tv [untitled] February 4, 2012 4:18pm-4:48pm EST
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inside the persian gulf if you look at the map of iran it is surrounded by american military bases incidentally bases which are also in that russia and china so i think in some ways the pressure must be on inside the rhine to think we should be going to retaliate in force. campaigners for online freedom arriving force in sweden to protest against a new copyright treaty signed by governments across europe the anti counterfeit trade agreement has yet to be ratified by the european parliament as well activists want to prevent the same the new law wouldn't danger free speech and net privacy artie's tom barton has more from stockholm. this is the front line in the most modern of political battles over internet freedom these crowds have gathered in central stopover in sydney did the original home of the pirate parties that have sprung up all over europe and beyond here to protest against the anti counterfeiting trade agreements it all revolves around unseen piracy laws that are
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trying to be pushed through in many countries this agreement tries to standardize the enforcement of those laws in the e.u. and in america and further around the world these people say it's not an innocent agreement it's not simple it's assault on the internet freedom and it's a way for governments to monitor them and to stop them having a free exchange of information on the internet and we heard earlier from people on both sides of the argument about how different views are here on this issue if you say well everything should be free well perhaps no one will write any books or produce music or fields etc anyway it would disappear but didn't much less because it's not often. the next generation has grown up with the ability to say anything to anybody else on the planet to that ideas that lit out for themselves to have a freedom of speech never before imagined we don't need to ask anybody's permission
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to present new ideas and all of a sudden corporations want to take that away because it inconveniences them. and millions of young people are rising up in anger this is a sense of the growth of pirate parties both here in sweden and elsewhere around the world is evidence of how haughty the status of internet freedom has risen in the signing of the act of agreement a few days ago huge protests broke out in poland they were so obvious and so angry that the government there has suspended its reactor agreement that they want the same to happen here although the debates are going to go on until june when the e.u. parliament votes on this internet freedom complaint as urging people to get their view across. this debate is going to go on it's not finished yet and it seems it's going to be anything but calm. turning now to some other stories making headlines
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across the globe police in washington d.c. of clamp down on the ikea pie camp in the center of the city arresting at least four people several tents and personal belongings were cleared away in the raid that activists say was an eviction the washington cap is one of the last remaining offshoots of the occupy movement that started in new york last september rallying against corporate greed. more than three thousand afghans were killed twenty eleven making last year the deadliest on record for the country civilians according to a un report most of the casualties were caused by militants fourteen percent by international and local troops meanwhile nato is prepping to pull out by two thousand and fourteen leaving afghan security forces to take charge of fighting the insurgency. europe's week long cold snap has now claimed two hundred twenty lives as countries struggle with record low temperatures ukraine hit the hardest as more than one hundred died with temperatures plummeting to minus thirty centigrade
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most of the victims homeless people heavy snowfalls also cause widespread transport chaos and power outages. finally in this news block a clash of cultures in kyrgyzstan where the moderate indigenous practice of islam is threatened to be supplanted by more radical alternatives there are fears for the effect on the everyday life in the central asian republic a land prone to instability after two revolutions in the last five years alone are these are sort of like oh has more. all. kneeling down but standing tall tens of thousands of cougars man praying at the country's central square just underneath the lenin monument even in this basket years the communist ideology couldn't bring to the streets as many people as islam does nowadays. the fist of sacrifice is one of the most important rights for all muslims you need to pray you can't mask an almost theological and lifestyle
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differences that exist among various branches of this one here in kurdistan over the past they call this country has become a testing ground for islamic missionaries of all kinds so who have a less than common with each other than they do with christians or jews who just people converted to islam in the seventeenth century but they were never designed us about it mixed with germany's and the magic customs the good guys version of islam has long been more of a moral code then a religious doctrine and how cheap a society where women are just as zak tive and ambitious as men and when religiosity went hand in hand with good education but that is starting to change. after the collapse of the soviet union kurdistan has seen a very fast growth of islamic some of it is the message driven poor education corruption trust of authorities all of that is reporting people towards religion but much of it is also driven from abroad with pakistan your saudi arabia kuwait
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a very generous when it comes to building mosques here. islam is on the rise across all of central asia but only in kurdistan have there the regions adopted and open door policy finally. the these are followers of the to believe. a group of islamic missionaries originated from pakistan. it's members have come up in many terrorism investigations and as a result the group was labeled extremist by many european governments in kyrgyzstan that community is growing fast. people heart of fun happening hard to believe life in accordance with his wishes and by teaching all of us with. genders that becoming increasingly separated in public women enough left out in fact there at the forefront of these lawmakers surgeons in kurdistan.
