injuries sustained during interrogation what do you make of that. i think i think doctors without front is like human rights watch like amnesty they can't suddenly feign surprise about what's actually come to pass in
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libya because there's a pattern here of merging isn't that so-called human rights organization who obviously have a western centric eurocentric coloration on everything they seem to provide the quote unquote human rights justification for western. policies or foreign aggression then once these countries are to stabilize and it's a failed states via the nato or you know natural western the military aggression then they suddenly are surprised. but they all along have been used and perhaps allowing themselves to be used in actually in justifying a human rights so-called foreign intervention and then feigning surprise but i think it's interesting what they've said and it's quite clear what's going on is that they've doctors without borders has said very clearly that we are being used by the libyan rebels so basically to make better those detainees that have been tortured so they can be tortured again so the torch
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a state which libya has now developed which which you know just good off his regime pales into you know just it was a much better human rights situation but any real standards now adult is a. finding surprised but frankly they are being used in this way and they're allowing themselves to be lifetime really that the people across the world see these so-called human rights organizations for they are the basically the trojan horses or western foreign policy all right one last question i want her to toss in here we only have a few seconds left but how long do you see it before there is stability and peace in libya. is this the ability piece that they in afghanistan is their stability and peace that they never rock as long as those people who are able to actually maintain some semblance of state stability and human rights thought over regime as long as they kept out of the current status quo this will be the situation ongoing all right suzanne shannon journalist a middle east expert live for us in london thanks for that. live
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pictures from every polling station in a russian said to go online with help of a new web site that launched friday thousands of web cameras are being installed across the country ahead of next month's presidential election the move was introduced by current prime minister and candidate for president vladimir putin as a step toward stopping fraud during the vote or he said our press going off has the details. after each mile after mile big brother is preparing to cast his eyes on polling stations as the massive campaign to install web cameras is in full swing across the entire nation. but i think my central electoral commission which is to install web cameras at all polling stations across the country so that everyone can watch online what's happening there twenty four hours a day. the idea was put forward following the biggest protests in russia since the collapse of the u.s.s.r. with tens of thousands demanding fair elections so wiring up over ninety thousand
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polling stations is the scale and around a half of a billion us dollars is the price tag. the system is not be made only for one day we help this project want only develop elections acknowledges but will also help modernize telecommunications infrastructure across the entire country. all cameras will be feeding the videos the film to local digital storage facilities after computer processing will be then sent to seven large storage and distribution centers via cable radio and satellite these centers will then broadcast the information to several web portals it's estimated that all together the cameras will film and broadcast four hundred and ninety years of video information in good quality however there is still down to this technology will help make the vote more transparent. i'm sure the observer is going to be able to check advance if these
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cameras work will not. everyone knows about cameras in supermarkets but these still doesn't stop robberies from happening. it's planted that every ballot box will be monitored by two cameras one with the general view and another with a close up of the slot there are many ways to rig a vote and the cameras don't provide one hundred percent guarantee against them but using that should still make it much more difficult to stuff boxes for nothing. more web camera. using them to monitor elections on such a scale is a first for any nation and regardless of the success of the idea everyone will be able to monitor the vote online and not to mention no one is against having more real life observers on the spot the war has gone off r.t. moscow. well voting video isn't online just yet but there is
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a lot streaming right now and you can check it all out at our t. dot com anonymous hacker group unveils secret correspondence revealing details of a massacre of iraqi civilians allegedly by u.s. troops in two thousand and five plus. the international space station crew members will be stuck in orbit for an extra forty five days find out what's behind the delay. train out of some other stories making headlines across the globe at least thirty seven people have been killed in a shootout between rival police forces in south sudan dozens more were hospitalized with gunshot wounds fighting erupted at a peace meeting to resolve local disputes about stolen cattle so sudan that declared independence last year is played with ethnic tension violent cattle raids and rebel attacks. a cold snap has already claimed one hundred sixty four lives in eastern europe as countries continue to struggle with a record low temperatures heavy snows have led to widespread transport chaos and
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power outages the extreme cold even caused the black sea to freeze off ukraine's coast and that country alone more than one hundred people have died after temperatures plummeted to minus thirty degrees centigrade most of the victims were homeless people. rescue teams continue to battle heavy seas and strong when searching for survivors after a ferry sank off new guinea with three hundred fifty passengers and crew aboard almost two hundred fifty have been plucked from the waters but many are still missing the ship's operator said the vessel sent out in a stress call thursday but then lost all contact most of the passengers were college students and teachers in training. the hour's main news here on our team moscow are coming your way next stay with us.
