tv [untitled] February 3, 2012 3:48pm-4:18pm EST
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it's fraught with danger. with a couple if this is a highly accurate weapon it has a range of up to ten thousand kilometers and lands within not more than two hundred meters from targets. you certainly realize that for the purposes of a nuclear strike this means a direct hit. the united states cannot give russian legal gear in t. that the missile defense system is not directed against it this would be the wrong move as the matter consumes the defense of need two countries. russia feels compelled to take countermeasures because the united states has refused to give legal guarantees demonstrating that the deployment of the american missile defense system in europe is not directed against russia. nato countries are in no mood to respect the deployment of their military installations to europe. new american military bases may soon be set up in
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kazakhstan go to stun turkmenistan and tajikistan. about i see a boy once russia has been encircled by a military base as a new geopolitical reality will emerge we need to take this reality into account already today but and take measures to control potential threats to our security is opposed. meanwhile the view that the missile defense shield is too expensive is getting increasing currency inside the united states itself to provide financial backing to the armed forces moreover the project is making millions of dollars from nato subcontractors in farias countries. between two thousand and five and two thousand and nine the u.s. has spent fifteen billion dollars and the price paid for the entire program that we are dealing with right now here in two thousand and eleven is another hundred and fifty. billion dollars that's larger than many country's entire military budgets.
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some of the funding for the missile defense system in europe is being put to use in poland's north the small village of rijeka is home to a high security installation. the base used to be manned by polish air force pilots soviet made fighters still serve as a reminder of the fact that poland was once a member of the warsaw pact an organization formed off to world war two by the u.s. as in response to nato. the old war planes will be scrapped by the u.s. troops who arrive here shortly they'll be bringing missiles with them. local residents have already been told that they won't be getting any compensation for having the new arsenal placed so close to their homes. and out on us we are not overjoyed at the prospect of these weapons being deployed
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a few hundred meters from our homes on them or you've got the missiles will pose a threat to the local population of over one thousand people. elisabetta demand sca a schoolteacher came to reject of a from warsaw a long time ago she knows only too well what the villages think about the military installation. that means the most noise about it is most of the people even here are farmers. and they of course they were very warm after hearing news of me sell deployment for the time being though the base and we are going our separate ways. but even first graders in the village of rhetoric over are aware of the military base. but the schoolchildren don't fully understand the threat so their teachers bring them up to date in the classroom. lingo good morning you found
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please take your seats. ok button them and today we start with a history lesson. elisabetta demands go teaches her pupils about military conflicts she insists the people should never forget history's lessons if you check conflict is to be avoided. the military base in regular is in full view of the school as the teacher tells her pupils about world war two they visualize the base as a symbol of the past the present and the future. is the german troops once use the territory just outside of school. later polish pilots served here. no doubt you know that an american military base is going to be set up here. that there is going to be in you and three in the history books because of it america. estonian sculptor
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to come and transforms the legacy of past wars into works about on the shores of the gulf of finland he's found hundreds of sea mines made during world war two and the cold war the artist uses them to make remarkable objects this mine for example will become a fireplace. i think it will make a nice fireplace. the sea mines picked up by common can no longer sink ships the artist so-called military style doesn't mean his succumbs to fashion instead it's an attempt to create works of art using something that was originally intended for destruction and murder. you don't see it these are you know you can make anything you like from these oval shaped mine it's you know you can make sculptures out of them you can even make
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a race car. coming in those from news bulletins that missile defense components will soon be installed close to his country. he says nato missiles can easily be turned into beautiful sculptures. any brighter the amount of effort spent on making such weapons would be much better spent funding the arts. the people involved in this experiment testing their capacity for survival and the nuclear aftermath have finally reached their destination an abandoned military bunker now they need to take a breather and warm up near a camp fire. the
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coach knows that this kind of training is useful in any case it helps participants to strengthen their skills and prepares them for any emergency in their regular daily lives. but. it's great that there is a growing number of people who want to learn survival skills even if nothing catastrophic happens they now have a different psychological attitude. this will prepare them for other small emergencies but. those who have gone through survival training school a fully aware of the fact that the location of their exercise is fully protected. offices at the radar station including major by jim kosek control the entire outer space over a european russia. space control center has given instructions to tracking artificial earth satellites and when you. pull modern set up
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a racial information is fed to the outer. space control center. i'm not first so going to quiet classification official it says a large distance forty and fifty as a month three hundred thirty three. the stuff makes no secret of the fact that the russian radar transmitter sees european air space in great detail. on the station's unique radar tracks even submarine launched missiles in the barren sunlight sees the sea of a whole sky and around the north pole. up to the theme of. our system is being expanded in response to the expansion of the european missile defense shield of the so that the with the aim is to match the measures being taken in europe and the new stations are being commissioned here to respond to nato as activities. thrown at them.
