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tv   [untitled]    February 5, 2012 12:00pm-12:30pm EST

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russia and china blocked a western backed u.n. draft resolution on syria with moscow slamming the text for an unbalanced approach and denial of dialogue between government and opposition. other stories shaping the week why it's returned to egypt as anger at the authorities failure to prevent a deadly soccer brawl spills over into four days of violent clashes that have already seen a dozen dead. and in russia's bitter subzero cold hundreds of thousands joined a record breaking vote the anti and pro government ahead of next month's presidential vote.
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nine pm in moscow i mattress i bring you today's top stories and a look back at the week's news here on r t moscow says it's determined to help bring an end to the syrian crisis by implementing democratic reforms it's sending its foreign minister to damascus for talks next week on saturday russia and china blocked the latest u.n. security council resolution on syria saying it could cause even more bloodshed because it took sides in the armed conflict artie's marine important as the latest from new york. tempers are still flaring because as we've been reporting this should be surprise the security council did not reach a consensus on the draft resolution on syria yet western countries still host for a vote and russia warned from the very beginning that if the draft was not a did not address some of russia's concerns it would veto and that's exactly what happened now let's talk about these concerns because moscow said it just requested
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some simple amendments would be made to the draft text that would have made the resolution a little bit more balance for example the draft resolution of and the syrian government to withdraw its all of its forces from the cities and towns and seize all violence but russian officials want to document the draft resolution to also demand that the armed opposition groups stop participating in violence and retreat back from any cities or towns where it may have occupied their chemical as called the draft text that was presented saturday morning to one side a with a list of demands being made on the assad government but no note of armed opposition groups operating in syria now while addressing the security council saturday a russian envoy to the u.n. for tali churkin said the security council was not created for the sake of taking sides or interfering in a civil war of sovereign countries he also accused some kind some countries of sponsoring
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a campaign of regime change in syria those who are pushing for this resolution to be adopted don't you sleep with them still you could get some influential members of the international community including those sitting around this table from the very beginning of the syrian crisis been undermining opportunities for political settlement by calling for regime change stirring up the opposition against the authorities and not hesitating to encourage and freedom of methods of struggle the draft resolution put to the vote does not adequately reflect the real situation in syria and since unbalanced signals to the syrian sides it doesn't take into account propose. that as well as withdrawing syrian armed forces from the cities this should be an end to attorneys biome groups and state institutions and neighborhoods but. now the u.s. delegation could not help but showing its frustration and anger when participating in the meeting saturday morning we heard ambassador rice used some language that's normally not heard in these diplomatic settings like discussed it in shame the
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united states is discussed in a couple members of this council continue to prevent us from fulfilling our sole purpose here addressing an ever deepening crisis in syria and a growing threat to regional peace and security in the meantime the russian foreign minister sergei lavrov is heading to damascus on tuesday to meet with syrian president bashar al assad russia has been very vocal in trying to get hopes sides participating in the conflict in syria to come to the table and start speaking to one another and. using some type of dialogue instead of violence to come to a peaceful approach so of course we will stay on the story and see how it evolves and works out. more on the diplomatic showdown over syria i'm joined by beirut based political analyst dr not a hush went so why do you think the u.s. presence in the u.k. and several arab states ignored russia's request to make specific demands on all
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sides in syria to stop the violence. well first of all i think what's happening in syria is an act of terrorism and russia and china are very well aware of what's happening so they're ridding really nor what's what's happening in syria is a huge conspiracy that it's actually what they want by that is the fall of this regime and by the fall of reverse this regime is they want to make sort of may make a balance after what the west is lost in the middle east so far by losing mubarak bin ali ali saleh and qaddafi so by by using you do it using this resolution a against syria is basically to did bring it down to just get rid of this regime once and for the west didn't want that i mean they've been backing the revolutions in those countries of course because first of all if you if you go back
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a little bit those countries actually actually they were allies to the west and they were actually using their agenda and once they're not being use the anymore and the right way they got rid of them but syria is a completely different matter there because syria is the only country that it's actually not controlled by the west and this is why this huge conspiracy is happening towards it so they can bring it down in this kind of matter but unfortunately for them the people the syrian people develop very well aware of what's happening and definitely russia knows very well what's going on and this is why i think it's mr love rove and the head of national security is going down to meet with mr. assad to actually get more proof because what russia already know they want all the world to know about it russia is sending foreign minister lavrov and the head of the foreign told foreign intelligence mikhail four
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out of to hold talks with the syrian government about because what do you think this mission will achieve. well i think this is a huge thing for actually mr lavrov and specially the head of national security there because first of all they know exactly like i said what's happening but the thing is they want to actually get more proof for the the whole world to understand them to know is what's happening there is not not a regime change this is an act of terrorism and there's gangs that's killing syrians left and right so basically really they're not anyone you're completely ignoring the government crackdowns on the people who are protesting for example the city of holes well i'll tell you something no definitely of course some day i have because first of all this is it's in outrage for somebody to believe and it's an insanity that during during the time of a u.n.
