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tv   [untitled]    February 6, 2012 1:18am-1:48am EST

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like it is russians hope that the referendum will help brussels notice their distress call and have a hard talk with the vote takes place on february eighteenth with final official results a few days later let's see russia ski r.t. reporting from reader in large we're now let's take a look at some other international headlines in brief greek party leaders will gather again to resume talks in a one hundred thirty billion. comes after a meeting on sunday ended without any deal reached the country's prime minister lucas papademos is seeking support for tough reforms as a condition for the bailout to avoid default greece needs to secure the package by march. in egypt forty three people including foreigners will stand trial before the military telcel of the illegal funding of nongovernmental organizations human rights watch called on the government to drop the charges washington has threatened to review its aid to the country comes with renewed
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violence as protesters demand the current. power to civilian government. in the u.k. queen elizabeth the second is celebrating her diamond jubilee sixty years on the throne so in the second the british monarch to have reached a milestone or been crowned that you can twenty five gun salute is being held in hyde park tomorrow and the main celebrations taking place over a bank holiday in june a mother u.k. may be celebrating coming up next on cross-talk artie's people of the world but it's the problem faces of the scottish independence. well look at the figures and i'm sure i'm sure the viewers will be able to judge the figures from themselves are publicly available but let's let's look at this issue the last four years ago it was really really soft was the u.k. only once in the last five years american. groups noticed a lot to be lower in scotland than the u.k. average those figures are going to be wrong judgment ok gentlemen i'm going to be
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one of the reasons why gentlemen let me jump in here david i guess is the interlude here ok this is look like these two people should be together look at all the different that. democracy has become a profitable export for what international group and started off as a student movement in serbia with the backing of the us became a worldwide brand of revolutions and it's not easy enough found out the cost of such mass production falls on the taxpayer. this is the business of selling a lot of sky high heels barely there clothes revolutionary styles exported from the fashion capitals of the world hello i'm moderately. rich and this is the business of selling well driven as fresh exporting how to
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lessons and revolution aided by the democracy capital of the world democracies after all aren't born knowing how to run themselves a decade ago merivale launched the serbian students movement that helped oust president slobodan milosevic. the group was called out for resistance and it bore the now familiar symbol of the clenched fist but behind the spontaneity of the uprisings was a carefully researched strategy guided by the west no boy somalia is a balkans columnist who's been chronicling the events in serbia since one nine hundred ninety nine the or poor movement itself was just a tiny student organization that it got subverted taken over the operatives then expanded it turned it into a branding empire and ended up basically one ing the ground the grassroots level of the revolution thus turning it into an astroturf when they were run by the needy which very openly goes in and says our goal is to more promote democracy a new york times investigation documented the extent of u.s.
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assistance according to journalist roger cohen poor was no ramshackle students group but a well oiled movement backed by several million dollars from the u.s. but the objective is regime change the objective is to install a government that will execute orders the worst thing about all this is that it's undermining a concept that enabled the united states to claim moral leadership in the world in the first place with milosevic gone i've in marriage now spends his time advice ing activists abroad ever. since i've been traveling the world and teaching people how to get rid of their pesky dictators so you come up with these three easy steps so you too can get in on the action and laugh your way to freedom the video was made by students at the school of authentic journalism in mexico for narco news t.v. but ivan has helped develop a video game called a force more powerful in which players can practice scenarios like organizing mass
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protests and overthrowing dictators today outdoors called canvas and with the help of the internet their methods and symbols are exploited the world over from the color revolutions in georgia and ukraine to venezuela and the arab spring uprisings in egypt william engdahl has written for over thirty years about washington secret geopolitics he's convinced that canvas is not acting alone the instigators of those so-called spontaneous protest was twitter revolts in cairo and tunisia and so forth have all been pretty organized and should you assume some of the people leaders of the protests have been trained in the belgrade in serbia by old poor activists financed by the state department. this thing has the state department and u.s. intelligence all over it three easy steps and that's all it takes to overthrow your very own government so this revolution become a commodity a product that could be branded popish to mass produce an export out all across the
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globe well just like ivan's video this too of course is a spoof but the game of regime change is quite real and it's unintended consequences can be downright dangerous. since delta mostly the american taxpayer i think is getting. the short end of the bargain because there are there are bankrolling people that are going around the world fomenting astroturf revolutions that are eventually backfiring and they're backfiring all over the place and once the people find out who was behind this their anger turns. to the american government and the american people once you are bus service you can begin with. an easy recipe but the aftermath may be the hardest to see catherine of our t. washington. recap our main stories for you right off the business update with us.