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all the more than half of students in this islamic academy and females and their number has tripled in the past few years. when they graduate still get educated woman arabic studies and sharia law there's a lot of interest in these areas and if they decide to work it shouldn't be difficult finding a job for him missionaries are not only spreading the word but greasing their palms to. this man who claims to be a healer raft from yemen he sees three to four patients every day and for most reimbursement claims to clear their ailments with the help of prayer. and. something else. these changes encourage a society has many opponents some of them claim that saudi or pakistani versions of islam corrupt the country's traditional values built islam wouldn't you called it when first islamic missionaries arrived here three centuries ago they were
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respectful of our customs that's why in kyrgyzstan has been very much in degraded with our indigenous culture the version that's being pushed on nowadays with his jobs and restrictions and it is not only foreign to us it's aggressive the countries authorities are not oblivious to the ongoing islamization and some suggest are even trying to harness it here through stones top officials are praying along. side the crowds they claim full religious freedom is the best strategy against radicalization. the results of the arab spring have shown that secular governments a cracking under the pressure of political islam muslims are enormous human resources the one who knows how to manage this force in the streets. and for kurdistan which has seen two revolutions in five years there's hardly anything more pressing than finding an antidote against all hell breaking loose again come by car
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see be. back after a short break with a recap of our top stories stay with us. from los angeles to chicago to birmingham twenty trauma centers have closed since two thousand severe problem is not enough inpatient beds not enough urgency department beds and not enough nurses to man those deaths to take care of all the people who
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are here the only real health care system that we have in the city of los angeles is the los angeles fire department in fact when i started my venture is a firefighter i didn't want to be a mass and i started out going to just do fire fighting it's about eighty two percent of what we do the florida problem is medical but they had a rescue couple weeks ago waited four hours for big i've waited sometimes three hours but i was it's a same francis and we went for four hours and fifty minutes standing against a wall with a patient and we have a federal law that mandates that you can't turn no one away who seeks care and emergency room. we have the most expensive health care system in the world and it's probably valued the least.
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the local businesses are striving to build the aviation capital of russia. and to the limits. to the. russian. i mean moscow these here are to have like russia and china vetoed the u.n. security council resolution on syria had a vote at the un moscow wanted all references to regime change removed from the draft. more than two hundred thousand brave the bitter cold across russia to ensure their views on national politics are heard one group demanding fair elections march through the streets in support of the current leadership. fighting between police and protesters continues in egypt with twelve killed and hundreds more injured in the latest crackdown. coming up stay with us.
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max kaiser this is the kaiser report who got the vapors. manx the vaporized and the deleted it's the american soap opera money from m.f. global feared gone nearly three months after m.f. global collapsed. officials hunting for an estimated one point two billion a missing customer money increasingly believe that much of it might never be
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recovered the finding so far suggests that a significant amount of the money could have been vaporized yeah it's vaporize there one point two billion may have been vaporized now the same people say that they can search through a stack of a billion tweets and find one with some offending text that would necessitate the detention of british people or a u.s. airport the same people who can track a razor that was sold at wal-mart ten years ago in a landfill emitting some kind of or if i did tag that would account for some inventory adjustment as part of an accounting for wal-mart as part of the overall accounting for that is used commonly that is the overall kind for those wall street is your counting for there's a constitution are saying that all one point two billion we can find i thought it was in my stock the only one who can get away successfully with that kind of defense are pimps in harlem oh that's right you are pimping for column well they claim that as
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a result of the chaotic trading the week before the firm collapsed and remember also we learned that banks can now trade at a speed faster than the speed of light so perhaps they're trying to use physics and quantum physics as a sort of excuse for their reckless behavior that well their crimes don't like shooting or scat but experiment in quantum physics was if the cats here the cats there he's dead he's not dead so they're treating it faster than the speed of light so one point two billion it was a phase shift the money exists but it's in a parallel universe by the way there's a parallel universe called the securities exchange commission apparently you can commit any fricken fraud you want and you don't have to pay any kind of penalty you're going to jail certain people of course now jesse's cafe american looks at this m.f. global vaporize story and sees. essentially a cover up using as well the media the media is complicit in this and allowing j.p. morgan we know that the money has been found in j.p. morgan's accounts that j.p.