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resolution is being taking down toward syria the syrian government is going to actually crack down on homeless this is definitely an act of terrorism done by the by the by the gangs that this already have been getting money and weapons from different countries so they can bring down this regime so this isn't an outrage for somebody to actually believe that the government is actually doing so for their own people especially in that time right now the same countries that also serve at russia and china who oppose foreign involvement in syria should bear responsibility for further bloodshed and then you have the u.s. france and britain do you think they should take blame for civilian deaths during the nato campaign in libya and. i'm sorry can you repeat the question do you think that the western countries that backed the uprising in libya for example should take responsibility for the damage in the country that's happened since. well you know this is you cannot compare whatsoever what's happening in syria and
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what happened elsewhere in libya it's completely different now what's happening in syria from the very beginning it was actually a conspiracy people need to know that syria is the only country left in the middle east that is actually with the resists any resistance movement that it's going on and basically what they need to do and what they're doing with their conspiracy is to actually bring down the regime and. to make president assad not be an ally to iran and this is why president assad was never asked for any reform he was asked from the beginning to change the stances and if he'd done so another and nothing like that would have ever happened or a doctor not a harsh we're joining us from beirut thanks for your insight. thank you. egyptian police have again fired rubber bullets in tear gas to drive a crowd of rock throwing protesters away from the interior ministry building in cairo this week clashes between security forces and demonstrators in egypt have
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been raging for four days now and left a dozen people dead and thousands injured activists have been venting their anger over the military rulers alleged failure to prevent a deadly outbreak of violence at a football match wednesday or he's worried if an ocean has more from cairo. things have been extremely devastating and terribly killed so you can be sure to the last few days and also there were tragic the poor would say that massacre only one state when seventy four people died in this time heat that's one of the city's football stadiums has become bites how the deadliest incident since we bought a house that last february but it's also true you get a new wave of clashes between the police the army and demonstrators that have actually become something common seen here in the capital cairo and agree with slow egypt the fact these people have been very weak to use polling site incident to use local sources especially thing to me ministry of doing nothing of the law in these
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type of the law in these doubts and efficiency and actually only showed over instigating these trials a new to preserve the situation of instability in the country in order to fit into existing following somehow things through terror in lieu all the jingles from the supreme council of the armed forces they took power from the government left the greens and spun demonstrations actually you have never told me after this happened only one state of the whole school food bill funds have come to the boots nothing to minister here in the central pa group just months away from here seeking for justice and calling for the amy did transition over power from the ministry to civil to situations until early presidential elections and since then twelve people have been killed in the last full day. twenty five hundred dollars have been injured who think that it's a terrible dissolve so i have to say i hope you can see the pictures right now as
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you can imagine a while masuda street is a narrow street is one of the streets they didn't towards they built an old photo of the interior ministry here in hollywood the queen many many people there chanting and to mix the slogans from time to time police has been firing tear gas at the times doesn't even show that we've been able to speak to several people though let's listen to what they have to say about who's going and when it's going to stop people not just protesting addition to teaching. the constitute gosh i'm believing in fact even people might die and that there is nothing each they just turn everything to they are trying them. not to light the fire and they don't shoot over. that the chinese the seventy seven year old china it's over here that's more than enough what they're doing to the protestors and they're doing to the world to the country and the children must do was you can see a situation is very volatile here in cairo and actually in several all the cities
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throughout egypt but we can also can talk now about several achievements as well the following point same incident the figure is people from the administration over the stadium have been detained and they're in custody right now is that while the investigation is to go in and also maintain a protest system on's just very simply the supreme carlesimo of the armed forces advisory has also called for early presidential elections in the country. stay with us here on r t still ahead this hour a change or two in a once vocal critic of russia's prime minister is now telling a different tell. the people he would see as many. as. you want to blame blood in your putin for the death of his son alexander litvinenko but now the former f.s.b. officers bother to change his mind at all for his own theory to explain what