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doesn't put anybody here but why the mosque well that's because i'm here. in the center of moscow where this group are enjoying the game. also known as well wolf. mathy is a party game that was created in the u.s.s.r. by dimitri in one nine hundred eighty six as a kind of. mystery game. in moscow and various pubs restaurants and even. ex-pats to enjoy the game. although quite complicated the rules are cut down so this play is assigned one of two roles mafia members who know each. and general tells people as. he continues until all of the mafia. the mafia outnumber the townspeople. for. me. but it's
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a great team building exercise which really gets the crowd it also represents the cultural and hobby see well thank you. first of all to you. being here is. kills. chess russia has many connections with. dozens of players become world champions maybe some of the. future champions to. break into a profession. in three days strips.
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many hobbies all sport related activities such as football. place but the lest break in my sports such as finding a people's home. and. groups. tell you something. that you will. need curling is a fascinating game it's entertaining and also addictive it's great for t.v. too we have many office people here who come to play in big groups. moving on and it's widely understood in the medical community that stress can be destructive crofts and other press like to see. help you let go of stress as focus on something you enjoy and this. is an intriguing addition to the world of hobbies locals and foreigners can enjoy. in the beginning of two thousand and seven a group of. us created a club to cultivate traditional and strong. practitioners. someone who
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practices in the grading system of skill equivocation. is growing in popularity around the world and russian capital is no exception to the. spiritual and physical enhancement with the means of a sword it's a powerful social and cultural phenomenon in japan and russia it's existed for twenty two years as always i've been asked if i would like to take part in a class so it's on with the clothing and components and finally the helmets man as it's called i'm given a short lesson in technique and the principles behind the fighting a movement and well let's try.
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that in the training is quite noisy in comparison to some other sports this is because he's a shout to express that fighting spirit when striking. as it's called is meant to represent the source and is made up of four slots held together by his wants to experience yet again i live to tell the tale. for the most time consuming fast times in the twenty first century video gaming some parents might not be happy about that many young says spend a lot of time in front of the screen of the play stations. it's a huge industry now larry six issues old allies around the world to showcase the best examples like the economy expo in moscow held annually in two thousand and six .
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planting things is one of the most common hobbies some keep their collections and cupboards others prefer to share them with all others interested question and complex and choose yes by the increase of those names acquired his first b.m.w. a decade ago the students decided to stop the collection is go. and international retro clothes grew considerably somebody decided to open a museum which now has hundreds of princes. and shifty me i'm meeting children's world is a popular chain in russia with a million still of trainspotting stamp collecting a modern making. up being replaced by technology but while some kids turn their noses up at traditional games are still many who love old fashioned postcards. jigsaw puzzles black drafts chess or dozens of hobbies and games on sale here and
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of course even though our children's toy. highlights the world wide. and throw in the cold and dark winter months such indoor activities for all ages. and since no. such hobbies are good for you in many ways jigsaws arts and craft puzzles plastic model kits and so on are said to hans your creativity help you think more clearly and sharpen your focus based media mogul is a big bend in the global simply keep tracing and entertained for hours in the high tech world of today there's clearly still a market for such. please go beyond. puzzles i'm not just for children some are so complicated that even grownups can manage them like for example they said once here consisted of thousands of pieces but it's a great family holby and fun well like to deal with them all together.
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a final location is the space complex when he was billed for the nine hundred eighty summer olympics where most of the swimming diving and water polo competitions. come here to meet a group of stephen davis regular sessions. and the six meters deep it's a great place to train for. confidence and skills there are several diving clubs in moscow it's a passionate hobby for many russians who travel around the world exploring their historic sites. which. this one is a great part of my life i guess or time to work my brain is overloaded with information and i feel like i need some sort of release which i guess when i come here don't even the pull and spend time with fellow divers. used in the i thought living in a busy capital such as the holidays abroad are the only chance to enjoy the what to
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wild well that's not the case so it's on with the wetsuit and gear and into the. sea creatures or not this is still great fun you don't have the views of coral and fish swimming pool is an ideal place to concentrate on managing the equipment steady breathing and to make sure your knowledge of safety is refresh and here you can see several advanced scuba divers playing a game of. take that's for you time. provides an opportunity to release your stress. rechargeable batteries. expression. to scuba diving. in extreme seasons and. this is he brings a whole range of fascinating hobbies and as the city evolves. the activities
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enjoyed only become more individual and specialized maybe next time they'll add a shock to the swimming pool well what i've experienced that was great fun but unfortunately that's not how many have left on this week's program my hobbies impost time skiing or sometimes i'll see you again the same time next you can swim for me and the rest of the crew from the ski school city i'm here. for now. means of protection can be used. when global supremacy.
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between two thousand and five and two thousand and nine us is spent fifteen billion dollars in the price to pay for the entire program that we are dealing with right now here in two thousand and eleven is another hundred fifty billion dollars that's larger than many country's entire military budget twenty things becomes the best for the defense. but i still strive for somebody of australia i do want to tell the out look there's a lot you know we want to see that little monkey. if you want to have sex go and have sex.
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