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morgan was coincidentally owed one point two billion dollars m.f. global a despicable state of affairs this entire sharod has been cloaked with the public relations campaign using terms like missing vaporised and mystery to describe the customer assets as if no one really knows where the funds had gone which the c.f. t. c. has explicitly stated months ago is not the case they can have an income accounting procedures that are adequate to track down a bill in memory loss seven billion in iraq when with a dry air lifted a seven billion to payoff bribes and one missing of donald rumsfeld wink wink so here you are missing one billion dollars you get a lot of people starving to death in the gutter in america but the collateral damage of care is the losers you mentioned donald rumsfeld and the flu shot in the war in iraq and there were terms like there are known unknowns and unknown unknowns
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and unknown unknowns and this is the same sort of excuse that m.f. global and j.p. morgan are you saying it's unknown whether we know whether we took the money or not yet we're not sure whether we stole the money he's just sitting in front of a stack of cash jamie diamond says i don't know who you are good a good well by the way you know vulture funds are offering eighty five cents on the dollar for m.f. global customers so though be interesting to actually see these vulture funds you know where you see them shaking down african nations whether or not they can get away with shaking down the third world dictator like jamie dimon the economic hitmen then the vulture funds that operate in the third world latin america they go down there they don't get the money they throw a dictator out of the plane. then they're in central america south america so presumably we're going to see jamie diamond falling from the sky one of these days
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from one of those vulture funds oh i forgot the parachute there is jamie splat well returning to the soap opera of america mega trash fifty million users data set to be deleted. so you know mega upload was shut down by the department of justice they had a ten day warrant search warrant they took all the data they needed and they said here to the host the service providers they said you can delete any data you want now now there's some controversy or not whether they'll allow customers to actually retrieve their data but the fact is joe baca donuts who has his own data upload it's a mega upload he's deleted well that's a pattern of destruction of private property america supposedly the capital system is built on private property not the communal property of the defunct political systems of bygone days of communalism no no we have private property
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doesn't make the country so grade zero except when we lost the brilliant dollars for jamie's bonus then we had to steal that from you because oh the mega upload data we had to steal that too because private property is just an idea but we don't respect it here in this country you know hyatt wrote that book the road to serfdom which is supposed to be a treatise against communal property what happens when the so-called lefties take over it turns out he was right except the threat is from the right wing wholesale faffed of all private property so it doesn't fit in with the ideology of america let's kill of baseball let's kill everybody that's the current white house mode of thinking assassinations and wealth confiscation destruction of private property thank you obama yes well. well actually he's in the next headline speaking of the vaporized and deleted much of the population of america have had
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their jobs and their wealth and their income vaporized and deleted obama tells woman interest unemployed husband can't find jobs so here's a woman in texas and her husband is a an engineer and she's asking why he can't find a job jennifer garner i ask you what kind of engineer your husband is he's a semiconductor engineer the. it is interesting to me and i meant what i said if you send me your opens resume i'd be interested in finding out exactly. what's happening right there because the word we're getting is that somebody in that kind of high tech field that kind of engineer should be able to find something. right away you know there are jobs available. describe them but they're in china and india and one of the other great travesties of this age of globalization or non globalization is that americans who want to get those
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jobs in india and china that were sent to those countries they're not really allowed to go into those countries don't want those jobs they're stuck in that prison industrial nightmare that is united states of america ending up being incarcerated by corrections corps of america in the first industrial complex be a good american general but you can't get a job you can't go to china and india to get a job the wealthy can move their money to china and india my money moves around the world a lot easier than i can believe me when i go to cross the border they stick something up my strange friends saying oh are you really afraid of jamie's because if you're not we're going to come project your strength training all your friends of jamiel out of this country well obama promised that if she sent him her husband's resume he would go looking for a job for her but he's going to have to go to china of course because despite obama's hangout hope us some a conductor jobs are still going away so the national science foundation reports that domestic high tech manufacturing jobs have declined by twenty eight percent
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since two thousand some six hundred eighty seven thousand jobs even r. and d. research and development is increasingly being performed overseas by large multinationals notes three speed report so yes if you can build something for the web it may be easy to score a job at facebook or google or as an app developer but for americans like this woman's husband a son. conductor engineer your chances of finding a job are pretty slim no one should do is take a ball peen hammer or a large phone book and slap them soft on the head really hard to leave some i unconscious then go on facebook and get on a game like farmville or factory bill or plan a veil or america bill and pretend to be working virtually in a real you know make sure you're not really conscious because you don't want the reality of this to set in and at the end of a day or two you've accumulated enough facebook credits to buy yourself a cup of coffee and then you know go stimulate your brain with caffeine and say