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almost twenty five minutes past ten am you're watching business on r.t.e. russia's gal's problem has acknowledged reduced gas supplies to european customers over the weekend the firm's deputy head under krugel of acknowledge the gal's giant had to cut deliveries to some european countries by as much as ten percent this is against the backdrop of unusually cold weather and year it boosted fuel demand in some countries to the highest level in years austria poland and six others claimed last week they were getting below the amount of gas specified in their contracts earlier gazprom blamed ukraine for taking more fuel from the pipes the gas monopoly now says it's restored supplies in the fall but it's still struggling to meet the increased european demand. the current period of profound economic change has some talking about the new world order who will be the winners and the losers
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marcos troil the head of a brazil based think tank the center for business diplomacy offers his verdict. but we're in the midst of a transition phase what are the elements in disposition phase that i think will shape the world's. very straight very strong state owned enterprises from brazil russia india china a renewed innovative capacity in the west in knowledge intensive sectors they will create new facebook's new google's new microsoft and that is going to be good for parts of the american economy it will also why then the gap between the nose and the know not the haves and the have nots and i think we're going to also see a time of sacrifice in europe there for is going to have to have. those of dynamism being inserted into its economy otherwise it's going to be stalled for a number of years. investors awaiting for yet another round of talks between the greek leaders do on monday that's after they failed to agree on the new reforms
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which are crucial for the country to get the bail out greece desperately needs to head off default in march and let's take a look at how the markets are reacting all first and it's in the red on strengthening u.s. dollar and the concerns about the european debt crisis which could hinder the demand or oil has been zigzagging for most of last week right now light sweet this trading at around ninety seven of water dollars a barrel while brant is that almost one hundred and fourteen dollars. and let's check out the equities asian shares again in value and better than expected statistics on the the u.s. job market it came out late on friday but we'll see if that optimism lasts when the european traders start their day this hour the nikkei is adding more than one percent the hang seng is up around a house percent. and the russian markets started monday's trading session with
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gains but that slipped into red within the first twenty minutes of trade declining oil is always a factor of oppression equities have a hard time overcoming both the r.t.s. and the my stocks are a lot too negative at this point and a bit of good news global funds focused on russia tracked at around half a billion dollars in one week and that's the highest level since last april. and that's all the latest from the business desk i'll be back in about fifteen minutes .
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you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you. are welcome to the big picture. wealthy british style the sun rose in. the title. markets. can find out what's really happening to the global economy for
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a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines to name two kinds of reports. you're watching r.t. the main stories we're covering point this hour back to basics the e.u. mows over fresh economic punishment for president assad syrian regime after failing to push through a polarizing u.n. resolution. modern technology to support political activism prime minister putin goes online to improve russian democracy. class wind of change in latvia as the country's oppression minority hopes to win upcoming referendum could see
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their native language officially recognized is the latest attempt by russians to secure their political rights. in the wake of suggestions that military action against iran is a growing possibility we speak to the former chief of israeli intelligence for an insider's view our interview is up next. with me i have missed if i'm heavy before me he'd of israeli intelligence agency the most side mr halevi thank you very much for joining us here on r.t. a nuclear. war with iran is there a third option yes there is a third option the third option is a non-nuclear iran with. an agreement an understanding with the iranians that they will not become your career. and that they will be reintroduced into the family of nations in which they have been virtually expelled in recent months. under terms
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which will also take into account some of their interests and some of the. how possible is this option i think is very possible because i think the international pressure which has been building up in recent months is beginning to have serious effects. on the economics on the moral side. and i think that the basic interest of the people in charge in iran. is to maintain the position to maintain power do you think you will poses an existential threat to israel. in the region. i am on record. repeatedly saying that i don't think there is such a thing as an existential threat to israel because i think israel is strong enough to protect it so to take care of itself and i think that ultimately it's not in the power of iran to destroy the state of israel does these way to leadership insist on