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dot com. for the very. much you're pretty only. think your personal conversations are being held in private think again thanks to the hacktivist group anonymous not even the f.b.i. is protected we'll tell you about their latest cyber attack on the unemployment rate has dropped to eight point three percent this was an end big usually positive . and the mainstream media sure knows how to color a flowery picture but no matter how you paint these roses the economy is still in the red we will get the real economic woes the u.s. faces. me as kind of you know giving them some tough times and they still want some
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wind with them into shape and when your finances take a beating sometimes you have to hit back or in this case with others to make ends meet will show you one underground business that's booming. or good afternoon it's friday february third four pm in washington d.c. i'm christine and you're watching our t.v. . well let's begin with the latest from the hacktivist group anonymous it is friday after all which means the group is out with a new chapter in their program the name of which i can't say on air other than to call it f. f.b.i. friday now you may remember two weeks ago we told you about the groups waged attacks on web sites for the department of justice the f.b.i. universal music group and the motion picture association of america well that was in response to the file sharing site mega upload being taken down by federal agents
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now the group is at it again just moments ago the web site for the department of homeland security went down and earlier they hacked into the web site for puckett and for ron these are the attorneys that represented sergeant frank wuterich in his recent trial now literate you may remember admitted to leading marines into two civilian homes in had a decent iraq back in two thousand and five which resulted in the deaths of twenty four civilians including women and children they say they want to bring attention to this case adding quote can you believe this scumbag had his charges reduced to involuntary manslaughter and got away with only a pay cut now it goes on to compare that with what's happening to alleged wiki leaks or bradley manning who now faces life imprisonment for sharing classified documents now another really interesting thing also happened turns out it's not just web sites apparently anonymous has also been able to record some pretty high
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profile telephone conversations including one between the f.b.i. and scotland yard about the investigation into anonymous and the f.b.i. has confirmed the call saying it was illegally into obtained meant for the ears of law enforcement only and as we know anonymous doesn't care who such matters are intended for we have a little bit of that conversation for you to hear. prosecution counsel. without defense knowledge. to try to some time. ok how much time do you think it's reasonable that they'll be on the. got. which is. what we're going to propose. so let's talk about this and go now to the
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founder of project. he's got some knowledge of anonymous and also is our source our go to guy to help shed some light on what this might mean let's talk first about this audio recording we just played a portion of it you've got an investigator from the u.k. talking about two guys part of anonymous u.k. that were arrested and i'm not delaying their case you have been talking about things their defense attorneys even don't know about what do you see as the result of this type of interception. well it's going to obviously look. the most fault read from you because it's the latter mentioned. acknowledged cock. points all together and i've only heard the southern border that is more but that day. they discussed a lot about the back more goes on the background in terms of their investigating
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how they perceive what they look at what their strategies are and that's going to be very useful for a number of parties not all of the things let's talk about what we just found out about a few minutes ago before we came on air the department of homeland security website is down talk a little bit about this why you think this might be the latest target for the group anonymous well to be. born in a log for a while i have no they're looking into me for some reason about a month ago based on. theirs and there's obviously they're obviously have been you know one of the targets on our own for a while now there's nothing recent that i know of that with them. and they're not off cyrus a little while ago that a couple of people have been been very intent on bringing you down today and it's just sort of the icing on the cake on this front it looks like i've just gotten
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word that that web site is sort of back up and down intermittent but i was down there for a few minutes at least let's talk about this other latest hack the attorneys who represented marine sergeant frank wuterich why do you think they chose this case in particular certainly there are a lot of things that people find fault and especially with with his sentence not even getting any time behind bars but why do you think anonymous would focus on this case stacey and just as the and not the many others. this is the biggest a lot of and there are a number of reasons why no anonymous the screening american who cares about justice would be construed in this person involved who prompted this massacre a point where people got off extraordinary lightly the same time bradley manning is still facing god knows what after having been psychologically tortured for months contrary to american ideals so. there's some months ago i guess the sentence was