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look honey i'm working in a factory don't tell her it's a virtual factory in your working you know seventeen eighteen hours a day for a dollar and that might have center well we talked about the vaporized and deleted but you know matter and energy are neither created nor destroyed the jobs it appears are all sound healthy and well and they have been found china's factories in strong start to two thousand and twelve the chinese manufacturing sector has made a surprisingly strong start the year with domestic orders cushioning the impact of europe's debt woes according to an official survey the purchasing managers index an important gauge a factory growth rose to fifty point five in january from fifty point three a month earlier anything above fifty means manufacturing is growing how many chinese is it take to screw in a lightbulb a million but they still have a better job than a million americans well as they say even though europe is collapsing and their imports from china are slowing domestic consumption in china which now have all
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these great jobs it's growing plus china doesn't want to see the dollar do very well either they'd rather have the euro survive so that's another part of the currency wars. well as the china money report says and i know you're interviewing daniel collins in the second half americans to become share croppers and their own country as printed money boomerangs back to the developed world to buy a company's so you know the big news this week was that sanny a chinese company has is buying putzmeister a german concrete pump maker one of those legendary metal stand companies in germany the heart the backbone of german industrial strength well dental call and says for decades asia has performed the role of the diligent worker bee without a history of adam smith of free trade they saw how easy it was to game the free trade system to this day koreans do not buy japanese goods and japanese do not buy
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korean goods neither one will buy us goods the stuff they do want like hollywood movies they just take the us took the brunt of the free trade economic carnage as over fifty thousand factories have closed down in only the last ten years in america no one could labor arbitrage and transfer price their taxes away like corporate america we are still number one in that game right sharecroppers remember warren buffet said a few years ago that america would become a nation of sharecroppers look it up do the search is exactly what he said and he also went to germany hoping to buy some of these middle stand companies he was their member of for a few years looking to buy anything now it turns out that the chinese are actually buying up those companies not of two or three years and as i've been predicting america's number one x. for will become american labor will be cotton pickers are back to the plantation you know but only a few of you can live in the big house all right stay forever thanks so much for
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being on the kaiser report thank you right now go away much more coming your way so stay right there. it's technology innovation all the developments around russia we've got the future covered. couldn't take three sports chargers three. major ones three. three. two two three. three broncos b.t.o. four year media project c.e.o. don carty dot com. welcome back to the kaiser a part of downtown are up at the ballot yeah sharecropping plantation known him
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american economy hey let's go to shanghai and speak with dan collins of the china money report dot com dan collins welcome back to the kaiser report thanks max good to be back all right dan collins you say that americans are sharecroppers in their own country explain yeah this rejuvenated from an article i wrote try to get my mind around the concept of oh all of these good decades of printed money and trade surpluses are going to get recycled back into the american economy. leave it to us now the many of the politicians in india thought leaders there believe that we can continue to print money to get our way out of this but what they forget is it debts have owners and you look at china now with three point two trillion in currency reserves japan over a trillion i believe a lot of this money now sitting in asian central banks are going to fight its way
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back into united states back into europe buying up real companies. we saw on christmas this year two thousand and eleven. japan and china signed a new currency swap agreement where they said openly and publicly that they want to move their trade into their local currencies and get out of the dollar. you see treasury sales china as lowest moment treasuries in over eighteen months so they're down about one point one trillion. russia's or half their treasuries last year so i think as we start to see the continued dollar debasement coming out of the united states what people enough factor in is what about all of these this money sitting all over the world what's going to happen to it this last week in germany we saw a chinese company for a son he purchased for about five hundred million dollars a look very large german
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company and. we're going to start to see this we're going to see asian countries start taking this money send it back to developed markets and buy a real companies with it and it's going to be a major train to come in in the future all right well in the united states at sam's like they're prepping the the landscape for at these chinese companies to come in and buy the strategic u.s. assets they they have totally destroyed the unions they've introduced the president dr complex make it very easy to put people in prison they have more of a chinese style state capitalism now with the politburo of the federal open market committee it's no longer free market capitalism so laying the groundwork for a chinese you know setting the table so that the china can come in and buy a company and hit the ground running so to speak without too much problem south south assumes like america is doing its best to accommodate their new overlarge the chinese now many common commentators america in.
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