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presenting iran as this danger i believe that the leadership believes that in order to arouse international public opinion in order to mount pressure upon the iranians it's necessary to impress upon the world at large and public opinion the national public opinion this is a serious international threat and i believe that in this context probably the leadership here believes that using the word existence will rings a bell which also brings you back to a days gone by in the twentieth century. a rise of nazi germany the world war two and of course the holocaust and. these apparitions these. pictures these experiences recalled in order to impress upon the world that maximum pressure should be mounted on the run does israel have a nuclear weapon. i don't know and if i knew i don't think this would be the
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opportunity for me to say something positive and definitive on that but i think that there is in the world an assumption there is in the world a feeling israel has something up its sleeve and i think that this is something which is important in the present situation because a part of the name of the game now is deterrence and i think it's a very important to deter iran and if iran believes the. israel has certain capabilities where it has it or not i think this is a. positive card in the hands of israel what would be better if israel and demanded both had nuclear weapons only from your head. i've been asked that question before and i think it's a theoretical question. what you're alluding to is in the end is that has the time for israel to. change its policy of what we call the opaque.
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method of presenting what we have or not and i don't think that this time is a road to the reason i've given before as far as the mossad is concerned would you define if coming to mission me as preventing war or weakening iran in the case that does happen i think that. it is the mission of the mossad to do everything in. its capability to make a. threat which has been posed to israel dormant what capabilities does the mossad have when it comes to iran where here again i don't think that it would be useful for me to whole list of capabilities i think these are the capabilities which every intelligence organization i think it's important to say that we have been involved in what we call a clandestine war for quite some time with iran and what's interesting about this war is of course that both sides have more or less preferred that the details of this war the details of various events be not exposed to the public when you talk
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about can this kind of war be killing everybody and scientists be accidents out of the ring implants computer viruses is this what you're referring to i'm referring to all range of activity is i will not confirm anything which you have just now mentioned but i was saying that there is a long range of activities that have been carried being carried on for a very very long time. over a very long period of time and i think that the activities on the other side very very significantly and i will not say anything more than that if war was to break out on whose side were turkey be on the one hand it is a nato member but it's also at odds with israel turkey would not like a nuclear iran on its borders and i don't think that turkey in the end would lend its capabilities or preventing capabilities to either so my guess is that in
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a situation like this. turkey would take a neutral position what if your mission is when you were a head of them aside was to promote ties between israel and less friendly states so how would you see the current policy of what many say is israel's self isolation particularly with regard to its former allies egypt and turkey. look upon this in a different light than you've just. mentioned if i would look at the situation israel is in today compared to what it was in before the peace process began in one nine hundred seventy seven seventy eight when egypt launched its initiatives towards israel i think the two situations are not comparable we lived for thirty years from forty eight to seventy seven seventy eight in the situation of isolation we're not isolated today in the region we have our differences we have more than just differences we have bones of contention with some of the countries like with
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turkey we've gone through a very difficult time and this was a huge disconcerting egypt is also going through a very difficult time and i don't think that it's in the interest of egypt to abrogate the israeli egyptian peace treaty egypt does not need a war now on its northern borders since you retired from the side you have been meeting with the radiance is there a genuine interest among some leeway indians and some israelis to promote. i have many rainier's in international fora not had private relations or private contacts with iranians there are many iranians the way i see it who would like the present confrontation between israel and iran to gradually end and create a new situation the likes of which we had in from forty eight to seventy because iran and israel basically do not have bones of contention we know there are issues territorial issues between ourselves we don't have other kinds of issues between
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ourselves we have ideological issues between ourselves and i think it would be wrong for iran to enable ideology to be the main driver of its policies and the calls of serious drawbacks which it has been suffering as a result of putting ideological ideology on the front burner while some of the discussions and some of the questions that all raised at these informal meetings you have the radios who say look israel has no right to exist israel should disappear israel is not a natural entity in the middle east and then you have these same irradiance coming the saying we believe that israel has nuclear capability israel should sign the n.p.t. their own proof ration treaty just as we have and should reveal what it has. called into the role of nations only nations and countries can be members of the n.p.t. so you cannot on the one hand demand that israel should sign the n.p.t.