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happened. the latest incident for america's anti-corporate protesters face a heavy handed police response we asked how the occupy movement will cope with a vision from a park they've occupied since early october. but first saturday was a day of demonstrations in russia more than two hundred thousand people across the country voiced their political views ahead of next month's presidential vote two of the largest rallies happened in moscow with supporters and opponents of the current leadership braving bitter cold to have their say it was the third and largest opposition gathering after the parliamentary vote two months ago which protesters claim was a break now their main demand is for a fair presidential vote in march for more on the russian rallies and joined by. researcher and author of the book full spectrum dominance totalitarian democracy in the new world order so back in november prime minister putin accused foreign governments of funding russia's opposition do you think there's any basis for the claim. oh no question there's bases it's documentable from the records of the
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national endowment for democracy which is a washington government financed geo that's all over the place in russia their financing activists in. several different cities in russia they're financing people like the famous blogger alexei. point volved in this metal even in russians alexa. alright we lost our signal briefly there but hopefully available to stay with us through this interview so thinking back to the latest public scandal over the video showing russian opposition leaders leaving the u.s. embassy or partly after meetings with the ambassador again i think that for involvement in fact could turn a public mood against the opposition. if the opposition if the public informs itself on what's going on i think it quite well could backfire on washington they're trying to do the same template they used in ukraine with the
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orange revolution in georgia to bring saakashvili into power as a pro dado president in that country and i don't think it will work in russia i whatever mistakes the. ten year has brought with it in whatever discontent is i think there are a lot of things that have significantly improved over the last years since the time of the yeltsin era. but that that really isn't the point the point is us interference in internal russian election affairs is something that ought not to be tolerated and it's quite right not to tolerate it who do you think western countries would prefer to see as the next russian president. all well the cast of opposition people that they're financing and backing are pretty dubious a lot. of me and so forth these are all people who've sold their soul to washington for one price or another i think really their expectation is to create as much internal unrest in russia as possible to distract the prospective new putin
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presidency at a time when russia is going to face challenges with the missile defense with the destabilization of the assad regime in syria the attempt to create regime change in iran and throughout the middle east and you raise or to try to divert any russian any incoming russian government from dealing with these crises and to have the latest rallies have any bearing on how russia is being seen abroad i don't think it's having a huge bearing the western media has so painted putin black. senses. munich speech in two thousand and six where he correctly identified the purpose of the missile defense program of washington as an attempt aimed at russia and a very strategically devastating attempt at russia and ever since in the western media has putin could do nothing right according to them so i think you have to
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just pretty discount that and try to create a policy that's right for russia all right f. william engdahl thanks for that. thank you. it was more about moscow's rival rallies online as thousands gather for a day of protest and argue photographer caught the highlights on film and check out all the pictures on our facebook profile also more analysis on this and other top stories on our website dot com.
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iran says it won't give in to international pressure to abandon its nuclear program even if it's banned from selling a single barrel of oil it's terrans response to this week's approval by u.s. senate committee of a package of new sweeping sanctions against the islamic state but the bill has yet to has yet to pass through the full congress the u.s. initiative targeting terrans nuclear program follows the u. adopting a total embargo on iranian oil due to come into force in july the islamic republic in turn has repeatedly said it will halt all crude supplies to some european countries before summer tehran maintains its atomic ambitions are purely peaceful and seeks to prove it by cooperating more closely with the u.n. nuclear watchdog a team of i.a.e.a. inspectors visited the country this week planning to return in february but some skeptics think a positive outcome for the mission is not what the west wants. this is really control. but i think well you know this is what is so good.