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handed down and in the meantime this law from the killer has a history that i won't go into right now but they have a history of. behavior and a couple of e-mails that the people responsible for me going to stick people filed over and gone through all that the point is that they already exhibit from what i understand couple of partners in the firm joking about the marines who were in a thing on soldiers that's just a slice small slice of e-mails which in this base. consist of about two and a half years of exchanges so dense as usual surgeons will soon be put off so that anyone can search and you were there once and come up with an email that you are there's going to be a lot of trouble for this farm in the next few weeks and it is really interesting too from what i understand i mean that the amount of emails as you say two and a half years worth of emails that anonymous now has our hands on not only talks about some you know things that many people would see as inappropriate at these
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attorneys have been discussing it also shows a lot about chris been giving money to who and certainly when you follow that money that can lead you in some interesting places i guess to make a go at others is not going to this law firm to get sued on this they're going to be a lot of other parties that by the end of this are going to be tarnished possibly more will know more about that. yeah and again you know this is sort of becoming the norm i mean we've had a one barrett. you know every other we care. it seems to me that anonymous does what anonymous wants and but it stands to reason that as more of these attacks take place the more resources you know the f.b.i. and the government will sort of devote to try to take down anonymous what do you think i mean what's going to be able to stop them or is there anything that could happen that would make anonymous stop on their own. this was anonymous and them all these are processes that were the system and a process involves very quickly
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a system does not a system is situated system is broken more really. of all change on a whim. so there are always sort of steps behind you know if they make some arrests which they'll do and of course two years ago we had the pay pal fourteen. in san diego and they've all. not. in that situation and so. and what no i did not realize that waiting in the rings we had lots of pro bono lawyers patients that they were expecting to be able to. turn you guys hear them and realize that within two days the divisional raid in january then we would have some of the top lawyers in the nation there started buying them so it's things like that that ensures that no matter what happens. we're going to be burning out in time. all right certainly is something very interesting that we here at our to keep our
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eyes on all day long you should see our web department they all kind of are into this making sure they don't miss anything and they were the ones who notified us about the department of homeland security and who knows within the next few hours we might have more news we do appreciate your insight founder of project pm there at brown. so it's in gears now in one week many egyptians will be celebrating the one year anniversary of the day their longtime leader president hosni mubarak stepped down after quite a bit of pressure and weeks of protest in the streets there but despite this event that so many called a victory for democracy clashes continue and high tensions remain. violence continues on the streets of cairo and at least three people have been killed and four hundred injured just in the last day this comes after wednesday's very deadly post football match clashes in which seventy four people were killed
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after the game in a stampede many of those protesters blame police for not stepping in the rights of people in egypt continually frustrated by the fact that egyptians still live under emergency laws these laws include bans on public assembly indefinite detention without charge and prosecution with no appeal to correspondent maria for notion brings us the latest from egypt. around a thousand killed at least six thousand injured and even more still missing egypt's people have played a high price to live in a new country but despite all the sacrifices the shadow of the old regime still looms large during mubarak thirty years of mubarak's rule to meet a number of people try them under military tribunals where one to two thousand now you know within about ten months or eleven months we have twelve thousand which is of course a humongous number for a country ruled by the military the supreme council of the armed forces scaf that's