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on the other hand deny israel's right to exist and i've said to them that i believe that this is something which is unacceptable a second point has been israel has insisted on its be recognized as a jewish state. and they have said to me look we don't say that france in its title doesn't say the christian state or france or the christian state of britain or the catholic state of germany and so forth and i've said to them that why do you say the islamic republic of iran if you raise the word islamic we will raise the word jewish and they say no that's different why is it different this is the kind of. discussion we have had to put it that way sometimes very very. heated discussion in your opinion would it be good or bad for israel if assad's regime force. let me first say that israel has no way of influencing the results of present. events in
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syria i believe that assad is going to fall and i think that ultimately will fall in a way which will cause a lot of bloodshed and i think that this bloodshed will have enormous effects on the history of syria and maybe of neighboring countries as well hamas is very likely to have a duty to soon how will this play into israeli palestinian reconciliation efforts if at all personally i'm not sure how most will have a new leader. secondly i don't think the national has been the most extreme of the leaders of the hamas he's also on record as saying that he's a temporarily to accept a palestinian state in temporary borders which is something which moves in its significance to a first step in recognizing the fact that the state of israel is here to stay my view is that i know that this is not the view which is shared by the government there is a moment that ultimately we will have to deal with the actors the way they are and
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i think the potential of finding ways and means of dealing with them in a way which will not insure the basic interests of israel i find highly of me thank you very much for joining us here on r t thank you.
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from los angeles to chicago to birmingham twenty trauma centers have closed since two thousand severe problem is not enough inpatient beds not enough urgency department beds and not enough nurses to man those that take care of all the people who are here the only real health care system that we have in the city of los angeles is the los angeles fire department in fact when i started my venture is a firefighter i didn't want to do and i started out going to just do firefighting it's about eighty two percent of what we do the florida problem this medical lab had a rescue couple weeks ago waited four hours for i've waited sometimes three hours but i was it's a same francis and we went for four hours and fifty minutes standing against a wall with a patient and we have a federal law that mandates that you can't turn no one away who seeks care in an
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emergency room. we have the most expensive health care system in the world and it's probably valued the least. well. science technology innovation all the latest developments around russia we've got the future covered.
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back to basics to e.u. moles they were fresh economic punishment for president assad syrian regime after failing to push through a polarizing un resolution. modern technology to support political activism prime minister putin goes on line is between crude russian democracy. wind of change in latvia as the country's russian minority hopes to win an upcoming referendum that could see their native language officially recognised this the latest attempt by russians to secure their political rights. than jus brings us later sports news now .
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hello there welcome to the sport thanks for watching and this is what is coming up the new york giants claim their second super bowl title in four years with a twenty one seventeen win over the new england patriots. plus net game aeration wrap of unspent learned business over help russia beat spain to reach the fed cup semifinals. twice is nice scotish goal for poor larry claims his second catarrh masters title after finishing four shots of the chasing pack. but first the new york giants a super bowl champions quarterback eli manning leading them to a dramatic twenty one seventeen victory over the new england patriots in indianapolis just as he did four years ago when the giants drew new england's perfect season the giants with a faster out of the blocks of the lucas oil stadium this time around manning
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combining with pick two crews for a nine nearly however new england responded and had their noses in front at half time thanks to a field goal and a touchdown after tom brady danny woodhead and the mental state of the giants after the intermission stretching nearly to seventy nine brady fired the ball to aaron hernandez for another touchdown but there was still time for a fight back and a pair of field goals brought the giants to begin to point and they then took the lead with the late dr firstly marion manning and catching a thirty eight yard pass for manning here and that led to be decisive moment the patriots allowing bradshaw to score so they could get the ball back before the clock ran that but that gamble failed one last pass through brady fail to find the man the ball going behind rob gronkowski game over a twenty one seventeen triumph for the giants. this isn't about one person this is about a whole team coming together.


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