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you know which. way to. do that a stage. well we. it is it is a build up pools of military confrontation we have a massive flavors of u.s. military hardware troops going into israel to be stationed at israel going to put weights naval forces in golf those diarrheal i would describe as by the national wall the issue of nuclear weapons. that is a red herring but it is a red herring which could well be said not real later in the program we hear from iran's interior minister who is certain his country will weather the storm of mounting sanctions in an interview with r.t. he says it's the countries imposing them that will end up being hit the hardest
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here's a sample of what's coming up. i think. that i believe they've made a big mistake as this action results in turbulence for the oil and energy markets this very fact it can result in oil price growth in these conditions the west's judy expect the drop in the euro rate and the good this new decision will result in further economic problems which as we can see the ficta the majority. they've been unable to find solutions the decisions taken today by the west unilaterally will result in the installation of the economic problem. anti-corporate protesters in washington d.c. were evicted this weekend from a park they'd occupied since early october eight people were arrested when police in riot gear and horses raided the m. cabinet officers said they were enforcing a no camping law and are active allowing the activists back into the park demonstrators say it was
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a full scale of action the occupy movement has seen some heavy handed police tactics including the alleged recent tasering of a nonviolent d.c. protester but excessive force was provoked the activists according to kevin zeese from me it's our economy think tank telling our team that the occupiers are too smart to fall into that trap. who knows what's going through their head space on that you know when we i watch that video it's available online and it looks like there was no justification for it when i went to make fears on the day to ask about it people said the only thing he was doing was taking the signs around the tents that said no camping and so that was the rationale for tasering him he was dropping values not being as threatening looks like a excessive use of force my sense is that it's not going to provoke the macpherson campers knew that there are more. discipline than that to fall for that kind of trap the occupy movement in a few months has shifted the debate and shown the american people that if they get mobilized and organized that we have power we can change the direction this country
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so the future's going to be an american spring that's going to explode on the scene and become more important the presidential race in two thousand and twelve course you can fight our top stories online twenty four hours a day at our t dot com here's what's a click away right now. and i active protesters act out across europe seeking to influence the debate as polish authorities decide to suspend the proposed anti-piracy legislation. plus the future of sex some believe it could be just a matter of years before robots become a man's object of desire as scientists try to develop an amorous android's get the full story and play more of our teeth dot com. used to consider vladimir putin his arch enemy blaming him for the death of his son alexander litvinenko a former f.s.b. officer this week saw an unexpected change of heart from the fierce kremlin critic who now admits he simply said what the western press wanted to hear walter live video spoke with our teens catarina groucho. but you would. be limited
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edition of the b.b.c. is how we found light that he and coo bring in his tiny telling apartment only tricity no gas no collect water. what. if it wasn't for the help of various people i would have died from hunger or frozen to death the last time i took a bath was on christmas eve. we expected more because six years ago after his son former f.s.b. officer aleksandr litvinenko was poisoned in london he was taken care of by some very powerful patrons like self ixil tycoon boris berezovsky and ahmed zakayev and a tourist former chechen militant both hiding in the u.k. . smoke three of them we broke. yet you get extremist young dorsett there or he's given your pretty here doris you
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would be. one biter you've been and co sent a letter asking to be interviewed by russian television we expected more of the same but instead. we're going to. be made of each if you watching this program please forgive me for all the slander the thai said and wrote about you all the hatred i had for you even only i had known my son worked for british intelligence i would not talk about his death he could easily have been shot as a double agent the choice should be short of story what else can i answer the only with. the u.-turn vaulters says came when his son's we doe marina bin and co revealed to the british media that her husband had worked for m i six alexander litvinenko was receiving a retainer of around two thousand pounds a month from the british security services at the time he was murdered at first by turnitin and cole like many others claimed his son had been poisoned with polonium
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two ten on putin's order the former f.s.b. officer and fierce critic of the kremlin alexander litvinenko spent twenty three days in a london clinic slowly dying from a toxic substance possibly consumed through a cup of tea even before police in london started questioning suspects the victim's father was actively kissing the russian government today by their admits he was saying only what the west wanted to hear. of course i realize russia's f.s.b. and india you know have to take polonium to london sprinkle it over some heads and leave traces everywhere and they're suspect and a little boy is not a fool either way it was anger and blind hatred speaking inside of me vadra now believes his son fell victim to his own game of double agents now he wants his words to be heard but the media outside russia which once beat down his door for interviews now won't even reply to his requests. why is that why because
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they like it when i scold the regime i was a root treasure for their movie the whole there are very few people who would say as many horrible things about as i did as well. you know living in two thousand and eight but that in between young coal flett russia or century need something is settled in the sleeping quiet town of sunni guy it offered to new anonymous life the man claimed putin was his number one enemy so hiding in europe he believed was the only safe solution today by them it's been young co is still afraid to open this door now because of putin though but because of his landlord to whom he owes a lot of money this miserable life has made him a slave of his century but surely he namco sold everything he had in russia to come to eataly he opened a small business several years ago but it went bankrupt things got worse after the seventy three year old had buried his wife but for now fears her casket could be
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removed because he hasn't paid the cost of a barrel clock and it's been months since the electricity was shot on to his flat he was lost for two euros went on a gas canister and that is gone to the work of the u.s. navy base is how most of us look at that i've been doing to let the southern wind in sight. there is east oh yes russia you are my homeland. children i want to go home to russia i don't want to stay here if the democrats aren't t. sity got eataly be back with adeline's in a couple of minutes stay with us. well
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for. science technology innovation and all the latest developments from around russia we've got the future covered.


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