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no surprise but surprisingly enough those discomforted over from who'd previously run the country are not themselves before military tribunals you cannot have four. suspected killers. thought. to be tried in civil court system. the ordinary people i mean. military courts this is a simple way and this is illegal hasty with no proper investigation usually with no lawyer and behind closed doors and with no right of appeal human rights activists complain military trials provide no justice and violate human rights you know you have a nineteen year old getting a twenty five year old son to your centers because he had a box amount of cocktails and people who are found guilty of killing somebody by brutally beating him up and torturing him until he died these are getting seven
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years in jail so i mean it they're obviously there's something wrong with this picture a lot of these people are trying for absolutely no reason i mean some would just just being in the wrong place at the wrong time is enough to get you in trouble that's exactly what a man says is his case september the time these really embassy in cairo the. place . young screenplay writer was present at clashes between the army and demonstrators and began helping the injured arrested he was brought to military barracks after summary trial which lasted just twenty minutes he was taken straight to prison to serve almost four months for terrorists and he says the military dishes out a very rough justice. in the emergent a seventy year old who's been in the army for at least thirty years it must be hard for him to take off his uniform and this large staff and this was the only way they
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know how to deal with problems. for several days what i did know her son's whereabouts who were the mongooses when his sister came to me and said i have to talk to you i knew it was about him hoping for the best i prepared myself for the worst. a month after ahmed was released he now faces yet another trial from the same incident at the age rarely embassy. they go is to intimidate people the message is clear if you go to torah you'll be arrested and it makes us even stronger how is it they don't understand that mad is now working on a book he wants to title you must shut up he explains if people didn't give up after been beaten and humiliated they'll never give up until their voices ahead of . the citadel in cairo egypt a medieval symbol of power and strength it was fortified centuries ago to protect the region from his enemies at that time crusades and persuaders today egypt's
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rulers are doing the same striving to defend themselves and to keep power with thousands in jails and dozens killed the concern here is that they may have been working too hard or if an ocean r.t. cairo. well here in the u.s. there's a celebration of sorts that's been happening today in reaction to the latest jobs numbers unemployment rate has dropped to eight point three percent this was an a big usually positive it shows that the job market is definitively gaining traction but the difficult part of the jobs report this morning much is the headline number when you dig down into the details every part of it is strong all right and i should tell you that every category did exceed expectations here's a look at the breakdown of it all the unemployment rate now down to eight point three percent down from eight point five percent the month before this is the fifth straight month the rate has been on the decline and two hundred forty three
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thousand new nonfarm page payroll jobs were created in january fifty thousand of those were and you factor in jobs so there is much more to the story and since everyone else is throwing a party we want to still make sure that the other side of the story is out there that the country is still down about six million jobs from before the recession started and for those who aren't finding a job things grow more difficult every month. take a look at this chart that we have this shows that for those who are unemployed you see that dark green color up there those are people who have been jobless for the longest time the shaded area on the bottom represents the percentage of the labor force that's been unemployed for less than five weeks and again that green part for more than a year and you see that that rate just spiking there up to almost ten percent so the people that have been unemployed the longest continue to be unemployed really really tough and that is part of the story that we think you know is really
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important to tell now to give us a more round perspective on these numbers let's go to business insiders own joe why well hey there joe there are five point five million people who have been unemployed for twenty seven weeks or longer why is this particular hole so much harder to climb out of. well i think there's a couple of things going on one is that regardless of today's day the there's just the fact that demand for jobs hasn't been good the recovery has been mediocre by the standards of most recessions is nothing like a v.c. shaped recovery still so you're just going to get unfortunately a lot of people who been left out a long time and still we're not seeing the numbers going to what on the other hand look we have to start somewhere i mean we have seen there's a lot today you know the number today was pretty unequivocal certainly better than we expected and though there are all these big long term problems you don't solve them overnight.
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